CA has now ditched the choo choo, also the $5 billion dollar stadium is not a tax payer thing.
The nuttiest of nutty lib-er states.
Anywho, it seems like the Fox-Con deal was at some point reported to cost around $231,000 per employee. Was that before they cut back the number of employees? Did the subsidy also get cut back? Thank you Scott!
Presumably Meadehouse is too busy video taping individual MadTown protestors and reporting on handicap folks who are shitty wheelchair drivers to pay attention to the minutia re billions for the Chi-com-cons.
Anywho, carry on. 20/20 as ever. Post or pre surgery.
If he does, let's hope that a court order stops it. Before a Democratic president can use the precedent to declare a "climate change emergency" or a "student loan emergency" or an "income inequality emergency."
Compare this to Nancy Pelosi and several other Democrats:
Here Chuck is either: A. Taking marching orders from the Democrat Leadership
B. I will not be rude even to a moby, concern troll (ok a little)
C. All of the above both directly stated and implied
The importation of leftist voters is undermining our Democracy and is the most potent weapon the left has against the right.
Nothing else matters except shutting down the flow D voters.
Real Republicans know that. (Real Democrats know it too but they won't say it). (Does the period go inside or outside the parens)?
P.S. I read Obama declared ten different national emergencies. So that ship has already sailed, and I would think a sophisticated lawyer and political operative like Chuck knows that too.
Booker was the funniest: "To those in Congress who don't feel the urgency to pass our Anti-Lynching bill designating lynching as a federal hate crime– I urge you to pay attention."
I think Turd Fergusson was shortened from the more discount-rate accurate Turdrat McFergusson.
None of the youngsters care about those distinctions anymore though, cotton pickin'.
Where I am?
I remember thinking "I'm a gonna go ahead and smack my CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED head and the next thing I know I don't know what happened or where I'm at.
We had a good day. I took the wife up to Winchester to see an exhibition of Albrecht Dürer prints at the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley. The The level of detail is amazing, not least because the prints are so tiny — most of the prints are roughly the size of a 3” x 5” card. (Does anyone still use 3” x 5” cards?) Just black and white prints, though the “white” stopped being white centuries ago. Not many opportunities to see Renaissance art here in the US, much less so far from a major city.
Then we ran some errands in Winchester, capped off by dinner reservations at one of our favorite restaurants. A good Valentines Day with the woman I love.
Jussie Smollett is struggling, he has a variety of different stories, and different time lines, and different injuries, and different insults, and just about everything fact based has become, choose from several options available. While he had time for a media interview, he blew of a scheduled interview with detectives.
Looks like another member a protected class(es) was feeling lonely and reached out for some attention. Like to often occurs, intersectionality steps on it own dick.
Since hate crimes don't exist, the perpetual victims have to invent them
Sick and tired of having your compassion used against you?
Tired of the emotional exhaustion?
Do you long for an era when sympathy wasn't weaponized?
Well come on down to the dark side of the internet where supersleuths investigate fake-hate for free! They even screencap tweets of prominent celebrities and politicians to be used after faux-crime is revealed and can be used against them!
It's not hard! Do you have 2 brain cells to rub together? Do you have a loathing for grief mobs?
You too can join this fight! So come on and join us and do your part in stopping FAGS (Fraudulent Assaults on Gays for Sympathy)
I really hope AG Barr fills the void at DOJ left by Sessions. What a weak AG he was. Recused himself on Russian hoax issues, defaulting to Rosenstein, who promptly appointed Mueller, and lost a Senate seat from Alabama. Good riddance.
I can hardly wait for Barr's press conference, advising that Mueller declined to prosecute Prez Trump.
Wiki: Magenta took its name from an aniline dye made and patented in 1859 by the French chemist François-Emmanuel Verguin, who originally called it fuchsine. It was renamed to celebrate the Italian-French victory at the Battle of Magenta fought between the French and Austrians on June 4, 1859, near the Italian town of Magenta in Lombardy.[4] A virtually identical color, called roseine, was created in 1860 by two British chemists: Chambers Nicolson and George Maule.
*Fuchsia (the plant) was named after a 16th century botanist named Fuchs.
Cuck: "let's hope that a court order stops it. Before a Democratic president can use the precedent to declare a climate change emergency or a student loan emergency or an "income inequality emergency."
This is more Failure Theater from the Cuckservative wing of the GOP (and almost a plaigerism of Ben Shapiro).
We must not give the Dems a precedent they can abuse? Like the Democrats ever needed an excuse - THEY WILL DO THOSE THINGS ANYWAY.
But the GOP Cucks can't surrender quick enough. They never go the attacm, tbey never go for the ball. Instead, they play a Prevent Defense for 4 quarters astonished to lose to 4 field goals.
Across multiple fields the same Godliness abounds, hopefully for where you're at fruitfully.
I don't think Satan is that much if at all smarter than me.
Just evil.
Which we all have the capability of, and knowing its out, there, and we're not, allows for pride/hubris/solipsism.
While perhaps sinful to idiots who hate Jesus, the pride/hubris/solipsism mindset is as necessary as an infant spontaneously crawling after previously just floundering about, not understanding direction.
***Why is "cut" the first option when in a box with things like "copy" or "paste" etc.?
There is a reason.
Two ears, one mouth.
I ain't smart enough to let people know why this might matter. Sad.
