I don't know if the sports car issue is still open, but FWIW I liked my 2009 Mazda Miata with the retractable hardtop. It was very pretty (copper red) and very enjoyable to drive, especially on warm nights, with the top down. However, there are disadvantages: There is no spare tire, not even a donut. You could put one in the trunk, but then you wouldn't even have space for (say) a handbasket. It requires premium gas for best performance. It is a little too noisy for long distance cruising.
I don't know if it is available with an automatic transmission; mine had a six-speed manual.
Of course, if you want a sports car with an automatic transmission, you are living in sin.
I am the only person in my entire extended family, in spite of enormous shame and pressure, who doesn't have an iPhone. I am a Samsung for life guy, especially having just had the new Galaxy S10+ delivered today.
Well worth the loyalty. Going to be quite the phone.
So apparently the house actually voted on an "anti-hate" resolution and 23 Republicans voted against it. So of course the headline on MSN was meet the 23 R's who voted against. Now look, I don't know the local politics of those 23 districts, but how did any R let what had been a D fuck up turn into a propaganda victory for the D's.
"but how did any R let what had been a D fuck up turn into a propaganda victory for the D's."
Because the GOP will never miss an opportunity to Surrender Gracefully.
Perhaps our resident Cuck can explain more fully.
Once he is done defending Adam Schiff (D) from unsourced allegations of using the Congressional slush fund to pay off victims of his sexual predations.
I'm just glad there is no crisis at the border and fresh faced Ayanna Pressley is promoting giving voting rights to 16yr olds. You're not for "voter suppression" are ya?
Criticizing a Muslim for Anti-Semitic remarks is Islamophobic according to the Progressive Hierarchy. Basically, Muslims who are Anti-Semitic get a pass. But Progressive Jews are ok with it. Until the Muslims put them in ovens again.
"Tell that to the buyers of the Ferrari 488." Not a sports car. Jaguar F-types have automatics. They at least are on the upper cusp of the sports car range.
Had a long drive home from a late meeting. I had the opportunity to listen to CNN and MSNBC for 2 hours. 2 hours of of the talking heads trashing Judge TS Ellis on the sentencing of Paul Manafort. Trashing of Judges doing there job must be OK now. When President Trump calls out hack judges for issuing injunctions on his Executive orders, That SCOTUS later overturns, all these same talking heads lecture him on the perfection of the judiciary.
I think 47 months is awful long for what Manafort did but the judge was a lot more reasonable than I thought he would be.
and yes I think Cohen should get a pardon even now. He was manipulated by a bad process, and should be, at worst, disbarred and fined.
I am angry at the New York bishops for protesting a law that would protect young people from being manhandled by the police and put into little rooms with no room to retreat from evildoer criminals simply because they smoke marijuana instead of doing whatever it is that the bishops themselves do when they want recreation.
It is not their church, it is God;s church, and they should be ashamed of themselves.
as for the "anti-hate" resolution, nobody will remember it the next time some Dem congress critter repeats Hitlerite or Yasser Arafat talking points, which may be tomorrow, may be next week.
I'm all for inclusion and love and anti-hate and celebrating diversity -- but what's the deal with practically every TV commercial these days featuring an inter-racial couple? Everyone one. And not a few same-sex inter-racial couples.
The judge like the rest of us know the DOJ shelved the case against Manafort back in 2014. Mueller dusted off a shelved case because he’s a worthless piece of shit, which is what the judge thinks of him as well
Mueller was the guy investigating steroid use in baseball while the jagoffs on Wall Street were melting down the economy. He couldn’t find his ass with both hands. A total lightweight who advanced into the upper echelons of government because he sucked the right dick.
Putin and Trump could have colluded but Mueller and his crack squad of mediocrities would never find out. They feast on low hanging fruit.
For the love of god. All the threats that face our nation, and the country is having a collective meltdown over relatively minor criticisms from a junior Congresswoman. It is truly disheartening to see a once great American civilization descend into this kind of foolish political theater frivolity. If you were an alien on vacation, you'd probably think that Antisemitism was the most pressing, emergent issue in all of American society. This social media/24 hours news cycle obsession with triviality is utterly pathetic.
I was in an elementary school this evening for a science fair. The atmosphere was oppressive. Posters everywhere about "repect" and "diversity" and "anti-bullying". Those are all good things, but it was so heavy-handed. Felt like a indoctrination camp. Couldn't wait to get out of there.
Diversity or color judgment, including racism, sexism, etc. Here's to progress.
The mortal threat to America, as published in academics, politics, and the press, are witches, warlocks, and babies, but none greater than the prophecy of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming. They're looking for leverage, real, invented, and exaggerated, and this time the target of their special and peculiar interests is us.
Well that was heck on an argument clinic, let's not do that again.
Anyways our discussion last night touched on left wing radical like self styled antifa and it reminded me about a new spy novel by Charles cumming, called the Moroccan girl. The main character is a writer like himself tasked to go after a mysterious group which is part of a group that is attacking alt right figures in Europe and the states. Mi 6 has tasked him to do this and try to find the leader of this group called resurrection, but little is as it seems.
I agree. I think it’s mostly because Congress has nothing to do but theater. The executive branch is where the action is.
