SHALOM Many are familiar with the Hebrew word shalom or “peace.” The common western definition of peace is — the absence of conflict or war — but in Hebrew it means so much more.
“Shalom” is taken from the root word shalam, which means, “to be safe in mind, body, or estate.” It speaks of completeness, fullness, or a type of wholeness that encourages you to give back — to generously re-pay something in some way.
Kinda interesting from over fifty years ago. KPIX-TV Eyewitness News report from July 8th 1968 by Mike Lee in San Francisco, which examines media representations of the African American community in Bayview Hunters Point. In his introduction Lee states that: "Hunters Point had been rated by the news media as one of the big potential trouble spots of the nation. But despite that advanced publicity, there has been relatively little trouble here this summer." Lee also refers to a developing "culture of black brotherhood," which he characterizes as "a new form of black power." Includes interviews with Floyd (a legal assistant) by Candlestick Park; Phil Kay (Associate Editor of 'The Spokesman') and Loren Bradford (Western Addition War on Poverty office). Ends with silent, POV views of the neighborhood, shot from a moving car along 3rd Street. It's worth noting that this item was orginally titled 'Ghetto Report I' in the KPIX News shot-log for 1968. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and make a prediction. Sometime under the last two years of Trump or if he or another Republican president in 2020, I predict that the FBI or BATF will bust a far left-wing group for running guns from Mexico.
Why would the lefties do such a thing? Well, because they know they're seriously outgunned by the Right. Not only do the Righties have hundreds of millions of guns, but they also "own" the US gun culture. The Right can thus keep tabs on what guns the Left is acquiring in ways that the Left would prefer to keep secret.
And, lo & behold, in the 4/28/2019 San Diego Tribune, what's the story? Lefties caught attempting to buy guns from Mexican cartels!!
I'll love to hear the Progs who want to take away our guns to explain why it's a GOOD THING that Chavez, Maduro and the Venezuelan communists did that some ten years back, SO THAT the only hope of overthrowing that corrupt, stupid government lies with getting the military to come over to their side.
(which it may not do, given that it--unlike the populace---still gets to eat).
Go on...Inga... Feder, Chuck et al, give it a shot. Tell us again why a disarmed populace is a good thing.
And then tell us how things will work out if the proglodytes and Antifa types were to try to overthrow our government.
Anyone wanna bet on how the old Soviet idea of "the correlations of forces" would work out for them?
You know....a hundred million firearms on Trump's/our side?
There is a severe need for Molotov Cocktails and RPGs in Venezuela.
I wouldn't be surprised that American, Brazilian, & Columbian intelligence agencies are working on that problem as we speak.
Maduro really has few friends left in the hemisphere. No one except the Russians & the Cubans would complain about the Russians & Cubans in Venezuela ending up dead.
It's not going to be pretty, but there are too many forces aligned against Maduro, who can't even keep the lights on.
The leftist are calling for the resignation of Barr. According to sources, Mueller wrote a letter to Barr whinning about they way Barr has handled things. The leftist are too stupid to understand that Mueller works for him, not the other way around.
I object to those deplorables who suggest a bloodbath take place in Venezuela as a way to deal with anti-government protesters.
Mueller is blowing his top at Attorney General Barr for his 4-page exculpatory "summary" of his in excess of 400 page report. Well, why doesn't Mueller draft his own summary of his report? What did he expect from the deceitful Trump administration?
Some CBS TV show had a subplot about the Feres doctrine. Then the local news affiliate (also CBS) had a blurb about it in the local news stories. Is this a case of collusion between the news organization, the entertainment industry and the legal-industrial complex plaintiff's bar, or am 8 just imagining a connection?
Barr lied to Congress that he didn't know if the Special Counsel approved of Barr's reporting. Turns out that he had read Mueller's letter which was clear:
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote. “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.”
Barr has lied and lied and lied, just like his boss.
The biggest and most important story is Venezuela, but themost revealing news story of the moment is about the latest witch hunt in academia.
After reading the Mueller report and Barr’s summary to Congress, people can make up their own mind if Barr fairly summarizes the report.
I think he did.
I don’t give a shit what Mueller thinks. The guy fucked up the anthrax investigation. He’s a figurehead. A mope. He can now retire somewhere. He’s tenure as head of the FBI was like the tenure of W and Obama. Remarkably bad. Wall Street melted down the economy and Murller was investigating steroids in baseball. Fucking mope.
Wow, listen to msdnc for 3 minutes, and you would think, things are way worse here tonight, than Venezuela. They have all gone apoplectic over Barr doing his job. Barr in front of the Senate tomorrow will be illuminating
Anyone have “full public confidence” in the Anthrax investigation?
Confidence in the Wall Street investigation?
In the Corzine investigation?
Mueller really drinks his own piss. Anyone familiar with his record is unimpressed with him. The Ray Rice report he did clearing Roger Goodell was a joke. Just like Sideshow Bob.
Gadfly We can read the Mueller report ourselves, and judge for ourselves whether Barr distorted or not. We don’t need to rely on Mueller’s opinion. Do you understand that the Mueller report itself is a better guide to the Mueller report than even Mueller is? If Barr lied you should be able to prove that *from the report*. We'll wait.
He covered up bulger's misdeeds following his boss William weld, he ran interference for Gitmo detainees he went after Israel by indicting AIPAC, he shut down the investigation into bcci some of whose players later formed the golden chain
Subsequently many of the support network like Awlaki on the west coast and south Florida players like el shukrijumah were not in estimated till years later.
Question: Did Special Prosecutor Mueller PROSECUTE Trump, Trump Jr., anyone from the Trump campaign or any American for conspiring with Russia to interfere with the 2016 election?
