I just stumbled into that as I was poking around on YouTube. I'd entirely forgotten about Bill O'Reilly, and even now, reminded of him, I can't remember why he got kicked off Fox News. Just to show you how random my encounter was, the YouTube video I had on was something with 908 views, "semolina pilchard." I'd googled "semolina pilchard," because I'd seen the word "pilchard" in the context of looking up the word "mennard" in the OED. "Mennard" is an English variation on "minnow." Minnow was probably originally spelled "minnot," with the "-ot" ending like "turbot" added to a root that means small. The alternate ending "-ard" makes sense as another way to say "small fish," because the ending "-ard" is used in other fish names like "pollard" and "pilchard." I got interested in "mennard" in the first place, because it appeared on an interesting list of suggestions when I was looking for Fennario?

Have you ever gone looking for Fennario? Why were you looking? Did you find it? Or did you stumble on out of your reveries and land in one of the microsquabbles of the Trump era, like where Pinhead Jim Acosta Went Wrong?
Anyway. O'Reilly presents himself as the world's biggest expert on interviewing U.S. Presidents. He lists all the interviews he's done with them, and he talks about getting criticized for interrupting the President. "But I was never disrespectful. And I always couched my questions around facts.... I had a respect for the office. And once he [the President] answered it, I moved on to another question. Jim Acosta has no respect for the office. He hates President Trump...." Acosta didn't ask a question, but "immediately starts a debate." "He wants to debate and demean Donald Trump.... His intent isn't to seek information. If it was, he would ask 'Why do you consider it an invasion?'... but, no, he says, 'The caravan is not an invasion.'"
ADDED: Via Genius:
Semolina is a kind of wheat paste. A pilchard is small fish.
It has been speculated that “Semolina Pilchard” was Detective Sergeant Norman Pilcher, head of the Scotland Yard Drugs Unit. He led the arrests of several 60s rock stars, including Lennon, on drugs charges, before being investigated himself for blackmail and bribery in the ‘70s.
७१ टिप्पण्या:
O'Reilly certainly has a tremendous ego. Seems to be a prerequisite for some "journalists". Jordan Peterson opines that journalists want to be politicians, but they can't so they write as if they were. (I am going to transcribe the YT discussion I paraphrased this from and post it on an appropriate comment thread). Acosta seems (as do other WH reporters) to want to debate the president (or press sec) and defend it as a question.
What, then, to make of this enormous reissue package, The Beatles (White Album) Super Deluxe Edition?...We want to hear John, before a run-through of “Cry Baby Cry,” muttering, “Semolina semolina pilchard green snot pie / All mixed together with a dead dog’s eye.”
- What the Beatles Sounded Like Unedited
His intent isn't to seek information. If it was, he would ask 'Why do you consider it an invasion?'... but, no, he says, 'The caravan is not an invasion.'"
This couldn't be more true.
Serendipity is looking for Fennario and finding fellatio.
"Fellatio" comes up in your search? That sucks.
Semolina is a type of flour used most often in pasta (we used to say macaroni, but no one seems to any more). The main reason people prefer semolina for pasta-making is that it is extremely high in gluten, which helps keep the shape of pasta during cooking. This is how pasta can come in all different shapes and sizes without risk of falling apart or becoming a giant blob while it is boiling. I still remember some commercials for macaroni that mentioned they were made with "durum semolina."
I have dabbled with fresh pasta (raviolis mostly). Nice to try and experiment but not worth the effort IMO as you can get fresh pasta in the refrigerated section of the grocery store.
Althouse tries to see how many topics she can cram into one post.
O'Reilly needs to school Scott Adams on pith.
Goo goo g'joob.
Nice link, Crack. I put it in my "To Read Later" file and hope I don't forget it's there. Is there another music group that has had their inner workings more examined than the Beatles? You would think there is not much more to say since they were only together for a short time. I have read multiple bios for each member and the group as a whole and after time goes by it seems just a rehash. But I still read about the Fab Four.
John did the "make fun of spastics" routine early in their careers. Don't know if he did it as good as Trump is alleged to have done (the president made the motions; the question is whether he made them over time for multiple journalists or just to ridicule the disabled fellow).
