Michael...WE LOST
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) October 4, 2018
What more could we have done? We don’t have the Senate or the Presidency.
What more can we do for god sakes?
We should focus on the midterms but stop criticizing without a real world solution.
And frankly what were you doing? https://t.co/Gsg0YX26Wy
११२ टिप्पण्या:
The truth eventually appears to even the dumbest among us.
What else can they do?
Street violence? Assassination? They tried outright bribery with Collins.
Wow, Hollywood's version of the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858......
They could try slandering a man with unproven and unprovable allegations.
For the sake of your Grandchildren be glad these two cannot procreate..
A moment of clarity.
Remember, bad behavoir should never be rewarded or you'll just get more of it. If you didn't like this whole circus over the past couple weeks, you should not reward it by giving the ringmasters what they want.
it's a sad state of affairs, when Igna, i mean Kathy Griffin, is forced to say things that make sense :)
This is a very strange day
I clicked on the link. Sarah Hoyt was right. Lefties are equal parts idiots and evil people.
Yes, I keep saying that. I’m still trying to figure out which is which. For example, would you say Michael Moore is an idiot, an evil person or both?
As I predicted, BK's op ed is already being used to argue the temperament shit. I just heard a radio report which was mostly about that quote the segued into the Stevens hit. This was a blunder because it gives a hook to grab for people like Flake or Collins. If he loses it’s because of this op ed.
I think it's obvious which Moore is, and has been obvious for a very long time.
Kathy Griffin speaks good sense. I've seen a lot of this rhetoric that implies violence in the last few days. Not good.
"Michael...WE LOST"
Sadly, not quite yet.
Bay Area Guy said...
Wow, Hollywood's version of the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858......
That was top 10 all time.
"Freeman Hunt said...
Kathy Griffin speaks good sense. I've seen a lot of this rhetoric that implies violence in the last few days. Not good."
Slow down there Freeman...here is her tweet right before that:
and finally
And frankly what were you doing?
I mean Michael, here I am doing everything I can to resist this administration by cutting off Trump's head in effigy, and there you are not doing anything remotely similar. WHAT ARE YOU DOING MICHAEL! GET ON MY LEVEL!
I agree with Freeman Hunt. The sort of rhetoric that the left has been pushing is the best reason anyone can have for getting a concealed carry permit, and practicing at the range.
Except I disagree with "last few days." It's been going on for a lot longer than the past few days.
Out of an abundance of caution, I have contacted all past high school and college girlfriends. They have agreed to sign sworn affadavits -- just in case -- that all sex was consensual and quite pleasurable.
Mary Jo from 11th Grade is willing to testify that it was the best 3 minutes of her life.
It pays to be careful.
I'd like to know what this fight that Moore demands would look like? Kavanaugh's judicial record is beyond reproach. Sure, people of good faith could disagree with his outlook and decisions, but there is nary an example of incompetence, malfeasance, or corruption in his record. Moore and his ilk know they cannot fight a battle of ideas, so they resorted to gangster tactics against Kavanaugh's character. What more would Moore recommend? What would he do differently?
Scalise and Paul would like it if the other side maybe STOPPED fighting so much and worked on arguing instead.
Moore is a leftwing propagandist. He's on par with the crazy that is Alex Jones.
I suggest Moore move his fat self to Cuba and live with the commoners and enjoy their wonderful health care.
"Slow down there Freeman...here is her tweet right before that: ..."
Heh. Well, she did for a minute anyway.
LOL - curious George.
WE are so fast to give loyal totalitarian leftists the benefit of the doubt.
How does that work out? Never.
I think Kathy Griffith needs to get elected and become the face of the Democrat Party.
Please Run, Kathy!
Freeman Hunt said...
"Slow down there Freeman...here is her tweet right before that: ..."
Heh. Well, she did for a minute anyway.
This is not the first time you mistakenly ascribed good intentions to people who are clearly acting in bad faith.
What more can we do for god sakes?
What should be "for God's sake", though a little bird told me that God drinks tequila.
What more can we do for god sakes?
How about stop acting hysterical and insane to begin with?
If it is fighting (with Michael Moore) to get in line for the smorgasbord and get all the food, I'm afraid we lost.
Can you imagine what the Democrats would do if they ever got control of the Presidency and Congress again?
