"Sept. 27 (UPI) -- Police in the Netherlands arrested seven men Thursday, breaking up what the country's public prosectors said was plans for a major terror attack.
Authorities said the men allegedly tried to obtain AK-47s, hand grenades and materials to make bombs, and sought training to use the guns and suicide jackets."
"Authorities said the men allegedly tried to obtain AK-47s, hand grenades and materials to make bombs, and sought training to use the guns and suicide jackets."
Uh oh. Usually these types of events lead the lefties to criticizing Christians and Trump voters because shutup.
Whatever you think of Trump as a president, he has supplied one hell of a reality show. I barely paid attention to the OJ trial, but this held me glued. No big Perry Mason moment, but you couldn't turn away. Plus no commercials.
Out from underneath his guardian's wing, a spoiled child stands strong and with conviction. Based on the Democrats' uncivil behavior (including stalking, harassment, intimidation), and the lack evidence and consistency in multiple allegations, he confidently occupies the high ground.
They are all politicians. Including Kavanaugh and Ford. She didn't just "come forward." The Dems set her up with their operatives to work on her story for the last two months. Version 4. They can't even coach it for her.
Moses was always shown in Art with horns on his head, because he worshiped the Moon God.
The Moon God's name was Sin in Arabic. and this God rose every night from the mountains to the east, which the Arabs called Ai. Thus it was called Sin-Ai or Moon Mountain. Today it is known as the Sinai.
When Moses climbed Sin-Ai, he came back enlightened, with horns on his head.
I've been too angry to think but now it seems maybe the country isn't accepting the Big Lie as the political norm. Red State is saying that Collins, Manchin, Murkowski and Donnelly will vote for Kavanaugh and that that would put him over. https://www.redstate.com/streiff/2018/09/27/breaking.-collins-murkowski-donnelly-make-decision?
Anyhow I got the gutters cleaned and the front lawn reweeded. No matter what.
In other news.... U.S. securities regulators on Thursday sought to force Tesla Chief Executive Enron Musk out of the company he helped get off the ground about 15 years ago, alleging he misled shareholders when he tweeted he had funding for what would have been the largest-ever corporate buyout.
I wonder if Enron Musk will serve prison time, or if he'll conveniently have a 'heart failure', like Kenneth Lay did?
Michael K wrote: “It was all about abortion money. Trump is a better strategic thinker.”
It must kill Dems that Trump was once one of them, albeit a conservative Dem. it must kill Dems that they cannot front one politician with crossover appeal.
"When I think about the Cubs winning it all, that final game, that final out, I still get a buzz off it. High, like I'm floating."
31 years ago, I was stuck at Great Lakes, Illinois. For Liberty, we had a choice: take the train to Milwaukee or to Chicago. We chose Chicago and Wrigley Field. Andre Dawson hit a lotta homers that summer. What a great ballpark and city!
I think the Dems judged they were in a win win situation.
There was a high chance he would withdraw, be pulled, or not get confirmed.
Or worst case get painted as a sexual predator.
Nobody, on either side, expected Kavanaugh to fight back as he did. As Michael K. has commented, he came across as a squish.
GOP did their usual it’s not our fault routine, don’t blame us, and treat Ford with kid gloves, afraid to be labeled as sexist, bullying, White Males. They played defense, which is not how you win games.
I wonder how this horrible, hellish experience changes how he will rule on the court?
"Part of what's so crazy is that you could have a vote to confirm Kavanaugh on Saturday.... and then on Tuesday, a giant NYT or WaPo story could drop with credible new details or witnesses or accusations."
-Nate Silver
Hold onto your hats. The next 40 days are gonna be a roller coaster.
So, assuming it comes out of committee tomorrow, and goes to the floor, how long will that take? I know it hasn't been long since the last one, but I really wasn't paying much attention then.
Is there a traditional period for floor debate? Can we get this done by the end of next week?
'...Question: Why did everyone you [CBF] named as witness come out against you? Including your best friend who says she never met Kavanaugh & the party did not happen?
Dr. Ford (literally): "Leland has significant health challenges, and I am happy that she is focusing on herself"'
IMO, a significant non-answer.
After not thinking about it for a while, suddenly my subconscious kicked in:
Why had CBF not called best friend Leland before her name became public and asked (1) where that supposed party was held and (2) the missing name of the boy who hosted it?
Since CBF was engaged in really serious business, it was victim malpractice not to at least try to nail down these important facts.
It supports the impression that CBF is not a serious person.
And that choosing Rachel Mitchell to question her was a mistake.
Ray, it was a repeat of Thomas, but with Republican majority and no cloture rule. Dems were hardly confident. Kavanaugh's demeanor today may have helped with POTUS and the raw meat types here but it was unnecessary to get to 50 votes. I bet he is cringing at how he came across.
Readering: "Kavanaugh's demeanor today may have helped with POTUS and the raw meat types here but it was unnecessary to get to 50 votes. I bet he is cringing at how he came across."
Note to self: do not take betting advice from readering.
"Part of what's so crazy is that you could have a vote to confirm Kavanaugh on Saturday.... and then on Tuesday, a giant NYT or WaPo story could drop with credible new details or witnesses or accusations."
I don't care if they find a dozen chained love slaves in his basement. Dead serious. The rules changed irrevocably when the Democrats ignored Juanita Broaddrick. You don't get to say "never mind" after 20 years of lionizing a rapist and trying to make his chief enabler President. Immoral of me perhaps, but it's the world they made.
I don't think so. I think he's mercurial and this anger is a side of him.
His exchange with Klobuchar. That showed a side of his character. He wasn't pretending. That's how he treats some women when he gets angry or wants something he can't have. He uses his power & rage and they can get out of his control.