According to sources, Mueller wrote a letter to Barr whinning about they way Barr has handled things.
This was a while ago and the resolution was to get the redacted report out ASAP, which is what Mueller wanted.
The DOJ lawyers were apparently miffed that Mueller's team didn't send a version over with commonly-understood redactions and they were playing catch-up doing the work after the world knew the report had been delivered.
If Mueller's team had done their jobs, there wouldn't have been as long a gap before the report could be made public.
To those who think this is big news, I would ask: "What part of the report does this letter to Barr change?"
Barr lied to Congress that he didn't know if the Special Counsel approved of Barr's reporting. Turns out that he had read Mueller's letter which was clear:
Nice try, Mueller says your full of shit.
“The Special Counsel emphasized that nothing in the Attorney General’s March 24 letter was inaccurate or misleading,” According to DoJ spokesperson, Kerri Kupec.
Zebley is interesting because once upon a time he was a field agent assigned to Ali soufans partner gaudin, the one whose sere retraining as a ranger disnt put him off waterboarding
Mueller and His Team can go back to internal investigations that exonerate the scumbags at big corporations. Sideshow Bob. Making millions on whitewashing investigations for corporations. PR bullshit.
“And, lo & behold, in the 4/28/2019 San Diego Tribune, what's the story? Lefties caught attempting to buy guns from Mexican cartels!!”
“I wants me some mad props!”
My thoughts when I read about the left smuggling guns into the US from Mexico, that they were (foolishly) acquiring fully automatic (MGs) firearms. Far cheaper to buy them from Mexican smugglers than legal full automatics. If they are worried about the Vast Rightwing Conspiracy tracking their gun purchases, they should just buy some 80% complete lower receivers, complete them, and finish them with parts purchased over the Internet.
If they are worried about the Vast Rightwing Conspiracy tracking their gun purchases, they should just buy some 80% complete lower receivers, complete them, and finish them with parts purchased over the Internet.
But that takes time & skill, and no doubt the FBI & the vendors themselves are watching for bulk buyers.
Like you, I suspect that the Lefties are shopping for higher end hardware like fully automatic, RPGs, grenade launchers, & the like. They are so outgunned in numbers by the righties that they probably feel they need to make up in firepower (& the ability to terrorize) what they lack in numbers.
I also suspect that various antifa organizations are working with the cartels as drug sellers, because it's a quick source of lots of untraceable cash.
Well, Gadfly, I read both Barr's summary letter when published and the actual report which is publicly available- there is literally nothing in that summary letter that is factually incorrect- hell, Barr even used Mueller's own damned sentences quoted directly from the the report on both the collusion angle and the obstruction angle.
So, my challenge to you is this- take Barr's summary and the report, and tell me what parts Barr got wrong?
Yeah, keep that hope alive, Readering. I read the entire NYTimes story- Mueller was criticizing the press coverage, not the summary which the story itself admits Mueller agreed was factually correct. What Mueller wanted was for a broader release of the report itself, which of course was done two weeks ago, but you might have missed it and didn't read it.
We were given a conspiracy theory worse than anything Joseph McCarthy came up with. The theory was a fraud, a lie, an outright narrative of bullshit from beginning to end. Any sane and normal citizen can see it.
Now we are supposed to try to understand the nuances of the Mueller Report that haven't been captured by Barr's summary after being outright lied to for two years? Of course, con men can always launch another line of bullshit. Good luck selling those lies to rational people.
Why do we care how Venezuela runs it's internal affairs? Let their citizens figure it out.
Bottom line: Trey Gowdy was wrong about Mueller's integrity. I suppose I have to explain what integrity is for the lefty trolls who haunt this blog, considering that they are unfamiliar with the concept.
Prolly just a big misunderstanding. It will all get straightened out when Barr, Mueller, Rosenstein and McGahn all testify at length under oath. Oh, and Trump too. He said how much he wanted to testify. He should have that opportunity.
Nobody, least of all Democrats in Congress, believes that there was any collusion or obstruction. But they do know that the same willing idiots who fell for Kavanaugh, Covington, etc. will follow them down this trail of idiocy without hesitation. No brains, no principles, no balls.
Mueller had two years in which he was able to write anything he wanted about what his team did and was doing. He then does in fact write a number of hundreds of pages about such. But now he feels the urgent need to write 3 or 4 more pages? Did he forget something that he suddenly remembered?
Weird. Just wrote one of my long posts about predicting that AG Barr may be impeached before President Trm by the Dems in the House. It was only one paragraph, so likely under 2k characters (yes, I know I ramble a bit, but I usually need at least three of my paragraphs to break the 4K limit on comment lengths. Went through CAPTCHA twice. And Blogger responded "404 Forbidden". Anyone else here run into this "Forbidden" problem before? Any ideas here? My worry is that Google is starting to moderate for political content, esp since my 2 or 3 comments rejected as Forbidden were of a political nature. But then most of what I post is political, so that may not be the problem. Ideas?
You know those Fact Checks of some hated figure on the right that read like, “OK, technically everything he said was true, but we really don’t like where he’s going with this, so, Four Pinocchios”?
I think that’s how the objections to the misleading Barr summary work. And those of you pressing critics for specifics are missing the point, dammit.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote. “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.
Mohammed Noor guilty of manslaughter 3. I do not understand this. Sacrificial lamb to "aroused public opinion," i.e., a "legal lynching" is more like it.
blogger is terrible, Bruce. Chalk it up to that for now. Copy long comments before trying to post them. I get sick of losing all that html I just typed to bloggers dysfunction
"Prolly just a big misunderstanding. It will all get straightened out when Barr, Mueller, Rosenstein and McGahn all testify at length under oath. Oh, and Trump too. He said how much he wanted to testify. He should have that opportunity."
