I found some steel slats down on the border. But I don’t see anything resembling a national emergency situation.. at least not in the McAllen TX area of the border where Trump will be today. pic.twitter.com/KRoLdszLUu
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) January 10, 2019
९८ टिप्पण्या:
Yeah. He didn't think that one through.
As if to prove his willful blindness.
That's science! If it's not happening here and now, it's not happening anywhere.
....also, Burger King?
I recall helicopter reporters landing for other events for the backdrop. They have no idea what is going on, but they don't need to, the narrative is written elsewhere. News, by and large, is a fraud, and has been all of my life.
Looks like Mr. Puffy hit the Burger King a few too many times.
Breaking News: Jimmy Accosta discovers that walls are effective.
Usually lefites mistake causation with correlation.
Omg the more I watch the funnier it gets..
CNN Breaking News: Jim Acosta wrecks 25 months of CNN propaganda with one tweet
Reminds me of the people who argue that it makes no sense that we're imprisoning so many people as crime is going down.
God he is getting fat.
Over time not having a soul takes a toll on a person.
They are out there for everyone to see. Disgusting amoral tools for their globalist owners.
These people will never be allowed to have power over us again.
Ahhh, doesn't stand to reason that if you build a wall, that it will stop illegals from trying to enter this country?
I'm starting to think he was hired by Trump.
I mean, he can't be this dumb, can he?
Techno Fog
3h3 hours ago
@acosta fails to mention that Reynosa, MX is on the other side of that wall.
225 homicides in Reynosa in 2017 b/c cartel conflicts.
Many Mexican Nationals living in South TX don't travel there.
Mexicans warned not to travel thru Reynosa due to murders.
Meant to say: "doesn't it stand to reason"
Whatta maroon. What next is he going to walk around Applebees and wonder why people keep talking about world hunger because he doesn't see any one starving?
Achilles said...
God he is getting fat.
Well the camera adds 10 pounds, and an over-inflated ego adds 40.
Jeez, if I was against the wall, I would be slapping my head at the 'help' people like Jim Acosta give. There was a similar one with some stooge from San Diego which is right near the border, pointing out how San Diego was really nice and didn't have lots of problems associated with illegal immigrants. He apparently wasn't aware that like 10 miles south of San Diego along the border itself, there is a border wall.
America: But you think you're an intellectual, don't you, ape?
Jim Acosta: [superior smile] Apes don't read philosophy.
America: Yes they do, Jim, they just don't understand it! Now let me correct you on a couple things, okay? Aristotle was not Belgian! The central message of Buddhism is not "Every man for himself!" And the London Underground is not a political movement! Those are all mistakes, Jim. I looked 'em up.
Ted Baxter lives.
He's blinded by his own inflated self-image. Narcissists do think they are hot stuff.
"At least not in the McAllen, TX area"
See tomorrow's gallant reporter and his report on the quiet, peaceful town of McAllen, TX. Quiet and peaceful, or so they'd have you believe.
Shhhh, careful Jim one of them is right behind you...
I am not sure LLR Chuck will be able to recover from this latest CNN moronic and hilarious "own goal".
Noted "LLR" Anna Navarro had already delivered the days perfect LLR response to the idea of thousands of Americans murdered by illegals...oops..I meant future LLR-dems, so this acosta "report" is just the icing on the cake.
Hi. I'm Troy McClure. Perhaps you'll remember me from such features as Belles of the Border. Where are they now? and The Tweeting Journalist: Writing is for Peasants. Join me as we examine the biology and ecosystem of Southern Texas with its scrubland, creosote bushes, Hila monsters and strange metallic Slat-Forests. The President has made this area a top priority, and I for one - and you - will see why after touring this area's exotic and eerily difficult-to-penetrate natural beauty.
Acosta goes into a public restroom.
"Well here's one of the condom machines we've heard so much about."
Pats the condom machine.
"And it does indeed have a slot for coins and I can see there are condoms inside, but no sign of pregnancy or venereal disease here in the men's room area.
"As a matter of fact, there are some other fixtures behind me. There's a urinal, a toilet stall and so on. But no sign of a national health emergency. As a matter of fact, it's pretty tranquil in here."
Blogger eric said...
"I'm starting to think he was hired by Trump.
"I mean, he can't be this dumb, can he?"
Let's ask Occam!
Occam says, "As hard as it is to believe, the more likely answer is, 'Yes, he is that dumb'."