Sounds like a good time! I grew up on the north side, I've been a Cubs fan all my life, heck I was a Cubs fan when it wasn't fashionable, way back when. I was taking the El to Wrigley field with my friends when I was 8 years, unchaperoned. You could do that back then, 8-year-old kids riding on the El without adult supervision. You're right, it's a great stadium, great place to see a baseball game. Now I'm a southsider, more or less, which means I should switch my allegiance to the Sox, but there's no way that'll ever happen. No way never.
How many were surprised by K’s quick trans formation into a fighter Judge? It has always been there under mild mannered friend mask. The Liberals have awoken a true nemesis on the Court. And Lindsay Graham has transformed into a lion of the Senate. More of the Trump effect. Winning beats the hell out of meekness.
Lindsey Graham first came to notice as an impeachment manager against Clinton. America punished the Republicans for going after Billy Blythe Clinton in the following midterms.
"Plenty of times in life I've exhibited the kind of rage and upset that Kavanaugh did today. I totally get it. I also totally don't want someone who gets like that, in what is a nationally-televised job interview, on the highest bench in the land. Sorry."
Reacting to his exchange with A. K.:
"Yeah, this was one of the moments that stood out for me as his not seeing particularly dispositionally suited to being a *Supreme Court* justice."
& most of all & this is what is going to stick with millions & millions of people:
"I'm going to say something awful but true right now: Kavanaugh really needs to calm down and look nicer because right now, millions of Americans are wondering whether Ford ever saw that look on his face in a room in some random suburban house in Maryland. Or if anyone else did."
Whatever happens happens. It's not up to us but up to 4 senators who have been chatting with each other. There's a good chance he's on the bench by Saturday.
I don't think everything calms down on Saturday. The next 40 days are going to be CRAZY. And the next few years.
Judicial temperament is more civility BS. I thought a Justice swears to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That is a fight. Mental agility and language skill are the weapons, but the Justice’s role still is that of a fighter. See Scalia, who like Kavanaugh had great social skills, but remained a fighter using those skills at the moment the opponents of the Constitution attack.
@wwww, even the nicest of men can be pushed too far.
If they’re men.
You and Althouse, as much as Ford and Feinstein, are trying to take his good name. For what reason? Because you think you can? You and Althouse deserve the same level of censure that the Dumbocrats on the panel deserve.
I also totally don't want someone who gets like that
"[Thurgood] Marshall said Robert Kennedy once offered him a District Court judgeship when Marshall wanted to be on the U.S. Court of Appeals. "I told Bobby Kennedy that I was not district judge material, because my fuse was too short. I lose my temper."
The dems on capital hill have "helpfully" doxxed Hatch, Lee and Graham, just in case another fully woke and motivated dem decides to reduce the number of republicans available to vote for Kavanaugh.
wwww@7:46 quoting cuck strumpet Liz Mair to own the cons. Okay 4w, but what does conservative icon Jennifer Rubin say? And we haven't heard from the severely conservative Meghan McCain- what's McCuck's fat daughter think about Kav-brah?
traditionalguy: "Judicial temperament is more civility BS."
Judicial temperament is simply the "25th amendment" fallback position for these hack lefties after their attempted railroading of an innocent man came up short.
And that choosing Rachel Mitchell to question her was a mistake.
I disagree.
There was nothing to gain from interrogating CBF because she had nothing to offer but her demeanor. She was not going to be trapped in a lie because she presented only one "fact": I'm 100% sure that Brett Kavanaugh assaulted me. That is it.
Now imagine what would happen if a mean old White Republican asked CBF a tough question. Do you think she was coached to cry or amp up her terrified little girl presentation? Don't you think that such a clip would be in next weeks' ads for at least half the Democrat candidates?
I think the Republicans played this well, particularly their strategy of showing sympathy for CBF being manipulated by the Democrats and their lawyers.
When the Democrats chose to go all in with their smear strategy, they chose unwisely.
It's amazing, to see the media still play the evil-white-guy-vs-raped-woman narrative, when I clearly saw a woman being exploited by those whites claiming to help her. And, she's still not being helped, even after all the concern she got today.
If tim in vermont really wants to see an example of what I've called "putting parameters on reality", I'd submit Kavanaugh's calendars as Exhibit 'A' of how that's done. They firmly established the reality behind the narrative we'd been fed, and other evidence - that establishes what we can nail down - can do so in other realms, such as dealing with America's racial history or the NewAge.
The way we saw Dick Durbin try crafting politics into a trap for the judge - and an opening for Democrat ambitions before the midterms - shows there truly is no bottom when it comes to power. Today we saw a real "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" moment, and, I think, we should honor the decency behind that, by kicking people like Durbin out of government - as unAmerican.
If we want to stop things, like kneeling at football games, we need more - not fewer - examinations of this kind, so Americans can know what's-what.
Laslo at 10:24 reminds me of a thought I have been having over and over the last two weeks- rhhardin hasn't gotten nearly the respect he deserves, and he is probably the longest running commenter on Althouse at the moment- I can't think of any others longer term.
I cannot remember when I began commenting, but I believe it was about 2009. in response to literary post I quoted the last few paragraphs of Cheever's "Goodbye My Brother."
The record here is over 2000 comments--something like 2200 or 2300. Back in the old days when Trooper York, Victoria (from Florida--the good one), and others I forget used to comment. The Bush/Kerry election night thread, maybe. Or around that time.
It's a modern record, though, if you want to take solace in that.
Yet under questioning by Mitchell, Ford admitted that she had, in fact, flown across the country to make the hearing. She had also flown to the east coast for a vacation with family in August. She also admitted flying frequently for her work and for her hobbies, including surfing vacations in Hawaii, Costa Rica, and French Polynesia. Ford, laughing nervously, said that it was easier to fly for vacations.