"One Keyboard!"^*
*Go ahead Bruce and copy that for me, in ways only you know how. Nevada. Tcrosse will buy the drinks, me the ennui defenses.
Every morning around 5:45 am, after he's taken his dog out, Mr. Goldberg calls me on a dark red dial phone connected to a secure landline. Mr. Goldberg tells me what my marching orders are, and later that morning I get a memo that gives me further instructions on how to carry them out.
Jonah Goldberg is of course most notable for his recent pronouncement that golly gee whiz no one in Washington or the establishment has ever suggested or even hinted that they suspected or accused Trump of colluding with Russia. Nope, they have always only been concerned about russian interference!
Like LLR Chuck, to be a good LLR one must never be afraid to openly smear conservatives and rewrite history on the fly.
Goldberg also, without hesitation, lined up to attack the Covington kuds because thats what was expected of him by his lefty betters.
I mentioned trevanian (rodney whitakers) shibumi in context with Keanu Reeves role, I remember I picked up the paper back some time in the 80s, yes nicholas hel is a Russian born assassin raised in Japan, who faces an implacable foe, a corporate behemoth which in term runs much of the intelligence establishment and is inscrutable in its choice of operations, such a crazy notion.
It should also be noted that Goldberg and te entire Cuckly Standard crew are happy followers in the deplatforming of actual conservatives and conservative groups everywhere.
Lets face it, the competition to be the next controllable, acceptable housebroken "conservative" pet of a leftist publication is extraordinarily fierce and if a fake "muh principles" "trucon" wants to remain in the running they dare not falter in their sucking up and capitulating for even a day.
Focusing at chuck, is like 'shooting wamp rats' or reading the bulwinkle, very boring. I didnt know at the time when the standard had gone mad like peeta in the hunger games, it was due to omidyars influence but I suspect some perturbations in the Force.
"It should also be noted that Goldberg and te entire Cuckly Standard crew are happy followers in the deplatforming of actual conservatives and conservative groups everywhere."
And just last week Goldberg was busted plagiarizing AceOfSpades.
Birds of a feather.
No wonder they have this need to virtue signal tbeir "principles"
How many times do you have to hear this before it sinks in, dammit! You can't find magenta in the visible spectrum because magenta cannot be emitted as a wavelength of light.
Is that literary enough or too obscure, they discard the narratives so quickly ons suspect Covington was to hide the moloch sacrifice ehuxh was then covered by northams penchant for pigment and Fairfaxs rick James impression
Hence they turn on the eloi klaxons, bringing back muh Russia, like month old noodles, bringing George Clooney out like ichabod crane screaming about paparazzi.
I wonder if the passivity of conservatism was locked in about the same time people became more concerned about the response to trolls than the trolls themselves.
There is a corruption in there somewhere.
In the Dune series by Frank Herbert, the decline of the Freeman was marked by the first time a Freeman sued for slander. Before then, to mock a Freeman was to invite death.
From Farmers link. (And, Empire spokesman says they were not cutting his character. Story sure is fluid. I read one account that said he was attacked while leaving the subway. Mistook a sandwich for the train. This is the problem created by so many fake hate crimes. Boy who cried wolf syndrome. )
"Chicago Police have shot down two local media reports claiming that its detectives thought “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett had staged his alleged hate attack.
In an extraordinary step, the police department’s top spokesman, Anthony Guglielmi, put out a statement on Twitter that said: “Media reports about the Empire incident being a hoax are unconfirmed by case detectives”
He said the police superintendent had contacted one of the stations to “state on the record that we have no evidence to support their reporting and their supposed CPD sources are uninformed and inaccurate.”
I think it happened when some of the foundations like Olin bowed out if the picture, also since conservatism is based in think tank academia, it hangs above the miasma of a poison spring of progressivism
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said... Magenta is the only color that does not exist as a single wavelength of light.
* Nonsense. Aside from the fundamental colors of the spectrum (ROYGBIV) , ALL colors are composites. How do you think the spectrum transitions from one color to another?
Would you like to explain, for example, the color called puce?
I'm plodding through the Embarrassment of Riches by Simon Schama. Six hundred pages. The writer confirms what I have long suspected: Dutch culture in the golden age was kind of boring.
Smollet's attack was a hoax- I think everyone knows this including the detectives who were assigned to investigate it, but they are probably under orders to pretend otherwise publicly.
My rule of thumb is simply this- if the injuries in an alleged hate crime are superficial or non-existent, it is a hoax. This describes over 95% of the hate crimes today.
I've heard some cable people commenting on Trump's health. The people who think RBG is a human dynamo think that Trump is obese and on the verge of a heart attack or stroke.
Well some parts along with elements from czarist Russia inspired bardugos grishaverse, the period of the early protestant reformation and about a hundred years in isnt boring.
Nothing else ever will, or can, suffice, as proven by the VERY explicit lack of sufficeness to this extent, ***(now Gay) Catholic Church.
*** I had written very, very wise words, BUTH THEY WOERE ERAESEEDDD!!!
Like Jackson.
I don't know what my intent was, but I can certify this one very thing: I certify my "1200 Characters" Gag based on signing up for Google to comment here and filling out my interests and given the limit of 1200 Characters I wrote 1200.
THa'ts what I did.
(In case you don't get it, I ended that last utterance with a period. That is a big thing on line now, to point out how a period, just using the word, period, it, combined with the usual usage, the natural one, well, what does it allow beyond entitled idiocy?