Blogger Drago said..."I am not sure LLR Chuck will be able to recover from this latest CNN moronic and hilarious "own goal"."
Last night, Lawrence O'Donnell. Tonight, Jim Acosta!
This has been a wonderful month.
The democrats and their republican allies are being put on display as the saboteurs and traitors they have always been.
California is giving free health care and sanctuary from the law to illegals. Not to citizens who pay for it. To illegals.
The citizens of California are slaves to the wealthy elite like Pelosi and Newsome. The only point to the existence of those citizens is to support the illegals that keep democrats in power.
The democrats and their republican cuck allies are disgusting people who hate the working people of the United States. They have always wanted a permanent poor under class and they are willing to impoverish as many citizens as necessary while importing the others from poor southern countries.
They can't just be defeated once or twice only to return to power later.
They must never be allowed to have power again.
It's been said many times, but Trump is truly blessed by his enemies.
Drago said...
I am not sure LLR Chuck will be able to recover from this latest CNN moronic and hilarious "own goal".
Noted "LLR" Anna Navarro had already delivered the days perfect LLR response to the idea of thousands of Americans murdered by illegals...oops..I meant future LLR-dems, so this acosta "report" is just the icing on the cake.
No surprise here; before I had posted any comment on this blog post, I am being called out by name, by Drago.
Nice place you've got here, Althouse.
And in fact, I would have happily agreed with your take, Althouse; that if Jim Acosta wanted to do a quick selfie video proving that a steel wall produces border security, he could hardly have done better than this.
But then there was this unwitting comment by another one of the Althouse commentariat:
AllenS said...
Ahhh, doesn't stand to reason that if you build a wall, that it will stop illegals from trying to enter this country?
I'll quote Althouse. "Um..."
No, that wall won't mean a damn thing to thousands and millions of aliens who enter legally and who overstay their visas. It won't mean a thing to border crossers who go around, or under, or otherwise avoid the southern border walls. And it won't mean a thing to people who present legally for asylum under existing treaties that the United States has been a party to for generations.
It's Althouse's blog; we just comment in it. So she chose this stupid video stunt by Jim Acosta. Instead of Fisking the abjecxt ridiculousness of Trump's again falsely claiming that the new NAFTA agreement would pay for a wall. Or even more insensibly, that we would "save money" via the reworked NAFTA to pay for the wall. "Save" money? What were we spending it on? What line was it, in the federal budget?
The obvious question is, "Why does Congress need to appropriate money, if we are getting money for the wall from other sources?" And the equally obvious answer is that there is no "wall" money anywhere else.
That's the sort of intrepid reporting that wins Pulitzers. Or is it Emmys? Globes? I can't keep track of all those show business self-congratulatory awards.
I wonder if he realizes how many people would give a weeks pay just to sock him in the gut. Watch him collapse like an deflated balloon. I don't think he has a clue.
We really need Chuck to explain how incisive Acosta's reporting was here, and how it demonstrated how dumb Trump is.
And as I comment, I see Chuck has answered the call.
It's like saying there are to many people in prison yet the crime rate is down!!! Of course the reason the crime rate is down IS because there are more bad guys (and gals) in jail!!! They just don't see that (nor care.)
"I found the wall and it was safe there." by Jim Acosta
Mighty Jim Acosta, ventured near America's southern border over 1835 miles from DC. "There's more women being attacked in CNN's offices than near the wall. Evidently Trump should be impeached,"says Jim. Kudos to Jim for travelling so far and clarifying a situation which has perplexed so many. He may win the Fergus Falls Award for best in-depth reporting on the heart of darkness that is inland America. "It was nothing," said Jim, smirking all over his fat face. "After I left DC, I just went out and shot footage, just me and the wall, mano a mano, as they say down here, and, well, you see the result."
"He's blinded by his own inflated self-image. Narcissists do think they are hot stuff."
Of course Trump thinks he's hot stuff! Why state the obvious?
just more of this:
“He's blinded by his own inflated self-image. Narcissists do think they are hot stuff."
“Of course Trump thinks he's hot stuff! Why state the obvious?”
It’s astounding that folks here cannot seem to see the naked narcissistic personality of their leader, yet assign it to others.
Acosta is a creepy stalker and a liar.
“It was nothing," said Jim, smirking all over his fat face. "After I left DC, I just went out and shot footage, just me and the wall, mano a mano, as they say down here, and, well, you see the result."”
Trump has at least 50 pounds on Acosta. I guess you folks like the fat on Trump better.
