২৮ মার্চ, ২০১৯

"Leading Democrats should explain how it is that their promises of 'more than circumstantial evidence of collusion,' as Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) put it, resulted in zero indictments on such charges when #MuellerTime ran out."

"Top intelligence officials, both current and retired, also owe us an explanation: not just for their explosive statements—such as former CIA director John Brennan’s prediction earlier this month that a new round of conspiracy indictments was coming—but for their investigatory decisions from the start. That includes relying on the Steele dossier to seek a surveillance warrant against Trump’s former campaign adviser Carter Page, and to open a counterintelligence investigation on Trump himself, motivated in part by disagreement with his public embrace of Russia. Accountability on this front may well serve Trump’s self-promotional claims of a 'witch hunt.' But it is vital that intelligence abuses be held to account as well, no matter the partisan consequences. A failure to do so could very well hurt progressives in the future, should overzealous intelligence officials put them in their sights."

From "RIP, Russiagate/The implosion of the collusion theory is a humiliation for everyone who promoted it" by Aaron Maté at The Nation.

The self-interest part is particularly amusing. Overzealous intelligence officials need to be held to account, because they could very well hurt progressives in the future. You should have been saying that all along.

৭০টি মন্তব্য:

Ralph L বলেছেন...

I believe some did complain--when Bush was in the White House.

rehajm বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
rhhardin বলেছেন...

It was a story that the news media liked because it held eyeballs. That's the motive. The pols are free-riding.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"they could very well hurt progressives in the future."

Nah. Faux concern. Progs know that the deep state is on their side, and to the extent it is not on their side, sufficiently scared about what progs can do to ruin people's lives and reputations.

"You should have been saying that all along"

You mean, like, progs should have expressed their strategic qualms, being consistent and such, as if they were straight shooters, regardless of the likelihood of who would get hurt more just as it looked like the right would get hit good and hard?

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

The hammer is dropping on these Deep State assholes. Even The Nation kinda sorta gets it (albeit for the wrong reasons).

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

The Nation magazine has consistently opposed the US Intelligence Community's anti-Russia hysteria that has been a basis for the RussiaGate hoax.

The magazine's editor Katrina vanden Heuvel is married to Russia expert Stephen Cohen, who has spoken out against that anti-Russia hysteria very effectively.

glenn বলেছেন...

My prediction. Comey, Brennan, and Clapper better lawyer up.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

Yeah, Inga, I wonder why Trump didn't believe what he was being told by the top Intel people.

Fen বলেছেন...

That gives me a great idea for a new game show.

We walk each official out on a plank above a pool of sharks.
The audience asks him questions about the investigation.
And if 51% think he's full of shit, we dump him in.

Samantha Powers
Valerie Jarret
Adam Schiff

...oh wait, PETA just called an said the sharks are getting to bloated...

iowan2 বলেছেন...

Rand Paul on FOX this morning. He is quoting a source, that is outing Clapper Paul wants Clapper in front of Congress to testify under oath about his demand the fabricated dossier be included in the PDB. Paul talked at length about the whole circle of intel, FBI, and DoJ quoting each other about Russian collusion. He also specifically detailed how the govt agencies leaked info to the media, then used media reports as part of the FISA warrants applications.
We'll see if the Democrat stenographers will run this as news.

I would think a sitting senator accusing Obama administration agencies of criminal behavior would garner some media attention.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

The Nation was right about the Patriot Act at the time, and I was wrong.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

I think the self doubt and recrimination will continue on through 2020.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Obama will have more flexibility with Russia after he wins.

Hillary and Bill will pocket millions with secret Russian Uranium deals and speeches.

Remember when it wasn't illegal to talk to the Russians? It wasn't that long ago.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

The Nation magazine has consistently opposed the US Intelligence Community's anti-Russia hysteria
They celebrated 100 years of doing that a year and a half ago.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Progressives ALWAYS slink away back into their caves. They have all through History, when they realize that people think they are crazy.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

My bad, Brennen not Clapper.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Adam Schiff is corrupt. He should be investigated for corruption and indicted. At the very least he should be required to leave office in shame. Then hounded until he's in jail.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

It's long past time to clean up the corrupt political mess inside of our intelligence agencies, and in the DOJ. All Obama-Clinton hold-ever need to go. Most of the folks inside are good fine people, but the hacks need to be purged.

The axis of Brennan, Clapper, Comey = a total disgrace. There are others and they need to go.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Hat tip to our friends at The Nation!