I’m way more cynical about this than most.There’s deep state investigators ready and waiting at FBI. She’s a calculating political operative with a well vetted and leftie lawyer tested story. MeToo exists for this moment. If Hillary is president Harvey is still raping in between White House visits.
while we're holding the conviction without evidence, illegals stream across the borders. At $million a head, represents considerable fiscal difficulties in the near future. Do it for the children, (another liberal lie gone bad), hits the dustbin. Also shows the open minded, the "rules" don't exist, and, is further evidence of the unsuitability of the female in STEM endeavors. The illegal invasion is the purest form of child abuse, as well as putting blacks to the rear of the bus once more.
So now Ford is a millionaire, unearned, and a Lifetime of excellence in all arenas rewarded as someone who has "something to gain". A lucky retirement for UW law indeed. I'm gone.
wwww. "Being angry at false accusations is definitely an indication that a person is unstable and power mad."
You may want not to share with those falsely accused of rape who have served decades in prison. You know, those men who were exonerated due to the availability DNA evidence.
Some thread starting from Insty that I can't re-find said that Ford with her mannerisms presented as a split personality disorder, which might account for her inability to remember stuff. The personalities don't talk to each other, I guess.
If I google for it I find leftists saying Kavanaugh displays split personality for being angry. Google might be moving that up.
I hope having hearings for SCOTUS nominations has concluded. The constitution does not call for hearings, only "advise and consent". Be a trailblazer, Mr. President, advise these clowns who you are nominating and let 'em consent or not.
16 There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: 17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, 19 A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.
This doctor Fraud was a goddam liar, and a shitty liar at that. There ought to be an FBI investigation alright, but it should be a deep dive into her shady past and shameless present. Let's see all her social media, her website and media profiles, her financial history and her bank accounts, email and phone records. She's a fake, a liar and a democrat party operative. Before the next SC nominee is railroaded by the despicable Democrat party members, we need to get to the bottom of this disgrace and who is responsible. Compile the evidence, present the findings to the people, then prosecute the frauds and liars. Ford,. Feinstein, Durbin, Jackson-Lee, Schumer, Leahy, all of them witches...all of them Democrat party members.
Stability & civility & norms are easily scoffed at. But they are fragile and precious things. Hold onto your hats. It's not gonna end anytime soon.
It’ll end when Democrats discover that lying, false accusations, and incivility are a losing campaign strategy. I see that an enterprising Democrat staffer has doxxed Mike Lee, Orrin Hatch, and other Republican senators. Stop it. Just stop it.
An incredibly important 'principle' can give one license to ignore the Rule of Law, Norms, Civility, rules of evidence and due process.
Because we are looking at things 'cruelly neutrally', and the moral metric is clear: the benefit of the doubt needs to go to whomever supports 'The Principle'. And if, unfortunately, someone else needs to be destroyed to protect that 'Principle'.
Okay. These are the new rules.
So, I believe in a Principle too. It is 'Due Process' and "Rules of Evidence.'
So according to the Althousian way, People who also believe in that Principle should (without evidence, because 'Principle') do what is necessary to those who threaten that 'Principle'.
So Ford needs to be hounded, fisked, her career destroyed, her finances ruined, and her health and mental strength ruined. The rest of her miserable life should be in a courthouse every week. If perjury can be proven, she needs to be put in a federal prison far FAR away from her family. Do you want to know the emptiest parking lot in America on Christmas? That in front of a woman's prison. They RARELY get visited. She needs to be destroyed as an example for all character assassins everywhere. (Isn't the destruction of Kavanaugh supposed to send a message to MEN, Ms. Althouse?)
Avenatti needs to be hounded with the full weight of the government, fairly or unfairly. He should be disbarred at the very least, and his name made a punchline, at least in certain circles. His clients should be audited regularly and any Republican appointed judge should rule against him as often as possible. Because 'Principle'.
DiFi needs to be investigated RIGOROUSLY by the CIA and the FBI for her ChiCom spy/confidant/lover. Everyone who KNOWS Feinstein should be investigated and brought up on charges, no matter how questionable. Her fine and reasonable career should be overlooked because she threatens 'The Rule of Law'...just like everything Kavanaugh did should be ignored.
And I should be allowed to do this because Althouse's 'Principle' is 'keep yo' man hands offa ma body!'
It only helps Females.
MY Principle of the Due Process and being Against Character Assassination helps EVERYONE.
I am sorry Ms. Althouse is so narrow minded that she only cares about half the population, but there you go.
So, Ms. Althouse, looking at this 'cruelly neutrally', why shouldn't this happen?
They are rules that you refused to condemn. And Silence signals consent.
On the plus side, when Kavanaugh gets appointed, RBG will be spending her midnight years constantly arguing and feeling that everything she has worked for for the last hundred years, like that of Obama, will be on the edge of destruction.
Because Democrats had to be asses. Like Michael K, I would love Roe V. Wade to be thrown back at the legislature. If you can't win on the merits, don't hide behind RBGs Sith Skirts.
Abortion won't become illegal from that...but it will certainly be more in keeping with what the majority of Americans wish it to be instead of what Radicals like Althouse wish it to be.
Humperdink said... Yesterday's "hearing" covered a lot of ground.
Its funny you bring this up, because I've been thinking about this Proverb as well during this 'mess'. But I've keyed mostly on the 'bearing false witness' and 'wicked schemes' part.
I think this mess is mostly about Roe though, and you make some good additional points.
Blogger wildswan said... Suppose the next one is a woman and comes soon cause RBG dies of rage when K is confirmed. Then what will be the accusation against her?
We've seen her and the accusation. Amy Barrett was badgered by DiFi about being Catholic and refusing to openly support abortion.
