I guess some people didn’t notice the evidence of government agencies spying on his political rivals, or don’t care. What next, an “I miss you, Aliens & Sedition Act” book? Or “Where have you gone, Star Chamber?”
Birkel I am not. I am Canadian, so cannot vote for your president. Now, would I vote for Trump is a different question ...
Speaking of being Canadian ... why is it Americans know so little American history? Buchanan and the first Johnson are certainly worse than Obama. Probably Wilson. I can think of a couple others.
It would healthier for everyone if Democrats didn't deify all of their politicians.. It's better to recognize leaders as humanly flawed and essentially untrustworthy.
I see why Democrat politicians like it this way, though.
Ken B, Just walk across the border illegally and vote where you like. I am come to understand that is legal in America. (/sarc)
I cannot answer for all Americans. I manage better than average. Buchanan as the worst? Hard to argue the man who gave us 600,000 deaths in a Civil War could be worse. But I judge modern presidents against modern presidents.
I don't miss Obama. That less than 2% economic growth got old. Plus the regulatory over-reach. And the hate on Israel. And the Iran kiss-kiss.
DJT is bigly different. I have to say that Romney and before him McCain (RIP) were real disappointments after they got flattened by Obama. I thought they would resent it. It appears that they both resent Trump more. This shouldn't be hard. Just find a few things on which you agree with him and start singing a duet. He'll love it. Look at Lindsey Graham 2.0.
So, does DJT win the popular vote in 2020? You can always hope. Seeing those California electoral votes going to Trump after he lost the popular vote in the state would be sweet.
In an attempt to give fair warning to its readers, The NYT came out on Friday with an article (without a comments section) headlined:
Mueller Report Likely to Renew Scrutiny of Steele Dossier
"...Now the dossier — financed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, and compiled by the former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele — is likely to face new, possibly harsh scrutiny from multiple inquiries."
"...Interviews with people familiar with Mr. Steele’s work on the dossier and the F.B.I.’s scramble to vet its claims suggest that misgivings about its reliability arose not long after the document became public — and a preoccupation of Trump opponents — in early 2017. Mr. Steele has made clear to associates that he always considered the dossier to be raw intelligence — not established facts, but a starting point for further investigation.
By January 2017, F.B.I. agents had tracked down and interviewed one of Mr. Steele’s main sources, a Russian speaker from a former Soviet republic who had spent time in the West, according to a Justice Department document and three people familiar with the events, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. After questioning him about where he’d gotten his information, they suspected he might have added his own interpretations to reports passed on by his sources, one of the people said. For the F.B.I., that made it harder to decide what to trust."
"...While The New York Times and many other news organizations published little about the document’s unverified claims, social media partisans and television commentators discussed them almost daily over the past two years. The dossier tantalized Mr. Trump’s opponents with a worst-case account of the president’s conduct. And for those trying to make sense of the Trump-Russia saga, the dossier infused the quest for understanding with urgency.
In blunt prose, it suggested that a foreign power had fully compromised the man who would become the next president of the United States."
I agree with Birkel, but Reagan and Trump had very different starting points. You could feel the flop sweat when Reagan beat Carter--we thought it was all going down the drain if Carter won. Reagan did a major relaunch without ever having a majority in the House.
Trump's election was different. Obama had continued the work of Clinton and W Bush of turning us into a lethargic European socialist democracy. You could feel the economic sclerosis advance. HRC would have kept on the fundamental transformation project. Trump moved in and started unclogging the pipes. He isn't much on theory, though.
StephenFearby--I have been waiting for this for two years. The chickens are running around the hen house and look ready to roost. I wonder how long the NYT sat on this revelation. January 2017?
You know, I think this Mueller Report is totally wrong. There WERE Americans who colluded with the Russians to affect the 2016 election. They just weren't involved with the Trump campaign.
"Now the dossier — financed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee..."
There really were some bad people at the FBI under Comey (including Comey). I note that the leaking continues from FBI headquarters, but it is taking on a different tone. I eagerly await IG Horowitz unleashed, Sen. Graham's hearings, and Barr's review of all this.
By the time this is over, the only job Comey will be able to get is as Stephen Colbert's sidekick. He better start watching those old Ed McMahon tapes on the Johnny Carson show. "How many spooks does it take to haunt the White House, Stephen? Heh-heh-heh."
Dred Scott came out the first year of his administration and lit the match, Buchanan was focused on some peripheral matters that in retrospect were Illconsidered.
Lawrence last word has great bit on Saunders lie about Comey losing confidence of FBI and her lie to investigators about why she lied about the lie. She truly is pathological.
I don't think there's any doubt that Buchanan was not only worst President ever, but the worst President that will ever be.......There are lots in the running for second worst. I would pick Woodrow Wilson as definitely the worst President of the 20th century. If TR had won the Presidency, he probably would have gotten us into the war sooner, but he would have banged heads at Versailles and maybe managed to impose a more stable peace. If Taft had won, maybe he would have kept us out of the war altogether and the bled out Europeans would have come to peace. All this is speculative, but Wilson was President at the fulcrum moment of world history and he made things worse. When he was president of Princeton, he couldn't impose peace on the warring dining clubs there, but he didn't doubt his ability to make a just and lasting peace in the Balkans. He never doubted his ability to govern America while laying in bed with a massive stroke. As time goes by, he looks worse and worse. The more you read about him, the less you like him.
Anyways I saw the first kingsman with mark strong which was possibly the first openly anti Obama film in eight years, as he collaborates with the maniacal samuel Jackson's eco crazed tech baron.
"That is hilarious! Where the fuck was this sort of article in the NYTimes before yesterday?"
