After watching Republican senators' shameful performance in this week's Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, I'm more certain than ever that it is a moral imperative for Democrats to take back control of Congress this November and the White House in 2020.Shameful? What was shameful?
Chuck Grassley shouldn't be chairing a congressional committee. People like Lindsey Graham shouldn't be Senators.People like Lindsey Graham? What does that even mean?! There's a heavy moralistic tone here, but it's so conclusory that I see they're only trying to reach me if I happen to have already taken umbrage and am up for conclusory statements and slurs.
People like Donald Trump shouldn't be appointing anyone to a lifetime term on our nation's highest court., Lindsey Graham and their Republican colleagues...That's how it looks in the original. Something got cut. I don't know why the DNC is centralizing Graham (other than that he made the most fiery statement during the hearing).
... have shown that they have no interest in seriously investigating the sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh -- and Donald Trump has demonstrated time and again that he lacks the temperament and judgment to make an appointment to our highest court.I thought Trump was making very sober choices, deferring to the experts on the conservative judiciary. I can't think of anything he's done wrong in picking Supreme Court nominees (other than that he's picking conservatives).
My promise to you as CEO of the Democratic National Committee is that I will do every last thing in my power in the next 39 days to fight back against these Republicans. Right now, I'd like to ask for your help."Every last thing"?
This Sunday is the final end-of-quarter deadline before Election Day, and every contribution made before Sunday at midnight will help Democrats take back Congress this November. If we do that, we can exert some real checks on this president and stop him from pushing through more extreme Supreme Court nominees.And that's the problem, distinctly admitted. The Democrats oppose conservative Supreme Court nominees, and they need to win in the midterms to block them, and they're ready to do anything they can toward that goal.
ADDED: I used the word "umbrage" and felt motivated to look it up in the OED. I'm using it correctly. It has meant "Displeasure, annoyance, offence, resentment" since the 1600s. One of the examples in the OED comes from George Washington:
1796 G. Washington Let. in Writings (1892) XIII. 263 Unless my pacific disposition was displeasing, nothing else could have given umbrage by the most rigid construction of the letter.But the older meaning is shade or shadow, and it's still not obsolete to use it to mean, specifically, the shade created by a tree:
1849 C. Brontë Shirley II. ii. 34 She would spend a sunny afternoon in lying stirless on the turf, at the foot of some tree of friendly umbrage.
२७५ टिप्पण्या:
275 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Strictly speaking they're interested in getting money by saying what they think you're interested in.
It was shameful that they believe in a presumption of innocence and don't believe in breaking the trust of an individual who requested confidentiality to score political points. I was glad Se. Graham reminded the dem senators that the republicans voted for Kagan and Sotomayor on merit despite the fact they disagreed with their judicial philosophy.
It was shameful of Lindsey Graham to point out what the Democrats are doing!
What he wont do is anything about Ellison.
Its funny how the Republicans cave and cave and cave... and it still isn't good enough.
Dr. Ford got her hearing & was treated like the Queen of England. At one point, I thought Grandpa Grassley was going to pour the Coke into a cup for her. And now, courtesy of Flakey Flake, we're getting a FBI investigation.
Given that Dr. Ford's story is a complete fraud, she' been treated very, very, well. Nobody wants to tell the truth because that would upset women like Althouse. Or so, the Republicans think.
I got the bigger laugh out the phrase "moral imperative." Democrats have shown themselves to be utterly amoral. Whatever works at the moment is their SOP.
I agree it was shameful but don't agree why.
The GOP, once again, fell for the Democrats' tactics of delay and smear.
The two women who accosted Flake in the elevator were apparently Soros paid agitators and were boasting about it on facebook. The Capital Cops seem to have been elsewhere, paid off as well ?
Sending these sorts of email requests to bloggers is like sending a chain letter. The blogger receives it and then forwards the letter to all her followers with a personal note. The Dems are taking fundraising to the next level!
The Dems should also consider auctioning off a night of drinking with Diane Feinstein. Now that beer is all the rage they capitalize!
Any means necessary. If character assassination won't do it...
Donate here. Because Trump. Believe all women. Except Keith Ellison's ex. All you have to do is send us a check and believe, and we'll take it from there. Until the next letter like this. We'll be on the news, so tune in!
We'll see if it works. To what extent does this become an election about whether you believe Kavanaugh or Blasey? I know I haven't been this angry about anything political since Watergate. Really. Watergate. And I was working for McGovern in '72, so you know what side of that question I was on.
Be ready for them to oppose Judge __________ next.
Flakey Flake is getting what he wanted - Good Press. He's now the official "Maverick".
Here's his comment from the Atlantic Puff piece:
Heading into Friday, what factors were you weighing as you decided how to vote?
Flake: It was a sleepless night. I was getting calls and emails for days from friends and acquaintances saying, “Here’s my story, here’s why I was emboldened to come out.” Dr. Ford’s testimony struck a chord, it really did, with a lot of women.
Just these last couple of days—the hearing itself, the aftermath of the hearing, watching pundits talk about it on cable TV, seeing the protesters outside, encountering them in the hall. I told Chris, “Our country’s coming apart on this—and it can’t.” And he felt the same.
What a drama Queen!
Spartacus means that It was shameful for Trump to look good and insane psychopath Dems to be exposed. How dare our Media Corps let us down! Silence Fox News instanter and take Kavanaugh outside and shoot him.
The GOP, once again, fell for the Democrats' tactics of delay and smear.
It wasn't "the GOP"; it was three or four Senators who hold key votes. Without those votes Kavanaugh is defeated. And without the delay they wouldn't confirm.
Should they have just gone on wit the vote and have him lose? Yes, we know what the Democrats are doing. But this isn't just Republican vs. Democrats here.
What was and is shameful is the totalitarian witch-hunt from the vile and horrid left.
Why parse the silly writing of the Democrats, when you actually tend to agree with their point of view (on this issue)?
So how much did you donate?
What was shameful? Trump winning the election.
Dems destroying people is going to continue until the electorate apologizes for their behavior.
The corrupt totalitarian brown shirt left like to paint targets on backs.
Lindsey has a target now and he is going to get death threats, if he hasn't already.
This is (one of the many) emails I got yesterday from my best friend, Nancy Pelosi:
I’m so furious, I can barely type this email.
I just watched Republicans shamefully vote “yes” to advance Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Senate floor.
I just watched them celebrate and cheer as they put an accused sexual abuser one step closer to the Supreme Court.
It was the most disgraceful, sickening thing I’ve ever witnessed.
And I immediately made a promise to myself: I will make every last Republican regret the horrific vote they took today.
I’m now personally quadruple-matching all gifts until the final End of Quarter Deadline in 48 hours.
The Democrat Party (mob) seems to have a problem with the concept of someone getting elected President, and then exercising the powers of the Presidency.
"Wait !", they say, "you can't exercise the powers that we don't agree with. Like nominating Justices, or writing Executive Orders."
This is why the FBI should investigate the State Democrat Parties and the Democratic National Committee as subversive criminal organizations under Title 18 U.S. Code, Chapter 115.
signed by Seema Nanda, the CEO of the Democratic National Committee
Why signed by the CEO no one has ever heard of. Why not have it signed by a higher ranking official like the Chairman.
Oh right, the Chairman is Keith Ellison the viscious antisemite and women beater.
Do carry-on with the moral language DNC.
Lots of othering in that email.
I second what Steve M. Galbraith said.
Ha! Mazie sent the fundraising letter. Apologized for it, and swore that all the money that was raised would be given to "organizations helping survivors of sexual assault."
Now the DNC is doing it!
She was just a premature fundraiser, I guess.
Thursday bad, Saturday fine!