She will be next and the hysteria will (rightly) be about abortion. The trouble is the Democrats fired off all their ammo at Kavanaugh, who would have been a squish on the Court. Too nice and eager to please.
They violated Machiavelli's rule. Plus they really pissed him off.
Now, Barrett will stare them down and tell them they are attacking a woman.
The Democrats have gotten too addicted to abortion money.
Michael Fitzgerald said... This doctor Fraud was a goddam liar, and a shitty liar at that.
Her story has inconsistencies and no one (NO ONE!) is backing it up.
And she's manipulative:
- In the letter she sends to DiFi, she says she was attacked and 'received medical treatment for it". Turns out, "medical treatment" means she brought it up in a therapy session 30 yrs later during a disagreement about wanting two front doors. This is 'receiving medical treatment'?
- When her husband questions why in the heck he needed two front doors (apparently this was a point of disagreement between them) she says its because she is so traumatized about and event she'd never mentioned for 30 years!!!
- She doesn't want to come to testify - she doesn't just say she's afraid to fly - she's afraid to fly because of what that guy did to her!
-In her testimony, she switches back and forth between a 'poor little girl' voice and a normal voice, and also between a naive person and a knowledgeable person with advanced degrees in psychology. (also, Instapundit's wife, who is a clinical psychologist, says someone with her training would not be so uninformed about lie detector tests).
How did they get rid of Harriet Meyers? I mean what form did non-consent take.
The Republican Party distrusted her, and expected her to become the next Breyer or at least Kennedy. I believe her nomination was ultimately withdrawn.
Before the next SC nominee is railroaded by the despicable Democrat party members, we need to get to the bottom of this disgrace and who is responsible.
Does Kavanaugh have a viable slander suit here, and would his attorney's be able to get to the bottom of all of this? - the scrubbed social media, who leaked to whom, etc. with subpoenas?
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१२१ टिप्पण्या:
"you can finally relax"
But not the Dutch.
Another day, another planned terror attack:
"Sept. 27 (UPI) -- Police in the Netherlands arrested seven men Thursday, breaking up what the country's public prosectors said was plans for a major terror attack.
Authorities said the men allegedly tried to obtain AK-47s, hand grenades and materials to make bombs, and sought training to use the guns and suicide jackets."
"Authorities said the men allegedly tried to obtain AK-47s, hand grenades and materials to make bombs, and sought training to use the guns and suicide jackets."
Uh oh. Usually these types of events lead the lefties to criticizing Christians and Trump voters because shutup.
Long day. I have not watched so much TV in years. I watched the CSPAN feed on CTH.
What a disastrous strategic error by Democrats. They shot all their ammo at a guy who looked like a squish to me.
Now he is pissed and the next nominee with be Amy Barrett and they have nothing left.
Who plans these things ?
It was all about abortion money. Trump is a better strategic thinker.
Cubs/Brewers and Dodgers/Rockies going down to the wire, with St. Louis with a slim chance still of a wildcard.
I think the Astros are going back to the World Series. They have been the most impressive defending champs since the 1999 Yankees.
But not sure about NL.
When I think about the Cubs winning it all, that final game, that final out, I still get a buzz off it. High, like I'm floating.
No Brewers game tonight. Have to watch the Cubs and root for the Pirates.
And now Lindsey Graham is a hero to me. Who'd have thunk it.
Lindsey Graham has been a better man since John McCain died.
Many ancient epics described similar story arcs.
Whatever you think of Trump as a president, he has supplied one hell of a reality show. I barely paid attention to the OJ trial, but this held me glued. No big Perry Mason moment, but you couldn't turn away. Plus no commercials.
Lindsey Graham is a hero to me
Out from underneath his guardian's wing, a spoiled child stands strong and with conviction. Based on the Democrats' uncivil behavior (including stalking, harassment, intimidation), and the lack evidence and consistency in multiple allegations, he confidently occupies the high ground.
Hotel only had CNN, so i listened to it on internet radio.
NPR was good, just tuned out when they started commenting.
Damn, if you'd told me in 1991 that old hag Nina Totenberg would still be alive and commenting on the radio, I've called you crazy.
Police in the Netherlands arrested seven men
That's new. Quite recent, in fact. International Planned Terrorism Federation.
Graham will revert to form eventually. Hate to be cynical, but Graham is a politician.
They are all politicians. Including Kavanaugh and Ford. She didn't just "come forward." The Dems set her up with their operatives to work on her story for the last two months. Version 4. They can't even coach it for her.
Over 1700 comments on the hearing. Is that a record?
Moses was always shown in Art with horns on his head, because he worshiped the Moon God.
The Moon God's name was Sin in Arabic. and this God rose every night from the mountains to the east, which the Arabs called Ai. Thus it was called Sin-Ai or Moon Mountain. Today it is known as the Sinai.
When Moses climbed Sin-Ai, he came back enlightened, with horns on his head.
I've been too angry to think but now it seems maybe the country isn't accepting the Big Lie as the political norm.
Red State is saying that Collins, Manchin, Murkowski and Donnelly will vote for Kavanaugh and that that would put him over.
Anyhow I got the gutters cleaned and the front lawn reweeded. No matter what.
Any progs, Republicans or democrat party members remark on the president's tweet restraint during the day long debacle? Didn't think so...
Lindsey Graham is looking to be Attorney General.
Moses brought back 15 Commandments
In other news....
U.S. securities regulators on Thursday sought to force Tesla Chief Executive Enron Musk out of the company he helped get off the ground about 15 years ago, alleging he misled shareholders when he tweeted he had funding for what would have been the largest-ever corporate buyout.
I wonder if Enron Musk will serve prison time, or if he'll conveniently have a 'heart failure', like Kenneth Lay did?
