April 25, 2019

Biden's announcement video is anchored in a demonstrable lie.

I'm blogging this morning in a public place, so although I've put up 2 posts about Biden's announcement video, I had not yet listened to it. I finally got out my headphones out so I could  listen, but I could not get through to the end, because I became so angry at the LIE and the continued music and montage became torture to me.

In the part that I did see, we were shown images from the Charlottesville march — replete with the "Jews will not replace us" chant and swastikas — and then Biden's blandly earnest face asserted that Trump said some of them "are fine people." But Trump did not say that! It's absolutely established that Trump excluded those people explicitly before saying that there were some fine people on both sides of the question of keeping Confederate statues. (At the time of the fine people remark, Trump said, "I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.")

How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie — a lie that has been used to stir up fear and racial discord?! The hypocrisy of offering to bring us together and embrace lofty values when he is either repulsively ignorant or just plain lying!

I could not finish watching that video. I tried, but I couldn't force myself. It's utterly toxic bilge.

If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President.


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Bay Area Guy said...

The Left lies prodigiously. And, they falsely make charges of "racism" to stigmatize their political opponents.

The whole Russian-Collusion was a prodigious lie propped up by the Left.

Mueller: “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”


So, they lie. QED

They also play the racist card. Nice, normal white folks are terrified about being called a 'racist." So, they bend over backwards to avoid the charge. You make one stupid comment about racism, you lose it all (Ask Donald Sterling and Roseanne Barr).

Not defending the stupid comments, just would prefer the punishment to fit the crime.

The black communities need many less Democrat activists and Democrat politicians, need many more committed fathers to raise the kids, many more kids to finish high school, and much more free enterprise.

BUMBLE BEE said...

MYname... I saw what you did there. Biden not bright enough to craft an original thought? Has he done so before? Damn his claim to fame was assassination insurance. Singularly unaccomplished douche nozzle.

Freder Frederson said...

Holy shit!? Where is your outrage over trump's toxic lies. He started his campaign with a slew of them and they have continued unabated for almost for years now.

Rick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Once written, twice... said...

Trump has told much bigger and more vile lies than this and Ann has not said a peep. That tells you all you need to know about Althouse.

Rick said...


Don't feel special, Democrats think whites are emotional and stupid too.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

“Find out what whiskey he drinks and send all of my generals a case, if it will get the same results. - in reply to comments about General Grant's drinking problems

wwww said...

"She called it despicable precisely because she knows others are watching the other screen and will believe Biden's lie despite it being debunked as a lie."

Dilbert guy said there are 2 movies running in the country. I understand those watching one movie, saw it debunked as a lie. I understand others, watching movie #2, do not see it as a lie. I don't agree that Biden, and Larry Sabato, understand it to be a lie.

Ralph L said...

And if you disregard the racial aspects, all the way back to Goldwater and the Daisy ad.

JFK knew his "missile gap" claim in 1960 was false.

Fen said...

"Sen. Cory Booker pledges to pick a female VP if he wins Democratic nomination: "I will have a woman running mate."

Biden claims to care about blacks, won't step aside for one.
Booker claims to care about women, won't step aside for one.
Larson claims to care about black women, won't step aside for one.

Holmes, I sense a pattern in there somewhere...

Rabel said...

A blatant lie, yes, but a large portion of the Democrat base, and some conservatives, consider anyone who disagreed with the decision to remove the statue to be a racist, white supremacist Nazi.

If you believe that, then, to you, it's not a lie, is it?

Rick said...

I understand others, watching movie #2, do not see it as a lie.

To have this opinion you must believe Trump's actual words are irrelevant. Trump said what he said and believing he said something different is fantasizing not "watching a different movie".

The only reason they do not see it as a lie is because it doesn't matter to them whether it is true. Similarly they don't care whether Russian collusion is true except to the extent that fact limits their ability to impeach or win future elections. Reality is simply irrelevant to the left.

Infinite Monkeys said...

I know you guys will never believe this, but the above hate crimes turned out to be a hoax.

I notice the first article had open comments while they're closed on the second one.

Chuck said...

Trump is completely reliant on his base being emotional and stupid. Trump’s betting on his base being emotional and stupid is one of Trump’s occasionally good risks.

““No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”
~ H.L. Mencken

Yancey Ward said...

Look, there are two movies, but in this particular instance, Biden's claim can be, and has been demonstrated to be false. Since we can't get into his mind, we can't demonstrate he was lying when he said it. I am pretty confident he knows it is false, but believes the voters he is appealing to either don't know it or don't care, and on that I am pretty sure he is correct- we have the evidence on that in the comments above.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Ralph L,

"JFK knew his "missile gap" claim in 1960 was false."

And boy did that come back to haunt him! Because he ran to the right of Nixon on the false "missile gap" and the false charge of being soft on Castro, he felt obliged to do the Bay of Pigs, start Operation Mongoose, and confront the Soviets on the Cuban Missile crisis.

Only the latter worked, but the combination helped end his young life.

All flowing from the campaign lie.

Fen said...

Sockpuppet: "Trump has told much bigger and more vile lies than this and Ann has not said a peep"

Biden falsely accusing Trump of racism is okay because the fake shit we made up about Trump is even worse. Got it.

And to think, just yesterday you were decrying WhatAboutism. It's almost as if you don't really believe in the things you lecture the rest of us about.

wwww said...

And moving funds, etc., to create an overseas refuge.
The best crisis preparation is to have another passport, another home, somewhere to flee.
Its the best legacy you can set up for your kids and grandkids. Somewhere to go."

Employment is not great in Spain. Are your children looking for work in Spain so they can relocate with you? & your wife is truly ok leaving them & future grandbabies in California?

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Trump is completely reliant on his base being emotional and stupid."

Actually, he is reliant on his opponents being emotional and stupid. Hillary was Exhibit A. And you are another perfect example.

rcocean said...

Yeah, that slam against Romney was so unfair. Mitt would never put black people back in chains - as long as he had enough cheap illegals.

wwww said...

part of the reason I ask, is that my husband's family is in multiple places, including Australia. Visiting grandbabies gets a lot harder when they're live across an ocean.

FullMoon said...

Me, I am hearing the theme song from Rocky 1 as Trump does situps, one arm push ups and pull ups then running around DC early morning, high fiving the populace.

Getting in shape for the match with Bloviatin' Biden who says he would have whooped Donald in high school..

Smackdown pay per view, with Biden ending up with a Evil Mr. McMahon style shaved dome, crawling away in shame as Trump holds Bidens hair up high, tosses it to the floor, and stomps on it.

Surely I am not the only one?

Fen said...

Chuck quoting his betters: "No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people."

Hillary Clinton. She thought the "plain people" (ie basket of deplorables) in Michigan and Pennsylvania, the ones who voted for Obama, would toe the line and swallow her bullshit. She lost alot of money (Clinton Foundation) by underestimating their intelligence.

Odd how you imply you are better than them. They see so much more than you do. Hell, we're two years in and you STILL don't understand why we voted Trump into office. I challenge you to prove me wrong, go ahead Mr Country Club Republican, gives us your analysis...

rcocean said...

Chuck is completely dependent on his friends being stupid and responding to him.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Althouse, do an analysis of a transcript of the Biden video and show where he told a blatant lie. I think you will find that Biden didn’t say what you think he said. And I don’t think it is “absolutely established” who Trump was saying we’re the very fine people in both sides.

eddie willers said...

What age were you when you first realized Democrats routinely both lie AND accuse opponents of doing what they are doing?

I've mentioned it here many times, but it is more apropos than ever. It was the night Clarence Thomas told Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden they were conducting a "High Tech Lynching" and I saw the hate in their eyes.

rcocean said...