“We’ll use your donation to hire our hand-picked lawyers to represent mentally-ill people to accuse any GOP nominee of sexual assault. We’ll do whatever it takes. But don’t worry, the other side will never attempt to kill our representatives as we attempted to kill theirs. If we can’t defeat people like Steve Scalise at the ballot box, we’ll get our mentally ill supporters to shoot them. Ballots or Bullets. Whatever it takes.”
"Apologized for it, and swore that all the money that was raised would be given to "organizations helping survivors of sexual assault." "
-- To be fair, the DNC sees itself as one of those organizations.
"I’m now personally quadruple-matching all gifts until the final End of Quarter Deadline in 48 hours.
I will work tirelessly with Keith Ellison, Bill Clinton and Senator Menedez to ensure victims of sexual assault are treated seriously by Congress."
Some of us take umbrage over the abuse of penumbras.
It was the most disgraceful, sickening thing I’ve ever witnessed.
I have witnessed blank profile trolls posting horse shit, so there's that.
Lindsey has a target now and he is going to get death threats, if he hasn't already.
Somebody on Capital Hill doxxed him, so that people would know where he lives.
This is a little after a year of the attempted assassination of Republican officials.
It would be nice if somebody would investigate the Democrat caucus and find out who did that.
You might start with the people who work in the office of Maxine Waters.
I would actually contribute to the Democrat Party, if I could get a Keith Ellison autographed wife beater shirt.
The GOP, once again, fell for the Democrats' tactics of delay and smear.
It wasn't "the GOP"; it was three or four Senators who hold key votes. Without those votes Kavanaugh is defeated. And without the delay they wouldn't confirm.
I disagree. The Republicans knew this was coming. The Ford handlers delayed a week and kept raising objections to everything.
They should have said "We will do a video deposition in California tomorrow or nothing. "
I will grant the concern about the four squishes but I doubt they will respond to anything but a decision and a need to vote.
Make them vote ! Then make that an issue in the election. That's why the delay. They don't want to vote.
Senator Booker apologized today, in a rather roundabout way, for his statements re Kavanaugh. Such as calling Kavanaugh's supporters "complicit in evil".
Not getting any play in the MSM though.
money power money power money power money power
The California Democratic party at least deserves an indictment under RICO.
Putting aside all the humbuggery about Kavanaugh's high school days, here's the thing about his nomination that is too often ignored: at long long last, we shall have a Supreme Court justice named Brett. I look forward to the day he'll be joined by a justice named Tiffany.
Senator Spartacus should never apologize!
I've always liked the word "umbrageous," e.g., "the oaks' umbrageous covert" in Wordsworth's Prelude, "umbrageous grots and caves" in Paradise Lost.
Granted, it's not a word you can use every day. Maybe we could use its similarity to "outrageous" to bring it back into modern parlance: "Those [insert group] are so umbrageous!"
Actually, a typical fund raising letter. Republican fund raising letters are similar.
@Saint Croix
Graham is protected by the Privacy Act no differently than anyone else. It is a criminal at to release privacy information, and a home address is protected (FLRA v. Department of Defense, a Supreme Court decision). It is a crime to "knowingly and willfully disclose individually identifiable information which is prohibited from such disclosure . . " THere may be other federal criminal statutes at play if the information were retrieved electronically.
So yes there is a legitimate basis to open a federal criminal investigation.
Shameful? What was shameful?
The fact that they were too craven to trust that they could show their faces and directly question the alleged judge-rapist's accuser without being shown to be complete rape enablers.
The fact that they think someone with formative experiences consisting of drunkenly violating and traumatizing women is an appropriate choice to place in charge of deciding our rights.
The fact that they look at being a Supreme Court justice as a right and not a privilege.
The fact that they have more concern for the crocodile tears that baby Bart Kavanaugh cried for himself and how this situation affects his quest for power, than for what happened to his victim.
Lindsey the Lady Graham needs to come a little further out of the closet. Clearly he saves all his indignation for defending a guy who could simply NOT become a SCOTUS judge and none of it for a potential victim of his. Maybe if he was a little more comfortable with his unspeakable Southern gayness he'd understand that women are people too, and not just all those men, men, men to whom he's so secretly attracted that he can't admit how they get him to warp his judgment and motivations when it comes to the most basic notions of justice. THere's no way in hell that Kavanaugh's "right" to a SCOTUS seat and sterling reputation outweigh Ford's right to have her story heard and taken with the much greater seriousness, relative to what Kavanaugh wants, that it deserves.
You people are amoral monsters without a shred of human dignity. Looking for you to define and rank our priorities is like asking a slime mold to read Shakespeare.
Republicans are scum.
"Shameful? What was shameful? . . . People like Lindsey Graham?"
The cruel neutrality pose is so much fun.
But the Dems know you have no red line. They know they can degrade the process, the language, and their opponents with impunity. They know there's no shame in shameful: they don't do shame, and neither do you. Anything goes: they know they got you.
Althouse has been acting quite oddly throughout this process. She seems to admire the Democrats and media for planning, funding and executing this act of political terrorism. The position of "cruel neutrality" is a glib, and somewhat smug, excuse for anything goes. Strange how someone who taught law has so little respect for it. It is so open minded that all thinking falls through the bottom and out. I have enjoyed this blog, and will continue to do so, but admit that Althouse' immature glee at all this is a stain.
At least someone, somewhere, is enjoying this. One suspects that Ford and Kavanaugh, and their families, are not nearly as amused.
Carpet has admitted to striking his wife, and Sherrod browns ex filed a restraining order against him, but now they sit in judgement
I agree it was shameful but don't agree why.
The GOP, once again, fell for the Democrats' tactics of delay and smear.
What's the matter? You have a history of drunkenly attempting to rape women like Ford, also?
Are you like one of those surgeons who would violate patients while they were under the knife? I've heard cases where dentists do this to patients while they're under the laughing gas. Wonder what secrets Michael K. Kennedy is hiding about the silly shenanigans he subjected people to in that dark operating theater of power that he misses so much.
How many of your patients did you rape, Michael? Is this the kind of man that your nursemaid raised you to be?
Umbrage + Penumbra = Penumbrage.
I am Laslo.
People see "rage" in "outrage" (although, as Althouse recently point out, it actually comes from "outre"), but no one sees "rage" in "umbrage."
New catchphrase: "Those [insert group] put the 'rage' in 'umbrage.'"
Ritmo appears to shit on a thread. Isn't MacDonalds open today ?
College invites Democratic Party to register students as voters, ignores Republican Party
THAT'S shameful.
One suspects that Ford and Kavanaugh, and their families, are not nearly as amused.
Ford and her family have to be quite pleased. All those months/years of planning and preparation have paid off. Victory is close.
We accuser no 3, she had deep state connections, to three agencies, Mayer got no 2 through the yale alumni network.
moral imperative
They don’t have morals.
Peepee is on board with the destruction of a man over a 36 year old BS story about non-rape in High School.
Peepee silent on allegations made against Keith Ellison, Cardenas, and Cisneros.
peepee - Menendez is holding on line 2.
Actualy pepee - Democrats are SCUM . Totalitarian brown shirted corrupt scum.
Putting the rage into umbrage.
Bill Clinton is a super-hero deserving of blow jobs in the oval office for his loyalty to Roe V Wade.
Teddy Kennedy is an alcoholic to the stars! Dreamy.
Ritmo appears to shit on a thread.
No, just on you.
Again, why are you so pro-rape?
Ford and her family have to be quite pleased. All those months/years of planning and preparation have paid off. Victory is close.
Only her husband's family has supported her. Her own parents and siblings have been invisible,
So far there have been no action DVDs about character assassins.
Rated R for language and sexual content.
There's no advantage to telling you what is shameful about the situation and letting you agree or disagree with something specific.