Lindsey Graham is looking to be Attorney General.
I still want Trey Gowdy. Ted Cruz would do.
The dimms fucked up so bad.
Michael K wrote: “It was all about abortion money. Trump is a better strategic thinker.”
It must kill Dems that Trump was once one of them, albeit a conservative Dem. it must kill Dems that they cannot front one politician with crossover appeal.
"When I think about the Cubs winning it all, that final game, that final out, I still get a buzz off it. High, like I'm floating."
31 years ago, I was stuck at Great Lakes, Illinois. For Liberty, we had a choice: take the train to Milwaukee or to Chicago. We chose Chicago and Wrigley Field. Andre Dawson hit a lotta homers that summer. What a great ballpark and city!
Add gorsuch to the team, now that campaign finance decision was so wrong.
I think the Dems judged they were in a win win situation.
There was a high chance he would withdraw, be pulled, or not get confirmed.
Or worst case get painted as a sexual predator.
Nobody, on either side, expected Kavanaugh to fight back as he did. As Michael K. has commented, he came across as a squish.
GOP did their usual it’s not our fault routine, don’t blame us, and treat Ford with kid gloves, afraid to be labeled as sexist, bullying, White Males. They played defense, which is not how you win games.
I wonder how this horrible, hellish experience changes how he will rule on the court?
Regarding the featured photo: Looks like a terrible safety hazard, piling all that stuff on the steps.
It was a,trial by ordeal, like fire hardens steel.
They played defense, which is not how you win games.
The best defense is a good offense.
Over a decade of posts, day after day, establishing a persona, a standard, a brand.
And now we see conclusive proof that Cruel Neutrality™ DOES exist.
But that it rightfully belongs to rhhardin.
I am Laslo.
Dems are threatening investigations and even impeachment once they get the house or senate back on Kavanaugh.
This is insane!
Funniest thing I read all day. I think rhhardin would be a good neighbor.
"Part of what's so crazy is that you could have a vote to confirm Kavanaugh on Saturday.... and then on Tuesday, a giant NYT or WaPo story could drop with credible new details or witnesses or accusations."
-Nate Silver
Hold onto your hats. The next 40 days are gonna be a roller coaster.
This is insane!
Stability & civility & norms are easily scoffed at. But they are fragile and precious things. Hold onto your hats. It's not gonna end anytime soon.
So, assuming it comes out of committee tomorrow, and goes to the floor, how long will that take? I know it hasn't been long since the last one, but I really wasn't paying much attention then.
Is there a traditional period for floor debate? Can we get this done by the end of next week?
From the (must be a record) 1700+ thread):
Blogger Saint Croix said @8:15 PM:
'...Question: Why did everyone you [CBF] named as witness come out against you? Including your best friend who says she never met Kavanaugh & the party did not happen?
Dr. Ford (literally): "Leland has significant health challenges, and I am happy that she is focusing on herself"'
IMO, a significant non-answer.
After not thinking about it for a while, suddenly my subconscious kicked in:
Why had CBF not called best friend Leland before her name became public and asked (1) where that supposed party was held and (2) the missing name of the boy who hosted it?
Since CBF was engaged in really serious business, it was victim malpractice not to at least try to nail down these important facts.
It supports the impression that CBF is not a serious person.
And that choosing Rachel Mitchell to question her was a mistake.
Ray, it was a repeat of Thomas, but with Republican majority and no cloture rule. Dems were hardly confident. Kavanaugh's demeanor today may have helped with POTUS and the raw meat types here but it was unnecessary to get to 50 votes. I bet he is cringing at how he came across.
In other news:
The Klobuchar moment was extraordinary.
"Can we get this done by the end of next week?"
By Saturday.
Readering: "Kavanaugh's demeanor today may have helped with POTUS and the raw meat types here but it was unnecessary to get to 50 votes. I bet he is cringing at how he came across."
Note to self: do not take betting advice from readering.
"Part of what's so crazy is that you could have a vote to confirm Kavanaugh on Saturday.... and then on Tuesday, a giant NYT or WaPo story could drop with credible new details or witnesses or accusations."
I don't care if they find a dozen chained love slaves in his basement. Dead serious. The rules changed irrevocably when the Democrats ignored Juanita Broaddrick. You don't get to say "never mind" after 20 years of lionizing a rapist and trying to make his chief enabler President. Immoral of me perhaps, but it's the world they made.
relax...have a beer.
I like beer.
anyone else want to go on record with that?
I bet he is cringing at how he came across.
I don't think so. I think he's mercurial and this anger is a side of him.
His exchange with Klobuchar. That showed a side of his character. He wasn't pretending. That's how he treats some women when he gets angry or wants something he can't have. He uses his power & rage and they can get out of his control.
Just had a Becks
Earthy yard growing flowers and food. Very relaxing.
Bay Area Guy @ 10:01:
Sounds like a good time! I grew up on the north side, I've been a Cubs fan all my life, heck I was a Cubs fan when it wasn't fashionable, way back when. I was taking the El to Wrigley field with my friends when I was 8 years, unchaperoned. You could do that back then, 8-year-old kids riding on the El without adult supervision. You're right, it's a great stadium, great place to see a baseball game. Now I'm a southsider, more or less, which means I should switch my allegiance to the Sox, but there's no way that'll ever happen. No way never.
Uh-oh, I misspoke: Wrigley field is a PARK not a stadium.
Three Hail Marys and five Our Fathers ...
Lindsey Graham is looking to be Attorney General.
Can he take orders? Trump’s direct reports need to be people who can be entrusted implement his plans, not second-guess him.