I didn't have room to hat tip Ace. His reaction was about the same as yours:
Ohhhh: New York Times Reports That It's Very Possible the Entire Steele Dossier Was Itself Kremlin Disinformation —Ace of Spades
"Didn't they dismiss this possibility for two and a half years and also smear anyone who noticed the entire basis of this conspiracy theory that Trump was a Kremlin asset actually came from Kremlin assets?"
BTW, the NYT article failed to include mention of:
Unpacking the Other Clinton-Linked Russia Dossier By Lee Smith, RealClearInvestigations April 26, 2018
"A copy of the little-publicized second dossier in the Trump-Russia affair, acquired by RealClearInvestigations, raises new questions about the origins of the Trump investigation, particularly about the role of Clinton partisans and the extent to which the two dossiers may have been coordinated or complementary operations.
The second dossier -- two reports compiled by Cody Shearer, an ex-journalist and longtime Clinton operative -- echoes many of the lurid and still unsubstantiated claims made in the Steele dossier, and is receiving new scrutiny."
Of course, the Shearer Dossier was passed around by long-time Clinton operator Sidney Blumenthal. That's all you really need to know in assessing its veracity.
Speaking of being Canadian ... why is it Americans know so little American history? Buchanan and the first Johnson are certainly worse than Obama. Probably Wilson. I can think of a couple others.
I am confused as to how Buchanan caused the civil war.
Andrew Johnson was indeed terrible and a terrible human. But he started with a bad situation and it merely took the normal path of history.
Obama started with a much easier situation and far more popular support and tried to turn our country into a police state with help from foreign governments.
IIRC Biden was caught on camera saying "this is a big fucking deal" to Obama when the ACA was passed. Given the outrage over Trump's "I'm fucked," does use of this vulgarity also disqualify Biden, or is that just a high crime and misdemeanor when Trump uses it?
A “great man” whose hand picked people at the IRS took the fifth rather than explain how they used the IRS’s immense powers to intimidate and damage Obama’s political rivals. One way they did it was to withhold tax exempt status from any group they felt was too sympathetice to Republicans and the Tea Party, crippling their fundraising while David Brock, Hillary operative who is now using his donations to attack Bernie Sanders in some kind of Hillary revenge operation enjoys tax exempt status.
Remember all of the tax returns that the IRS illegally sent to the White House and the Obama claimed “Executive Privilege” in refusing to answer any questions about it?
Remember when Obama misused the FEC, which also sued Citizen’s United for making an anti Hillary movie, managing to suppress the movie until after that election even though it was inevitably slapped down at the Supreme Court?
Remember when Obama’s CIA director, who still appears on cable news making partisan points for the Democrats used the CIA’s credibility to smear Trump with what we now know were false charges?
Remember when Susan Rice, hand picked by Obama, claimed that she had no idea who was using her authority to reveal names in NSA intercepts, hundereds of times, intercepts which were then selectively edited and leaked to major newspapers to smear Trump on what we now know were false charges?
The leadership of the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, Iran, certainly agrees with you, when they arent shooting women dead in the street or burning gays to death in cages.
Eric Swalwell says the Trump admin is not owed an apology for all the spying that, like, totally didnt occur but really did because leftism, except it didnt really happen, however, it was fully justified....
......the stuff that didnt happen....
.....but was necessary...
Similar to how "collusion" was happening in "plain sight!!!", except nobody is talking about collusion....but it totally ocvurred...but the dems never talked about collusion....what collusion???!!!,...but it totally happened.....
Obama had many horrible policies and he was high on the creepiness scale in government action. Sicking IRS on people is one thing but how about when he compelled your doctor to ask if you had a gun in the house? Or what s out the army of threatening bureaucrats canvassing the neighborhood for people that didn’t answer the census? How Cuban or Soviet of him.
I enjoy watching the good guys winning. Trump is nearly finished showing the intelligence community’s propaganda media that he has six ways from Sunday to destroy them before they figure out what hit them. As for Obama, he remains a useless embarrassment.
Miss him? LOL! Miss the image of what him and his administration was supposedly going to be; the question is, was the Obama Admin the most corrupt in our history?
I am confused as to how Buchanan caused the civil war.
His official position was that secession was illegal but there was nothing the federal government could do about it. Despite the rumblings about secession, his administration shipped muskets and cannons to armories in southern states during the years leading up to the Civil War.-
jk said... It would healthier for everyone if Democrats didn't deify all of their politicians.. It's better to recognize leaders as humanly flawed and essentially untrustworthy.
Agree. This is one of the reasons the founders made our system the way it is, without a king and with co-equal branches of leadership acting as checks against each other. It is also why the federal government was set up with a limited set of powers.
readering asserted: "Obama great president and great man."
Subsequent to Obama jamming Obamacare down our throats, my healthcare insurance premiums increased from $9,000/year to $15,000/year. Yes indeedee, great president. *gag me*
Yancy and Mike Sylwester- I very much enjoyed your comments at Meaning of History, which one of you linked to. Where is any media outlet doing that kind of scrutiny?
I convinced my parents to save $50+/month by dropping satellite TV for a streaming package- Plystation VUE. Dad fights with the remote but it didn't take them long to convert given the savings and picture quality. Last night the service dropped NESN right before the Bruins and Red Sox are on. Now I believe I've been disowned...
I'm trying to convinve them the Red Sox win every time they don't watch. Going to try out YoutubeTV, too...