William said... I've heard some cable people commenting on Trump's health. The people who think RBG is a human dynamo think that Trump is obese and on the verge of a heart attack or stroke.
I wonder how long it will be before they are speculating about Justice Thomas' poor health. After all, life expectancy for AA is 5 years+ less than white folks.
Toobin was merely the opening salvo - anything to get us to forget that RBG is still "sitting" on the court. From her hospital bed. Or her hospice bed. Amazing that MSM doesn't have any curiosity about her health status. No questions about where she currently resides. Status of health condition? Recovery period? If she was conservative, there would be non-stop, front page WaPo/NYT articles every single day from "sources" and "people with knowledge".
I guess she's more like captain pike in the menagerie, with everything she's been through in the last few years, its cruel to have her on the court, but there is this cult of personality to live up to.
I wonder how long it will be before they are speculating about Justice Thomas' poor health. After all, life expectancy for AA is 5 years+ less than white folks.
Life expectency at birth is much different from life expectency when you're old.
If you're old, you're good for more years than you'd think.
I keep hearing lots of people calling XX9D in Macau but I can never hear him myself. Consistently horrible propagation for me towards Japan and China for some reason. Possibly due to a tall nearby tree in that direction. I heard a couple of Australians in the same period so propagaion in general is okay.
wholelottasplainin' said... Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said... Magenta is the only color that does not exist as a single wavelength of light. Nonsense. Aside from the fundamental colors of the spectrum (ROYGBIV) , ALL colors are composites. How do you think the spectrum transitions from one color to another?
The spectrum transitions from one color to another through wavelength changes. When Igna says that Magenta does not exist as a single wavelength of light, she means it isn't a spectral color, she's right, it is a combination of more than one spectral color (a red and a blue: a high and a low freq, not just One freq).
HOWEVER! That's true for ALL shades of purple, not just Magenta; but lilac; or, puce Non-spectral colors Among some of the colors that are not spectral colors are: Grayscale (achromatic) colors, such as white, gray, and black. Any color obtained by mixing a gray-scale color and another color (either spectral or not), such as pink (a mixture of a reddish color and white), or brown (a mixture of orange and black or gray). Violet-red colors, which in color theory include line of purples colors (such as, approximately, magenta and rose), and other variations of purple and red. Metallic colors which reflect light by effect.
All Igna is saying is that (according to Her,) ALL Purple's are called Magenta, and Pink is really Red.... Which is kinda Ignorant (but, expected of a Pinko that is really TRULY a RED at heart)
rhhardin said... Possibly due to a tall nearby tree in that direction. I heard a couple of Australians in the same period so propagaion in general is okay.
here's a fun fact for you. When i was living in Ames, Iowa; most TV signals came from Alleman , Ia (Straight South (well, 178 or so). The ION station was in Newton (further away, and about SE). I used a Non-directional Antenna to receive broadcast tv).
Here's the Fun Fact. I couldn't receive the Newton station... UNLESS the trees had Leafs. From fall until early spring: No reception. mid spring until the leafs fell: Reception (marginal, but there). For a year i assumed that it was ice on their tower or something, but after 4 years of observation, it seemed to be leaf corelated.
I could see how leafs could HURT reception, but (in This case) they helped it (i'm assuming acting as a reflector or something)
I wonder how long it will be before they are speculating about Justice Thomas' poor health. After all, life expectancy for AA is 5 years+ less than white folks.
Life expectency at birth is much different from life expectency when you're old.
If you're old, you're good for more years than you'd think.
Yes, this. Life expectancy has no meaning when talking about an individual person, as it's calculated based on infant mortality. It's a common misconception that because of low life expectancy people in the middle ages etc all lived to be 35. In actuality if you made it past 5 you're pretty good to go whether you're a modern AA or member of other lower life expectancy group or someone from Olden Tymes.
Booker, et al, lose nothing and gain a lot by jumping in early with the outrage over these purported & reported events. Whether the Covington kids thing or Smollett, he gets lots of publicity for screaming how horrible it is that the kids disrespected the wise native american elder, or that the black, gay B actor was symbolically lynched! All the good people of the Left cheer him, and his standing among them is enhanced. Then when the facts emerge that the outrage is really just a misrepresentation or hoax, he gets criticized from the Right which only further enhances his standing with the Left. Win Win!
"Sources close to Chicago reporters have said the police were able to crack the case after their request for Smollett's call log was denied by the actor. They subpoenaed the phone records instead and continued to publicly treat Smollett as a victim of a hate crime. When he finally turned over a PDF file of his call log nearly two weeks later, investigators were able to examine which calls the actor omitted compared to their own official copy. His own tampering with the call log helped police narrow down which calls were important and who might have assisted in the hoax."
“Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said... Magenta is the only color that does not exist as a single wavelength of light. Nonsense. Aside from the fundamental colors of the spectrum (ROYGBIV) , ALL colors are composites. How do you think the spectrum transitions from one color to another?”
“All Igna is saying is that (according to Her,) ALL Purple's are called Magenta, and Pink is really Red.... Which is kinda Ignorant (but, expected of a Pinko that is really TRULY a RED at heart)”
So are you telling me that ingachuck’stoothlessARM is a “she” and a Pinko/red to boot?!