How many were surprised by K’s quick trans formation into a fighter Judge? It has always been there under mild mannered friend mask. The Liberals have awoken a true nemesis on the Court. And Lindsay Graham has transformed into a lion of the Senate. More of the Trump effect. Winning beats the hell out of meekness.
Wwww: "I don't think so. I think he's mercurial and this anger is a side of him."
Even liberals who have appeared before him in court have lauded Kavanaughs juducial temperament.
But do go on with your brand new and improved lies.
I am certain they will work just as well as your sadly pathetic previous lies.
TradGuy nails it again.
Lindsey Graham first came to notice as an impeachment manager against Clinton. America punished the Republicans for going after Billy Blythe Clinton in the following midterms.
Being angry at false accusations is definitely an indication that a person is unstable and power mad.
Liz Mair, worked for Scott Walker:
"Plenty of times in life I've exhibited the kind of rage and upset that Kavanaugh did today. I totally get it. I also totally don't want someone who gets like that, in what is a nationally-televised job interview, on the highest bench in the land. Sorry."
Reacting to his exchange with A. K.:
"Yeah, this was one of the moments that stood out for me as his not seeing particularly dispositionally suited to being a *Supreme Court* justice."
& most of all & this is what is going to stick with millions & millions of people:
"I'm going to say something awful but true right now: Kavanaugh really needs to calm down and look nicer because right now, millions of Americans are wondering whether Ford ever saw that look on his face in a room in some random suburban house in Maryland. Or if anyone else did."
-Liz Mair
Being angry at false accusations is definitely an indication that a person is unstable and power mad.
totally understandable but that doesn't mean suited for SCOTUS.
Whatever happens happens. It's not up to us but up to 4 senators who have been chatting with each other. There's a good chance he's on the bench by Saturday.
I don't think everything calms down on Saturday. The next 40 days are going to be CRAZY. And the next few years.
I wish Trump had nominated one of the women on his list.
"I wish Trump had nominated one of the women on his list."
Yes we are all well aware of the joy the left takes in attacking the children of conservative women.
Judicial temperament is more civility BS. I thought a Justice swears to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That is a fight. Mental agility and language skill are the weapons, but the Justice’s role still is that of a fighter. See Scalia, who like Kavanaugh had great social skills, but remained a fighter using those skills at the moment the opponents of the Constitution attack.
@wwww, even the nicest of men can be pushed too far.
If they’re men.
You and Althouse, as much as Ford and Feinstein, are trying to take his good name. For what reason? Because you think you can? You and Althouse deserve the same level of censure that the Dumbocrats on the panel deserve.
Do Supremes get Secret Service?
We've had Scalise, Paul & Peters this year. I don't think it's going to get better any time soon.
I also totally don't want someone who gets like that
"[Thurgood] Marshall said Robert Kennedy once offered him a District Court judgeship when Marshall wanted to be on the U.S. Court of Appeals. "I told Bobby Kennedy that I was not district judge material, because my fuse was too short. I lose my temper."
Unknown: "Do Supremes get Secret Service?"
The dems on capital hill have "helpfully" doxxed Hatch, Lee and Graham, just in case another fully woke and motivated dem decides to reduce the number of republicans available to vote for Kavanaugh.
wwww@7:46 quoting cuck strumpet Liz Mair to own the cons. Okay 4w, but what does conservative icon Jennifer Rubin say? And we haven't heard from the severely conservative Meghan McCain- what's McCuck's fat daughter think about Kav-brah?
@11:36 that is.
traditionalguy: "Judicial temperament is more civility BS."
Judicial temperament is simply the "25th amendment" fallback position for these hack lefties after their attempted railroading of an innocent man came up short.
Suppose the next one is a woman and comes soon cause RBG dies of rage when K is confirmed. Then what will be the accusation against her?
Ha! Bet she never calls *you* an ace commenter again!
I see a report “we have the votes” including at least one dem (Manchin). And PredictIt has him at better than 3:1.
And that choosing Rachel Mitchell to question her was a mistake.
I disagree.
There was nothing to gain from interrogating CBF because she had nothing to offer but her demeanor. She was not going to be trapped in a lie because she presented only one "fact": I'm 100% sure that Brett Kavanaugh assaulted me. That is it.
Now imagine what would happen if a mean old White Republican asked CBF a tough question. Do you think she was coached to cry or amp up her terrified little girl presentation? Don't you think that such a clip would be in next weeks' ads for at least half the Democrat candidates?
I think the Republicans played this well, particularly their strategy of showing sympathy for CBF being manipulated by the Democrats and their lawyers.
When the Democrats chose to go all in with their smear strategy, they chose unwisely.
The laugh of the day is the congressional staffer who added "drinking game" to the Wikipedia definition of Devil's Triangle. Orwell would be proud.
next one is a woman... what will be the accusation against her
Pro-human rights. Pro-woman rights. Anti-feminist rights. Activate Antifa to stalk, harass, and intimidate her, and force an emotional divide.
The Coal Train tries to hit all the major stops but there's still a few more little ones out there:
It's amazing, to see the media still play the evil-white-guy-vs-raped-woman narrative, when I clearly saw a woman being exploited by those whites claiming to help her. And, she's still not being helped, even after all the concern she got today.
If tim in vermont really wants to see an example of what I've called "putting parameters on reality", I'd submit Kavanaugh's calendars as Exhibit 'A' of how that's done. They firmly established the reality behind the narrative we'd been fed, and other evidence - that establishes what we can nail down - can do so in other realms, such as dealing with America's racial history or the NewAge.
The way we saw Dick Durbin try crafting politics into a trap for the judge - and an opening for Democrat ambitions before the midterms - shows there truly is no bottom when it comes to power. Today we saw a real "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" moment, and, I think, we should honor the decency behind that, by kicking people like Durbin out of government - as unAmerican.
