"Written and submitted long after Charlottesville and Helsinki, his phony reasons for going rogue. Book is exact opposite of his fake testimony, which now is a lie! Congress must demand the transcript of Michael Cohen’s new book, given to publishers a short time ago. Your heads will spin when you see the lies, misrepresentations and contradictions against his Thursday testimony. Like a different person! He is totally discredited!"
Donald Trump on Twitter, just now, here and here.
१६८ टिप्पण्या:
Is there a man luckier in his enemies?
There is not enough popcorn in the world for this shit show.
The cliche is that history is written by the winners.
However, over the last years it seems that the bookshelves are swamped by tomes from the losers and the also-rans (Hillary's "What Happened", Kerry's "Every Day is Extra", Biden's "Promise Me, Dad," etc etc).
Trying to write their version of history in the hopes of establishing the narrative for future historians, evidently.
The funny thing is that, in twenty years' time, they would probably be remembered better by their current enemies than their current 'friends'.
Do they think the 'history' that will be recounted by Cortez, Tlaib , and their compatriots will remember their compromised old white selves fondly?
They are the last of the white Democratic slave-owners, depending on if a progressive is penning history's arc.
I am Laslo.
Michael Cohen--stealing Burger King's motto "Home of The Whopper".
Of course he's not the first to steal it. Anthony Weiner had the slogan printed on his briefs.
Once again ACME Congressional Testimony has left the coyote standing on nothing but air.
"Is there a man luckier in his enemies?"
It is a difficult question because his enemies are the same enemies that Romney, McCain (Obama opponent phase), both Bushes, and Reagan had--Trump has just done more with them. His ultimate skill is as a counter-puncher--somehow his enemies always start it, and he finishes it, and them. Donald Surber used to keep a list of Trump opponents brought down by the mismatch.
Every other Republican would have grown or gone by now.
He keeps client confidences by having a large fantasy life.
He's not lying, he's working on a narrative fitting whatever comes up.
Ann. Do you ever bother to check Trump's tweets for accuracy? If you did you might not look as stupid as him.
"Is there a man luckier in his enemies?"
It's not a question of the quality of his enemies - Trump has an unusually high aptitude for identifying the weaknesses of his enemies, and then a willingness to attack those, even if it requires using means the Republicans have historically been unwilling to use. That willingness to attack is what really separates him from most other Republican politicians.
Dont they feel like wile e coyote by now:
"Ann. Do you ever bother to check Trump's tweets for accuracy? If you did you might not look as stupid as him."
She prefers 'Althouse'.
Rush played the audio from September? of 2016, after President Trump had secured the Republican nomination. Cohen was introducing Trump at a rally. Cohen extolled Trumps virtues, then launched into a full throated defense Trump, against all the phony charges of racism, etc. He was quite elegant in his statement.
Freder, President Trumps tweets are way more accurate than your posts here.
Wow!Did you hear his "open fire" command ring out in the 4th of his 5 tweets: " Time to start looking at the other side where real crimes were committed." The Bonfire of the Dems begins.
"Freder Frederson said...
Ann. Do you ever bother to check Trump's tweets for accuracy? If you did you might not look as stupid as him."
Swing and a miss. Strike one!
If it were not for those proven to have lied under oath ABOUT President Trump there would be a lot fewer insiders telling us how bad Trump is.
The Dems had to know about this. They don't care. Cohen was just to get to the next step of harassing Trumps family, business, and of course Presidency. Their audience are idiots like our Freder, and of course our resident dullard, "special" little Inga. They unquestionably lap this shit up like it's mother's milk.
Shopping the book around and it being reported on over a year ago is hardly "just revealed". And it was before Helsinki. Two outright lies in one tweet.
I guess it will be as stupid as the mclecllan he came from a crazy family and was out of his depth
Looking at the comments after the Pres. tweets, it's embarrassing how mindless and robotic the responses are. Products of a leftist education, I guess.
Right out of seed pods, and the orgs probably cull the positive ones like they erased Shipley
Cohen blew it by testifying under oath while awaiting a jail sentence. Given human nature's tendency to minimize our own guilt, he deviated several times from his prior plea agreement. In fact he has two referrals for perjury just from his disastrous public stint on WED. Now, why would it be so hard for him to stick to what he has pled while under oath? One obvious reason (any detective will tell you) for conflicting statements is that liars can't keep their story straight. Thus he put himself in jeopardy in an attempt to torpedo Trump.
He probably has a malpractice case against Lanny Davis, if there is such a thing for lawyers.
On a related subject, A&E channel ran a fascinating 3-part documentary on Trump this week. I learned a whole lot that I never knew, and learned some things I thought I knew about (1975 HUD suit for example) were much more complicated than I found out recently Googling for clips from NY papers. Trump was pretty much always as we find him now.
Two outright lies in one tweet.
And he’s still more honest than your comments, Freder!
Foul tip, strike two.
Be nice to our Inga. She's not even here. She tries to take the commenters' best shots and keep on keeping on. I'll volunteer to be today's Two Minutes of Hate target.
That willingness to attack is what really separates him from most other Republican politicians.
And he stands by his executive decisions. What other known R would have steadfastly supported Kavanaugh? Judge K would have been just another casualty of the Swamp w/o Trump behind him. Now he's Justice K!
if there is such a thing for lawyers
There is, but they’re pretty much restricted to missing filing deadlines. Probably impossible to win if you’re a lawyer yourself.