SOS from the echo-chamber. I found this in the WaPo advice column: https://live.washingtonpost.com/carolyn-hax-live-20190419.html
" My circle is pretty left-leaning (as am I). There's lots of concern for the environment, organic food, inclusiveness, and other things I think are really great. However, I've noticed a dark side to it, namely the desire to show off a reason others should be boycotting something or at least not supporting it. I'm talking about purposely commenting on someone's "I love this store!" post to point out to them that the owner of its parent company is a right-wing nutjob, or when someone asks for a plastic water bottle recommendation, commenting "well, we don't use plastic because it's bad for the oceans" etc. This week I've been thrown over the edge: I care deeply about French history and culture, and many of my friends wasted no time (the fire was literally still burning) pointing out that Notre-Dame--and the Catholic Church---doesn't need donations; instead, they are donating to the recently-burned African-American churches in the south instead. Of course that is also a worthy cause, but why is it necessary to constantly be advertising how "woke" we are all the time?"
I think of it like the train horn at a rural grade crossing, or the black and white stripes on a skunk. It's a helpful danger sign to those around them. At least that's the most positive spin I can offer.
but why is it necessary to constantly be advertising how "woke" we are all the time?
But that's the whole fun if it. It's gratifying to be the leader, the teacher, the scold. The only thing more gratifying for lefties are righteous hypocrisy scenarios where the rules don't apply to you because you're 'special'.
"Former President Barack Obama looks just plain bad. On his watch, the Russians meddled in our democracy while his administration did nothing about it." — some guy on CNN.
...and preferred turning the organs of the state on to his political opponents, they could have added.
Though to reiterate, I am unconvinced that the "RUSSIAN MEDDLING!1!! was in any way unprecedented, or unusual in scale. Foreign powers are always meddling, or attempting to. This obsession with Russia demonstrates an extremely crude and ignorant view of the world.
"It's gratifying to be the leader, the teacher, the scold" ... the preacher. Lefties love to preach. Even Althouse gets her Cotton Mather on once in a while, and Robert Cook is clearly a frustrated cleric.
"but why is it necessary to constantly be advertising how "woke" we are all the time?"
Because it is literally all they have. It's where they find their self worth. It's who they are. It's what makes them better than us deplorables. And they want us to know it.
Favorite Obama era lie is the healthcare lie that forces the over priced destruction leading to the inevitable tee up for Hillary or Bernie or whoever leftwing dictator is in power to shove a government system down.
My favorite Obama lie is when he got 20 or so Blue Dog Democrats to vote for Obamacare with his super duper Executive Order saying that it would not mandate abortion coverage.
readering is a sad piece of work. Losing 1% annualized growth means a loss of roughly 10% of America's GDP. That's about 2 trillion of lost financial gain. That's Obama's legacy. People suffered because of his European policies that gave us European growth level.
This morning I visited, as I always do, one of my favorite aggregator sites, Instapundit, which links to this post by Jim Treacher.
Understand that I do not care for God Bless America, not because I disagree with the sentiment, I simply find it musically uninteresting. The lyrics could be different, they could start with All hail Quaestor, everyone must love! and I'd still give it a 2.8 on a scale of 1 to 10. Nevertheless, I was disheartened to read another tale of anti-American cultural vandalism, specifically the banning of Kate Smith's recording of God Bless America because in 1931 or thereabouts Miss Smith recorded a song called That's Why Darkies Were Born.
My curiosity piqued I yearned to hear the music so hated by my enemies that I had never knew existed before the dawning of 20 April 2019. A Google search yielded three videos as top hits, two of them by Paul Robeson, who by any application of sound logic must have been a racist if Kate Smith was also a racist for having recorded the same piece. This is good to know. Whenever the subject of Paul Robeson comes up in conversation, very rarely now, I always point out that the famous basso profundo was also a communist and an admirer of Stalin. Now I can add that he was also a hater of Negroes.
I'm still shaking my head from two days ago after reading that Maggie Haberman of the NY Times was appalled that the White House played the song "Edelweiss". Haberman, like much of the left, thinks that the world started the year Obama became President. Anything that occurred prior to that simply doesn't exist. Like a Rogers and Hammerstein award winning musical about a previously famous Austrian family escaping the Nazi occupation of their country (actual Nazis...not Republicans). Edelweiss being the song paying homage to their homeland. (Oooph...Nationalism!)
But as this same song is used in the intro to a 3 year old Amazon Prime show and the world only started in 2009, then this became the official meaning of this song.
Chairman Mao was a piker compared to the new generation of Totalitarians. And frankly, I'm not even sure Obama would pass muster with this group.
h, quoting: "I care deeply about French history and culture, and many of my friends wasted no time (the fire was literally still burning) pointing out that Notre-Dame--and the Catholic Church---doesn't need donations; instead, they are donating to the recently-burned African-American churches in the south instead. Of course that is also a worthy cause, but why is it necessary to constantly be advertising how "woke" we are all the time?"
There's also the question of their inability to make rational distinctions. A sane person of normal intelligence understands how one of those things is not like the other, and wouldn't be making such a stupidly inapt analogy in the first place. It's a comically bad analogy regardless of what one thinks about the relative importance of medieval cathedrals and black churches.
(But we know they didn't come up with this on their own - uncritically received from NPC central and re-transmitted, "why do you care about Notre Dame burning and not black churches in America being burned" has been popping up like a fungus all over the place.)
Like many others here, I don't miss him. He and his congressional enablers took away my freedom to be the best physician I can be. I need freedom from the government to do that. I now spend so much time making sure I meet all their regulations and using their mandated electronic record systems that I haven't the time to spend with my patients or to spend reading. I miss both those things- the time with my patients and the time I spent reading journals and going to conferences. I still try to keep up, but I read less than I did and go to fewer conferences. There also are fewer affordable conferences, I suspect due to regulations on that aspect of medicine as well.