This segment wouldn't have happened except for Trump going to the border. He goes to the border, Jim has to go to the border, Jim needs B-Roll and his face on camera. This results.
The thing is there is literally no way to attack Trump's position by being at the border. Show up at miles and miles of empty, no-wall, border and it demonstrates you need a barrier of some sort.
Show up at a wall and nobody around, proves walls are effective.
Show up and illegals are literally trying to climb the wall/fence/wence, whatever? Shows we need bigger and better walls.
He'd have been better off going to Toronto and doing the story from there.
Our Very Stable Genius president makes it look too easy.
It’s astounding that folks here cannot seem to see the naked narcissistic personality of their leader, yet assign it to others.
An Obama sycophant actually wrote that.
It’s obvious, but I’m just guessing really, is today’s Althouse theme Derangement Syndrome as displayed by Trump Cultists?
Acosta Derangement Syndrome, added to the list.
Shorter Inga:
Pointing out Acostsa's clear as day Trump Derangement syndrome makes you a deplorable.
Can we all now just realize and admit that Jim Acosta is dumb as a box of rocks?
I will bet big money that Acosta will never witness an illegal border crossing. That, and his camera crew know what do to.
This is the kind of crossing Acosta will miss.
Here's another border crossing caught by CBS News.
More fat-free comfort food for cucks and cat ladies. Be sure to patronage the Bezos Dollar General as you waddle off the blog.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“It was nothing," said Jim, smirking all over his fat face. "After I left DC, I just went out and shot footage, just me and the wall, mano a mano, as they say down here, and, well, you see the result."”
Trump has at least 50 pounds on Acosta. I guess you folks like the fat on Trump better.
Well Inga that may be true, but Trump is not obese because he’s 6’8”, right? Isn’t that what Dr. Ricky Bobby told us?
eric said...
I'm starting to think he was hired by Trump.
I mean, he can't be this dumb, can he?
President Trump needs to put that on his FEC report as a contribution in kind. Value? $500,000
I'm serious, He really should do it.
Acosta is standing at a manned area. In 34 seconds, he proves to the world that there are no illegal border crossings.... At a manned and secured area, in broad daylight.
Inga: The point is Acosta will not see any illegal immigrant activity because of the presence of the wall at that location.
Howard - LOL when peepee isn't here to insult us, Howard takes over.
Looking out over the Mediterranean, Acosta would see only water, and he would be right. However, what lurks beneath the waves, behind the walls ... is another world.
n.n.@ 5:26 Good point. Acosta could stare at the sea for 34 seconds, not see or witness a single fish, and declare there are no fish in the sea.
He might have sold it better had he donned a Stetson.
Jim Acosta is a smart ass. So a very intelligent woman recently said.
If CNN did witness an attempted illegal crossing, the cameras would be shut down.
It actually gets worse!
Jim Acosta
The steel slats don’t run the entire length of the border in the McAllen area. We found one part where there is a chain link fence. Occasionally migrants come thru but residents say their community is quite safe.
Occam just reconsidered and decided no one is this stupid. He's paid by Trump.
Blogger iowan2 said...
eric said...
I'm starting to think he was hired by Trump.
I mean, he can't be this dumb, can he?
President Trump needs to put that on his FEC report as a contribution in kind. Value? $500,000
I'm serious, He really should do it.
Trump FEC reports? R U kidding me?
If Trump did file a disclosure with the value of a Jim Acosta video as an in-kind donation, it would be about the nineteenth funniest thing to be reported in connection with the Trump campaign. There’s Stormy Daniels, the Secret Service’s golf cart fees, Omarosa’s salary, Corey Lewandoski’s legal bills... you get the idea.
Yes, yes Jim. And the more "migrants" get through there, the stronger your point gets..on your head.
Jim Acosta could have gone to San Diego, and stood by the wall on the border this morning. I mean you could see the video of people hurling themselves at the border wall there to get in.
There is at least one reason why they would like to get the heck out of Tijuana (the city on the south side of that wall). Yesterday Tijuana experienced 18 murders in just under 18 hours.
The existing wall along the California Baja California border works pretty well. A lot fewer people got across the border in California after the wall than did before. So people headed east--toward Arizona and New Mexico to get across the border. And a lot of them died in the desert in Arizona. If there had been a wall on the Arizona border, fewer illegals would have died in the desert because they would not have tried to cross.
Jim--go down to Sonora in July, and see if you can walk from Sonora to Phoenix.
