Mark Steyn, tonight, on the low bar required to announce a run for president as a democrat (paraphrasing):
"You have the mayor of South Bend, with a population of 100 thousand, running for president. Now you have de Blasio, mayor of New York, with homeless population of 100 thousand, running for president."
I feel so sad for all those "celebrity" women who are now "revealing" that they had abortions, in their "anger" at the news, which they barely comprehend, that good people in a state they never visit have decided to protect children from being killed in the womb.
You poor women, your children knew all along that you aborted them.
Probably not a single one of those aging celebrities who are being quoted all over the place in today's news knows if the child they rejected, and who never got to see a single moment of joy or love or sunshine, was a boy or a girl.
I find the new law in Alabama to be every bit as upsetting as Ralph Northam's plans to kill children born alive ("post partum abortion") here in Virginia. Is there anyone who is not an extremist? (And yes, I regard abortion at any point in the gestation period and by any methods to be an extreme position -- Northam is even more extreme than that.) I guess the notion that there are people of good will on both sides of the abortion issue is just another of my delusions shattered in my old age.
>>there are people of good will on both sides of the abortion issue
There are. The problem is not that the people are good or bad. In order to have a meeting of the minds, you must establish some common ground you agree on, and some that you disagree on.
One one side, you have those who say when the two cells join, that's a child. On the other side, you have those who say that until the baby is actually fully delivered, it's not a child.
There is no common ground in the abortion debate. The fetus is either a person, or not. If you can't agree on that, then there's no point in going farther.
Abortion control fight = gun control fight. Both parties use them as a way to get votes and money. The government will slap Alabama down pretty quickly. Much ado about nothing.
If you had an abortion, or if you encouraged your wife or girlfriend to have an abortion, the first thing you need to know is this:
this present world is no longer a world in which you can be happy and content, you will never have closure "in this world" with respect to the selfish thing you did.
You need, just like all of us sinners, and I am one of them too, to leave behind your sinful past and intensely focus on a better world. That is what repentance is all about.
God has promised us - and our children - a better world (Revelations, Proverbs 8).
You can't go back to 1978, or 1988, or 1998 or back to whatever year you made that selfish decision, and just start over. So cancel your subscriptions to People Magazine and to the various worldly addictions you have, right now.
And remember you can do this: you can be there for someone who needs your help, and eventually: God has promised us this: (and remember, it is not completely your fault that you were born in a fallen world and that you made a mistake that cannot be undone in this world):
Remember this: God promised us a better world. God promised you a better world, if you pray and follow the easy path of simply loving your neighbor, as you love yourself.
Do what you can to make that world a good world for the children you rejected.
Dream a dream of what the world would be if God would allow you to correct your mistakes and to make it up to those you were cruel to.
Dream that dream, my friends, because that dream is the only real thing you will ever be able to give, as a gift, a lasting gift, to those you love.
And trust me God loves you, more than you probably can imagine.
Or don't trust me, trust your guardian angel, or your patron saint, or trust that friend who you have almost no memory of, except at night when you dream of having a friend who cares so much about you .... and wants you to be happy, no matter what you have done wrong, because friends want their friends to know that God loves them.
I will be surprised if TSCOTUS accepts an appeal on the inevitable case. Further, who thinks Roberts or Kavanaugh will support Alabama if it comes to that?
The most important issue in this country is Immigration. Its going to turn Florida and Texas Blue and also make the USA into California. Yet, you can't get the Center-right to care - even with the example of California in their face.
Well, too bad. Maybe trump will luck out and eek out a victory. But if you think the R's will win in 2024, with massive immigration continuing you are a fool. And once you got enough immigrants and "people of color" you'll have the USA with a Left-wing government forever. Oh well, maybe all you center-right people can run off to Australia. Or pray your new left-wing overlords will play fair. Which they never have.
"By comparison, more than 50 million babies have been aborted in the United States since the Roe decision in 1973, more than three times the number who were killed in German death camps, Chinese purges, Stalin's gulags, Cambodian killing fields, and the Rwandan genocide combined,"
we eschew our gift as bearers of life, we want the power to destroy it
Jack - Roberts and Kavanaugh are lost causes. the important thing is not what the LAW is, the important thing is whether there are people who try to make the law what it should be.
It will be nice to get 3 votes for Alabama. 5 or 6 votes would be better, but at least there will be 3 votes for the most vulnerable among us.