If we want to stop things, like kneeling at football games, we need more - not fewer - examinations of this kind, so Americans can know what's-what.
Laslo at 10:24 reminds me of a thought I have been having over and over the last two weeks- rhhardin hasn't gotten nearly the respect he deserves, and he is probably the longest running commenter on Althouse at the moment- I can't think of any others longer term.
I have been reading Althouse since 2004 almost every day, but even I didn't start commenting until sometime in the 2nd Obama term, I think.
Crack Emcee called this a real Mr Smith Goes To Washington moment. Nice.
“next one is a woman... what will be the accusation against her”
Racist, sexist, anti-gay
The nominee must go away!
A man recently lost his job for saying women don’t have penises. No one should imagine they will find this difficult.
I cannot remember when I began commenting, but I believe it was about 2009. in response to literary post I quoted the last few paragraphs of Cheever's "Goodbye My Brother."
The record here is over 2000 comments--something like 2200 or 2300. Back in the old days when Trooper York, Victoria (from Florida--the good one), and others I forget used to comment. The Bush/Kerry election night thread, maybe. Or around that time.
It's a modern record, though, if you want to take solace in that.
When Kavanaugh was being questioned about various inscriptions in his yearbook, did anyone besides me think this had a whiff of Pizzagate?
Yet under questioning by Mitchell, Ford admitted that she had, in fact, flown across the country to make the hearing. She had also flown to the east coast for a vacation with family in August. She also admitted flying frequently for her work and for her hobbies, including surfing vacations in Hawaii, Costa Rica, and French Polynesia. Ford, laughing nervously, said that it was easier to fly for vacations.
Laslo smokes out another one.
I’m way more cynical about this than most.There’s deep state investigators ready and waiting at FBI. She’s a calculating political operative with a well vetted and leftie lawyer tested story. MeToo exists for this moment. If Hillary is president Harvey is still raping in between White House visits.
Under current evidentiary review there's more favoring the 2 shooter grassy knoll theory. Hell by these standards, Obama's entire history is bullshit.
Rehajm for the win. Go fund me was half a million by sunset. And what's this...
wwww said: "I wish Trump had nominated one of the women on his list."
He's waiting for Darth Vadir Ginsberg to assume room temperature.
while we're holding the conviction without evidence, illegals stream across the borders. At $million a head, represents considerable fiscal difficulties in the near future. Do it for the children, (another liberal lie gone bad), hits the dustbin. Also shows the open minded, the "rules" don't exist, and, is further evidence of the unsuitability of the female in STEM endeavors.
The illegal invasion is the purest form of child abuse, as well as putting blacks to the rear of the bus once more.
So now Ford is a millionaire, unearned, and a Lifetime of excellence in all arenas rewarded as someone who has "something to gain". A lucky retirement for UW law indeed.
I'm gone.
wwww. "Being angry at false accusations is definitely an indication that a person is unstable and power mad."
You may want not to share with those falsely accused of rape who have served decades in prison. You know, those men who were exonerated due to the availability DNA evidence.
In order to avoid these problems, the next Supreme Court Nominee will be a veteran of the sex industry.
Some thread starting from Insty that I can't re-find said that Ford with her mannerisms presented as a split personality disorder, which might account for her inability to remember stuff. The personalities don't talk to each other, I guess.
If I google for it I find leftists saying Kavanaugh displays split personality for being angry. Google might be moving that up.
I hope having hearings for SCOTUS nominations has concluded. The constitution does not call for hearings, only "advise and consent". Be a trailblazer, Mr. President, advise these clowns who you are nominating and let 'em consent or not.
How did they get rid of Harriet Meyers? I mean what form did non-consent take.
Yesterday's "hearing" covered a lot of ground.
16 There are six things which the Lord hates,
Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:
17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
And hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that run rapidly to evil,
19 A false witness who utters lies,
And one who spreads strife among brothers.
Well, Humperdinck, you’ve just described the Democrat party in those six things.
Stephen Cooper said...Lindsey Graham has been a better man since John McCain died.
Perhaps as a traditional Southern gentleman, he had too much respect for McCain's service in Vietnam to fairly evaluate his record as a Senator.
This doctor Fraud was a goddam liar, and a shitty liar at that. There ought to be an FBI investigation alright, but it should be a deep dive into her shady past and shameless present. Let's see all her social media, her website and media profiles, her financial history and her bank accounts, email and phone records. She's a fake, a liar and a democrat party operative. Before the next SC nominee is railroaded by the despicable Democrat party members, we need to get to the bottom of this disgrace and who is responsible. Compile the evidence, present the findings to the people, then prosecute the frauds and liars. Ford,. Feinstein, Durbin, Jackson-Lee, Schumer, Leahy, all of them witches...all of them Democrat party members.
Stability & civility & norms are easily scoffed at. But they are fragile and precious things. Hold onto your hats. It's not gonna end anytime soon.
It’ll end when Democrats discover that lying, false accusations, and incivility are a losing campaign strategy. I see that an enterprising Democrat staffer has doxxed Mike Lee, Orrin Hatch, and other Republican senators. Stop it. Just stop it.
How did they get rid of Harriet Meyers?
Republicans pressured Bush to withdraw the nomination. The right-wing press hated her and the Rs saw election trouble for themselves.
Okay, Ms. Althouse has established some 'truths'.
An incredibly important 'principle' can give one license to ignore the Rule of Law, Norms, Civility, rules of evidence and due process.
Because we are looking at things 'cruelly neutrally', and the moral metric is clear: the benefit of the doubt needs to go to whomever supports 'The Principle'. And if, unfortunately, someone else needs to be destroyed to protect that 'Principle'.
Okay. These are the new rules.