FFS, Acosta is such a major douche.
will they find a judge who will say otherwise, you betcha:
So you're saying where there is a wall there is not an emergency but somehow conclude this undermines Trump rather than Pelosi.
Nice going Jim.
Border Dergangment Syndrome on Drumpf's $5 billion vanity project.
It doesn't stop illegals. (They enter legally and overstay their visas).
It doesn't stop drugs. (They are smuggled through legal ports of entry).
It doesn't stop terrorists. (They arrive through airports).
But the Republikook lunatics insist on charging the taxpayer $5 billion for President Hairpiece's vanity project.
Fuck them all. Every last one of them.
Dunno SV,
I don't think you understand the damage to the social fabric of that "symbol of division".
Coming up, Jim goes shopping for a sawzall.
in other news:
bobby said...
Reminds me of the people who argue that it makes no sense that we're imprisoning so many people as crime is going down.
Fox Butterfield, Is That You?
It's peak season for Mexiphobia.
When you take your Republicrackers for their regular rabies shot, make sure to also get them vaccinated against distemper and Mexiphobia.
They'll thank you later for it.
"I mean, he can't be this dumb, can he?"
Magic Eightball says: Signs point to yes.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
It's peak season for Mexiphobia.
When you take your Republicrackers for their regular rabies shot, make sure to also get them vaccinated against distemper and Mexiphobia.
They'll thank you later for it.
We are opposed to:
-illegal immigration
You are opposed to:
-The rule of law
-safety of working class citizens
-record black and hispanic employment
-record labor participation
-increasing wages for working class Americans
You want poor working class people to have to compete with unskilled labor coming from Mexico.
You want a permanent poor underclass to keep your globalist masters in power.
You want US citizens to get shot by cartel thugs.
You are just a piece of shit.
Inga: The point is Acosta will not see any illegal immigrant activity because of the presence of the wall at that location.
And the 221 murders on the other.
Howard said...
More fat-free comfort food for cucks and cat ladies. Be sure to patronage the Bezos Dollar General as you waddle off the blog.
Another fucking moron democrat voter.
Who can't defend the democrats giving free health care, education, and sanctuary from the law to illegal immigrants in California along with the ability to vote in our elections.
They do this forcing citizens who pay taxes to support giving free shit to people who knowingly break our laws because they know they are illegally voting for democrats.
You are all just really shitty stupid people.
All we need is an airline ticket counter. I've seen the crazy lady trying to get to the ticket agent, and she couldn't make it. That was only about 4 ft tall.
He will go the rest of his life without realizing that he's just said something stupid. He will probably win some kind of journalism award for his fearless reporting. AOC will probably hand him the award. They'll both get a standing ovation. Maybe he can host the Oscars,....
What Achilles is opposed to is:
I cited three of them in my first comment. Here they are, for the benefit of anyone curious as to how Aquigglies comes by his illiteracy:
It doesn't stop illegals. (They enter legally and overstay their visas).
It doesn't stop drugs. (They are smuggled through legal ports of entry).
It doesn't stop terrorists. (They arrive through airports).
One would think those are salient facts, if you're a lower-info/lower-socioeconomic dreg of society like Aquigglies and really freak out about non-citizens who are here.
But as we all know, he's too stupid for the facts. His fear will do instead. Drumpf knows this and caters directly to it. Like a heroin pusher distributing bags of drug and needles. It gets injected right into Aquigglies' lower-socioeconomic fear center, and causes him to react and lash out like a wild animal.
I pay more taxes than Aquigglies. I ain't voting for a $5 billion dollar vanity project for the Chief Narcissist that won't even do the things he says he most needs it to do. Maybe he can build a scale model first and attache blonde flowing hairpieces to the top of it, to furl gloriously in the wind.
In the meantime, Aquigglies can spit, sputter, curse and rage all he wants. He's just the kind of angry rabid dog that President Hairpiece is appealing to, and gullible enough to believe President Hairpiece's lies.
I don't expect an intelligent answer from Aquigglies on anything. Good to know how little he contributes to society; it makes him and his retarded, paranoid, fact-free opinions that much easier to ignore.
President Hairpiece will eventually abandon even the Aquigglieses of America. He abandons everyone. THat's what he does. Federal workers aren't getting paid? Sure. Just like when Trump didn't pay his own employees and contractors. That's how he rolls. And how's that Mexican funding mechanism for the wall working out? No, we're not giving in to this bullshit.