They're bat shit crazy.
It'd take Kathy Griffin to take Michael Moore seriously.
Wow, Hollywood's version of the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858
That's the one with the monkeys? Who filed a lawsuit to stop people from claiming to be descended from them? Even though Darwin didn't publish until the next year? Asking for a friend?
The Dems are fighting. They are throwing every dirty punch, low blow, kicking and biting.
Trump fights harder. He will attack anyone. And he is very effective at it. He gets right to the weak spot of The Victim Above Reproach. Goes at them effectively.
And the economy is doing well. Real wages up across the board. Black unemployment lowest ever.
While he’s kicking Dems asses at their own game, he’s actually doing a good job unlike Obama and W. Fuck, unemployment has never been this low. Ever. It’s as if Trump was right.
gahrie said...
What more can we do for god sakes?
How about stop acting hysterical and insane to begin with?
Every now and then the left seizes power through elections.
When that fails they always turn to violence and it usually works.
The continued existence of KG and MM on this planet increases Trump's re-election chances.
Elections and success of political movements are largely determined by independents and moderates and not those on the fringes. Fascinating that people like KG and MM think their actions and words might actually help recruit those not already on the fringes (Moore's early work excluded). Best of luck changing hearts and minds with f-u tirades!
Wow, Hollywood's version of the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858......
I just got through reading some of Lincoln's quotes from those debates with my students in US History. It blows the kids minds to read Lincoln saying things like "I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the White and Black races." or "...there is a physical difference between the White and Black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality.."
“It'd take Kathy Griffin to take Michael Moore seriously.”
Exactly. Ever talk to a tweeker? It’s that level of rational discourse.
Bay Area Guy - You are assuming that you have to have known the girl for her to come back against you now.
Michael Moore: start acting!
Kathy Griffin: What were you doing?
Michael Moore: Uh...I'm a director.
Breaking news... Sounds like Flake will vote Yes to confirm...
@Bay Area Guy:
You’re a Mary Jo Alumnius too!
When your weekend’s slow
And you need a blow
You know where to go
Call Mary Jo
There’s many complaints about conservatives being censored off social media but think about it. If people like this are all you see on your Twitter/Facebook views, doesn’t the sane LIV identity with the loonie’s opponents by default? Pushing people like Alex Jones out of view actually serves conservative interests.
Crazy Liberals Fighting at the LA Zoo (with a big stick)!
Crazy liberals beat each other, chase one into a ravine, and in the finale, a liberal follower of Teddy Roosevelt uses a big stick to beat another, all at the Los Angeles zoo.
And they're naked, which is sexual harassment.
The American Left should commit suicide. That'll teach us. We will have a National Day of Remembrance for the rest of time. Alexa or Siri will read off the names of the dead.
This is not the first time you mistakenly ascribed good intentions to people who are clearly acting in bad faith.
10/5/18, 11:28 AM
Freeman Hunt strikes me as a kind person. She is nicer than I am. Kind people sometimes have difficulty recognizing the malevolence of others.
Michael Walsh posits that what he calls the Battle of Kavanaugh is the high water mark of the Resistance. And like Gettysburg there will be a long slog ahead until it is finally polished off.
As someone trying to bring attention to the Left's NewAge tendencies, "stop hoping" are actually encouraging words for me to hear.
Baby steps.
"They tried outright bribery with Collins."
That was just publicized.
Bribery can be outright but unpublicized.
It is indeed extremely common, quid pro quo's delayed until more convenient times.
The most usual sort is post-politics compensation, including sinecures.
Griffin is just servicing her fan base. That's her shtick.
If I required Kathy Griffin to talk sense into me, I'd kill myself.
"though a little bird told me that God drinks tequila."
Jesus drank wine.
Socialists/communists lose
reader said...
"Bay Area Guy - You are assuming that you have to have known the girl for her to come back against you now."
Exactly. It's the ones you didn't screw you have to watch out for.
Daily Caller 10:12 AM
'...Grassley specifically asked for all direct or indirect communications between Ford or her legal team and:
“(1) U.S. Senators or their staffs, particularly the offices of Senators Feinstein and Hirono, other than your communications with me and my staff in preparation for the September 27 hearing; (2) the alleged witnesses identified by Dr. Ford (Leland Keyser, Mark Judge, and Patrick “P.J.” Smyth); and (3) Debbie Ramirez, Julie Swetnick, or their representatives.”