Rhetorical questions:
We're likely to hear that it's unpresidential to bring information to the public like this.
Interesting that the pushback is only that Trump's tweet is old news. Apparently there's no disputing that Cohen's book contradicts his testimony.
His lies are so delicious to the leftwing democratic ear.
Cohen is going to jail for lying to congress - and congress has him on speed dial.
If it's "old news", I was unaware of it, as I suspect most people were. If it had been truly common knowledge, it would have been talked about a lot more on Wednesday. The notion that Trump "lied" by mentioning it now is hilarious. This coming from people who are defending Cohen attacking Trump because Stone discussed in July something that Wikileaks published in June. Too funny, Freder.
"Freder Frederson said...
Shopping the book around and it being reported on over a year ago is hardly "just revealed". And it was before Helsinki. Two outright lies in one tweet."
There's strike 2 and 3. Take some bench Freder.
no disputing that Cohen's book contradicts his testimony
Even FakeNews CNN got into the real breaking news business showing a clip of Cohen with Chris Coumo in 2016. This week Cohen said he "never EVER wanted to work in the white house" and he interrupted Rep. Meadows to say "That's not true!" in response to Meadows saying that NOT getting a job in WH is what set him against Trump; but on the 2016 clip when asked if he wants a WH position he exclaims, "YES. 100% I'd take that job!"
Boy, contradictions don't come much clearer than that. I guess his defense could be that he wasn't under oath when he told CNN he wanted to work for Donald's WH.
And how many see the "...bye Crooked Hillary..." message inserted into tweet #3?
What is "Helsinki" that we are all supposed to know about?
Cohen's lies are so delicious to the leftwing democratic ear.
Cohen is going to jail for lying to congress - and congress has him on speed dial.
The meeting with putin.
Putin and trump met in Helsinki in July 2018. Seven months after Cohen was shopping his book around.
So why are we supposed to be outraged that Putin and Trump met?
Seven months after Cohen was shopping his book around.
Do you know for a fact that Cohen did NOT flog his book proposal after Helsinki too? How do you know that, Freder?
Mike said...
That willingness to attack is what really separates him from most other Republican politicians.
And he stands by his executive decisions. What other known R would have steadfastly supported Kavanaugh? Judge K would have been just another casualty of the Swamp w/o Trump behind him. Now he's Justice K!
The only comparables would be the nomination of Bork (under Reagan) and Thomas (under GHW Bush).
Reagan stood by Bork, but Bork was abused and then ultimately defeated on vote.
GHW Bush stood by Thomas and prevailed, putting the lie to your theory.
I'd mention George W's support for Roberts and Alito, insofar as they are true judicial conservatives, but they were not pushed to the brink of withdrawal so I don't know if they fit your question. That's up to you.
As for other Republicans who stood by Kavanaugh, they all did. At least everyone in the Senate did. There was an apparent "trade" of votes between Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) who voted no and Joe Manchin (D-WV) who voted yes. The only Senators to buck their respective parties' leadership.
Outside of the Senate, the Kavanaugh nomination was probably the most remarkable and noteworthy event of the Trump presidency wherein NeverTrump Republicans joined with TrumpLoyal Republicans, to support then-Judge Kavanaugh. The "establishment" Republican Federalist Society promoted the nomination, and stood by it.
Cohen is a confessed liar. So are Flynn, Manafort, Gates, and Papadopolous. That's only the Trump associates who already have confessed to lying at a criminal level.
Meanwhile, Roger Stone sits waiting in the wings for his day in the barrel, accused of serial lying, among other charges . Alan Weisselberg is up next in the Congressional hearings; betcha Alan cops to some lying, too.
Then, you have Spicer, Sanders, and Kellyanne...skilled professional liars, who are practiced enough in the art of the spiel that their lying probably doesn't reach criminal levels. Don Jr,. Eric, and Ivanka will get their day under the kleig lights too.
So many liars surrounding Trump. Makes you think about the old saying about a fish rotting from the head, doesn't it?
No outrage when Obama and Poot met.
No outrage that Hillary profited personally over secret Russian deals.
Except poppy put up souter, who turned out to be useless, that was also true with arlen specter who got a case of the vapors with bork
Cohen's closing statement, a broken man reading a script written for him by his tormentors, was like something from a Soviet show trial.
I included a link to the pyatkov/radek trial for comparison sake.
Is Trump shouldn't have met with Putin kind of like the old Trump shouldn't have met with Comey? Its a perfectly normal thing for other presidents to do, what Trump is Trump so it was outrageous and dangerous? Or is there more to it? Should Trump have tried to hide in the curtains, like a man with integrity would do?
Yes, we all know how truthful the Clintons are, so obsess about the "proven liars" around Trump. Lies nowadays are like fact-checks. If you hold a differing opinion from the left, you are "lying".
There is no reason to believe Michael Cohen about anything.
Clinton and Obama each met with Putin. Were they colluding also?
Freder omits that the other reason Cohen flipped on Trump was the Charlottesville, Virginia, crap in August 2017, which is long after he was pitching this book. Also, Cohen said he never wanted a job in thew WH, a lie.
"Mike said...