"Mark Steyn, tonight, on the low bar required to announce a run for president as a democrat (paraphrasing):
'You have the mayor of South Bend, with a population of 100 thousand, running for president. Now you have de Blasio, mayor of New York, with homeless population of 100 thousand, running for president.'"
Mayor Pete received all of 7,663 votes in a Democratic Party stronghold with a population of 100,000. Hardly anyone cares in South Bend, yet if you read the Press, he is somehow heroic in his victory in South Bend.
Did anyone else see McCain's family at the funeral. It was quite a sight. Here was a man who was the Grandson of an Admiral, and the son of an Admiral. And yet you had a family full of mediocrities. The only one who had any intelligence was Megan, and she was a Never trumper loudmouthed idiot.
Same with Reagan's family. Ron Junior and Patti Davis. Complete Retards. is it "regression to the mean" or the collapse of the American ruling class?
His father was called Stanley and hes an American, like churchill's mother was, in a very prescient Roman a clef 'head of state' the title is very tongue in cheek, there is a Johnson premiership before the incumbent.
“It doesn’t look good for the USA.” Certainly, there are a huge number of bad things converging in America. The question is which one is bad enough to bring us down? Or do we need several bad things to happen at once to bring us down? My feeling is that there is a lot of ruin in a downfall and we are not close to the bottom of the barrel. As long as the money holds out, the government can outrun disaster. I’ve seen lately that they are admitting that sometime in the 20’s every tax dime will have to go to interest payments. This seems like a scary thing but the government will probably start using MMT and put off paying the piper for a good while. The likeliest event is that the Democrats will win in 2024 and the slide will begin in earnest. But it’s a long way down that slope.
Driving in Alhambra not long ago, a young Asian girl pulls up behind me at a stoplight. Proceeds to pull out a pipe and start taking hits. Casually drives away.
Sorry his great grandfather was German, his grandfather was in the brotish army. Yes there is a whole host of figures rees meggs young fogyish son, gove the betrayer probably Williamson May's mini me Rudd, etc
So, under the establishment of Pro-Choice, what happens to the mother and child when the latter reaches the age or state of viability? Stork will deliver the baby without her consent and respect for her religious rites. The mother will either be forced to give birth or the child will be planned, evacuated, and disposed for social progress or recycled for medical progress. There is a clear progression of social liberalism, missing links in education, and straw clowns posing as arguments. Selective-child is a wicked solution, albeit to a hard problem: wealth, pleasure, leisure, aspiration, and democratic leverage.
But, the cooler tech coming out soon is 'Murican. OTHOH, having a car/truck that is full dork re looks is not a good thing.
OTOH, if ya don't need a big truck because you don't need it to help you compensate fer yer small pee pee, would a nerd looking truck be OK?
Nah. Still lame.
OTOOH, I still can't wait for my nerd-looking "truck" to show up.
Fording 39" and 14" of clearance and zip ta sixty in three.
Really, smoking sports cars is probably gonna be even more satisfying as a result of the thing looking awful. But that novelty will probably wear off, as w/ the P100D.
I've been reading "The American Heritage History of World War I", which was published in 1964 and is part of my late father's vast book collection. He also owns many other AH titles devoted to every war beginning with the American Revolution through Vietnam. They are all very well packaged, with lots of photographs (except the Revolution obviously), but I am struck by how cogent and engaging the writing is. The credited author of the present volume was a brigadier general in WWI named SLA Marshall, who must have been quite old by 1964; I suspect it was heavily edited. In any case, I find I can read a book about anything if the writing is sufficiently compelling.
Proglodytes are going bananas about a judge who ordered certain redacted parts of Flynn's case be made public ---AS IF Mueller somehow overlooked something so obvious, so crucial, so dispositive...that Trump will be in shackles tomorrow morning.
What pathetic assholes.
Thing is, there's no going back: we will have a sizable percentage of our population being pathetic assholes for a long, long time.
The "Republic of Virtue" is now well and truly FUCKED.
In the secular world I live in, I make secular arguments. But in my hidden heart I believe that if some religious leader called for days of fasting and prayer as the plan to get the Alabama law through the Supreme Court that that would be the most effective plan. That leader will not be this Pope we have right now. But this country was founded by dissenters, the people we now call evangelicals. They were the abolitionists. They kept eugenics out of the schools. Although I am a Catholic, I believe they are more central to America when America is on the right track than any other group. Be not afraid.