On Buchanan, his worst appointment was his Secretary of War, Floyd, a Virginian, who went on transferring the contents of entire Federal Arsenals from the North to the South in preparation for the upcoming war. I think JB was in over his head and knew it. Given the political winds of the time, few Presidents could have stood it, or reacted given their understanding of the Constitution. Lincoln threw most of those Constitutional reservations out the window, allowing a military response to succeeding States. I don't hold any brief on Buchanan, but I would not like to have been in his shoes. Pennsylvania's only President, oh well, we still have the vibrant Bob Casey.
I meet all their regulations and using their mandated electronic record systems that I haven't the time to spend with my patients or to spend reading.
I quit teaching medical students. The EHR was a big reason but I also feel so sorry for them. Each year of the last few, I would ask, "How many are using students loans?" All hands would go up.
I would ask if any had thought of using the military scholarships. None. I would see kids using those scholarships but they were from medical schools I never heard of. The last year I taught, SC was $57,000 a year tuition. How are they ever going not play that back ? They could spend few years in the Army and be debt free but they don't see it.
Michael, my daughter's best friend's husband began his residency at Norfolk after graduating from the William Beaumont School of Medicine at Oakland University on a Navy scholarship. My niece is also considering using a Navy scholarship to attend medical school. I tried to persuade my daughter to attend physical therapy school using the Army scholarship at Baylor, which would have saved her over $100,000 in student loans, but she's afraid that fulfilling the Army commitment would interfere with her plan to have 4 children!
The "epidemic of black church burnings" is a myth. There are a lot of black church fires . . . because a lot of these buildings are old, often not up to code, built by sometimes not-very-skilled labor, and frequently poorly maintained by aging and dwindling congregations.
And most arson cases that are discovered are NOT attributable to you know who.
A rare Chuck comment I agree with. Brian Lamb is someone I first encountered the week my father and I hooked up our 13 foot diameter (yes, they were that big in those days) satellite dish in 1982. In my estimation, he was the best interviewer I have ever seen. He should be the model for the craft, but sadly isn't.
Thank you! I would have done the entire report that day, but Wauck left that afternoon, so I stopped adding comments as I was reading since he fully moderates things. In any case, I covered the parts that I knew would basically be ignored by the media idiots because it didn't help the narrative- Volume 1.
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१०६ टिप्पण्या:
How can we miss you if you have never left?
I guess some people didn’t notice the evidence of government agencies spying on his political rivals, or don’t care. What next, an “I miss you, Aliens & Sedition Act” book? Or “Where have you gone, Star Chamber?”
I miss those lectures! That’s not who we are. Moral arc of the universe.
Two percent growth. Screwed up health care system. Paying Iran to terrorize the world. Paris Agreement. Tribalism.
Where are the "I pre-miss you" books?
Surely some are for sale on Amazon.
Ken B,
Are you going to vote Trump in 2020?
Heaven forfend!
Wheres his memoir is he dawdling in Bali again, I know they will flood the zone much as with this last attempt to destroy the star wars legacy.
Oh my, Obama has turned white. When did that happen? Something wrong with your camera?
I miss Obama trash talking Trump after the election.
I expected a lot more anti Trump stuff out of Obama after Trumps election.
I’m surprised at how quiet he has been, strange...
I'd put him in the bottom ten, maybe bottom five...but the worst president hands down was Buchanan.
@David Begley, only second-worst. Buchanan was worst. Obama moved Jimmy Carter to third worst, and LBJ to fourth worst.
The cover art is hilariously bad. The Smack Talking Boxing Pen might be fun though. Wonder if it says anything good.
@Gahrie, glad to see you and I agree about Buchanan. Do you agree with the rest of my rankings?
Happy First Night of Passover to our Jewish compatriots!
And for us Christians, a good Good Friday for us mackerel snappers, and for the Reformed among us.
I am not. I am Canadian, so cannot vote for your president.
Now, would I vote for Trump is a different question ...
Speaking of being Canadian ... why is it Americans know so little American history? Buchanan and the first Johnson are certainly worse than Obama. Probably Wilson. I can think of a couple others.
It would healthier for everyone if Democrats didn't deify all of their politicians.. It's better to recognize leaders as humanly flawed and essentially untrustworthy.
I see why Democrat politicians like it this way, though.
Ken B,
Just walk across the border illegally and vote where you like. I am come to understand that is legal in America. (/sarc)
I cannot answer for all Americans. I manage better than average. Buchanan as the worst? Hard to argue the man who gave us 600,000 deaths in a Civil War could be worse. But I judge modern presidents against modern presidents.
My top 3:
Trump could surpass Reagan.
I don't miss Obama. That less than 2% economic growth got old. Plus the regulatory over-reach. And the hate on Israel. And the Iran kiss-kiss.
DJT is bigly different. I have to say that Romney and before him McCain (RIP) were real disappointments after they got flattened by Obama. I thought they would resent it. It appears that they both resent Trump more. This shouldn't be hard. Just find a few things on which you agree with him and start singing a duet. He'll love it. Look at Lindsey Graham 2.0.
So, does DJT win the popular vote in 2020? You can always hope. Seeing those California electoral votes going to Trump after he lost the popular vote in the state would be sweet.
In an attempt to give fair warning to its readers, The NYT came out on Friday with an article (without a comments section) headlined:
Mueller Report Likely to Renew Scrutiny of Steele Dossier
"...Now the dossier — financed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, and compiled by the former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele — is likely to face new, possibly harsh scrutiny from multiple inquiries."