The thread has run out of steam anyway. Might has well just turn it over to the Chuck/Inga show. But first a word from our sponsor...

Known Unknown said...

"I think Charles Barkley got it right about the statues,“I’ve always ignored them. I’m 54 years old; I’ve never thought about those statues a day in my life. I think if you ask most black people, to be honest, they haven’t thought a day in their life about those stupid statues."

The Kate Smith outrage is the same. No one was offended by a song sung 80 years ago (as a satire) until someone dredged it up.

Francisco D said...

I'm smelling the fear already from conservatives.

Sorry Alex. You must be smelling something else.

We are not afraid. We are righteously indignant.

wwww said...

"I am pretty confident he knows it is false"

This is the point of disagreement. I see it as 2 different movies playing.

Fen said...

Chuck's political philosophy is anchored around one principle: "those aren't our kind of people dear".

He would have championed Chamberlain because Winston told fart jokes.

And because he needs someone to surrender to. I wish people would keep their private sexual fetishes out of politics. And that Chuck would at least pay us for the constant humiliation we provide him.

Check with Althouse. Inga's insurance apparently pays for us to be involuntary participants in her public therapy. Perhaps your's will cover the cost of your public degradation.

Nonapod said...

And I don’t think it is “absolutely established” who Trump was saying we’re the very fine people in both sides.

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.” - DJT

FullMoon said...

"Trump is completely reliant on his base being emotional and stupid."

non emotional and intelligent Chuck freaks out about a Pecan Pie

Rabel said...

My guess is that Althouse reacts so strongly to this particular lie because it is an attempt to sow racial discord for political gain.

policraticus said...

I'm sure I'm not the first to remember and mention this, but, in 2012 Joe Biden was the man who had the chutzpah to assert that Mitt Romney (!) and Paul Ryan (!!) were, "Gonna put y'all back in chains!" All he suffered for that base calumny was another 4 years at 1 Observatory Circle.

As long as he still has a (D) after his name, he can say just about whatever he damn well pleases about any one, so long as the target has a (R) following theirs.

readering said...

I think Biden is too old and has already failed twice and should not be running. But Althouse is way overboard in her accusations against Biden. That Trump presser was a mess and he went out of his way to downplay the marchers at Charlottesville and equate the two sides as equivalent. That's why the alt right and white nationalists took such comfort in his words. Who were all the nice, peaceful folks who just had a problem with taking down confederate statues and wanted to march for that reason? I did not see them in the videos of the marchers.

If Althouse applied the same standard to Trump as she does to Biden she would be reaching for the vomit bucket multiple times a day. Including listening again to that Charlottesville presser.

roesch/voltaire said...

At first Trump said "that group" and when asked questioned later about which group he meant, made the clarification. The statues erected as part of the Lost Cause propaganda in 1890 are indeed being called into question as to what they represent.But for me Biden is old school and Trump, as someone privileged to nightly pillow talk about the happenings in the WH has given Trump a label that will stick: "Deranged Donald."

Alex said...

We are not afraid. We are righteously indignant.

How is that righteous indignation working out for conservatives over the last 40 years? You guys are losing on abortion, feminism, LGBT, health care, Boy Scouts and just about everything. What's left except for the deep South bible-thumping churches? Headed towards extinction.

Ocasio-Cortez as POTUS in 2028/2032? Very possible and likely.

Tina Trent said...

Why debate whether Biden 'knows' he is lying, or not? That is replacing reality with amateur psychoanalysis. Who cares? He is slurring all of us with a false accusation of racism.

I hope he's the candidate. We will hammer him with this. Decent Americans of all races are sick of the racism smear. Demkcrats have reached peak racial dishonesty. Let this campaign video be the turning point. Enough.

walter said...

Bill Weld is gonna catch on fire, Chuck.
No really. Grilling season is near.

And John Kasich's dad is still a postal inspiration. Ya never know..

Alex said...

r/v - it's not intellectually honest of you to demonize Trump when you guys demonize all Republicans. You guys accused Romney of wanting to push grandma off a cliff, Pence wants to put all gays in conversion therapy, etc... If you didn't have Trump, you'd simply re-invent him.

Tina Trent said...

@Readering: so you're one of them too. OK.

Alex said...

If Americans were not interested in identity politics, explain why Evergreen State College exists still?

This is a course they have right now:

Diversity, Democracy, and Fake News: Making Our Way in the Time of Trump

(take a look at the instructor photo for some deep psychological reasons behind feminism, yeah Rush Limbaugh was correct in saying feminism was basically invented to give the franchise to ugly women)

Gospace said...

Interesting bit of history about General Robert E. Lee. Post war- his citizenship was not restored. He sent in an application to have it restored- but it was never acted upon.

Until 1975. When a joint resolution of Congress restored it retroactively to June 13 1865, the day he applied. Which brings up the question- Who controlled Congress in 1975? The Democrats, with 60 votes, a filibuster proof majority. And the Democrats in the House by 291-144, a more than 2-1 ratio. Still, in my lifetime, Republicans have never had that kind of majority, together, in both houses. And with people like John McCain in the Senate, haven't always had a majority even when they've had a majority.

10 votes against- 9 Democrats and Jumping Jim Jeffords.

In 1978 a Democrat controlled Congress and Senate voted to posthumously restore citizenship to Jefferson Davis. I have been unable to find the final vote tally on that.

So Democrats, who voted overwhelmingly to posthumously restore citizenship to honor the two, now want to tear all their statues down. Maybe they should introduce resolutions to strip them of their citizenship.......

RigelDog said...

"Charlottsville was a fake event. A manufactured drama for the TV cameras. A handful of violent Antifa communists and violent neo_nazis fighting each other, and completely drowning out the decent people on both sides who wanted to protest/or counter protest keeping the Gen. Lee statue."

I've read the Bulwark article and given it serious consideration. I think the author's premise fails, though, because it rests on the idea that there were NOT two sides (i.e., that statute-focused people were present alongside of white-supremicist focused people). The author claims that there were NOT statue-focused protesters, therefore no "two sides" and therefore no way for Trump's statements to be innocent of supporting white supremacists--or at least no other way for them to be innocent except by acknowledging that Trump was being profoundly stupid and arrogant. The author states that KNOWS there was no separate portion of people who were only concerned with the statue because he lives there and he himself is a member of those who protest the taking-down of statues. I think he is factually mistaken, though, because I am almost certain that I saw and read interviews with people who had gone to Charlottesville for the specific and narrow purpose of protesting re: the Robert E. Lee statue. If these protesters were present at all, then the worst that Trump did was ramble a bit and was perhaps mistaken on the timeline; conflating the march of the night before with the daytime demonstrations and assaults.

bagoh20 said...

This thread has the usual critique of Trump being a liar by some. I notice with this train of argument that the specifics are always left out. It's just assumed we all agree and know the lies. I don't.

Tell us specifically the lies that compare to this one, or those of Obama or Hillary, or Pelosi which cost lives around the globe and here, while also seriously sacrificing the nation's security for years now.

Fen said...

What age were you when you first realized Democrats routinely both lie AND accuse opponents of doing what they are doing?

20 in Austin, Texas. Local radio show had a high-ranking Sandinista talking about how the Contras were lying about this and that. I honestly was ignorant and didn't know which side was which. But, in good faith, I asked what proof could he give to demonstrate that it wasn't the Sandinistas who were the one's spewing propaganda.

You would have thought I had called John Wayne a faggot.

I started out liberal, but the Left's foreign policy during the Cold War was stupid, if not outright treacherous. The foreign policy of Reagan is what converted me.

The Left is chock full of Marxists, and just like Islam, they condone lying to the public in service to their Shining Path. They are vermin and should be exterminated.