'Responding to a message about his weekly NR column this morning, Andrew McCarthy wrote me: “Have a look at this thread. I don’t know who is behind this Undercover Huber account, but he clearly knows what he’s doing, and how FBI/DOJ work — gotta be some former or current fed prosecutor.”'
His Twitter account bio:
Undercover Huber @JohnWHuber "Be the hammer, not the nail". I'm not really John Huber, but you can still send me tips:
The real John Huber according to Wikipedia is "John W. Huber (born 1967) is an American lawyer who has served as the United States Attorney for the District of Utah since June 2015.... Huber was appointed by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate the FBI's surveillance of Carter Page and connections between the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, starting in November 2017."
But there is no indication so far that his investigations have been productive.
So, it appears that the spoof Undercover Huber seems to insinuate that he works very hard digging up information that the real Huber could have been doing but probably hasn't.
Whatever, Undercover Huber is incredibly prolific tweeting and retweeting useful stuff about Russiagate on a timely basis.
For example: Undercover Huber @JohnWHuber 4 hours ago
-Christopher Steele told a State Department official a former Russian spy chief and a top Kremlin adviser were involved in an operation to collect compromising information on Donald Trump.
-The State Department official’s notes also indicate Steele claimed the Russians, Vyacheslav Trubnikov and Vladislav Surkov, were “sources” for the dossier.
-There is no evidence the compromising material mentioned in the dossier actually exists, raising questions about whether Steele was given disinformation.
-Trubnikov, the former head of the SVR, also has links to Stefan Halper, an FBI informant who had contact with the Trump campaign.
You're right. Gun control is about disarming and denying people rights, including the civil right of self-defense. [Elective] abortion control is about conserving arms, legs, heads, and a basic human right to life. Abortion control is necessary because of social progress/justice, missing links in education, ethics in lieu of morality, democratic leverage, and medical progress (e.g. Planned Parenthood Federation et al and recycled-child). Paradoxically, the established Pro-Choice religion still sets a threshold where the State forces a woman to relinquish control of her body through either birth, or a planned child and subsequent evacuation and disposal.
why did contreras recuse himself? or "has been recused" what was the conflict? Did he set up flynn somehow? where is he?
Obama has literally flooded the FISA court system with two hands worth of his own picked judges. he made sure the court he used to spy on Trump and thousands of America was flooded with his own hand picked judges.
Morning Joe this morning (paraphrasing): "The Alabama law forces 14 year old girls who have been raped by a stranger or family member to carry a baby to term."
I'm listening to a ham sending morse code from his car, lots of extra and missing dots and dashes. That's what I'd expect to happen. He's on his way to a hamvention in Dayton Ohio, presumably on some rough-pavement section of interstate.
I've heard two people who regularly send morse on their work commutes and they're very skilled at it, one guy in New England and one guy in Kansas.
I wonder if cell phone laws would catch them up somehow.
The point is its improbable for surkov Putin's machiavelli to have told Steele anything, truibnikov is helpers direct tie (which suggests the run around.
The point is not lost but couldn't the 14 year old just get themselves to a leftie state to kill it? I mean New York now forces people to move to Florida...
The next pro-life state who wants to stop abortion should pass a law requiring that the price of any abortion is zero. Attack abortion on the commercial side and let the socialists explain and defend the profit motive.
I think there are some doctors who will do pro bono abortions. But the abortion industry will cease to exist in that state. And that's a good thing.
Also it would force the Supreme Court to address the Lochner implications of their abortion jurisprudence. States have always had the authority to regulate/outlaw commercial activities. Period.
If the Supreme Court wants to reverse Roe, without acknowledging the humanity of the unborn child, that would enable it. (I think).
In the secular world I live in, I make secular arguments. But in my hidden heart I believe that if some religious leader called for days of fasting and prayer as the plan to get the Alabama law through the Supreme Court that that would be the most effective plan. That leader will not be this Pope we have right now. But this country was founded by dissenters, the people we now call evangelicals. They were the abolitionists. They kept eugenics out of the schools. Although I am a Catholic, I believe they are more central to America when America is on the right track than any other group. Be not afraid.
"The Alabama law forces 14 year old girls who have been raped by a stranger or family member to carry a baby to term."
