"Openly using such language has, all along, been an indictment. Imagine how tone-deaf you’d have to be to not realize it makes you look bad, when news does not match audience expectations you raised.... The story hyped from the start was espionage: a secret relationship between the Trump campaign and Russian spooks who’d helped him win the election.... It was literal spying, treason, and election-fixing – crimes so severe, former NSA employee John Schindler told reporters, Trump 'will die in jail.'... CNN told us Trump officials had been in 'constant contact' with 'Russians known to U.S. intelligence,' and the former director of the CIA, who’d helped kick-start the investigation that led to Mueller’s probe, said the President was guilty of 'high crimes and misdemeanors,' committing acts 'nothing short of treasonous.'... Either Trump is a compromised foreign agent, or he isn’t. If he isn’t, news outlets once again swallowed a massive disinformation campaign, only this error is many orders of magnitude more stupid than any in the recent past, WMD included...."
From "It's official: Russiagate is this generation's WMD/The Iraq war faceplant damaged the reputation of the press. Russiagate just destroyed it," which is mostly an excerpt from the forthcoming book, "Hate Inc.: Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another" by Matt Taibbi.
१०१ टिप्पण्या:
I posted this excerpt from Taibbi on the mouse cafe thread:
“The Russiagate era has so degraded journalism that even once “reputable” outlets are now only about as right as politicians, which is to say barely ever, and then only by accident.”
Everyone should read Matt Taibbi's superb article.
If he isn’t, news outlets once again swallowed a massive disinformation campaign, only this error is many orders of magnitude more stupid than any in the recent past, WMD included...."
I like the literal interpretation of this statement -- the error was stupid.
Taibbi could have written here that the disinformation was many order orders of magnitude more exaggerated than any in the recent past, which would also have been true. But the extremity of stupidity is important. Anti-Trumpers who bought into this story weren't just fooled. They were foolish. Incredibly so.
An excellent synopsis. And yet apologies will not be forthcoming. Orange Man bad. Orange Man bad, dammit. Say it with me — Orange Man bad. Dammit, I said say it with me — Orange Man bad. Now start chanting.
I really, really, wish I could elaborate on that quote. Make it or clear, but I can't.
Dis-information is what the DEMOCRATIC MEDIA INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX is for.
The Soviets managed spies in the US for decades without detection, and Putin still knows how. He also knew Trump's policies would be a nightmare for him and Hillary's a wet dream. Odd that the top FBI, Dems, Media, and McCain didn't.
I don't get the analogy with WMD/Iraq War. I thought they planted Bush's face by hanging the entire war justification on WMD. We didn't expect them to have more accurate intelligence on Saddam than the US govt.
We who are living through the implosion of the ruling classes across all of the First World can only struggle to understand what we are living through. It is truly amazing, and I never thought it would unfold like it has. I'm sure that some future historian will write a book like Mackay's magnum opus on our times.
But to specifically address the implosion of the press that Taibbi writes about, it just amazes me to turn on the TV to a news channel & just watch as supposed professionals lose their minds right there on the screen in front of you. MSNBC was always iffy, but CNN turned into a 24x7 loony bin. I had to give up NPR after Trump won. It was like it had become National Howler Monkey Radio
"Either Trump is a compromised foreign agent, or he isn’t. If he isn’t, news outlets once again swallowed a massive disinformation campaign, only this error is many orders of magnitude more stupid than any in the recent past, WMD included...."
NO. The hacks in the DNC press disseminated bad information, knowingly.
Pretty much everything the MSM and the Democrats said is true except that the names and parties were changed. 2016 was all about DoJ-FBI-Intelligence Community conspiring with the DNC-Clinton Campaign to rig an election and failing that to sabotage the Trump presidency and escape prosecution. Now is the time to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the actual conspiracy and obstruction of justice.
I've read this article. It's a damning indictment. Question: will it make any difference in how the news media operate? My sad answer: most likely not.
Democrats shouldn’t worry about redactions, I am sure they will all be about yoga classes and grandchildren, you know, like the meeting on the tarmac, oh, and that other thing.... what was it?
Matt Taibbi is a Russian plant. He played professional baseball in Russian leagues. Not to mention basketball in Mongolia. He was also a reporter in both places.
It's not a matter of trusting the media. Nobody wants hard news, anyway there's no market for it.
