२३ डिसेंबर, २०१८

Now that he's pulling the military out of Syria, is there some way we can frame Trump as the "war" president?

Yes! Here's how it looks at the NYT (click to enlarge and clarify):

That's the top left corner of the home page right now: "For Trump, 'A War Every Day,' Waged Increasingly Alone." I guess that means he is beleaguered — by things like this very article — and he has to struggle with it, alone. "War" is just a metaphor. Is it a good metaphor? For something a person does alone? I think "war" is the chosen metaphor because the idea is to blot out Trump's efforts at ending war.

Is the underlying article worth reading — "For Trump, ‘a War Every Day,’ Waged Increasingly Alone/At the midpoint of his term, the president has grown more sure of his own judgment and more isolated from anyone else’s than at any point since he took office" — by Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman? I'll read it for you and emphasize the "war" metaphor, which I hypothesize is strained:
For two years, Mr. Trump has waged war against his own government, convinced that people around him are fools....
See? Strained. Trump's criticism of people around him isn't much like a war.
The swirl of recent days.... has left the impression of a presidency at risk of spinning out of control. At the midpoint of his term, Mr. Trump has grown more sure of his own judgment and more cut off from anyone else’s than at any point since taking office.... He rails against enemies, who often were once friends, nursing a deep sense of betrayal and grievance as they turn on him.

“Can you believe this?” he has said as he scanned the torrent of headlines. “I’m doing great, but it’s a war every day.”...
So he said "war" — and it was in the context of feeling that the press is waging war against him. And now here is the NYT doing the thing he characterized as war, but saying that Trump is waging it, because the headline, using Trump's quote, is "For Trump, 'A War Every Day,' Waged Increasingly Alone." That is, Trump is waging war, some sort of one-man war. But what Trump said is that he's beleaguered by a very negative press. The NYT took that and used it to throw even more negativity at him.
Yet even with a 38 percent approval rating in Gallup polling, Mr. Trump has dominated the national conversation as no other modern president has, and his base thrills at his fights with the establishment, seeing him as a warrior against self-satisfied elites who look down on many Americans....
His supporters see him "as a warrior."
[A] partisan war may be just what he wants.... The days are filled with conflict, much of it of his own making. More advisers are heading for the door. The divisions are widening, not closing. If it is a “war every day,” there are no signs of peace.
Certainly, the New York Times will give him no peace.

AND: Let's talk about that photograph — the face receded into darkness, the window in the shape of a coffin....

२८ टिप्पण्या:

gilbar म्हणाले...

you know which President WAS The War President? The President (the ONLY President) to have American troops engaged in combat for Every Day of All Eight Years he was President? O'Bama

Darrell म्हणाले...

38% approval? C'mon! Some Lefty rag should be able to put a phony baloney poll together that shows 0% approval. Try harder people!

Hagar म्हणाले...

In Syria, let us wait and see what develops.
2,000 US troops come home and are replaced with X thousand Saudi (and allied?) troops while the American weapons and equipment stays where it is.
How do Erdogan and/or Iran like them apples? Sounds like they need some time to think it over.
There is surely more to come, since this obviously represent a change in policy.
And I don't believe there was anything sudden bout Trump deciding to do this.

Meade म्हणाले...

"The aides, many of whom believe he has been treated unfairly by the news media, have replied that journalists are angry that he won and proved them wrong."

Truth-O-Meader rates this reply by Trump's aides: Absolutely True!

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

They have a point. Trump takes them on one on one and wrestles each one until he wins. The only accusation Du jour is that he does it alone. Trump loves that. Wrestlers are used to going out on the mat alone. And the Media is now the opponent being humiliated and defeated.

How about that Kellyanne Conway. She stays committed to the orange monster with all his faults while her husband tries to rally assassins to kill our President before he wins some more matches.

Meade म्हणाले...

"The swirl of recent days — a government shutdown, spiraling scandals, tumbling stock markets, abrupt troop withdrawals and the resignation of his alienated defense secretary — has left the impression of a presidency at risk of spinning out of control," say the passive voicing swirl-spiral-tumble-spin doctors, Dr. Baker and Dr. Haberman.

iowan2 म्हणाले...

I find it interesting that the left no longer operates on principles. Every thing is personal. Our founding principles, and constitutional tenets are abandoned. Border security is immoral. A primary responsibility of the federal govt, is now defined by the 3rd most powerful leader of the United States, as immoral. Commentators here constantly attempt to smear President Trump, with personal disagreements, all the while tossing the Constitution out the window to accomplish their personal vendetta. No principles at play, just personal. It is something that I became aware of a month ago or so. Pay attention and you too will see the never Trumpers adrift with no discernible principles

Humperdink म्हणाले...

"His supporters see him "as a warrior.""


And the opposition as neutered Chihuahuas, yipping at his heels. Schiff, Schumer, Lemmon, Acosted .......