But it’s idiotic for the media and the public to get worked up about this. It’s like the David Duke and Farrakhan bullshit. You’d think these guys led movements of millions of people instead of being grifters of maybe 50,000 fools each who mostly fucked up but harmless cranks.
Charlottesville was a minor tragedy not worth more than a one day story.
The media are much smaller in number than they used to be. Most of them are young and ignorant.
Covering this Political Theater is easy and seems to get some clicks
We are a country in deep and maybe insurmountable debt at the federal, state, and local level. We have a serious and formidable adversary in China that over the long term presents major problems for the US.
Instead of focusing on major issues, we get this bullshit.
@CWJ, do I correctly interpret your comment to mean that you do not regard a two seat, turbocharged, mid-engine roadster with retractable hard top Ferrari as a “true” sports csr???
"For the love of god. All the threats that face our nation, and the country is having a collective meltdown over relatively minor criticisms from a junior Congresswoman."
Objectively true. However that's not the way the Democrats play the game and non-Democrats would be foolish indeed to not call out the vicious hypocrisy of the Left. Pretending to be above it all may provide some with a sense of moral and intellectual superiority but, as a practical matter, it's simply a form of surrender. The historical precedents are abundant.
@ Farmer For me it's not about the anti-Semitic remarks, it is about the hypocrisy.
For a decade we couldn't escape lectures about sexual predation in the workplace. Couldn't enjoy a play without being hectored. Then Bill Clinton came and it was all "just about sex, MoveOn.org"
Do you think the cast of Hamilton will call out Pelosi in the audience over the Somali raghead's bigotry?
On the other link I had the document that showed why judge Ellis thought this was hot air, they had excised Manafort and klimniks long time contacts with us govt officials in ukraine
"This social media/24 hours news cycle obsession with triviality is utterly pathetic."
Is that a bad thing? That the trivial be so gob-smackingly and relentlessly reduced to trivialities that even the most apolitical and uninformed citizen cannot avoid noticing it? That's the only way we move on from these absurd times. We'll wave as they dive headlong past us.
I think I've mentioned camillieris montalbano mysteries set in a small time in Sicily called vigata, the author was driven by Berlusconi resentment in the notes but on film hes a very able competent detective who marvels at the absurdity of it all.
About Omar, don't committee members get double secret briefings on issues under the committee's purview? How soon do you figure our friends, perhaps the Israelis, stop sharing critical information with us out of fear that someone on Foreign Affairs cannot control her hate and her tongue. After all she's young and inexperienced and knows not what she does, to paraphrase both Pelosi and scripture.
That the trivial be so gob-smackingly and relentlessly reduced to trivialities that even the most apolitical and uninformed citizen cannot avoid noticing it? That's the only way we move on from these absurd times. We'll wave as they dive headlong past us.
I don't think the "most apolitical and uninformed citizen" gives two shitts about ilhan Omar, or even know who she is or what "dual loyalty" means. They're too busy keeping up with the Kardashian. And if it's your view of the headwind that were moving on from these absurd times, you are much more optimistic than I am. If anything. we're just getting started.
Gosh your off the Kardashians by a couple of years we are told r Kelley's full bezerk act is the issue of the day. I guess he'll stab some one for an encore.
For me it's not about the anti-Semitic remarks, it is about the hypocrisy.
Oh come on, Fen. You're disturbed by hypocrisy in electoral politics? Next thing you're going to tell me is that all those great benefits from multivitamins I keep hearing about at GNC are bullshit.
"I'm fighting for my fucking life!!" Yeah..but fucking underage teens comes with PR problems. So much drama coming out of Chi-town to our South and Mini-Soda to our North.
If Democrats have their way, this country will make Veneuela look like heaven in 10 years.
No it won't; that's absurd. The DNC and GOP are establishment organs and are not going to implement any such things, regardless of what a few attention-grabbing upstarts might say. Enough with the capitalism-versus-socialism anachronism. The neoliberal agenda of "free trade' and globalization is much more threatening to American society than some imagined Leninist state that is not going to materialize.
"Oh come on, Fen. You're disturbed by hypocrisy in electoral politics? Next thing you're going to tell me is that all those great benefits from multivitamins I keep hearing about at GNC are bullshit"
And then we wandered from rout to forced retreat to prevent defense. Not realizing we had lost the Culture Wars or why it mattered. Surrendering Gracefully for the promise of future negotiations.
Well we did ignore deindustrialization to a degree in the cold war, that much is true, his fragile is the global economy with these wombats playing around in the dark.
alanc709 said...If Democrats have their way, this country will make Veneuela look like heaven in 10 years. -- Let's imagine how quickly the market and economy will downturn if one of the current Dems wins the presidency and Dems simply maintain in House.
I agree. I think it’s mostly because Congress has nothing to do but theater. The executive branch is where the action is.
What? Trump can't even get .0001% of the budget to build a wall and for border security - through Congress - which most Americans want. And every time he tries to do anything, a Federal District Judge and the 9th circuit squashes it. Did your realize that asking people whether they're citizens is against the Constitution? Well, an Obama Judge just rules that.
These Motherfucker Senate Republicans don't want to do ANYTHING unless someone pays them off. They do whatever Paul singer, the Koch Brothers, and the Chamber of Commerce want. But if the American people just want something? No can do.