They want narrative, and classical simple narratives.
Why put Hannity next to Maddow on the cover of his book: "Hate Inc.: Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another"?
After all, Sean always says, "Don't let your heart be troubled!"
And between the two, Hannity has been the lone finger in the "fake news" dike, across the media landscape all this time.
"If he isn’t, news outlets once again swallowed a massive disinformation campaign...
Wrong verb.
25 years ago I thought a true leftist was someone who still believed Alger Hiss was innocent. 25 years from now will a true leftist be someone who still believes the Russia Hoax?
Looking around also for the Republican cheers of congratulations, President Trump, we believed in you all along and none of that nonsense which is well and truly over. Not getting much of that am I?
Know this, Althouse. The only thing that will stop the Ds is electoral pain. Have you had enough of this or do you prefer it to continue?
Re: NSA former employee John Schindler I followed him for quite a while on Twitter. I thought he had interesting perspectives. Then.....he started going off the rails in so many ways it was sad, really sad.
I include Bill Kristol, Stephan Hayes, Charlie Sykes, Jonah Goldberg as others who have become people that are just too hard to listen to. They'd rather vote for Democrats at ANY level of government than Republicans these days. Just to stick it to Trump. Childish behavior IMO.
I'll be disappointed if the executive summary doesn't include words like "no evidence" or "baseless accusations".
And between the two, Hannity has been the lone finger in the "fake news" dike, across the media landscape all this time.
I never thought much of Hannity, don't really now, but he sure got lucky when he latched onto Trump.
You might be a lefty if you were disappointed to find out that your President didn't collude with Russia. How fucked up is that?
I believed in Trump all along, but I also believed in the DOJ/FBI's vast capacity for frameup--and, just as the MSM should have been able to predict, but evidently did not, I got to the point that I would've voted for Trump if he had announced he was from outer space, a la Kang and Kodos in The Simpsons a lifetime ago.
Wait, how can this be true?
I was reliably informed that Mueller didn't leak by Leftists who post here.
But how could people anticipate what Mueller was going to disappoint with if that is true?
It's as if the Leftists lie and try to deceive the rest of us.
I thought they planted Bush's face by hanging the entire war justification on WMD. We didn't expect them to have more accurate intelligence on Saddam than the US govt.
That whole theme was to help Tony Blair get through Parliament. It was as big a mistake as the "Mission Accomplished " banner.
Why Bush left Tenant and the CIA in place after that is another mystery.
This seems kinda familiar;
"Ned Ryun
Verified account @nedryun
Just so we’re clear, I’m not interested in having polite conversations with those who pushed the Russian collusion fairytale. I intend to shame you, call you out, demand consequences and for you to suffer professionally for what you have done to do destabilize our nation."
Oh yeah, now I remember:
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16, 4:46 PM
Give em hell Matt.The CIA paid Media rats are running around in circles today acting like they are confused that Hillary is the actual Evil Traitor and not the Terrible Bad Man.
Will we finally get to see the evidence gathered over two years proving that Obama and Hillary deserve the Death Penalty. That's the penalty the Dems recently tried to have eliminated. If it was god enough for Seth Rich, it's good enough for the Clinton Foundation's deeds.
I am not commenting on the content of the report since I don't know what it is.
One should bear in mind however that it is not appropriate to indict (under the probable cause standard) unless the prosecutor believes he will be able to prove the case before the jury beyond a reasonable doubt. So the report may say that the evidence falls between the two standards, and the debate among partisans will continue unabated.
The Emperor's New Clothes.
It is not a new thing.
Know this, Althouse. The only thing that will stop the Ds is electoral pain. Have you had enough of this or do you prefer it to continue?
I don't get this, especially from long time readers. AA frequently complains about and deconstructs lies, innuendo, mis direction and fakery by WaPo, NYT and other media. Just did it earlier today.
Not always correct , of course.
In fact, I remember one time I had to educate her and another (DBQ or MT?) on how a criminal mastermind robbed a bank.
But that is a humorous story for another day, perhaps when threat of moderation is lifted...
The MSM was not fooled, they are just parts of a system working as directed.
They all do precisely as they are told.
They are very expensive operations, managed and staffed by professionals.
If they were told to turn on a dime, they would.
clint said...
