... Trump isn't an impetuous, wildly swinging idiot. What if he is what he says, a political genius?
Let's see how far the WaPo journalists go:
Again and again, President Trump was instructed not to do it. A cadre of advisers, confidants and lawmakers all urged him — implored him, really — not to personally attack the women who had accused Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh of sexual assault.The reporters don't tie it all up. In fact the headline at the article is toned down from the one on the front page which you see in my image at the top of this post. At the article, there's less credit to Trump. It's just: "‘Willing to go to the mat’: How Trump and Republicans carried Kavanaugh to the cusp of confirmation." But the facts are there in the article. Trump critiqued Ford's testimony in clear powerful terms — something everyone else was afraid to do. He recognized that Kavanaugh's presentation on Fox News wasn't compelling (even though it was what the pushers of the "judicial temperament" argument claimed they needed to see). And during the hearing, after Ford testified, Trump performed a public routine of "seesawing" about whether Kavanaugh could make it, lighting the fire on him to shed his establishment guy/Bush guy demeanor and talk more like Trump.
So he did it anyway.
Addressing thousands at a boisterous rally in Mississippi, Trump relied on his own visceral sense of the moment and mocked Christine Blasey Ford for gaps in her memory, directly impugning the accuser’s credibility.
Establishment Republicans initially reacted with horror. But Trump’s 36-second off-script jeremiad proved a key turning point toward victory for the polarizing nominee, White House officials and Kavanaugh allies said, turbocharging momentum behind Kavanaugh just as his fate appeared most in doubt....
Trump had no particular personal affinity for Kavanaugh, although a dinner was arranged between the two men and their wives to cultivate a relationship. “I don’t even know him,” the president told the Mississippi crowd, “so it’s not like, ‘Oh, gee, I want to protect my friend.’ ”...
“Kavanaugh’s an establishment guy. He was a Bush guy,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), referencing the nominee’s experience as White House staff secretary under President George W. Bush. “There was a lot of pushback, you know — ‘Don’t go [down] that road,’ ‘That’s not why you won,’ and he said, ‘Wait a minute. I want to pick the best people to be on the court I can,’ and he said he was incredibly impressed by his background, just the whole package of Kavanaugh.”...
[Kavanaugh's Fox News interview] was widely criticized — “objectively a horrible idea,” in the words of one White House official. Kavanaugh appeared wooden and dispassionate, sticking only to a few talking points, and Trump, an avid consumer and critic of television news, thought he appeared weak and unconvincing....
[The Judiciary Committee hearing with Ford and Kavanaugh] left the president seesawing from fatalism to enthusiasm about Kavanaugh’s confirmation prospects.
When Ford had finally finished, [White House counsel Don] McGahn spoke privately to Kavanaugh, who had not watched, urging him to be passionate. “Speak from your heart,” McGahn advised the nominee, according to someone familiar with their discussion.
Kavanaugh roared into the committee room and shouted his opening statement, which he had personally written the night before with the help of one trusted clerk. The hotly defiant performance was so effective in the eyes of his advisers — and, perhaps most importantly, of the president — that a group gathered in Vice President Pence’s Capitol Hill office began to cheer and pump their fists. Some even had tears in their eyes.
The hearing galvanized activists on both sides and left jittery senators — including Flake, one of 11 Republicans on the Judiciary Committee — torn between competing accounts and party loyalties.... McConnell spoke with Trump and convinced him that the only option was to delay a vote and move forward with the FBI probe....
On the campaign trail... Trump ratcheted up the partisan warfare at his rallies. In Mississippi, the president — already fuming over a New York Times investigation into his family’s allegedly fraudulent tax schemes — felt the media was not properly scrutinizing Ford’s account and decided to engage.
“How did you get home? ‘I don’t remember,’ ” Trump said, reenacting Ford’s hearing. “How did you get there? ‘I don’t remember.’ Where is the place? ‘I don’t remember.’ How many years ago was it? ‘I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.’ ”
The riff lasted less than a minute, but had lasting ramifications. The senators whose votes Kavanaugh was wooing said they were aghast at the president’s rally-stage behavior. But Kavanaugh allies saw a clear benefit: An argument by the president that bucked up Kavanaugh, discredited Ford and became a clarion call for conservatives.
