I've noticed that The Washington Post and The New York Times have practically scrubbed the name Mueller from their pages. Over at New York Magazine, they're changing the focus to Hillary and they've pared his name down to "Muller." What happened to the "e"? Maybe it's gone the way of Hillary's e-mail.
Can you believe they're pushing the problem of those crazy Republicans who can't let go of their Hillary hatred? The story is the insane vortex of hatred for Donald Trump that caused a bizarre hoax to preoccupy the country for 2 years. I want responsibility taken for this hoax. If Hillary Clinton was part of what happened, we need to look straight at it (and not be scared off by the notion that it's an emotional problem, an "obsession").
११८ टिप्पण्या:
Hillary is happy to let you kiss her ring.
I think most of us on the Right, just want Hillary to go away. And never hear from her -and Bill - again. I wonder how long before we get the "Well, Mueller was Republican, after all" pieces? I guess we'll have to wait awhile, since Mueller was God's sword of Justice for last 2 years.
Ms. Althouse - Thank you for plowing through and summarizing all these articles. It's no doubt burdensome but you save some of us quite a bit of time...
Of course Hillary had something to do with it. Revenge for her loss @#1.
The Hillary lost butthurt party never ends.
You know these very same people would have cried "OBSTRUCTION!" has any Trump administration effort been focused on Clinton or the Deep State before the end of the Mueller probe.
And that was the point of the whole distraction: the decades-old Clinton strategy of force a delay until you can claim the scandal is old news.
The entire Mueller probe was largely a cover-up, basically a two year gas-lighting operation intended to convince the American public that Trump had done half of what the Clinton campaign and the Obama DOJ/FBI were actually up to.
Well, if the Democrats have lost Althouse as thoroughly as it seems, then surely they've lost a majority of the country, right?
Somehow, I doubt it.
The media and a lot of Democrats are simply too dug in. They can't just walk away. And some Cook Counts pol's apparently just don't give af what the optics are. Full steam ahead!
I want to say it's going to be interesting to see how all this turns out..
I don't see the hoax. Russia interfered with the election to favor Trump. The question was whether the Trump campaign was culpable. There was an investigation, the details of which we don't know. Meanwhile, lies issued from Trump and his circle on a daily basis.
tcrosse: "Hillary is happy to let you kiss her ring."
Are you TRYING to start a LLR stampede?
I never pushed a collusion case on this site. I didn't see much of a case being developed. The infamous Trump Tower meeting was bizarre but DJT Jr seems like a moron, not a conspirator. But no hoax.
Oh boy. Democrat Derangement Syndrome spreading like wildfire. I wonder how Ben Wikler feels about calling a legitimate investigation a “hoax”?
"[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities." does not equal "the investigation established that members of the Trump Campaign did not conspire or coordinate with the Russian government" and certainly does not equal hoax. Is that your opinion Ann, or is it now an established undisputed fact because you and your readers say so? Just like it is now established undisputed fact that Kavanaugh did not assault Ford?
What? I love Hillary. I really want her to run again. I really do. She can win it back! Third time's a charm, they say.
There is no "if" about whether Hillary was involved. She funded the fake dossier that was the single and only basis for the entire damn thing. No one I know of disputes that. I haven't even heard any of our resident lefties dispute that. They just refuse to address it.
Its like half the country is having a temper tantrum. These Federal institutions rely on being respected, we need them to be respected, and that will require the correct people being held to account, at a minimum.
All these years reading the NYT and you still believe you are reading honest reporting by honest people? Or CNN? Zucker just doubled down. And within three days their audiences will buy it all.
Few people have been as frequently and as wholly discredited day after day for a dozen years as Bill Kristol. Did he disappear? Did he apologize? No - he found new ways to stroke the confirmation bias of his audience.
Infotainment is dishonest to its core, and fundamentally its audience knows it. They don’t demand truth or even credibility, they only demand that they can plausibly deny its bullshit. “Why Brennan said, and he ran the CIA ...” = I can plausibly pretend it’s not a lie.
Ace also has evidence that Google is "backlisting" Mueller for suggested story searches.
No Shame.
As If It Never Happened
Republicans are seething. They may actually find their balls.
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention" - Ramsey Bolton
Oh, Chelsea begged me to let her post this plea:
Heh. She's quite the fighter. More Bill than Hillary.