I'll be disappointed if the executive summary doesn't include words like "no evidence" or "baseless accusations".
Unfortunately, no. Prosecutors do not exculpate. They only inculpate. The fact that Mueller issued his report and declared there are no further pending indictments is as close to an exculpation as there is likely to be. For a real exculpation another special counsel will need to be appointed to investigate the Obama Administration's role in this attempt to steal an election and failing that subvert the Trump presidency.
If you think you'll be "disappointed" at the result then I question your patriotism and loyalty to the rule of law.
As I said elsewhere.
Meanwhile, according to the AP:
"The probe illuminated Russia’s assault on the American political system, painted the Trump campaign as eager to exploit the release of hacked Democratic emails to hurt Democrat Hillary Clinton and exposed lies by Trump aides aimed at covering up their Russia-related contacts."
Fourth try
Henry said...
I like the literal interpretation of this statement -- the error was stupid.
Taibbi could have written here that the disinformation was many order orders of magnitude more exaggerated than any in the recent past, which would also have been true. But the extremity of stupidity is important. Anti-Trumpers who bought into this story weren't just fooled. They were foolish. Incredibly so.
The average democrat and never trumper out in the country reading this can claim they were just stupid.
The people propagating this were evil and they are traitors trying to destroy our country and the natural freedoms our country protects.
Jail is better than those people deserve.
Democrat and Dementia both start with Dem...
The Media picked up the Russian collusion cannonball and jumped overboard with it.
Bon voyage.
As the bubbles come to the surface, the ship sails on.
Why Bush left Tenant and the CIA in place after that is another mystery.
He didn't just leave him in place. Bush awarded George Tenant the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
buwaya @2:17: Methinks they must be either very well compensated, or very much committed, to die on such a manure pile.
Not much evidence for the former, easier for me to believe the latter.
As the intelligent, well-read and worldly man that you are, I think that you underestimate how stupid and immature the media crowd is in this country.
I think this is spot on with the WMD analogy in that like many supporters of the Iraq war I felt there must have been some super, duper, knowledge or intel they had that truly would make proving Saddam had an active WMD program a "Slam dunk" as George Tenet of the CIA was going on about. The press was in on it too, circulating the same leaks and off the record reports by all of the same experts. Only to see how thinly sourced it was after reading the Duelfer WMD report years later. It's the same god damn thing and even some of the same players too. This act is getting a little old.
steve uhr keeps hope alive. Hangs his hat on the idea that Mueller will publish an unprovable slur. Maybe he will. Who knows?
I also think it is sad how the media has lost interest in appearing unbiased regarding President Trump. It began slowly. Eventually, even reporters I always found diligent in efforts to present news fairly quit trying. Jake Tapper comes to mind. I hope it is that they are convinced that the President is so unqualified and harmful this is necessary. While this shows a high regard for their perceived superior intellect, at least it means when President Trump is no longer in office they might go back to more fair presentations.
Ya know, this whole collusion thing and all the related hatred from the left has been dividing the country for years.
Who benefits? Russia, that's who.
Pretty obvious to anyone with any intelligence whatsoever that Russia was and continues to be the major player here.
Investigation of Schiff, Pelosi, Clinton NYT WaPo CNN and others would reveal who Putin has been paying or blackmailing.
BTW, extra space is some kind of weird blogger thing. Even after "tightening up" comment box comment occasionally has ghost space.
Remember that these are the same people who believe the word of a woman who had her entire internet presence vacuumed, (how do you do that, BTW? Google must have helped.) and who was contradicted by every witness she cited, except the dead cop that she claims she told, but he never told anybody then he died.
That is slam dunk proof for these people, so that joke about the Russians maybe having all of those emails that Hillary deleted to frustrate Congressional oversight, that same oversight responsibility, BTW, that the Democrats are using to demand every single document that Mueller collected on his fruitless escapade.
But we can always remember that Obama simply told Congress to pound salt when he didn’t want to give up a document, so we have the standard set by “the most transparent administration in US history."
it is not appropriate to indict (under the probable cause standard) unless the prosecutor believes he will be able to prove the case before the jury beyond a reasonable doubt.
No attempt to reach Jerome Corsi was made, I assume. You know, the fellow who refused to plead to lies ?
He's the guy who has more money than Flynn had.