More than two dozen Trump supporters interviewed at the president’s campaign rally Thursday in Minnesota said they wish he had not gone after Ford, fretting that doing so was not presidential. Yet many also acknowledged the president had simply spoken aloud what many of them thought privately.
That's all in the article, but with no strongly stated bottom line, Trump haters can shrug it off and cling to their belief that Trump is an impetuous idiot.
२४४ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 244 पैकी 201 – 244Merrick Garland seen turning in a job application at Starbucks.
"Ritmo just throws their name out like an idiot because, well, he is an idiot."
PPPT strikes me as a "You Can't Hug Kids With Nuclear Arms" type of guy.
Fascinating, considering the Koch brothers oppose Trump and his agenda.
But you were not a Trumpist until the RNC gave you no other choice.
Trump opposes free trade but he is definitely a rich guys first guy. So it's not much better.
His tax cut debt increase was a total hedge fund giveaway.
Trump is president for his own sense of personal glory and to do whatever he can for his secretly unaccounted for estate and wherever it came from.
Darrell: "Merrick Garland seen turning in a job application at Starbucks. Sad"
Even sadder, some dude named Brett got there first and got the job!
Ritmo, your statement, "I'm with the people, wherever they might be. 320 million of them so we kind of spread out easily." is either clumsy self-parody or the outburst of a seriously dysfunctional mind. I have rarely seen a more paradigm example of neurotic paranoia.
Is it not obvious you cannot be with the people since you obviously disagree with at least some of the people? Or perhaps you're just a garden variety Robespierre?
PPPT: "But you were not a Trumpist until the RNC gave you no other choice."
This is apparently supposed to mean something. I guess.
I'm willing to give PPPT the benefit of the doubt on that one.
In what other games do you like to play by the wrong set of rules?
In the one where Republicans pretend that massive wealth transfers up the income ladder are in their historical favor when it comes to keeping republics from falling apart.
Due Process just won 50-48 against the forces of evil.
It is a good thing democrats will never have 49 senators again for a generation.
PPPT also appears to be very very very upset that European and Asian zillion-aires can no longer utilize the NAFTA loopholes to screw over American workers and industries.
I wonder why that might be?
Next up:
The RED Dawn of Renewal cancels out the Blue Wave of Death.
Is it not obvious you cannot be with the people since you obviously disagree with at least some of the people?
Democracy is not about minority rule. Even republicanism isn't really about whatever kind of permanent minority rule that you prefer.
Open the enterprise up and make it actually relevant for those not "earning" 7-figure salaries or yearly interest figures.
What are you afraid of?
PPPT also appears to...
...to not say the things that you attribute to him.
But since when has accuracy been something that matters to you or your politics?
PPPT: "In the one where Republicans pretend that massive wealth transfers up the income ladder are in their historical favor when it comes to keeping republics from falling apart"
The massive wealth transfers were achieved by the combined globalist efforts over the last 40 years to deliver American wealth to overseas nations, entities and individuals.
Yet you support the deals that led to the transfer of that $11 Trillion.
But you position yourself on this thread as opposing wealth transfer.
Looks like someone recalibrated their History Reset Button to fire every 15 minutes as opposed to every 24 hours.
We'll simply have to wait and see if PPPT accelerates that timing to every 5 minutes.
Personally, I think he can do it and I'm rooting for him!
Machiavelli agreed with Drago on the importance of appearances as if they were realities.
I have to say, to PPPT's credit, he has not yet blamed human feces on the sidewalks of San Francisco on poor service at Appleby's or something.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
In what other games do you like to play by the wrong set of rules?
In the one where Republicans pretend that massive wealth transfers up the income ladder are in their historical favor when it comes to keeping republics from falling apart.
I particularly like that the blue state millionaires are squealing and paying more since the Trump tax reform where taxes on wage earners were cut.
Trump actually raised taxes on rich people and cut them for poor people.
