The NYT reports.
Are we going to treat them — I'm assuming they'll actually reach our border — as invaders, to be repelled like soldiers?
“I am bringing out the military for this National Emergency,” the president said on Twitter on Thursday. “They will be stopped!”But:
They will include engineers to help with the construction of tents and fencing, doctors for medical support, and potentially some personnel to operate drones along the border, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment about the deployment before it is finalized.That makes it sound as though we will be taking them in and housing them.
Or is that the whole point, ambiguity? If it's all visuals for shaping the mind of the midterm electorate, it's all in the future. They're not going to get here before the elections, so this new announcement is just a distant mountain range on our misty mental landscape.
७८ टिप्पण्या:
That's a good start.
Engineers to build fencing and accommodations for the troops; MPs to backstop the border patrol, special force and infantry types to run patrols behind the wire. This is little different from Lee's invasion of PA, probably with better logistical support and at least as good intelligence. It should be treated as such and stopped right at the border. Fencing at the crossing points backed by the implicit threat of infantry action is probably going to be the key to stopping these people.
Will be interesting to see who provides logistical support when they are stopped. Lot of unsanitary conditions fast with this many people. Let the Mexicans or George Soros or Venezuela provide these people.
"stroke fears of an onslaught of migrants?"
Never change, NYT.
SDaly Screw the comforts of a flight. Put them in the transport trailers we used to call "cattle cars" and drive them to the border.
What Fabi said --a good start.
Don't shoot them en masse, but don't let them in. Anybody who has applied for US citizenship -- through proper legal channels -- should support Trump on this.
In August 1990 the 18,0000 hyper trained continuously men of the 82nd Airborne left Fayetteville, NC and less than a week after Iraq sent an invasion of Kuwait was dug in along Saudi Arabia's border with Iraq. Of course the Bush Family highly valued Saudi Arabia.
Do we value the western half of the USA that much? Stay tuned.
The Arizona Army National Guard has been serving active duty border patrol services for years.
Put the fence on the border, then add the big Fence.
If they claim to be refugees, then a refugee camp should be fine, right?
Such a camp will be called nasty things by leftists pretty much immediately.
Anybody who has applied for US citizenship -- through proper legal channels -- should support Trump on this.
All applications for asylum must be made at US consulates in their home country.
It's all theater. There are of course people trying to enter every day.
But the George Soros Caravan of Doom is literally on the opposite side of Mexico. They are over 2,000 miles away.
Let me repost my map.
amid an election-season push by the president to stoke fears of what he has called an 'onslaught' of migrants."
'Gah, you just know Trump is going to make a big deal over thousands of foreigners marching under their nation's flag and vowing to enter our country against our will.'
*Trump Acts
'OMG what did I tell you?? Stoking! He's stoking!'
It would be a great human rights crime to allow these poor suffering refugees to settle in the horrible, racist United States. We must not permit them to make this error.
If it's all theater, then perhaps 800 troops will secure part of the border. And maybe conduct combat patrols on the other side, killing many Cartel people, etc.
That makes it sound as though we will be taking them in and housing them.
It is called QUARANTINE. And about time too.
Regardless I hope they remain activated, keep them there, hand them shovels and pick-axes, and have them lend a hand to build the wall.
End this farce.
I'm thinking Internment Camps for non-citizens is constitutional, and the Army would be needed to run them.
If Trump is serious, then he needs to close the border now to get the point across to the Mexican government that the caravan is their responsibility and threaten not only Honduras but Guatemala and Nicaragua and El Salvador that they stand to forfeit US aid but also be subject to a halt in their exports to the US. I'm an immigrant so I feel conflicted but these people albeit desperate are not political refugees. Every country has as its sovereign right the right to determine who can immigrate to it and who can't and in what numbers.
It is all spinning out of control for the NYTs.
They are just mad they weren't included in the bomb hoax.
President Trump is preparing to order...
Exactly how much preparation does it take ( on Trump's part ) to give such an order? I understand it takes a lot of preparation on the part of the armed forces, in terms of logistics, making sure you have the right people, their equipment, supporting services ( food, medical, transport, repairs, etc. ) As well as making sure you aren't pulling people away from other needed work.