The chairman did not specify what spurred this request. However, the Wall Street Journal may have uncovered a possible reason for it.
The WSJ reported on Thursday night that Keyser, Ford’s life long friend, was pressured to revisit her initial statement. She reportedly accused another one of Ford’s friends, Monica McLean, who is a retired FBI agent, of applying said pressure.'
'...McLean’s name only recently surfaced in the Dr. Ford saga.
Earlier this week, Brian Merrick, an ex-boyfriend of Dr. Ford’s, came forward and said that he witnessed Ford help McLean “prepare for a potential polygraph exam.”
“Dr. Ford explained in detail what to expect, how polygraphs worked and helped McLean become familiar and less nervous about the exam. Dr. Ford was able to help because of her background in psychology,” his statement read in part.'
Brian Merrick was a successful real estate broker in Malibu CA. Was, because now his real estate sales website has gone dark. Since "no good deed goes unpunished" Merrick may now have to find another line of work.
A whole new can pf worms is being opened. The Maclean lawyer is a figure in the DOJ/FBI coup attempt.
Much more is coming out and it's about Trump.
On Thursday, a day after sending to the White House the report on its investigation into the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, the FBI sent the White House and Senate an additional package of information that included text messages from Ms. McLean to Ms. Keyser, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Oh, and McLean’s attorney is…. wait for it,….. David Laufman.
Ms. McLean’s lawyer, David Laufman, said in a statement: “Any notion or claim that Ms. McLean pressured Leland Keyser to alter Ms. Keyser’s account of what she recalled concerning the alleged incident between Dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh is absolutely false.” (continue reading)
If there was any doubt the “small group” of connected DOJ and FBI officials were behind the use of Ms. Ford, you can put that doubt away now that Ms. Ford’s handler, Monica McLean, has enlisted David Laufman as her legal defense.
They’re not even trying to hide it any more.
Michael Bromwich is representing Ms. Ford, and David Laufman is representing Ms. McLean. The concentric Lawfare gang is working overtime, likely pro-bono.
It is beyond obvious now that Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford was not just some random ancillary high school acquaintance of Brett Kavanaugh; Ms. Ford appears to have been selected by a group of politically connected FBI and DOJ officials for the purpose of targeting Judge Kavanaugh.
All of these DOJ and FBI people are part of a tight network.
The links there are worth looking at.
There should be more candlelight vigils and pussyhat marches.
Ford’s use of Dem Operative Lawyers is good evidence she is lying. These people don’t even bother to disguise it anymore.
If Perkins Coie is the firm representing you, we know you are scum
Blogger Michael K said...
A whole new can pf worms is being opened. The Maclean lawyer is a figure in the DOJ/FBI coup attempt.
I have noticed a peculiarity about Ford's testimony.
About the alleged sexual assault, The only thing she was absolutely certain of was that Kavanaugh did it. Date and place were vague.
If Ford had named a date or place, Kavanaugh could potentially prove his innocence. He could have shown that it was impossible for him to have been at a party on that date. The place could be shown not to match Ford's description, or not to have existed at all.
The only thing Ford was certain of was the one thing that could torpedo Kavanaugh's nomination, and it could not possibly be disproven by proving her other memories of the incident could not possibly be true.
I don't think that Ford came up with this gambit on her own.
Bottom line: Mass graves are good for communards. It worked in Paris.
They're so full of themselves.
This is going to cost the Democrats in the mid terms. It is going to shrink the audience who watches the network news and reads the printed media. The goal wasn't to prove Kavanaugh did anything, but to make Republicans afraid. I wondered what they would hear when they went home last weekend. Probably the worst thing imaginable for Democrats; no one was paying attention except the Republican base who now will turn out in November. So they voted to move the process forward and will confirm on the weekend.
The key to remember in all these things is this simple fact. News coverage doesn't matter anymore. Broad distribution media doesn't exist anymore. Twitter isn't broadcast, it is a very narrow slice of people. The dozen or so twists and turns of this story over the week were followed by a very small number of noisy people who can safely be ignored.
And what is even worse for the Democrats is that Republicans have figured out what Trump figured out three years ago.