You know, as far as Commie, mouth-piece rags go, it ain't so bad!

Kevin বলেছেন...

Who cares if it harms conservatives now?

The problem is it might harm progressives in the future.

Temujin বলেছেন...

I keep saying this. Comey. Clapper. Brennan. Ohrs (both of them). Smirking Strzok. Lisa Page. Samantha Power.

At the very least- should testify before the Senate and the public.
At stake: tar and feathers. Or jail.

This was a conspiracy to set up a candidate, and, if elected, prevent that elected President from being able to serve. This was a coup attempt. And it's not over- yet.

Let's see who has the courage, on both sides, to shine a light on the rot of our government and media. We cannot heal or go forward until this is disinfected.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Rand Paul on FOX this morning. He is quoting a source, that is outing Clapper Paul wants Clapper in front of Congress to testify under oath about his demand the fabricated dossier be included in the PDB. Paul talked at length about the whole circle of intel, FBI, and DoJ quoting each other about Russian collusion. He also specifically detailed how the govt agencies leaked info to the media, then used media reports as part of the FISA warrants applications.
We'll see if the Democrat stenographers will run this as news.”

An awful lot of stuff was stuffed into Obama’s PDBs for apparently the primary purpose having been to bypass privacy and secrecy laws, including FISA minimization requirements. Distribution went from 2 under Nixon to 30 under Obama, including his speech writers and other political operatives. If the DNI or NSA conveniently decided that it was important for the President to understand who was saying something in a FISA intercept, unmasking would be requested, and all 30, including much of the political side at the White House, would know which Republican had said what.

DNI Clapper is very likely the one who orchestrated the entire Steele Dossier to FISA surveillance on Trump’s campaign, transition, and early Administration. He appears to have hand picked the analysts (including, of course, Peter Strzok) who rubber stamped the conclusion that the Russians hacked the DNC server, then delivered the emails to Wikileaks. And likely orchestrated Brennan running Misfyp, Downer, and Halper at the Trump campaign. And he was the one who had Comey tell Trump about the Steele Dossier, so that it could be made public by the MSM. Guy needs to go to prison for the rest of his natural lifetime.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

All the safeguards in the world will do no good if some people know can ignore them and get away with it.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Phil 3:14 said...
I think the self doubt and recrimination will continue on through 2020.

3/28/19, 7:54 AM

I'm not seeing self doubt on the part of Leftists. The media response has been either "no, really, there is a pony in the pile of crap, but Barr's hiding it!" or "shame on those pols and bureaucrats who misled us." As Zucker said, speaking though one of his biggest lackeys, Brian "Tater" Steltzer, journalists don't investigate.

If any of them had any self-awareness at all, they wouldn't be leftists. Inga proves that point every single day.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Soviets, Russians, Communism, Stalin, Lenin, Communism = all totally cool with leftists prior to Trump beating Hillary.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Do it.

Rand Paul: Former Obama CIA chief promoted ‘dossier,’ demands investigation of Obama team

narciso বলেছেন...

The bolsheviks were against the okrana (so were the social revikurionaries for good measure) then for the checa, leftists against brac and sim, for dgi and g2, you can go down the list.

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

Crossfire Hurricane was an FBI enterprise counter-intelligence investigation that targeted four suspects on Donald Trump's election-campaign staff.

1) Paul Manafort

2) Michael Flynn

3) George Papadopoulos

4) Carter Page

Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller has completed the investigations of all four suspects and has charged them as much as he could.

Is it reasonable to think that any more information can be obtained about any of those four colluding with Russia in order to effect the 2016 Presidential election?


There was also the Trump Tower with Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Is it reasonable to think that any more information can be obtained about that meeting to prove that its purpose was to affect the 2016 Presidential election?


What else is there?

Where is there supposed to be some proof that any Trump/Russia collusion affected the election?

Michael Cohen? Is he still hiding something to protect Trump?

What else is there?

MikeR বলেছেন...

"You should have been saying that all along." Nah. If it could destroy Trump, it was worth it. Now that it was for nothing, progressives need to see what the bill comes to.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"Leading Democrats should explain how it is that their promises of 'more than circumstantial evidence of collusion,' . . . resulted in zero indictments on such charges when #MuellerTime ran out. Top intelligence officials, both current and retired, also owe us an explanation"

Exactly what's to be explained? Progs in government used government resources to beat Trump, first in the campaign, then in the transition, then when he was president. They ran operatives at the campaign, they colluded with Russians and Dems to fabricate a smear, they manipulated a court to trigger surveillance, they unmasked Americans to expose communications, they leaked and lied with abandon. When prevention failed, they attempted a coup, by Trump leaving or getting impeached.

