Here we are in Day Whateverteenth of the shutdown, and it’s much like the day before. Congressional leaders meet and get nowhere. Democrats insist Trump will never get his wall. Trump treats “steel slats” over concrete as a magnanimous gesture of compromise....
Trump is losing this shutdown—which is why his best strategy is to fold without demanding any concessions from Democrats. He needs to move his presidency onto another subject before it gets canceled in 2020....
८ जानेवारी, २०१९
"Trump’s Best Shutdown Move Is to Fold Now/It’s time for the president to quit while he’s behind."
So says Bill Scher at Politico. He calls the shutdown "boring."
१३७ टिप्पण्या:
5 billion is the amount Check Schumer wastes on toilet paper.
Dems insist, therefore Trump must fold. Sure.
"5 billion is the amount Check Schumer wastes on toilet paper."
AT LEAST HE WIPES HIS A$$. The stench coming from you is overwhelming.
The polling numbers must look very bad for the Left.
Is he joking? There is no bigger loser to a boring shutdown than the Democrats. Why does he think Obama pulled out all the stops to make it dramatic? Because Democrats benefit from suffering.
Oh brother.
Yeah, i alway take advice from my enemies. Like Reagan asking a Soviet General about troop deployments in West Germany.
Trumpit fails, so he must fold. Trumpit, you mindless buffoon, stfu.... no one listens to you, so why do you continue to post your inanities? Democrats always give others their best advice, right? You can't drill your way out of the problem. New taxes create increased revenue. Maybe Trump should introduce legislation in Congress, and tell the Dems they have to pass it to find out whats in it. We live in a time where ignorance of the law is always an excuse.
If the dems don't cave Trump will declare a national emergency and build the wence.
Trump is losing this shutdown
Wishful thinking. I'm stunned at how empty the complaints have been. Outside of the left wing cocoon no one cares.
Trump's first and only statement should be that we have this shutdown because Democrats care more about illegal aliens than they do about Americans.
That's some grade A analysis. /s
Conversely, if President Trump caves he has no chance of being elected for a second term. Secondarily, the Dems will run roughshod over him for the next two years. I'm guessing he is smart enough to know this.
The odd thing about all of this crap is that had the Dems accepted him with open arms he probably would have been more malleable than W was. But,, Clinton.
Some day people will start to notice the shutdown.
Leftists project. The Democrats and their overlapping and converging interests in the other parties need to stand for Americans' civil rights and emigration reform in shithole (e.g. refugee crises, mass emigration) countries. The refugee crises were good for democratic leverage, GDP, cover-up of social justice adventures, and to compensate for selective/recycled-child, but the collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout is intolerable. The clear and progressive violation of civil rights is why Trump, despite being classified in the orange diversity class, was elected over every other candidate, white, black, brown, masculine male, feminine female, and transgender. Also, the wall should help guide migrants to authorized checkpoints, which should improve the human condition, reduce the abortion fields, and child trafficking. Build the Sun Wall and get Mexico to invest by choice and necessity.
fold without demanding any concessions from Democrats.
That's been the MSM's only advice for every republican in my lifetime.
Bill Scher has only the President's best interests at heart. He is simply a concerned citizen, and can't help it if he bears a strong resemblance to a troll.
By declaring an emergency to build wall, he will end shutdown. The courts will block emergency declaration. Everybody saves face.
Notice how the Left/Liberal/Democrats have ZERO Compassion for all the people hurt by the shutdown.
OR hurt by the lack of border security.
They'll just have to suck it up, and suffer for the good of the "cause".
Build the Dems a 3000 mile interlocking set of solar panel arrays 35 feet tall, with wind turbines on top, along the Mexico border. They'll still complain.
That was Trump’s move in the Trump University fraud case.
Hire lawyers. Deny liability. Insult the plaintiffs. Insult the trial court judge. Declare in the media that you cannot possibly settle. That settling will only invite more meritless lawsuits.
Then pay $25 million to settle. Bluster, bloviate, then fold.