You should get Trump testifying out of your head. Ain't gonna happen. His attorneys aren't going to let him, and Congress can't make him. He heads a coequal branch of government, and Separation of Powers prevents them from makeing him testify. And part of Separation of Powers is Executive Privilege. I doubt that the President's attorney is going to be allowed to testify - Trump has both Executive and Atty/Client Privileges with him. Everyone else is going to have a DoJ attorney sitting right next to them to assert whatever Privileges the Executive decides to assert. Nadler melted down when he was made aware of this. Too bad. So sad. But this is no different than the FBI sitting an attorney minder next to their people when testifying to prevent them from talking about anything involving the Mueller investigation. Reading the Congressional testimony transcripts was very illuminating in this respect. Everything being investigated in the DoJ and FBI somehow involved alleged Russian Collussion, which was the ostensible reason for the Mueller investigation. Any line of questioning getting anywhere close was shut down hard by those FBI arty minders. The interesting thing is that the DoJ didn't seem to follow suit, which meant that of all the transcripts I read, Bruce Ohr's were the most forthright and revealing. Well, the Dems in the House can expect the same from Trump to protect his legal Privileges.
Bruce I was being sarcastic about Trump testifying. I've read Trump's deposition transcripts in two of his civil cases. He's a horrendous, incompetent witness. No good lawyer working for Trump in either a civil or criminal setting should allow Trump to testify if it can possibly be avoided.
This letter by Mueller and the subsequent "leaking" of the letter a full month later, just by coincidence the night before Barr is scheduled to be interviewed before the Senate, is an orchestrated media/DNC performance. Everyone holding to their assigned scripts. Nobody is doing anything but playing their part.
Barr is great in questioning, and he has the huge advantage of have the law on his side, and Mueller takes orders from Barr. A person of Barr's intelligence, and experience, will carve up the stupid questions,and questioner, then cite law on questions of substance.
"Crumb's comics are "seriously problematic because of the pain and harm caused by perpetuating images of racial stereotypes and sexual violence," the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (MICE) explained last year when removing Crumb's name from one of its exhibit rooms."
Mmmm, no. Noor and his partner's good judgment and training in police work may well be questioned in their decision to proceed through a dark and foggy alley with their lights off looking for the suspect, and Noor maybe also with his finger on the trigger of his weapon, but that he could be startled by the sudden appearance of this apparition next to their cruiser and instinctively fire his weapon is believable.
cacimbo said... The UNC shooter must be a Democrat and/or Trump hater since the shooting has been disappeared from this morning's news reports.
Here’s what you need to know about UNCC shooting suspect Trystan Terrell: 1. Trystan Terrell Is Autistic 2. Terrell Is a Registered Libertarian & Does Not Appear to Have a Criminal Record 3. Terrell Lives Directly Across the Street From a Light Rail Service that Goes to the UNCC Campus 4. Trystan is a Long Haired Hippy Punk
Nothing to see here folks, just Move Along! Seriously, have you noticed how many of these shooting happen to be correlated to Light Rail Service?
Listening to Attorneys Explain that Barr should as least be censured by the Bar Association, for his misleading 4 page summary. The Attorneys go on to explain, that "while the summary may be truthful and does not mislead, the overall affect was to confuse the public."
Hagar said... Noor and his partner's good judgment and training in police work may well be questioned in their decision to proceed through a dark and foggy alley with their lights off
There was plenty of lighting from street lights. That came out during the trial.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said... Colbert Spreads the big Media-Biden lie.
Nope, the "'Charlottesville Hoax' Hoax" is not going to work anymore.
Trump really DID praise the white supremacists in Charlottesville before he condemned white supremacy.
Scott Adams hates this column so much that he will not say the title of the piece or its online publication, or even the name of the author, which is Robert Tracinski.
Tracinski disembowels the Scott Adams-promoted "Charlottesville Hoax" narratve, and Adams can't stand it.
In short; what Scott Adams keeps quoting about how Trump disowned all of white supremacism is not a complete quote of all of Trump's Remarks. Tracinski did, here:
Trump said that there were "many fine people" among the Friday-night torch wavers chanting "Jews will not replace us." And Trump said that the people he was favoring "had a permit." But the people who had the much-litigated demonstration permit were the white supremacists, and the reason that the permit was so heavily litigated was because it was a case of a classic hate group wishing to employ their rights under the First Amendment, and in the end the First Amendment won and American Nazis were able to express themselves in a demonstration.
But what Tracinski points out is that among the warring "Unite the Right" demonstrators on Saturday, and among the torch-wielders on Friday in Charlottesville, there were virtually no "protesters" of the kind that Trump was falsely envisioning when Trump made the statement that Scott Adams was attempting to defend. There were no moderate, respectable, historical-preservationist types of any note or number or consequence on the streets of Charlottesville that weekend.
Robert Tracinski is one of those people in fact; who were against the removal of civil war monuments and statues.
Far from being defensible (or "perfect" as Trump claimed), his several comments on Charlottesville have been incompetent at best and racist dog-whistles at worst.
And again; I don't even care much about the shit headed Althouse commentariat on this. I want to engage Althouse and Scott Adams as directly as they will allow. They are gaslighting the public with this "Charlottesville Hoax" nonsense.
iowan2 said... Lindsey Grahm is reading the Strozk/Page text messages. He is camparing and contrasting the Clinton investigation v the President Trump investigation.