And the 2nd and 3rd quintile are seeing increasing wages for the first time in over 30 years.
Is it any wonder that Trump is extremely popular among working class Americans?
PPPT: "Machiavelli agreed with Drago on the importance of appearances as if they were realities."
PPPT's History Reset Button keeps him from remembering the "Dr" Ford literally wrote the book on "recovered memories" and "creating artificial memories".
That's what makes PPPT so much fun.
The lamentations of the fibbin' women and little shitmo.
The massive wealth transfers were achieved by the combined globalist efforts over the last 40 years to deliver American wealth to overseas nations, entities and individuals.
I've got news for you, Dillweed. What Trump and his minions mean by "globalism" is the fact that the U.S. won WWII and set the postwar liberal international order. And it's a good thing we did. It would have looked a lot worse if we hadn't.
WHat people don't like is the way the Reaganites and their CCC buddies and everyone else said that free trade with no equivalent labor/environmental standards was what we should have been "forced" to do next.
Or that developing China's economy for them in the 1990s was the only way we could avoid some mythical hypothetically inevitable "war" with them that never somehow would have come to pass.
It does not mean that Putin's Russia is our friend and that we all need to look up to and go along with that guy the way you guys feel in your emotional bond with him.
All the other differences in America over this stuff can be bridged. But Trump isn't interested in that.
Trump actually raised taxes on rich people and cut them for poor people.
Only someone who believes in the myth of Trump as a "self-made man" would believe this line of nonsense. He gave a pittance to these supposedly "overtaxed" poverty cases and took the bulk of the package to the hedge fund managers. Trump loves wealth and he loves to endear himself to the wealth, first and foremost. Being a phony working-case hero just helps him stay in office to cement these gains to his estate.
And the 2nd and 3rd quintile are seeing increasing wages for the first time in over 30 years.
Oh, I'm sure it will be very significant. Enough to reverse their recently increased death rate?
Is it any wonder that Trump is extremely popular among working class Americans?
Achilles is happy to report this dispatch bulletin from his red state bunker in Oregon. Right. I'm sure there's lots of evidence that MI, WI, OH, PA voters love Trump and find him to be their hero.
PPPT: "I've got news for you, Dillweed. What Trump and his minions mean by "globalism" is the fact that the U.S. won WWII and set the postwar liberal international order. And it's a good thing we did. It would have looked a lot worse if we hadn't."
I love the part where PPPT writes the lefties out of all the Trade agreements. I especially like the part that now its Reagans fault Bill Clinton signed NAFTA!!
The History Reset Button is a very tricky thing. Not as tricky as locating some OWS types penis (which PPPT is very interested in), but still, pretty tricky.
Real Time with Bill Maher 10/05/2018: Doris Kearns Goodwin warns why "we" must stop this president, before Bill Maher asks her if Trump runs a cult.
That's Bill Maher, who gave a million dollars to Obama's campaign, making things like this happen.
This will be the jumping off point for the next blog post on The Macho Response.
I love the part where PPPT writes the lefties out of all the Trade agreements. I especially like the part that now its Reagans fault Bill Clinton signed NAFTA!!
Oh, right. Bill Clinton. Real left-wing guy. I almost forgot.
Signature Clinton "achievements": Crime bill, welfare "reform," Glass-Steagall repeal, DOMA, Don't Ask Don't Tell and of course NAFTA.
Was it his Republican-raised Goldwater-supporting wife who steered him there or his whoremongering Republican consultant Dick Morris?
I guess this is the part where we have to believe that Republicans are all into environmental protection because of Nixon's signing of the EPA.
You're a pretty astute guy, Drago. Any other moronic political chestnuts you'd like to roll on over?
The zeitgeist is beginning to blow up a storm now that the 5th vote is sitting on the Court. The delayed Declassification Day arrives Monday. But the Media has been painfully transforming its posture on Trump during the 2 week delay. All that Russia Russia - its a illegitimate election hokum must be replaced and forgotten. The always admired their President. Really they did. The just had an attack of allergies that made them cranky.