Outside of the left wing cocoon no one cares.
That "cocoon" is diverse, numerically, both native, immigrant, refugee, insourced, and illegal. The firewall is holding, for now, but the population densities are increasing, and the centers are merging, so, those numbers, densities, and their special needs, will have to be addressed.
I have yet to hear ONE good argument on why Trump shouldn't get 6 billion or 20 billion for border security.
All we get is:
1. Walls won't work
2. And even if they do work, it would be immoral.
3. But I'm in favor of border security.
I think the shutdown being "boring" is actually more of a problem for the Dems. They're relying on public outrage and if people are yawning they're losing.
Still no post on the most important news of the day: No Syrian pullout due to Israel and Jordon vetoes. Since there are no talking points issued from the puke in chief, Althouse protects her deplorable patrons from making up their own minds.
people aren't even Noticing Trump's "stunt" of shutting down the government!
the stock market is climbing
there is record low unemployement
The Majority (the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY!) of americans want a more secure border
The Majority (the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY!) of DEMOCRATS want a more secure border
His approval numbers are climbing
Again this article from Politico makes me ask how do the democrats gracefully fold and slink away? Trump has them in an arm bar and they are just hoping he stops. (fat chance) The control of the narrative is slipping away every week there isn't buckets of blood in the streets due to the "shut down". Why are the democrats more interested in open borders than their own constituents? Their only hope is to pretend a border "fence" is not a "wall" and satisfy themselves that Trump's fate is sealed because now his base will say he LIED!!!!!!
Yeah, sure just do what the communists want. How about no and bugger off. The government is shut down ? So what. It affords them fewer opportunities to screw us. Which is what the dems do every chance they get. Yeah, so again bugger off you ignorant putz.
with wind turbines on top, along the Mexico border. They'll still complain
Let's sweeten the pot. Windmills, PV panels, and Planned Parenthood. Wind, fire, and morsels. PP because in Stork they Trust, and selective-child is every feminine female's human rite.
More of their base are government workers. This is the modern media equivalent of the if-you-just-say-you're-sorry-for-evoking-our-outrage crap.
The democrats are acting the "Prince" John MacGruder - marching the same regiment around in circles to create a mighty host.
...mighty flim-flam that is.
Never apologize or fold. Make them fight for it.
Sod off Scher. Let's let this plot thicken for a while and see who finally blinks.
Here's what I don't get about articles like this.
You pay no price.
Remember all of the experts who told us Trump had no chance to win the election? They're all still employed and they're all still telling us what's going to happen next.
Suppose Trump doesn't fold and suppose he wins this shutdown. Then what? Does this guy get laughed out of the pundit business? Nope.
Never a price to pay.
And if there is no price to pay, we can expect the continuation of lousy punditry to go on forever.
Hardly an original suggestion, but what if he announces tonight that he’ll sign the budget, and meanwhile redirect some DoD money that he won’t be spending on Syria, where every month we spend what he’s asked for,because of his drawdown.
Is that a win, a loss, or a tolerable draw? Think he’ll do it?
The more they while about how Trump is losing, you know they know they're losing.
TRUMP is demonstrating SHUTDOWNS ARE BULLSHIT! All the NON-ESSENTIALS are on "furlough". Maybe, we should make it permanent and fire them. Cut goverment waste. Go TRUMP!
Scher and Peterson: Quit while you’re winning !
By the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR, ANN! I don't comment often, but I read every story and comment. Thank you for your service!
It IS invaluable!
I'm sure Trump's go-to guy for strategic advice is a Democratic shill named Scher.
The hard-core Trumpies & a sizable fraction of Republicans are wirh Trump on this. The Democrats are solidly unite against. The independents? Who knows?
Trump's disadvantage is that the media will blare out 27x7 that the shutdown is all his stupid fault. Trump's big advantage is that the Democrats have absolutely no idea of what their policy is on illegal immigration. The left-wing wants essentially open borders, but that's electoral death if said aloud. The moderate wing really has no idea what to do. None. Do you see any proposals coming out of the mouths of Pelosi or Schumer? I don't. From what I can tell from my FB feed, liberals see sentimentality on illegal immigration as a best-of-breed combo of justice & mercy, when it is neither.