Wow, 2 "D" grade entertainers are the go to experts for the Dems. LOL - that party is going down.
It's springtime in New Zealand.
In this case, maybe Twitter is a good thing. It gives an outlet for the pathologically narcissistic to pretend they're Important People debating Vital Things for the Greater Good.
Isn't the water in Flint, MI tainted with lead??
Poor Kathy is unconsciously restating an old Soviet Communist Party method of deflecting blame from one's own failures to something beyond one's control. For 5-year farm production plans, the commissar who only produced 50% of his annual goal of wheat would blame "objective externalities" such as rain, or lack of rain. For Kathy, it is the lack of Dem majority in the Senate and a Republican President. It isn't her fault!
Now the Party can approve a revised plan, without sending any of the Party faithful (like Kathy!) to the gulag.
I wonder if she will ever acknowledge how many Trump votes her comedy produced before 2016, and how many more Trump voters she has produced since then.
I think in the past two years the comments section for this blog has gone from about 70 percent on the right to about 95 percent. Any comment in the middle or left of middle is sure to get multiple nasty responses -- idiot, fucking thug, sicko, insane, lying bitch, communist, etc etc. Their goal is to destroy the country and they all belong in "mass graves." You ascribe the worst possible motives to everyone with a differing viewpoint.
Consider the wise words of Christopher Hitchens:
“I had become too accustomed to the pseudo-Left new style, whereby if your opponent thought he had identified your lowest possible motive, he was quite certain that he had isolated the only real one. This vulgar method, which is now the norm and the standard in much non-Left journalism as well, is designed to have the effect of making any noisy moron into a master analyst.”
You have picked up some of the worst characteristics of the left. Congrats!
Best that you simply talk to one another. You all get real mean and go in attack mode whenever your views are challenged in the slightest.
Lewis W
Not so goddamned fast dude. She remembers clearly she had one beer.
Yes, J. Edgar Hoover is laughing from his villa in Hades. He knew how stupid the deplorables are. They will vote against their own interests out of spite, and prejudice to erect a lion huckster in Schlump.
Mississippi Goddam
Nina Simone
The name of this tune is Mississippi goddam
And I mean every word of it
Alabama's gotten me so upset
Tennessee made me lose my rest
And everybody knows about Mississippi goddam
Alabama's gotten me so upset
Tennessee made me lose my rest
And everybody knows about Mississippi goddam
Can't you see it
Can't you feel it
It's all in the air
I can't stand the pressure much longer
Somebody say a prayer
Alabama's gotten me so upset
Tennessee made me lose my rest
And everybody knows about Mississippi goddam
This is a show tune
But the show hasn't been written for it, yet
Hound dogs on my trail
School children sitting in jail
Black cat cross my path
I think every day's gonna be my last
Lord have mercy on this land of mine
We all gonna get it in due time
I don't belong here
I don't belong there
I've even stopped believing in prayer...
I'd like to know what this fight that Moore demands would look like?
The point is to never look like you lose, so you never look weaker than your opponent. The arc of history is long, and all that crap. Nothing is a setback. It's all a long march to an inevitable conclusion which can only leave our side totally victorious and the other side totally vanquished.
Thus Trump didn't win, he was illegitimately elected. Kavanaugh didn't get confirmed, he's being impeached. The economy isn't doing well because of tax cuts and deregulation, it's doing just as Obama left it.
The core Democrats can't allow even the hint that all might not be going to plan. That's their weak point, their Achilles heel.
You have picked up some of the worst characteristics of the left. Congrats!
We learned from you.
Blogger steve uhr said...
I think in the past two years the comments section for this blog has gone from about 70 percent on the right to about 95 percent
Steve, meanwhile the leftist commenters have shown lock step accompaniment of the DNC talking points, word for word.
Is there any doubt in the minds of you lefty commenters that Blasey Ford might be wrong ?
Just asking. Also, you might ask Brian Banks if women ever lie.
steve uhr said...
I think in the past two years the comments section for this blog has gone from about 70 percent on the right to about 95 percent.
Expect more of this in the next few weeks.
What we saw at that hearing Thursday last week was an abomination. It was Kafkaesque, the shameful, purposeful attempted destruction of a fine man without a kernel of evidence. And they knew what they were doing. Our left today is monstrous. Leftists learned well from the Clintons' politics of personal destruction. It has always worked before; why not now? Not now because of Trump. He fights back. And Kavanaugh stands tall.