Grahm is promising to got after the investigation of Clinton
Grahm is laying out the obstruction undertaken by Clinton and staff concerning the destruction of evidence.
his several comments on Charlottesville have been incompetent at best and racist dog-whistles at worst.
We are now reduced to uninformed opinion about what constitutes incompetent, and searching about the penumbra, and emanations for any definition of "racist dog whistles. (using the term 'dog whistle, is a dog whistle)
Let's not forget. The poster here has stated he has no interest in the truth and only here to smear President Trump.
iowan2 said... his several comments on Charlottesville have been incompetent at best and racist dog-whistles at worst.
We are now reduced to uninformed opinion about what constitutes incompetent, and searching about the penumbra, and emanations for any definition of "racist dog whistles. (using the term 'dog whistle, is a dog whistle)
Let's not forget. The poster here has stated he has no interest in the truth and only here to smear President Trump.
Context matters.
Get this straight, you jackass. If you quoted me -- and you should have -- I never, ever said anything about having "no interest in the truth." Subsequent to my original comment that you are incompetently trying to quote, I wrote that I regretted using the word "smear" in particular given that at least one definition of that word includes referentially the use of untruth. Although I never intended to say or imply that I wanted to hurt Trump with any untruth.
I want the truth, and nothing less, to bring down Trump and end his presidency.
“There's a character limit on comments? I didn't know that.”
Officially, the limit is 4096 (2^12) characters. Unofficially, it is a little less. My supposition is that the 4096 limit includes HTML that Blogger automatically wraps around the comments. Not surprising, given the length of my posts, I have run into this routinely over the years. At least it is better than Reason, where Volokh has moved, that only allows either 1k or 2k characters.
The most interesting thing I got out of Barr's testimony was his comment that if the intelligence community really thought that the Trump campaign and the Russians were colluding, their response was pretty weak.
Noor and his partner possibly should be dismissed from their jobs for poor judgment and poor police work (assuming that to have been shown and substantiated), but police officers should not be prosecuted for murder unless there is some positive evidence that there was an intent to kill.
If the law is against you argue the facts. If the facts are against you argue the law. If the facts and the law is against you, act like Mazie Hirono, and the entire Democrat Party and make as ass of yourself by spewing 7 minutes of invective, accusations without evidence, and ad hominem attacks.
"you, act like Mazie Hirono, and the entire Democrat Party and make as ass of yourself by spewing 7 minutes of invective, accusations without evidence, and ad hominem attacks."
That was embarrassing, even by Hirono's standards.
police officers should not be prosecuted for murder unless there is some positive evidence that there was an intent to kill.
Manslaughter might be more appropriate but he has to be held to a higher standard. The defense "expert" argued the exact reverse of his argument in the previous police shooting case in Minneapolis. The Philando Castile case
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१०७ टिप्पण्या:
The Brewer's pitching is looking a bit better, and the Bucks are laying waste to Boston. Not a bad Wisconsin sports night.
Many are familiar with the Hebrew word shalom or “peace.” The common western definition of peace is — the absence of conflict or war — but in Hebrew it means so much more.
“Shalom” is taken from the root word shalam, which means, “to be safe in mind, body, or estate.” It speaks of completeness, fullness, or a type of wholeness that encourages you to give back — to generously re-pay something in some way.
Kinda interesting from over fifty years ago.
KPIX-TV Eyewitness News report from July 8th 1968 by Mike Lee in San Francisco, which examines media representations of the African American community in Bayview Hunters Point. In his introduction Lee states that: "Hunters Point had been rated by the news media as one of the big potential trouble spots of the nation. But despite that advanced publicity, there has been relatively little trouble here this summer." Lee also refers to a developing "culture of black brotherhood," which he characterizes as "a new form of black power." Includes interviews with Floyd (a legal assistant) by Candlestick Park; Phil Kay (Associate Editor of 'The Spokesman') and Loren Bradford (Western Addition War on Poverty office). Ends with silent, POV views of the neighborhood, shot from a moving car along 3rd Street. It's worth noting that this item was orginally titled 'Ghetto Report I' in the KPIX News shot-log for 1968. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.
On March 20, I posted the following in the Althouse forum:
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and make a prediction. Sometime under the last two years of Trump or if he or another Republican president in 2020, I predict that the FBI or BATF will bust a far left-wing group for running guns from Mexico.
Why would the lefties do such a thing? Well, because they know they're seriously outgunned by the Right. Not only do the Righties have hundreds of millions of guns, but they also "own" the US gun culture. The Right can thus keep tabs on what guns the Left is acquiring in ways that the Left would prefer to keep secret.
And, lo & behold, in the 4/28/2019 San Diego Tribune, what's the story? Lefties caught attempting to buy guns from Mexican cartels!!
I wants me some mad props!
I'll love to hear the Progs who want to take away our guns to explain why it's a GOOD THING that Chavez, Maduro and the Venezuelan communists did that some ten years back, SO THAT the only hope of overthrowing that corrupt, stupid government lies with getting the military to come over to their side.
(which it may not do, given that it--unlike the populace---still gets to eat).
Go on...Inga... Feder, Chuck et al, give it a shot. Tell us again why a disarmed populace is a good thing.
And then tell us how things will work out if the proglodytes and Antifa types were to try to overthrow our government.
Anyone wanna bet on how the old Soviet idea of "the correlations of forces" would work out for them?
You know....a hundred million firearms on Trump's/our side?
Noor found guilty of third degree murder and manslaughter.
There is a severe need for Molotov Cocktails and RPGs in Venezuela.
Lefties caught attempting to buy guns from Mexican cartels!!
Furious and fast. The Mexican-Nazi Affair. #HateLovesAbortion
There is a severe need for Molotov Cocktails and RPGs in Venezuela.