Wow, who knew?! I always thought that he was a male rightist.
I have no idea what's up with the Smollett case (I haven't watched Empire since his SIL fell off the roof while fighting with his pregnant Step-Mom, I mean, that's a little too soapy for me) but I will say that I don't fault him one bit for not turning his phone over to the police.
Why should the police have so much access to his pictures, friends' phones/contacts? This is Chicago, and you know they'd all be copied and then sold to the highest bidder. So kudos to him for seeing that.
Brakeman Bill was the television host for a kid's TV show in Tacoma. His sidekick was a sock puppet named Crazy Donkey.. I see that Donkey has a new gig in the House of Representatives.
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१२१ टिप्पण्या:
Your ratz are starting to weird me out.
Hypnotic Rat. When we awake we will not remember Sherman McCoy.
Rat on guard!
(When the watchdogs are asleep.)
That rat could get elected in Queens.
That rat is pissed.
The professor is back hard at it down in the rat works. I take that as a good sign eyeball wise.
Althouse's rats are a part of the deep state mind control.
How dem eyes?
Magenta is the only color that does not exist as a single wavelength of light.
Jussie Smollett hate hoax seems to be in the first stages of unraveling.
The first artificial dye was Mauve.
Learned that in organic chemistry,
In Japan Valentine’s Day is celebrated in a very unique style.
It is the women who present gifts to men.
@Althouse, get your money back for the surgery. The color I see is closer to purple.
CA has now ditched the choo choo, also the $5 billion dollar stadium is not a tax payer thing.
The nuttiest of nutty lib-er states.
Anywho, it seems like the Fox-Con deal was at some point reported to cost around $231,000 per employee. Was that before they cut back the number of employees? Did the subsidy also get cut back? Thank you Scott!
Presumably Meadehouse is too busy video taping individual MadTown protestors and reporting on handicap folks who are shitty wheelchair drivers to pay attention to the minutia re billions for the Chi-com-cons.
Anywho, carry on. 20/20 as ever. Post or pre surgery.
Joe Mantegna was dyslexic. But he was a great quarterback.
This was from the last thread, a quote by Chuck:
Chuck said...
If he does, let's hope that a court order stops it. Before a Democratic president can use the precedent to declare a "climate change emergency" or a "student loan emergency" or an "income inequality emergency."
Compare this to Nancy Pelosi and several other Democrats:
Here Chuck is either:
A. Taking marching orders from the Democrat Leadership
B. I will not be rude even to a moby, concern troll (ok a little)
C. All of the above both directly stated and implied
The importation of leftist voters is undermining our Democracy and is the most potent weapon the left has against the right.
Nothing else matters except shutting down the flow D voters.
Real Republicans know that. (Real Democrats know it too but they won't say it). (Does the period go inside or outside the parens)?
P.S. I read Obama declared ten different national emergencies. So that ship has already sailed, and I would think a sophisticated lawyer and political operative like Chuck knows that too.
I got yur Bonfire right here (red hair).
When it comes to the Bons, I'm a ham guy.
Lol. Fake AND gay. Drama queen.
No one with a brain couldn't see this from the get go.
Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden fall head-over-heels for a two-bit actor's anti-white hate crime.
Booker was the funniest: "To those in Congress who don't feel the urgency to pass our Anti-Lynching bill designating lynching as a federal hate crime– I urge you to pay attention."
But don't really pay attention...
I think Turd Fergusson was shortened from the more discount-rate accurate Turdrat McFergusson.
None of the youngsters care about those distinctions anymore though, cotton pickin'.
Where I am?
I remember thinking "I'm a gonna go ahead and smack my CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED head and the next thing I know I don't know what happened or where I'm at.
What happened?
Lol. Fake AND gay. Drama queen.
and a lib Trump-hater, and a POC
"white Nigerians"
if gay, black, liberal at 2 am in freezing Chicago, watch out for those African rednecks with bleach, rope, and "Make Nigeria Great Again" hats
We had a good day. I took the wife up to Winchester to see an exhibition of Albrecht Dürer prints at the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley. The The level of detail is amazing, not least because the prints are so tiny — most of the prints are roughly the size of a 3” x 5” card. (Does anyone still use 3” x 5” cards?) Just black and white prints, though the “white” stopped being white centuries ago. Not many opportunities to see Renaissance art here in the US, much less so far from a major city.
Then we ran some errands in Winchester, capped off by dinner reservations at one of our favorite restaurants. A good Valentines Day with the woman I love.
Jussie Smollett is struggling, he has a variety of different stories, and different time lines, and different injuries, and different insults, and just about everything fact based has become, choose from several options available. While he had time for a media interview, he blew of a scheduled interview with detectives.
Looks like another member a protected class(es) was feeling lonely and reached out for some attention. Like to often occurs, intersectionality steps on it own dick.
Since hate crimes don't exist, the perpetual victims have to invent them
Sick and tired of having your compassion used against you?
Tired of the emotional exhaustion?
Do you long for an era when sympathy wasn't weaponized?
Well come on down to the dark side of the internet where supersleuths investigate fake-hate for free! They even screencap tweets of prominent celebrities and politicians to be used after faux-crime is revealed and can be used against them!
It's not hard! Do you have 2 brain cells to rub together? Do you have a loathing for grief mobs?