Seven months after Cohen was shopping his book around.
Do you know for a fact that Cohen did NOT flog his book proposal after Helsinki too? How do you know that, Freder?"
Exactly. It's not when he started, but when he ended. The Daily Mail has him doing it a few weeks before his office was raided, and that was in April, so not seven months prior, just three.
The Vienna summit after the bay of pigs, was a debacle, and the escambray front thaf lasted for four years.
Lefties will basically believe anything bad about Trump, even if the two bad things contradict eachother i.e. asking Russia to help beat Hillary vs. Not expecting to win the election. They don't care about Cohens lying and his past. They just care about his sound bytes now.
Wow, all this bad on Trump from the Dems and still no viable alternatives from them. So sad.
putting the lie to your theory
Theory? I asked what other GOP POTUS would have stood by Kavanaugh. How is your answer “putting the lie to” my post? You might want to check your work there Chuck.
Everyone not properly leftist is a liar. How can we lock most of the nation up - and turn on the ovens?
In other news:
As I was saying Vienna lead to the Berlin crisis and the Cuban missile crisis
narciso said...
"I included a link to the pyatkov/radek trial for comparison sake."
Where's that link? I'd like to see it.
Freder? Proof?
Here you go:
What people are missing here is what could be a tremendous legal landmark.
Michael Cohen might be provably guilty of lying under oath, as a factual matter, about his own opinions and feelings.
Think about that!
Mike said...
"putting the lie to your theory"
Theory? I asked what other GOP POTUS would have stood by Kavanaugh. How is your answer “putting the lie to” my post? You might want to check your work there Chuck.
My bad. I thought that your writing that "Judge K would have been just another casualty of the Swamp w/o Trump behind him," was a kind of a theory.
Theory; the'·o·ry; noun:
A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
Thanks narciso, but unfortunately it's a 404.
Maybe this time:
My bad. I thought that your writing that "Judge K would have been just another casualty of the Swamp w/o Trump behind him," was a kind of a theory.
Well you have a reading comprehension problem, then, Chuck, as I suggested in my follow-up. My original post in it's entirety was:
And he stands by his executive decisions. What other known R would have steadfastly supported Kavanaugh? Judge K would have been just another casualty of the Swamp w/o Trump behind him. Now he's Justice K!
Notice the phrase "executive decisions" in the first sentence? It is immediately followed by "What other known R would...?" I am contrasting Trump with the other possible CHOICES we had for POTUS from "our" party Chuck. What other R would he stood by K during the Senate shitstorm, in other words. I'll give you GWB since he was president in recent history and theoretically could fit in the answer to my question. But, please note it was a question not a theory, because I posit no theorem within my post.
So if you want to try and address what I wrote instead of what you imagined the question was, what other Republican presidential candidate would have steadfastly stood by Kavanaugh like Trump did?
"Seven months after Cohen was shopping his book around." Cohen may have been shopping a pitch, perhaps with a teaser chapter or two - doesn't mean that Cohen wasn't still writing and shopping subsequent to Helsinki (assuming as true that Cohen was shopping a book seven months prior - I have not seen any links or facts to back that assertion up).
I know too much code, but it was such a sham that even a known Marxist found it fishy.
@ narciso
It worked. Thanks for taking the time.
Just another wheel off the Democrat Hate Trump wagon falling off.
Fortunately they have an 18 wheeler. Still have maybe 7 wheels, all on the left side.
Every other Republican would have grown or gone by now.
True dat.
One hopes the Republicans will learn from Trump and stop playing Charlie Brown, but I doubt it.
Of course there is also the example of Frank Kelly, Palin's chief of staff who was the only one censured in the trooper gate controversy, well after a spell he huddled with some of the netroots who were behind the ethics complaints and put out a screed ghosyrf by them
...after President Trump had secured the Republican nomination. Cohen was introducing Trump at a rally. Cohen extolled Trumps virtues, then launched into a full throated defense Trump, against all the phony charges of racism, etc...
How fortunate for Democrats this incredible coincidence that Cohen knows Trump said racist things about black people. I mean if Democrats fantasized about what would best help them politically it would be for Obama voters to show up and vote for a Democratic President again. I mean wouldn't it be fortunate if they had evidence Trump was racist?
I mean what an amazing string of political luck Democrats have been having. First there was a woman who came forward to accuse the Republican Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault at a time when the public's appetite for support of accusers of sexual crimes had been frothed by MeToo, and now we find out Trump says racist things at a time when Democrats so desperately need minority support to win major elections.
I mean you couldn't make up coincidences like that if you had a cast of millions trying, could you?
My questions are apparently too hard for Freder and Chuck. Oh well.
You people bigly feast on the crumbs of your tragic Nero.
"Mike said...
My questions are apparently too hard for Freder and Chuck."
You're not new around here...you know that Freder is generally a drive-by commenter. Chuck is probably busy getting someone's points reduced from a 42 in a 30 ticket.
The bigger regional picture:
The entire hearing process reminds me of a Stalin or a Socialist show trial. It was initiated by the Party and organized by the internal secret service in secret proceedings.