I guess she was trying to one up joni Ernst in the drama category the saving grace about hot pants synema is she hasn't said much, maybe shes mellowed from her wiccan days.
Well we did ignore deindustrialization to a degree in the cold war, that much is true, his fragile is the global economy with these wombats playing around in the dark.
Deindustrialization really went into overdrive after the Cold War, once the US under HW Bush and then Clinton began implementing the "new world order." The NWO has been great for the Davos set of both parties; the fact that it screwed the deplorables is beside the point, and they probably deserved to get screwed anyway for being white devils. Learn to code, motherfuckers. US politics in a nutshell for the last quarter century.
J. Farmer, never underestimate the power of ignorance. Socialism isn't the problem, per se. It's totalitarianism. Progressives seek it, and Republicans usually surrender when confronted. We already have a semblance of the future on college campuses. "Diversity" is a joke forced on us by our intellectual overlords, freedom of speech is trampled daily, fools who refuse to understand our political system insist we dismantle the Electoral College. I'm glad you think our future is safe. I don't. American society is being eroded by the political indoctrination our kids receive in school. They are our future, and they have no clue what America used to be. What will prevent the decay from continuing?
Make no mistake. The Democrats will get rid of the Senate filibuster the second they take power and ram through legislation. Ried was going to do it, in 2015, but they lost the Senate.
Once the D's control all three branches they will go crazy, and will make sure the R's NEVER regain control - just like they've done in California. And the R's will be hand-waving, and saying "hey, don't worry" all the while. The R party in California is DEAD and the D's won't be satisfied until EVERY 53 Congressional seat is D. So where are the R's? Oh, they don't care. They're planning to run off to Texas or Australia or wherever.
"I don't think the "most apolitical and uninformed citizen" gives two shitts about ilhan Omar, or even know who she is or what "dual loyalty" means. They're too busy keeping up with the Kardashian. And if it's your view of the headwind that were moving on from these absurd times, you are much more optimistic than I am. If anything. we're just getting started."
It is a common error of political junkies (and I'm one) to assume that nothing relevant is being said or thought outside of the partisan arena. I'm hardly ancient but in my lifetime I've watched both ideological cultures repeatedly founder because they smugly assumed that to be the case. These days the Left can't drill holes in their hull fast enough. You seem like a common sense kind of guy. Why would you think so few of your fellow citizens aren't?
OK, that last sentence was a joke. But the fact that I think so may be illustrative of what I wrote above.
Why would you think so few of your fellow citizens aren't?
Because I have a realistic understanding of the human condition. A typical American can't name a single Supreme Court justice or name one of the three branches of government. If you don't believe me, try an experiment yourself. Go stand on a street corner, ask random people what they think about Ilhan Omar and see how many blank stares you get. This is an exceptionally trivial issue.
The GOP leadership kneecapping Steve king (who isnt my cup of tea,) led to this travismockasham (ht mark o) bgates is dumbfounded how to make this more absurd.
What exactly about me saying that America is doomed suggests to you that I believe "our future is safe?" That's the exact opposite of my point of view. I am highly pessimistic about America's long-term prospects.
I like the J Farmer that believes anti-anti-Semitism is wrong. It's as if that belief is an iceberg.
I don't think it's wrong, per se. Just absurdly overblown. Kind of the same reason I am anti-anti-racist or anti-anti-sexis and usually get no push back in this forum. But when the subject is anti-anti-Semitism, apparently all the stiff lipped conservatives around here turn into bleeding heart SJWs. Peculiar.
Judicial Watch has received documents from a previous FOIA request to the DOJ which highlight the extent of the communication between DOJ official Bruce Ohr and the FBI.
While there was prior knowledge of the role of Ohr as an FBI intermediary between Fusion-GPS, Chris Steele and the FBI during the original counterintelligence investigation, the new documents show Ohr continued in his role well into Mueller’s appointment.
In essence, after the FBI claimed to have broken off formal use of Chris Steele; and long after Robert Mueller took over the investigation; Ohr remained an intermediary between Chris Steele and Robert Mueller’s special counsel team.
Obviously this begs the question: if the special counsel was simply investigating the truth of the dossier, why would Robert Mueller want/need an intermediary as opposed to directly being in contact with, and questioning, the dossier author directly?
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 339 pages of heavily redacted records from the U.S. Department of Justice which reveal that former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr remained in regular contact with former British spy and Fusion GPS contractor Christopher Steele after Steele was terminated by the FBI in November 2016 for revealing to the media his position as an FBI confidential informant.
The records show that Ohr served as a go-between for Steele by passing along information to “his colleagues” on matters relating to Steele’s activities. Ohr also set up meetings with Steele, regularly talked to him on the telephone and provided him assistance in dealing with situations Steele was confronting with the media.
[…] The documents also show that Nellie Ohr sent numerous emails and reports to Bruce Ohr and other Justice Department officials on Russia issues.