You too can join this fight! So come on and join us and do your part in stopping FAGS (Fraudulent Assaults on Gays for Sympathy)
Beto in Madison Friday night. Students and professors only.
Most people, perceptive enough to accept change with grace, appreciate the thrill being gone.
The Last Psyciatrist talked about his.
Is it still up?
Ba Ba Bada
"Make Nigeria Great Again"
When he kept telling the cops muhniga 'beat me up' he wasn't lying...if the hat fits you can't acquit!
We watched "The Favourite" last night. Anyone seen it?
I really hope AG Barr fills the void at DOJ left by Sessions. What a weak AG he was. Recused himself on Russian hoax issues, defaulting to Rosenstein, who promptly appointed Mueller, and lost a Senate seat from Alabama. Good riddance.
I can hardly wait for Barr's press conference, advising that Mueller declined to prosecute Prez Trump.
Just 'cause I don't self-hate enough today doesn't mean my self-hating options are limited forever.
This song reminds me of not Ricky but Steve's Office.
Give some love for Sconnie congress critter Gwen Moore, blah blah blah.
Magenta was originally named after the fuchsia.*
Wiki: Magenta took its name from an aniline dye made and patented in 1859 by the French chemist François-Emmanuel Verguin, who originally called it fuchsine. It was renamed to celebrate the Italian-French victory at the Battle of Magenta fought between the French and Austrians on June 4, 1859, near the Italian town of Magenta in Lombardy.[4] A virtually identical color, called roseine, was created in 1860 by two British chemists: Chambers Nicolson and George Maule.
*Fuchsia (the plant) was named after a 16th century botanist named Fuchs.
Dave, quoting Cuck
Cuck: "let's hope that a court order stops it. Before a Democratic president can use the precedent to declare a climate change emergency or a student loan emergency or an "income inequality emergency."
This is more Failure Theater from the Cuckservative wing of the GOP (and almost a plaigerism of Ben Shapiro).
We must not give the Dems a precedent they can abuse? Like the Democrats ever needed an excuse - THEY WILL DO THOSE THINGS ANYWAY.
But the GOP Cucks can't surrender quick enough. They never go the attacm, tbey never go for the ball. Instead, they play a Prevent Defense for 4 quarters astonished to lose to 4 field goals.
David Begley said...”Beto in Madison Friday night. Students and professors only.”
On campus?
Across multiple fields the same Godliness abounds, hopefully for where you're at fruitfully.
I don't think Satan is that much if at all smarter than me.
Just evil.
Which we all have the capability of, and knowing its out, there, and we're not, allows for pride/hubris/solipsism.
While perhaps sinful to idiots who hate Jesus, the pride/hubris/solipsism mindset is as necessary as an infant spontaneously crawling after previously just floundering about, not understanding direction.
***Why is "cut" the first option when in a box with things like "copy" or "paste" etc.?
There is a reason.
Two ears, one mouth.
I ain't smart enough to let people know why this might matter. Sad.
"One Keyboard!"^*
*Go ahead Bruce and copy that for me, in ways only you know how. Nevada. Tcrosse will buy the drinks, me the ennui defenses.
Dave, I am not taking marching orders from Democratic leadership.
I am taking orders from Jonah Goldberg at National Review:
Every morning around 5:45 am, after he's taken his dog out, Mr. Goldberg calls me on a dark red dial phone connected to a secure landline. Mr. Goldberg tells me what my marching orders are, and later that morning I get a memo that gives me further instructions on how to carry them out.
This morning, for instance, he reminded me that our opposition to a Trump National Emergency would be in line with many leading Republicans in the Senate, as reported by that other cuck news outlet, the Wall Street Journal. And the cucks who make up the Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal said the same damned thing.
Thanks for your interest in my daily marching orders, Dave!
Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: "Dave, I am not taking marching orders from Democratic leadership."
All Pro-dem LLR's are volunteers...except for quite a few who are now openly funded by far left monied interests.
Interestingly enough, these are all the very "trucons" that Chuck extols while they call for everyone to vote democrat.
Thats probably just a coincidence.
Well hes been at it for a long time 'he is like a roaring lion, who will kill and destroy (tempt) your soul,
Inga(etc) said:
"Magenta is the only color that does not exist as a single wavelength of light."
What wavelength is cyan?
Looks more like a giratffe.
Jonah Goldberg is of course most notable for his recent pronouncement that golly gee whiz no one in Washington or the establishment has ever suggested or even hinted that they suspected or accused Trump of colluding with Russia. Nope, they have always only been concerned about russian interference!
Like LLR Chuck, to be a good LLR one must never be afraid to openly smear conservatives and rewrite history on the fly.
Goldberg also, without hesitation, lined up to attack the Covington kuds because thats what was expected of him by his lefty betters.
I mentioned trevanian (rodney whitakers) shibumi in context with Keanu Reeves role, I remember I picked up the paper back some time in the 80s, yes nicholas hel is a Russian born assassin raised in Japan, who faces an implacable foe, a corporate behemoth which in term runs much of the intelligence establishment and is inscrutable in its choice of operations, such a crazy notion.
MNGA (muhniga) the tetragrammaton
It should also be noted that Goldberg and te entire Cuckly Standard crew are happy followers in the deplatforming of actual conservatives and conservative groups everywhere.
Lets face it, the competition to be the next controllable, acceptable housebroken "conservative" pet of a leftist publication is extraordinarily fierce and if a fake "muh principles" "trucon" wants to remain in the running they dare not falter in their sucking up and capitulating for even a day.