Another torpedo is circling back to its origin.
Blogger Ignorance is Bliss said...
steve uhr said...
I think in the past two years the comments section for this blog has gone from about 70 percent on the right to about 95 percent.
That, of course, is not counting Inga and Ritmo.
Absolutely keep focus on November, Democrats, liberals and progressives won’t move forward until we win back the House and Senate.
“Best that you simply talk to one another. You all get real mean and go in attack mode whenever your views are challenged in the slightest.”
Many here have been emboldened by Trump, maybe one day the worst of them will crawl under the rocks from whence they came. You know who you are.
I think it quite suggestive that the day pundits indicate as the most likely date of the assault on Christine Blasey Ford, namely July 1, 1982, is the day the Congressional page scandal hit the papers. CBS News broke the story the day before, the centennial of Garfield's assassin being hanged. The day after the supposed party, July 2, the 101st anniversary of Garfield being shot, Kavanaugh according to the calendar went to the beach. If he was going to Ocean City, then he probably took 50, which would take him by Annapolis and Salisbury. Perhaps you have noticed that places with these names have been in the news this year for strange murders and attempted murder. It's well to keep in mind that Georgetown Prep is at Strathmore near Rockville and not too far off from Kensington.
Witness tampering by Blasey Ford and her corrupt Schumer insider leftist lawyer.
FBI has text messages between Monica MClain & Blasey.
A cage match between two moral midgets. I hope they both lose.
The same people who wiped Hillary clean and manufactured the fake Russian collusion BS - are in charge of Blasey Ford and her concocted story.
With very rare exception, lefties are nasty little shits. The few that aren’t can generally be expected to grow out of it.
- Krumhorn
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Best that you simply talk to one another. You all get real mean and go in attack mode whenever your views are challenged in the slightest.”
Many here have been emboldened by Trump, maybe one day the worst of them will crawl under the rocks from whence they came. You know who you are.
Now that we know Blasey Ford and her friend Ms. McLean are thugs intimidating witnesses of course Inga is going to start casting aspersions.
You are an awful person and your political tribe are going to be destroyed because they are amoral people trying to destroy the republic.
Ford and all of the people she has been working with the last several months committing conspiracy to commit perjury and conspiracy to commit witness tampering will soon be charges.
steve uhr said...
You have picked up some of the worst characteristics of the left. Congrats!
Best that you simply talk to one another. You all get real mean and go in attack mode whenever your views are challenged in the slightest.
Told you you wouldn't like it when we started treating you like you treated us.
You brought the insect politics and acted horribly.
Don't be surprised when people who act like insects are treated like insects.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "The same people who wiped Hillary clean and manufactured the fake Russian collusion BS - are in charge of Blasey Ford and her concocted story."
From Laufman on down, the exact same crew.
Amazing. The biggest political scandal in our nations history: The Unsurprising Story Of Empowered Leftists Going Full Stasi On Domestic Political Opponents
"The core Democrats can't allow even the hint that all might not be going to plan."
Like all totalitarian leftists/Stalinists before them, our lefties instinctively know that to allow even the slightest deviation from their lunatic theories or anyone to question their core beliefs and assumptions and logic inevitably, in-ev-it-a-bly, leads to the entire lefty house of cards and lies to come crashing down.
The lefties in the west cheered, literally cheered, Soviet tanks in Hungary in '56 and in Prague in '68. Our lefties are no different.
Steve Uhr stands accused of having voted for Hillary Clinton. Of course he denies it, and the vehemence of his denial does not speak well for his temperament. Shall we grant him the presumption of innocence? In the absence of any evidence one way or another, let's just say that he will bear the stain of this accusation for a long time.
How do you like your new rules now?
Best that you simply talk to one another.
Totally agree. Since the left's only contribution to any conversation is how blue shoes prove racism / sexism / homophobia all conversations are better without them.
maybe one day the worst of them will crawl under the rocks from whence they came. You know who you are.
Yes, clinging to guns and religion.
Collins voted yes so the bribe doesn't seem to have worked.
Oh, snap ! Another Democrat ploy that didn't work.
Another "believe the women" case run amok.