Much better to take it for granted. Then, if you have heard some accusatory statement about Republicans' shameful behavior anytime over the past two weeks, this will just confirm what you already knew. Or, if you have a strong opinion about Republicans' shameful behavior, in this situation or in general, learning that they did something shameful is not too surprising. Or, if you haven't turned the TV in your cave on for more than a couple of weeks, then this is a good way to shape your perception of these events you weren't even aware of.
A good tactic to reach both low-information voters and highly-motivated partisan Democrat voters (could be one and the same). Surely this comes from the political consultant's best practices compendium.
that it is a moral imperative for Democrats to back control of Congress
... distinctly admitted
Yes. Which calls into question nearly everything Senate Democrats say and do regarding this episode. And anything Republicans do in vain efforts at compromise.
The Malign Legacy
Accused sexual abuser Mr. Smith goes to Washington.
Speaking of shameful. Bill Maher says Sen. Graham needs the '...stabilizing influence of his dead boyfriend'; John McCain.
The whole romcom genre can be updated to wokeness.
"Thats shameful"
Thats normal. Many similar cases I know of going back almost 30 years, at various Cal State schools (like SF State), and UC's, sometimes with a pretext, a wink and a nudge ("nonpartisan" GOTV), but often they just do it.
Mildly interesting, this case, only because there was a complaint.
This business is, on the conflict level, a chess-match.
Calculation is behind everything. Even hysterical Senators.
BTW, all the players in this, the faces on TV, are not players of the game of chess. They are the playing pieces. Pawns and Rooks and Knights and Bishops. Even the Kings and Queens are to some degree playing the moves given them by others.
On the public level of course it is a soap opera, and, as above, all the faces are actors.
Only her husband's family has supported her. Her own parents and siblings have been invisible,...
Maybe they have something called "lives."
Perhaps they aren't as public as theirs as you think they should be. Which is funny given how evasive you think that the alleged attempted rapist judge Kavanaugh should be allowed to be.
You're less interested in having a judge with good character on the highest bench.
Let me ask you something: If what's come out about Kavanaugh was known about a boy or two or more at whatever school parochial or otherwise that you sent your daughter(s) to, would you encourage her to hang out with him/them?
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
Ritmo appears to shit on a thread.
No, just on you.
Again, why are you so pro-rape?"
There is still time to prosecute Bill Clinton for rape. Senator Menendez (again) for sex with minors. Then there a couple of Democrat wife beaters in the Senate. We should form a petition to demand McConnell bring an expulsion motion against those Senators and a petition to the Justice Department to prosecute Clinton and Menendez. Can we count on your support?
I like to think of myself of a semi-strong person, even though I may cry for 20 minutes in the bathroom before regaining composure.
I don't know. I think I would have driven myself off the cliff, if I was somehow entangled in this mess. Which is why I think I feel sympathy for Ford, even though she hasn't provided any evidence of her claim.
One thing if myself or a family member was accused of such an allegation, but for a calculated campaign to bring out the emotional rage of any random woman targeted against him for a larger political purpose and be made an example of with no due process?
Yea, I would be off the cliff by now.
Anybody else smell something bad ?
Every public and publicized detail in these controversies, personal narratives, families, investigations, public statements, performances - these are fluff, parts of the theatrical production side of it - however real they are (some is, most isn't), its all trivial. Most people it seems get caught in the details, the minor controversies over each little point, down to how someone dressed, or whether they frowned. Its very much like the behavior of fans of popular TV series.
Behind it all is the game of chess, and the players of that game, who are deliberately obscured.
@Michael K:
The Post ran an article this morning on the silence of her parents ad siblings, and their curt and clipped responses when a report tracks them down, saying only "any parent loves their daughter" or the like and abruptly hanging up. There is clearly major dysfunction of some type.
Her husband gave a revealing quote in the article:
“She didn’t always get along with her parents because of differing political views,” Russell Ford said. “It was a very male-dominated environment. Everyone was interested in what’s going on with the men, and the women are sidelined, and she didn’t get the attention or respect she felt she deserved.”
A psychiatrist would have a field day with that quote and there is a lot to unpack in the article.
There was a rumor over at the OC Register that maybe her father molested her.
It is a weird dynamic. The husband sounds like a Bay Area enabler.
There is still time to prosecute Bill Clinton for rape.
So go do it. Are you a district attorney? Know the relevant jurisdiction and who is so that you can contact them and tell them about this horrific oversight in the justice system that you need them to attend to?
Or are you like every other Republican and don't know shit about how your legal system works or your rights are protected?
Senator Menendez (again) for sex with minors.
Not sure how much power this guy wields (don't hear much about him at all) but, again, the same advice as the above would apply. Maybe if Republicans cared to understand how a functioning legal system works and not just their shit-talking mob/vengeance garbage then they'd approach things appropriately, instead of the way you do.
Then there a couple of Democrat wife beaters in the Senate.
See above.
We should form a petition to demand McConnell bring an expulsion motion against those Senators and a petition to the Justice Department to prosecute Clinton and Menendez.
You can do that.
Can we count on your support?
Senators represent the state they're from. Doesn't sound like my state. But the Supreme Court is an "at large" jurisdiction. Their justices decisions affect every American, and the senate decides collectively on confirming or removing them. So obviously I'm more interested in who's seated there than some guy from wherever that I had no say in electing.
Perhaps these distinctions are important to me because democracy matters to me. Although to you it obviously does not.
Take a civics course. It will help your online political bitching sound immensely less ignorant, vengeful, civically backward and stupid. But it might also make you less willing to be a Republican.
Politically I am 180 degrees of my parents, it use to make engaging conversation years ago. Recently... hard to find something to talk about. I miss those conversations.
Excellent. The Democrats think making people put this in moral terms is a good idea.
You all need to relax and see what Trump is doing here. The Democrats just sent this letter to all manner of mothers with sons.
They are creating life long Republican voters.
Watching that chess game is difficult. The plays are always masked, often with a soap opera smokescreen, the pieces are disguised, their powers uncertain, and the board itself is complex beyond easy comprehension, and much of it covered in fog.
This is not new of course, the great games of history were always like this to contemporaries, and usually also to historians.
WE want you leftists to go after Bill Clinton with the same ferocity you go after anyone on the right. *crickets*
We may be getting to the root of the issue and it has nothing to do with Kavanaugh; instead, we are watching failed family relationships and melodrama play out. That may be why she has been in therapy and received other mental health treatment. Kavanaugh is just a tool in family war.
That may be why she has been in therapy and received other mental health treatment. Kavanaugh is just a tool in family war.
Yes, it would be interesting to see the rest of the therapist's notes since confidentiality has been waived.
While I'm at it, I'd like to point out what a sick man Mitchell "Lockjaw" McConnell is. Did someone orally rape him? How did his paralyzed mouth get like that and what does it have to do with his willingness to politically protect and shelter a likely child gang-rapist boozer who wants to be one of nine people deciding that our lives and our rights have no value?
Funny decision Kavanaugh made up... to legitimize a Sea World employee's death after they violated OSHA, on the grounds that an entertainer should just be ok with accepting negligent employer-contributed death as a condition of working.
Maybe Kavanaugh should accept his humiliation and inability to overrule over us a condition of his not being a decent human being who accepts that his accuser's rights are at least as important as his crybaby need to feel like the job he's applying for is a privilege that he was "born to do."
Your party and the rest of you are nauseating.
Saint Croix said...
Lindsey has a target now and he is going to get death threats, if he hasn't already.
Somebody on Capital Hill doxxed him, so that people would know where he lives.
In South Carolina, Graham is widely assumed to be gay, and outsiders often seem surprised that doesn't make any difference. (Though the "Maverick Jr." stuff sure rubbed me the wrong way).