I thought the most absurd and evil/idiotic lie Cohen told was that Trump wasn't running to win, that he was just doing it for his business. What I saw was Trump pulling out all the stops before the election, holding rallies nearly every day, sometimes traveling to three rallies in a day, in states he was told he had little chance of winning. I watched Trump literally pleading with the audiences to go out and vote because otherwise all he had done would have been a "total waste of time." BTW people had been asking Trump about him running for president for decades, it wasn't just something he did on a whim.
LLR Chuck, like Cohen, is an admitted liar.
Which is helpful.
If you did you might not look as stupid as him
He. Not Him.
Kevin: "Once again ACME Congressional Testimony has left the coyote standing on nothing but air."
Still cleaning Coke Zero off my keyboard.
C'mon Curious, they have bypassed opportunities to address the questions. Freder can't support his assertion that Cohen stopped flogging the book on X date. And Chuck is a master of overlooking the point and seizing on a theme of his own choosing to refute a point only he cares about (or sees in most cases). I expected this outcome. But lately I've felt the need to point out the obvious, which can be a never-ending pursuit or drive-by fun, depending...
Roy Cohn doesn't get a good press, but the record shows that he stayed out of jail and, unlike Hiss, did not collude with the Russians. Trump never found his Roy Cohn......For all his experience, Michael Cohen just isn't very good at lying. Does anyone on earth truly believe that he had a change of heart about Trump after Charlottesville?.......Also, I have to say that Trump isn't very good at picking lawyers. Sessions, Rosenstein, Cohen. I sense a pattern.
What our "Mathew Yglesias-lying/admitted Smear Merchant" Chuck probably doesnt want you to remember is over the last 2 to 3 years he has tried to introduce every one of the democrat slimet-smears against Trump and his family.
Specifically, our Durbin-cuckholster Chuck has raised smears related to paying for abortions, melania engaging in prostitution, familial incest, etc.
In other words, in a completely "unexpected" fashion, LLR Chuck has been even more lefty-smear focused than the farthest of the far left.
Precisely what one would expect of a "lifelong republican"....(wink wink)
So if you want to try and address what I wrote instead of what you imagined the question was, what other Republican presidential candidate would have steadfastly stood by Kavanaugh like Trump did?
All of them. Lindsey Graham was a candidate; and was thought perhaps to be the "weakest" in terms of street-fighting the Democrats. And yet we see just what happened with him. He unloaded on Kavanaugh's accusers and detractors.
There's Mitch McConnell. The supposed Brahmin of establishment GOP leadership. He held up the Garland nomination. Summarily followed the Harry Reid precedent and abolished the filibuster rule for SCOTUS nominees. And got both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh through smoothly.
Rubio, Cruz, Bush (like his brother and father actually did); I think they all would have stood behind Kavanaugh. I think that all of them are more or less acolytes of the Federalist Society as I am. And would back up the Federalist Society come hell or high water.
But does either one of us have any conclusive proof to answer your question(s)?
What we do know for sure is what Trump did. And he did sort of "stand by" Kavanaugh steadfastly. What Trump really did, of course, was to go on attack against the Kavanaugh accuser, in a way that left many of us who were the most loyal backers of Kavanaugh feeling a bit embarrassed. Trump is great at street-fight attacks. He's really no good at polished, thoughtful defense. For me, I don't want to have to apologize for Trump's lies and his errors in the service of things and candidates that I like. I expect that you like Trump's combativeness and you will continue to support him. I don't like Trump, and I will continue to seek any/every way possible to get a new Republican president.
Shopping the book around and it being reported on over a year ago is hardly "just revealed".
But congress decided to ignore it or didn’t know about so they look like idiots.
So why didn’t the book change in the last year?
Trump never found his Roy Cohn
WTF? Roy Cohn was Trump's lawyer and "fixer" and mentor from 1974 to 1989 when Cohn died of AIDS. He's the one who talked DJT into suing the DOJ after HUD went after his dad Fred for housing discrimination in 1973. Cohn looms large in the Trump family history. He introduced Don to Manhattan (Fred preferred to build in Queens and the Bronx) and more importantly, to Manhattan High Society: Club 54, The Lounge etc.
So many liars surrounding Trump. Makes you think about the old saying about a fish rotting from the head, doesn't it?
I’m still waiting for my $2500 health insurance reduction and I’m glad to know we can drill our way out. Those whoppers were actually from the rotten head.
Mike said...
C'mon Curious, they have bypassed opportunities to address the questions. Freder can't support his assertion that Cohen stopped flogging the book on X date. And Chuck is a master of overlooking the point and seizing on a theme of his own choosing to refute a point only he cares about (or sees in most cases). I expected this outcome. But lately I've felt the need to point out the obvious, which can be a never-ending pursuit or drive-by fun, depending...
Mike; this page's backwater diversion into Republican judicial selection was entirely raised by you. I have tried to give you some straight answers in response to specific questions and theories raised by your comments.
Graham was part of the gang of 14 which was why w considered Myers to get past the opposition
I will continue to seek any/every way possible to get a new Republican president.
Then you should go Rip Van Winkle for the next five years and see who is ready to run in 2024, because the DNC-Media complex is dead-set on pushing a far left McGovern at our alleged Nixon. We all know how that turned out last time, and they weren't even doing their "socialism now, socialism forever" act like they are now.
I do not share your optimism for the fighting spirit of those candidates you mentioned. Yes Lindsey has surprised us all, but POTUS would be a Peter Principle test for Graham I'm unwilling to take. Unless there's no longer a choice as happened in 2016 with DJT, who of course wasn't my choice either. Until he was.
