That is from Mark LaGanga/CBS News — with enhanced video and audio and doubled FPS:
05:48 - Inside WTC 7 at the main lobby.
09:44 - View on the WTC-7 south face from west after WTC-2 (South Tower) collapsed, but before the collapse of WTC 1 (North Tower).
18:07 - WTC 1 collapses at 10:28am...
View on WTC from: Northwest, West and Southwest
Camera Locations: West Street, Vesey Street, WTC-7 lobby, Chambers Street
५७ टिप्पण्या:
When will the Guantanamo prisoners be put on trial?
Requiescat in pace.
Maybe had the Soviets not rolled their tanks into Afghanistan during the Carter administration, the whole thing could have been avoided. Maybe had Bill Clinton not launched a missile attack on a sovereign Afghanistan to distract attention from his penchant for sexual harassment and assault, the whole thing could have been avoided.
Instead we have a briefing in August of 2001 with a vague warning about Al Qaeda wanting to attack the United Sates, where the only real response he could have come up with would have been to racially profile the entire US Arab community, or perhaps completely changed airline security, but if you recall, it took grounding of commercial air travel for weeks to accomplish that.
As Victor Davis Hanson has written many times, we don’t win this war until the enemy knows it is defeated. And we are a long way until those inbred morons know that. Obama did a fucking horrible job. He could have stepped on their throats many times. Obama prolonged the war for decades when he gave Iran billions and gave up on the trade sanctions. He allowed plenty of current and future terrorists into this country.
When I saw that smug and arrogant prick Obama lie on TV the other day I was reminded that he was the worst President in American history.
Obama proclaimed himself as a basketball expert. He should have known that basketball is a game of runs. In the words of Oregon coach Dana Altman, “Up 10; down 10. Up 20; down 20” and “Step on their throats.”
Obama had the chance to win the war. We were up 20. He blew it. He then gave the enemy billions. Point shaving. Treason.
"Maybe ... the whole thing could have been avoided."
You seem to be forgetting the Gulf War and subsequent American military presence in Saudi Arabia.
Anyway, I think it's a huge mistake and waste of time to say, "if X hadn't happened, Y wouldn't have happened." Well, they did. Now what?
Maybe had the Soviets not rolled their tanks into Afghanistan during the Carter administration, the whole thing could have been avoided. Maybe had Bill Clinton not launched a missile attack on a sovereign Afghanistan to distract attention from his penchant for sexual harassment and assault, the whole thing could have been avoided.
Gee, you skipped the whole Reagan administration in between. Where we wholeheartedly supported the Mujaheddin, the precursors of both the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Obama prolonged the war for decades when he gave Iran billions and gave up on the trade sanctions. He allowed plenty of current and future terrorists into this country.
Umm, Iran is a sworn enemy of the Taliban.
Clinton bombed Iraq, not Afghanistan.
The one time I saw the WTC was from directly across the river, where they were frighteningly enormous, not like the airborne video I'd seen before.
Clinton bombed Iraq, not Afghanistan
So that cruise missile attack on bin Laden’s training camp took place in Iraq? Wow! It’s amazing how one’s memory plays tricks!
Gee, you skipped the whole Reagan administration in between. Where we wholeheartedly supported the Mujaheddin, the precursors of both the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Yeah, Reagan had the task of turning back the Soviet aggression there. It turned out that banning the Soviets from the Olympics didn’t do the trick. No Soviet invasion, no Reagan involvement in Afghanistan is my bet. The Soviets were acting, the US reacted.
Freder would have been fine to see the Soviet Empire continue it’s march unabated.
Obama had the chance to win the war. We were up 20. He blew it.
For an expert on ball he sure was surprised at how good the JV team was.
”No Soviet invasion, no Reagan involvement in Afghanistan is my bet.”
Can’t imagine how anyone can argue otherwise, though I suppose Freder is about to show us.
Holder voided the pleas of the gitmo 5, hence we've had this Kabuki proceeding for the last 6 years
If Saddam had invaded the kingdom he would have put an end to bin Laden's band
So that cruise missile attack on bin Laden’s training camp took place in Iraq? Wow! It’s amazing how one’s memory plays tricks!
I was thinking of the impeachment vote delaying tactic. You're right, I had forgotten he bombed some empty huts with million dollar missiles.
The reason I jumped to Clinton’s cruise missile attack when there was no state of war with Afghanistan was that it happened just about a year prior to 9-11 and certainly acted as a justification for Mullah Omar to let the project continue.
I was thinking of the impeachment vote delaying tactic.
Funny how Bill Clinton actually did so many of the things people accuse Trump of secretly harboring desires to do.
Never forget, never forgive. Kill them all.
As Laslo has noted here, everything has to be brought back to Trump. Every fucking wasted man hour the Trump Administration has to spend fighting Mueller’s Deep State coup effort (aka lawfare) is one hour not spent fighting terrorism, fixing our economy, fixing trade and stopping open borders.
There are only 24 hours in each day and opportunity cost never sleeps.
I do not suffer fools well when the issue is terrorism. It’s a black and white issue and also a zero sum game.
TiV said: Funny how Bill Clinton actually did so many of the things people accuse Trump of secretly harboring desires to do.