When I heard he'd been doxed as Sant Croix points out, I figured it was just a matter of time before Democrats went after him that way, assuming it would ruin him. And sure enough we get a commenter here doing it already, and then a quote from the semi-mainstream Mahr.
No shame, No decency.
Excellent. The Democrats think making people put this in moral terms is a good idea.
Well, drunken gang-raping children sounds a lot to me (and the rest of the country, not that you'd ever poll them) like a moral issue. But I'm not surprised if you don't.
You all need to relax and see what Trump is doing here. The Democrats just sent this letter to all manner of mothers with sons.
Including those who rape their daughters. But I don't think those mothers are by and large as anti-daughter as you are.
They are creating life long Republican voters.
HAHAHAHAHA. That's a laugh. Yep, everyone knows young people are just flocking to the party of Rape-Enabling. Hilarious.
The root of the issue has nothing to do with Ford, or with Kavanaugh himself.
In TV-theatrical terms Ford is a guest-star for this episode. Kavanaugh is a new permanent member of the cast (maybe).
In chess terms, Kavanaugh is a playing piece, or a valuable square on the board. Ford is a threat from the other side, covering the square.
Every Republican is raping something/someone. The planet, the treasury, the solvency of social security, Medicare. So it's not a leap for them to enable their current judge-rapist's career ambitions. He's just ok with raping actual people, instead of the abstract institutions we all rely on.
Why parse the silly writing of the Democrats, when you actually tend to agree with their point of view (on this issue)?”
Because she’s throwing you dogs a bone since you’ve been growling and barking at her of late.
MB said... There's no advantage to telling you what is shameful about the situation and letting you agree or disagree with something specific.
Much better to take it for granted.
Hey! You heartless, amoral bastard..why so "pro rape"?
So sad the rape train wasn't fully explored in the hearing. I's as likely as the "Presidential Pee Pee Tape".
“You all need to relax and see what Trump is doing here. The Democrats just sent this letter to all manner of mothers with sons.”
Since when do mothers of daughters not care about what happens to their daughters too?
"Since when do mothers of daughters not care about what happens to their daughters too?"
It seems easier to watch out for them, 'think ten steps ahead, to avoid icky-yucky situations with boys whenever possible, and if something occurred retain details of the assault and report to the authorities in a timely manner'.
All the fund raising emails are a/b tested, so Althouse is receiving the best performing ones.
“Anybody else smell something bad ?”
Your Depends?
Since when do mothers of daughters not care about what happens to their daughters too?
Since their fathers became barely employable little boys with a burgeoning interest in creating a marijuana empire who go online most of the day under delusionally chosen Greek demi-god names they gave themselves like "Achilles."
We all know how it played out at Ford’s theater.
“Anybody else smell something bad ?”
Your Depends?
Is there a nursemaid in the house! Calling all nursemaids!
Have a good day, rapey Michael K.
Try not to shit your pants too excessively.
Republicans be gettin' rapey.
“It seems easier to watch out for them, 'think ten steps ahead, to avoid icky-yucky situations with boys whenever possible, and if something occurred retain details of the assault and report to the authorities in a timely manner'.”
That might work for ten year old girls. That is unrealistically simplistic for teen girls. The teen girl may not want to tell her parents, much less authorities because she may think her parents will be angry with her for being at a party were there was alcohol.
Responding to failed molecular biology student Ritmo is just feeding the troll.
There is some interesting speculation at NewNeo, whose site is acting up today, that Ford's parents and siblings are part of the story.
The WaPoo story is worth reading.
I doubt that anything but delay will come of this latest ploy. Flake is a puzzle as he has little to fall back on.
The Metternichian approach (Metternich, on hearing of the death of a foreign diplomatic player, mused "I wonder what he meant by that?") to this is to pay attention to actions on a level or two above the obvious. This is unfortunately a domain of speculation, there is no helping that.
With some bits and pieces, triangulating if you will, it is possible to build a narrative. This can be dismissed as building conspiracy theories, but in fact it is usually how the actual players construct their own working narratives. Granted, they have enormously better information than we do.
Pay attention to incidental matters that are not played up, that are not controversial. And of course, always, to those dogs that didn't bark.
‘She didn’t always get along with her parents because of differing political views,” Russell Ford said. “It was a very male-dominated environment. Everyone was interested in what’s going on with the men, and the women are sidelined, and she didn’t get the attention or respect she felt she deserved.”’
Sounds like Ford is a Rodham clone.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"The teen girl may not want to tell her parents, much less authorities because she may think her parents will be angry with her for being at a party were there was alcohol."
What year are you in? Moms and dads were teens themselves...
“What year are you in? Moms and dads were teens themselves...”
What relation does this have to teen girls getting raped? I have three grown daughters and a 18 year old granddaughter. Teen girls of today, especially teen girls of conservative religious parents are going to be hesitant to tell their parents they were engaging in risky behavior.
Plus teen girls of 35 years ago were not confiding in their parents nearly as much as they are today, so there has been some progress in this era.
I am one of those "conservative religious parents" and guess what... I love my kids and if they've been assaulted we're going to report it to the police. End of story.
Parents are parents, even 'secular liberal parents'.
Leftists lie for the greater good.
There's that, too.
"Plus teen girls of 35 years ago were not confiding in their parents nearly as much as they are today, so there has been some progress in this era."
But girls confided in their friends... which is why I lean towards Kavanaugh and not Ford. I am waiting for close friends from high school... to step with specifics on this allegations.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
Every Republican is raping something/someone. The planet, the treasury, the solvency of social security, Medicare. So it's not a leap for them to enable their current judge-rapist's career ambitions. He's just ok with raping actual people, instead of the abstract institutions we all rely on.
Please don't stop talking.
Get in peoples faces. Let the spittle fly.
It must be really soul crushing to be on team globalist plutarch.
“But girls confided in their friends... which is why I lean towards Kavanaugh and not Ford. I am waiting for close friends from high school... to step with specifics on this allegations.”
Not always.
The Democratic Camelot has slowly morphed into "sham-a-lot". When you parse that letter the slime oozes out.
"“But girls confided in their friends... which is why I lean towards Kavanaugh and not Ford. I am waiting for close friends from high school... to step with specifics on this allegations.”
Not always. "
Well that's Chrissy's problem, then isn't? She has no location, no date, and no one to confirm her allegations.
Of course I take allegation of this nature seriously, but the burden is on her and she's a big girl now and not a teenager.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“You all need to relax and see what Trump is doing here. The Democrats just sent this letter to all manner of mothers with sons.”
Since when do mothers of daughters not care about what happens to their daughters too?
Where are Ford's parents?
Oh yeah they are embarrassed that their daughter is telling obvious lies.
Where did the "rape" take place? "In someone's house."
What day? "Sometime in Summer of 1982 or 1983."
Any witnesses? Sure. But all of the witnesses call her a liar. But they have health issues!
Now Ford's parents have to tell their friends they raised an amoral piece of shit. A stupid witch who is willing to destroy good people for the sake of political power over others.
Please keep it up. Don't stop talking about Kavanaugh the rapist.
“Teddy Kennedy is an alcoholic to the stars! Dreamy.”
He had that missteek (sic) that charmed the pants off of women.
“I am one of those "conservative religious parents" and guess what... I love my kids and if they've been assaulted we're going to report it to the police. End of story.
Parents are parents, even 'secular liberal parents'.”
Again overly simplistic. Not all parents are clones of each other. Some parents of that era, 35 years ago were not going to be supportive of their teen girl telling them they were almost raped because they were at a party were there was drinking, especially the religious conservatives ones. Nowadays things have progressed somewhat. I was raised in a very conservative religious home and speak from personal experience.
This is perfect.
The democrats are getting their Orwell 1984 on a month out from an election.
Right before McCabe is indicted.
Have fun with that.