If Trump can expose the vacuity of the Dems' policies to the independents, he will win.
In one sentence --- Trump: "I want to build a wall on our southern border."
Dems: "???????"
Mr Scher must have a bunch of friends with their snouts in the trough.
It's amusing when leftists attempt to give advice to Trump. Surely, they have his best interests in mind.
So, some dude named Bill Scher is giving President Trump advice on what to do?
Hmmm. Remind me again who Bill Scher is?
You say, he writes for Politico? Ok.
Myself, I would fire reams of these Gov't bureaucrats. What do they actually do, aside from push paper and collect fat salaries, benefits and pensions?
Yes, I'm excluding military and law enforcement, duh. We know what those folks do.
You know who the shutdown is boring?
The people at Politico.
How are they going to write about anything when the government is shut down and no one is talking or insulting anyone? Trump is preparing for his speech, so he's not even Tweeting anything they can run with.
They need to get on with the Democrats Won! article they've already written, and then onto the subpoenas and Pelosi's legislative agenda.
This Trump guy is gumming up the works. And if he actually did declare an emergency they might have to send someone to the border to get photos and quotes.
It's madness to them, I tell you.
Howard said...
Still no post on the most important news of the day: No Syrian pullout due to Israel and Jordon vetoes. Since there are no talking points issued from the puke in chief, Althouse protects her deplorable patrons from making up their own minds.
1/8/19, 4:35 PM
19 days ago
Howard said...
The consensus is that It's the right move at the wrong time for suspect reasons. In the grand scheme of things, it another nothing burgers
12/20/18, 8:46 AM
Translation: President, please quit before the speech and people start asking serious questions about the cost, the Democrats, the issue, and our position.
Still no post on the most important news of the day
Maybe you could start your own, damn blog and we would flock there to regale in your expert analysis.
This isn't about money. $5 billion is chicken feed in the federal budget.
This isn't about whether a wall won't be effective. If the wall doesn't work the Democrats will gloat for decades.
This isn't about morality. Nothing the Democrats do is about morality. Enticing people to risk their lives crossing the desert is immoral.
The Democrat's real fear is that the wall will work, ending their flow of cheap labor and undocumented voters.
Lots of smart people here.
Please explain the down side to President Trump if he refuses to fold, till, um..March 1st?
He won't get re-elected? President Trump is not a politician, does not care. If he cared about the polls, his words and actions would be much different. President Trump is not a politician.
Now what is the down side?
Oh, yea, Republicans that are standing for election, have not supported the President, so I don't see him giving two hoots about their electoral chances. President Trump is not a politician.
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16, 4:46 PM
"The Democrat's real fear is that the wall will work, ending their flow of cheap labor and undocumented voters."
Blogger iowan2 said...
Lots of smart people here.
Please explain the down side to President Trump if he refuses to fold, till, um..March 1st?
He won't get re-elected? President Trump is not a politician, does not care. If he cared about the polls, his words and actions would be much different. President Trump is not a politician.
Now what is the down side?
My guess? At that point the media will find Border Patrol agents and other officers who work on the border and start sharing their sob stories about how they have to keep working during this shutdown but aren't getting paid and can't pay their mortgage.
If not folding will cost him reelection, then I would think all intelligent lefties would want him to stand tough till 2020.
These people really are about 10% as smart as they think they are.
I don't want Trump to fold on anything. If he loses in 2020 for doing what he was elected for then that's not really on him, is it?
This is how I know he's winning.
These guys in the media sound about as on-point as they did when Hillary had a 98% chance of winning during the evening of November 6 2016.
Bill Scher = Democrat operative with a byline.
Screw him and his opinion.
Howard said...