I usually find buwaya interesting and insightful, but this time — the media is taking orders from a coordinated campaign — seems a bit nutty. Got evidence? I mean, I think I have a plausible theory: groupthink in a subculture. I see journalists who are both ignorant and certain all the time. Isn’t that more credible than Spectre or KAOS?
So the report may say that the evidence falls between the two standards
But how does Mueller report what wasn't illegal (but might be political "crimes") and exonerate the innocent? The Dems/Media won't be satisfied with "no crimes were committed by Trump campaign wrt Russia."
Doesn't it literally take an act of Congress to reveal grand jury testimony? I can't remember about the Starr Report.
I think this is spot on with the WMD analogy in that like many supporters of the Iraq war I felt there must have been some super, duper, knowledge or intel they had that truly would make proving Saddam had an active WMD program a "Slam dunk" as George Tenet of the CIA was going on about.
Heck, media had me believing Saddam had a nuke bomb. And, the lethal gas explanation as wmd, while technically true, is disappointing.
On the other hand, a more realistic analogy is the McMartin pre school witch hunt where any rational person knew there were not hidden chambers and satanic rituals, animal sacrifices along with sex abuse of five year old kids.
Breaking news right now as AG Burr has released a letter summarizing the findings of the report.
It's a long article but well worth reading. It's a thorough take down of the biased reporting, but I don't expect that it will make any waves among the biased reporters. Have you heard of any other reporters wondering how they got it wrong?......The press looks bad, and the worst of it is, they don't realize they look bad. They soldier on...... The Vatican nowadays has some tiny inkling that they might have handled those sex abuse allegations with ineptitude and bias. The press remains convinced of their probity and courage in their coverage of the Russiagate story.
Barr to brief House Judiciary Committee on Mueller report at 5 pm EST
Uhr: ,So the report may say that the evidence falls between the two standards, and the debate among partisans will continue unabated."
That would be completely against DOJ rules.
But then again, so is pulling an East German Stasi-manuever of spying and framing domestic political opponents, and we know you guys had fun with that.
I wonder how many of these reporters went to prestige schools. I bet their children also got into prestige schools. Interesting idea for a follow up story occurs to me.
"One should bear in mind however that it is not appropriate to indict (under the probable cause standard) unless the prosecutor believes he will be able to prove the case before the jury beyond a reasonable doubt. So the report may say that the evidence falls between the two standards, and the debate among partisans will continue unabated."
So the commenter is applying the "no reasonable prosecutor" Hillary standard to Trump. Interesting. I'll keep the relative comparison to evidence levels, and this commenters quote, in mind when the report becomes better know. In the meantime, insincere but well played.
I’d like some insights into the deeper motives of the investigative and intelligence bureaucrats. Was it as simple as partisanship or was there some deeper fear? Surely they could see beyond crass and boorish behavior and NOT see evil “that must be stopped”.. Hell, large chunks of Republicans held their noses and voted for Trump.
And now all of this leads those same Republicans to no longer hold their noses and vote for Trump again.
(PS I believe Chuck has stated before he voted for Trump.)
Remember when District Attorney Mike Nifong tried to railroad innocent people?
And an investigation by a higher authority declared those innocent parties actually, positively innocent?
Yeah, that sometimes happens.
Because sometimes there is no legitimate evidence of criminal activity by subjects of a "which warlock hunt" and "Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue" demands that a reasonable prosecutor should not prosecute.
From link provided in Althouse post: Read the whole thing
"Years ago, in the midst of the WMD affair, Times public editor Daniel Okrent noted the paper’s standard had moved from “Don’t get it first, get it right” to “Get it first and get it right.” From there, Okrent wrote, “the next devolution was an obvious one.”
We’re at that next devolution: first and wrong. The Russiagate era has so degraded journalism that even once “reputable” outlets are now only about as right as politicians, which is to say barely ever, and then only by accident.
Early on, I was so amazed by the sheer quantity of Russia “bombshells” being walked back, I started to keep a list. It’s well above 50 stories now. As has been noted by Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept and others, if the mistakes were random, you’d expect them in both directions, but Russiagate errors uniformly go the same way."