Rabel said...

"Ocasio-Cortez as POTUS in 2028/2032? Very possible and likely."

It'll have to be '28 because '32 will be too late.

Fen said...

"Tell us specifically the lies that compare to this one"

One of Chuck's 1000 Trump lies is that Trump claimed his father (or grandfather?) was born in Germany when in fact he was only conceived in Germany.

Another is that Trump claimed to use the Titleist V1 golf ball, but he uses the V1x.

It's like their allegations surrounding the Mueller report - the people who claim to stand against Trump on principle get all Wormtongue when asked to support their accusations with something more than deliberately misconstrued gossip or hearsay.

Alex said...

Rabel... if grandpa Joe can run for POTUS, why can't AOC run in 20-30 years if that's what it takes?

2028... Cortez/Omar wins.

Shouting Thomas said...

The good news. This is the best Biden’s got.

Gospace said...

It's been asked if I care about Trump's lies. And the answer is- no, I don't. I care about his actions. And so far, everything I've seen shows that his actions are all to advance America and Americans. He can lie about anything he wants as long as his actions continue to benefit America and Americans.

In other words- he's not Hillary, and certainly not taking after the first anti-American American president, his predecessor.

That and I've grown immune to accusations against him- since anything serious has proven to be a lie, and I don't care about anything non-serious. Did he pay off a hooker? I DON'T CARE! Did he lie about it? I DON'T CARE! I know this- he's won a few court cases about it. And din't have to surrender his law license. Well, he doesn't have one, but that's beside the point- a previous Democrat POTUS did- and had to surrender it. For actions Trump has been accused of, but not convicted of. But that he was found guilty of.

Would I care if he had conspired with or it could be proved he was controlled by Putin? Yes. Since his actions - pro-fracking, wiping out a Russian "mercenary" force, etc, - have all been harmful to Russia, it's painfully obvious he isn't Putin's stooge, and I question the sanity of those that accuse him of that. And of those that took two years to investigate an obviously bogus accusation.

Roughcoat said...

Concerning Buwaya:

He's like Denethor, gazing into the palantir, seeing only what Sauron wants him to see. The Dark Lord shows him things that are true, but the field of vision he provides Denethor is very narrow indeed. It is narrow by design but also because Sauron himself cannot see beyond it; and, even if he could, he would not comprehend what he saw. As Tolkien observed in regard to Morgoth, Sauron's mentor: "Evil is stupid." Denethor is not stupid because he is not evil, but he is vain and arrogant, and Sauron plays upon Denethor's vanity and arrogance to achieve the steward's downfall. In his vanity and arrogance Denethor comes to believe that his deterministic pessimism and the fatal despair that it engenders is the product of his own high intellect; and, being so, this is all that he sees, to the exclusion of all other paths and possibilities.

In the end Denethor, overcome by despair, throws himself on the funeral pyre meant for his gallant son. Buwaya is contemplating something similar, at least in a figurative sense. He is the victim of his own vanity and arrogance and, yes, of his high intellect. Not that he can escape what he loathes and fears about America -- the doom he foretells endlessly in comments sections, if indeed it does come to pass, will eventually and inevitably find him wherever he goes. If the lights go out in America they will go out everywhere else. But as for his self-immolation: I wish he would get on with it. He has long since gone past the point of tiresome in his commentaries.

Jim at said...

Both groups are sincere in their beliefs; neither are "lying."


Fen said...

it's not intellectually honest of you to demonize Trump when you guys demonize all Republicans. You guys accused Romney of wanting to push grandma off a cliff, Pence wants to put all gays in conversion therapy, etc... If you didn't have Trump, you'd simply re-invent him

And why is there never any consequence for this? Like cultists the day after Teh Doom failed to arrive, they just pour a new flavor of Kool-Aide and start proselytizing about the Teh Doom 2.0

That's one major difference between us and them: If we had spent 2 years trash-talking Trump voters for supporting a Russian Proxy, only to have Mueller clear him, we would be too ashamed and embarrassed to show our faces here, much less double down on that lie. And yet they persist.

Think about that for a moment. People who are unaffected by embarrassment or shame. Would you want them in any part of your life? Would you want them in power or choosing those who are?

Sam L. said...

It's just Biden being Biden, a Democrat pol.

Big Mike said...

part of the reason I ask, is that my husband's family is in multiple places, including Australia. Visiting grandbabies gets a lot harder when they're live across an ocean.

In Australia everything is trying to kill you. Home to the world’s most dangerous spider, the Sydney Funnel-Web,, as well as a near relative of our own Black Widow, the Red Back Spider that delights in hiding under toilet seats. The world’s largest and deadliest crocodile. Three different species of man-eating shark, including the Great White and a species, the Bull Shark, which is capable of swimming far upstream due to its tolerance for fresh water. Venomous cone shells. The venomous Blue-Ringed Octopus. Several of the world’s most venomous species of snakes. Yeah, go there.

Lewis Wetzel said...

People who are not blue collar think that Biden appeals to blue collar men, the same group that won Trump the electoral college. I suppose they have polls that prove this.
But I am from a blue collar background and I despise Biden. In his speeches he blames white men for all the evil in the world. Why would anyone vote for a person who hates you? Or encourages people to hate you?
The Dems have a real problem because they have alienated an important voting bloc (maybe the most important voting bloc) and they don't seem to care.

eddie willers said...

non emotional and intelligent Chuck freaks out about a Pecan Pie

Thanks. I had seen a few posts about Chuck and pecan pie but I didn't know the reference.

It is evidence of a troubled mind.

Fen said...

Roughcoat: Concerning Buwaya... In his vanity and arrogance Denethor comes to believe that his deterministic pessimism and the fatal despair that it engenders is the product of his own high intellect; and, being so, this is all that he sees, to the exclusion of all other paths and possibilities....But as for his self-immolation: I wish he would get on with it. He has long since gone past the point of tiresome in his commentaries.

That sounds pretty and you certainly have teeth, which I welcome after so many tedious and stupid trolls. But all I could hear was this:

"Why should I welcome you, Gandalf Stormcrow? Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Lathspell I name him. Ill news is in ill guest."

Buwaya's analysis is sound. If you are weary of it, go away.

eddie willers said...

In Australia everything is trying to kill you

I am now into book 16 in Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin series and was shocked to find even the Platypus can have a nasty sting.

I hope there is nothing terrible about Koala bears.

mockturtle said...

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

Wow, I'd forgotten that, as I haven't read 1984 since high school [not IN high school, of course, although it should be required reading]. Think I'd better read it again. That and Brave New World.

Rabel said...

"Rabel... if grandpa Joe can run for POTUS, why can't AOC run in 20-30 years if that's what it takes?"

"We’re, like, the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change"

Show your work!

2032 - 2019 = 13.

Jim at said...

Dilbert guy said there are 2 movies running in the country.

Why do you keep repeating this? If one side has to edit the movie in order to fit the narrative, people are not watching the same thing.

Biden is lying about what Trump said. Read the damn transcript. All of it.

Kevin said...

The Democrat Party is simply the name we give to the lies we choose to tell about Trump together.

Jim at said...

Trump has told much bigger and more vile lies than this

Calling half the country racist and neo-nazis is pretty vile. Good to know you're in favor of it.

Roughcoat said...

We are blessed to live in this time of struggle for the soul of our nation. We are fortunate and privileged. Our deeds and what we achieve thereby will redound to our nation's glory. Take heart in this regard from the words of Thomas Paine:

THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.

As for Buwaya:"You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go".

Left Bank of the Charles said...