Mike, I don't expect a successful primary challenge to Trump under the current state of affairs.
I just don't know if Trump is going to have the option of running for President by the fall of 2020.
At the conclusion of Nixon's [scheduled] second term in 1976, President Ford ran and lost to Jimmy Carter. Ford was tarnished by his having pardoned Nixon. Let's hope we don't make that mistake again if Trump is forced out before the end of this term.
"Roy Cohn doesn't get a good press, but the record shows that he stayed out of jail and, unlike Hiss, did not collude with the Russians."
Historical note -- Cohn made his fame as Senator Joe McCarthy's Chief Counsel for the Senate Subcommittee on Investigations.
Guess who was Cohn's second-in-command? The sainted Robert F. Kennedy.
Chuck: Mike; this page's backwater diversion into Republican judicial selection was entirely raised by you
Wrong again. I was responding to a remark by exhelodrvr1 posted at 7:47, which was italicized at the top of my post. See, that's how normal people work on this blog, we react to something someone else said and either extend or redirect the conversation. You prefer to choose an interpretation of what is said that is not evident from the writing and then dispute that which is how we got here today. You did it even with this post.
Your statement italicized here is, strictly speaking, wrong, for others have brought up comparison of Trump to other Republicans. I simply narrowed that focus to a comparison of Trump's actions during the Kavanaugh hearings to the guys (and Carly) he ran against. You didn't have to respond or join in. If it's a stupid diversion, why are you partaking?
Blogger Bob Boyd said...
Cohen's closing statement, a broken man reading a script written for him by his tormentors, was like something from a Soviet show trial
Damn, Bob, that’s good stuff.
Chuckie Chuckie. We are replaying 1968 not 1976. Right?
Mike: "I do not share your optimism for the fighting spirit of those candidates you mentioned."
Nor should you.
What you will come to realize is that the single most important republican candidate trait sought out by Chuck is the unwillingness to fight back against dems.
The more effective a republican is in pushing back against the dems the more LLR Chuck attacks those candidates.
Those republicans who are essentially democrats are highly praised by Chuck.
What Chuck most prizes above all else are republican candidates who will spend the entirety of their campaigns attacking republican base voters while praising democrats.
If you find yourself asking why would any true conservative or republican want such a thing, well, then you are certainly asking the right question.
For even more context, the House Dems are presently rerunning the 1996 Republican playbook. And we know how that turned out.
Overreach = rakeface
PLUS they're preparing to go full McGovern next year. It's time for popcorn, not infighting LLR!
Mike: "Chuckie Chuckie. We are replaying 1968 not 1976. Right?"
Mike, you need to remember that LLR Chuck literally called a republican sweep of the House, Senate and White House in 2016 a "disaster".
He literally wrote that just a few weeks back.
So no, Chucks dream is a wipeout of republicans at all levels...in order to allow the re-emergence of his "True Conservatism".
If you find yourself saying "but that is literally insane for any real conservative or republican to want", again you are on the right track.
But that's insane!
@Mike: I stand corrected. He did find his Roy Cohn, but Michael Cohen was not his next Roy Cohn. Michael Cohen is not very good at telling self serving lies or negotiating corrupt deals. He's a fixer who ends up in a fix. He's not very good at the art of sleaze.......For the record, I think Roy Cohn was a better person than Alger Hiss or the Rosenbergs and a better person than those who think otherwise..
Mike: "PLUS they're preparing to go full McGovern next year. It's time for popcorn, not infighting LLR!"
The disconnect exists because LLR Chuck dows not share your strategic objectives.
You want republican victories.
Chuck views republican victories as "disasters".
If you simply assume LLR Chuck is only here in bad faith to sow dissension and demoralize republicans and conservatives and actually wants democrat policy victories, within that analysis frame every single thing LLR Chuck writes makes perfect sense.
Thanks M Jordan.
I was waiting for Cohen to be led out the back door into a narrow, brick courtyard, shoved to his knees by a drain and shot in the head.
Bob: "I was waiting for Cohen to be led out the back door into a narrow, brick courtyard, shoved to his knees by a drain and shot in the head."
He's not worth the bullet.
He'll make lots of new friends where he's going.
Michael Cohen is so last week.
Mike, I didn't say that yours was a "stupid" diversion. I never used the word "stupid" in that instance, and I wouldn't do it now. Even when there are plenty of "stupid" comments elsewhere on the Althouse comments pages. But let's please agree that 'Republican judicial selection' was certainly not the subject of Althouse's blog post. I am always hesitant about off-topic diversions since my comments seem to get scrutinized more than others.
Indeed, the politics of federal judicial selection is one that I love and which I find irresistible. I wasn't complaining; I was just being defensive about whether I was the one who was taking the discussion off-topic.
Federal judicial selection is largely the only reason why I cast my general election vote for Trump, after opposing him all the way until November of 2016.
Admitted liar and smear merchant Chuck: "Federal judicial selection is largely the only reason why I cast my general election vote for Trump, .."
There is no actual evidence that actually occurred.
And, in fact, would be precisely what a bad faith poster would claim
So, Cohen definitely penned this book after Charlottesville, and was probably still hawking it after Helsinki. Would love to see the text, which I am quite sure the media actually have in hand.