Its obvious by now the "leak proof" Mueller investigators gave their team the DNC a heads up so they wouldn't be completely flat footed. Why else did we start seeing "Don't be surprised if Mueller disappoints" articles last week? It would not surprise me if Pelosi, Schiff or Nadler had gotten a draft report a week ago so they could pump their brakes a bit. Since Nadler and Schiff are just feeding red meat to their troops they can continue ginning up impeachment hopes with their deluded constituents.
"Imagine how tone-deaf you’d have to be to not realize it makes you look bad"
Imagine how deep your illusions about the media must be to attribute their errors to "tone-deafness" and to think they'd worry about "looking bad," or that a disinformation campaign is something the MSM would "swallow" rather than eagerly promote, provided it hits the right target.
Just as I have raised the question what it would take to persuade Althouse that the MSM aren't just occasionally evil or misleading or maliciously anti-Trump but that the rot is systemic, so I would ask Taibbi what it would take to persuade him that the errors and the bad looks and the disinformation and the lies are what they do and who they are.
Beyond evidence, the question is political: what would it take for the few reasonable liberals left to realize that people and institutions they thought were on their side are actually actively undermining the standards and culture those liberals believed in, and consider the Althouses and the Taibbis the enemy--and that, therefore, the Althouses and Taibbis should switch sides?
The reasons cited to end the war in Iraq were numerous, not including the current state of WMD. They included Iraq's history of possessing and using WMD, the possession and acquisition of precursors and resources to develop WMD, the intransigence of the regime to comply with the terms of the decades-long ceasefire, and humanitarian causes a la Serbia/Kosovo but with presumably more evidence.
Uhr: "So the report may say that the evidence falls between the two standards, and the debate among partisans will continue unabated."
Nah. The Special Counsel is not allowed to do that, it would be unethical. He doesn't get to report that "Trump is kinda guilty but I declined to indict him because a jury wouldn't have found him guilty." I know, the FBI has redefined corruption, but that's not how Justice works.
It a state prosecutor tried someone for a sexcrime, found no evidence, and them proceeded to state publicly that the defendant probably did it, wouldn't he be open to an ethics cmte, disbarment and a libel/slander suit?
And it won't be up for debate. One side will float the idea that Mueller shoulda coulda woulda and the other side will mock them relentlessly for being so intellectually bankrupt.
Who knew? Putin not only got to Mueller, he's got Matt Taibbi, too!!!! What's next? Is Inga going to find out that Nancy Pelosi is a Putin stooge, too?
Saddam Hussein's attack on Kuwait upsetting the U.S. Government's carefully and laboriously made arrangements for the oil industries of the Middle East countries would not have been tolerated in any case. He had to go, and he was not going to go voluntarily.
So we went into Iraq becuase Saddam also beat Hillary? That sure is a stupid reason to try and destroy an elected leader.
Just think if all the two-bit local papers that uncritically ran these stories, writing only the hysterical headlines-to-fit.
Cheaper than original reporting in state and local stories,eh.
The MSM was not fooled, they are just parts of a system working as directed.
They all do precisely as they are told.
I can't agree with this. They are in the same meetings with the politicians inventing the fake narratives, coordinating the release and timing and reactions for maximum impact. They are not pawns, or naives or foot soldiers, they are partners in crimes, literal and figurative.
Fuck them all.
Saddam Hussein's attack on Kuwait upsetting the U.S. Government's carefully and laboriously made arrangements for the oil industries of the Middle East countries would not have been tolerated in any case. He had to go, and he was not going to go voluntarily
So basically any country with a big enough army has a sovereign right to invade their neighbors and take their oil, but when an even bigger country with an even bigger army beats them back, that’s bad.
Nah. The Special Counsel is not allowed to do that, it would be unethical. He doesn't get to report that "Trump is kinda guilty but I declined to indict him because a jury wouldn't have found him guilty." I know, the FBI has redefined corruption, but that's not how Justice works.
Ummm, that’s what he did. Makes me sick to be an American.
Taibbi:We broke every written and unwritten rule in pursuit of this story, starting with the prohibition on reporting things we can’t confirm
Worth repeating.
Interview with the last dragon slayer
Reporter Kim Weaver: I’ve heard the term Dragon enabler once. Can you explain that to me?
The Last Dragon Slayer: Absolutely. A Dragon enabler is someone who actively works to spread disinformation or engages in activities that either allows a dragon to operate freely or interferes with a Dragon Salyer in his attempts to defeat the dragon.