Nay! Even an hour.
what, i'm some sort of cyan-tist??
besides,it's late.
Cyan-ara !
Cuck: "I am taking orders from Jonah Goldberg at National Review."
Your talking point is almost a direct quote of Ben Shapiro.
Plaigerism. That's dishonest. But just another tell into your true character, Like how you cheat at solitaire.
If you are going to parrot Shapiro, at least put quotes around the lines you steal. Or say "I agree with Ben Shapiro when he says..."
Even a Concern Troll like you should have standards.
Focusing at chuck, is like 'shooting wamp rats' or reading the bulwinkle, very boring.
I didnt know at the time when the standard had gone mad like peeta in the hunger games, it was due to omidyars influence but I suspect some perturbations in the Force.
"It should also be noted that Goldberg and te entire Cuckly Standard crew are happy followers in the deplatforming of actual conservatives and conservative groups everywhere."
And just last week Goldberg was busted plagiarizing AceOfSpades.
Birds of a feather.
No wonder they have this need to virtue signal tbeir "principles"
How many times do you have to hear this before it sinks in, dammit!
You can't find magenta in the visible spectrum because magenta cannot be emitted as a wavelength of light.
I'm watching a PBS special on George Washington Carver. Some of the best investment of my "TV" time in a very long time. What a remarkable man!
Is that literary enough or too obscure, they discard the narratives so quickly ons suspect Covington was to hide the moloch sacrifice ehuxh was then covered by northams penchant for pigment and Fairfaxs rick James impression
Turdrat Mc'Astirdsen.
Fen said...
Cuck: "I am taking orders from Jonah Goldberg at National Review."
Your talking point is almost a direct quote of Ben Shapiro.
Plaigerism. That's dishonest. But just another tell into your true character, Like how you cheat at solitaire.
If you are going to parrot Shapiro, at least put quotes around the lines you steal. Or say "I agree with Ben Shapiro when he says..."
Even a Concern Troll like you should have standards.
I am quoting the great Ben Shapiro when I say that "Plaigerism is dishonest, but misspelling 'plagiarism' is disgusting."
So why di they issue them as color printer tints along with cyan.
follow the Benjamins, baby!
In the end that narrative faded away even Winston Smith would be taxed to drop which story to drop down the memory hole.
I am surprised that you boyz are still talking about Trump's wall-funding embarrassment.
When the really big, and getting bigger, news of the day was that President Bagodonuts is now officially obese.
Hence they turn on the eloi klaxons, bringing back muh Russia, like month old noodles, bringing George Clooney out like ichabod crane screaming about paparazzi.
Corey Booker is Turdrat Mc'Astirdsenly.
Designated times only.
History is racist.
Newark is heavenly, as soon as the Hometown Boy gets elected potUS.
How could becoming potUS be anything other than good for Newark, you fucking rascist ass.
"Focusing at chuck... very boring"
I wonder if the passivity of conservatism was locked in about the same time people became more concerned about the response to trolls than the trolls themselves.
There is a corruption in there somewhere.
In the Dune series by Frank Herbert, the decline of the Freeman was marked by the first time a Freeman sued for slander. Before then, to mock a Freeman was to invite death.
I mean, who says ‘F----- Empire n-----, this is MAGA country, n-----, ties a noose around your neck, and pours bleach on you?
No one. No one says that, and no one does that.
From Farmers link. (And, Empire spokesman says they were not cutting his character. Story sure is fluid. I read one account that said he was attacked while leaving the subway. Mistook a sandwich for the train. This is the problem created by so many fake hate crimes. Boy who cried wolf syndrome. )
"Chicago Police have shot down two local media reports claiming that its detectives thought “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett had staged his alleged hate attack.
In an extraordinary step, the police department’s top spokesman, Anthony Guglielmi, put out a statement on Twitter that said: “Media reports about the Empire incident being a hoax are unconfirmed by case detectives”
He said the police superintendent had contacted one of the stations to “state on the record that we have no evidence to support their reporting and their supposed CPD sources are uninformed and inaccurate.”
I think it happened when some of the foundations like Olin bowed out if the picture, also since conservatism is based in think tank academia, it hangs above the miasma of a poison spring of progressivism
Johnny Walker Magenta is still a blend.
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
Magenta is the only color that does not exist as a single wavelength of light.
Nonsense. Aside from the fundamental colors of the spectrum (ROYGBIV) , ALL colors are composites. How do you think the spectrum transitions from one color to another?
Would you like to explain, for example, the color called puce?
One harkens back to LLR Chuck's strong defense of Hillary's lack of energy and collapsing and being tissed about like a sack of potatoes.
Meanwhile Trump is a virtual dynamo.
Thats just gotta be killing Chuck!
Chuck said...
I am surprised that you boyz are still talking about Trump's wall-funding embarrassment.
When the really big, and getting bigger, news of the day was that President Bagodonuts is now officially obese.
**** Yeah, Chuck aka here as Fucking Chuck, we've never had an obese POTUS before.
May I direct your attention to one
Willaim HOward Taft. William Howard Taft had a BMI of 42.3, according to a 2011 Forbes column
And others:
"Grover Cleveland’s BMI was 34.6, William McKinley’s was 31.1, Zachary Taylor’s was 30.2, and Teddy Roosevelt’s was also 30.2"
Apparently fat shaming in the service of chuck fucksticks is OK.