Still no post on the most important news of the day: No Syrian pullout due to Israel and Jordon vetoes. Since there are no talking points issued from the puke in chief, Althouse protects her deplorable patrons from making up their own minds.
C- for effort.
You about a mile behind Trumpit, who does it effortlessly.
Good Luck in the future.
Gahrie: "The polling numbers must look very bad for the Left."
The polling numbers for LLR Chuck's beloved dems must be devastating, hence Chuck's desperate deflections.
I havent seen LLR Chuck this despondent since Trump exposed Chuck's hero Dick Durbin for the inconsequential little lefty hack that he is.
It literally took months for LLR Chuck to recover from that one.
Curling up in front of the fire with his Maddow blow up doll is the only thing that got Chuck thru those difficult days...
Trump cannot win this. Not as long as Nancy Pelosi is House Speaker, and that's through 2020 at least.
If the Shutdown continues,
tens of millions of American taxpayers won't get their income tax refunds when they're supposed to.
And that's going to hurt Americans personally.
When Trump won the election, I told the Trump supporters that they would have two years of fun until the pendulum swung once again to the Democrats.
That's how it's shaping up.
Trumpites, you've had your two years of fun.
And now you're done.
just a reminder:
can Pelosi and schumer's constituents hold out that long?
Swartzenager in CA proved that caving to the Dems never gets you anything but more Dems.
The same is true of following rules, precedents, and honor. You can do it for its own sake, but don't expect the Dems to respond in kind. They don't see compromise or honor - they see weakness and opportunity like criminals do. They are, after all, the pro-crime party.
"Still no post on the most important news of the day: No Syrian pullout due to Israel and Jordon vetoes."
You only imagine that's important news because you imagine it means Trump = bad. Your compass needs more than one direction.
Eric, thanks for the input. As of now President Trump has come to the table and tried to negotiate. Pence put up an offer before Christmas, and the Dems blew him off. The Dems position is zero negotiation. I might see things differently, but it looks like the Dems are holding the pay checks. Besides, what are they going to do? Not vote for Trump? Border Patrol is going to see the President as the hero.
Thanks for paying attention Meade. It's a big nothing all right. Nothing is happening to change our footing in Syria proving it was just another Trumpian distraction. It was not a nothing-burger for you Trump suckers who lauded the great peacemaker. Crickets... I hear crickets, which is the sound of nothing, like I said.
If I look hard enough, how likely do you think it is that I can find a Bill Scher article from 2016 that claimed Trump should quit the race because it was hopeless?
even those who are nominally on our side are not:
like with may and her placebo Brexit, which was voted down by parliament
"Trump’s Best Shutdown Move Is to Fold Now/It’s time for the president to quit while he’s behind."
This is as good of a synopsis of the Romney Letter to His Lefty Master Superiors at the Washington Post that I've seen.
sinz52 (channeling Inga!): "Trumpites, you've had your two years of fun.
And now you're done."
We ain't no-ways tarrrreedddd.....
bagowahwah you are fooling yourself. it means Trump is playing you people like fish. shutdown same gambit. there will be no wall. I'm just predicting the weather, like the universe, I'm indifferent.
I think Trump will make it clear he thinks it is a national emergency that Congress should address forthrightly, and that he will stand ready to declare an emergency himself if they don't act. That is why it is a national address- he offering the Democrats a choice.
I know a court somewhere will issue an injunction against an emergency declaration, but I think Trump will ignore it. There is no where in the law that says a judge can legitimately say an emergency isn't an emergency- this is the sort of case that gets sent immediately to SCOTUS because of the nature of the declaration.
Sinz52 said
If the Shutdown continues,
tens of millions of American taxpayers won't get their income tax refunds when they're supposed to.
President Trump, as the head of the executive branch, runs the IRS. The President has already ordered refund checks to go out as returns come in.
On a larger note, I have no sympathy for people that set up their W2s so they get back thousands of $'s of their own money as a "tax" return. Not smart.
I'll admit it's no unmovable Obama red line in the sand, but more like a bump in the road. Give the man at least one term to do what others never did in two.