For those of you with Trump derangement derangement syndrome, go back to what Donald Trump said and you can see the problem with the fine people hoax claim (bold added):

“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

Trump was not talking generally about people opposed to taking down the confederate statute, he was talking about people who were there at the rally, among the protesters. I've yet to see anyone making the fine people hoax claim produce pictures of the supposedly very fine people amidst the neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Roughcoat said...

If you are weary of it, go away.

If others here feel as you do, and say so, I will be only too happy to oblige them.

Rabel said...

"I am now into book 16 in Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin series and was shocked to find even the Platypus can have a nasty sting."

I enjoyed a half dozen or so back in the day. It might be interesting to try one on Kindle - that way I could Wiki and find out what the fuck a spinnerjib topgallant boom sail was.

I might have that maritime terminology wrong.

Bilwick said...

"How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie — a lie that has been used to stir up fear and racial discord?!"

He's a "liberal," isn't he? Question asked and answered. There's no truth but the Hive's truth, peasant.

mockturtle said...

Roughcoat @ 1:44: While I highly admire buwaya, one of the best minds in the commentariat, I agree with your assessment and have commented before that his view is too restricted. A view from outside [I used de Tocqueville as an example] is useful and we need to hear the criticisms as well as the praise. But just as de Tocqueville didn't fully understand the American entrepreneurial spirit, buwaya does not fully understand the fierce determinism which still glows in the embers of our nation's heart, just as the Japanese underestimated us in WWII as a bunch of cowards and moral weaklings. San Francisco, CA, is not the best position from which to judge the moral compass of the nation.

Chuck said...

LOL Althouse’s gradations of what might be disqualifying, character-wise, for a presidential candidate.

If Althouse has issues with Biden, I’m all ears. I think Biden’s tenure on Senate Judiciary (Bork, Thomas, etc.) could well be disqualifying. Or a hundred other Biden character failures.

But not the Charlottesville Hoax Hoax.

And then there’s Trump. Individual 1. The star of the Mueller report. Barely escaping indictment for obstruction of justice primarily because he is already president, not because his character makes him worthy. Quite possibly the subject of one or more of the 12 as-yet sealed criminal referrals from the OSC. Birther. Truther. Vaxxer. Trump University fraudster. Porn star aficionado.

Althouse “character.”

walter said...

Sorry eddie,

mockturtle said...

As for Buwaya:"You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go".

Cromwell to Parliament, right, roughcoat?

Sheridan said...

Buwaya - my father's people came to North America in the early 1630's. They dealt with adversity, built social and religious communities and lived mostly at the edge of the frontier. They were a combination of English, Dutch, Scots and Irish. They were never victims nor mere survivors. They helped create the American ethos. And it's part of me, my children, their children and many other people in my extended family. We're not leaving this place because of current political/cultural issues. We've weathered many kinds of storms for almost 400 years. We intend to weather the next storm too. Or, to quote Paine:

“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated”

Birches said...

I think some are being too hard on wwww. Confirmation bias is real. But bagoh is right too. One version of the movie is deceptively edited time and time again. Joe Biden should surround himself with people that are aware enough to study it out.

Roughcoat said...

Thanks, Mock.

To those who will stay and fight, I direct them to the speech given by Aias to rally the Achaeans against the Trojan onslaught against their ship. The translation is Lattimnore's:

Friends and fighting men of the Danaans, henchmen of Ares,
be men now, dear friends, remember your furious valour.
Do we think there are others who stand behind us to help us?
Have we some stronger wall that can rescue men from perdition?
We have no city built strong with towers lying near us, within which
we could defend ourselves and hold off this host that matches us.
We hold position in this plain of the close-armoured Trojans,
bent back against the sea, and far from the land of our fathers.
Salvation's light is in our hands' work, not the mercy of battle. (15.733-741)

eddie willers said...

I enjoyed a half dozen or so back in the day. It might be interesting to try one on Kindle - that way I could Wiki and find out what the fuck a spinnerjib topgallant boom sail was.

Thank God for Kindle. I can touch a word and up pops a definition and/or a short Wikipedia piece. I would have been hopeless without it. (and makes the reading deliciously slow)

I might have that maritime terminology wrong.

Something you have in common with the good doctor (and most of the world). Excuse me now as I am about to sit down to a boiled baby.

Roughcoat said...

Mock: Cromwell to the Long Parliament first; then Amery to Chamberlain in 1940, after the Narvik debacle.

Big Mike said...

Trump didn’t waste any time. Here’s his tweet about Biden’s announcement:

Welcome to the race Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It will be nasty - you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate

narciso said...

Anything wrong in principle?


Roughcoat said...

correction: "onslaught against their ships" and Lattimore.

walter said...

"“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”
Dog whistle!!!

You seem invested in those future shoes dropping. Good luck with that.
Do you feel the same scrutiny should be placed on the genesis and fuckery of the Russia Hoax hoaxters?

Sheridan said...

Sorry, Roughcoat, I saw too late that you also quoted Paine.

MikeR said...

Whoa. Now they're saying that Biden praised antifa at the same time. Insane.
Trump is criticized for praising fascists when he didn't.
Will Biden be criticized for praising fascists when he did?

Roughcoat said...

Sheridan: no worries. Paine merits repeating.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I'm shocked that the pretend lawyer, pretend republican, and pretend man Lifelong Cuck is once again defending a democrat running for President. He is such a conservative you see, that he constantly must suck the dick of lefty politicians.

Buwaya is fine and I find his opinions interesting even if I don't always agree with him. More Buwayay and less moby cunts like Chuck.

rhhardin said...

May the righteous indignation of God crush out the proud and the unholy. - Erik Satie

Roughcoat said...

Sheridan: And thanks for your post. My sentiments entirely.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Hell, we're two years in and you STILL don't understand why we voted Trump into office

The funny thing is, he helped vote Trump into office. It's like Chuck thinks he's somehow striking back at Trump by dunking on himself, over and over, every day in these threads.

wwww said...

"In Australia everything is trying to kill you""

LOL that's true! But Melbourne is a beautiful, sunny city. Grandma wasn't happy they moved across an ocean.

Nonapod said...

Trump was not talking generally about people opposed to taking down the confederate statute, he was talking about people who were there at the rally, among the protesters. I've yet to see anyone making the fine people hoax claim produce pictures of the supposedly very fine people amidst the neo-nazis and white supremacists.

I haven't bothered to look at any pictures of the rally, and I have no idea what pictures he was referring to.

That said, if you're trying to allege that Trump's alluding to "pictures" is somehow equivalent to him suggesting that white supremecists and Nazi's are "fine people" when he clearly stated the opposite when he specifically said “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.” - well I doubt that there's anything more I could say to convince you otherwise. You just imagine Trump to be a monster and you're beyond reason on that point.

If, however, you're alleging that Trump is often sloppy, inartful, and careless with his phrasing? Sure, I completely agree.

buwaya said...

Roughcoat et. al. -
On going - three more months, more or less.

San Francisco, and its region, is a curious place. It is not representative of course.
But it is prophetic. It is the leading edge, in its own way. It is also a destructive trap.
Your best and brightest come here to waste their lives. Which prophesies a general national epidemic of wasted lives.

I am not joking about your schools. I will believe there is a way out of your trap if I see something improving there - and by that I mean the ethics and philosophy of the system, not procedural and structural tweaking. But I have seen nothing but deterioration. The point of the whole thing, now, is to brainwash your children into nihilism. And of course hostile tribalism, where they want that. Its easy to predict the future, if you can see the children being formed. And so I can predict.

You Americans are right to be brave and American. But I am not American. So I go to make my own arrangements, and wish you luck.

Susan said...

If he wasn't allowed to lie he wouldn't have much to say.

To my mind anyone who bought the "If you like your Dr. You can keep your Dr." Outright lie has no business being surprised or getting outraged by this lie.