When Hairpiece abandons the Aquigglieses it will be glorious. Aquigglies will be all dumbstruck, like - "Hey, I'm not like Michael Cohen! I did everything you wanted!"
It will be fun to watch.
It's always fun when nasty, stupid assholes get abandoned by the even worse assholes that they cling to so strongly.
The idiot still sporting the Pee Pee tape name knows better than border agents.
Believe HIM.
It doesn't stop illegals. (They enter legally and overstay their visas).
Except for the ones who don’t enter legally.
It doesn't stop drugs. (They are smuggled through legal ports of entry).
Except for the drugs that come in via mules who sneak in illegally.
It doesn't stop terrorists. (They arrive through airports).
Except for the 6 who were arrested coming into the country. Imagine how many weren’t detected.
Before you spout off about facts, you ought to know the meaning of the word.
I think "Bezos Dollar General" is pretty amusing.
I will be using that one.
I just looked out my windows. I didn't see any crime taking place. I guess there is none in this town. Why the hell am I paying taxes for the police?
This is going to be funny for a long time.
Trump just made it even more funny as he trolled Acosta on twitter with the, "Dear Diary" meme.
P3T demand the perfect be the enemy of the good.
All such arguments are made in bad faith.
Or stupidity; we cannot forget about P3T and the stupidity option.
Undermining the good is Chuck's terrain.
P3T is simply wrong-"facts" and 3rd grade level spelling sabotage/insults.
Chuck: take your TDS meds and kindly fuck the fuck off.
Geez, Chuck, I was going to give the 'Most Ignorant Slut of the Day' to Acosta, but then you had to go and greedily steal that prize.
1) A Wall won't solve overstays in the same way a hammer does not fix a VCR. Totally different problems with totally different solutions. But horribly manipulative Mexican men dragging their kids across fatal deserts WILL find a Wall difficult to scale when carrying the dead body of his child. Point Trump.
2) Drugs coming through legal points of entry. See point one, you ignorant slut. Trucks coming across the desert full of drugs, arms, or illegals will NOT be able to do so any more.
3) You forgot transporters. Yes, anyone who makes the Herculean efforts to get over, under or around the Wall won't be stopped. Only about 99% UNABLE to do so. But since there is ANY possibility that it won't be 100% effective, you are content to declare defeat and get on with your day, much like a fat retard such as yourself states that because exercise will not 100% prevent death, you might as well not waste your time on the issue.
However, even 16 year old girls can see the flaws in your arguments. I showed them to my daughters to incredible gales of laughter...and they are AGAINST the Wall! They can't believe an adult male lawyer is quite that dumb. But thank you. They were worried that University would be challenging, but you allayed their fears.
It's like you aren't even trying any more. Don't be down, Bunky, just because Trump is still more popular than Pelosi and Schumer.
Ritmo's Mexiphillia knows no bounds.
My take is that he/she thinks that latinate language and culture is superior to germanic ones. That's an age old problem with no apparent solution.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
What Achilles is opposed to is:
You are just really stupid.
If Obama’s signature campaign promise was to build the wall, the press would be running stories about drugs, sex trafficking, and the effect of migrants on black wages nonstop.
How many times has the media even been to the border since 2016?
According to Peepee - facts are facts if they come out of the Democrat Hack press and The Party Narrative.
What the hell is Chaz Bono doing down at the Border?
The impotent rage of Chuck the Cuck, retard Howard, Bitchmo, and fat cunt Inga this morning is glorious.
First the emergency order to get the wall built, hopefully followed by another giving state subsidized helicopter rides to you lefty wastes of oxygen.
Any day that lefty assholes are crying and whining, is a good day for America.
Ponder the fact that there are MANY who view Acosta as a serious, courageous reporter. Agree with Althouse. Critical thinking is absent.
The inversion of cause and effect, as demonstrated by Acosta and the lack of a crisis by a border wall, has a long history in journalism. James Taranto of the WSJ's Best of the Web had a recurring feature about this kind of misreporting, named after a famous reporter and eminent practitioner of such brainlessness, Fox Butterfield. Butterfield it was who reported that crime rates were falling, "despite" increased incarceration rates of criminals.
Acosta is a modern Fox Butterfield, although even more idiotic and even less self-aware. One could hope Acosta in future will emulate another famous reporter, Robert Fisk. Fisk was beaten up by a mob of anti-western Muslim refugees, and Fisk went on to explain how he, Fisk, deserved the beating because of the evils of the West. Come on, Acosta, up your game to Fisk level!
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