Rape or rape-rape? The law provides an exception for
"diagnosed serious mental illness and because of it, there is reasonable medical judgment that she will engage in conduct that could result in her death or the death of her unborn child"
They could have included an explicit exemption for involuntary exploitation, but instead of extending the "choice" period to the age or state of "viability", reduce it to something reasonable and proactive.
At the risk of proving Godwin's law in a cafe thread
The Alabama law includes a citation of the National Socialist practice to operate abortion chambers with the intent to prosecute selective-Jew, and other State actions to carry out genocide under the color of "progress".
I took wildswan to mean that this Pope isn't likely to initiate the necessary moral crusade in the US that would result in the overturn of the present legal regime, not that he isn't himself convinced of its immorality and illegitimacy etc etc. Franciscus has a... different agenda, alas.
Sorry to interrupt the serious topics of abortion law that won't survive USSC decisions and Morse code but
another documentary like "They Shall Not Grow Old" is coming next week. It is called "The Cold Blue" and is from hours of film taken during WWII with commentary by surviving veterans of the USAAF.
In 1943, legendary Hollywood director William Wyler crafted MEMPHIS BELLE, a celebrated tribute to the titular WWII bomber. Using footage shot by Wyler from the National Archives, director Erik Nelson has made a new film, featuring gripping narration from some of the last surviving B-17 pilots. A meditation on youth, war and stunning bravery.
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८२ टिप्पण्या:
It's incredible how popular 'slime' and frentic youtube videos on how to make slime are with second graders. A second grader anyhow.
And how easy it is to make.
Mark Steyn, tonight, on the low bar required to announce a run for president as a democrat (paraphrasing):
"You have the mayor of South Bend, with a population of 100 thousand, running for president. Now you have de Blasio, mayor of New York, with homeless population of 100 thousand, running for president."
At the Free Speech Cafe...
White House launches website where victims of big tech censorship can tell their stories
... Big Tech cant put clouds in your coffee
I feel so sad for all those "celebrity" women who are now "revealing" that they had abortions, in their "anger" at the news, which they barely comprehend, that good people in a state they never visit have decided to protect children from being killed in the womb.
You poor women, your children knew all along that you aborted them.
Children do not forget something like that.
Probably not a single one of those aging celebrities who are being quoted all over the place in today's news knows if the child they rejected, and who never got to see a single moment of joy or love or sunshine, was a boy or a girl.
Well they need our prayers because it is so sad.
Bill DeBlasio makes Bernie Sanders look like Ronald Reagan.
I find the new law in Alabama to be every bit as upsetting as Ralph Northam's plans to kill children born alive ("post partum abortion") here in Virginia. Is there anyone who is not an extremist? (And yes, I regard abortion at any point in the gestation period and by any methods to be an extreme position -- Northam is even more extreme than that.) I guess the notion that there are people of good will on both sides of the abortion issue is just another of my delusions shattered in my old age.
Codifying Abortion Rights!
The MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD! is that women can murder their children
This is EVEN MORE IMPORTANT that allowing MS-13 into the country
Why we've had 58 million abortions, but their impact was probably two to four fold, one state tries to value innocent human life, that is radical?
Alabama managed to put the abortion issue front and center again, after Trump (and Romney) sidelined it. Could be enough to get Biden elected.
Well done, Alabama.
Gillibrand says that Every Woman's First born male child MUST BE Aborted, and its soul sent to Moloch!
>>there are people of good will on both sides of the abortion issue
There are. The problem is not that the people are good or bad.
In order to have a meeting of the minds, you must establish some common ground you agree on, and some that you disagree on.
One one side, you have those who say when the two cells join, that's a child. On the other side, you have those who say that until the baby is actually fully delivered, it's not a child.
There is no common ground in the abortion debate. The fetus is either a person, or not.
If you can't agree on that, then there's no point in going farther.
Furthermore you have the facr all those abortions had some impact on sheer population numbers, which influences immigration demand.
Rest assured there are plenty of moloch minions in the court houses even on the bench
Abortion control fight = gun control fight. Both parties use them as a way to get votes and money. The government will slap Alabama down pretty quickly. Much ado about nothing.
If you had an abortion, or if you encouraged your wife or girlfriend to have an abortion, the first thing you need to know is this:
this present world is no longer a world in which you can be happy and content, you will never have closure "in this world" with respect to the selfish thing you did.