The Democrats control one house of two in Congress, Republicans control the Senate and presidency.
Why, exactly should he fold? I think this speech is terrifying them. The Democrats have no plan for immigration, other than to open the border and let immigrants vote. Most Americans are not in favor of that.
Howard: "bagowahwah you are fooling yourself. it means Trump is playing you people like fish."
"Like fish"...
Where did you dredge that one up?
Dont worry, I will only become concerned if Trump begins to treat us like slightly overcooked sirloin tips....or perhaps like rutabagas...or perhaps very small pebbles....
It's not a bump, it's his habit of talking out his ass to shift focus to distract from troubles. you move the goal posts and the con goes on. he's a bad liar and you people are easy marks. too fucking funny... don't need Louis CK to make me laugh
The WALL is doomed to fail. There is no way to stop the unwashed hoards from coming your way. Schlump informed you: Some will be rapists, murderers, etc. My advice to you: Take a crash course in Spanish, or move to Canada! It will be the official language as soon as next week! We need a Spanish word of the day on this blog. Let's go. Althouse = la casa de Alt.
i get it from jigging for cabazon and mighty ling cod.
something shiny with a wiggle. something red, something sharp
If the Shutdown continues,
tens of millions of American taxpayers won't get their income tax refunds when they're supposed to"
I detect a smell of glee in that expectation.
I wonder if Lois Lerner's pension check will get through. They should make an exception for that fine public servant.
i understand you want to continue believing in Santa Klaus, Drago. The alternative is too depressing. It's ok, it ain't all that gloomy beyond the looking glass.
UH OH... TRUMPIT didn't read today's instructions. HE/SHE/IT Violates Whoopie's latest edict about not pooping on people. No SorosBux for you! And... report to your cell commander immediately!
tens of millions of American taxpayers won't get their income tax refunds when they're supposed to"
As already mentioned, the White House announced the checks will be going out.
Try again.
Am I the only one who can see the obvious compromise? Am I the only one who has read Kafka's Great Wall of China?
Build 600 miles of wall along 1200 miles of border in 100 meter segments separated by 100 meter gaps!
When a progressive tells you to fold; Simile because you know.. he knows.. he's losing.
Trump offered them a pretty sweet deal before.
Trump is very likely going to offer them a much sweeter deal in the speech...for a Wall.
It will be a YUGE deal. It will outline their hypocrisy if they refuse. It will be sweet and succulent and better than a steak with ketchup or two scoops of ice cream for the Democrats...but only if they give him his Wall.
And if they don't, they will look like lying losers. It will cost them a hundred billion votes.
Hey, I'm no liar. I call it like I sees it.
"It's not a bump, it's his habit of talking out his ass to shift focus to distract from troubles."
You have no idea what it means, just like everybody else, but you should ask yourself who really is being distracted by Trump. Any reasonable person would accept that the man is President and will stay so. Do you think policy setbacks due to the inevitable obstacles are gonna get him impeached. If so why does any President get to finish any term? Everything you people see is a disaster and grounds for removal - every. single. day. If these things were easy then we wouldn't need a President with a long history of knocking down obstacles to his success. We could have elected Hillary with no such experience. We just had 8 years of a President that avoided tough decisions, and who ran from tough fights, and who could be "more flexible after his election". Let's give a different approach a chance before we accept failure again.
So the Democrats won't pay $5 billion (or .125% of the budget) and would rather gyp the American people out of their refund checks. Is that what I am to take from this?
Howard, 19 days ago you called it "the right move at the wrong time." Trump adjusts the timeline to make it the right move at the right time. Then, when called on it, you posture as "indifferent" but the truth is you care very much... about instigating quarrels to distract and sow discord by posting digressive, extraneous, insulting, bad-faith off-topic comments. Sad.
Meade, didn't your mother teach not to pick on the mentally challenged? Shame on you!
Canada does a good job keeping out our drunk drivers. There is a wall in places...
iowan2 said...