Cohen testified that he threatened over 500 people and entities at Schlump's direction over a number of years. Schlump has easily bested Nixon and his infamous Enemies List.
Erecting to high office a man of such bad character has pernicious consequences for the nation. The hypocritical Rethuglicans should be leading the patriotic charge to get rid of him. Won't happen! They'll never admit to being wrong - so very wrong. SAD!
How to end the right-wing troll domination of this blog? One troll at a time. Althouse is venturing into art, music and literature; topics in which the redneck and Hoosier illiterate blog trolls have little interest. If it isn't about hating Hillary and Barack, and embracing Schlump then they quickly lose interest. They have the attention span of a three year old. A whole new readership is emerging on Althouse helped along by the old age and demise of the most vicious blog trolls.
"Erecting to high office a man..."
Ah HA! I knew it. Trumpit is a Chinese bot.
Or a bitter clinger.
he threatened over 500 people
Ooh the scary little Cohen! Did you know he's a lawyer? Guess what lawyers do? They write threatening letters on behalf of their clients! Scandalous. Threatening legal action is so un-American isn't it?
Now with your redneck bullshit because you got nothing from Cohen or Mueller. Boo freaking hoo. I'm a published author. Are you? I have an MBA and work for some of the most prestigious American companies. Do you? Politics is a tiny part of my being, and generally only gets expressed here. You're a troll who thinks those people are far more important than they really are. DC is Hollywood for ugly people.
Cohen had no evidence of "Russian Collusion," is going to jail for 3 years in a month, and will be old news in a week or two.
he threatened over 500 people
Won’t the Covington attorney surpass that? I hope he does.
Michael Cohen’s book manuscript shows that he committed perjury on a scale not seen before. He must have forgotten about his book when he testified. What does Hillary Clinton’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, say about this one. Is he being paid by Crooked Hillary. Using her lawyer?
Trump's latest tweet. Truly, Trump is blessed by his opponents.
500 people threatened with law suits, that's not fighter lawyer... 5,000 people threatened with law suits is a fighter lawyer. That's a line from Crocodile Dundee The Lawyer.
"Have Card, Will Threaten to Sue".
Mike, I don't expect a successful primary challenge to Trump under the current state of affairs.
I just don't know if Trump is going to have the option of running for President by the fall of 2020.
So, Trump will be dead by then? What else would prevent him from running? I see nothing in the constitution that would prevent otherwise, even if your dream came true and he was in jail.
Freder Frederson said...
Ann. Do you ever bother to check Trump's tweets for accuracy? If you did you might not look as stupid as him.
3/1/19, 7:46 AM
Pretty funny. Insults.. First thing in the morning.. From the same guy sending e-mail to Meade yesterday complaining about someone hurting his feelings for insulting him.
Typical of those people.
Last week, in these pages, J Farmer was touting an anal lubricant, available from the Althouse Amazon portal. It could be an apt going-away present for Cohen.
alanc709: "So, Trump will be dead by then? What else would prevent him from running? I see nothing in the constitution that would prevent otherwise, even if your dream came true and he was in jail."
LLR Chuck routinely plants what he hopes are seeds of doubt to undermine conservatives and republicans confidence.
Chuck thinks he does this in a subtle way and it might work in a limited way in a Wild Wild West yahoo comments section sort of way.
At Althouseblog however the readership and commentariat are much less likely to fall for this faux-LLR astro-turfing tactic.
Blogger Trumpit said...
Cohen testified that he threatened over 500 people and entities at Schlump's direction over a number of years. Schlump has easily bested Nixon and his infamous Enemies List.
Erecting to high office a man of such bad character has pernicious consequences for the nation. The hypocritical Rethuglicans should be leading the patriotic charge to get rid of him. Won't happen! They'll never admit to being wrong - so very wrong. SAD!
How to end the right-wing troll domination of this blog? One troll at a time. Althouse is venturing into art, music and literature; topics in which the redneck and Hoosier illiterate blog trolls have little interest. If it isn't about hating Hillary and Barack, and embracing Schlump then they quickly lose interest. They have the attention span of a three year old. A whole new readership is emerging on Althouse helped along by the old age and demise of the most vicious blog trolls.
3/1/19, 11:44 AM
So, Trump will be dead by then? What else would prevent him from running? I see nothing in the constitution that would prevent otherwise, even if your dream came true and he was in jail.
Sure, Trump might die. But we could say that about any of the current or prospective candidates. I was not even thinking much about Trump's death; although since you mentioned it, he may be in the most suspect health of any of them, given his age and obesity and hypercholesterolemia. Some might think of the (very low probability) of assassination as well. I wasn't thinking of any of that when I commented earlier.
What I was thinking of were things like a series of felony indictments under state law in New York, New Jersey, California, Florida, et cetera. Or a report by the Office of Special Counsel in the next six months that lays out a "devastating" (Rudolph Giuliani's term) case of criminal law violations by Trump as a candidate and as president. Or even a series of federal indictments filed under seal but somehow known to the public. Or a long series of Congressional hearings and investigations leading to impeachment or even the resignation of an exhausted and administratively crippled president.
Never forget Helsinki.
In regard to Trump's standing by Kavanaugh, Trump had a new advantage that the Senate confirmation required only a simple majority.