JAORE म्हणाले...

I must have missed the, "Atta boy!" from Code Pink.

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...

He's winning daily. Sun Tzu can be very proud of his student, Donald. He manages to expose the dem's childlike attempts to cover their flailing ass. The internet remembers. Watched Barry Soetoro explain the need for a wall on OAN this morning. Comedy gold.

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...

This kind of "analysis" is a stark reminder that today's "journalists" are English majors run riot. Story tellers... yuppie bullshitters up against a street fighting bullshitter. Leading the "press" around the corral by their noses.

narciso म्हणाले...

As pointed out in other threads, the post admits sheepishly that khashoggi was a Qatari pawn with Turkey fronting the operation. Which explains why their info OP is resurfaced as in last month when the Saudis and the Emirates being cycling troops into the war zone.

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

iowan2 said...
"I find it interesting that the left no longer operates on principles. Every thing is personal."

The personal is political...where have I heard that before?

Marty Keller म्हणाले...

Trump so thoroughly owns Baker, Haberman, and the rest of the dolts at the Times that they're just mailing it in.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Another Day, another democratic media spin article.

stevew म्हणाले...

Whether in football, politics, or business the use of the word war to describe the goings on is obviously easy and cheapens the real thing; if everything is war then nothing is. Usually people use this word to describe their activity and to signal us that they are tough and strong and determined. In the case of this article they use the word to denigrate Trump. #resistance I guess. Pathetic - if they were smarter and better educated they would use different and more descriptive words, and make a stronger statement or argument.

James K म्हणाले...

The NYT is just recycling material from 1974. Nixon was the embattled, besieged loner. They just substitute "Trump" for "Nixon." I hope they remember also to substitute "Mueller" for "Cox" or "Jaworski."

mccullough म्हणाले...

It’s the holidays. Most people aren’t paying attention to politics.

Maggie and Baker are swirling. Trump is too much for them.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Now you know why the media has such low esteem among the public. Not to mention if you ever dealt with the media you realize they are not very smart.

realestateacct म्हणाले...

I read that Gallup will no longer do a daily Presidential approval poll. Do you suppose the press will turn to Rasmussen that shows approval in the high 40's? Sure, of course.

MayBee म्हणाले...

Has there been even one day since Trump was elected that was positively reported for him? Or even neutrally reported? It seems to me everyday is either new proof the walls are closing in, or the walls continuing to close in on him.

Char Char Binks, Esq. म्हणाले...

Trump is a legion of one, and a beleaguered one at that.

Gk1 म्हणाले...

I have to ask what is the presses end game in this? Even if they succeed in destroying the Trump presidency do they think they will ever survive that success? As it is many of my fellow americans take great cheer in watching them laid off and closing down papers, closing online publications. We just consider them democratic operatives and the enemy of free citizens everywhere. How do you survive as a going concern with only 42% of the country bothering to read or even buy your paper?

chickelit म्हणाले...

Lefties wage war against their fellow American everyday when they support wage wars caused by cheap imported labor.

Sam L. म्हणाले...

Not that I needed one, but this is ANOTHER reason to despise, detest, and distrust the NYT.

cf म्हणाले...

The horror to me is this NYT is in every Starbucks across the nation -- every freeway exit and every other street corner, from metroplex to pohdunk restroom stops, these pompous asses bang their drum.

NPR "news" commercial-free radio, is equally heinous, probably worse because the easy tricks of wordplay "on the air" instead of text that can be studied, means one can't go back easily to the careful confections of malice whipped up for Each and Every 20 seconds of newstime.

Makes me fantasize of nonviolent revolutionary responses against these sassy Jackboots, but all my ideas seem as useless as the sign Helen Hunt hung out the window in "the year of living dangerously", so hear I sit tweeting & commenting harmlessly, anonymously, ineffectively. Sigh.

Gee, thanks, Althouse, haha, I needed something to rough up my mild christmas mood. . . But no, wait, I can't help but smile with hope and clink my glass of wassail:

Every bounty and blessing of the season to
The man that Fights em all,
our Yang of a President,
our Lion of The Century, &
Quite possibly the father of a new #GoldenAge,
the RealDonaldTrump!

narciso म्हणाले...

the standard for dystopian visions, was president rexall, in frank miller's dark tale, like an premature sjw saga, 'Give me liberty' the president elected democratically, soon declares martial law, including in the heroines cabrini green, and apparently wages a whole series of conflicts, the last of which is employing a laser satellite, which accidentally targets the Saudi oil fields instead of Libya, which reaps a vengeance,

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM म्हणाले...

c'mon! 'Alone Trump'??? No 'sleazy crew'? No 'henchmen'??? Impossible!!

"Trump Ditches Evil Henchmen To Selfishly Claim War-Waging For Himself"