"...Interviews with people familiar with Mr. Steele’s work on the dossier and the F.B.I.’s scramble to vet its claims suggest that misgivings about its reliability arose not long after the document became public — and a preoccupation of Trump opponents — in early 2017. Mr. Steele has made clear to associates that he always considered the dossier to be raw intelligence — not established facts, but a starting point for further investigation.
By January 2017, F.B.I. agents had tracked down and interviewed one of Mr. Steele’s main sources, a Russian speaker from a former Soviet republic who had spent time in the West, according to a Justice Department document and three people familiar with the events, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. After questioning him about where he’d gotten his information, they suspected he might have added his own interpretations to reports passed on by his sources, one of the people said. For the F.B.I., that made it harder to decide what to trust."
"...While The New York Times and many other news organizations published little about the document’s unverified claims, social media partisans and television commentators discussed them almost daily over the past two years. The dossier tantalized Mr. Trump’s opponents with a worst-case account of the president’s conduct. And for those trying to make sense of the Trump-Russia saga, the dossier infused the quest for understanding with urgency.
In blunt prose, it suggested that a foreign power had fully compromised the man who would become the next president of the United States."
So somebody we've never heard of Before, how many times do they put this football out.
I agree with Birkel, but Reagan and Trump had very different starting points. You could feel the flop sweat when Reagan beat Carter--we thought it was all going down the drain if Carter won. Reagan did a major relaunch without ever having a majority in the House.
Trump's election was different. Obama had continued the work of Clinton and W Bush of turning us into a lethargic European socialist democracy. You could feel the economic sclerosis advance. HRC would have kept on the fundamental transformation project. Trump moved in and started unclogging the pipes. He isn't much on theory, though.
Jimmy Carter has been out of office almost 40 years. He’s the longest living president ever now, surpassing HW Bush.
Hoover lived more than 30 years after he was president. He died when he was 90, a year after JFK was assasinated.
It would only be fraud if I voted for Trump.
Stephen Fearby,
That is hilarious! Where the fuck was this sort of article in the NYTimes before yesterday?
I see lots of chin stroking in that article, lots of it.
StephenFearby--I have been waiting for this for two years. The chickens are running around the hen house and look ready to roost. I wonder how long the NYT sat on this revelation. January 2017?
You know, I think this Mueller Report is totally wrong. There WERE Americans who colluded with the Russians to affect the 2016 election. They just weren't involved with the Trump campaign.
"Now the dossier — financed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee..."
He was the Same age as churchill whi served for 10 years as pm.
Gahrie said...
I'd put him in the bottom ten, maybe bottom five...but the worst president hands down was Buchanan.
Buchanan was incompetent and failed to bridge an insurmountable gap between democrat slavers and republican abolistionists.
Obama tried to turn our country into a police state and used the federal government to punish and imprison his political opponents.
Obama was definitely a worse person. Obama would be comparable to Buchanan had supported slavery which he didn't.
There really were some bad people at the FBI under Comey (including Comey). I note that the leaking continues from FBI headquarters, but it is taking on a different tone. I eagerly await IG Horowitz unleashed, Sen. Graham's hearings, and Barr's review of all this.
By the time this is over, the only job Comey will be able to get is as Stephen Colbert's sidekick. He better start watching those old Ed McMahon tapes on the Johnny Carson show. "How many spooks does it take to haunt the White House, Stephen? Heh-heh-heh."
The moral arc of the universe bends towards Trump.
Dred Scott came out the first year of his administration and lit the match, Buchanan was focused on some peripheral matters that in retrospect were Illconsidered.
Lawrence last word has great bit on Saunders lie about Comey losing confidence of FBI and her lie to investigators about why she lied about the lie. She truly is pathological.
I hope to survive Carter. We almost didn't in 1979-1980.
readering--we're playing smallball now, aren't we? MSNBC must be glad to have one believer left in their audience.
Now close your eyes and say "I believe in fairies! I believe in fairies! I believe in fairies", and Tinkerbell will come back to life.
How many bureau personnel have been fired or reasigned?
I don't think there's any doubt that Buchanan was not only worst President ever, but the worst President that will ever be.......There are lots in the running for second worst. I would pick Woodrow Wilson as definitely the worst President of the 20th century. If TR had won the Presidency, he probably would have gotten us into the war sooner, but he would have banged heads at Versailles and maybe managed to impose a more stable peace. If Taft had won, maybe he would have kept us out of the war altogether and the bled out Europeans would have come to peace. All this is speculative, but Wilson was President at the fulcrum moment of world history and he made things worse. When he was president of Princeton, he couldn't impose peace on the warring dining clubs there, but he didn't doubt his ability to make a just and lasting peace in the Balkans. He never doubted his ability to govern America while laying in bed with a massive stroke. As time goes by, he looks worse and worse. The more you read about him, the less you like him.
Probably he also introduces Jim crow to federal govt and kick started brackenridge longs career.
Anyways I saw the first kingsman with mark strong which was possibly the first openly anti Obama film in eight years, as he collaborates with the maniacal samuel Jackson's eco crazed tech baron.
Yancey Ward said...
Stephen Fearby,
"That is hilarious! Where the fuck was this sort of article in the NYTimes before yesterday?"
I didn't have room to hat tip Ace. His reaction was about the same as yours:
Ohhhh: New York Times Reports That It's Very Possible the Entire Steele Dossier Was Itself Kremlin Disinformation
—Ace of Spades
"Didn't they dismiss this possibility for two and a half years and also smear anyone who noticed the entire basis of this conspiracy theory that Trump was a Kremlin asset actually came from Kremlin assets?"