“Well that's Chrissy's problem, then isn't? She has no location, no date, and no one to confirm her allegations.”
Why do you feel the need to mock this woman by calling her “Chrissy”? I’m guessing that if your daughter had the same experience, you might be a bit more sympathetic...hopefully. And please don’t say “it would never happen to my daughter because I raised her right”, that too would be simplistic.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Again overly simplistic. Not all parents are clones of each other. Some parents of that era, 35 years ago were not going to be supportive of their teen girl telling them they were almost raped because they were at a party were there was drinking, especially the religious conservatives ones. Nowadays things have progressed somewhat. I was raised in a very conservative religious home and speak from personal experience.
See. You don't need a date, or a place, or witnesses.
You just need conservative parents.
That makes rape accusations true. Pretty soon we are going to get Inga's "experience" about how she was raped by a conservative and her mean conservative parents wouldn't listen to her.
Because all women are victims in the US. ALL of them. All. And it is conservatives every time.
Please don't stop.
After having her screams squelched by Brett's hand, she left the house, her friend, and a guy who was merely a potential rapist(nice, but of no help) behind quietly.
Then..well..can't remember.
Dems now have time to prep the soon to emerge driver who found her in her distraught state and took her home.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
Ritmo appears to shit on a thread.
No, just on you.
Again, why are you so pro-rape?
9/29/18, 11:17 AM
I thought you took the red pill. Why wouldn't you or yours be next? Because you took the chocolate? Not because you're innocent. K is innocent. Do you not get, that what they're doing to him, they could do to any man not raised in a bubble?
You're better than this.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Well that's Chrissy's problem, then isn't? She has no location, no date, and no one to confirm her allegations.”
Why do you feel the need to mock this woman by calling her “Chrissy”? I’m guessing that if your daughter had the same experience, you might be a bit more sympathetic...hopefully. And please don’t say “it would never happen to my daughter because I raised her right”, that too would be simplistic.
I agree.
Call her what she is.
An obviously lying partisan amoral piece of crap who had been planning this event since July with Feinstein's handpicked lawyers.
I’ve been listening to Inga’s rants for many years now and never heard her say one positive thing about her parents. Same goes for Ritmo.
“Honor thy father and thy mother”
I've been glancing at comments at liberal sites and liberal twitter threads about the Kavanaugh hearings. I value my sanity to much to actually slog through and read them in their entirety. (Much like reading some of the commenters here....)
And I've been reading conservative comments and twitter threads.
Apparently, there were two different Kavanaugh hearings in Washington. Between the glances of what passes for liberal thought and the readings of conservative thoughts, there are two wholly different sets of reality. Conservatives and liberals did not see the same thing. I strongly suspect that the non-political who actually watched saw closer to the conservative view. Those non-political that rely on the media will only see the liberal view- and that's frightening. They'll be deciding who to support by reading lies such as the accuser was credible when it is painfully obvious she was making it all up. And watching her pitiful performance under questioning confirms that.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
Only her husband's family has supported her. Her own parents and siblings have been invisible,...
Maybe they have something called "lives."
Perhaps they aren't as public as theirs as you think they should be.
Bullshit Ritmo. You're not a human being if you really believe this. If I was in jail for a bank robbery, innocent of not, my mother would still be writing the parole board and bringing me cakes with files in them. If you don't know the love of a mother, man, then nothing anybody here can say to you is worse than that.
Why do you feel the need to mock this woman by calling her “Chrissy”
Because that was her nick name at the time of the allegations?
Honest answer.
Why assume it was mocking?
So, in this case, why have the dogs not barked? Why did everyone go so complacently along with the various delays, including this last?
No-one who calls the shots in this conflict is an idiot. They can be mistaken and their machinations can fail, but thats because these are zero sum games against other competent players.
This is the sort of thing that counts, the move on the chessboard, based on information the real players have and we don't.
We can speculate.
The eGOP is used to losing gracefully and with honor, and are deathly afraid of being accused of sexism / racism.
The Democrats have yet to be punished for their nasty actions.
Trump is letting the eGOP sink or swim on this nomination, for worst case he will nominate a more conservative judge.
Pay attention to incidental matters that are not played up, that are not controversial. And of course, always, to those dogs that didn't bark.
One interesting thing is the fact that Kavanaugh is a Bush guy. Not a Trump guy.
He would have been nominated by Romney, which is why Planned Parenthood ran that ad in 2012 with Kavanaugh photoshopped into the Court.
I think the hysteria was a mistake by Democrats unless they get Flake and Collins to cover for them.
Trump's nominee for RBG's seat will be Barrett who is far more conservative and harder to slime.
Maybe it is just the role of abortion in their fund raising. The DNC was broke a few months ago.
As for the necessity of the conspiratorial point of view, consider what perspective teaches - lets take Robert Caro's biography of Johnson as an example - a superb work, and a superb example.
To what degree did the depraved character and near-open corruption of Lyndon Johnson play in the overt politics of the day? Hardly anything at all of course. And none of this was difficult to dig up, after all Caro did, decades later. No doubt vast swathes of the US Press had more than an inkling, Johnsons peers (Kennedy) certainly did. Dogs didn't bark, as they barked for Nixon.
Why? Thats not really in Caro. Its a very big and very fuzzy question, but vastly important.
The public judgement of the time was critically misinformed. Why?
Which opens the other question, if they didn't know, then, of such significant matters, what don't we know now?
And etc.
You can, as a well informed person, go down any list of persons and events, with some curiosity and suspicion, and come up with such questions quite regularly.
The twin, totalitarian thugs Inga and Ritmo shitting all over the thread.
Keep pushing it. Keep it up.
History is not kind to your ilk.
To what degree did the depraved character and near-open corruption of Lyndon Johnson play in the overt politics of the day? Hardly anything at all of course.
Caro says he's come to loathe LBJ, the man and the person. And LBJ's family refused to be interviewed by him after the first book with its revelations of LBJ's appalling behavior. Yet his admiration for LBJ's accomplishments in fighting racism and poverty and injustice is still there.
LBJ is one of the most difficult figures to understand. He was truly awful; yet he truly wanted to make a better country. He could call black Americans the "n" word but then completely understand their suffering and mistreatment. He said if he was black he couldn't trust white people at all.
But those were different times. The corruption of LBJ would be revealed today. The sordid stories of his mistreatment of the people under him, of his wife, of others, wouldn't remain secret.
Considering Ford's memory, in her testimony she couldn't remember details over the last two months of her life when asked.
Maybe she offered the two guys blow jobs, but she had forgotten by the time she got to the top of the stairs.
Maybe the the two guys put their hands over he mouth because they couldn't stand her talking like a ten year old.
Democrats have a Twilight faith and Pro-Choice religion. Their religious/moral philosophy is selective and opportunistic. The moral imperative cited by the DNC's upper echelons is to conserve the Twilight Amendment, which codifies selective-child, diversity (i.e. color judgments including racism, sexism), redistributive change (i.e. monopoly formation and practices), immigration reform (e.g. gerrymandered districts, population replacement), political congruence (i.e. selective exclusion), elective wars, conflation of logical domains (e.g. catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, evolution -- process, not origin -- sometimes), etc. Unfortunately, they will always manage to find people with overlapping and converging interests who will enable their monotonic divergence.
And please don’t say “it would never happen to my daughter because I raised her right”, that too would be simplistic.
I don't think there is a right way to raise kids, but there are a helluva lot of wrong ways.
Whether you are doing things right or wrong, you have made a good start if your child trusts you to share their fears and feels that you will protect them, regardless of the circumstances.