Well they understand the stakes:
Well then:
Well we know who's on what side:
So Lil Kimmee’s willing to meet again.....
Reading LLR Chuck is like listening to lefty fever dream promos for the Rachel Maddow Show!
Which makes perfect sense again when you recall LLR Chuck thinks Maddow is "brilliant".
Not quite as "magnificent" as LLR Chuck considers obama, but still.
“Last week, in these pages, J Farmer was touting an anal lubricant, available from the Althouse Amazon portal. It could be an apt going-away present for Cohen.”
I recall Althouse expressing disgust at people who revel in the prospect of someone getting raped in prison.
Or a long series of Congressional hearings and investigations leading to impeachment or even the resignation of an exhausted and administratively crippled president.
Wanna bet?
Trump will never ever ever resign. And he won't be removed from office. Any Republican senator that voted that way is doing so on their way out the door. It's, by design, HARD to remove a duly elected President of the United States.
He's running in 2020, and statistically, he's likely to win re-election.
Seeing Red: "So Lil Kimmee’s willing to meet again....."
Li'l Kimmee was following ChiCom directives in his discussions with Trump in Vietnam. Unfortunately for the ChiComs and the Norks they placed far too much faith in the mindless ramblings of the western leftists and their lap poodle LLR's.
The Norks thought Trump would collapse and give them everything they want just like LLR Chuck's "magnificent" obama did.
Imagine the Norks surprise when Trump told them "too bad amigos, you coulda been something" and then walked away!
You could hear the gnashing of teeth in Beijing, the DNC and LLR Chuck's living room from the moon!
Now that the Norks know better and now that the ChiComs know better, they will return to the table with a new appreciation of their relative position.
After all, unlike western leftists and LLR's like Chuck, the ChiCons have demonstrated an ability to adapt.
"Hello everyone, I saw comments from people who already got their loan from Jackson Walton Loan Company, honestly i thought it was a scam , and then I decided to apply under their recommendations and just few days ago I confirmed in my own personal bank account a total amount of $32,000 which I requested for business..."
It is a scam, and not a very good one. My guess is that it is being run out of one of the prisons in the area right around the supposed location of the scammer. Some hints for next time:
- Invest in a private domain. Using a free Gmail account just looks cheap.
- Pick a location more than a couple miles from the CO state penitentiary and federal SuperMax.
- Don't put a +1 in front of the phone number. The +1 phone calls I get every day are almost always foreign phone scammers
- Match your area code to the location you claim to be from. Land line phone numbers are still tightly tied to physical locations, and failure to match them screams to me that you are using a cell phone.
- Clean up the grammer. Your advertisement was clearly not written by someone skilled in writing American business English. Originally, I thought that you might not be American (esp with the use of +1), but rereading it, my revised guess is that you are running the scam out of one of the prisons right next to the address that you gave, and never learned to write well enough to pull this off, because you picked crime over education.
Inga: "I recall Althouse expressing disgust at people who revel in the prospect of someone getting raped in prison."
Didnt stop anyone on the left from doing just that.
"What I was thinking of were things like a series of felony indictments under state law in New York, New Jersey, California, Florida, et cetera. Or a report by the Office of Special Counsel in the next six months that lays out a "devastating" (Rudolph Giuliani's term) case of criminal law violations by Trump as a candidate and as president. Or even a series of federal indictments filed under seal but somehow known to the public. Or a long series of Congressional hearings and investigations leading to impeachment or even the resignation of an exhausted and administratively crippled president."
Chuck, those MIGHT prevent his election. Which, if any, of those, prevent him from filing as a candidate? Anyone can run for president, as long as they are 35 yo and a native of the country.
BTW, does Trump look "exhausted"? Ever? Does an "exhausted" president travel to El Paso and riff with the overflow crowd for 90 minutes?
Annoyed, yes, exhausted no. Annoyed means he's LESS likely to resign.
Or does he tell a group of 30 people in New Hampshire to "please clap".
Brian: "BTW, does Trump look "exhausted"? Ever? Does an "exhausted" president travel to El Paso and riff with the overflow crowd for 90 minutes?"
One standard tactic of the left is to attack a clear strength of a republican and try to turn that against them.
Remember how the left went after HWBush for cowardice? And then suggesting that Bush cowardly bailed out of his crippled aircraft too fast and killing his gunner?
Whats most interesting on this blog is how LLR Chuck consistently employs the very same rhetorical tactics as the far left.
Nothing "coincidental" about it I would guess.
That could never happen:
From narciso link above:
4) What many of you may not be aware of is the fact that I can personally confirm that the ONLY reason Michael Cohen “turned on” the President of the United States is because Mueller threatened to throw his wife in jail for up to 30 years. Period. She is the co-guarantor of a $20M personal loan that Mueller discovered Michael secured back in 2015 by falsely inflating the value of his taxi medallions – effectively making her part & parcel to the federal charge of “Making False Statements to a Financial Institution,” to which Cohen ultimately plead guilty. This is also the reason why Cohen’s longtime taxi medallion partner, Evgeny “Gene” Freidman, was granted immunity.
Chuck, those MIGHT prevent his election. Which, if any, of those, prevent him from filing as a candidate? Anyone can run for president, as long as they are 35 yo and a native of the country.