Kudos to the Crack Emcee. His talent wins over more and more readers.
Sloanasaurus! There's a blast from the past!
interesting about raul, as the head of the army and as such he has his hand in practically every part of the Cuban economy, I thought he would be more in the 'which method catches more mice, like deng xiaping, but he's turned out more like xi ping, a doctrinaire Marxist,
Ritmo sounds almost sane when writing about the genome,. Too bad he flunked out.
Venter was the first to decipher genes. The "Genome" was a helical structure but nobody knew what it said.
You're welcome Ritmo.
machiavellli is an interesting fellow, but not for the reasons one ordinarily thinks, he was a diplomat and political strategist, who was less able in the former category, but he was very good at black propaganda, ala david axelrod or james carville, he worked for an actual sociopath the younger Borgia, and hence it was his tactics he recommended to the Medicis after he had lost his employer, in a political shake up, those who did not follow his advice, like Catherina di Sforza, the duchess of imola, who was sexually assalted by his earlier client, he depicted in a disreputable light, it was actually Elizabeth lew, who uncovered the 5 centuries of defamation, and hence served as source for Dorothy Dunnett's revisionist tales
why was the passage of nafta, followed by the devaluation of the peso, and the first of many tbtf global bailouts, because Robert rubin, the fellow who held the mexico account, in addition who merged two different pipelines into Enron and picked ken lay as ceo, could not be held accountable,
Rubin was certainly behind the manipulation of the Peso.
He was telling Bill Clinton what to do when Clinton made his famous statement that, if reincarnation was real, he wanted to come back as the Bond Market.
Goldman Sachs has been running US financial policy for 40 years.
PPPT: "Oh, right. Bill Clinton. Real left-wing guy. I almost forgot"
It's more of a calendar thing as opposed to a party thing.
You should buy a calendar and then you'll see.
PPPT is going full "Dr" Ford and "recovering" all kinds of "artificial realities".
It's gotta beat the heck outta whatever else he has going on.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
Trump actually raised taxes on rich people and cut them for poor people.
Only someone who believes in the myth of Trump as a "self-made man" would believe this line of nonsense. He gave a pittance to these supposedly "overtaxed" poverty cases and took the bulk of the package to the hedge fund managers. Trump loves wealth and he loves to endear himself to the wealth, first and foremost. Being a phony working-case hero just helps him stay in office to cement these gains to his estate.
Bob Menendez, democrat who only likes the newest youngest girls, is going to lose.
During your assault on due process attacking Kavanaugh I missed your denunciations of Menendez.
Probably because you support him.
It is kinda sad to watch you humiliate yourself and be so morally corrupt.
Trump's got lousy character. But he fights.
Trump's not presidential in his tweets. But he fights.
Trump's often exaggerating so wildly, that he can be accused of lying; and is accused.
But he fights.
Trump won the Rep primaries because Rep voters know from bitter experience, that not fighting means losing. Maybe gracefully losing, but losing.
We wanted a fighter.
Trump fights. And mostly wins. And Reps are NOT NOT NOT tired of winning.
I was referring to this in a post that went 404:
It is kinda sad to watch you humiliate yourself and be so morally corrupt.
No it isn't.
Mongol General: What is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their wome
Except Ritmo has never had a woman.
“This man fights.” — Abraham Lincoln
I missed your denunciations of Menendez.
Probably because you support him.
I'm actually not registered to vote in New Jersey. Are you?
Or are you caught once again in one of your Putinesque fugues where you believe that a Trump supporting moron from Oregon like you actually gets to decide other states' senators for them?
Putin cancelled regional elections. No wonder you fools think you can do the same.
He gave a pittance to these supposedly "overtaxed" poverty cases
How do you give a tax cut to people who don't pay taxes?
Too bad he flunked out.
Venter was the first to decipher genes.
Wrong again!
Yet again, MORON!
Which was the first gene to be sequenced?