But what The Nation and semi-rational progs are really asking is why their fellow progs would try to set up Trump, and stage such a coup, and get lefties all riled up about collusion, when they had to know there was nothing there. Strzok knew and said so early on. Why all the law-breaking, why the weaponization of surveillance and intel, why the over-the-top rhetoric from Brennan on down when it was all hollow--and, when Mueller got going, even with his partisan staff, bound to fail?

Were they sucked into the insane vortex like all progs on the sidelines, unintentionally helping Trump and causing massive damage to O officials, Dems, and the MSM, or is the outcome somehow intended, the reasonably foreseeable result of nefarious deep-state actions? The Nation needs to know.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Can we all agree that it seems most of the longtime govt and media Swamp Dwellers, especially those at the top, are very very unimpressive people? Though they are a bipartisan group... I.E. Kerry, George Bush, Hillary, Brennan, McCain, Sessions, Feinstein, Wolf Blitzer, Chuck Todd, Gail Collins, Shep Smith, etc.

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, played a key role in the "insurance policy" scheme to deal with the possibility that Donald Trump would win a majority of the Electoral College.

If Trump did win such a majority on November 8, 2016, it surely would be by only a small margin. The Electoral College would vote on December 19,2016, and Trump could be defeated then if a sufficient number of EC voters would be convinced to switch their votes from Trump to Clinton. They would be convinced by leaks from US Intelligence leaders to Trump-hating journalists that Trump had won only because he had colluded with Russian Intelligence.

The substance for such leaks would be obtained from the collection and analysis -- justified by FISA warrants -- of communications about Russia within Trump's campaign staff and Trump's further sphere. (Later, the leaks that brought down Michael Flynn showed how this tactic would work.)

Part of the "insurance policy" scheme was to convince the public that Russian Intelligence had meddled effectively in our 2016 Presidential election. In this part, the key role was played by DNI Clapper.

The "insurance policy" scheme went into effect during the election debates, when Clinton accused Trump of ignoring a consensus of all 17 Intelligence agencies that Russia was meddling in our election. There was no such consensus. If Clapper had been an honorable person, he would have corrected Clinton's false accusation, but Clapper remained silent. Clapper wanted the public to believe that there was such a consensus and that Russia was meddling in the election.


As the election turned out, Trump won an Electoral College majority on November 8 not by a narrow margin, but by a large margin. The margin was too large that Clapper and his fellow conspirators would be able to convince a sufficient number of EC voters to switch their votes by December 19.

However, Clapper and his fellow conspirators proceeded to develop an anti-Russia hysteria in the population. By the end of December, a large number of Russian diplomats were expelled from the USA. Then on January 6, 2019, Clapper issued a public report that supposedly proved -- but without any evidence at all -- that Russia had meddled in the election.

This anti-Russia hysteria would serve as a political trap for Trump and his new administration. Any attempt to mend relations with Russia would be denounced as evidence that Trump had been and still was involved in collusion with Russia.

The use of leaks to remove Flynn from his position was a model for the endless series of similar leaks that would remove President Trump himself from office.

narciso বলেছেন...

Yes Sara Carter, Atkinson Hemingway new players like julie Kelly and emerald Robinson have been standouts.

Drago বলেছেন...

AJ: :Can we all agree that it seems most of the longtime govt and media Swamp Dwellers, especially those at the top, are very very unimpressive people?"

They are an astonishingly unimpressive group who rose to power thru calcified institutional gates that reward subservience and us threatened by actual achievement.

The only people impressed by such unimpressive people are those who are even more unimpressive!!

It should be noted LLR Chuck worships the unimpressive sekf-anointed. 'Nuff said.

Douglas B. Levene বলেছেন...

I'm still not understanding how a man who voted for the Communist Party candidate for president when he was younger and then converted to Islam ever became head of the CIA. Didn't anyone notice he had the judgment of a box of rocks?

Ken B বলেছেন...

Ehhhh. I think he makes the argument it should be done regardless of the partisan consequences. That bit about progressives is aimed at his audience, which he knows doesn’t want anything that would help Trump. It’s persuasion, not hypocrisy or blindness.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

You should have been saying that all along.