You need, just like all of us sinners, and I am one of them too, to leave behind your sinful past and intensely focus on a better world.
That is what repentance is all about.
God has promised us - and our children - a better world (Revelations, Proverbs 8).
You can't go back to 1978, or 1988, or 1998 or back to whatever year you made that selfish decision, and just start over. So cancel your subscriptions to People Magazine and to the various worldly addictions you have, right now.
And remember you can do this: you can be there for someone who needs your help, and eventually:
God has promised us this:
(and remember, it is not completely your fault that you were born in a fallen world and that you made a mistake that cannot be undone in this world):
Remember this: God promised us a better world. God promised you a better world, if you pray and follow the easy path of simply loving your neighbor, as you love yourself.
Do what you can to make that world a good world for the children you rejected.
Dream a dream of what the world would be if God would allow you to correct your mistakes and to make it up to those you were cruel to.
Dream that dream, my friends, because that dream is the only real thing you will ever be able to give, as a gift, a lasting gift, to those you love.
And trust me God loves you, more than you probably can imagine.
Or don't trust me, trust your guardian angel, or your patron saint, or trust that friend who you have almost no memory of, except at night when you dream of having a friend who cares so much about you .... and wants you to be happy, no matter what you have done wrong, because friends want their friends to know that God loves them.
JackWayne - maybe yes, maybe no.
Well, it's as foggy as ever, but apparently May has set a date to set a date for her to stand down. She can't even do that decisively..
I will be surprised if TSCOTUS accepts an appeal on the inevitable case. Further, who thinks Roberts or Kavanaugh will support Alabama if it comes to that?
I'd be surprised on that score, as well, some if the other cases like Ohio might get a hearing
The most important issue in this country is Immigration. Its going to turn Florida and Texas Blue and also make the USA into California. Yet, you can't get the Center-right to care - even with the example of California in their face.
Well, too bad. Maybe trump will luck out and eek out a victory. But if you think the R's will win in 2024, with massive immigration continuing you are a fool. And once you got enough immigrants and "people of color" you'll have the USA with a Left-wing government forever. Oh well, maybe all you center-right people can run off to Australia. Or pray your new left-wing overlords will play fair. Which they never have.
It’s more fun to speculate on who’s the next PM. A lot of people expect Boris but there’s a lot of Brexiteers like Delingpole that will hate that.
"By comparison, more than 50 million babies have been aborted in the United States since the Roe decision in 1973, more than three times the number who were killed in German death camps, Chinese purges, Stalin's gulags, Cambodian killing fields, and the Rwandan genocide combined,"
we eschew our gift as bearers of life, we want the power to destroy it
Jack - Roberts and Kavanaugh are lost causes.
the important thing is not what the LAW is, the important thing is whether there are people who try to make the law what it should be.
It will be nice to get 3 votes for Alabama. 5 or 6 votes would be better, but at least there will be 3 votes for the most vulnerable among us.
"Mark Steyn, tonight, on the low bar required to announce a run for president as a democrat (paraphrasing):
'You have the mayor of South Bend, with a population of 100 thousand, running for president. Now you have de Blasio, mayor of New York, with homeless population of 100 thousand, running for president.'"
Mayor Pete received all of 7,663 votes in a Democratic Party stronghold with a population of 100,000. Hardly anyone cares in South Bend, yet if you read the Press, he is somehow heroic in his victory in South Bend.
Okay, I think I need to learn the HTML tags to clean this up and make a better point.
Did anyone else see McCain's family at the funeral. It was quite a sight. Here was a man who was the Grandson of an Admiral, and the son of an Admiral. And yet you had a family full of mediocrities. The only one who had any intelligence was Megan, and she was a Never trumper loudmouthed idiot.
Same with Reagan's family. Ron Junior and Patti Davis. Complete Retards. is it "regression to the mean" or the collapse of the American ruling class?
Anyway, it doesn't look good for the USA.
It’s more fun to speculate on who’s the next PM. A lot of people expect Boris but there’s a lot of Brexiteers like Delingpole that will hate that.
Boris? Heck, get someone with an English name, maybe even a *very* English name.
Makin' plans for Nigel..
But Farage is French.
Still, it’s more English than Disraeli.
His father was called Stanley and hes an American, like churchill's mother was, in a very prescient Roman a clef 'head of state' the title is very tongue in cheek, there is a Johnson premiership before the incumbent.