I wouldn't be surprised that American, Brazilian, & Columbian intelligence agencies are working on that problem as we speak.
Maduro really has few friends left in the hemisphere. No one except the Russians & the Cubans would complain about the Russians & Cubans in Venezuela ending up dead.
It's not going to be pretty, but there are too many forces aligned against Maduro, who can't even keep the lights on.
The leftist are calling for the resignation of Barr. According to sources, Mueller wrote a letter to Barr whinning about they way Barr has handled things. The leftist are too stupid to understand that Mueller works for him, not the other way around.
The leftist are too stupid to understand that Mueller works for him, not the other way around.
They’re just trying to cause trouble, like Freder, Howard the educated fool, Ritmo, roesch, and Inga back in her day.
I object to those deplorables who suggest a bloodbath take place in Venezuela as a way to deal with anti-government protesters.
Mueller is blowing his top at Attorney General Barr for his 4-page exculpatory "summary" of his in excess of 400 page report. Well, why doesn't Mueller draft his own summary of his report? What did he expect from the deceitful Trump administration?
Sounds like the Comey memos, all over again, you know his many innocent civilians maduros collectivos have killed.
Devlin barrett was the one who was fed crumbs about McCabe through Peter atrzok.
There is a severe need for guts and courage in Venezuela. They are waiting for us a to pull their ass out of the fire. Fuck them.
iowan2: "The leftist are calling for the resignation of Barr."
There is no better evidence that the investigatiob into Comey and crew is in full swing....
Performance Artist: "Mueller is blowing his top ..."
Tsk tsk tsk
Sounds like a certain Special Counsel was temperamentally unsuited for his job.....
The neverending attacks then, 1950's once published and now, well, not 1950 no more.
How sad this becoming's lot.
As ever shall be.
Buckley taught us well enough so shall we teach again; Uncle Milt's shoulders square squarely.
This is a rematch from 17 years ago, they didnt cut off Chavezs head and he snapped Venezuela into a hellscape.
Mueller’s letter is just an attempt to set the narrative before Barr’s testimony tomorrow.
If Mueller has done his job, had a redacted report ready, and reached a conclusion on collusion this would not have been necessary.
Ken Star did his job, right or wrong.
That is why I see the Mueller Report as a political hatchet job against Trump.
Has anyone issued a Writ of Habeas Corpus for Notorious RBG??
I'm thinking she is on ice.
Some CBS TV show had a subplot about the Feres doctrine. Then the local news affiliate (also CBS) had a blurb about it in the local news stories. Is this a case of collusion between the news organization, the entertainment industry and the legal-industrial complex plaintiff's bar, or am 8 just imagining a connection?
Headline: Mueller states Barr letter was neither inaccurate nor misleading.
Lefties/LLR-lefties: Barr was inaccurate and misleading!!!
Barr lied to Congress that he didn't know if the Special Counsel approved of Barr's reporting. Turns out that he had read Mueller's letter which was clear:
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote. “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.”
Barr has lied and lied and lied, just like his boss.
The biggest and most important story is Venezuela, but themost revealing news story of the moment is about the latest witch hunt in academia.
After reading the Mueller report and Barr’s summary to Congress, people can make up their own mind if Barr fairly summarizes the report.
I think he did.
I don’t give a shit what Mueller thinks. The guy fucked up the anthrax investigation. He’s a figurehead. A mope. He can now retire somewhere. He’s tenure as head of the FBI was like the tenure of W and Obama. Remarkably bad. Wall Street melted down the economy and Murller was investigating steroids in baseball. Fucking mope.
Wow, listen to msdnc for 3 minutes, and you would think, things are way worse here tonight, than Venezuela.
They have all gone apoplectic over Barr doing his job.
Barr in front of the Senate tomorrow will be illuminating
Anyone have “full public confidence” in the Anthrax investigation?
Confidence in the Wall Street investigation?
In the Corzine investigation?
Mueller really drinks his own piss. Anyone familiar with his record is unimpressed with him. The Ray Rice report he did clearing Roger Goodell was a joke. Just like Sideshow Bob.
We can read the Mueller report ourselves, and judge for ourselves whether Barr distorted or not. We don’t need to rely on Mueller’s opinion. Do you understand that the Mueller report itself is a better guide to the Mueller report than even Mueller is? If Barr lied you should be able to prove that *from the report*. We'll wait.
He covered up bulger's misdeeds following his boss William weld, he ran interference for Gitmo detainees he went after Israel by indicting AIPAC, he shut down the investigation into bcci some of whose players later formed the golden chain
Which financed al queda notably the bin mahfouz clan, and the alamoudis
Subsequently many of the support network like Awlaki on the west coast and south Florida players like el shukrijumah were not in estimated till years later.
Hi Gadfly! How are you?
Question: Did Special Prosecutor Mueller PROSECUTE Trump, Trump Jr., anyone from the Trump campaign or any American for conspiring with Russia to interfere with the 2016 election?
According to sources, Mueller wrote a letter to Barr whinning about they way Barr has handled things.
This was a while ago and the resolution was to get the redacted report out ASAP, which is what Mueller wanted.
The DOJ lawyers were apparently miffed that Mueller's team didn't send a version over with commonly-understood redactions and they were playing catch-up doing the work after the world knew the report had been delivered.
If Mueller's team had done their jobs, there wouldn't have been as long a gap before the report could be made public.
To those who think this is big news, I would ask: "What part of the report does this letter to Barr change?"
Barr lied to Congress that he didn't know if the Special Counsel approved of Barr's reporting. Turns out that he had read Mueller's letter which was clear:
Nice try, Mueller says your full of shit.