Trumpit said...

Biden is too old for starters. He's not appealing either.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I don't believe they chanted about Jews. You HEAR "Jews" if that's what you're listening for, like Woody Allen's old joke.

Roughcoat said...

Nihilism. "The doctrine that all present governments and institutions are useless and should be dismantled."

Interesting word choice, in the context.

AllenS said...

"Hello, everyone, I need no introduction, but I'll tell you anyway, I'm Joe Biden, and I'm running for President. Shortly, there will be all kinds of lies told about me, so, I'm going to announce to the country my policies that are unprecedented, that if you like your job, you can keep your job, and if you like your tax cuts, you can keep your tax cuts, and something about $2500, but for the life of me I can't remember what that was all about."

buwaya said...

Nihilism - That is one meaning of course. I intended a broader one, but that will do also.

FullMoon said...

eddie willers said...

non emotional and intelligent Chuck freaks out about a Pecan Pie

Thanks. I had seen a few posts about Chuck and pecan pie but I didn't know the reference.

It is evidence of a troubled mind.

non emotional Chuck denies being a titty twister

Roughcoat said...

At the end of the day, despair is a sin, and running away is ... well, I won't do it.

In the event, if the pessimists are right, what they believe is coming will sooner or later overtake them.

I'm American and America is where I'll make my stand, if it comes down to it. "How can a man die better," "for the honor of my fathers," and all that.

Maillard Reactionary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Biden has a real problem. By Nov 2020 the tentacles of the investigations underway wI'll be reaching into the Obama administration. He was VP. Preemptive run? But I doubt he knew much about anyway.

narciso said...

A sterling example of the culture:


Wince said...

I've written this before.

Charlottesville is ever increasingly in most people's rear-view mirror.

Closer in time and more a reflection of the racial divisions of the Obama years than now.

The "rising tide" of racism predicted with Trump has given way to shared prosperity threatened only by the insanity, false prosecutions and hoaxes of the left.

So, what does Biden -- this relic of the Obama years do -- but dredge-up Charlottesville.


Steve Witherspoon said...

Progressives are using false propaganda to liar to the public, Biden is using using false propaganda to liar to the public, Paul Joseph Goebbels the German Nazi politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany used false propaganda to lie to the public.

Make your own conclusions.

Maillard Reactionary said...

traditionalguy said: "The Day of Buttigeig's anointing cometh."

Do you think he'll choose to be anointed with Preparation H, or something slipperier and better tasting?

Rusty said...

Freder Frederson said...
"Holy shit!? Where is your outrage over trump's toxic lies. He started his campaign with a slew of them and they have continued unabated for almost for years now."
I think the worst you can say about trump is his rhetoric, publically speaking, is fabulist. he is always plain spoken and open on his policies and what he intends to do. The democrats, on the other hand us lying as a matter of policy. They count on you and the Chucks buying every word. You all desperately need a leader that will tell you what to do, what to believe and that what you believe, even based on their lies, is just and honest and true. We deplorables don't need no daddy. No messiah. We're adults. Trump came to office and proceeded to do exactly what he said he was going to do. deplorables respect that shit.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Biden want to run a campaign that really touches people in a personal way.

mockturtle said...

You Americans are right to be brave and American. But I am not American. So I go to make my own arrangements, and wish you luck.

Thank you, buwaya. I sincerely wish you the best in your return to the Philippines and hope you will continue to post here. We would miss you terribly if you did not! God be with you.

Mark said...

So much for Google fairness.

As I'm typing in "Joe Biden Neil . . .", you would expect that maybe it would auto-populate with "Kinnock." But no.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Regarding the CAPCHAs, I was just regaled with multiple badly-exposed and defocused images of fire hydrants.

I managed to identify them all, but now find I have a sudden urge to urinate.

Back later!

StephenFearby said...

After getting this very bigly highly momentous endorsement Biden will win the Left Party's nomination for president and go on to win the 2020 general election. It's a no-brainer!

'...“I am extremely happy that @JoeBiden has decided to enter the race,” [Michael] Avenatti tweeted just hours after Biden released his official announcement video on Thursday morning. “He offers Dems the very best chance in 2020, especially in key states. He has the fight, intelligence and fortitude to beat Trump and begin to make America, America again. He has my enthusiastic support.”

Earlier this month, Avenatti was hit with 36 federal charges alleging he stole millions of dollars from clients and failed to pay taxes, among other charges. If convicted on the charges, Avenatti would face 335 years in federal prison.

The three-dozen count indictment includes 10 counts of wire fraud, 19 counts of tax fraud, two counts of bank fraud and four counts of bankruptcy fraud, the oldest of which stems from 2010.'


Mark said...

From Time Magazine --

Top 10 Joe Biden Gaffes
Throughout his decades of public service, the former Senator and current Vice President has earned a reputation for often saying the wrong thing at the wrong time

mockturtle said...

As previously reported, the BC Supreme Court ordered in February that 14-year-old Maxine* receive testosterone injections without parental consent. Accordingly, Maxine began regular injections at British Columbia (BC) Children’s Hospital over the course of the last two months.

Thanks, narciso. This whole thing has gotten out of hand and not just in Canada. A 14-year-old should not be getting sex change hormones w/o parental consent. In fact, no one under the age of 30 should even be allowed to do so. This is insanity.

Mark said...

"If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there's still a 30 percent chance we're going to get it wrong."

— Joe Biden

mockturtle said...

Regarding the CAPCHAs, I was just regaled with multiple badly-exposed and defocused images of fire hydrants.

I never bother with Capcha.

Rabel said...

"As I'm typing in "Joe Biden Neil . . .", you would expect that maybe it would auto-populate with "Kinnock." But no."

I typed in "Joe Biden" and got "Joe Biden 1986 lied."

Clyde said...

I think that Buwaya is misunderestimating what the effect of a systemic crash of America would mean to the rest of the world. It would probably make the Great Depression look like a Girl Scout picnic. If we go down, we'd probably suck the rest of the world down with us. Even for those not within our borders, it would be very, very bad.

Paul said...

"How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie "...

Hahahaha.. Ann, you really think Sleepy Joe is gonna be a boy scout? DNC not lie? Hillary not try to queer the election? Pelosi not dig for any dirt, true or false, to destroy Trump?

Quaestor said...

...Avenatti would face 335 years in federal prison.

Hoping for a pardon from President Slojo?

Mark said...

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

— Joe Biden, who apparently thinks that of all the millions upon millions of black guys, only one or maybe two are articulate, bright and clean.

Bilwick said...

"mockturtle," Captcha used to block me from posting a lot of things here, until someone told me to just ignore it, and that worked. But other blogs still us it, and if they continue to do so, it might be nice if the images they want me to identify and check off were at least visible to the human eye.

Lewis Wetzel said...

This is why Chuck has no credibility:
And then there’s Trump. Individual 1. The star of the Mueller report. Barely escaping indictment for obstruction of justice primarily because he is already president, not because his character makes him worthy. Quite possibly the subject of one or more of the 12 as-yet sealed criminal referrals from the OSC. Birther. Truther. Vaxxer. Trump University fraudster. Porn star aficionado.

This is specious or was known about Trump before the election, but Chuck voted for Trump anyway. I did not vote for trump because I did not trust that he would govern as a conservative (I voted for Daryl Castle, Constitution Party).
Trump has governed more conservatively than either of the Bush's. Yet Chuck attacks Trump for being the guy he voted for. This is insane and incredible.

walter said...

Heavy lifting

Mark said...

"In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

— Joe Biden, who is so dumb he's oblivious to his own racist attitudes. I'll bet if someone asks him to show us how he can moonwalk, he'll look around and consider doing it.