As for me, I have better things to do: sitting here in the hotbed of voter fraud or incompetence (or both) here in sunny South Florida. Oh, the drama.
CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS - all of them - are not news conveyers or transmitters. They are carefully crafted media products specifically honed to appeal to a certain target consumer. These are for-profit capital enterprises, nothing wrong with that. Except that part of the product wrapping is a thin veneer of objectivity, truth-seeking, honesty, and the sanctity and high status of “the press” - the fourth estate. In the end, the profit motive - the profit need - corrupts and warps everything. If they were any other type of consumer product, they would be charged with false labeling and false advertising.
I find it hard to disagree with anything O'Reilly says in this video.
This couldn't be more true.
I agree with Crack. The classic rebuff used to be Are you asking a question or giving a speech? That one's stale. Revoking your press pass seems fresh and appropriate...
It's funny how you can set up a pretend newsroom in your room and just keep going after you've been fired. Like something your elementary school aged kids produce.
As insults go, pinhead is always barbed.
I cut cable a year or so before O'Reilly got canned. I enjoyed his FoxNews show. His show was what made FoxNews different and interesting. O'Reilly was busted for giving beautiful, ambitious women a shot at national fame and then lusting after them. The women he helped conspired to sting him.
This whores who won't put out faction of feminism is one of the more bewildering of the prof's comrades. The whores sold T&A to get a job with O'Reilly and to gain TV audience, but were apparently too dainty to fuck him.
I'd say those whores owed O'Reilly a good fuck.
Acosta is one of many media players openly displaying contempt for the president. Tiresome. I try not to pay attention.
It's funny how you can set up a pretend newsroom in your room and just keep going after you've been fired. Like something your elementary school aged kids produce.
The production standards of O'Reilly's home studio were exquisite.
You do realize that you are ridiculing precisely what Prof. Althouse has done with this weblog, don't you? This ability to go it alone is a remarkable facet of internet technology. The prof turned her homemade weblog into a powerful national forum.
You do realize that you are ridiculing...
I'm not ridiculing at all. I'm celebrating the absurdity of such a high quality output originating from the room in his house just off the master bathroom.
Call me WAY LATE TO THE GAME, but doesn't Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U.S. 94 (1884) mean that ANYONE seeking dual citizenship (like, an illegal alien born in this country), does NOT receive birthplace citizenship through the 14th amendment?
even on American soil, Elk could not meet the allegiance test of the jurisdictional phrase because he "owed immediate allegiance to" his tribe, a vassal or quasi-nation, not to the United States. The Court held Elk was not "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States at birth. "The evident meaning of these last words is, not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction, and owing them direct and immediate allegiance."
HOW can you be COMPLETELY SUBJECT to the USA, if you can just resume your mexican citizenship? It seems like this has either NEVER been clarified, or HAS BEEN clarified by Elk v Wilkins.
Acosta isn't a journalist, he's an activist.
A pinhead is also a fish.
I'm not ridiculing at all.
OK. I wonder what kind of numbers O'Reilly is drawing with his website?
Will people pay for this type of content?
The flannel shirt thing was interesting. O'Reilly was exquisitely dressed and coiffed on Fox.
If Jim Acosta wants to debate President Trump Acosta should run against Trump in 2020. We know Acosta won't primary Trump because Acosta's "unbiased journalism" is mostly DNC talking points.
Alas, poor Accosta! I knew him Fennario, a man of infinite improbity, of most excellent impertinence. He hath born his presumptions a thousand times. And now, how rejected and banned he is!
If the Democrats had their way an illegal alien taking a dump on US soil would qualify for US citizenship.
Is Acosta still out? I truly hope he never sees the inside of the White House again.
If you measured the ego on Blowhard O'Reilly and Little Jimmy Acosta, you'd find that they are the same. Still it's nice to see that O'Reilly is calling Acosta a pinhead. Pot, Kettle.
I don't think WWF is really wrestling and I don't think MSM is really news.
"Althouse tries to see how many topics she can cram into one post."
You have no idea how wrong you are. Midway, I close the door on why I was looking for Fennario. There's a whole backstory to that and it includes Andrew Jackson and Trump, and there's a whole forward path, unexplored, that gets us to the Grateful Dead.