Chuck you, Fuck. And vice versa.
Pete the "great Lez Cock" Boyles here at 710 KNUS now in Denver.
You don't have a clue.
He has.
I rarely shill anymore, except for James O'Keefe and jokes.
But Boyles has nailed issue afeter issue andfter issue to the point I feel it's deliberate people are unable to converse with a sober man who reads.
I know I can't.
Past: why does the computer website I am on keep kicking me to the bottom, when I want to read and learn and ....
Oh money.
Guess Catholic Church had too much of it.
Too evil.
I'm plodding through the Embarrassment of Riches by Simon Schama. Six hundred pages. The writer confirms what I have long suspected: Dutch culture in the golden age was kind of boring.
No they probably cant, any thing that isnt one plane of reference, eludes them.
So we compare the Catholic Church and our mighty Constitution combined with the mighty Declaration of Independence.
Smollet's attack was a hoax- I think everyone knows this including the detectives who were assigned to investigate it, but they are probably under orders to pretend otherwise publicly.
My rule of thumb is simply this- if the injuries in an alleged hate crime are superficial or non-existent, it is a hoax. This describes over 95% of the hate crimes today.
Compared to his citizens, which was his first outing or even his desultory history of England series.
"Dutch culture in the golden age was kind of boring"
Maybe Althouse will like it then. Plus lots of pretty pictures.
I've heard some cable people commenting on Trump's health. The people who think RBG is a human dynamo think that Trump is obese and on the verge of a heart attack or stroke.
Well some parts along with elements from czarist Russia inspired bardugos grishaverse, the period of the early protestant reformation and about a hundred years in isnt boring.
Nothing else ever will, or can, suffice, as proven by the VERY explicit lack of sufficeness to this extent, ***(now Gay) Catholic Church.
*** I had written very, very wise words, BUTH THEY WOERE ERAESEEDDD!!!
Like Jackson.
I don't know what my intent was, but I can certify this one very thing: I certify my "1200 Characters" Gag based on signing up for Google to comment here and filling out my interests and given the limit of 1200 Characters I wrote 1200.
THa'ts what I did.
(In case you don't get it, I ended that last utterance with a period. That is a big thing on line now, to point out how a period, just using the word, period, it, combined with the usual usage, the natural one, well, what does it allow beyond entitled idiocy?
William said...
I've heard some cable people commenting on Trump's health. The people who think RBG is a human dynamo think that Trump is obese and on the verge of a heart attack or stroke.
I wonder how long it will be before they are speculating about Justice Thomas' poor health. After all, life expectancy for AA is 5 years+ less than white folks.
Toobin was merely the opening salvo - anything to get us to forget that RBG is still "sitting" on the court. From her hospital bed. Or her hospice bed. Amazing that MSM doesn't have any curiosity about her health status. No questions about where she currently resides. Status of health condition? Recovery period? If she was conservative, there would be non-stop, front page WaPo/NYT articles every single day from "sources" and "people with knowledge".
I guess she's more like captain pike in the menagerie, with everything she's been through in the last few years, its cruel to have her on the court, but there is this cult of personality to live up to.
Yes they are this crazy:
What did she expect:
“Blogger chickenlittle said...
David Begley said...”Beto in Madison Friday night. Students and professors only.”
On campus?”
Tear down the wall!
The writer confirms what I have long suspected: Dutch culture in the golden age was kind of boring.
@William, and so it was, right up until until Scarlett Johansson put on that pearl earring.
I’m disappointed in the NY Post. No ‘Bezos Pulls Out’ headline this morning.
I wonder how long it will be before they are speculating about Justice Thomas' poor health. After all, life expectancy for AA is 5 years+ less than white folks.
Life expectency at birth is much different from life expectency when you're old.
If you're old, you're good for more years than you'd think.
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM: Magenta is the only color that does not exist as a single wavelength of light.
I wouldn't say it's the "only" such color. What about white?
I keep hearing lots of people calling XX9D in Macau but I can never hear him myself. Consistently horrible propagation for me towards Japan and China for some reason. Possibly due to a tall nearby tree in that direction. I heard a couple of Australians in the same period so propagaion in general is okay.
wholelottasplainin' said...
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
Magenta is the only color that does not exist as a single wavelength of light.
Nonsense. Aside from the fundamental colors of the spectrum (ROYGBIV) , ALL colors are composites. How do you think the spectrum transitions from one color to another?
The spectrum transitions from one color to another through wavelength changes.
When Igna says that Magenta does not exist as a single wavelength of light, she means it isn't a spectral color, she's right, it is a combination of more than one spectral color (a red and a blue: a high and a low freq, not just One freq).
That's true for ALL shades of purple, not just Magenta; but lilac; or, puce
Non-spectral colors
Among some of the colors that are not spectral colors are:
Grayscale (achromatic) colors, such as white, gray, and black.
Any color obtained by mixing a gray-scale color and another color (either spectral or not), such as pink (a mixture of a reddish color and white), or brown (a mixture of orange and black or gray).
Violet-red colors, which in color theory include line of purples colors (such as, approximately, magenta and rose), and other variations of purple and red.
Metallic colors which reflect light by effect.