I'm not sure it would prevent his election! I love how he put several states in there when there is only media discussion about state charges in New York. And those potential charges are never announced, just that they are possible.
If they indicted him in state court, he'd plead not guilty, do a rally in some purple state, and still win while awaiting trial.
Can you imagine how long a trial of a man of substantial means such as Trump would take? Any bond he couldn't pay would be thrown out on appeal. And it helps that nobody is going to be able to take him into custody as long as he's POTUS.
Chuck I know you hate the man, but you do realize half the country voted for the man, right? Or are you in the conspiracy camp that it was all Russian bots?
Another Kennedy in the making
To make it easier access. These are Inga and Chuck and Fredors clan:
Feds threaten Cohens wife. These people are sickening
Inga: "I recall Althouse expressing disgust at people who revel in the prospect of someone getting raped in prison.
Who said anything about rape? Many people engage in consensual anal sex. Inga is letting her homophobia show.
Makes you think about the old saying about a fish rotting from the head, doesn't it?
If you like your fish rotting from the head, you can keep your fish rotting from the head. Period.
And where is this paean to the Donald?
"What I was thinking of were things like a series of felony indictments under state law in New York, New Jersey, California, Florida, et cetera. Or a report by the Office of Special Counsel in the next six months that lays out a "devastating" (Rudolph Giuliani's term) case of criminal law violations by Trump as a candidate and as president. Or even a series of federal indictments filed under seal but somehow known to the public. Or a long series of Congressional hearings and investigations leading to impeachment or even the resignation of an exhausted and administratively crippled president."
I do expect this as the primary attack on Trump over the next 2-6 years. I don't see House investigations being that effective. After, the DoJ and the rest of the federal govt report to Trump, and Obama showed how ineffective Congressional oversight can be if actively opposed by the President. The Republicans controlling both Houses of Congress tried for 6 years to dig things out of various agencies and departments while Obama was in office, and typically got bupkis. Trump could do the same, esp when it is aimed directly at him.
Impeachment would be interesting. No chance at conviction and removal. Not even if the Dems had retaken the Senate, because OrangeManBad as an excuse doesn't play well in Trump voting states. More likely to cost any Trump state Senators voting for impeachment their jobs. Palsi Pelosi forced a number of her caucus their jobs by voting for Obamacare the last time she was Speaker. I expect the same for most of the freshman Dems from Trump districts who vote for impeachment. So possible impeachment for political reasons but no removal, heading into the 2020 election. I would expect an electoral blowout by Trump.
Which leaves state level investigations. And those first three states are the big threat there, because they are all pretty deep blue, and now are fairly thoroughly controlled by Democrats. Not sure how Trump's Presidency is going to protect him from ham sandwich prosecutors. Gould be ugly.
maybe he's trying stand up comedy,
Another Kennedy in the making
3/1/19, 2:01 PM
The child stealing cunt can join Proggies from now on and "prove" Trump wrong because he sides with the Justices appointed by Progcommies, ergo Justices have zero ideology regardless of who nominated them for the position and they all merely only call balls and strikes, nothing more nor less.
He is very smart. He went to Harvard.
Oh and his family will be stolen from him, ironic turnabout, if he doesn't obey the 3rd level operators paying everyone to fuck us.
I personify diversity in ways you can't conceive of.
Mostly the lack of conception is better, not worse, depending which way and all.
The intensity toward Kavanaugh was only because they all know, knew, Roberts is worse.
Way, way worse.
In all ways.
Sthe questions have always beem wny id you do it?
Jon Stew Leib and Srteve Careoll the Office supterstar?
You took advantage of mentallhry retarded people and profitted through subterfuge.
But eveybody mae they money.
I watched and laughed. you got me
All non-Proggs are retards needing to be homeless and kicked to death.
Okay okay okay I sold ought/out
So where is my cash?
I only need about 22.4 mil to make it all right.
Okay, all right. Okay. K. Please.
I'll never forget years ago I happened upon who whoitt on the radio, 710 or something, and he had Johnahn Soyberg on and they obsessed about how the term "cuck" was racist.
Only racist use it.
Some of the people that used it jonah and hew were willing to forgive, because of their ignorance and all of their racism, sins.
They really sold it.
I love 'em both, like brothers.
As all you should, unless you had millions of brothers that never lied or backstabbed.
We created Jonah, bying the book and all.
Actually reading it, understanding it.
And then Hillary is best. OMB.
I named my dog after who whoitt's guest host, who had on Andy Sullivan in a great tit-for-tat because of Dean Barnett's accent.
Good times.
Andy allowed the whole Stephen Glass stewardwisedly, but he didn't trust Dean Barnett because Dean Barnett was a guest host of Hugh Hewitt. I will give the man his due.
Steward means to me what it meant to Tolkien and nothing less.
3/1/19, 2:37 PM
Little bitch boy shits, running only, as always has been, that shit utopiopiAH.
Have fun I'm tellin' ya not utopiah.
Such thing no maybe but no
Composision fallacies ae some my favarites.
Little bit of trig...
Wjole Jell of a lot of CALC
Okay, we got the little, little bit of Trig and is made us trillions.
Calc personified ...
I love that guy on that show and all...
but geeks u[ an passed you up three decades ago.
Althome is God Sir.
Bless you.
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