In the timbers of Fennario
The wolves are running 'round
The winter was so hard and cold
Froze ten feet neath the ground
Don't murder me
I beg of you, don't murder me
In the timbers of Fennario
the wolves are running round
I could also have talked about how O'Reilly was the easiest to transcribe speaker I've ever transcribed. He doesn't garble anything at all. Totally clear and in a crisp, comprehensible form.
Also, I could have clicked on the OED link on "fellatio" and seen what's going on there.
Jim Acosta is like Helen Thomas on a testosterone supplement.
Mac McConnell said... If the Democrats had their way an illegal alien taking a dump on US soil would qualify for US citizenship.
that's Totally true, but in the immortal words of Homer Simpson; Wishing won't make it So.
Where is the ruling that says that any citizen of ANY other country receives birthplace citizenship through the 14th? Indians Obviously do NOT; they receive it through The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924. Ho Chunks did not, and DO NOT receive birthplace citizenship; they receive citizenship through The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 (and NOW, receive citizenship through their parents citizenship)
Can so constitutional law professor (preferably one with nice red hair (even if it's now white) tell HOW anyone can read Elk different? Or is there another later ruling?
The whores who won't put out thing was big at corporate law firms back in the day, too.
Dressing, talking and acting like the whore to entice the men so that you could sue them for responding like normal men was all the rage.
Fennario… Combining this root with the suffix "ario", could indicate "in the general vicinity, i.e. area of the fens.
Fennario - Home of the World Series champion Boston Red Sox!
typos :
A constitutional law
tell me HOW
O'Reilly once was a journalist, but that was decades ago and not in a major way. At Fox he was a talk-show host, and a very good one. I miss him. Tucker Carlson is way too heavy-handed and preachy.
Fennario - Home of the World Series champion Boston Red Sox!
...since there's no guard rails on this post, the fennario is definitely not where you want to dump a body...
I'm embarrassed
Fennario appears in two songs performed by the Grateful Dead. Dire Wolf, a Dead original that appeared in May 1970 on Workingman's Dead, opens with the line "In the timbers of Fennario the wolves are running 'round" and closes in the last verse with "In the backwash of the Fennario."
The Dead also covered an old folk song, Peggy-O, that opens with the line, "As we rode out to Fennario." David Dodd's Annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics traces the song back to Scotland where it was popular under the name "The Bonnie Lass o' Fyvie-O." Simon and Garfunkel and Joan Baez covered similar versions to the Dead. Bob Dylan also covered a version on his first album under the name Pretty Peggy-O.
I also stumbled on a novel Brokedown Palace by Steven Brust, orginally published in 1986, that takes place in Fenario and was inspired by another Dead song by that same title.
Yes, it's the old song "Peggy-O" that is the road back to the things about Andrew Jackson.
There's an Indian dish, opma, that's sometimes called "Semolina Pilaf" in English language cookbooks. I've often wondered if that's where Lennon got the word association from.
OK, Althouse tries to see how many topics she can cram into one post and still get people to read it without going down the fellatio trail.
Now we know why O'R's books were bestsellers--he bought multiple copies.
What the President shudda done.
"Ladies and Gentlemen:
Before we begin this session, I would like to make a few opening remarks, if I may.
First, this is a Q & A session; That means, you ask a question as succinctly as possible with the purpose of obtaining information which I supposedly have as President of the United States. The questions, of course, can be sometimes leading. But they are not to be speeches.
This is NOT a session for news people to use as a platform to broadcast their own views. You may do that of course, in the proper forum. Do it at your office, at your home, on the street, on the air and in your newspaper, while taking a dump. But NOT here. This is NOT a debating forum. Your views are important, of course. But this is NOT the place for their dissemination. This is the place for disseminating the views of the President. That’s me.
This is a place where YOU ask questions and I give answers. That is ALL that it is.
Now, I address this remark to those particularly, like Mr. Acosta who seem badly mistaken as to the purpose of this forum. If anyone does not understand this and accept it, then I suggest that they excuse themselves. I'll give you a minute.
Now, can we get on with it? First, question…."