Ann, when are you going to just admit the truth... stop tip-toeing around the edges and just accept what we've all known for the past 3 years...
Hillary, Obama, the DNC and their flunkies, perpetrated and orchestrated the most egregiously criminal operation in the history of the USA...
They weaponized numerous Intelligence, Justice, and Law Enforcement agencies to spy on Trump, attempted to entrap him, and in coordination with foreign interests, tried to execute a soft coup to overthrow the lawfully elected President of the United States...
These people MUST be punished and their crimes must be laid bare so that this never happens again... If they are not, then this WILL be the final blow that breaks the dam wide open...
Of course, Mueller's name is disappearing. Zinoviev, Kamenev, Piatakov, Bukharin, and about 100 million others are waiting to welcome the former Special Council to Un-Personland.
Mueller ? Who was that? Is that a question like? "What was the "Russia hoax" exactly?
There is this, very interesting. I'm hoping.
"Maybe Mueller was a set up"
I want responsibility taken for this hoax.
It's good to want things.
Well if it was me, I'd go after the way the Clinton Foundation spent the money donated for Haiti. And the way Epstein, Bill Clinton's friend, abused young girls and then had the case dropped. It will be hard to show that the Clintons ordered or caused the hoax because, as always when something wrong happens which people think was done by the Clintons it turns out that if something was been done wrong, there is some person more obviously in charge. Comey, Brennan, McCabe, etc.
And, by the way, note this. Not one of these people Mueller abused gave in to him and falsely accused the President of collusion. Paul Manafort sat in solitary rather than lie. Roger Stone was arrested at gunpoint. Michael Cohen had all his financial dealings exposed. They might not be the ones you think of right off, when you think "integrity". But it turns out they did have integrity when the issue was big enough. When it was "lie about the President so we can carry out a coup" then these individuals actually said "No. No, I won't do that. Money to the Caymans, yes; sell out the United States of America, no." And they suffered the consequences. You never know.
And again.........
Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?
Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
[a croupier hands Renault a pile of money]
Croupier: Your winnings, sir.
Renault: Oh, thank you very much.
Nice - good to see the left has learned their lesson and are undertaking some hard introspection.
Oh, wait...
Maybe we're all just "hysterical", at least our women folk.
They must have grown impatient with the slow progress of boiling the frog, and reached a democratic consensus to administer shock therapy. #HateLovesAbortion
I suppose this is what they would call Moving On.
For those just tuning in, just today LLR Max Boot called for an investigation into all of Trump's contacts with Russians during the campaign.
Yes, that is precisely what he is suggesting.
If you find yourself furrowing your brow while thinking: Uh, but, uh, hmmm, uh, like, didnt we just do that?...the reason you are doing that and thinking that is because we already did.
The Obama administration used the agencies of the executive branch to spy on the campaign of President Trump.
They continued the lawlessness framing the, now President with colluding with the Russians.
Yes, those responsible need to identified and prosecuted
If the rest of the media follow suit in trying to divert our attention, this would be the ultimate slap in the face to over half of this country. For those citizens the 'Press' will have lost all legitimacy. Not a good situation for political comity in this nation.
I believe we are much closer to violence than most believe. Once half of the populace realizes the extent to which parties on the Left (Dem/Soc, BIRM)will go to delegitimize their constitutional, political will... and realize how vast and insidious the forces are which are aligned against them, those people will rise up to defend their endangered rights and freedoms.
If the media don't strip themselves naked to the waist and begin scourging themselves with brambles, we are going to see some John Brown or Peter Finch character in "Network" light a fuse. Whether that fuse is literal or figurative, is up to them.
This is serious shit.
I think we will all be waiting quite a long time for responsibility to be taken for this hoax. Essentially you have one party (gimme a "D") that cannot be held accountable for anything. They control the government bureaucracy, the judiciary, the press, Hollywood, the universities, the public schools. Who, precisely is going to hold them accountable? Worse, it will be this way until a) we are taken over by a foreign power; b) the nation disintegrates through economic collapse or civil war; c) the zombie apocalypse. Otherwise, I don't see it.
Anybody who remembers the '90s knows that "old news" is on page one of the Clinton playbook.
The e in Mueller is just an umlaut on the u.