I skimmed the contents so someone else may have brought this up already. McConnell has to keep Murkowski and Collins on the reservation. If it means one more show of good faith to get them to vote yes then he is willing to do it and I think he is right. After struggling with the idea of another "investigation" I came to the conclusion that there just isn't anything new that can come out and that the problems with Ford's charges are only going to become more apparent as time goes by. That isn't to say that the Dems won't try something, but given the way the other two accusations have been ridiculed I don't think they'll try the gang rape thing again. Delay sure - Ford has already said she's against "arbitrary limits", but Ford has used all her chits with the Senate.
It would be entertaining if an investigation of Ford was included in this last gasp.
Чикелит said...“Honor thy father and thy mother”
In the context of the sermon, the "father" is God and the "mother" is Jerusalem.
It doesn't have anything to do with breeders. You can "honor kill" your parents and siblings. God makes an exception to war and honor killings.
Well, France doesn't allow honor killing any more after the 1980's, but they still allow war.
Catholicism is hard.
As for the necessity of the conspiratorial point of view, consider what perspective teaches - lets take Robert Caro's biography of Johnson as an example - a superb work, and a superb example.
To what degree did the depraved character and near-open corruption of Lyndon Johnson play in the overt politics of the day?
Kennedy was gong to drop him from the ticket in 1964 and Life magazine had a whole issue on LBJ's corruption ready to go. They had an editorial meeting the day Kennedy was assassinated.
All concealed after, of course.
I glanced at Inga's condemnation of us as parents. She left out the bit where Ford's parents were blissfully ignorant of any problems. Could that have been because there weren't any except in Chrissy's mind.
It would be entertaining if an investigation of Ford was included in this last gasp.
It won't be but might trickle out after the nomination thing is over, win or lose.
I'm coming more and more to the conclusion she is a nut. The husband is the interesting detail. Is he pushing this and is he a left wing activist?
I think buywaya is on to something. Trump, McConnell and other bit players have been incredibly sedate during this whole hearing debacle as if they know the outcome. Trump has blown up the democrats playbook by not going hypergolic and instead exhibiting a fatherly concern for Ford. What do they know that we don't?
@ Sreven Galbraith. You are too kind to LBJ. He was an A1 asshole out for only himself. By lying his way into killing 58,000 American troops and probably millions of VietNamese he should forever rot in hell. As for a the Blacks: he saw them only as ciphers who could be bribed into voting for him.
@Mike K I have been arguing for two days that she presents as what is described as a sociopath: make stuff up and lie about it without turning a hair. You are an MD, what do you think?
After struggling with the idea of another "investigation" I came to the conclusion that there just isn't anything new that can come out and that the problems with Ford's charges are only going to become more apparent as time goes by.
It doesn't matter if anything new comes out of the FBI interviews. Democrats will scream that there is damning evidence that needs months to make sense of. We will be exactly where we were before the 7th investigation. Maybe worse.
Republicans need to stand up to the DNC/MSM smear complex and show that they can make the tough calls.
I hope you got your checkbook out like a nice centrist should, Professor.
Women's bodily autonomy is at stake!
What will come out in the next 7 days? Reasons for delay! Examples: unevidenced claims of rumors, unevidenced charges (on about day 6), “wait, I almost remember now”, fantasies about high school boys.
From The American Thinker:
"Based on its investigations, WebTrends determined that Swetnick had engaged in inappropriate conduct, but that no corroborating evidence existed to support Swetnick's allegations against her coworkers," the complaint said.
After a WebTrends human resources director informed Swetnick that the company was unable to corroborate the sexual harassment allegations she had made, she "remarkably" walked back the allegations, according to the complaint.
This is the Avenatti "gang rape client.
The funny thing is that O'Kavanaugh will probably go down, not for anything that he did to Christina Ford, but for his lying under oath about his drinking.
It'll be pretty easy to substantiate that he's a major league lush, unlike whatever he did to her alone, behind closed doors.
Why do these guys always have to lie? It would have been so easy to throw 'em a bone. He could have said, "I regret to say that I was very young, I had too much to drink and I did intend to take advantage of Christine. But, then when we were alone, she didn't look so cute anymore, especially after I got done puking all over her. I was unable to perform, and I deeply apologize for that."
He'd probably be confirmed already if he's just said something like that. You know, a little closer to the truth, without going into all the ugly details.
But now, he has to go through an FBI investigation where they'll ask him to take a polygraph test, and if he declines he'll have to explain what he's afraid of. What an idiot!
How did a guy that dumb ever get to be a judge, anyway?
Bart O'Kavanaugh is toast.
Okay everybody try this on for size! We know that Ford revealed her assault in marriage therapy. Has anyone determined why she and her husband were in therapy? You don't do that just to have a nice night out.
Let's hypothesize a bit: Ford is having an affair and hasn't been miss hotty pants for hubby, or more kindly she has gotten to an age where she's not as interested as she used to be, but is embarrassed to say so - either way hubby will be more upset than he is already. So being a sociopath she says to herself "ah ha I know how to get out of this: I will claim a youthful traumatic experience that haunts me to this day affecting my performance and since I saw Kavanaugh's name in the paper recently I will blame it on him." It's easy to see what is going to happen once she starts telling this story. As we all know one lie tends to lead to another ad infinitum and being a sociopath she has no trouble making her trauma real to her poor deluded husband by sending an anonymous letter to some congress critter. "There hubby I have wiped this spot from our relationship, we will be well now" , swearing at the same time her affair is over or she'll upgrade her sexual performance - whatever led to therapy. But lo and behold Ford is now in the clutches of the Democratic party who could give a shit less about her and her problems. Having committed to "it's all Kavanaugh's fault" with hubby she can't back out now. So, thankful that she has sociopathic tendencies she decides that it is better to continue her charade - certainly the Dems are encouraging it - rather than admit to hubby that she really was offing some other guy.
I buy this scenario as completely as any other; perhaps more so.
Et tu, Etienne?
"boffing". Need to keep tech terms straight even if spell check doesn't like it.
The Republicans should have acted shamefully. They should have ripped her a new lying asshole. Who invited you to the party? How long had you known Kavanaugh? Had you ever seen him before? How can you remember 1 beer 36 years ago but can't remember if you took the polygraph on the day of your grandmothers funeral or the day after. Why did you lie about being afraid to fly and leading us to believe you were going to drive across country? Have you ever been sexually assaulted before or since your alleged night with Kavanaugh? Why was Kavanaughns name not in the analysts notes, why was he not named in the polygraph.
Go all squeaky voiced on those bitch.
Ford will turn out to have been a hot mess before all of this is over. She may have already tried to come after her dad for "repressed groping memories" before Kavanaugh. She will be quickly discarded as Cindy Sheehan was when she is no longer useful.
Why is it so incredible there is an unlimited supply of crazy prog people willing to take out a conservative judge up for consideration? This gaming theory will continue because so far its been cost free. What price will Chrissy pay after this is all over?
Can we just move on to a vote already?
Responding to Ritmo is just feeding the troll.
No, you're just a coward. One who knows how easily I expose you for the idiotic and arrogant fraud that you are, Nursemaid Boy!
Michael K. Kennedy is a failed nursemaid weenie. Every day nursemaids across the world recount the ways in which he's failed them, and his own nursemaid.
At least you haven't raped too many of your patients, though. Right, Mike?
It must be really soul crushing to be on team globalist plutarch.
Wait, Trump is not pro-plutarch? Why does he think being a billionaire makes him so special, then?
Why did he create a permanent tax cut for hedge fund managers and entrench the most old-money industries? And send America soaring into a trillion dollar deficit just to do it?
Trump is not a globalist? Why does he create global alliance with others on the global right across the globe, like Putin and Erdogan and Duterte and Xi and Kim and el-Sissi, ad infinitum ad nauseam. There are clearly many tyrants across the globe with whom he is desperate to make a very global alliance.
So you're a right-wing fascist globalist. But still a globalist.
bbkingfish said...