They know they don’t need to so now they’re just covering their ass. There are too many Progs in high positions in the federal government for a Republican administration to do what the leftovers from the Obama administration did.

Ken B বলেছেন...

So, so far we have plausible or proven or admitted illegality from

Is that right? What about Clapper?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

I would think a sitting senator accusing Obama administration agencies of criminal behavior would garner some media attention.

@iowan2, I see what you did there!

But I want to add that Rand Paul suffered serious injuries and had a painful recovery due to a deranged Democrat neighbor who seems to have bought into the anti-Trump hysteria. He’s someone who knows the personal price that innocent people have had to pay.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Yo Inga - It's a The Nation. Try reading it. Perhaps you'll let the leftists tell you it was a a pack of lies.

Seth Rich is still dead and the real Russian collusion was the other direction.

C R Krieger বলেছেন...

Is it possible that Russiagate was about the IC's concerns about Michael Flynn as President Trump's National Security Advisor being a serious disrupters to the IC? The rest is just collateral damage.

readering বলেছেন...

Until the Report is released it's just chest-pounding going on.

hombre বলেছেন...

“Overzealous intelligence officials need to be held to account, ....”

Intelligence officials of all stripes need to be held to account for their seditious activities including leaks of classified information as do the Democrats and reporters who bribed them to do so. Cases in point, Terry McCauley’s tens of thousands of dollars directed to seditious leaker McCabe’s wife’s political campaign and those cited in the latest IG report about the FBI.

As for the reporters, subpoena them before a grand jury and throw them in jail a la Judith Miller, if they refuse to identify their sources. There is no federal privilege and intelligence official leaking and susceptibility to bribery threaten national security.

Will we ever get a real prosecutor in the DOJ?

cubanbob বলেছেন...

If the Trump Administration decides to really go after the Obama Administration malefactors then the next two years will be rather contentious and the Left will go even further into crazyville both on the corruption and abuse of power matters and they will go even nuttier Left to divert attention. I have never seen a man as fortunate with his enemies as Trump.

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

If you were familiar with serious left-wing media like Pacifica and the Nation (and not just MSNBC) you’d know several prominent progressives did say exactly this, asking why we would believe the same intelligence sources who bungled Iraqi WMDs.

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

I think that Hillary Clinton felt empowered to make a big issue about the 17 Intelligence agencies because she knew already that James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, would not contradict her and would try to prevent any other high officials in Intelligence from contradicting her.

Clinton's claim about the 17 Intelligence agencies had a short-range goal and also a long-range goal.

The short-range goal was to depict Trump as unfit to be President because of his disdain for expert advice, even on national-security issues.

The long-range goal was to prepare the "insurance policy" scheme to deal with the possibility that Trump might achieve a small majority in the Electoral College.

On Clinton's behalf, Clapper was developing a public opinion that 1) Russia was meddling in the election effectively, and 2) the entire US Intelligence Community agreed with that assessment.

If Trump did win an Electoral College majority on November 8, 2016, then Clapper and his fellow conspirators had until December 19, 2016, to convince a sufficient number of Electoral College voters that they should switch their votes from Trump to Clinton, because Trump had won by treasonous means.

Clapper did not have to prove anything. Rather, he merely had to orchestrate enough leaks during that interval -- November 8 to December 19 -- to convince a few Electoral College voters. Furthermore, Clapper did not really have to convince those voters -- he only had to give them a plausible justification to switch their votes.

Much of the substance for those leaks would be found by the FBI in its FISA collection and analysis of communications within Trump's sphere.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Until the Report is released it's just chest-pounding going on.”


Gk1 বলেছেন...

It was awesome to see the republicans grow a spine this morning and demand Schiff step down from his post at the House Intelligence committee. About fucking time. The democrats aren't fooling anyone and this just reinforces the fact republicans are saps to ever recuse themselves whenever there is an appearance of conflict of interests when chairing a committee. Its Fen's law writ large. They don't ever live up to the standards they expect the republicans to follow, its all bullshit so if that's the case, fuck em'. These are the new rules.

Sam L. বলেছেন...

Can you say, "This is why I do not and never will trust the Democrats", boys and girls?
Yes, I KNEW you could.

Birkel বলেছেন...

I was against the consolidation of power that Bush created.
Homeland Security was a terrible idea at its inception and has proven itself so.
Growing government power is almost the wrong answer.

And that is why I avoided supporting the Bush candidates.
Country Club Republicans are the worst parts of each party, combined.