BTW, the NYT article failed to include mention of:
Unpacking the Other Clinton-Linked Russia Dossier
By Lee Smith, RealClearInvestigations
April 26, 2018
"A copy of the little-publicized second dossier in the Trump-Russia affair, acquired by RealClearInvestigations, raises new questions about the origins of the Trump investigation, particularly about the role of Clinton partisans and the extent to which the two dossiers may have been coordinated or complementary operations.
The second dossier -- two reports compiled by Cody Shearer, an ex-journalist and longtime Clinton operative -- echoes many of the lurid and still unsubstantiated claims made in the Steele dossier, and is receiving new scrutiny."
Of course, the Shearer Dossier was passed around by long-time Clinton operator Sidney Blumenthal. That's all you really need to know in assessing its veracity.
Birkel said...
Hard to argue the man who gave us 600,000 deaths in a Civil War could be worse. But I judge modern presidents against modern presidents.
What bullshit. Just parse that sentence: how did Lincoln "give us" 600,000 deaths? Do you have an alternative to going to war to preserve the Union???
Birkel is clearly talking about Buchanan.
In fact his next comment specifically namechecks Lincoln as best after Washington.
What a nightmare
Ken B said...
Speaking of being Canadian ... why is it Americans know so little American history? Buchanan and the first Johnson are certainly worse than Obama. Probably Wilson. I can think of a couple others.
I am confused as to how Buchanan caused the civil war.
Andrew Johnson was indeed terrible and a terrible human. But he started with a bad situation and it merely took the normal path of history.
Obama started with a much easier situation and far more popular support and tried to turn our country into a police state with help from foreign governments.
Andrew Johnson was terrible.
Obama is a traitor.
Obama great president and great man. Trump dirtbag.
IIRC Biden was caught on camera saying "this is a big fucking deal" to Obama when the ACA was passed. Given the outrage over Trump's "I'm fucked," does use of this vulgarity also disqualify Biden, or is that just a high crime and misdemeanor when Trump uses it?
Asking for Bernie.
A “great man” whose hand picked people at the IRS took the fifth rather than explain how they used the IRS’s immense powers to intimidate and damage Obama’s political rivals. One way they did it was to withhold tax exempt status from any group they felt was too sympathetice to Republicans and the Tea Party, crippling their fundraising while David Brock, Hillary operative who is now using his donations to attack Bernie Sanders in some kind of Hillary revenge operation enjoys tax exempt status.
Remember all of the tax returns that the IRS illegally sent to the White House and the Obama claimed “Executive Privilege” in refusing to answer any questions about it?
Remember when Obama misused the FEC, which also sued Citizen’s United for making an anti Hillary movie, managing to suppress the movie until after that election even though it was inevitably slapped down at the Supreme Court?
Remember when Obama’s CIA director, who still appears on cable news making partisan points for the Democrats used the CIA’s credibility to smear Trump with what we now know were false charges?
Remember when Susan Rice, hand picked by Obama, claimed that she had no idea who was using her authority to reveal names in NSA intercepts, hundereds of times, intercepts which were then selectively edited and leaked to major newspapers to smear Trump on what we now know were false charges?
He was Nixon on steroids.
Outrage? Folks were vastly entertained!
readering said...
Obama great president and great man. Trump dirtbag.
So you think spying on political opponents is great.
There is no common ground with these people.
They are completely amoral and enemies of freedom.
U.S.—The Electoral College, a political institution designed specifically to guard against rule by an angry mob, has drawn the ire of angry mobs this week, shocking dozens.
readering: "Obama great president and great man."
The leadership of the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, Iran, certainly agrees with you, when they arent shooting women dead in the street or burning gays to death in cages.
44 postcards for all occasions to send to anyone who misses the 44th president. Includes a card for the man himself!
Deeply sorry for your loss, we all loved Nana. Here's Obama.
P.s. In lieu of flowers we sent the Trump Eraser.
Great news lefties/LLR's!!
Eric Swalwell says the Trump admin is not owed an apology for all the spying that, like, totally didnt occur but really did because leftism, except it didnt really happen, however, it was fully justified....
......the stuff that didnt happen....
.....but was necessary...
Similar to how "collusion" was happening in "plain sight!!!", except nobody is talking about collusion....but it totally ocvurred...but the dems never talked about collusion....what collusion???!!!,...but it totally happened.....
Uh, ok
Obama had many horrible policies and he was high on the creepiness scale in government action. Sicking IRS on people is one thing but how about when he compelled your doctor to ask if you had a gun in the house? Or what s out the army of threatening bureaucrats canvassing the neighborhood for people that didn’t answer the census? How Cuban or Soviet of him.
I enjoy watching the good guys winning. Trump is nearly finished showing the intelligence community’s propaganda media that he has six ways from Sunday to destroy them before they figure out what hit them. As for Obama, he remains a useless embarrassment.
Missing someone who is lied about by the MSM as a good, decent man?? Yeah....NO!! I wish he and his wife would just GO AWAY!
I hope that Swalwell guy sticks around. He sees things nobody else sees*. They NEED him on MSNBC.
*This is sometimes diagnosed as delusional disorder. A delusion is an odd belief that a person firmly insists is true despite evidence that it is not.
Miss him? LOL! Miss the image of what him and his administration was supposedly going to be; the question is, was the Obama Admin the most corrupt in our history?
I am confused as to how Buchanan caused the civil war.
His official position was that secession was illegal but there was nothing the federal government could do about it. Despite the rumblings about secession, his administration shipped muskets and cannons to armories in southern states during the years leading up to the Civil War.-
What on earth could the contents of said book be?
jk said...