Die schöne Müllerin, Schubert
Althouse, It seems like you didn't see this hoax as a hoax until Mueller told you it was, but hasn't it seemed pretty unlikely for a long time just from what we knew? Did you really believe all that breathless reporting? It always seemed far fetched to me, especially after seeing all the fake news we have gotten from the same people on subjects a lot less dear to their hearts than Trump hate has been. I expect them to lie about anything politically charged where the truth does not support the left's view. They are clearly almost incapable of reporting honestly on anything that is pro-conservative and especially pro-Trump.
Die schöne Müllerin
Has Intelligencer ever published any articles about the Left's Donald Trump obsession?
It wasn't a hoax at all. It was a conspiracy. It was, in fact, an attempted coup d'etat. At this point I really don't think that's an exaggeration (I would have said it was an exaggeration perhaps a year ago).
Stolen from somebody:
Guy goes into a bar and orders a Moscow Mueller.
They give him an empty glass and put $30 million on his tab.
Hillary is happy to let you kiss her ring.
That ain't her ring they're kissing.
The media is filled with lunatics and the rule of law is dead. First Smollett now this
I want responsibility taken for this hoax.
Althouse sez: "You don't tug on the Orange Man's cape".
Already Elizabeth Warren is talking about how no one is sitting around their kitchen table asking whether or not the president of the United States is a Russian asset. Isn't it time we all stop obsessing about existential threats to our democracy and talked about the high prices of prescription drugs?
I suppose that maybe I should admire your guts, Althouse. You're a little like Trump; you're both declaring victory based on a report neither one of you have seen.
I know that I want to see the report and I'd be afraid to make any pronouncements before seeing it. You've got guts, going out on that limb. Have you thought about what might be in the report?
It would be a tactical mistake to focus attention on Hillary. Yes, her campaign must be mentioned because they purchased the dossier, but this now goes far beyond “lock her up”. The investigation needs to focus on DOJ and the FBI, as well as parts of the “Intelligence community”. The American people need to know whether “public servants” tried to undo an election.
The vortex of insane hatred for Trump was just a good choice of narrative for the selected audience. The audience buying it is the fault. I mean, what moron falls for that crap.
Lock her up!
Republicans pounce!
"Can you believe they're pushing the problem of those crazy Republicans who can't let go of their Hillary hatred?"
Mueller's name won't completely disappear. No matter what the Democrat spinmaters come up with along with their amen corner presstitutes the fact is they are about to have a huge problem: 2 former presidents, 2 former AG's, 2 former FBI directors, 3 CIA directors, 1 NSA director and 1 DNI director. And then there are the underlings. Trump has no reason to not let the DoJ loose on them.
Although I was never a fan of Obama, I never considered him to be a stupid man so I really can't understand why he allowed himself to be slimmed by the Clinton's and for what ends?
Also this, interesting...
Don’t investigate Hillary. Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease.
“Yet that hardly means that the investigation (which, thanks to Paul Manafort’s largesse, actually turned a neat profit) was either a “witch hunt” or a waste of time. After all, it was a counterintelligence investigation as well as a criminal probe. A core objective — the overarching one, really — was to find out exactly what the Russians were doing. Another was to find out whether there were “links” between the Trump campaign and Russia’s activities. As matters turned out, and quite surprisingly, we now know from public sources that there were links aplenty. So who knows what we might learn on these subjects from Mueller’s still-unreleased report? As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Monday, “Russia’s ongoing efforts to interfere with our democracy are dangerous and disturbing.” He added that he would “welcome” the special counsel’s contributions toward understanding them.”
George Conway
“On the facts, obstruction turns on what’s in a defendant’s mind — often a difficult thing to determine, and especially difficult with a mind as twisted as Trump’s. And complicating things even more, paradoxically, is the fact that some of Trump’s arguably obstructionist conduct took place in full public view — something that, with a normal person with normal moral inhibitions, would have indicated a lack of criminal intent. But in the head of Donald J. Trump, who knows?
And in saying that the report “catalogu[ed] the President’s actions, many of which took place in public view,” Barr’s letter makes clear that the report also catalogues actions taken privately that shed light on possible obstruction, actions that the American people and Congress yet know nothing about.
At the same time, and equally remarkably, Mueller, according to Barr, said he “ultimately determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment” regarding obstruction. Reading that statement together with the no-exoneration statement, it’s hard to escape the conclusion that Mueller wrote his report to allow the American people and Congress to decide what to make of the facts. And that is what should — must — happen now.”