All applications for asylum must be made at US consulates in their home country.
That's not true, but it is a better plan. People can go to a port of entry and request asylum, but the waiting list is months to years long. Most wait in Mexico for their interview date.
Lots of Moslems waiting in Tijuana.
Forgot I got a new computer and I became "Unknown" to blogger.
Are we going to treat them — I'm assuming they'll actually reach our border — as invaders, to be repelled like soldiers?
We should treat them like drunks who arrive at the bar after closing: tell them we're closed and to go home.
Henry said...
It's all theater. There are of course people trying to enter every day.
But the George Soros Caravan of Doom is literally on the opposite side of Mexico. They are over 2,000 miles away.
Let me repost my map.
For the first time in decades this isn't theater.
We actually have one leader and one party that wants to protects our borders and isn't owned by the globalists.
We have a choice. A real choice.
They thought they were going to foist Rubio or Jeb on us like they did with Romney and McCain and Bush and Dole and Bush.
It is our party now.
It must be frustrating to have been so close to erasing our borders and repealing the bill of rights. If only Hillary wasn't so bad you guys could have had us under your thumb.
U.S. Customs statistics:
50,000 apprehensions for September is the highest since 2016.
But it's not the highest this year. April and May were both higher.
October's stats will be interesting.
what he has called an “onslaught” of migrants.
Funny how They almost never quote Trump.
I bet he actually said something about "an onslaught of assholes from shithole countries who want to shitholiate the US" and the NYT is covering for him.
Thank you Michael K, why won't the MSM report this is the way to seek asylum.
All, or almost all, comments fail to understand the situation. Our laws are designed for normal times when a few thousand aliens arrive daily and easily separated by the INS at the border between those with valid visas, refugees seeking asylum, and illegal entries. But this is not normal; this is an organized invasion, not immigration, and the system is overwhelmed because it is not designed to deal with this new situation which had not been foreseen by anyone.
So, our immigration laws need to be overhauled, post haste, and aimed at dealing with the situation that actually exists. Call your congress critter!
And, speaking of things that exists, what is with these breathless TV personalities warning us about the alien hordes heading for Texas, Arizona, and California? What about New Mexico?
Once again "one of our 50 is missing!"
Maybe this is the angle by which Trump finally get's the military to build the damn wall
The progressives have the musclebound US Government tied up in lawfare.
Trump cannot deal with this until the laws are changed.
Except perhaps by declaring a rebellion or war by alien invasion to exist and imposing martial law, but he will not have unanimous agreement from the 700-odd Federal judges around the country that he can do that.
Creeping fascists creep
Send the army corp of engineers. Have them set up an encampment for the "migrants", with adequate sanitation, etc. in Mexico (I dare them to stop us), and prevent them from entering.
Let's see what Mexico does with them then.
All applications for asylum must be made at US consulates in their home country.
"That's not true, but it is a better plan. People can go to a port of entry and request asylum, but the waiting list is months to years long. Most wait in Mexico for their interview date."
This gov't website makes it sound like it's OK to sneak in first:
If you are eligible for asylum you may be permitted to remain in the United States. To apply for Asylum, file a Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal, within one year of your arrival to the United States. There is no fee to apply for asylum.
You may include your spouse and children who are in the United States on your application at the time you file or at any time until a final decision is made on your case."
Hagar said...
this is an organized invasion, not immigration, and the system is overwhelmed because it is not designed to deal with this new situation which had not been foreseen by anyone.
This situation is fairly constant and is following a normal pattern that U.S. agencies have dealt with for many years.
U.S. Customs and Border Patrol keeps statistics.
As Trump supporters have pointed out, almost all the separation rules that the Trump administration tried out last Winter had already been tried by the Obama administration in 2014, the last really big year for border crossings. A little foresight would go a long way.
This is a "National Emergency?"
I guess Puerto Ricans will have to threaten to swim to the Florida Coast to compel Trump to respond to their emergency needs from Hurricane Maria a year ago.
B.S. Henry,
You are right that the situation now has existed for many years, but it has not been "dealt with."
This is how we have wound up with some 20-40 million (who knows?) illegal aliens resident in this country.