It would healthier for everyone if Democrats didn't deify all of their politicians.. It's better to recognize leaders as humanly flawed and essentially untrustworthy.
Agree. This is one of the reasons the founders made our system the way it is, without a king and with co-equal branches of leadership acting as checks against each other. It is also why the federal government was set up with a limited set of powers.
readering asserted: "Obama great president and great man."
Subsequent to Obama jamming Obamacare down our throats, my healthcare insurance premiums increased from $9,000/year to $15,000/year. Yes indeedee, great president. *gag me*
Obama is the only US president literally on tape colluding with Russia/Putin to influence the outcome of a US presidential election.
Mrs. Dink and I toured Buchanan's house in Lancaster, Pa a few years ago. The tour totaled four (4) people. Four!
The tour guide introduced himself and then stated: "I am here to convince you James Buchanan was not the worst president ever". He did not succeed.
Just worked the Abrolhos Islands, 11,213 miles distant. Hard to get farther as the available land area shrinks quickly as the distance goes up.
Yancy and Mike Sylwester- I very much enjoyed your comments at Meaning of History, which one of you linked to. Where is any media outlet doing that kind of scrutiny?
The best interviewer on television, and one of the handful of the most important people in television news in the cable era, signs off.
I convinced my parents to save $50+/month by dropping satellite TV for a streaming package- Plystation VUE. Dad fights with the remote but it didn't take them long to convert given the savings and picture quality. Last night the service dropped NESN right before the Bruins and Red Sox are on. Now I believe I've been disowned...
I'm trying to convinve them the Red Sox win every time they don't watch. Going to try out YoutubeTV, too...
SOS from the echo-chamber. I found this in the WaPo advice column: https://live.washingtonpost.com/carolyn-hax-live-20190419.html
" My circle is pretty left-leaning (as am I). There's lots of concern for the environment, organic food, inclusiveness, and other things I think are really great. However, I've noticed a dark side to it, namely the desire to show off a reason others should be boycotting something or at least not supporting it. I'm talking about purposely commenting on someone's "I love this store!" post to point out to them that the owner of its parent company is a right-wing nutjob, or when someone asks for a plastic water bottle recommendation, commenting "well, we don't use plastic because it's bad for the oceans" etc. This week I've been thrown over the edge: I care deeply about French history and culture, and many of my friends wasted no time (the fire was literally still burning) pointing out that Notre-Dame--and the Catholic Church---doesn't need donations; instead, they are donating to the recently-burned African-American churches in the south instead. Of course that is also a worthy cause, but why is it necessary to constantly be advertising how "woke" we are all the time?"
Good governance by Mike Lee. 'Tauntauns, Mr. President!
Obama the Magnificent - Worst President EVAH - the list of his failures is endless.
Best mulatto President evar!
I think of it like the train horn at a rural grade crossing, or the black and white stripes on a skunk. It's a helpful danger sign to those around them. At least that's the most positive spin I can offer.
but why is it necessary to constantly be advertising how "woke" we are all the time?
But that's the whole fun if it. It's gratifying to be the leader, the teacher, the scold. The only thing more gratifying for lefties are righteous hypocrisy scenarios where the rules don't apply to you because you're 'special'.
"Former President Barack Obama looks just plain bad. On his watch, the Russians meddled in our democracy while his administration did nothing about it." — some guy on CNN.
...and preferred turning the organs of the state on to his political opponents, they could have added.
Just worked the Abrolhos Islands, 11,213 miles distant.
So you live in Korea or Australia or Eastern Russia and not in N. America?
Though to reiterate, I am unconvinced that the "RUSSIAN MEDDLING!1!! was in any way unprecedented, or unusual in scale. Foreign powers are always meddling, or attempting to. This obsession with Russia demonstrates an extremely crude and ignorant view of the world.
"It's gratifying to be the leader, the teacher, the scold" ... the preacher. Lefties love to preach. Even Althouse gets her Cotton Mather on once in a while, and Robert Cook is clearly a frustrated cleric.
I miss being lied to and spied on!
H said:
"but why is it necessary to constantly be advertising how "woke" we are all the time?"
Because it is literally all they have. It's where they find their self worth. It's who they are. It's what makes them better than us deplorables. And they want us to know it.
Then they want to kill us and eat us.
Favorite Obama era lie is the healthcare lie that forces the over priced destruction leading to the inevitable tee up for Hillary or Bernie or whoever leftwing dictator is in power to shove a government system down.
My favorite Obama lie is when he got 20 or so Blue Dog Democrats to vote for Obamacare with his super duper Executive Order saying that it would not mandate abortion coverage.
Then he sued the Little Sisters of the Poor.
readering is a sad piece of work.
Losing 1% annualized growth means a loss of roughly 10% of America's GDP. That's about 2 trillion of lost financial gain. That's Obama's legacy. People suffered because of his European policies that gave us European growth level.
But only $2,000,000,000,000 worth of suffering.
This morning I visited, as I always do, one of my favorite aggregator sites, Instapundit, which links to this post by Jim Treacher.
Understand that I do not care for God Bless America, not because I disagree with the sentiment, I simply find it musically uninteresting. The lyrics could be different, they could start with All hail Quaestor, everyone must love! and I'd still give it a 2.8 on a scale of 1 to 10. Nevertheless, I was disheartened to read another tale of anti-American cultural vandalism, specifically the banning of Kate Smith's recording of God Bless America because in 1931 or thereabouts Miss Smith recorded a song called That's Why Darkies Were Born.