George Conway, WaPo
Monday morning it wasn’t even the top story in the local rag online. The SF gate. So yeah. It’ll be republicans pouncing on old news till 2020
Hillary wants to know, at this point WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE???
I'm not sure if Hillary originated the idea that the best defense is a good offense, but the other team has the ball now. Let's see how far they can drive it down the field.
The fact that Media/Dems want to cover for her speaks volumes. #1 conclusion: they aren't that bright. As tcrosse said on an earlier thread, a gambler who doubles down on a losing bet are the casino owner's favorites.
The Dems have finally figured out what Mueller did for President Trump's plan and to them while they slept. They are going to Memory Hole that SOB in a New York second. And Trump laughs.
Whether you like it or not Chuck, there was a lot of abuse of the Patriot Act that has already been testified to. This isn’t crazy conspiracy theory stuff, but testimony by the members of the Obama Administration. If it was all on the up and up, why did Susan Rice testify that hundreds of unmaskings done in her name were not done by her? But Keep Hope Alive!
“Althouse, It seems like you didn't see this hoax as a hoax until Mueller told you it was, but hasn't it seemed pretty unlikely for a long time just from what we knew?”
Good you protected yourself with the word “seems.”
You are wrong, and if you look back on my posts—use the tag Trump troubles—you will see it.
Inga is linking to George Conway, who the left called a nazi just 24 months ago.
It just keeps getting better and better!
Two-eyed Jack: "Already Elizabeth Warren is talking about how no one is sitting around their kitchen table asking whether or not the president of the United States is a Russian asset."
It is funny how fast the left/LLR's shifted to their next wave of talking points isn't it.
Fortunately, the majority of american's have already moved on and the left and their LLR lap poodles will not be able to recover.
Michael Avenetti Republican Chuck: "I suppose that maybe I should admire your guts, Althouse."
Congratulations Althouse.
You have moved into the rarified air of LLR Chuck admiration, joining Dick Durbin and Da Nang Dick Blumenthal.
Do note that I am in no way saying you will enjoy the company....
Obstruction of what?
"Republicans pounce", yeah, yeah. That's s.o.p with these birds but there is a new Sheriff in town. I expect to see the swamp raised to the ground like the ending of High Plains Drifter. Trump knows its either him or the swamp and of course it can't be him. Co-existence is not a choice in the matter.
Wasn’t it Althouse that said just yesterday that we should be careful of what we claim is in the report because we don’t know what Mueller actually wrote in his report? Wasn’t there some confusion about who used the term “exonerate”, Barr or Mueller? It was Mueller. I find it sort of amazing that people who should know better make claims about hoaxes before even seeing what Mueller wrote in his report, OR the underlying documents.
"Can you believe they're pushing the problem of those crazy Republicans who can't let go of their Hillary hatred?"
Oh, no. Not that "can you believe" again.
"The story is the insane vortex of hatred for Donald Trump that caused a bizarre hoax to preoccupy the country for 2 years."
Yes. I appreciate calling the prog BS what it is. But a previous statement in this thread notwithstanding, I do believe the commentators here were a little more, shall we say, convinced that the BS was BS, and malicious to boot, and a bit earlier, than our cruelly neutral hostess.
But, strictly speaking, the hoax was not bizarre. It was a calculated coup attempt.
Anyway, at what point does moderation edit out comments that remain stuck in the insane vortex? Or its the theory that it is better to expose the insanity for what it is?
“Althouse, It seems like you didn't see this hoax as a hoax until Mueller told you it was...”
Where and when did Mueller say it was a hoax?
“Mueller's name won't completely disappear.”
No kidding. Nor should it. Hopefully we’ll all be hearing Mueller’s words soon, not Barr’s.
That is why they ignoring utterly the failure of counterintelligence which was outsourced to outfits like fusion haklyut orbis. Simpson , halper, and Steele and their tendrils to Russia akhmetshin veselnitskaya trebnikov and deripasha.
Yes right wing conspiracy, plastic Turkey,
The scapegoating re haditha and Nisan sour gate, fake soldiers it was a video hands up dont shoot,
Some Steely Dan for Mr Mueller
Steely Dan - The Royal Scam (1976)
Except for when Mueller had to issue a 5.5 million dollar apology to Stephen hatfill he has never clarified or explained not Arthur Andersen aipac exec Steven's case to my memory
Obstruction of what?