I'll bet activists are working hard ways to produce a truly great propaganda photo.
Perhaps they'll consult Linda Sarsour on how that's done.
Hagar, I'm not saying it's not an important issue. But it's not new, and everything that is happening now has already happened in the near past.
This is a "National Emergency?"
I guess Puerto Ricans will have to threaten to swim to the Florida Coast to compel Trump to respond to their emergency needs from Hurricane Maria a year ago.
You mean the graft wasn't enough ? Got it.
Well, Cookie, If the Puerto Ricans want to know about "Trump's" - actually FEMA's - response to their emergency needs from hurricane "Maria," they may take a look at their less used docks and airport facilities around the island. The stuff probably is mostly out of date by now annd needs to be cleared away anyway to make room for the response to next year's hurricanes.
Blogger Fernandistein said...
All applications for asylum must be made at US consulates in their home country.
"That's not true, but it is a better plan
It is an obvious proposal that should. be the law.
Yes, Henry, and it has not been "dealt with."
Easily available MPs.
Poor Cookie had to construct a distraction from this topic. The inept and corrupt Puerto Rican government has been unable to restore electricity in all the island after a year. FEMA supported efforts there for a year - plenty long enough- and finally pulled out. Texas seems to have few remaining problems cleaning up after Harvey, thus not deserving of Cookie's sympathies.
GTMO can hold 180 since there are still 40 cells occupied.
Offer Nogales to become a US territory.
Since Mexico doesn’t care about my sovereignty, why should I care about its sovereignty?
Puerto Ricans voted for their government, Cookie, just like Venezuelans and Nicaraguans.
How is that my fault? They have the right of self-determination.
And Chicagoans. They vote for a narco city.
Why not send them to their respective embassies in Mexico?
Cook: "I guess Puerto Ricans will have to threaten to swim to the Florida Coast to compel Trump to respond to their emergency needs from Hurricane Maria a year ago."
There is literally no amount of support that can be provided to leftists that wont be corruptly redirected or simply wasted.
The lefts one true competence across all scenarios is the ability to deliver scarcity and want and deprivation.
But only every single time every single where.
Abraham Lincoln declared an emergency situation to exist and suspended habeas corpus in Maryland and, I think, D.C. The Supreme Court found that he did not have the authority to do that. They prudently waited until the Civil War was over before handing down that decision, but it now stands and is the law of the land.
As crazy as the Democrats already are acting, it would be foolhardy for Trump to impose martial law in the border states, or even just in the border counties.
So, until the laws are changed, INS and the Border Patrol cannot "deal" with the situation.
Call your Congress-critter!
If they invade, not wearing a military uniform; then they'll be arrested. Then they'll need to be detained and housed, so tents make sense. I sure hope the invaders are not violent, but considering they already burned an American flag and keep waving their home nation flag; I get the sense they are not just looking to find a job and become Americans.
Where do 7000 people shit?. The ones in the pictures have very clean looking stylish t-shirts. We could send them all to Howard's place, where he could maybe measure the creep.
The real question is what do we do with the next one and the one after that? Perhaps we could locate them in college towns so our betters could figure a solution out. Sort of interactive inclusive thingy. Or San Francisco??? Portland??? Burlington is nice this time of year. Bernie would be cool with that. I recall a film from Desert Storm, about a convoy. An A-10 was the perfect solution there.
Sara Carter was interviewed by Prager today. She walked with a caravan, talked with Guatemalan Intelligence folks. This caravan is Big trouble people!
The biggest takeaway for me again is why do some people in the know have such loose lips? When I held a TS clearance I was deathly afraid of even inadvertently disclosing something classified. These people certainly don't take their security clearances very seriously.
I hope we have enough razor wire and zip ties. And school buses, to drive them all home again once we have their fingerprints entered in our Do Not Approve Ever file. If Mexico objects to school buses, OK, we'll do C-17's.
The win-win for Trump is to send the troops, guard the border, tell those that arrive that they should stay on the other side, and for those that ignore that advice, capture them and deal with them the way we usually deal with border trespassers. If they come across in big enough numbers we won't be able to stop all of them. Video of those getting past the troops and cops and border control folks will make for a nice anti-Democrat campaign ad.