For Jim Acosta (if only he’d ask respectfully):
2. an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.
"stadium guards are preparing for another invasion of fans"
synonyms: influx, inundation, flood, rush, torrent, deluge, avalanche, juggernaut
"an invasion of tourists"
Goingdownslow: I too, immediately thought of the Dead's version- my favorite: 7/3/78, at the St. Paul Civic Center. It was often played in 77 and 78. While not a great singer, I always thought that Garcia's voice was perfect for this tune. I hadn't realized Fennario was also mentioned in "Dire Wolf", even after the almost 7 million times I've heard the song!
The Chad Mitchell Trio, who are, IMHO highly underrated, did a wonderful version of "The Bonny Streets of Fyvie-O"
The Mitchell Trio's political stuff doesn't wear well, at least to this former liberal turned right wing bastard; but there are a lot of very listenable songs. Much overlooked, even at the time, when the more popular groups like Peter, Paul, and Mary and the Kingston Trio hogged the spotlight. Fun Fact to know and tell: Joni Mitchell is Joni Mitchell because she was married to Chad Mitchell.
Acosta is like 95% of the hundreds of leftists I've encountered in my life. Rude, passive-aggressive and absolutely sure of the their moral purity.
3. a situation in which someone or something enters an area where they do not belong.
Have you ever gone looking for Fennario?
Sure, you bet!
(digs the dirt out of his ears)
Oh, I mean no. Has anybody at Alt House ever had to go looking for Fellatio, or is it readily available at home?
Don't forget to add:
"And they never shut up about it"
They are carefully crafted media products specifically honed to appeal to a certain target consumer.
CNN was Ted Turners idea. Think of Turner as a poor mans Trump. Turner rolled the dice and thought he could monetize news. Up to that point, media empires were run by people already rich, with the desire shape the opinion of voters. All the news papers were either left or right. They saw that as a feature, not a bug. People like Hearst. Rich, already made their fortune, now onto changing the nation. They had the sense to separate news and opinion. They had to sell newspapers in order to attract advertisers, and advertisers want to appeal to all the voters. So news was news, and they worked hard to be accurate, and neutral. There was also the opinion side. That's why they were in the media business. They were happy is they could keep loses reasonable. The price they paid to wield the power'
That all changed with Rupert Murdock that saw an unserved market and created FOX to fill that need,he hired Roger Ailes. Murdock and Ailes were marketers. Kind of like Trump. Intuitively sensing the customer desires, and filling them. MSNDNC a hybrid, evolved today into what it is, mostly trying to be a mirror of FOX for the left. So far failing at that endeavor.
The MSM less FOX, have become nothing more than the DNC PR department.
"Someone must have told him that fellatio was the path to truth and honor."
Saul Bellow, "Herzog.".
Everything O'Reilly says is true - and used to be agreed to by almost all MSM Journalists. Remember who they would attack O'Reilly and others for being "disrespectful" to Obama?
Trump should use O'Reilly's line in the next debate with Journalists - "We're having the Q&A, so the American people can hear the POTUS's views - not YOUR Views. No one cares what YOU think."
O'Reilly DOES have a big Ego - Ted O'Baxter - which is why when he got fired, very few Conservative Journalists and talk show hosts defended him.
Serendipity is looking for Fennario ...
And finding Fanfario.
Semolina Pilchard is in the lyrics to I Am the Walrus
Semolina Pilchard
Climbing up the Eiffel tower
Elementary penguin singing Hare Krishna
Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allen Poe
Relax. There's Gluten-Free Pilchard now.
Drill SGT will confirm that draftees are trained that you salute the rank, not (necessarily) the man. Did anyone from the Right play the Jim Acosta role towards Obama? I assure you it was not because any right of center respected that supercilious jackass.
maybe get more into the weeds with this.
Kanye. Taylor Swift.
Award-grabbing. Mic-grabbing.
hell-- pussy grabbing!!
Blogger Big Mike said...
Drill SGT will confirm that draftees are trained that you salute the rank, not (necessarily) the man. Did anyone from the Right play the Jim Acosta role towards Obama? I assure you it was not because any right of center respected that supercilious jackass.