Free markets. Free people.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Readering a year from now:

"Until every witness is re-deposed in public while attached to a lie detector confirming their publicly released testimony to Mueller's team, it is all chest pounding going on.

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

readering at 10:46 AM
Until the Report is released it's just chest-pounding going on

DOJ has published a summary of the report.

The summary says that the report says there was no collusion.


Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller was assigned primarily to complete the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation of four staff members of Trump's campaign staff.

1) Paul Manafort

2) Michael Flynn

3) George Papadopoulos

4) Carter Page

Mueller investigated and charged those four as much as he could. He did not find that any of the four were involved in any scheme to collude with Russia to affect the 2016 election.

Mueller also investigated the Trump Tower meeting that involved Natalia Veselnitskaya. Mueller did not find that the meeting was relevant to the collusion issue.

Mueller also investigated Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen. Mueller did not charge Cohen in relation to the collusion issue.


That's why Mueller -- and Barr's summary -- says that there was no collusion.

When you eventually are able to read the report, then what more do you think you might find there?

Mueller and his gang of Trump-hating lawyers did what they could. Even so, they could not find any good evidence of collusion.

Jim at বলেছেন...

I hope they keep pounding on this. Over and over. Every day.
Because if they do? Trump will win 40 states in 2020.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Until the Report is released it's just chest-pounding going on.

Spare me. You'll ignore what's in that, too.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Inga is still in the denial phase of grief.

Kulber-Ross notwithstanding, she'll never reach the acceptance stage.

She's not bright enough for that.

Achilles বলেছেন...

rhhardin said...
It was a story that the news media liked because it held eyeballs. That's the motive. The pols are free-riding.

You keep saying this.

It is wrong every time you say it.

The media and the pols are owned by the same people. The globlists have lot of money and power and this whole attempt was an effort to remove an obstacle to their rule.

They failed.

Now it is time for consequences.

readering বলেছেন...

Let him who is without zeal for a further Hillary Clinton investigation cast the first stone.

Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger Achilles said...

rhhardin said...
It was a story that the news media liked because it held eyeballs. That's the motive. The pols are free-riding.

You keep saying this.

It is wrong every time you say it.

The media and the pols are owned by the same people. The globlists have lot of money and power and this whole attempt was an effort to remove an obstacle to their rule.

They failed.

Now it is time for consequences.

I hear titration with psilocybin and mdma can cure this Achilles.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Earnest Prole is exactly right. A segment of the Left has been warning about the intelligence community for a long time. Greenwald is an example but to AA's point, the Nation has been very vocal indeed in denouncing the Russia mania and collusion hoax. She is castigating on of the few sites,The Nation, which has consistently rejected the hoax!

Greg Q বলেছেন...

"But it is vital that intelligence abuses be held to account as well, no matter the partisan consequences. A failure to do so could very well hurt progressives in the future, should overzealous intelligence officials put them in their sights."

For a Leftist, he's a genius: We need to, right now, set the precedent that this is wrong, or it will come back against us!

Of course, the alpha and omega of Leftism is the belief that their are no limits on their power, because there's no meaningful precedents, there's only "whatever we want, at this moment"

See: nuking the filibuster

Drago বলেছেন...

readering: "Until the Report is released it's just chest-pounding going on.”

Inga: "Exactly."

Yes, that "Exactly" was typed by the person who flatly stated DJT was a treasonous traitor and so were all his voters back in January of 2017.

Further, Inga again declared 35 year Marine Corps General (3 time Bronze Star awardee) Michael Flynn a traitor just a few months ago.

Inga now lectures others in waiting to see the full report before coming to any conclusions.


Drago বলেছেন...

readering: "Let him who is without zeal for a further Hillary Clinton investigation cast the first stone."

If Hillary did nothing wrong she should welcome a more intensive look at how those russians hacked in, right?



The lefties seem very very very very concerned that an FBI NOT run by their friends might conduct a legitimate investigation.

Why, its almost like there might be something to hide there......

FullMoon বলেছেন...

nga...Allie Oop said...

“Until the Report is released it's just chest-pounding going on.”



This,From the same people who still claim the video caused Benghazi. SAD!


iowan2 বলেছেন...