“These smoking gun documents show that Christopher Steele, a Hillary Clinton operative and anti-Trump foreign national, secretly worked hand-in-glove with the Justice Department on its illicit targeting of President Trump,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
“These documents leave no doubt that for more than a year after the FBI fired Christopher Steele for leaking, and for some 10 months after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, Bruce Ohr continued to act as a go-between for Steele with the FBI and Justice Department. The anti-Trump Russia investigation, now run by Robert Mueller, has been thoroughly compromised by this insider corruption.” (READ MORE)
rcocean said... . . . And the R's will be hand-waving, and saying "hey, don't worry" all the while. And they will do so in the pages of "conservative" publications that take pro "free trade" and "pro-immigration" positions, subsidized by the US Chamber of Commerce and Pierre Omidyar.
Israel is a proxy for the west in the Third world, if you miss that you miss the whole game. In a generation Europe will feel like the Jewish settlers in judea and samaria, and will wonder what went wrong.
As in most political controversies, the conflict is not about the supposed subject of the argument, but about the subtext. It is a power struggle, a test of influence, of who are the owners of the politicians going to back. There is nothing to resolve concerning the mcguffin because it is in itself meaningless.
We the groundlings are given only the surface layer only of any argument, if that. The only thing certain is that we are not given anything about the actual matters at issue, except only on occasion, by accident.
The Cultural Revolution of the 60s in Mao’s China ended when the mob began attacking itself. We are at this point in the Democrat Party’s cultural revolution that began under Obama. Trump will win in an absolute landslide in 2020 because by then everyone will see what just happened.
I’ve been looking at the Geneva Auto Show. You should see all the new electrics coming from VW and Hyundai and Honda and a hope chest full of defunct old car badges fastened to new brands.
I suspect you three-pedal pushers will not be pleased.
Men pay alimony for their unwanted child. Now women will pay "reparations" for selective-child. Justice may yet prevail over social justice. Positive progress.
Hello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the INTERNET about this specialist called Dr,OLU and decided to contact him on his email: Drolusolutinthome@gmail.com) so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 3 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my sex and i have got a large penis. Am so happy, thanks to Dr OLU I also learn that Dr OLU also help with Breast Enlargement Hips and Bums Enlargement etc.. If you are in any situation with a little Penis, weak ejaculation, small breast_hips_bums do get to Dr OLU now for help on his email (Drolusolutionhome@gmail.com) or add him on whatsapp line +2348140654426
Hello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the INTERNET about this specialist called Dr,OLU and decided to contact him on his email: Drolusolutinthome@gmail.com) so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 3 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my sex and i have got a large penis. Am so happy, thanks to Dr OLU I also learn that Dr OLU also help with Breast Enlargement Hips and Bums Enlargement etc.. If you are in any situation with a little Penis, weak ejaculation, small breast_hips_bums do get to Dr OLU now for help on his email (Drolusolutionhome@gmail.com) or add him on whatsapp line +2348140654426
As noted, with this anti-hate resolution Congress is doing the hard, thankless work of defending the Constitution and improving the lives of the American people. Thanks guys!
Meanwhile, Wapo and the NYT are helpfully advising Jews to just STFU about anti-semitism; more politely than that, of course.
J; You may think it isnt important, but the left leaning think it is and they believe anything they hear from MSNBC. As if on cue they have dropped the Russian collusion narrative and adopted the money laundering narrative. They demand tax returns! As if they could understand them. They are also being told about AIPAC and the threat it is to our country. This is the office gossip at my non-descript company. Hell. Two weeks ago the didnt even know what AIPAC was.
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१०० टिप्पण्या:
I don't know if the sports car issue is still open, but FWIW I liked my 2009 Mazda Miata with the retractable hardtop. It was very pretty (copper red) and very enjoyable to drive, especially on warm nights, with the top down. However, there are disadvantages: There is no spare tire, not even a donut. You could put one in the trunk, but then you wouldn't even have space for (say) a handbasket. It requires premium gas for best performance. It is a little too noisy for long distance cruising.
I don't know if it is available with an automatic transmission; mine had a six-speed manual.
Of course, if you want a sports car with an automatic transmission, you are living in sin.
Gearing up for the Liberal Klan Meeting this weekend.
Of course, if you want a sports car with an automatic transmission, you are living in sin.
Tell that to the buyers of the Ferrari 488.
I am the only person in my entire extended family, in spite of enormous shame and pressure, who doesn't have an iPhone. I am a Samsung for life guy, especially having just had the new Galaxy S10+ delivered today.
Well worth the loyalty. Going to be quite the phone.
So apparently the house actually voted on an "anti-hate" resolution and 23 Republicans voted against it. So of course the headline on MSN was meet the 23 R's who voted against. Now look, I don't know the local politics of those 23 districts, but how did any R let what had been a D fuck up turn into a propaganda victory for the D's.
"but how did any R let what had been a D fuck up turn into a propaganda victory for the D's."
Because the GOP will never miss an opportunity to Surrender Gracefully.
Perhaps our resident Cuck can explain more fully.
Once he is done defending Adam Schiff (D) from unsourced allegations of using the Congressional slush fund to pay off victims of his sexual predations.
I'm just glad there is no crisis at the border and fresh faced Ayanna Pressley is promoting giving voting rights to 16yr olds.
You're not for "voter suppression" are ya?
Even Omar, the original target of the resolution, voted for it!
Criticizing a Muslim for Anti-Semitic remarks is Islamophobic according to the Progressive Hierarchy. Basically, Muslims who are Anti-Semitic get a pass. But Progressive Jews are ok with it. Until the Muslims put them in ovens again.