Adriana Heguy, Professor of Pathology at NYU Langone Medical Center
Answered Mar 30 2016 · Author has 2.1k answers and 30.9m answer views
Interestingly, the first nucleic acid to be sequenced was a tRNA from yeast, in 1965[1] by Cornell university scientists. They got the sequence (55 nucleotides) by a combination of digestion with two different ribonucleases and then characterizing the different composition of the different fragments until the actual sequence was figured out. But this was not really sequencing a gene, since what they sequenced was the tRNA directly.
The first gene(s) sequenced were those of the bacteriophage Lambda PhiX174[2], using the landmark technology known as Sanger sequencing (chain termination using dideoxynucleotides). The phage has 11 genes so those were the first sequenced.
The first eukaryotic genes to be sequenced were the ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes from Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog), followed closely by other rRNA genes from yeast, silkworm, and others. This is because these were amongst the first genes to be cloned (meaning inserting in a plasmid vector that allowed for their propagation in bacteria, yielding sufficient quantities of DNA to be sequenced.
And the first gene to be not only sequenced but produced through industrial recombinant means for medical purposes was Eli Lily's Insulin. This occurred in 1982, a good ten to fifteen years before Venter was getting Perkin Elmer to help him figure out the whole other kit.
It's a good thing that imbecilic narcissistic surgeons can't teach themselves how to treat diabetes. Damn, are you stupid! It really is that hard for you just to read the fucking dictionary or some other easily accessible resource, isn't it?
The "Genome" was a helical structure but nobody knew what it said.
And it's not "speaking" to you, either, dumbass. Just like most sane people.
It said, "mRNA, make tRNA from me and convert it into a string of amino acids that make peptides. And then copy me so that I can be inherited in subsequent generations, including the imbecilic Michael Kennedy genes for stupidity!"
Yeah, they knew it was passed on from generation to generation as the material that Gregor Mendel postulated a half century earlier. So they knew it "said" that much.
You really are one of the dumbest fucking piehole possessors in the history of the internets. You should speak at a conference on this stuff someday.
Just can't make morons like you up. But keep insulting me every time you say another asinine piece of ignorant bullshit. Someday that might help you.
You are running out of steam ritmo.
I guess drooling rage muppets get tired eventually.
Please tell us again why rising wages and 4% growth and more jobs and fewer wars are bad for us.
That is after you get done defending Keith Ellison for beating two women.
I especially liked how you aren't registered to vote in New Jersey and that makes it OK for democrats to run a child rapist senator there.
I mean that is first class.
I especially liked how you aren't registered to vote in New Jersey and that makes it OK for democrats to run a child rapist senator there.
There is no better example of how deeply your hatred for democracy burns. If a NJ senator is not being charged with a crime maybe the people of NJ should decide on who represents them. As a matter of fact, that's how the Constitution works. Ever read it? Go check out Amendment 17. Stop reading about grow lights and industrial steroid production and read the fucking constitution, you Russian Nazi. You'll sound like an actual American, for once.
OTOH, the people of the U.S. are overwhelmingly opposed to your Republican agenda, replete with all its lies and the numbers on the books that Trump cooks. How much does he really have? You don't know. You're happy to support his mythology because faith means more to you than fact and he's the "savior" you want to believe him. Pledge your children's blood on him. I don't care.
And they are not interested in having a belligerent blackout drunk on the bench, forcing pregnancies to term and letting employers kill their employees with impunity. They don't like his character and the way he lied and couldn't control his temperament.
They don't like gerrymandering, bought-and-paid-for elections, voter suppression or any of the rest of it. Go deal with that. Ask them what they want. Get out of your little village and go around the entire country, including those cities that scare you so.
Get your head out of your ass, your eyes off your navel, and learn that there is an entire world out there beyond you and your need to have a phony daddy-god in the office.
THat's it.
If a NJ senator is not being charged with a crime maybe the people of NJ should decide on who represents them. As a matter of fact, that's how the Constitution works.
I'm glad you are finally OK with the constitutional/electoral processes that got BK confirmed! But Garden State Roy Moore is charged with a crime, and faces trial again, he wasn't found not guilty, he just dodged a conviction.
Hey PP! What do you call a twelve year old Jersey Girl who can run faster than Bob Menendez? A virgin!
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