Da Nang Bluementhal is on msDNC tonite, still lying. Doubling down on conspiracy. Trump tower meeting.(not a crime, no deal asked for by the Russians, no dirt offered. Truly an attempt to eliminate the Mezvinsky Act) Asking Russia to find Clinton's wifes e-mails. (here they use this event and make the lie that Trump's statement somehow equals the DNC/Podesta emails that were walked out of the DNC offices and handed off to someone that got it to wiki leaks.) I think that was the end of the specifics. The rest was "orange man bad" like they can prosecute that.
The Media has been proven to be worse than carnival barkers and they have doubled down on their flim flam, like nothing has changed.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Gram Parsons - She Lyrics
Artist: Gram Parsons

Album: G.P.

Genre: Country

Heyo! SONGLYRICS just got interactive. Highlight. Review: RIFF-it.
RIFF-it good.
Listen while you read!
She, she came from the land of the cotton
The land that was nearly forgotten by everyone
She, she worked and she slaved so hard
A big old field was her back yard in the delta sun
Ah, but she sure could sing, ooh, she sure could sing

Then he looked down and he took a little pity
The whole town swore he decided he'd help her some
But he didn't mind if she wasn't very pretty
And deep inside his heart he knew she was the only one
Ooh, but she sure could sing, yeah, she sure could sing

She had faith, and she had believing
She led all the people together in singing
And she prayed every night to the Lord up above
Singing, "Hallelujah, ooh Hallelujah"

They use to walk singing songs by the river
Even when she knew for sure and she had to go away
She never knew what her life had to give her
And never had to worry about it for one single day
Ooh my but she sure could sing, ooh, she sure could sing

She had faith, and she had believing
She led all the people together in singing
And then she prayed every night to the Lord up above
Singing, "Hallelujah, ooh Hallelujah"

She, she came from the land of the cotton
The land that was nearly forgotten by everyone
And she, she worked and she slaved so hard
A big old field was her back yard in the delta sun
Ooh, but she sure could sing, my, my, my she sure could sing
Ooh, yeah she sure could sing ooh and she sure could sing

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Gram Parsons - She Lyrics
Artist: Gram Parsons

Album: G.P.

Genre: Country

Heyo! SONGLYRICS just got interactive. Highlight. Review: RIFF-it.
RIFF-it good.
Listen while you read!
She, she came from the land of the cotton
The land that was nearly forgotten by everyone
She, she worked and she slaved so hard
A big old field was her back yard in the delta sun
Ah, but she sure could sing, ooh, she sure could sing

Then he looked down and he took a little pity
The whole town swore he decided he'd help her some
But he didn't mind if she wasn't very pretty
And deep inside his heart he knew she was the only one
Ooh, but she sure could sing, yeah, she sure could sing

She had faith, and she had believing
She led all the people together in singing
And she prayed every night to the Lord up above
Singing, "Hallelujah, ooh Hallelujah"

They use to walk singing songs by the river
Even when she knew for sure and she had to go away
She never knew what her life had to give her
And never had to worry about it for one single day
Ooh my but she sure could sing, ooh, she sure could sing

She had faith, and she had believing
She led all the people together in singing
And then she prayed every night to the Lord up above
Singing, "Hallelujah, ooh Hallelujah"

She, she came from the land of the cotton
The land that was nearly forgotten by everyone
And she, she worked and she slaved so hard
A big old field was her back yard in the delta sun
Ooh, but she sure could sing, my, my, my she sure could sing
Ooh, yeah she sure could sing ooh and she sure could sin

cyrus83 বলেছেন...

I suspect part of this is projection. Very few of the people in DC are totally free of corruption and they probably assumed Donald Trump, having been in NYC real estate, construction, and casinos for decades, would like themselves have to have something Mueller could find that could be spun into proving collusion, however remotely linked to Russia, or at least something felonious that they could latch onto in place of the collusion delusion.

I don't think the media and a lot of the Democrats can comprehend the possibility that Trump can be a successful billionaire businessman without being a felon. At the very least he has to be cheating on his taxes, running some kind of criminal enterprise, stealing from investors, defrauding the government, on the take from somebody, or...something!

I suspect the genuine worry now is that Trump is going to unleash very public vengeance on his enemies by revealing their misdeeds, quite possibly involving some use of the intelligence assets at his disposal, in which case it's probably better for the left to out and punish its own rather than let Trump do it.

Fen বলেছেন...

I hear titration with psilocybin and mdma can cure this Achilles.

Nah, I think drawing and quartering the traitors in the public square will do just fine.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Keep hope alive, Inga!

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"readering: "Let him who is without zeal for a further Hillary Clinton investigation cast the first stone."

As the Washington Post reported, she paid for the dossier.