David Garcia, the Democrat candidate for governor in Arizona, has vocally opposed Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, citing the sexual assault allegations against the judge. But last month, Sal James Rivera, a donor friend — and co-host for Garcia's campaign events — was arrested for sexual assault, which allegedly took place after a Garcia campaign event.
Oh snap !
it just so happens mclean's lawyer, is deepstate going back to the 80s, company analyst, congressional staffer, iran contra, October surprise, Gingrich investigation,
until February he was justice counter intelligence chief, some emails suggest a reticence to pursue crossfire hurricane, but not a deliberate act to end it,
For some reason I read Michael Moore's line as "When is our side going to wake up and start EATING?"
Drago - yep. Exact same crew.
Is it true that Kavanaugh wasn't on Trump's original list? If so, who put the bug in Trump's ear? If this is true, that was the set-up. This was in the works from the get go. Kavanaugh had the bad luck to be the one with a history that could be twisted. And think of that - he was a pawn used from the very beginning. I wonder if he's considered that his nomination had nothing to do with how fit he might be to be a SCJ.
How about stop acting hysterical and insane to begin with?
Liberals are not crazy ... they're evil. Don't conflate one with the other.
asi mismo (you betcha)
moore like rolling moss's taibbi are allowed to speak a truth, re trump's viability, everything else is narrative,
[Southern accent, horn-rimmed glasses] "WELL WUT THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO, YOU MORON!?"
Not only did steve uhr vote for Hillary, but a friend of mine who says he knew him in the '90s said that he was trashing all of the women, I mean "lying sluts" who were accusing Bill at the time, making online comments after Juanita Broaddrick's interview appeared on TV that she was obviously a frustrated whore.
I can't believe you would deny it steve.
This just in: The New York Times has noticed that the First Lady likes to wear...
White Hats!
She's a white woman. Wearing a *white* hat. IN AFRICA. The fabled "Dark Continent". **
** People used to refer Africa as a "Dark Continent" as in "In darkest Africa..." This wasn't a play on the color of the natives, but referenced to the fact that until well in the 1870s the African interior was unknown and unexplored. In many 18th and 19th century maps, the interior of Africa was just shown with dark shading and caption "unknown".
"Is it true that Kavanaugh wasn't on Trump's original list? If so, who put the bug in Trump's ear? If this is true, that was the set-up. This was in the works from the get go. Kavanaugh had the bad luck to be the one with a history that could be twisted. And think of that - he was a pawn used from the very beginning. I wonder if he's considered that his nomination had nothing to do with how fit he might be to be a SCJ."
Neither Kavanaugh nor Gorsuch was on Trump's original May 2016 list of 11 judges. Gorsuch was added in September 2016.
We need to keep Trump alive now. I'm donating blood, a kidney, and my very large hands. This man must stay alive and President until Ginsburg sings Kumbaya with Jesus... or Satan, or maybe they could all Skype together.
Anyway, God Bless you Trumpettes and lukewarm Trump voters like me. You done good, real good.
Kavanaugh was added to Trump's list, along with Barrett and three others, in November 2017. Maybe to entice Kennedy to retire?
And frankly what were you doing?
Getting to the truth of what's really going on out there, for one. And spreading that word further and louder than anyone else.
What's her fucking problem? He said it's stupid to place one's hopes in the FBI and Jeff Flake, and she disagrees?
She is DEFINITELY part of the problem.
Michael K said...
The truth eventually appears to even the dumbest among us.
The man speaks from personal experience!
Except for that thing about "the truth."
I see failed molecular biology student Ritmo has gotten off the day shift at McD's.
I see Michael K hasn't gotten his nursemaid to change his Depends undergarments.
"Liberals are not crazy ... they're evil. Don't conflate one with the other."
You are the face of evil, lion Doug. You believe in evils like lion Trump & the lion GOP. You are also crazy. You can conflate one with the other if you so desire.
The reason the Democrats do not hold the House, the Senate or the Presidency is they continue lurching Leftward and hating on a very nice country.
No one likes that save the Kool Aid drinkers.
But they refuse to change their ideology and continue to lose.
The last original idea Moore ever had was about 200 pounds ago.
Scum, talking to and about scum, on a medium designed for failed comedians (check, check) and successful hecklers (check, check).
Twitter delenda est.
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