Keep hope alive! and keep that koolaid on ice. Maddow's on.
Of course it was a coup attempt, they blended the gough Whitlam deposing as well actions against harold Wilson with some Watergate shenanigans thrown in. Notably the Moorer spy ring
"Hopefully we’ll all be hearing Mueller’s words soon, not Barr’s."
And when Mueller doesn't perform as you predicted AGAIN, what will your next fantasy narrative be. Oh... did you know that name Mueller is drawn from and has a Russian origin?
(evil grin)
it is wrong to call this a hoax. it has been an attempted coup.
New York magazine was the ones who deepsixed the Weinstein story in 2016, dialed to eleven with Cosby though who whitewashed the ground zero mosque, who let Wallace (apparently a pres avenatti booster and schmidt) lies about the huntress
"Russia interfered with the election to favor Trump."
No. Russia posted some ads to Facebook that were for both Hillary and Trump. That's it.
"The question was whether the Trump campaign was culpable. There was an investigation, the details of which we don't know"
I haven't watched Titantic but I know how it ends. You people are beclowning yourselves. We know that Mueller found no evidence that Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia in any way, even when Russia baited them. Stop being such an idiot.
Present at the beginning:
The words in your thumbnail are absolutely perfect for a Hillary supporter in this next phase of the collusion investigation.
I wonder who will start the next big lie? Is the Corporate Democratic Media Industrial Complex finished lying for dear-Hillary? REvenge for her loss is a never ending deal.
Inga wrote: Reading that statement together with the no-exoneration statement, it’s hard to escape the conclusion that Mueller wrote his report to allow the American people and Congress to decide what to make of the facts. And that is what should — must — happen now.
No, escaping that conclusion is effortless. All you need is the ability to read English and a willingness to read AG Barr's letter.
Over the course of the investigation, the Special Counsel’s office engaged in discussions with certain Department [of Justice] officials regarding many of the legal and factual matters at issue in the Special Counsel’s obstruction investigation. After reviewing the Special Counsel’s final report on these issues; consulting with Department officials, including the Office of Legal Counsel; and applying the principles of federal prosecution that guide our charging decisions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel’s investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense. Our determination was made without regard to and is not based on, the constitutional considerations that surround the indictment and criminal prosecution of a sitting president.
Pay close attention to that last sentence. It means that Barr and Rosenstein did not decline to indict based on a Constitutional barrier against the prosecution of a sitting president. It means that Trump benefits from the same presumptions every person living under a sane and honorable legal system enjoys. Allow me to illustrate with a parable. Seth Rich was murdered by someone using a .40 caliber handgun, presumably someone alive at the time and probably yet living. Quaestor is a living human being, which is evidence indicating his guilt, but it is insufficient evidence given that it equally applies to about 8 billion other potential suspects. Furthermore, Quaestor is known to be licensed to carry a concealed firearm and therefore is known to possess the means to have murdered Seth Rich. However, this is insufficient evidence since it does not distinguish Quaestor from about 14.5 million other legally entitled owners of concealed firearms. This litany could go on and on, but the point is this — only in a tyranny like the Orwell's Oceania in fiction or Stalin's Soviet Union in reality is the sufficiency of the evidence important. But this does not trouble, Inga. She is so consumed by hatred that she would happily subject everyone to a lawless, unrestrained despotism to assuage her psychotic passions, which is, in a nutshell, the best working definition of a fascist I can devise.
Actually that quote I ascribe to Inga is not hers. As usual, Inga expresses no opinion that has not been fed to her from some other website or blog. She is engaging in the same behavior that has characterized her presence here since Hillary announced her candidacy, which amounts to exploiting the Althouse blog as a mirror site for Democrat talking points. The only genuine and original Inga comments consist mostly of jejune insults aimed at the President or her fellow commentators, and hysterical rants, what I have often satirically summarized using the Abby Normal meme.
'I want responsibility taken for this hoax. If Hillary Clinton was part of what happened, we need to look straight at it (and not be scared off by the notion that it's an emotional problem, an "obsession").'
Success has a hundred fathers; failure is an orphan.
rhhardin said...
The vortex of insane hatred for Trump was just a good choice of narrative for the selected audience. The audience buying it is the fault. I mean, what moron falls for that crap.
3/26/19, 7:28 PM
Inga...Allie Oop said............
Inga: "Where and when did Mueller say it was a hoax?"