“The Special Counsel emphasized that nothing in the Attorney General’s March 24 letter was inaccurate or misleading,” According to DoJ spokesperson, Kerri Kupec.
Weissmans special frame recipe wasnt included , Same with zebley running interference for the Clintons
Zebley is interesting because once upon a time he was a field agent assigned to Ali soufans partner gaudin, the one whose sere retraining as a ranger disnt put him off waterboarding
Mueller is upset the media didn’t report he was hero and what an amazing job he did.
Drinks his own piss.
Mueller and His Team can go back to internal investigations that exonerate the scumbags at big corporations. Sideshow Bob. Making millions on whitewashing investigations for corporations. PR bullshit.
Ah yes banamex Facebook whose competitor cambridge analytics was iced, and through his firm Deutsche bank and qatari investors
Michelle Obama’s book is a mega best seller. And now this Netflix deal. Aren’t they rich enough?
I saw 15 seconds of Maxine Waters on MDNBC telling Chris Hayes that Barr must be impeached. Two crazy people talking to each other.
“And, lo & behold, in the 4/28/2019 San Diego Tribune, what's the story? Lefties caught attempting to buy guns from Mexican cartels!!”
“I wants me some mad props!”
My thoughts when I read about the left smuggling guns into the US from Mexico, that they were (foolishly) acquiring fully automatic (MGs) firearms. Far cheaper to buy them from Mexican smugglers than legal full automatics. If they are worried about the Vast Rightwing Conspiracy tracking their gun purchases, they should just buy some 80% complete lower receivers, complete them, and finish them with parts purchased over the Internet.
@Bruce H.
If they are worried about the Vast Rightwing Conspiracy tracking their gun purchases, they should just buy some 80% complete lower receivers, complete them, and finish them with parts purchased over the Internet.
But that takes time & skill, and no doubt the FBI & the vendors themselves are watching for bulk buyers.
Like you, I suspect that the Lefties are shopping for higher end hardware like fully automatic, RPGs, grenade launchers, & the like. They are so outgunned in numbers by the righties that they probably feel they need to make up in firepower (& the ability to terrorize) what they lack in numbers.
I also suspect that various antifa organizations are working with the cartels as drug sellers, because it's a quick source of lots of untraceable cash.
Well, Gadfly, I read both Barr's summary letter when published and the actual report which is publicly available- there is literally nothing in that summary letter that is factually incorrect- hell, Barr even used Mueller's own damned sentences quoted directly from the the report on both the collusion angle and the obstruction angle.
So, my challenge to you is this- take Barr's summary and the report, and tell me what parts Barr got wrong?
So much for the "hoax" line of attack. This has legs.
Yeah, keep that hope alive, Readering. I read the entire NYTimes story- Mueller was criticizing the press coverage, not the summary which the story itself admits Mueller agreed was factually correct. What Mueller wanted was for a broader release of the report itself, which of course was done two weeks ago, but you might have missed it and didn't read it.
We were given a conspiracy theory worse than anything Joseph McCarthy came up with. The theory was a fraud, a lie, an outright narrative of bullshit from beginning to end. Any sane and normal citizen can see it.
Now we are supposed to try to understand the nuances of the Mueller Report that haven't been captured by Barr's summary after being outright lied to for two years? Of course, con men can always launch another line of bullshit. Good luck selling those lies to rational people.
Why do we care how Venezuela runs it's internal affairs? Let their citizens figure it out.
Blogger readering said..."So much for the "hoax" line of attack. This has legs"
The report is out, Barr is testifying, as far as I know Mueller is free to testify.
This is so far from having legs that it hasn't even brought Inga out of the woodwork.
We provide information for bloggers, marketers, entrepreneurs, students, and many readers out there. thesmartmonk
Muellers gotta mewl.
Bottom line: Trey Gowdy was wrong about Mueller's integrity. I suppose I have to explain what integrity is for the lefty trolls who haunt this blog, considering that they are unfamiliar with the concept.
Good to see a jury found Mohamed Noor guilty of murder. About time someone did something intelligent up in Minnesota.
Prolly just a big misunderstanding. It will all get straightened out when Barr, Mueller, Rosenstein and McGahn all testify at length under oath. Oh, and Trump too. He said how much he wanted to testify. He should have that opportunity.
"Well, why doesn't Mueller draft his own summary of his report?"
Or, you could read the actual report itself!
Nobody, least of all Democrats in Congress, believes that there was any collusion or obstruction. But they do know that the same willing idiots who fell for Kavanaugh, Covington, etc. will follow them down this trail of idiocy without hesitation. No brains, no principles, no balls.
We have the report now so one could draw their own conclusions. But no, gossip about Mueller feels wins the day!
Mueller had two years in which he was able to write anything he wanted about what his team did and was doing. He then does in fact write a number of hundreds of pages about such. But now he feels the urgent need to write 3 or 4 more pages? Did he forget something that he suddenly remembered?
exhelodrvr1 said...
"Well, why doesn't Mueller draft his own summary of his report?"
Or, you could read the actual report itself!
There you go! Just release the entire, unredacted report. No more confusion after that.
The House has already agreed, nearly unanimously (420-0).
House Resolution 24, praising the work of Mueller."
Two raccoons- one hunkin big one on gamecam last night. One owl hooting this morning.
Weird. Just wrote one of my long posts about predicting that AG Barr may be impeached before President Trm by the Dems in the House. It was only one paragraph, so likely under 2k characters (yes, I know I ramble a bit, but I usually need at least three of my paragraphs to break the 4K limit on comment lengths. Went through CAPTCHA twice. And Blogger responded "404 Forbidden". Anyone else here run into this "Forbidden" problem before? Any ideas here? My worry is that Google is starting to moderate for political content, esp since my 2 or 3 comments rejected as Forbidden were of a political nature. But then most of what I post is political, so that may not be the problem. Ideas?