RKW: What about Dragon agnostic? Is that someone who simply does not believe in dragons?
TLDS: I don’t think there is any such thing as a person who does not believe in dragons. There are those who are duped into believing that there is a dragon when there is not or that there is not a dragon when there is one. These people are lazy and foolish. Any adult who cannot take the time to sift through the facts to find the truth of something, rather than pick the story they like better, hoping that they are right are sad and contemptable. To allow dragons free reign to commit atrocities is something that I cannot understand. But worse than that are the people who knowingly cultivate dragons in the hopes that the dragon they serve will do harm to only one’s enemies. A sort of necessary evil for the greater good mentality. History is rife with these examples. Almost as bad are the people who recognize these bad actors for who they are but fail to ostracize them from society.
RKW: Wow. You seem to be really worked up about these people. Even more so than the enabler.
TLDS: I am. There are only a few people with the power and reach to do harm, but there are millions who coddle, support and enable these people by giving them their active or tacit approval. They make excuses for them or they give tribute to them at worst, but sometimes they just take on a level of neutrality as if neutrality were somehow a virtue. When it comes to dragons, neutrality is not a valid position. They might think it gives them some kind of respectability, but the neutrality allows the dragon to roam free while they hope that they are the last to be eaten. This is not respectable at all.
RKW: I see.
TLDS: They should declare a side. They should stand up boldly and say “I support Dragon A”, or, “I oppose Dragon A”. To not oppose is to support. To not call out supporters is to support. One cannot be neutral in the face of evil. Those knowingly supporting evil should be called out. They should find no quarter in a good society.
well it turns out okrent's definitive statement was incomplete, as cj chivers found out, along with many references littered through the WikiLeaks cable traffic,
I switched among the different news channels. I did not hear a single reporter speculate on why they got the story wrong or be in any way apologetic about getting the story wrong. Well, they looked worse when Covington story blew up, and they didn't lose a step. The true believers will continue to take communion......It is nature of original sin that we are all born guilty and that our sins can only be washed away by voting for the Democrats. They will keep the faith.
most of the world had built up saddam's arsenals, the us and the uk being the smallest contributors, the French, german, Russian, Swedish indian among others,
That is basically true any time, Aunty. Possession by conquest is good title - if you can make it stick.
However, oil in the Middle East (and by now anywhere) is not just a local affair. Saddam Hussein's adventure threatened the balance of powers around the globe; it was not just between him and sheikhs of Araby, which he, bright as he was, was too much of a tribal brigand chief to understand.
Here's an apocryphal story involving Samuel Johnson. He was a poor man and his clothes were in tatters. When at a salon, a woman whispered to him "Dr. Johnson, your penis is sticking out". Johnson replied "Madam, you flatter yourself. My penis is hanging out"........To paraphrase Dr. Johnson: The reputation of the press is in tatters and their bias is not just hanging out but sticking out.
leo Damrosch, has an interesting tome re Johnson, burke and co,
this one,
my view on the gulf war has changed, Hussein was a wretched creature, but he didn't sponsor the camps that the hijackers used, which his son has tried hard to repudiate, bin laden was one of the beneficiaries along with the whole Baloch clan that ksm was a head of,
However, oil in the Middle East (and by now anywhere) is not just a local affair. Saddam Hussein's adventure threatened the balance of powers around the globe
Good thing that, with a large nod of thanks to Bush and Cheney and their Energy Summit with the oil industry, the US now an oil superpower and we don’t need to be drawn into these disputes. Now WE could shut down the Gulf and would only benefit economically.
well the most likely circumstance was that the hijackers were at least tangentially involved, Edward Epstein turned up quite a bit of circumstantial evidence, alas mueller was enticed by the likes of nick Kristof to go after dr. Stephen hatfill, about 4 years later, he was forced to apologize and cut a 4.5 million dollar settlement check,
details included here,
Aunty, dear, oil was invented by the Americans. The U.S. has always (well, since the Civil War anyway, that's when it all began) been an "oil superpower" and it has been involved - to put it mildly - in the Middle East oil development since WWI when oil became essential to power the world's armies and navies. The Arabian peninsula was entirely American territory since drilling began there in WWII - Ibn Saud insisted on it; he could not stand the Brits - and it still is. This is not about being "drawn into it" - "we" are the center of it.
well the most likely circumstance was that the hijackers were at least tangentially involved,
It’s a matter of record that they tried to buy a crop duster.