All Trump has to do is make sure none of the Caravaners gets shot or killed.
You know what the Army Corps of Engineers is really good at building?
I'm waiting to see if Trump shuts the border down. That would get Mexico's attention quickly.
I thought yoh proudly identified as a fascist, Howard?
Or as you euphemize, a "progressive".
Now you're identifying as a creep too?
John Henry
@BUMBLE BEE I am sure the citizens who live in and around Harvard square would welcome the caravaneers with open arms. (I should include Wellesley in there too - and they have more space). Harvard could solve its problem with the Asians by admitting all those of college age regardless of their qualifications thus convincing the Judge in the case that they never,ever, consider race in their admissions policy! (Honest, it's true. The new president wrote me and told me so! I wrote back and politely told him I thought he was full of shit.)
@Mike K At the very least Trump is going to string enough wire at the border to effectively close it. I imagine that the Corps of Engineers can string wire high and deep quickly.
Given the performance of these assholes at the Mexican- Guatemala border you know there is going to be a confrontation. The Wall is becoming more and more obviously the answer.
@BUMBLE BEE You ask an interesting question. The hikers at this point must be leaving a trail of human waste behind them. Yet that never gets mentioned. So either the MSM doesn't smell it or someone is providing all the necessaries for sanitation as well as food, water and shelter for these people. You'd think it would be easy to figure out who that is.
"Are we going to treat them — I'm assuming they'll actually reach our border — as invaders..."
Well, that's what they are, so I hope that's how they are treated. I'm hoping they will turn themselves in without any need for the use of force, and will be treated well while they're processed for deportation. That will unfortunately take some time, and they'll have to be detained for the duration.
That will unfortunately take some time, and they'll have to be detained for the duration.
Can't speak for other border states but here in AZ we simply don't have room to detain a horde of people. We are bursting at the seams with detainees. I say, turn them back preemptively--in Mexico. None of this 'one foot in the US' nonsense. And yes, close the border.
At the very least Trump is going to string enough wire at the border to effectively close it. I imagine that the Corps of Engineers can string wire high and deep quickly.
Some of the AZ/MX border is already fenced, such as the area south of Organ Pipe National Monument south of Ajo.
I'm waiting to see if Trump shuts the border down. That would get Mexico's attention quickly.
Reagan did that to get Kiki Camerena’s body back. We wanted to know what happened to him, they didn’t listen so......
What would happen if the caravan was met with a wall of American citizens standing hand in hand just inside the Mexican border preventing them from reaching the US border?
Abraham Lincoln declared an emergency situation to exist and suspended habeas corpus in Maryland and, I think, D.C. The Supreme Court found that he did not have the authority to do that.
That was a domestic situation.
This is international?
Prediction: the media will characterize the encampments as concentration camps, in a blatant effort to duppprt the “Trump is Hitler” meme.
Blogger Gahrie said...
What would happen if the caravan was met with a wall of American citizens standing hand in hand just inside the Mexican border preventing them from reaching the US border?
Everyone would be really thirsty.
The hikers at this point must be leaving a trail of human waste behind them. Yet that never gets mentioned.
[Mexico’s governmental National Human Rights Commission] says in a statement that its agents have been providing bottled water and medical care for minor injuries .... There are numerous mounds of trash and cast-off clothing.... [Some] migrants have been applying for refugee status in Mexico. Once they’re processed, the migrants are being bused to an open-air, metal-roofed fairground in the city of Tapachula. There, the Red Cross is setting up small blue tents on the concrete floor....The migrants have no fresh supplies of water or food and slept amid garbage that has piled up at the crossing. Without bathrooms, a foul odor wafted through the air.
Just a simple wire service story.
I'm waiting to see if Trump shuts the border down. That would get Mexico's attention quickly.
Force them to negotiate a good neighbor policy with nations south of their border to implement emigration reform and mitigate the collateral damage from immigration reform. The only obstacles are diversity, anti-native, globalist, and Pro-Choice interests.
Send the Army Engineers to the border?. What...are they going to give the migrants math, physics & Chemisty tests to see who gets in?
Chemistry, damnit
Blogger Robert Cook said...