The funny thing is that O'Kavanaugh will probably go down, not for anything that he did to Christina Ford, but for his lying under oath about his drinking.
It'll be pretty easy to substantiate that he's a major league lush, unlike whatever he did to her alone, behind closed doors.
Doubt that. What is heavy drinking or social drinking or occasional drinking is subjective, and changes by era and profession. I'm willing to bet that average alcohol consumption by lawyers is significantly higher than average consumption by accountants. And that neither profession could keep up with painters. Not portrait types, commercial painters. Navy doctors would ask me about my drinking habits after I said "occasional" then code me a non-drinker- by Navy standards. A few glasses a month doesn't count as "drinking" to many. (Including all my doctors in the 24 years since leaving active duty.) And to many people I know, a 6 pack a night is just normal consumption. To them, you're not a heavy drinker until you get to a case a night. Where's your line?
"Not always. "
Well that's Chrissy's problem, then isn't?
Not really. Not compiling evidence of your attempted rape doesn't mean you weren't the victim of an attempted rape.
She has no location, no date, and no one to confirm her allegations.
So it makes legal confirmation of a potential crime difficult. But doesn't mean it didn't happen.
If she was knocked comatose during the act then guess what? Her impaired state of mind and ability to "find" evidence to gather wouldn't make her any less a victim, either.
You just don't want to believe her and want to do everything to confirm your right-wing partisan henchman hack, who wants to kill workers on the job, to the bench.
Has anyone determined why she (CBF) and her husband were in therapy?
In my experience, the top reasons for couples therapy:
1. Infidelity by husband, wife or both;
2. Problems with step-kids;
3. Substance abuse by one of the partners;
4. Difficulties with sexual intimacy leading to bedroom dissatisfaction.
...willing to destroy good people...
A "good person" who refuses to answer to whether his rowdy regrettable "cringe-"worthy drinking etc. caused him to black out and instead petulantly whines about whether a MN senator with an alcoholic father ever blacked out.
A "good person" who invents untrue legal "rationales" for pretending that an employer who violated OSHA standards in allowing their employee to get killed is off the hook because it was "entertaining."
He's a piece of shit who just happens to be a dweeby dorky nerd. But still a piece of shit. And apparently a long-term virgin despite (because of?) his aggression. He's a loser.
And so are you.
Please keep it up. Don't stop talking about Kavanaugh the rapist.
Don't stop proving that you have no defense for your rapist friend.
“I’ve been listening to Inga’s rants for many years now and never heard her say one positive thing about her parents. Same goes for Ritmo.”
Huh? Whatever you want to imagine, I loved my parents every bit as much as you do. My parents were wonderful people despite falling prey to American evangelicals who convinced them to leave their traditional Lutheran religion. I do blame the old style evangelicalism, which is a world apart from modern evangelicalism.
I’ve been listening to Inga’s rants for many years now and never heard her say one positive thing about her parents. Same goes for Ritmo.
“Honor thy father and thy mother”
On the internet. LOL. The bathroom wall of society.
Yep, that's really what we're here to do.
Try cleaning out your ears next time instead of inventing phony recollections of what I did or did not say.
Maybe write back and ask:
And Bret Kavanaugh is.....who, exactly? Is he that guy on YouTube who saved a woman from a flying octopus thrown by a sea lion that had poisonous suckers, and they fell in love, even though he was already in a relationship?
See if they catch all the poorly placed clauses. Did the sea lion really have suckers?
“Try cleaning out your ears next time instead of inventing phony recollections of what I did or did not say.”
This was something I’ve heard him and his buddies over at another blog say before, why they give themselves license to imagine things they have no real information about says more about them than you or I.
Those pictures of Crying O'Kavanaugh were fucking disgusting.
If he really was falsely accused, he has every right to be pissed.
That wasn't it. He was crying because he believes he has a god-given right to be on the Supreme Court. He feels entitled to it.
Just like he felt entitled to pounce on the girls who actually made it past his non-churchgoing orbit prior to figuring out how to legitimately stop being a virgin.
He's a fucking loser. Of the worst sort.
A virginal dork who felt so entitled to aggress upon the girls he'd meet in unsupervised settings that he went with it.
Talk about a raging INCEL!!! Bart O'Kavanaugh practically invented the genre.
This was something I’ve heard him and his buddies over at another blog say before...
Pretty incredible that someone with (allegedly) an advanced/research-based degree in chemistry deigns to uncover the "truths" of whatever confuses him in a basic social context by engaging in iterative loops of Chinese Whispers.
That kid would eat dog food if someone on his other blog told him to do it and provided the Kochs' endorsement for it.
"This was all a set-up, a carefully planned ambush by Democrats, calculated either to force Judge Kavanaugh to withdraw his name for the Supreme Court nomination, or else to delay the process past the midterm elections, turning the nomination into a campaign issue.
Once you understand this, the coordination between Senate Democrats and Professor Ford’s lawyers appears highly significant. Anyone could look at the calendar and see how long Feinstein, her Democrat colleagues and the media prepared this ambush."
What was the recommended donation amount? Because that is exactly what I'm willing to spend for more ammunition this weekend.
Leftists whining about rapists is hilarious.
you have so many in your midst--- real ones
Fortune cookie translation: Keep going the way you're going and you'll wind up where you're headed.
I've never heard little chicken mention his parents. Let alone say anything positive about them.
Maybe they reproduced by budding. Cloning.
Kavanaugh seems like a rich prep school only child who had a public meltdown because he felt someone was stealing his Big Reward for being such a good boy all his life ( ha). A pathetic display and proves that despite what is going on he has no place on the Supreme Court. He looked like he was either drunk or hysterical at that hearing. His behavior displayed that does not have a judicial temperament, more like someone who has a temper tantrums.
Leftists whining about rapists is hilarious.
you have so many in your midst--- real ones
Lol, yeah. They're called "Republicans."
Like Ted Bundy, for instance. Didn't he run for a Republican office, once?
He looked like he was either drunk or hysterical at that hearing. His behavior displayed that does not have a judicial temperament, more like someone who has a temper tantrums.
Raging involuntarily celibate drunk grinding aggressive dry humper Bart O'Kavanaugh. What a guy! He'd make a great judge!
Those Rape-publicans are scared witless at the idea of subpoenaing Mark Judge.
Total cowards of every kind. Every one of them.
Even Jeff Flake didn't have an ounce of compassion/regard for rape victims until he got yelled at in an elevator by one. Or two.
I bet ya it was the first time he actually ever considered whether it was worth making a potential mistake with this nominee. And the first time he considered what it might be like to have to live with what O'Kavanaugh might have done.
Most Republicans are scum. The rest just don't feel that justice is something that concerns them much.
“Those Rape-publicans are scared witless at the idea of subpoenaing Mark Judge.”
Well, better yet, all the people named will be speaking with the FBI now, precisely why the Republicans fought against it so hard, until they found out they didn’t have the votes.
Boy ! Failed molecular biology student Ritmo is having a hypomanic attack.
Football is on.
I buy this scenario as completely as any other; perhaps more so.
The two common settings for recovered memories are alcoholism and eating disorders. The latter is usually in college age girls.
I would put a small wager on alcoholism.
Bart O'Kavanaugh wants to be on that supreme court bench so bad he's willing to get it drunk and dry-hump it.
Well I'm convinced. I nominate Inga for Ruth Bader Ginsburg's personal bedpan/catheter and colostomy bag manager for the rest of her SCOTUS term. Inga is so imminently qualified that she can also administer oxygen and hydration infusions. That is assuming she's never raped a young boy or girl before. I have read that she did, can't remember when or where, but I'm sure of it.
Which is it Mike. Did I fail "McDonalds" or "molecular biology?"
Make up your mind on what you want to make up and how your nursemaid-raised entitled self wants to demean me! Come to a decision for once in your boring life!