"Tell that to the buyers of the Ferrari 488." Not a sports car. Jaguar F-types have automatics. They at least are on the upper cusp of the sports car range.
Had a long drive home from a late meeting. I had the opportunity to listen to CNN and MSNBC for 2 hours. 2 hours of of the talking heads trashing Judge TS Ellis on the sentencing of Paul Manafort. Trashing of Judges doing there job must be OK now. When President Trump calls out hack judges for issuing injunctions on his Executive orders, That SCOTUS later overturns, all these same talking heads lecture him on the perfection of the judiciary.
I think 47 months is awful long for what Manafort did but the judge was a lot more reasonable than I thought he would be.
and yes I think Cohen should get a pardon even now. He was manipulated by a bad process, and should be, at worst, disbarred and fined.
I am angry at the New York bishops for protesting a law that would protect young people from being manhandled by the police and put into little rooms with no room to retreat from evildoer criminals simply because they smoke marijuana instead of doing whatever it is that the bishops themselves do when they want recreation.
It is not their church, it is God;s church, and they should be ashamed of themselves.
as for the "anti-hate" resolution, nobody will remember it the next time some Dem congress critter repeats Hitlerite or Yasser Arafat talking points, which may be tomorrow, may be next week.
I'm all for inclusion and love and anti-hate and celebrating diversity -- but what's the deal with practically every TV commercial these days featuring an inter-racial couple? Everyone one. And not a few same-sex inter-racial couples.
Seems a bit forced, don't you think?
The judge like the rest of us know the DOJ shelved the case against Manafort back in 2014. Mueller dusted off a shelved case because he’s a worthless piece of shit, which is what the judge thinks of him as well
Mueller was the guy investigating steroid use in baseball while the jagoffs on Wall Street were melting down the economy. He couldn’t find his ass with both hands. A total lightweight who advanced into the upper echelons of government because he sucked the right dick.
Putin and Trump could have colluded but Mueller and his crack squad of mediocrities would never find out. They feast on low hanging fruit.
You know as well as anyone that a conservative/Republican is never going to get a fair shake from the liberal media, no matter what they do.
For the love of god. All the threats that face our nation, and the country is having a collective meltdown over relatively minor criticisms from a junior Congresswoman. It is truly disheartening to see a once great American civilization descend into this kind of foolish political theater frivolity. If you were an alien on vacation, you'd probably think that Antisemitism was the most pressing, emergent issue in all of American society. This social media/24 hours news cycle obsession with triviality is utterly pathetic.
I was in an elementary school this evening for a science fair. The atmosphere was oppressive. Posters everywhere about "repect" and "diversity" and "anti-bullying". Those are all good things, but it was so heavy-handed. Felt like a indoctrination camp. Couldn't wait to get out of there.
J Farmer,
How much does the anti-anti-Semitism bother you?
Diversity or color judgment, including racism, sexism, etc. Here's to progress.
The mortal threat to America, as published in academics, politics, and the press, are witches, warlocks, and babies, but none greater than the prophecy of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming. They're looking for leverage, real, invented, and exaggerated, and this time the target of their special and peculiar interests is us.
Well that was heck on an argument clinic, let's not do that again.
Anyways our discussion last night touched on left wing radical like self styled antifa and it reminded me about a new spy novel by Charles cumming, called the Moroccan girl. The main character is a writer like himself tasked to go after a mysterious group which is part of a group that is attacking alt right figures in Europe and the states. Mi 6 has tasked him to do this and try to find the leader of this group called resurrection, but little is as it seems.
I agree. I think it’s mostly because Congress has nothing to do but theater. The executive branch is where the action is.
But it’s idiotic for the media and the public to get worked up about this. It’s like the David Duke and Farrakhan bullshit. You’d think these guys led movements of millions of people instead of being grifters of maybe 50,000 fools each who mostly fucked up but harmless cranks.
Charlottesville was a minor tragedy not worth more than a one day story.
The media are much smaller in number than they used to be. Most of them are young and ignorant.
Covering this Political Theater is easy and seems to get some clicks
We are a country in deep and maybe insurmountable debt at the federal, state, and local level. We have a serious and formidable adversary in China that over the long term presents major problems for the US.
Instead of focusing on major issues, we get this bullshit.
@CWJ, do I correctly interpret your comment to mean that you do not regard a two seat, turbocharged, mid-engine roadster with retractable hard top Ferrari as a “true” sports csr???
Well that's what happens when you put Democrats in charge, they excuse great evil and blame republicans.
"For the love of god. All the threats that face our nation, and the country is having a collective meltdown over relatively minor criticisms from a junior Congresswoman."
Objectively true. However that's not the way the Democrats play the game and non-Democrats would be foolish indeed to not call out the vicious hypocrisy of the Left. Pretending to be above it all may provide some with a sense of moral and intellectual superiority but, as a practical matter, it's simply a form of surrender. The historical precedents are abundant.
So judge Ellis was doing something right, why would you listen to CNN or MSNBC for two hours.
But not diversity of thought!
@ Farmer
For me it's not about the anti-Semitic remarks, it is about the hypocrisy.