Sinz52 said
On a larger note, I have no sympathy for people that set up their W2s so they get back thousands of $'s of their own money as a "tax" return. Not smart
So...basically you're shitting all over the little people who don't know how to tune their W2s to make sure they don't get a refund.
You are assuming w/o evidence that the people you are sneering at have ONLY W-2 income, and can predict at the beginning of the year what their situation will be at year's end.. Why's that?
And...what makes you think such folk get "thousands" of their own money when they file?
In short....why the snot????
Not a single person has come up with any motivation that would move President Trump.
Negotiation is about leverage. The Dems have none against President Trump. I've been following the commentary on the left. They have no clue about game theory, or, The Art of the Deal. You would think they would want to learn. Nope. Been over 3 years and the left is living in self imposed ignorance.
That's just your opinion, Man
Trump didn't adjust shit, the adults covered his ass
"When a progressive tells you to fold; [Smile] because you know.. he knows.. he's losing."
Like the Melians arguing to the Athenians that "might does not make right and anyway we strongly believe we will have the assistance of the gods because our position is morally just so the best move for you Athenians is to fold now. It’s time for you big bad ugly Athenians to quit while you're behind."
Of course, it turned out it was the Melians who were behind. Way behind.
I think she's splitting the difference:
Jay Elink,
I listen to what people say out loud in March. Ask a question or two. "Got your tax return yet?" "What are planning on?"
Dozens of people tell me what they are planning for the money. $2, 3, 4, thousand. They like it that way, they consider it a savings account. Extremely few say they pay in a little, or only get a little back. Even when I explain, they ignore the information. You cant fix stupid. You sound like you take this kind of personal, I must have hit pretty close to your own MO.
Trump is losing ONLY in DC and environs, NYC, and Calinutsia. Meade is correct; the Left knows they are losing big, and begging Trump to stop the beatings.
Screw them to the wall, watch them bleed, and delight in the screams of their women.
Trump has really got under their skin. Alexandria Cortez-DeBlasio tweeted from her new, official account about a woke HUD employee. Like anything of value comes out of HUD. The straight: HUD wants to turn your leafy suburb into a Section 8 shithole based on, "disparate impact." Yeppers.
Liberal gentrification Trump's section 8
If the shutdown goes on for months, does that mean I can postpone my estimated tax payments for months. I don't want to overburden the IRS with work at such a difficult time. I do what I can to help.
Tlaib how now apologized for the distraction caused by her profane rant. Not for the profanity, mind you, just the distraction.
He should declare an emergency, start the military building the wall, but also continue the shutdown. Offer to sign a bill letting food stamps out of shutdown hell. Then if the courts stop the construction, he can say, "I knew they would, and that's why I continued the shutdown."
The liberal courts might then have an incentive to not issue an injunction. Inertia would then start favoring construction.
If the shutdown is boring, then I'd say Trump is winning. If most people are so bored with the shutdown as an issue, then the federal government being shutdown isn't a problem at all.
If the shutdown goes on for months, does that mean I can postpone my estimated tax payments for months.
I'm in the same boat. CPA/MST spouse says there's arguments being made on both sides but eventually when IR_ comes back they'll have no problem sending out the late payment notices and assessing the accompanying penalties.
My thought is if you'd like to assume they wont come back...
Jeremy, I was thinking the same thing. If Trump starts to use the Corp of Engineers to build the wall the libs will get another judge in Hawaii to try to stop it with an injunction. We've seen this movie before. Trump is holding all the cards best get a substantial deal hammered out with the dems before commiting a shovel to it unless there is no other way ahead.
How did Trump deal with strikers on his building projects?
Did he not use word "strike" recently re: shutdown?
It's amusing when leftists attempt to give advice to Trump. Surely, they have his best interests in mind.
@Jim at, not only do they not have Trump's best interests in mind, they clearly do not have the best interests of the American workers in mind.
way back when GWB was president and he was working with Ted Kennedy -- do you guys remember that big bill they tried to get through on immigration?