All Igna is saying is that (according to Her,) ALL Purple's are called Magenta, and Pink is really Red.... Which is kinda Ignorant (but, expected of a Pinko that is really TRULY a RED at heart)
rhhardin said...
Possibly due to a tall nearby tree in that direction. I heard a couple of Australians in the same period so propagaion in general is okay.
here's a fun fact for you. When i was living in Ames, Iowa; most TV signals came from Alleman , Ia (Straight South (well, 178 or so). The ION station was in Newton (further away, and about SE). I used a Non-directional Antenna to receive broadcast tv).
Here's the Fun Fact. I couldn't receive the Newton station... UNLESS the trees had Leafs. From fall until early spring: No reception. mid spring until the leafs fell: Reception (marginal, but there). For a year i assumed that it was ice on their tower or something, but after 4 years of observation, it seemed to be leaf corelated.
I could see how leafs could HURT reception, but (in This case) they helped it (i'm assuming acting as a reflector or something)
I wonder how long it will be before they are speculating about Justice Thomas' poor health. After all, life expectancy for AA is 5 years+ less than white folks.
Life expectency at birth is much different from life expectency when you're old.
If you're old, you're good for more years than you'd think.
Yes, this. Life expectancy has no meaning when talking about an individual person, as it's calculated based on infant mortality. It's a common misconception that because of low life expectancy people in the middle ages etc all lived to be 35. In actuality if you made it past 5 you're pretty good to go whether you're a modern AA or member of other lower life expectancy group or someone from Olden Tymes.
Booker, et al, lose nothing and gain a lot by jumping in early with the outrage over these purported & reported events. Whether the Covington kids thing or Smollett, he gets lots of publicity for screaming how horrible it is that the kids disrespected the wise native american elder, or that the black, gay B actor was symbolically lynched! All the good people of the Left cheer him, and his standing among them is enhanced. Then when the facts emerge that the outrage is really just a misrepresentation or hoax, he gets criticized from the Right which only further enhances his standing with the Left. Win Win!
"Sources close to Chicago reporters have said the police were able to crack the case after their request for Smollett's call log was denied by the actor. They subpoenaed the phone records instead and continued to publicly treat Smollett as a victim of a hate crime. When he finally turned over a PDF file of his call log nearly two weeks later, investigators were able to examine which calls the actor omitted compared to their own official copy. His own tampering with the call log helped police narrow down which calls were important and who might have assisted in the hoax."
Apparently magenta is a hack of our system of rods and cones and the way our brains sort out the signals.
if the injuries in an alleged hate crime are superficial or non-existent, it is a hoax.
Some of that 95% are mild-dislike crimes.
traditionalguy said...
Hypnotic Rat. When we awake we will not remember Sherman McCoy.
“Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
Magenta is the only color that does not exist as a single wavelength of light.
Nonsense. Aside from the fundamental colors of the spectrum (ROYGBIV) , ALL colors are composites. How do you think the spectrum transitions from one color to another?”
“All Igna is saying is that (according to Her,) ALL Purple's are called Magenta, and Pink is really Red.... Which is kinda Ignorant (but, expected of a Pinko that is really TRULY a RED at heart)”
So are you telling me that ingachuck’stoothlessARM is a “she” and a Pinko/red to boot?!
Wow, who knew?! I always thought that he was a male rightist.
He's a rightist, Inga is a centrist, and Vladimir Lenin is maybe far enough from the mainstream to call him a leftist.
So, since Congress changed the dress code so that Omar could wear her hijab, can jewish members now wear their yarmulkes?
I have no idea what's up with the Smollett case (I haven't watched Empire since his SIL fell off the roof while fighting with his pregnant Step-Mom, I mean, that's a little too soapy for me) but I will say that I don't fault him one bit for not turning his phone over to the police.
Why should the police have so much access to his pictures, friends' phones/contacts? This is Chicago, and you know they'd all be copied and then sold to the highest bidder. So kudos to him for seeing that.
Inga...Allie Oop corrected me, saying...
Wow, who knew?! I always thought that he was a male rightist.
sorry, i Assumed it was an Igna post; you confuse even more than chuck does
“...can jewish members now wear their yarmulkes?”
MM, he gave them a list of his recent calls/etc and they subpoenaed them too and investigated the numbers he left out.
Blogger MadisonMan said...
"Why should the police have so much access to his pictures, friends' phones/contacts?"
Because he filed a complaint and then refused to cooperate with the police?
Beto in Madison Friday night. Students and professors only
Invite only. 150 person maximum.
I'm guessing only fawners have been invited.
Guess Althouse is hungover from all the drugs.
"The Senate on Thursday cleared legislation to make lynching a federal crime.
The bill, introduced by Sens. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Tim Scott (R-S.C.), makes lynching punishable as a hate crime."
Eye exam is my guess.
New post is up.
Thank god it's now against the law to lynch someone...... of course, it always was, but you can't have too many laws, if you're a progressive.
The Senate on Thursday cleared legislation to make lynching a federal crime
Now maybe the National Plague of Lynching, widespread and rampant, will finally come to an end!
Is it just me, or do the eyes of these Althouse rats remind anybody else of the esteemed AOC?
Does the definition of the crime of lynching include a requirement that the victim be dead?
Brakeman Bill was the television host for a kid's TV show in Tacoma. His sidekick was a sock puppet named Crazy Donkey.. I see that Donkey has a new gig in the House of Representatives.
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