Echo chambers are cool.
"His father was called Stanley."
You sure that American wasn't the mother?
“It doesn’t look good for the USA.” Certainly, there are a huge number of bad things converging in America. The question is which one is bad enough to bring us down? Or do we need several bad things to happen at once to bring us down? My feeling is that there is a lot of ruin in a downfall and we are not close to the bottom of the barrel. As long as the money holds out, the government can outrun disaster. I’ve seen lately that they are admitting that sometime in the 20’s every tax dime will have to go to interest payments. This seems like a scary thing but the government will probably start using MMT and put off paying the piper for a good while. The likeliest event is that the Democrats will win in 2024 and the slide will begin in earnest. But it’s a long way down that slope.
No boris father is an american, farage sounds huguenot but one of his grandfathers was German, the other served in the British army
That's called the journolist the rizzotto tray, the Rhodes road show roulette
Well, well...
Research study shows the obvious in marijuana legalization
Driving in Alhambra not long ago, a young Asian girl pulls up behind me at a stoplight. Proceeds to pull out a pipe and start taking hits. Casually drives away.
Sorry his great grandfather was German, his grandfather was in the brotish army. Yes there is a whole host of figures rees meggs young fogyish son, gove the betrayer probably Williamson May's mini me Rudd, etc
So, under the establishment of Pro-Choice, what happens to the mother and child when the latter reaches the age or state of viability? Stork will deliver the baby without her consent and respect for her religious rites. The mother will either be forced to give birth or the child will be planned, evacuated, and disposed for social progress or recycled for medical progress. There is a clear progression of social liberalism, missing links in education, and straw clowns posing as arguments. Selective-child is a wicked solution, albeit to a hard problem: wealth, pleasure, leisure, aspiration, and democratic leverage.
The Left wants America to abort her babies, but also wants her to import tens of thousands of low-skilled, illegal immigrants.
Total coincidence, but of course:
BTW, I like that Althouse is jabbering about 'typing' re this post, not jabbering about 'talking.'
More accurate = better.
British army, its bizarre how the UK ministers are so insistent in allowing Huawei in their networks.
"British army, its bizarre how the UK ministers are so insistent in allowing Huawei in their networks."
I wish I could have their folding phone.
Though not for keeping any important data.
But, the cooler tech coming out soon is 'Murican. OTHOH, having a car/truck that is full dork re looks is not a good thing.
OTOH, if ya don't need a big truck because you don't need it to help you compensate fer yer small pee pee, would a nerd looking truck be OK?
Nah. Still lame.
OTOOH, I still can't wait for my nerd-looking "truck" to show up.
Fording 39" and 14" of clearance and zip ta sixty in three.
Really, smoking sports cars is probably gonna be even more satisfying as a result of the thing looking awful. But that novelty will probably wear off, as w/ the P100D.
I dunno.
Oh that's interesting:
I've been reading "The American Heritage History of World War I", which was published in 1964 and is part of my late father's vast book collection. He also owns many other AH titles devoted to every war beginning with the American Revolution through Vietnam. They are all very well packaged, with lots of photographs (except the Revolution obviously), but I am struck by how cogent and engaging the writing is. The credited author of the present volume was a brigadier general in WWI named SLA Marshall, who must have been quite old by 1964; I suspect it was heavily edited. In any case, I find I can read a book about anything if the writing is sufficiently compelling.
Indeed he was, he started out with the poncho villa expedition on 17, was 64 at the time of the last writing you mentioned
If you care about my COS Brinkman and I, then shalt you care about this: OMG!
Without A foil neither, I just toughed it out. Bought the super expensive 25' roll not the normal 100' for half the cost.
Because being tough is cool.
The late colonel hackworth had a particular animus against Marshall.
It's incredible how popular 'slime' and frentic youtube videos on how to make slime are with second graders. A second grader anyhow.
Beware! I got slimed last month at an assembly at my high school. It took 3 showers to get it all out of my hair.....
Proglodytes are going bananas about a judge who ordered certain redacted parts of Flynn's case
be made public ---AS IF Mueller somehow overlooked something so obvious, so crucial, so dispositive...that Trump will be in shackles tomorrow morning.
What pathetic assholes.
Thing is, there's no going back: we will have a sizable percentage of our population being pathetic assholes for a long, long time.