You know those Fact Checks of some hated figure on the right that read like, “OK, technically everything he said was true, but we really don’t like where he’s going with this, so, Four Pinocchios”?
I think that’s how the objections to the misleading Barr summary work. And those of you pressing critics for specifics are missing the point, dammit.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote. “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.
Fogbank. Why bother to write this?
Mohammed Noor guilty of manslaughter 3.
I do not understand this. Sacrificial lamb to "aroused public opinion," i.e., a "legal lynching" is more like it.
The UNC shooter must be a Democrat and/or Trump hater since the shooting has been disappeared from this morning's news reports.
blogger is terrible, Bruce. Chalk it up to that for now. Copy long comments before trying to post them. I get sick of losing all that html I just typed to bloggers dysfunction
"Prolly just a big misunderstanding. It will all get straightened out when Barr, Mueller, Rosenstein and McGahn all testify at length under oath. Oh, and Trump too. He said how much he wanted to testify. He should have that opportunity."
You should get Trump testifying out of your head. Ain't gonna happen. His attorneys aren't going to let him, and Congress can't make him. He heads a coequal branch of government, and Separation of Powers prevents them from makeing him testify. And part of Separation of Powers is Executive Privilege. I doubt that the President's attorney is going to be allowed to testify - Trump has both Executive and Atty/Client Privileges with him. Everyone else is going to have a DoJ attorney sitting right next to them to assert whatever Privileges the Executive decides to assert. Nadler melted down when he was made aware of this. Too bad. So sad. But this is no different than the FBI sitting an attorney minder next to their people when testifying to prevent them from talking about anything involving the Mueller investigation. Reading the Congressional testimony transcripts was very illuminating in this respect. Everything being investigated in the DoJ and FBI somehow involved alleged Russian Collussion, which was the ostensible reason for the Mueller investigation. Any line of questioning getting anywhere close was shut down hard by those FBI arty minders. The interesting thing is that the DoJ didn't seem to follow suit, which meant that of all the transcripts I read, Bruce Ohr's were the most forthright and revealing. Well, the Dems in the House can expect the same from Trump to protect his legal Privileges.
Bruce I was being sarcastic about Trump testifying. I've read Trump's deposition transcripts in two of his civil cases. He's a horrendous, incompetent witness. No good lawyer working for Trump in either a civil or criminal setting should allow Trump to testify if it can possibly be avoided.
This letter by Mueller and the subsequent "leaking" of the letter a full month later, just by coincidence the night before Barr is scheduled to be interviewed before the Senate, is an orchestrated media/DNC performance. Everyone holding to their assigned scripts.
Nobody is doing anything but playing their part.
Barr is great in questioning, and he has the huge advantage of have the law on his side, and Mueller takes orders from Barr. A person of Barr's intelligence, and experience, will carve up the stupid questions,and questioner, then cite law on questions of substance.
There's a character limit on comments? I didn't know that.
"Crumb's comics are "seriously problematic because of the pain and harm caused by perpetuating images of racial stereotypes and sexual violence," the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (MICE) explained last year when removing Crumb's name from one of its exhibit rooms."
Stupid mice.
And the British film council wont fund any characters that have facial scars, shirley they cant be serious.
Sacrificial lamb to "aroused public opinion," i.e., a "legal lynching" is more like it.
Yeah. Those white girls in pink tee shirts can be dangerous. How dare she call the cops !
Colbert Spreads the big Media-Biden lie.
Apparently there is no character limit on commenters.
Barr has lied and lied and lied, just like his boss.
Delusions are not good for you. You people are so far out of reality that you will never get back.
Because they want to be the overlords,
Mmmm, no. Noor and his partner's good judgment and training in police work may well be questioned in their decision to proceed through a dark and foggy alley with their lights off looking for the suspect, and Noor maybe also with his finger on the trigger of his weapon, but that he could be startled by the sudden appearance of this apparition next to their cruiser and instinctively fire his weapon is believable.
cacimbo said...
The UNC shooter must be a Democrat and/or Trump hater since the shooting has been disappeared from this morning's news reports.
Here’s what you need to know about UNCC shooting suspect Trystan Terrell:
1. Trystan Terrell Is Autistic
2. Terrell Is a Registered Libertarian & Does Not Appear to Have a Criminal Record
3. Terrell Lives Directly Across the Street From a Light Rail Service that Goes to the UNCC Campus
4. Trystan is a Long Haired Hippy Punk
Nothing to see here folks, just Move Along!
Seriously, have you noticed how many of these shooting happen to be correlated to Light Rail Service?
Cliff's Notes does not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of the works of Shakespeare either.It is not what executive summaries are for.
Listening to Attorneys Explain that Barr should as least be censured by the Bar Association, for his misleading 4 page summary. The Attorneys go on to explain, that "while the summary may be truthful and does not mislead, the overall affect was to confuse the public."
Lawyers are slimy deceitful creatures.
Hagar said...
Noor and his partner's good judgment and training in police work may well be questioned in their decision to proceed through a dark and foggy alley with their lights off
There was plenty of lighting from street lights. That came out during the trial.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Colbert Spreads the big Media-Biden lie.
Nope, the "'Charlottesville Hoax' Hoax" is not going to work anymore.
Trump really DID praise the white supremacists in Charlottesville before he condemned white supremacy.
Scott Adams hates this column so much that he will not say the title of the piece or its online publication, or even the name of the author, which is Robert Tracinski.