I don't actually, but DO remember posting my observation here at Althouse that is probably about the same as today:
We need to fix the gaping hole in our immigration strategy to legalize seasonal workers from Mexico, etc. to keep their native citizenship, but move between the borders.
That "bracero"-style program legislation was key to Reagan's "amnesty" bill, but it was aborted quickly by "readMyLips Bush", so sad, in there with the democrats and the unions, like cesar chavez grape growers, for all of their pernicious reasons.
so the amnesty went ahead and some tightening took place, but the third leg that would legitimize and keep account of an international seasonal work force would have made a big difference.
that's why we are so broken now. in the years that followed, men and women who would love to work here openly with papers but retain their native citizenship and families in latin america, were forced to slip in and then hide and stay! and work underground. and #everybodyKnew.
Despicable that every legislator and leader since has let that cruel border-running hide-in-the-shadows setup stand.
Godspeed, america
"The WALL is doomed to fail. There is no way to stop the unwashed hoards from coming your way. Schlump informed you: Some will be rapists, murderers, etc. My advice to you: Take a crash course in Spanish, or move to Canada! It will be the official language as soon as next week! We need a Spanish word of the day on this blog. Let's go. Althouse = la casa de Alt."
Palabra del dia: ¡divertidísima!
" Alexandria Cortez-DeBlasio tweeted from her new, official account about a woke HUD employee."
I've heard that no one has missed a paycheck yet. January 11 will be the first time they don't get paid.
Ah, so now there's "no drama", no emergency, Trump should cave because the democrat party is "bored" i.e. unable to whip the American people into a panic over a small number of inconveniences and overpaid employees on the public tit going without their fat paychecks.
Trump is losing? I don't know what game you're watching or who's keeping score, but YOU don't even care enough to know how long this phony "shutdown" shitshow has been going on. Democrat party members are refusing to secure our borders over less money than they spend on franking privileges, but Trump is losing? Huh... Looks to me like the democrat party members are starting to feel like the losers, because otherwise they would be provoking Trump to keep the shutdown going, not begging him to stop.
Interesting no one talks about reciprocals. I should be able to hang out in Mexico under the same rules.
Trump could fold tonight. Or he could call, or he could raise. I wouldn't be shocked to see him push a few more chips into the pot.
But it doesn't matter to me. He's my President, he's doing a great job, and he's under siege.
He has my support regardless of what he does with the wall.
Michael Fitzgerald: "Huh... Looks to me like the democrat party members are starting to feel like the losers, because otherwise they would be provoking Trump to keep the shutdown going, not begging him
to stop."
For instance, how the left/LLR's scream Trump should stop tweeting immediately because it makes him look bad...
sudo shutdown -h now
He only loses if he quits. That is all. If the democrats want to shut down the government for months, he has to force them to do it. His supporters are perfectly fine with it. His detractors will never change their mind anyway.
One word - powerful.
That's with the sound off and the captions on. Could have had a different impression if I missed any major verbal stumbles.
A lot of people have no idea that law enforcement has no duty to protect you and typically show up (If they even bother in too many instamces) instances to take a report.
So yeah, a lot of people don’t know about law enforcement.
Re: wildswan:
I've heard that no one has missed a paycheck yet. January 11 will be the first time they don't get paid.
I've heard that too. I don't think it's true. There was uncertainty over whether the coast guard would get paid December 31. Military are still getting paid. I kind of doubt HUD is.
See here for an explanation consistent with my understanding, though I cannot vouch for the source.
Sorry, here
You omit a third option....The Dems cut a deal with Trump, and some 'dissident' backbenchers (Occasional Cortex comes immediately to mind) talks some judge in Hawaii or elsewhere to rule against Trump. Nancy and Chuck shrug, pocket any concessions that they got, and go on...
Nope, no deal. The Dems make a deal, and get nothing in response until after the fence is completed, and ONLY if there is no judicial interference. Trump is winning, and there is little or no reason to deal with a party that has shown nothing but bad faith.