Asking Mike to be accurate is like asking Craig Venter to "discover the human genome."
ROFLMAO! ROFLMAO! HAHAHAHAHAHahhahhahahahahaha. what a loser.
Were you an incel like Kavanaugh, too?
The FBI should investigate Diane Feinstein - how she recommend Blasey-Ford's lawyer and how she sat on the info, and the time line.
It reeks of collusion and corruption.
"On June 27, Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement and, within a few days, Professor Ford contacted the Washington Post to share her 1982 tale about Judge Kavanaugh, who was widely reported to be on President Trump’s short list of candidates to replace Kennedy on the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh’s name was announced July 9, and days later, Profesor Ford met with her Democrat congresswoman, Rep. Anna Eshoo, who recommended that Professor Ford detail her accusations in a letter to Feinstein. That letter was hand-delivered to Feinstein on July 30. The next day, Aug. 1, in an interview on the Hugh Hewitt radio program, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said:
“If we could get this all done by October 1st when the Supreme Court starts its new fall session, [that] would be ideal. But I think we can get it done soon after that if we don’t get it done by October 1st.”
Grassley explained in that interview that the hearing would likely be delayed until after Labor Day, because August was already booked up with the Senate committee scheduled to consider a series of votes on President Trump’s lower-court appointees. The clock was ticking, however, and Professor Ford’s lawyers wasted no time getting to work. By Aug. 7, Professor Ford was being polygraphed — and Feinstein didn’t say a word about this accusation to her Republican colleagues on the committee. That’s a crucial fact to keep in mind, now that the vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation has been delayed because Jeff Flake got harassed in an elevator by Soros-funded protesters. "
" The confirmation hearings for Judge Kavanaugh began Sept. 4. Feinstein had been in possession of Professor Ford’s letter for 36 days, and the accuser had been a client of the lawyers recommended by Feinstein for five weeks. Yet while Judge Kavanaugh sat for more than 30 hours of hearings in the Judiciary Committee, where Feinstein was the ranking Democrat member, she never asked a single question about this accusation and, most importantly, nobody on the Republican side of the aisle had any clue that Christine Blasey Ford existed, and was working with a team of lawyers hand-picked for her by Feinstein.
Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony ended Friday, Sept. 7, and the Judiciary Committee vote was already scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 20, allowing another week for the full Senate to debate the nomination and vote, thus to have the new appointee confirmed by the time the Supreme Court convened on Oct. 1. Feinstein, who had been holding onto Professor Ford’s letter since late July, waited until Thursday, Sept. 13, to go public with it, pretending that this delay was about protecting the accuser’s anonymity. Of course, the Washington Post had been talking to Professor Ford for more than two months by then, and they had a feature story ready to go for the front page of their Sunday edition on Sept. 16. "
" What happened here was all a result of Feinstein’s bad faith (mala fides) in handling the accusation from Professor Ford. She had an obligation to inform her Republican colleagues of this accusation, and her failure to do so in a timely manner is inexcusable. We have been repeatedly told, by Democrats and their allies in the media, that Professor Ford’s accusation is “credible,” and yet it was not until Sept. 13 — nine days after Judge Kavnaugh had begun testifying to the Senate Judiciary Committee, and a week before the committee was scheduled to vote on his nomination — that Feinstein dropped this bombshell. Judge Kavanaugh has testified that, when the accusation first became public, before Professor Ford discarded her mask of anonymity, he had no idea who could be making such a claim against him. Everyone named as a potential witness to this alleged incident has disclaimed any knowledge of it. Leland Keyser, the accuser’s “lifelong friend” whom she named as a witness, said she “does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”
Professor Ford’s description of the party at which the alleged incident occurred, near the Columbia Country Club, has been suggested as indicating the home of Judge Kavanaugh’s friend Chris “Squi” Garrett, whom Professor Ford briefly dated. Yet she didn’t name Garrett as having been present at the party, and no one else named by her — Kavanaugh, his friend Mark Judge or P.J. Smyth — lived near the country club. However “credible” Professor Ford may seem to anyone, the known facts simply don’t match her story. Can the FBI unravel this?" "
" During Friday’s meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse focused on one date — July 1, 1982 — on the calendar that Judge Kavanaugh fortuitously had kept all these years. That entry indicates that Kavanaugh went to “Timmy” Gaudette’s house for a party where Judge, Smyth and Garrett were also in attendance. The problem, however, is that Gaudette lived 10 miles from the country club, and Professor Ford never mentioned him as being present at the party where this alleged incident occurred. Furthermore, as has been often noted, Professor Ford was 15 at the time — too young to drive — and the country club was some eight miles from her family’s home, but she has no memory of who drove her to this party, or who drove her home. If this is a “credible” story, what would an incredible story look like?
The discrepancies between Professor Ford’s account and the available facts, of course, were not known to Feinstein in July when this whole smear machinery against Judge Kavanaugh was set into motion. If Feinstein had informed her Republican colleagues prior to the Sept. 4 beginning of Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony before the committee, it would have been possible for committee staff to investigate this accusation, to obtain whatever evidence and testimony were available, and to have Judge Kavanaugh address the accusation during his four days of testimony. Why didn’t that happen?
Because Democrats didn’t want it to happen.
This was all a dishonest scheme orchestrated by sociopaths. "
Failed college students sometimes have to get jobs at MacDonalds to pay for the internet connection in their mothers basement.
If I was the mother of such a loser, I would pay for internet, either.
Poor loyal leftwing bitch Inga. Kavanaugh showed courage defending himself from the leftwing mob - and she cannot stand it.
“Kavanaugh showed courage defending himself from the leftwing mob - and she cannot stand it.”
What an odd way to show courage. Ford’s demeanor showed far more courage than tantrum man, but if that’s what you folks want to call courage nowadays, who am I to say otherwise?
Just gotta shake one’s head.
If I was the mother of such a loser, I would pay for internet, either.
You would... either?
Speak English much, Mike? Or did you fail that course, too?
Dude, don't get bitchy. Growing and living as entitled a life as you did doesn't entitle you to keep me from pointing out what an arrogant, ignorant and sensitive little bitch you are.
Did you not know that?
I repeat: Growing up with a nursemaid does not entitle you to keep me from pointing out all the stupid and emotional things you say.
The next thing you imagine that I "failed" at is sort of your admission that you can't accept that fact.
And you will do it, though. I expect nothing less from a long-term involuntarily celibate judge Kavanaugh dry-humper like yourself!
Ford is a professor and her little baby voice was a fraud. Her story is just that. A story. a shape shifting story.
The leftwing mob is destroying a man's character and you leftists just sit and mock and laugh.
Fuck you inga. You are vile.
“Kavanaugh showed courage defending himself from the leftwing mob - and she cannot stand it.”
It wasn't convincing. He took it too far.
There's a fine line between a vigorous self-defense and an angry and petulant, whining partisan crybaby crocodile tears act but he (and Lady Lindsey Graham) managed to cross it.
They might as well have held hands.
Crying Kavanaugh.
Playing the Crying Game.
Attempting to rape-victim shame.
Partisan defame.
Just more of the same.
Republicans always need someone to blame.
I can only imagine what Trump was saying when Kavanaugh just couldn’t pull himself together. I doubt Trump likes crybabies.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Kavanaugh seems like a rich prep school only child who had a public meltdown because he felt someone was stealing his Big Reward for being such a good boy all his life
Keep trotting out the Duke La Cross players evidence of guilt. Proves you work the feelz side of the street, instead of the facts, evidence, truth, and reality side.
I know you wish for it real bad, try to avoid the total emotional collapse that can happen when you realize there is not a benevolent, protective, loving govt for you to depend on. Is sucks when your fantasies fail you.
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