HIPPA ranks over national security, apparently, BTW regarding anthrax.
Someone put together a montage of Maddow, from a single one of her shows. It is SPECTACULAR.
My main point for bringing up the WMD/Russiagate comparison was not to relitigate the reasons that lead us into that war, so much as point out the same mechanisms at play. A 24/7, relentless media coverage cycle, that was fed by the deep swamp creatures feeding "proof" that WMD existed by the boatload and that Saddam's nuclear program was being rebooted only to find out how thin and nonexistent any of this "proof" turned out to be. After reading the Duefler report I felt like the biggest sap. Yet the same players were part of this Russiagate scam and like the Iraq WMD debacle I would be stunned if any of the perpetrators were ever punished. That's how things roll in this country. An untouchable caste system that can continually fuck up but never be held accountable.
Matt Taibbi has a way with words. There's nothing quite as snappy in this piece as his description of Goldman Sachs as "a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money." That's probably because he hates Donald Trump almost as much as the people who hate Donald Trump so much they ruined their industry. Decent effort, though.
Today's media doesn't make me hate others; just the media and its people.
"We who are living through the implosion of the ruling classes across all of the First World can only struggle to understand what we are living through."
We are living through America entering its "late-Rome-decadence" phase. I don't have a clue what you mean by "the implosion of the ruling classes."
WMDs were in fact found in Iraq. Few people seem to know this, or admit it. But a web search will reveal it is true.
Taibbi is right to focus on Adam Schiff: I hope people keep sniffing at Schiff. None of this could have been possible without his imprimateur as Congressman and senior member of important committees with even more important sounding names. The others who destroyed their civic institutions are not around, but this piece of garbage is still in a senior leadership role. DOWN WITH SCHIFF.
How did the Russians swing the election, by putting up memes on Facebook about Jesus arm wrestling Satan? Maybe we should bomb Moscow over this.
Yes he took down James Rogan as revenge for the Clinton impeachment
Now one might argue whether even this was pretext for the Iraq war, in retrospect in Daniel Silva's black widow the writer waits to the very end to point out the villain is exactly the devil we went to Iraq to prevent and yet failed
See if you actually follow the law in some countries you get penalized:
Big media ran endless segments apologizing to the public for getting the Iraq wmd story wrong.Now we have the opposite.NPR on 3/23/19 during "All Things Considered" interviewed their own media correspondent Folkenflik who proclaimed media did an excellent job covering the Mueller investigation.
I don't believe media "got it wrong." I believe they were knowing conspirators in the "insurance policy" plot discussed by Page and Strozk. Now they are angry their deep state comrades failed to come through with charges on Trump - even if they had to invent them.
I've collected several news items over the years about Iraq's WMDs being found, but they don't want to hear that.
The Washington Post ran a major news story about Saddam's nuclear engineers who were standing by to restart the program as soon as the coast was clear.
They also forget that during the '90s it was the Democrats who were warning about Iraq's WMD programs. This was swiftly forgotten as soon as an R decided to invade.
Meanwhile, we spent years watching the dance between Saddam and the U.N. over his agreement after the first Gulf War to allow inspections. First he'd agree, then pull back. Agree again, then pull back. Open up some sites, but not others.
Funny, no one seems to blame him for what happened.
Late-Rome decadence lasted for centuries.
"Late-Rome decadence lasted for centuries."
Everything is accelerated today.
"WMDs were in fact found in Iraq. Few people seem to know this, or admit it. But a web search will reveal it is true."
Very old and misleading news. What were found were the buried and forgotten remnants of Iraq's long-gone arsenal, destroyed in the previous decade after the first Gulf War. They were not what Bush claimed Iraq had in the run-up to our criminal invasion of Iraq: large new stocks of current or recent vintage, products of ongoing manufacture. They were still potentially dangerous to those who got quite near them, but were not suitable for use in war and certainly no threat to the U.S. (or even to Hussein's neighbors).
In short, the Bush Administration's claims were lies.
Robert Cook said...
Very old and misleading news.
+1. Well said. The "WMDs were found in Iraq" argument is such an old, cold, tendentious reach.
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