Trump does not outrank civilians, unless of course you believe we live in a military dicktatortots.
A search for pilchard keto has some results. Like cornish pilchard and tinned. Will have to try em out.
I miss O'Reilly.......I understand Hollywood is making a movie about the sex scandals at Fox. Of course they are......I suppose the movie will make Ailes and O'Reilly look very bad, but it takes a lot of willful ignorance to make them look worse than Lauer, Rose, Moonves et al. Well, maybe they'll succeed. Ted Kennedy was the Lion of the Senate. I wonder how the world would react if the Pope used his bully pulpit to preach against the negligence of Joe Paterno.........Nobody in Hollywood or in the news media is qualified to pass judgment on Bill O'Reilly.
The OED has an entry for "pinhead," meaning a person with a small head or "a stupid or foolish person." The quotes go back to 1896 and include Jack London's "White Fang":
1896 G. Ade Artie i. 3 I've got as much right to go out and do the heavy as any o' you pin-heads.
1906 J. London White Fang iv. iii. 209 Upon his meagre frame was deposited an even more strikingly meagre head. In fact,..by his fellows, he had been called ‘Pinhead’.
1923 P. G. Wodehouse Inimitable Jeeves x. 100 That poor, misguided pinhead worked himself to the bone over it.
1976 New Yorker 15 Nov. 23/2 The pinheads and the armless and legless creatures scurry about to revenge themselves on a normal woman.
1993 J. Dee Liberty Campaign 177 If you leave they'll probably replace you with another pinhead.
The New Yorker quote is from a Pauline Kael review of the movie "Freaks," so it's not the epithet for a stupid person, but a rude term referring to a particular deformity of the head.
Thanks for reminding me of the new White Album release, Crack.
I am subscribed to Amazon's streaming service ($8 a month for Prime members) and they have the new 6 disc available for free.
I am now listening to Disc 3 (the demos they did at George's house when they returned from India) If you are a Beatles fan, Disc 3 alone is jaw dropping and worth the whole kit and kaboodle.
I always thought it was pilcher which I suppose I must have confused with filcher or to pilfer. Someone who filches (pilfers) steals semolina. I guess I never really thought it through until now.
@Howard, go read Article II of the Constitution. There will be a short quiz for dumb fuckers like you.
BM: "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "
Until Acosta and every other swinging dick is in the militia and then called into Service, the president don't have any rank on private civilians.
Also, I liked the way Trump saluted the fallen men from the Great War. Rain doesn't work with his Hair System, so he had to send proxies.
Resident Bone Spurs, indeed
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attended his own ceremony to pay tribute to Canadian troops killed at Vimy Ridge, on the battlefields of northeastern France.
Trudeau himself appeared to throw shade at Trump's excuse for missing the memorial.
"As we sit here in the rain, thinking how uncomfortable we must be these minutes as our suits get wet, and our hair gets wet...it's all the more fitting that we remember on that day in Dieppe the rain wasn't rain, it was bullets," he said.
@Howard, you FAIL. The very first sentence states that the executive power is vested in the President of the United States. He is our Chief Executive Officer.
I think all the late night talk show hosts should be offered up in a bonfire every four years on the 5th of November. Another reason to remember, remember the 5th of November.
Lifetime banishment to Elba would work, too, of you swing that way. If you fitted them with an internet/phone jamming chip.
Blogger Ignorance is Bliss said...
Fennario… Combining this root with the suffix "ario", could indicate "in the general vicinity, i.e. area of the fens.
Fartario, "I fart in your general direction."
Is there anything more absurd than unpatriotic, anti-American liberals, who hate the military, attacking Republicans for "draft Dodging" or not being a macho soldier.
Clinton was a real life Draft dodger - a fat-boy whose never played team sports. Obama spent his youth smoking pot & playing Basketball - he was still going to school when he was 30.
Kerry called the US Army in Vietnam worse than "Jenghis" Khan - and threw his medals over the fence** - America wasn't good enough.
** = or someone else's medals. Or his ribbons. Or whatever.
BTW, Joe Biden - Mr. Tough Guy and Football star - got a deferment for going to college and finally "Teenage Asthma" - which seemed to go away as soon as the Draft did.
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