Tracinski disembowels the Scott Adams-promoted "Charlottesville Hoax" narratve, and Adams can't stand it.
In short; what Scott Adams keeps quoting about how Trump disowned all of white supremacism is not a complete quote of all of Trump's Remarks. Tracinski did, here:
And here:
And here:"
Trump said that there were "many fine people" among the Friday-night torch wavers chanting "Jews will not replace us." And Trump said that the people he was favoring "had a permit." But the people who had the much-litigated demonstration permit were the white supremacists, and the reason that the permit was so heavily litigated was because it was a case of a classic hate group wishing to employ their rights under the First Amendment, and in the end the First Amendment won and American Nazis were able to express themselves in a demonstration.
But what Tracinski points out is that among the warring "Unite the Right" demonstrators on Saturday, and among the torch-wielders on Friday in Charlottesville, there were virtually no "protesters" of the kind that Trump was falsely envisioning when Trump made the statement that Scott Adams was attempting to defend. There were no moderate, respectable, historical-preservationist types of any note or number or consequence on the streets of Charlottesville that weekend.
Robert Tracinski is one of those people in fact; who were against the removal of civil war monuments and statues.
Far from being defensible (or "perfect" as Trump claimed), his several comments on Charlottesville have been incompetent at best and racist dog-whistles at worst.
And again; I don't even care much about the shit headed Althouse commentariat on this. I want to engage Althouse and Scott Adams as directly as they will allow. They are gaslighting the public with this "Charlottesville Hoax" nonsense.
Lindsey Grahm is reading the Strozk/Page text messages. He is camparing and contrasting the Clinton investigation v the President Trump investigation.
Grahm is promising to got after the investigation of Clinton
Grahm is laying out the obstruction undertaken by Clinton and staff concerning the destruction of evidence.
Bong Way Wong, the Chinese bullfighter from Nogales AZ, on What's My Line.
iowan2 said...
Lindsey Grahm is reading the Strozk/Page text messages. He is camparing and contrasting the Clinton investigation v the President Trump investigation.
Grahm is promising to got after the investigation of Clinton
Grahm is laying out the obstruction undertaken by Clinton and staff concerning the destruction of evidence.
Well okay then!
his several comments on Charlottesville have been incompetent at best and racist dog-whistles at worst.
We are now reduced to uninformed opinion about what constitutes incompetent, and searching about the penumbra, and emanations for any definition of "racist dog whistles. (using the term 'dog whistle, is a dog whistle)
Let's not forget. The poster here has stated he has no interest in the truth and only here to smear President Trump.
Context matters.
iowan2 said...
his several comments on Charlottesville have been incompetent at best and racist dog-whistles at worst.
We are now reduced to uninformed opinion about what constitutes incompetent, and searching about the penumbra, and emanations for any definition of "racist dog whistles. (using the term 'dog whistle, is a dog whistle)
Let's not forget. The poster here has stated he has no interest in the truth and only here to smear President Trump.
Context matters.
Get this straight, you jackass. If you quoted me -- and you should have -- I never, ever said anything about having "no interest in the truth." Subsequent to my original comment that you are incompetently trying to quote, I wrote that I regretted using the word "smear" in particular given that at least one definition of that word includes referentially the use of untruth. Although I never intended to say or imply that I wanted to hurt Trump with any untruth.
I want the truth, and nothing less, to bring down Trump and end his presidency.
Don't you dare make me do this again with you.
Don't make me stop the car!
I guess my hope is alive YW.
“There's a character limit on comments? I didn't know that.”
Officially, the limit is 4096 (2^12) characters. Unofficially, it is a little less. My supposition is that the 4096 limit includes HTML that Blogger automatically wraps around the comments. Not surprising, given the length of my posts, I have run into this routinely over the years. At least it is better than Reason, where Volokh has moved, that only allows either 1k or 2k characters.
you can tell when a Life Long Liberal has no argument, because their potty mouth comes out
LLR said: "Get this straight, you jackass".
It doesn't any better than this!!
Those legs were certainly teeny tiny.
The most interesting thing I got out of Barr's testimony was his comment that if the intelligence community really thought that the Trump campaign and the Russians were colluding, their response was pretty weak.
Noor and his partner possibly should be dismissed from their jobs for poor judgment and poor police work (assuming that to have been shown and substantiated), but police officers should not be prosecuted for murder unless there is some positive evidence that there was an intent to kill.
The truth has a way of coming out eventually. Trump, Barr and the rest of the deplorable circus is collapsing upon the heap of lies they perpetrated.
Hi Inga!
Looks like Readering's hope is dead again. Barr just too much for the Democrats- a battle of the wits versus the witless.
The truth has a way of coming out eventually. Trump, Barr and the rest of the deplorable circus is collapsing upon the heap of lies they perpetrated.
Yep. Any day now! The walls are closing in!
Any. Effing. Day. Now.
Barr has the law on his side.
If the law is against you argue the facts. If the facts are against you argue the law. If the facts and the law is against you, act like Mazie Hirono, and the entire Democrat Party and make as ass of yourself by spewing 7 minutes of invective, accusations without evidence, and ad hominem attacks.
"you, act like Mazie Hirono, and the entire Democrat Party and make as ass of yourself by spewing 7 minutes of invective, accusations without evidence, and ad hominem attacks."
That was embarrassing, even by Hirono's standards.
police officers should not be prosecuted for murder unless there is some positive evidence that there was an intent to kill.
Manslaughter might be more appropriate but he has to be held to a higher standard. The defense "expert" argued the exact reverse of his argument in the previous police shooting case in Minneapolis. The Philando Castile case
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