"The Special Counsel's investigation determined that there were two main Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election. The first involved attempts by a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency (IRA), to conduct disinformation and social media operations in the United States designed to sow social discord, eventually with the aim of interfering with the election. As noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities."
"...the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts,"
There was never ANY evidence that ANY American was working with the Russians.
This was also testified to under oath by Comey (in Jan of 2017), by Lisa Page AND by Bruce Ohr.
Zero evidence. Zero verification of the hoax dossier....which remains a hoax to this day.
YET(!), a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his campaign was obtained on 4 separate occasions and a FISA warrant requires ACTUAL evidence and each subsequent FISA application would have required MORE ACTUAL evidence.
Yet there was never any evidence.
Except the still, to this day, unverified dossier. Unverified to this day because it remains a hoax.....with many of the fake details supplied by Putin pals in the russian security agencies.
Other than that, everything was on the up and up......
But that's okay Inga. We all know how you respond to actual testimony submitted under oath and verified via multiple parties: like a vampire in sunlight......
Collusion Truther for 3 straight years: "Wasn’t it Althouse that said just yesterday that we should be careful of what we claim is in the report because we don’t know what Mueller actually wrote in his report?"
Yeah, you are really in a position to be lecturing others....
Hillary Clinton was only interviewed once by the FBI regarding her illegal private mail server, and that was one interview was conducted on condition of confidentiality and not under oath. Clinton could have lied to the FBI in every detail completely without fear or prosecution or political embarrassment because there was no risk of perjury or exposure of her words to the public. Only a fool or a fellow conspirator would agree to such terms.
The Russian collusion hoax was not a hoax*. It was an attempted coup d'etat by a cabal of Deep State operators with included Hillary Clinton, James Comey, John Podesta, and Barack Hussein Obama. All of these persons need to be investigated by a Special Prosecutor.
*MSNBC and CNN have never used the word hoax in the context of Mueller's investigation. However, when the first indictments of persons associated with Comey and Clinton emerge, look for Maddow to shout "Hoax!" more often than she ever said "Putin!".
Obstruction of what?
Give up. I've tried pinning the left down with specifics, and it never works.
Obstruction is one of two events.
1. Firing Comey. Both Dems and Republicans in Congress had lost all respect for the Director of the FBI. Comey lied to the President. Comey gave classified information concerning Presidential communications to the media. The only proper action was for the President to fire the renegade, lawless FBI director.
2. President Trumps constant trashing of the investigation as a witch hunt. Mueller's investigation has proven that the investigation was a witch hunt. We are soon to understand, that the whole collusion hoax was a coordinated effort by lawless agencies of the Obama administration.
Conclusion? No obstruction.
Democrats are will within their constitutional power to impeach President Trump for any reason they want. I encourage them to get at it.
Inga — don’t you know the rule? If more than 10 comments to a post say that X is true, then it miraculously becomes true. The Althouse effect.
The whole "absence of evidence doesn't mean he didn't do it" flies in the face of the assumption that Trump is a bumbling idiot. We're back to the old days of Chimpy McBushHitler, dry drunk who couldn't tie his own shoes somehow manages to outsmart everyone on the planet.
Libs, it's not a good look to assert you're being outmaneuvered by morons.
Inga wrote: Hopefully we’ll all be hearing Mueller’s words soon, not Barr’s
What a vile and brainless hope Inga has. To fulfill that hope the laws of this nation and customs of justice would be abrogated and nullified. But never mind that minor detail, Orange Man Bad, right, Inga? Which reminds me of this dialogue by Robert Bolt:
William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!
Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
William Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!
Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!
“Russia interfered with the election to favor Trump. The question was whether the Trump campaign was culpable. There was an investigation, the details of which we don't know.”
Actually, we don’t even know the details and evidence of investigation whether Russia truly interfered in th 2916 eke tins, and whether this interference was in any way more active than their aid of Obama in 2012, or Chinese interference during the last few elections. Heck, there are no details on how anyone knows it was the Russians who broke into the DNC server, because dnc refused to allow fbi to examine it.
Some of our regular commenters seem a little of sync with reality tonight. I think a little rest and a little less Ketel One will put everyone in good shape and back on planet Earth.
I know the nonstop, hysterical crying since last Sunday takes its toll.