Sammy Finkelman said...

If Joe Biden is forced into these lies, or into saying bad things about Trump without checking, there is not too much hope for the Democratc Party to name a decent candidate.

However, I would just give this a B minus. We;ll see if he keeps up apattern of lies, and if he endorrses every common false trope that crculates among the Democratc arty faithful.

At a minimum, Joe Biden comes across as weak.

Bilwick said...

"Trump is completely reliant on his base being emotional and stupid." Perhaps (I've run into too many Dumb Trumpkins to say the characterization is completely false); but if Trump wanted to rely on a bade that's completely, solidly and irredeemably
emotional and stupid, wouldn't he become a Democrat? Then he's have a base so emotional they rely on envy and resentment) and so stupid they think Der Staat is our best friend.

Quaestor said...

I never bother with Capcha.

The last CAPCHA human test asked me to select the images containing taxicabs. The only cell with vehicles of any kind showed two light duty pickup trucks belonging to a road maintenance crew who could be seen deploying traffic cones from the beds of those trucks. Apparently, CAPCHA employes idiots who think any yellow thing with wheels is a taxi, or more likely they're using AI to create those stupid bot filters.

Bots are ill-suited to detect other bots.

walter said...

The butthurt never Trumpers seem to think the process of knocking Trump out would conserve R viabilty rather than removing one of the few barriers to Lefty lunacy.
But we all know Chuck loves to gamble.

Clyde said...

Also, did anyone see the Bernie thing from yesterday where he totally bombed at the "She the People" women of color summit. We are just seeing the beginning salvos of the total war among the Democrat identity subgroups as they fight for the prize of being represented in the 2020 election as the presidential nominee. The group Bernie was talking to cared only about how issues affect "women of color," especially black women. Each stripe of their rainbow coalition will be fighting against every other stripe like pit bulls. Women vs. blacks vs. Hispanics vs. Asians vs. gays vs young people, and everyone of them vs. old white men. Now is the time to stock up on popcorn!

Mark said...

Again from the Post -
Vice President Biden is well known for passing himself off as a regular Joe, but apparently this regular Joe likes to indulge in a naked swim every now and then. . . "Agents say that, whether at the vice president's residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude. Female Secret Service agents find the behavior offensive."

tim maguire said...

3:30 is too long. I doubt anybody could watch the whole thing.

narciso said...



Maillard Reactionary said...

mockturtle @3:32 PM: All kidding aside, I sincerely concur in your sentiments here. buwaya is not an enemy. I wish him and his family well.

If one does not feel that they have a personal stake in the coming fight, it might be wise to watch the fun from a safe distance. Once the serious ass-kicking starts, as start it will some day, it's going to get ugly fast.

We'll find out who our real friends are then.

Maillard Reactionary said...

mockturtle: You were right about the CAPCHA. Thanks for the tip!

Maillard Reactionary said...

Mark quotes Biden:

"If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there's still a 30 percent chance we're going to get it wrong."

— Joe Biden

Yogi Berra, he ain't.

Trumpit said...

"He does not have the character or brain power to be President."

But we are likely stuck with Trump until the end of his first term.

Bay Area Guy said...

Anita Hill rejects Biden's apology.

You think any of these woke, idiotic college kids today know who Anita Hill is?

Lucy Flores, the hair-sniffee, is not pleased either with Sleepy Joe.

Marc in Eugene said...

I don't recall that buwaya has ever said he intends to stop commenting here when his relocation happens! For the present, anyway, each of the likely destinations has as easy Internet access as most of us here do.

Based on the averages, I have another twenty or twenty five years left in this world, God willing: in spite of how obnoxious so many things seem to be in society, in government, in the schools, in the Church, even, I don't really think that some oncoming collapse-- what is that acronym people use?-- will happen in my lifetime. If it does, I'll take my chances here in my own country and continue to do what I can to mitigate the ruination.

But say what you will about Cassandra, her prophetic vision was true.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Buwaya: You are one of my favorite commenters and I sincerely wish you and yours well.

However, I do have one question: how in the name of God are either Spain or the PI - my understanding of your allegiances - better than the US?

Also, concur with others that your experiences in the Bay Area are clouding your judgement. Just ease up on the drama and buy a nice place in Scottsdale for the love of Pete. It'll be fine. And better than Spain and definitely better than the Philippines. (If either one of those was so great why didn't you raise your family there, anyway?)

Roughcoat said...

America was good for Buwaya. It provided him with abundant opportunities to apply his intellect and native talents to the fullest. In doing so he has prospered mightily, more so than most Americans. But now that America is in trouble he has chosen to abandon it. Nor in doing so does he forebear to lecture Americans on their faults and failings as he perceives them. Maybe he thinks he does so as a friend, albeit one with much sorrow for what it has become of our nation, and for what he thinks it is becoming. I don't know. What I do know is, friends do not abandon friends in their hour of need. Those who do, I call faithless. I call them shameful. I do not wish him ill. Probably he will continue to thrive, wherever he goes. Even so, I would not trade places with him for all the tea in China.

That's all I have to say on this. I'm done.

mockturtle said...

Once the serious ass-kicking starts, as start it will some day, it's going to get ugly fast.

We'll find out who our real friends are then.

Amen to that, Phidippus!

Drago said...

Fullmoon: "non emotional Chuck denies being a titty twister"

Ah yes, who could forget the thousands of insane words strung together on a single thread by our LLR-lefty #StrongDefenderOfFarLeftHacktivists Chuck?! He went to bat as strongly as one could in defense of April Ryans lies.

Chuck looooves his lefty liars and the tales they tell.

livermoron said...

Buwaya: I left the Bay Area a decade ago feeling much the same as you. I moved to rural California, the Mother Lode, I feel my soul has been replenished. I still suffer from the legislative environment imposed on me here, but the people here are different. I actually know my neighbors. We watch out for and help one another. It is a whole different America out here.
Spain, Europe, aren't what they used to be. My German wife (Liberal, btw) said she couldn't live in Germany ever again...too much has changed.

Move to Lincoln, Nebraska or Rogers, Arkansas or any of the many fine communities situated outside the nation's Blue Ghettoes. You won't find great tapas or paella, but you will find food for your soul.
God bless.

Sheridan said...

Buwaya - Godspeed

Drago said...

walter: "The butthurt never Trumpers seem to think the process of knocking Trump out would conserve R viabilty rather than removing one of the few barriers to Lefty lunacy.
But we all know Chuck loves to gamble."

Its no gamble for Chuck.

Chuck wants the dems to win and implement their far left visions. Chuck has gone so far as to call republican election wins "disasters".

The worst years in Chucks life?

1980, 1984, 2016.

Drago said...

Rabel: "I typed in "Joe Biden" and got "Joe Biden 1986 lied."

Be careful. LLR Chuck is NOT going to like that comment.

mccullough said...

Arizona in 10 years will be where California is now

Lewis Wetzel said...

Buwaya, what makes me an optimist about America is that I am an American. The current race and gender driven fixation with America's elite institutions can exist, and even thrive, because those are not democratic institutions. They do not reflect the will of the people. The federal goverment is the least democratic level of government.
The states represent self-ruling units of goverment. The infrastructure is there, both political and social. One of the requirements for being considered for statehood is that the wannabe state has to have a republican form of government. The states can dissolve the federal government and reform it; the feds cannot unmake states (Reconstruction not withstanding).

mccullough said...

Buwaya is correct.

You cannot have a solid society when the elite education institutions are asylums.

The flummery that comes out of those places and the graduates they produce is wreaking havoc.

mccullough said...

Trump’s re-election will not break the Fever. It’s better than him not being re-ejected but the rot and decay is too great.

mccullough said...