So, I believe in a Principle too. It is 'Due Process' and "Rules of Evidence.'
So according to the Althousian way, People who also believe in that Principle should (without evidence, because 'Principle') do what is necessary to those who threaten that 'Principle'.
So Ford needs to be hounded, fisked, her career destroyed, her finances ruined, and her health and mental strength ruined. The rest of her miserable life should be in a courthouse every week. If perjury can be proven, she needs to be put in a federal prison far FAR away from her family. Do you want to know the emptiest parking lot in America on Christmas? That in front of a woman's prison. They RARELY get visited. She needs to be destroyed as an example for all character assassins everywhere. (Isn't the destruction of Kavanaugh supposed to send a message to MEN, Ms. Althouse?)
Avenatti needs to be hounded with the full weight of the government, fairly or unfairly. He should be disbarred at the very least, and his name made a punchline, at least in certain circles. His clients should be audited regularly and any Republican appointed judge should rule against him as often as possible. Because 'Principle'.
DiFi needs to be investigated RIGOROUSLY by the CIA and the FBI for her ChiCom spy/confidant/lover. Everyone who KNOWS Feinstein should be investigated and brought up on charges, no matter how questionable. Her fine and reasonable career should be overlooked because she threatens 'The Rule of Law'...just like everything Kavanaugh did should be ignored.
And I should be allowed to do this because Althouse's 'Principle' is 'keep yo' man hands offa ma body!'
It only helps Females.
MY Principle of the Due Process and being Against Character Assassination helps EVERYONE.
I am sorry Ms. Althouse is so narrow minded that she only cares about half the population, but there you go.
So, Ms. Althouse, looking at this 'cruelly neutrally', why shouldn't this happen?
They are rules that you refused to condemn. And Silence signals consent.
Being all 'cruelly neutral'.
On the plus side, when Kavanaugh gets appointed, RBG will be spending her midnight years constantly arguing and feeling that everything she has worked for for the last hundred years, like that of Obama, will be on the edge of destruction.
Because Democrats had to be asses. Like Michael K, I would love Roe V. Wade to be thrown back at the legislature. If you can't win on the merits, don't hide behind RBGs Sith Skirts.
Abortion won't become illegal from that...but it will certainly be more in keeping with what the majority of Americans wish it to be instead of what Radicals like Althouse wish it to be.
Good Morning, Ladies & Gentlemen,
I am your conductor, and there's only one "train" being pulled today....
Do you want to know the emptiest parking lot in America on Christmas? That in front of a woman's prison.
No, it's the parking lot for the pediatric emergency room on a rainy night at the county hospital.
In climes colder than Los Angeles, its a snowy night.
Humperdink said...
Yesterday's "hearing" covered a lot of ground.
Its funny you bring this up, because I've been thinking about this Proverb as well during this 'mess'. But I've keyed mostly on the 'bearing false witness' and 'wicked schemes' part.
I think this mess is mostly about Roe though, and you make some good additional points.
Blogger wildswan said...
Suppose the next one is a woman and comes soon cause RBG dies of rage when K is confirmed. Then what will be the accusation against her?
We've seen her and the accusation. Amy Barrett was badgered by DiFi about being Catholic and refusing to openly support abortion.
She will be next and the hysteria will (rightly) be about abortion. The trouble is the Democrats fired off all their ammo at Kavanaugh, who would have been a squish on the Court. Too nice and eager to please.
They violated Machiavelli's rule. Plus they really pissed him off.
Now, Barrett will stare them down and tell them they are attacking a woman.
The Democrats have gotten too addicted to abortion money.
Michael Fitzgerald said...
This doctor Fraud was a goddam liar, and a shitty liar at that.
Her story has inconsistencies and no one (NO ONE!) is backing it up.
And she's manipulative:
- In the letter she sends to DiFi, she says she was attacked and 'received medical treatment for it". Turns out, "medical treatment" means she brought it up in a therapy session 30 yrs later during a disagreement about wanting two front doors. This is 'receiving medical treatment'?
- When her husband questions why in the heck he needed two front doors (apparently this was a point of disagreement between them) she says its because she is so traumatized about and event she'd never mentioned for 30 years!!!
- She doesn't want to come to testify - she doesn't just say she's afraid to fly - she's afraid to fly because of what that guy did to her!
-In her testimony, she switches back and forth between a 'poor little girl' voice and a normal voice, and also between a naive person and a knowledgeable person with advanced degrees in psychology. (also, Instapundit's wife, who is a clinical psychologist, says someone with her training would not be so uninformed about lie detector tests).
Fake Drudge headline:
"New 26,000-pound dinosaur discovery Earth's largest land animal..."
Except for later dinosaurs which were 6 or 7 times as big.
How did they get rid of Harriet Meyers? I mean what form did non-consent take.
The Republican Party distrusted her, and expected her to become the next Breyer or at least Kennedy. I believe her nomination was ultimately withdrawn.
Before the next SC nominee is railroaded by the despicable Democrat party members, we need to get to the bottom of this disgrace and who is responsible.
Does Kavanaugh have a viable slander suit here, and would his attorney's be able to get to the bottom of all of this? - the scrubbed social media, who leaked to whom, etc. with subpoenas?
Fake Drudge headline:
"Eerie comet with SKULL face to zip past Earth..."
The actual comet doesn't look at all like a skull, er, SKULL, so they used a DRAWING.
Fake Drudge headline:
"Playboy who 'slept with 6,000 women' dies during sex..."
"During" meaning "after".
“Blogger Etienne said...
In order to avoid these problems, the next Supreme Court Nominee will be a veteran of the sex industry.”
It’s worked wonders for the Presidency! It’s a great idea. Where else are you going to find a true libertarian capitalist?
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