My curiosity piqued I yearned to hear the music so hated by my enemies that I had never knew existed before the dawning of 20 April 2019. A Google search yielded three videos as top hits, two of them by Paul Robeson, who by any application of sound logic must have been a racist if Kate Smith was also a racist for having recorded the same piece. This is good to know. Whenever the subject of Paul Robeson comes up in conversation, very rarely now, I always point out that the famous basso profundo was also a communist and an admirer of Stalin. Now I can add that he was also a hater of Negroes.
What I miss most about the Obama Administration is all the racial healing.
I'm still shaking my head from two days ago after reading that Maggie Haberman of the NY Times was appalled that the White House played the song "Edelweiss". Haberman, like much of the left, thinks that the world started the year Obama became President. Anything that occurred prior to that simply doesn't exist. Like a Rogers and Hammerstein award winning musical about a previously famous Austrian family escaping the Nazi occupation of their country (actual Nazis...not Republicans). Edelweiss being the song paying homage to their homeland. (Oooph...Nationalism!)
But as this same song is used in the intro to a 3 year old Amazon Prime show and the world only started in 2009, then this became the official meaning of this song.
Chairman Mao was a piker compared to the new generation of Totalitarians. And frankly, I'm not even sure Obama would pass muster with this group.
h, quoting: "I care deeply about French history and culture, and many of my friends wasted no time (the fire was literally still burning) pointing out that Notre-Dame--and the Catholic Church---doesn't need donations; instead, they are donating to the recently-burned African-American churches in the south instead. Of course that is also a worthy cause, but why is it necessary to constantly be advertising how "woke" we are all the time?"
There's also the question of their inability to make rational distinctions. A sane person of normal intelligence understands how one of those things is not like the other, and wouldn't be making such a stupidly inapt analogy in the first place. It's a comically bad analogy regardless of what one thinks about the relative importance of medieval cathedrals and black churches.
(But we know they didn't come up with this on their own - uncritically received from NPC central and re-transmitted, "why do you care about Notre Dame burning and not black churches in America being burned" has been popping up like a fungus all over the place.)
God Bless America and Edelweiss were both written by Jews. Can't have that.
Like many others here, I don't miss him. He and his congressional enablers took away my freedom to be the best physician I can be. I need freedom from the government to do that. I now spend so much time making sure I meet all their regulations and using their mandated electronic record systems that I haven't the time to spend with my patients or to spend reading. I miss both those things- the time with my patients and the time I spent reading journals and going to conferences. I still try to keep up, but I read less than I did and go to fewer conferences. There also are fewer affordable conferences, I suspect due to regulations on that aspect of medicine as well.
On Buchanan, his worst appointment was his Secretary of War, Floyd, a Virginian, who went on transferring the contents of entire Federal Arsenals from the North to the South in preparation for the upcoming war. I think JB was in over his head and knew it. Given the political winds of the time, few Presidents could have stood it, or reacted given their understanding of the Constitution. Lincoln threw most of those Constitutional reservations out the window, allowing a military response to succeeding States. I don't hold any brief on Buchanan, but I would not like to have been in his shoes. Pennsylvania's only President, oh well, we still have the vibrant Bob Casey.
I meet all their regulations and using their mandated electronic record systems that I haven't the time to spend with my patients or to spend reading.
I quit teaching medical students. The EHR was a big reason but I also feel so sorry for them. Each year of the last few, I would ask, "How many are using students loans?" All hands would go up.
I would ask if any had thought of using the military scholarships. None. I would see kids using those scholarships but they were from medical schools I never heard of. The last year I taught, SC was $57,000 a year tuition. How are they ever going not play that back ? They could spend few years in the Army and be debt free but they don't see it.
Michael, my daughter's best friend's husband began his residency at Norfolk after graduating from the William Beaumont School of Medicine at Oakland University on a Navy scholarship. My niece is also considering using a Navy scholarship to attend medical school. I tried to persuade my daughter to attend physical therapy school using the Army scholarship at Baylor, which would have saved her over $100,000 in student loans, but she's afraid that fulfilling the Army commitment would interfere with her plan to have 4 children!
The "epidemic of black church burnings" is a myth. There are a lot of black church fires . . . because a lot of these buildings are old, often not up to code, built by sometimes not-very-skilled labor, and frequently poorly maintained by aging and dwindling congregations.
And most arson cases that are discovered are NOT attributable to you know who.
Facts are stubborn things
"but why is it necessary to constantly be advertising how "woke" we are all the time?".
They have been programmed and are nothing but wokebots, incapable of independent thought.
A rare Chuck comment I agree with. Brian Lamb is someone I first encountered the week my father and I hooked up our 13 foot diameter (yes, they were that big in those days) satellite dish in 1982. In my estimation, he was the best interviewer I have ever seen. He should be the model for the craft, but sadly isn't.
Thank you! I would have done the entire report that day, but Wauck left that afternoon, so I stopped adding comments as I was reading since he fully moderates things. In any case, I covered the parts that I knew would basically be ignored by the media idiots because it didn't help the narrative- Volume 1.
That's ok this is not where I come for to commune with fellow devotees of wonderful 44.
Ah, the book store Remainder table!
wonderful 44
That would be Hank Aaron.
A lecturing scold who weaponized the federal government against me and my allies?
What's not to miss?
Obama great president and great man
A 'great' man doesn't force the Little Sisters of the Poor to pay for birth control.
I miss you, Barack Obama
It's a book of 44 post cards.. You can send them to your friends that are also missing Obama.
Check out the "Look Inside"!! Barack knows how to ride a unicorn......bare-back!!
Check out the "Look Inside"!! Barack knows how to ride a unicorn ...... bare-back!!
Hopefully both Barack and the Unicorn??!!
For a friend.
Don’t tell me Chuck, it was your hero Keith Olberman.
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