Colorado and Virginia are solid blue states now. They have succumbed to the Left.

Hari said...

When Trump says, does, or tweets something, nobody thinks he did that because his handlers told him to. But when Biden says or does anything, who thinks Biden is acting on his owns, as opposed to doing exactly what his handlers tell him to do?

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Arizona in 10 years will be where California is now

Maybe, maybe not (I think not), but still waiting on that explanation as to how either Spain or the Philippines is some kind of paradise of liberty.

Not to put words in the man's mouth but maybe he's more comfortable with the big man thing than most of us Americans are. I believe he's called himself a monarchist before. I can't stomach the idea of living like a king in a compound in a destitute country surrounded by desperate poverty, but, I'm an American. I'm also not interested in living on a continent that is being overrun by illiberal third world refugees as surely or more so than this one is by peasants from points south, but, I'm an American.

gg6 said...

Amen!.....times 1 million!

Bay Area Guy said...

Will you folks stop belly-aching about Buwaya? As long as he continues to post his wisdom here, where does it matter where lives?

He can move to Madagascar -- I hear it's warm.

Now, if he says he is leaving the Commentariat, well, then I retract my stupid uninformed comments, and beg him not to go.

Back to Sleepy or Creepy Joe.

Our righteous Hostess has nailed him for stirring up "fear and racial discord." She is correct. The sonovabitch is a high ranking member of a political party (The Democrats) who stir up fear and racial discord to get 90% of the black vote to win elections.

Trump, to his credit, has actually cut taxes to create job growth, which benefits racial minorities. There is no better public policy a society or country can do to for a minority class of citizens than to create an economic climate where they can get private sector jobs to support their families.

Charlottesville is NOTHING but political theater compared to real job creation.

Maybe, Joe needs a few more naked dips in the pool to clear his mind.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

To paraphrase, I think, Doc Smith: If Biden's brain were dynamite, he couldn't blow his nose.

eddie willers said...

Biden want to run a campaign that really touches people in a personal way

"I not only feel your pain, I smell your hair".

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof.

Again - will the hack press "fact check" Biden on this? NO way. The lie and the false narrative are the democrat press/democratic power play endgame.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

As a female secret service agent - I DO NOT want to see that. Creep.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I'm only kidding about being a secret service agent. I'm actually batman.

narciso said...

how many of you have been face to face with maoist guerillas, this is the Alamo, the end of the road, but one looks at the long odds for the grey champion, as neill strauss related in generation in 1990, the phillipines faces a great hegemon, in the dragon,

Bay Area Guy said...

If Joe Biden were black, the BLM motto woulda been, "Hands OFF, don't shoot!"

bagoh20 said...

I can only assume that our Trump haters here actually think that Trump likes Nazis, and felt compelled to tell everyone how they are decent people. That seems like a pretty stupid thing to believe of the man who has a long public life that never included such a thing. I never met anyone who likes Nazis or thinks they are decent people - nowhere, never. Even if you think Trump is himself one of these exceptionally rare people who somehow has hidden it his entire life, do you really think he would let that out considering he wants to be reelected? Really, you believe either one of those possibilities? Now tell me how you are not in the throws of TDS with that crap in your head.

narciso said...

it's about narrative, not the truth,


mockturtle said...

how many of you have been face to face with maoist guerillas, this is the Alamo, the end of the road, but one looks at the long odds for the grey champion, as neill strauss related in generation in 1990, the phillipines faces a great hegemon, in the dragon,

I hate to ask this narciso, but, huh?

narciso said...

buwaya has faced the npa, I was stating my personal opinion, trump faces long odds, one person I know has begged him as the grey champion out of the strauss tale,


our gope fellow was all excited over this,

gadfly said...

Golly, Althouse is insulted because a politician supposedly lied about Donald Trump - the World's Greatest Liar Among Liars. So Trump never defended White Nationalists in Charlottesville by declaring that there were fine people on both sides.

But he did say that, which was incontrovertible until the Trumpists led by Scott Adams, used a delayed Trump news conference from 8/14/17 as the source for twisting things to make Trump appear more perceptive than he is.

The Atlantic reported that "President Trump defended the white nationalists who protested in Charlottesville on Tuesday, saying they included 'some very fine people'.”

“What about the alt-left that came charging at, as you say, at the alt-right?” Trump said. “Do they have any semblance of guilt?”

“I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me,” he said.

“You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists,” Trump said. “The press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”

Trump always changes his stories later, which everyone knows except those who don't seem to mind his 10,000 lies.

narciso said...

heck of a job,


RMc said...

If convicted on the charges, Avenatti would face 335 years in federal prison.

Reminds me of Woody Allen in "Take the Money and Run": "My lawyers can cut that in half!"

Michael K said...

Isn't politics just politics, in the end? Aren't other aspects of life, like spending time with family, much more important?

Maybe you should read one or more of Kurt Schlicgter's novels to under stand how people on the right think.

Seriously., This one might be a place to start. It was written when he assumed Hillary would win the election.

I moved to Arizona to get away from California. We are back for my son's 50th. I put $73 worth of gas in my car a few minutes ago. The price is $4.09. In Tucson it is $2.15. The Democrats who run California used to care about the poor.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I'll draw your attention to Biden's quote at the time of the stimulus about being the "new sheriff in town" and going to give an accounting of how the stimulus was spent. I do see how the trolls here truly identify with creepy Joe. They do fairly ooze "creep".

Michael K said...

Blogger mccullough said...
Arizona in 10 years will be where California is now

I am concerned about Ballot Harvesting, which defeated Martha McSally after a week post election day. California is lost. My son we are visiting is planning where he and his family will go. I have two leftist kids who are probably staying although one daughter has property in Idaho.

Orange County, where I lived 40 years, is probably gone. Arizona, maybe not.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

where does it matter where lives

Because, bluntly, every time he comments lately we get another version of the "hey suckers, your country which I lived in and benefitted from for decades is going into the shitter, y'all are screwed, sucks to be you" and someone finally called him out on how tiresome it's getting. He brought [continually brings] it up. ~shrug~

gilbar said...

Chuck, seriously; i'm trying to help you out here.

When your lie consists of quoting 'the bulwark'; is it plausible?
Get back to us when you get plausible lies. They don't have to be VERY plausible, they just have to be plausible. If people's first reaction to one of your lies is:

"OMMFGDMFGDG! He's quoting the bulwark, Again! How stupid does he think we are?"

Then your lie is Not going to fly. Try saying that you 'heard on the street', or 'people say'
That's not Very plausible, but that is Much more so than Completely Implausible
Glad to help!
i know, with a little work; you'll be able to tell lies that will fool Some People, Some of the Time

Original Mike said...

"Because, bluntly, every time he comments lately we get another version of the "hey suckers, your country which I lived in and benefitted from for decades is going into the shitter, y'all are screwed, sucks to be you" and someone finally called him out on how tiresome it's getting."

I agree. We get it already.

PresbyPoet said...

I remember hearing the story of a man who saw WW2 coming, so he moved to a peaceful South Sea Island. Guadalcanal

Roughcoat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

Gilbar has a highly developed sneer and it's oh, so entertaining. This blog is a precious gift.

h said...

THis is nearly the 400th comment, and I can't claim to have read them all, so perhaps this point has already been made.

I've read the article referenced by Chuck, and I don't find it totally convincing. But it seems to me that any confusion could be cleared up by a reporter asking Biden: "You have made a big point in your candidacy announcement that Trump was wrong (or racist, or whatever Biden actually said) in saying that there are "good people on both sides" of the debate about whether Confederate statues should be kept or removed from public places. Are you saying that every person who favored keeping those statues is a bad person?"

Otto said...