I guess Puerto Ricans will have to threaten to swim to the Florida Coast to compel Trump to respond to their emergency needs from Hurricane Maria a year ago.
Hey, Cookie, go fuck yourself. Then try to find yourself some knowledge.
(NOTE: For those who don't know, I have lived and worked in Puerto Rico since 1971.)
Maria was my 6th hurricane, 4th major one. (Hugo 89, Georges 98, Irma 18, Maria 18). The level of help we got from the US was phenomenal. It dwarfs the aid we got during Georges and Hugo combined.
At one point we had something like 10,000 air force, army, navy and marines on the ground helping out. Plus the PR National Guard, funded by the US taxpayers.
We had something like 6,000 electrical workers from the upper 50 with pole trucks, helocopters, equipment and everything else we needed. We had C5As stacked up over the former Roosevelt Roads naval station with all kinds of relief supplies to be transported by Army trucks that had been (mostly) flown in.
We had 300 or so fuel tankers plus drivers and support staff from Foster Fuels (Virginia) and Macron Energy (Louisiana) running around the island for 6 months or so.
The US taxpayers paid to bring in something like 50,000 replacement power poles from 12" diameter wooden poles to the massive 230KV high voltage towers. Something like 6,000 miles of cable too.
We had hundreds, perhaps thousands of generators sent to PR paid for by the taxpayer. Many of these were never distributed. I suspect many were stolen. See here for pictures of them sitting on Pier 4. And sitting and sitting and sitting. Last time I drove by there, in July, most were gone but there were still dozens. Pics and commentary here and here
All paid for by US taxpayers. Which we are not. We pay no income taxes. Though we do pay SS and other federal taxes.
We had President Trump visit the island right after the storm. He is the first, EVER, president to visit Puerto Rico in the 100 years that Puerto Ricans have been US citizens. (Yeah, Ford did come in 1976 for a meeting of the G8 at Dorado Beach. Flew in, choppered to Dorado, choppered back and flew out. Didn't even wave.)
Do you even know how many BILLION$ the US govt has spent on hurricane relief in the past year.
What I would suggest, after you get finished fucking yourself, is looking up how many. Then tell us how many more Billions the taxpayers should have spent.
John Henry
You are absolutely right about our GOVERNMENT OWNED electric utility (PREPA). It has been a piggy bank for politicians for 50 years and more. It was bankrupt after Maria. When they called out for help, nobody would help without an upfront payment of 25mm or so.
Even the mutual assistance agreement that govt utilities all belong to wanted 10-15mm to cover out of pocket costs for mobilization.
Whitefish Energy, a small company, had Antonovs (the C5As bigger brother) and other chartered aircraft flying in with bucket trucks, helocopters, poles, transformers, insulators and people a week after the wind stopped. They agreed to get started for an upfront payment of $1mm.
The mayor of SJ, who supports independence for PR, started making a fuss. Main reason was because she will fuss about ANYTHING the governor does. Doesn't like President Trump either.
So the governor cancelled the contract even though they were on schedule and budget and getting power restored.
Even though:
The cancellation of the contract was ordered yesterday by Governor Ricardo Rosselló, but in order to do so, the governing Board of PREPA must order it "in the next few days". The cancellation of the contract could mean a delay of 10 to 12 weeks in the restoration of the electric system, devastated by Hurricane Maria.
I have a lot of information about the PR energy situation, historically, looking forward and during the rebuilding at
I probably know more about PREPA than any sane person should and battled them to a standstill and won in the 1980s. The result of the Alcon v PREPA decision has meant cheaper and more reliable power across the US because it made 3rd party generation legal. Some details including a link to the decision here.
John Henry
BTW, Cookie,
We don't need to swim to the US. We have daily non-stop flights to 20-30 US cities out of San Juan.
So go fuck yourself again you racist shit.
John Henry
Actually PREPA had filed for bankruptcy several months before Maria. They were still bankrupt after Maria and nobody but Whitefish would touch them with a bargepole.
John Henry
And one more thing.
To all of you here who are taxpayers as well as those who may have donated to the SallyAnns and other relief organizations:
Thank you. Many of us really do appreciate it.
John Henry
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