If the shutdown were such a bad idea, and Trump was behind, libs like this wiggler wouldn’t be squawking. The Dems are losing this battle, though they’ll never admit it.
A lot of people have no idea that law enforcement has no duty to protect you and typically show up (If they even bother in too many instamces) instances to take a report.
A lot of libertarians push this bullshit meme because it fits their narrative. But here’s the real juice: law enforcement DO protect people, thousands of times every single day, including putting their own lives on the line in many instances.
When seconds count, police are minutes away.
Meet my little friends, Smith and Wesson.
I understand people's passion here to tell the government workers to fuck off and die but in the long run we need a functioning government and the perception that both sides are reckless and happy to have a mexican standoff every couple of months doesn't help us. God forbid we get sucker punched by world events like another 9/11. I can live with a fence/wall/barrier/sensors & drones what ever you want to call it and Trump can give them some DACA geegaw or a barrel of stale pretzels to the democrats so they can pretend they won something too.
When seconds count, police are minutes away.
True, and people should arm themselves. That doesn’t negate my point, however.
Meade said... Like the Melians arguing to the Athenians
Oh Come ON Meade, that stuff is Ancient History
No this is the first one in 5 years,
Some thought the malians got the raw end of the deal, thucydides as pro pericles as Arthur schlesinger was for JFK of course blamed cleon
When Bill Scher gives advice to ANY Republican you know the Dems are hurting and said Republican should do the opposite.
I Callahan said...
A lot of people have no idea that law enforcement has no duty to protect you and typically show up (If they even bother in too many instamces) instances to take a report.
A lot of libertarians push this bullshit meme because it fits their narrative. But here’s the real juice: law enforcement DO protect people, thousands of times every single day, including putting their own lives on the line in many instances.
You really need to read up on court decisions. It has been ruled many times the police have no duty to protect you. The fact that some feel a personal obligation to do so doesn't mean they have a legal obligation to do so.
It's not a BS meme- it's the Truth.
Yes a judge in south Florida emphasized this point when he dismissed the parkland suit.
I Callahan @ 9:09pm,
That's not a liberal bullshit, that's supreme Court ruling.
GK1 @ 9:25pm,
I understand your concern, but there's actually no logic to your statement: on that particular 9/11, with a completely un-shutdown federal government, the only part of the national defense apparatus that function with any effect was the unorganized militia!
Wishful thinking. I'm stunned at how empty the complaints have been. Outside of the left wing cocoon no one cares.
Even inside the left wing cocoon nobody who doesn't actually work for the government cares.
The WALL is doomed to fail. There is no way to stop the unwashed hoards from coming your way.
That's so true! It explains why certain sanctimonious former presidents and celebrities eschew walls, preferring to let random people wander through their living rooms. And also why we don't put walls around prisons. What would be the point? The prisoners would just climb them.
I understand people's passion here to tell the government workers to fuck off and die but in the long run we need a functioning government...
Republicans would have a whole lot more sympathy for government workers if id didn't look like they were trying to engineer a soft coup against the president. I have sympathy for the odd GS 11 at HUD or the VA who's just trying to move paper from the inbox to the outbox, but certain large elements of the bureaucracy seem to have decided they answer neither to the president nor to Congress, and constitute a political power center in their own right. Those people can fuck off and die.
I understand people's passion here to tell the government workers to fuck off and die but in the long run we need a functioning government and the perception that both sides are reckless and happy to have a mexican standoff every couple of months doesn't help us.
The only person that expressed that opinion is you. I don't want government workers to die. Indeed, one of them is my brother-in-law, who doesn't live paycheck to paycheck and therefore is enjoying the time off. What I want is for Congress to fund the wall that they promised to have built for the last 30 years. The government workers that are suffering need to contact a financial advisor before the next shutdown.
Why should I believe anything in/from Politico?
"If the Shutdown continues,
tens of millions of American taxpayers won't get their income tax refunds when they're supposed to."
The IRS says otherwise:
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