As Mark Levin states the real problem is not Biden but the press. They are the ones who started the lie about Trump's words. Biden is just a puppet of the press and he knows the press will support him in continuing the lie. As is often quoted "just think of the press as an arm of the Democrat party." That is problem in our political system.

mockturtle said...

As the 2020 election season heats up, beware of polling that has an agenda.

Um, I thought all of it did.

tcrosse said...

I remember hearing the story of a man who saw WW2 coming, so he moved to a peaceful South Sea Island. Guadalcanal

Wilmer McLean had a farm in Bull Run, VA, where a battle in the Civil War took place. In order to avoid the war, he moved to a place which was later called Appomattox Court House. The saying is that the War began in his front yard an ended in his sitting room.

Fernandinande said...

Buwaya's analysis is sound.

When are you leaving the US?

wwww said...

"Maybe you should read one or more of Kurt Schlicgter's novels to under stand how people on the right think."

He's not talking about moving to Arizona but across an Ocean. That's a long flight from California to Europe. Arizona is a fast drive from CA. Flying across an Ocean. Babies are not easy to fly with. That move is a real move, not like moving to a different state next door. Visits will be a lot less, unless they come back to California a lot, and then what is the point of moving?

If he's scared of what's happening in the US what is the point of leaving kids and grandkids behind? & What is so scary to him in the US that it's worth moving to Spain and leaving kids behind? I don't get it. Kids cannot follow to new country without citizenship and a job. Moving countries is serious once you cross an Ocean. You're going to visit less & they can't join you without citizenship & job in new country.

gilbar said...

Thank You Mock Turtle! You'll always be a delicious soup, no matter What you're made of!

PresbyPoet said...
I remember hearing the story of a man who saw WW2 coming, so he moved to a peaceful South Sea Island. Guadalcanal

As I understand it; Tsutomu_Yamaguchi originally lived in Tokyo, but moved because of the bombings; Then moved again after Hiroshima
Wikipedia just makes him seem to be unlucky in timing. They start with him living in Nagasaki, and just visiting Hiroshima (then going back to Nagasaki just in time); They don't mention him living anywhere BEFORE Nagasaki.
STILL; next time someone talks about 'how horrible nuclear weapons are', remember the man that got A-Bombed... TWICE; and lived through both

DanTheMan said...

>>Althouse, do an analysis of a transcript of the Biden video and show where he told a blatant lie.

Go back a page and watch the video I posted of Joe Biden lying his ass off about his record.
Actual lies, about measurable things he knows are false.

The come back and post YOUR analysis.

Fernandinande said...

says "As previously reported, the BC Supreme Court ordered in February that 14-year-old Maxine* receive testosterone injections without parental consent."

He has his Mom's consent and help; the crazy kid is making suicide threats to get his way.

And the "Federalist's" quote about "violence" doesn't appear in the court proceedings the Federalist referenced.

IOW, very probably more fake news.

With his mother’s help, A.B. [the now 15 year-old girl] sought medical assistance to allow him to begin a physical transition to a boy[sic].
Dr. Hursh states that he discussed with A.B. and his mother the nature, consequences and foreseeable risks and benefits of testosterone hormone therapy. A.B. and his mother signed a detailed form entitled, "Informed Consent Form – Testosterone Therapy for Gender Dysphoria"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wow. You go Althouse! And here I was all set to say why Biden is a poor candidate from an adult perspective. But by golly, you set us straight and disqualified him on the basis of confusing confederacy lovers with Nazis! What a clarification! Nazis thought other races were inferior to theirs and committed war, broke treaties, enslaved people and committed genocide. Whereas confederates simply thought other races inferior to theirs, committed war, broke treaties, enslaved people and just raped and lynched whichever black folks (inferior races, according to them) they thought had gotten "uppity." Big difference! I'm so glad we have you to remind us of how much better confederates are than Nazis! What a service you have done for our civic education.

Maybe the confederates would have fought the Nazis and liberated Europe? Strange idea though, given how enamored HItler was with the antebellum American South.

rhhardin said...

A Robert E Lee statue could be honoring good character.

wwww said...

Guys, we shouldn't hassle him over where he wants to live. I'm sorry to see that happen. I was curious because leaving family is a hard choice and it's a very long flight. Often time it's the wife who doesn't want to leave children behind, especially once they start having grandbabies. I also don't get what's so bad about what's happening in the US that it necessitates a move to Spain.

I don't get the choice of Spain for political reasons. Now, Spain is more Catholic, although there are a lot of non-practicing Catholics, but culturally it may be closer to what he he looking for. & Spain is a popular retirement place for people from the UK. It's sunny and less expensive then London.

Douglas B. Levene said...

I wonder if Glenn Kessler, the famous fact-checker at the Washington Post, will review Biden's ad for accuracy. Kessler is famous for counting statements as lies if they omit contextual facts, like contemporaneous statements that contradict the statement under review. Seems like this would be an easy case for a few Pinocchios, right?

chickelit said...

Maybe the confederates would have fought the Nazis and liberated Europe?

I'm sure that many did, insofar as "The South" historically provided soldiers for America's many wars, and no doubt many of them had Confederate skeletons in their closets. But go ahead and trot out your peculiar self-loathing of anything and anyone white from "The South" for us to see once again. You are predictable in that regard and never disappoint.

Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...

Joe Biden doesn’t have character, nor brain power. This has been demonstrated for decades.

Your desire for a retraction is a hedging strategy to keep the possibility of his candidacy alive. He is not an honorable man. Period. He’s an opportunist, he’s silly and he’s creepy. These 3 character attributes are self-evident. And they are not new. FAIL.

And I’m delighted he’s in the race, because I cannot wait to observe how he caters to the Democrat big tent lunatic fringe victim amalgam. All the D.C. media figures fawn over him because “he means well,” and “he’s passionate,” and “he has heart. What does that have to do with ANYTHING about being President of the United States of America?

To my mind, his only qualification is that he doesn’t hate the USA. That puts him at odds with the Democrat fringe.

Not going to end well.

Michael K said...

Moving countries is serious once you cross an Ocean. You're going to visit less & they can't join you without citizenship & job in new country.

My wife and I thought of moving to the south of France many years ago. Your points about kids and grandkids is good but some of us , a lot I think, believe we are headed into rough waters, California is an example. We will be very happy to get back to Arizona.

buwaya may have less to tie him here. I don't recall a discussion of his kids except to bemoan the schools they go to. I think public schools are child abuse and sent mine to private schools. I wish I could afford to send the grandkids, at least those of my younger son who is conservative. He did get the two younger ones into a charter school. They private school that I sent him and his sibs to is now as expensive as a state college. The private high school that I sent my two younger daughters to is now heavily infiltrated with drugs, I am told. The problem, I am told, is with the rich community called Coto de Caza that is next door and has a number of professional athletes as residents. The spoiled rich kids, like the ones being bribed into some universities, are the problem,. Again this is second hand.

I am glad my kids are grown and I worry about grandkids but getting them out of California is the best I can do,.

Michael K said...

You are predictable in that regard and never disappoint.

Ritmo is not interested in Scots-Irish and their history. In fact, I suspect history began last week for him.

Rabel said...

"Maybe the confederates would have fought the Nazis and liberated Europe?"

Dwight D. Eisenhower, born October 14, 1890, Denison, Texas.

Good call.

Fernandinande said...

And the "Federalist's" quote about "violence" doesn't appear in the court proceedings the Federalist referenced.

Oops. Damned online viewer.

"Attempting to persuade A.B. to abandon treatment for gender dyspho
addressing A.B. by his birth name; referring to A.B. as a girl or with
female pronouns whether to him directly or to third parties; shall be
considered to be family violence under s. 38 of the Family Law Act."

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