But don't worry, the House Democrats intend to do their duty. After all, this situation requires a really futile and stupid gesture on somebody's part, and the House Democrats are just the ones to do it.
Did Inga really quote someone who used the argument (paraphrased): "Sure, Trump's actions were seemingly non-criminal if they came from a normal person, but ORAANGE MAN BAD, so you know they were criminal!"
Seriously. That is the argument. And she thought that argument was so devastating that she bolded it. Utterly insane.
You know, I was just thinking earlier that the fact that Dems appear to be throwing Jussie under the bus is the first non-insane position I've seen the Left take since.... mmmm... 2002?
Ol hillbillary is definitely not an emotion or obsession with me, just another criminal who needs to be put out to pasture many moons ago.
I don’t care what Mueller said, I don’t care what George Conway said, I am focused on what Hillary and Barry Obama,oh and ValJar did. MAGA
Just because. Hillary bought and paid for the dossier, spreading campaign money around to foreign spies, which is documented, and just because she broke the law by reporting it as “legal expenses,” which is documented, well that’s no reason to hate Hillary. But the fact that for two years and more now, by. doing those things she has gotten the entire media on a hate binge accusing Trump of the very thing that she did to create the investigation?
How is the Trump Tower meeting, even let’s say it happened exactly as liberals say, on the same level as what Hillary has done here? It’s simply not.
The problem with Wikileaks isn’t that the Russians supposedly hacked it, its the stuff that Hillary did, and her hand in glove relationship with the press that it showed. If it weren’t for Wikeleaks we wouldn’t have seen that letter describing how Chelsea was using the slush fund that Putin had topped up to the tune of 150 million dollars for all manner of private expenses.
By the way, did Mueller get a chance to look at the servers? Or did he take Brennen, the partisan talking head who has been shown to have lied, reporting his prejudiced suspicions as facts, did Mueller take his word for it? I can’t wait to find out.
“I just can’t tell from the letter why didn’t he decide these questions when the entire rationale for a special counsel is to make sure the politicals aren’t making the key charging decisions,”. - Comey
Mueller is sowing dragon’s teeth Comey. He knew that if he decided on the facts, that he would have to exonerate Trump, so he refused to do it. Why? Because it was his last shot at finding a witch. There were no crimes, but justice demands that a crime be found, so he has done his best to create one.
steve uhr said...
Inga — don’t you know the rule? If more than 10 comments to a post say that X is true, then it miraculously becomes true. The Althouse effect.
This is what a leftie calls an argument. Careful to avoid any reference to facts, because facts are not liberals' friends as a general rule in these cases. When they get into facts, they get slapped down, this makes them very shy of stating facts.
I am not even sure what this is supposed to be referring to, but if it is the idea that unless Mueller uses the term “hoax” to call this a hoax, it can’t be a hoax, well that’s ridiculous, an argument that might make sense to an East German, perhaps. Besides, the term hoax applies to MSNBC and CNN, breathlessly reporting what is not clearly disinformation of Brennen and Clapper as news. Rachael Cash Cow Maddow collects ten million dollars a year to keep you guys whipped up and you lap it up. Watch one of her videos on YouTube and you will see the ads at the beginning are generally for people trying to cash in on your gullibility by asking you to send money to help impeach Trump.
It’s pathetic people. But it’s great comedy to us, so please keep it up.
At this point remaining collusion promoters exhibit Psychotic Break. Take the meds, quit the booze and take the meds you were prescribed.
"Hillary bought and paid for the dossier, spreading campaign money around to foreign spies, which is documented, and just because she broke the law by reporting it as “legal expenses,” which is documented, well that’s no reason to hate Hillary."
Has she even given out a statement on how the dossier came about? Been questioned about it? After her server experience, I'd have to think she'd be paranoid about making statements that would be walked back ad infinitum.
steve uhr: "Inga — don’t you know the rule? If more than 10 comments to a post say that X is true, then it miraculously becomes true. The Althouse effect."
Yes, a lefty Collusion Truther just wrote that.
As if the last 3 years hadnt happened at all.
For that matter, as if the last 100 years hadnt happened at all.
And he wrote it without irony.
Inga is still getting her news from the people who blatantly lied to her about the “mountain of evidence” regarding Trump and Russia.
For two years, 40 FBI Agents looked into it and came back with nothing. But if she can just read the report in the original Mueller, she’s sure it will tell her what she knows is true.