For a decade we couldn't escape lectures about sexual predation in the workplace. Couldn't enjoy a play without being hectored. Then Bill Clinton came and it was all "just about sex, MoveOn.org"
Do you think the cast of Hamilton will call out Pelosi in the audience over the Somali raghead's bigotry?
Well..all this minor stuff goes away once Mueller drops the big bombs (per commie Brennan) tomorrow....
No of course not, lin miranda supported that puerto Rican terrorist Lopez Rivera who bombed among other places the same theatre he performed his play.
On the other link I had the document that showed why judge Ellis thought this was hot air, they had excised Manafort and klimniks long time contacts with us govt officials in ukraine
(Because Fridays are when you drop da big one)
"This social media/24 hours news cycle obsession with triviality is utterly pathetic."
Is that a bad thing? That the trivial be so gob-smackingly and relentlessly reduced to trivialities that even the most apolitical and uninformed citizen cannot avoid noticing it? That's the only way we move on from these absurd times. We'll wave as they dive headlong past us.
And this administration is challenging China on many fronts, so naturally they throw as many nails in its path.
I think I've mentioned camillieris montalbano mysteries set in a small time in Sicily called vigata, the author was driven by Berlusconi resentment in the notes but on film hes a very able competent detective who marvels at the absurdity of it all.
This is from the portrayal on the European channel, as compared to the books
About Omar, don't committee members get double secret briefings on issues under the committee's purview? How soon do you figure our friends, perhaps the Israelis, stop sharing critical information with us out of fear that someone on Foreign Affairs cannot control her hate and her tongue. After all she's young and inexperienced and knows not what she does, to paraphrase both Pelosi and scripture.
@The Cracker Emcee Refulgent:
That the trivial be so gob-smackingly and relentlessly reduced to trivialities that even the most apolitical and uninformed citizen cannot avoid noticing it? That's the only way we move on from these absurd times. We'll wave as they dive headlong past us.
I don't think the "most apolitical and uninformed citizen" gives two shitts about ilhan Omar, or even know who she is or what "dual loyalty" means. They're too busy keeping up with the Kardashian. And if it's your view of the headwind that were moving on from these absurd times, you are much more optimistic than I am. If anything. we're just getting started.
This was the link:
Gosh your off the Kardashians by a couple of years we are told r Kelley's full bezerk act is the issue of the day. I guess he'll stab some one for an encore.
J Farmer,
How much does the anti-anti-Semitism bother you?
If you were on the Titanic after the ice berg, how concerned would you be with the arrangement of the deck chairs?
And then we have mcsallys all of a sudden revelation, I guess she thought she was in a jag episode from 95.
For me it's not about the anti-Semitic remarks, it is about the hypocrisy.
Oh come on, Fen. You're disturbed by hypocrisy in electoral politics? Next thing you're going to tell me is that all those great benefits from multivitamins I keep hearing about at GNC are bullshit.
If Democrats have their way, this country will make Veneuela look like heaven in 10 years.
How will this turn out:
"I'm fighting for my fucking life!!"
Yeah..but fucking underage teens comes with PR problems.
So much drama coming out of Chi-town to our South and Mini-Soda to our North.
R Kelly and J Smollet are musicians. They should collaborate on a recording.
If Democrats have their way, this country will make Veneuela look like heaven in 10 years.
No it won't; that's absurd. The DNC and GOP are establishment organs and are not going to implement any such things, regardless of what a few attention-grabbing upstarts might say. Enough with the capitalism-versus-socialism anachronism. The neoliberal agenda of "free trade' and globalization is much more threatening to American society than some imagined Leninist state that is not going to materialize.
"Oh come on, Fen. You're disturbed by hypocrisy in electoral politics? Next thing you're going to tell me is that all those great benefits from multivitamins I keep hearing about at GNC are bullshit"
And then we wandered from rout to forced retreat to prevent defense. Not realizing we had lost the Culture Wars or why it mattered.
Surrendering Gracefully for the promise of future negotiations.
narciso said...And then we have mcsallys all of a sudden revelation
It's easy to look up and identify her superior officers. She will need to be ready when the press spits out the likely paramour.
The New Normal.
Well we did ignore deindustrialization to a degree in the cold war, that much is true, his fragile is the global economy with these wombats playing around in the dark.
The New Normal.
As I like to say, America is doomed.
alanc709 said...If Democrats have their way, this country will make Veneuela look like heaven in 10 years.
Let's imagine how quickly the market and economy will downturn if one of the current Dems wins the presidency and Dems simply maintain in House.
I agree. I think it’s mostly because Congress has nothing to do but theater. The executive branch is where the action is.
What? Trump can't even get .0001% of the budget to build a wall and for border security - through Congress - which most Americans want. And every time he tries to do anything, a Federal District Judge and the 9th circuit squashes it. Did your realize that asking people whether they're citizens is against the Constitution? Well, an Obama Judge just rules that.
These Motherfucker Senate Republicans don't want to do ANYTHING unless someone pays them off. They do whatever Paul singer, the Koch Brothers, and the Chamber of Commerce want. But if the American people just want something? No can do.
I guess she was trying to one up joni Ernst in the drama category the saving grace about hot pants synema is she hasn't said much, maybe shes mellowed from her wiccan days.