The "Republic of Virtue" is now well and truly FUCKED.
In the secular world I live in, I make secular arguments. But in my hidden heart I believe that if some religious leader called for days of fasting and prayer as the plan to get the Alabama law through the Supreme Court that that would be the most effective plan. That leader will not be this Pope we have right now. But this country was founded by dissenters, the people we now call evangelicals. They were the abolitionists. They kept eugenics out of the schools. Although I am a Catholic, I believe they are more central to America when America is on the right track than any other group. Be not afraid.
Undercover Huber. Who is he?
'Responding to a message about his weekly NR column this morning, Andrew McCarthy wrote me: “Have a look at this thread. I don’t know who is behind this Undercover Huber account, but he clearly knows what he’s doing, and how FBI/DOJ work — gotta be some former or current fed prosecutor.”'
His Twitter account bio:
Undercover Huber
"Be the hammer, not the nail". I'm not really John Huber, but you can still send me tips:
The real John Huber according to Wikipedia is "John W. Huber (born 1967) is an American lawyer who has served as the United States Attorney for the District of Utah since June 2015.... Huber was appointed by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate the FBI's surveillance of Carter Page and connections between the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, starting in November 2017."
But there is no indication so far that his investigations have been productive.
So, it appears that the spoof Undercover Huber seems to insinuate that he works very hard digging up information that the real Huber could have been doing but probably hasn't.
Whatever, Undercover Huber is incredibly prolific tweeting and retweeting useful stuff about Russiagate on a timely basis.
For example:
Undercover Huber
4 hours ago
Brilliant piece by @ChuckRossDC — “Steele Identified Russian Dossier Sources, Notes Reveal”
8:44 PM 05/16/2019
Chuck Ross, Daily Caller
-Christopher Steele told a State Department official a former Russian spy chief and a top Kremlin adviser were involved in an operation to collect compromising information on Donald Trump.
-The State Department official’s notes also indicate Steele claimed the Russians, Vyacheslav Trubnikov and Vladislav Surkov, were “sources” for the dossier.
-There is no evidence the compromising material mentioned in the dossier actually exists, raising questions about whether Steele was given disinformation.
-Trubnikov, the former head of the SVR, also has links to Stefan Halper, an FBI informant who had contact with the Trump campaign.
Abortion control fight = gun control fight
Politically congruent ("="), not equal (=).
You're right. Gun control is about disarming and denying people rights, including the civil right of self-defense. [Elective] abortion control is about conserving arms, legs, heads, and a basic human right to life. Abortion control is necessary because of social progress/justice, missing links in education, ethics in lieu of morality, democratic leverage, and medical progress (e.g. Planned Parenthood Federation et al and recycled-child). Paradoxically, the established Pro-Choice religion still sets a threshold where the State forces a woman to relinquish control of her body through either birth, or a planned child and subsequent evacuation and disposal.
even seb gorka retweeting undercover huber and lisa mei crowley. ha
Bay Area Guy said...The Left wants America to abort her babies, but also wants her to import tens of thousands of low-skilled, illegal immigrants.
Nature ab-whores vacumn.
why did contreras recuse himself? or "has been recused"
what was the conflict? Did he set up flynn somehow? where is he?
Obama has literally flooded the FISA court system with two hands worth of his own picked judges. he made sure the court he used to spy on Trump and thousands of America was flooded with his own hand picked judges.
was it contreras in the WH visitor log books meeting w barry just
prior to getting the go ahead on the fisa/spying?
Joke of the day:
The Carolina Hurricanes
BAG said: "The Left wants America to abort her babies, but also wants her to import tens of thousands of low-skilled, illegal immigrants."
Takes 18 years for a baby to vote, immigrants are instantaneous voters.
Takes 18 years for a baby to vote, immigrants are instantaneous voters.
Not legally, of course, but that's why the Dems are so against voter ID laws.
Nature ab-whores vacumn.
But only to thirty-three feet.
Freudian slips are instructive.
Morning Joe this morning (paraphrasing): "The Alabama law forces 14 year old girls who have been raped by a stranger or family member to carry a baby to term."
Baby? Joe, Joe, you better get up to speed.
I'm listening to a ham sending morse code from his car, lots of extra and missing dots and dashes. That's what I'd expect to happen. He's on his way to a hamvention in Dayton Ohio, presumably on some rough-pavement section of interstate.