She may have to cut the words into little pieces and rearrange them to get Mueller’s coded message.
But the truth she’s certain of is in there.
We’re wasting our time trying to help.
Parts of the report are certain to be redacted. That spells coverup.
And the people who lied will still be on TV.
So it can’t be true they’ve been misleading the entire country.
Bill Barr is comprised. Jerry Nadler tells us so.
That’s more than enough to keep the cult from waking up.
This is what a leftie calls an argument. Careful to avoid any reference to facts, because facts are not liberals' friends as a general rule in these cases.
I have been trying to extract specifics from the left on all of this and I never get any satisfaction. The collusion thing is a hoax and always had been. Why? The left always wanted to argue the concept, never a specific.
Now we have switched to Obstruction. Fine. Define the event and the actions. With facts we can examine the applicable principles. No facts? Nothing to disprove. And of course that is the real goal. Never give facts that can be disproved.
Hillary is an actual Criminal and the democratic faithful do not care.
Yes, but, "Barbara Bush blamed Donald Trump for her heart attack."
As reported by Gannett/USA Today:
Steve Uhr - you never apologized for your Covington lie/Smear. Waiting. oh and by the way - your credibility is shot , just like Inga.
Folks - Inga has not read a drop of reality. She's reading radical leftwing garbage like KOS and listening to Maddow and other radical leftists for her talking points. Mueller secretly indicted Trump for obstructions and Trump did collude with the Russians. It's all there in the report. That is all she sees.
"Oh boy. Democrat Derangement Syndrome spreading like wildfire. I wonder how Ben Wikler feels about calling a legitimate investigation a “hoax”?"
If you wonder why all around good guy and THE PERFECT PERSON to head the Wisconsin Democratic Party has accused Barr and Trump of falsifying what Muellers report says you only need to see this statement by our resident dullard. It's not just her folks....Ben knows his audience, or is his audience. All lefties are this batshit crazy. Including Ben.
I know that I want to see the report and I'd be afraid to make any pronouncements before seeing it.
From those that made many, over the top, pronouncements of COLLUSION, COLLUSION, COLLUSION, for two years this is a bit rich.
Now that there is no possibility that the Mueller report will support a bill of impeachment, Pelosi has apparently decided to pivot to the healthcare issue and use that against the GOP instead.
That's typical for all apocalyptic rhetoric in American politics, whether from the Dems or the Repubs: Act hysterical about the imminent destruction of America, or America's freedoms, or Western civilization, or the whole world--but as soon as it is no longer politically advantageous to do, drop it immediately and move on to something else.
And no, NO presidential election is ever "a Flight 93 election."
What testable propositions about the Mueller report are snakehandling religious maniacs like basic Inga willing to be on? "Not exonerated" is not testable, for all you 90 IQers.
I want responsibility taken for this hoax.
As does Trump. And hopefully, as does AG Barr. If the miscreants are not punished it will surely happen again. If forced to bet on it and considering Trump’s success so far I would have to put my money on Trump.
Baker and McCabe are under grand jury scrutiny as we read these comments. They are my candidates for the first round of indictments. But I assume that if Barr appoints a Special Counsel that the Special Counsel’s ensuing investigation would take precedent over a grand jury’s proceedings.
A Special Counsel would take awhile – not 2 years like Mueller did but at least a few weeks or months. Ordinary indictments from grand juries would be quicker. I’m in favor of a Special Counselor. What’s needed is an in depth investigation to see how far up the food chain the lawbreaking went and that will take a more thorough investigation than a grand jury is capable of.
Meanwhile, here’s a meme that will amuse us Trump-lovers.
Inga: (Evidence for collusion deranged libtards claimed on primetime television and marquee media brands) - (Evidence for collusion Mueller actually found) = hoax.
This isn't difficult to figure out.
Just imagine if Hillary won, but later the win was found false due to the DOJ, FBI, and CIA conspiracy with HIllary and Obama. This would cause many of the 63 million or less Trump voters to rebel. The second would be called forth. A bloodless revolution every two to four years would become bloody. Can these constitutional traitors understand that they would be the first to hang by the rebels. They should read the life and times of Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre a man who lost everything for political gain, including his head.
This is why the second is boss, for it limits political aspirations. This may be why Mueller did what he did. He knew what was true and what was not, he new that revolutions are easy to start, but hard to stop.
C'est la vie, Sgt Pete
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