Well we did ignore deindustrialization to a degree in the cold war, that much is true, his fragile is the global economy with these wombats playing around in the dark.
Deindustrialization really went into overdrive after the Cold War, once the US under HW Bush and then Clinton began implementing the "new world order." The NWO has been great for the Davos set of both parties; the fact that it screwed the deplorables is beside the point, and they probably deserved to get screwed anyway for being white devils. Learn to code, motherfuckers. US politics in a nutshell for the last quarter century.
J. Farmer, never underestimate the power of ignorance. Socialism isn't the problem, per se. It's totalitarianism. Progressives seek it, and Republicans usually surrender when confronted. We already have a semblance of the future on college campuses. "Diversity" is a joke forced on us by our intellectual overlords, freedom of speech is trampled daily, fools who refuse to understand our political system insist we dismantle the Electoral College. I'm glad you think our future is safe. I don't. American society is being eroded by the political indoctrination our kids receive in school. They are our future, and they have no clue what America used to be. What will prevent the decay from continuing?
Make no mistake. The Democrats will get rid of the Senate filibuster the second they take power and ram through legislation. Ried was going to do it, in 2015, but they lost the Senate.
Once the D's control all three branches they will go crazy, and will make sure the R's NEVER regain control - just like they've done in California. And the R's will be hand-waving, and saying "hey, don't worry" all the while. The R party in California is DEAD and the D's won't be satisfied until EVERY 53 Congressional seat is D. So where are the R's? Oh, they don't care. They're planning to run off to Texas or Australia or wherever.
"As I like to say, America is doomed."
If true, then there is no reason not to hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats (Mencken), right?
"I don't think the "most apolitical and uninformed citizen" gives two shitts about ilhan Omar, or even know who she is or what "dual loyalty" means. They're too busy keeping up with the Kardashian. And if it's your view of the headwind that were moving on from these absurd times, you are much more optimistic than I am. If anything. we're just getting started."
It is a common error of political junkies (and I'm one) to assume that nothing relevant is being said or thought outside of the partisan arena. I'm hardly ancient but in my lifetime I've watched both ideological cultures repeatedly founder because they smugly assumed that to be the case. These days the Left can't drill holes in their hull fast enough. You seem like a common sense kind of guy. Why would you think so few of your fellow citizens aren't?
OK, that last sentence was a joke. But the fact that I think so may be illustrative of what I wrote above.
Well they'll be banning knives like in the UK, where there is unexpectedly a mass stabbing or acid attack every other day.
Many, damnit, not few. I knew that sounded awkward.
@The Cracker Emcee Refulgent:
Why would you think so few of your fellow citizens aren't?
Because I have a realistic understanding of the human condition. A typical American can't name a single Supreme Court justice or name one of the three branches of government. If you don't believe me, try an experiment yourself. Go stand on a street corner, ask random people what they think about Ilhan Omar and see how many blank stares you get. This is an exceptionally trivial issue.
The GOP leadership kneecapping Steve king (who isnt my cup of tea,) led to this travismockasham (ht mark o) bgates is dumbfounded how to make this more absurd.
I'm glad you think our future is safe.
What exactly about me saying that America is doomed suggests to you that I believe "our future is safe?" That's the exact opposite of my point of view. I am highly pessimistic about America's long-term prospects.
Yes they are mostly uninformed but mostly misinformed that's what Soviet educational techniques the media have wrought.
I like the J Farmer that believes anti-anti-Semitism is wrong.
It's as if that belief is an iceberg.
Makes sense. /sarc
@Big Mike. Yes.
I like the J Farmer that believes anti-anti-Semitism is wrong.
It's as if that belief is an iceberg.
I don't think it's wrong, per se. Just absurdly overblown. Kind of the same reason I am anti-anti-racist or anti-anti-sexis and usually get no push back in this forum. But when the subject is anti-anti-Semitism, apparently all the stiff lipped conservatives around here turn into bleeding heart SJWs. Peculiar.
Judicial Watch has received documents from a previous FOIA request to the DOJ which highlight the extent of the communication between DOJ official Bruce Ohr and the FBI.
While there was prior knowledge of the role of Ohr as an FBI intermediary between Fusion-GPS, Chris Steele and the FBI during the original counterintelligence investigation, the new documents show Ohr continued in his role well into Mueller’s appointment.
In essence, after the FBI claimed to have broken off formal use of Chris Steele; and long after Robert Mueller took over the investigation; Ohr remained an intermediary between Chris Steele and Robert Mueller’s special counsel team.
Obviously this begs the question: if the special counsel was simply investigating the truth of the dossier, why would Robert Mueller want/need an intermediary as opposed to directly being in contact with, and questioning, the dossier author directly?
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 339 pages of heavily redacted records from the U.S. Department of Justice which reveal that former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr remained in regular contact with former British spy and Fusion GPS contractor Christopher Steele after Steele was terminated by the FBI in November 2016 for revealing to the media his position as an FBI confidential informant.
The records show that Ohr served as a go-between for Steele by passing along information to “his colleagues” on matters relating to Steele’s activities. Ohr also set up meetings with Steele, regularly talked to him on the telephone and provided him assistance in dealing with situations Steele was confronting with the media.