I've heard two people who regularly send morse on their work commutes and they're very skilled at it, one guy in New England and one guy in Kansas.
I wonder if cell phone laws would catch them up somehow.
The point is its improbable for surkov Putin's machiavelli to have told Steele anything, truibnikov is helpers direct tie (which suggests the run around.
Morse code doesn't have spell check?
Forces 14 year olds to carry a baby?
The point is not lost but couldn't the 14 year old just get themselves to a leftie state to kill it? I mean New York now forces people to move to Florida...
"The point is not lost but couldn't the 14 year old just get themselves to a leftie state to kill it?"
That's where this is headed. Not sure when, but it will revert back to the states at some point. May take another judge change or two on the SCOTUS.
Best time of year right now.
The next pro-life state who wants to stop abortion should pass a law requiring that the price of any abortion is zero. Attack abortion on the commercial side and let the socialists explain and defend the profit motive.
I think there are some doctors who will do pro bono abortions. But the abortion industry will cease to exist in that state. And that's a good thing.
Also it would force the Supreme Court to address the Lochner implications of their abortion jurisprudence. States have always had the authority to regulate/outlaw commercial activities. Period.
If the Supreme Court wants to reverse Roe, without acknowledging the humanity of the unborn child, that would enable it. (I think).
In the secular world I live in, I make secular arguments. But in my hidden heart I believe that if some religious leader called for days of fasting and prayer as the plan to get the Alabama law through the Supreme Court that that would be the most effective plan. That leader will not be this Pope we have right now. But this country was founded by dissenters, the people we now call evangelicals. They were the abolitionists. They kept eugenics out of the schools. Although I am a Catholic, I believe they are more central to America when America is on the right track than any other group. Be not afraid.
I'm an Episcopalian but I'm pretty sure Francis is a vocal pro-lifer. He's referred to abortion as a "white glove" Nazi practice.
Unknown said...
Well, it's as foggy as ever, but apparently May has set a date to set a date for her to stand down.
If I'm reading my calendar correctly, May stand down June 1st
This is a harrowing story of a pregnant woman who is told to abort her baby by medical professionals. Over and over.
She was given a zero percent chance of being born alive.
Unbelievable. Hippocrates is flipping over in his grave.
Sue the shit out of doctors who are so incompetent or, worse, actively dishonest.
And make sure you bring your daughter with you into the courtroom every day. Your daughter can wave and smile to the jury.
That's a no-brainer of a lawsuit.
At the risk of proving Godwin's law in a cafe thread, killing the handicapped was how the Nazi Holocaust started.
Even if you lose the lawsuit, it's worth it to shine a light on this evil practice by obstetricians.
"The Alabama law forces 14 year old girls who have been raped by a stranger or family member to carry a baby to term."
Rape or rape-rape? The law provides an exception for
"diagnosed serious mental illness and because of it, there is reasonable medical judgment that she will engage in conduct that could result in her death or the death of her unborn child"
They could have included an explicit exemption for involuntary exploitation, but instead of extending the "choice" period to the age or state of "viability", reduce it to something reasonable and proactive.
At the risk of proving Godwin's law in a cafe thread
The Alabama law includes a citation of the National Socialist practice to operate abortion chambers with the intent to prosecute selective-Jew, and other State actions to carry out genocide under the color of "progress".
I took wildswan to mean that this Pope isn't likely to initiate the necessary moral crusade in the US that would result in the overturn of the present legal regime, not that he isn't himself convinced of its immorality and illegitimacy etc etc. Franciscus has a... different agenda, alas.
rhhardin said... I'm listening to a ham sending morse code from his car,
SO DIT DIT DAT while driving a CAR is permitted but not texting?
Sorry to interrupt the serious topics of abortion law that won't survive USSC decisions and Morse code but
another documentary like "They Shall Not Grow Old" is coming next week. It is called "The Cold Blue" and is from hours of film taken during WWII with commentary by surviving veterans of the USAAF.
In 1943, legendary Hollywood director William Wyler crafted MEMPHIS BELLE, a celebrated tribute to the titular WWII bomber. Using footage shot by Wyler from the National Archives, director Erik Nelson has made a new film, featuring gripping narration from some of the last surviving B-17 pilots. A meditation on youth, war and stunning bravery.
I plan to see it . We saw the other film twice.
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