[…] The documents also show that Nellie Ohr sent numerous emails and reports to Bruce Ohr and other Justice Department officials on Russia issues.
“These smoking gun documents show that Christopher Steele, a Hillary Clinton operative and anti-Trump foreign national, secretly worked hand-in-glove with the Justice Department on its illicit targeting of President Trump,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
“These documents leave no doubt that for more than a year after the FBI fired Christopher Steele for leaking, and for some 10 months after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, Bruce Ohr continued to act as a go-between for Steele with the FBI and Justice Department. The anti-Trump Russia investigation, now run by Robert Mueller, has been thoroughly compromised by this insider corruption.” (READ MORE)
rcocean said...
. . . And the R's will be hand-waving, and saying "hey, don't worry" all the while.
And they will do so in the pages of "conservative" publications that take pro "free trade" and "pro-immigration" positions, subsidized by the US Chamber of Commerce and Pierre Omidyar.
Israel is a proxy for the west in the Third world, if you miss that you miss the whole game. In a generation Europe will feel like the Jewish settlers in judea and samaria, and will wonder what went wrong.
Well chuck brought the bulwinkle hot take, sit back in think of England I know beatlejuice.
I thought this was an interesting juxtaposition in my Althouse this morning..
The same could probably be said of pillar and scheuer:
As in most political controversies, the conflict is not about the supposed subject of the argument, but about the subtext. It is a power struggle, a test of influence, of who are the owners of the politicians going to back. There is nothing to resolve concerning the mcguffin because it is in itself meaningless.
We the groundlings are given only the surface layer only of any argument, if that. The only thing certain is that we are not given anything about the actual matters at issue, except only on occasion, by accident.
The Cultural Revolution of the 60s in Mao’s China ended when the mob began attacking itself. We are at this point in the Democrat Party’s cultural revolution that began under Obama. Trump will win in an absolute landslide in 2020 because by then everyone will see what just happened.
Prophetic I. Think:
Many of you here are anti-anti-anti-semitism. I’m anti that.
The greatest battle since 1066?
The Cod Wars..
Shazam! will be better than Captain Marvel.
I’ve been looking at the Geneva Auto Show. You should see all the new electrics coming from VW and Hyundai and Honda and a hope chest full of defunct old car badges fastened to new brands.
I suspect you three-pedal pushers will not be pleased.
Madison County man is suing Huntsville women’s clinic on behalf of unborn [baby]
Men pay alimony for their unwanted child. Now women will pay "reparations" for selective-child. Justice may yet prevail over social justice. Positive progress.
Hello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the INTERNET about this specialist called Dr,OLU and decided to contact him on his email: Drolusolutinthome@gmail.com) so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 3 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my sex and i have got a large penis. Am so happy, thanks to Dr OLU I also learn that Dr OLU also help with Breast Enlargement Hips and Bums Enlargement etc.. If you are in any situation with a little Penis, weak ejaculation, small breast_hips_bums do get to Dr OLU now for help on his email (Drolusolutionhome@gmail.com) or add him on whatsapp line +2348140654426
Hello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the INTERNET about this specialist called Dr,OLU and decided to contact him on his email: Drolusolutinthome@gmail.com) so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 3 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my sex and i have got a large penis. Am so happy, thanks to Dr OLU I also learn that Dr OLU also help with Breast Enlargement Hips and Bums Enlargement etc.. If you are in any situation with a little Penis, weak ejaculation, small breast_hips_bums do get to Dr OLU now for help on his email (Drolusolutionhome@gmail.com) or add him on whatsapp line +2348140654426
As noted, with this anti-hate resolution Congress is doing the hard, thankless work of defending the Constitution and improving the lives of the American people. Thanks guys!
Meanwhile, Wapo and the NYT are helpfully advising Jews to just STFU about anti-semitism; more politely than that, of course.
I anxiously await the reveal of today's crisis.
@CWJ, you’re crazy!
I mean you’re complaining about the inability to get a proper stick when it will be more challenging to find proper combustion.
You may think it isnt important, but the left leaning think it is and they believe anything they hear from MSNBC. As if on cue they have dropped the Russian collusion narrative and adopted the money laundering narrative. They demand tax returns! As if they could understand them. They are also being told about AIPAC and the threat it is to our country. This is the office gossip at my non-descript company. Hell. Two weeks ago the didnt even know what AIPAC was.
Combat pilot Sen. Martha McSally says she was raped in the Air Force.
Combat pivot.
Further to Mark's comment above:
A little back of the envelope exercise:
Blacks make up 14% of the population. Let's say 10% of Black relationships are inter-racial (probably high).
That would make 1.4% of all relationships to be inter-racial.
Yet it seems that 1/3 of all relationships in TV commercials these days are inter-racial.
I have nothing against inter-racial relationships. Live and let live.
I just hate all of this transparent liberal left preaching by our "betters" in the media.
Is Unknown implying that all of the men here have small penises?
"Is Unknown implying that all of the men here have small penises?"
There's no doubt about it he is targeting what he has assessed is the best available market.
Forget about that:
Shes an outlier, but not the pioneer
Combat pilot Sen. Martha McSally says she was raped in the Air Force.
Combat pivot.
What's that mean, rh? Is "pivot" a slang term in USAF for "slut" when you were in? What are you trying to say?
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