Funny how previous Democratic Presidents actually did so many of the things people accuse the current Republican President of secretly harboring desires to do.
fixed it for you
As the twin towers fell, real estate developer Donald Trump stood silently by and watched it happen.
As the twin towers fell, real estate developer Donald Trump stood silently by and watched it happen.
Was he supposed to catch the falling towers?
Desert fox was to take out the wmds the Sudan strike was to take out a chemical weapons facility, and Afghanistan, presumably an al quada camp but pak intelligence tipped them off
As the twin towers fell, real estate developer Donald Trump stood silently by and watched it happen.
If you see something, say something.
Rick: Was [Trump] supposed to catch the falling towers?
If you'd like to know how a true hero would respond:
"In his book, The Audacity of Hope, Mr. Obama wrote about the scene in the law office. "A group of us sat motionless," he wrote, "as the nightmare images unfolded across the TV screen." "
By these simple courageous actions, Mr. Obama saved thousands upon thousands on that harrowing day.
I can only assume Rick is not keeping up with the trends of modern journalism. I'm just trying to help out.
”Every fucking wasted man hour the Trump Administration has to spend fighting Mueller’s Deep State coup effort (aka lawfare) is one hour not spent fighting terrorism, fixing our economy, fixing trade and stopping open borders.”
They have blood on their hands.
Of course it was flight 93, that prevented capitol hill from becoming a slaughterhouse, and that was because of the bravery of Todd beamer and the other passengers.
Another detail the hijackers were down one man Mohamed manea al qahtani, this is the man that Durbin cried crocodile tears over his treatment.
Molly, “Tee hee" is my only response to that.
"...we wholeheartedly supported the Mujaheddin, the precursors of both the Taliban and Al Qaeda."
Well, not all the Mujaheddin. America supported Ahmad Shah Massoud, the anti-Taliban "Lion of Panjshir" who mas murdered by the Taliban two days before 9/11. There were different factions fighting within Afghanistan, some of which were violently anti-Western and others not so. They all fought the Soviets, but splintered after expelling the invaders. Perhaps the USA should have supported nobody, in retrospect. Hindsight is usually excellent, and often is a useful tool for criticizing America.
Freder, 7:18:
"Where we wholeheartedly supported the Mujaheddin, the precursors of both the Taliban and Al Qaeda."
As Paul Fussell put it in his jarring essay Thank God for the Atom Bomb, "The past, which as always did not know the future, acted in ways that ask to be imagined before they are condemned. Or even simplified."
We supported the Mujaheddin in part because we wanted to hurt and tie down the Soviets. Even Carter wanted that.
We supported some good guys and some very bad guys. Worse, we used Pakistan as a conduit, and Pakistan saw the opportunity to support some of the very bad guys for their own reasons.
We also supported them out of admittedly selective, but nonetheless genuine, moral outrage at what the Soviets were doing. Do you know what the population of Kandahar was when the Soviets arrived, and when they left? How many double-amputees there were from mines? About the IED toys they scattered through the markets? This really happened.
Yes. We supported guys who went out and killed people who did those things. I'm not sorry. I'm sorry we weren't more selective. I'm sorry there weren't more like Massoud, and fewer like Hekmatyar and Rashid Dostum.
Yes bin Laden drew from hekmatyar (who was a Charlie Wilson favirite) razzul sayyaf (who inspired the filipino group) and at least one other faction, represented on the ruling counsel, pak intelligence and Saudi general intelligence (prince turki) determined where it would go.
Hekmatyar was always a bad egg (he threw acid at women back in pakistan) dostum was a hard man, but much more self aware then made out who believed his own press.
”Another detail the hijackers were down one man Mohamed manea al qahtani, this is the man that Durbin cried crocodile tears over his treatment.”
Holy cow. Really?
Field Marshal Freder instructs us all.
Blogger Roughcoat said...
Never forget, never forgive. Kill them all.
That is the fundamental strategy. David Goldman has written that wars end when 30% of the male military age population of the aggressor has been killed.
We have about 30 million to go.
Paco Wové said...
"Maybe ... the whole thing could have been avoided."
"You seem to be forgetting the Gulf War and subsequent American military presence in Saudi Arabia."
This goes waaaay before that - civilians are idiots when it comes to everything our government's doing and done. I'm of the mind we took our lumps, and they're less than we've dished out, so, for that, someone can be happy. But I'm not.
At one point the cameras were pulled away from the people jumping from the towers, and the videos of it were not seen again.
The best 9/11 video was on Fox (not Fox News).
It accompanied two reporters who had driven from mid-Manhattan to the WTC after the first plane hit.
At one point they (and their cameraman) were at the base of one tower when they were told to evacuate … right away.
They escaped to Pace University and recorded other survivors all covered with dust.
Yes, there were a number of candidates who tried to get into the country like the Tunisian jdey, but it was that one man that landed in America, he is from the Kahtan umbrella,tribe, which diughty recognized for their awareness in the 19th century.
He was certainly put under duress, the procedures had been determined to be legal under European court precedents.
Qahtani was no 2, in naming the courier who led to abbotabad.
It accompanied two reporters who had driven from mid-Manhattan to the WTC after the first plane hit.
Were they the French reporters who did the terrific video record? Weren't they doing something with the fire station ?
Kudos to Freder for being the only leftist with guts enough to post on this thread. I'm sure Inga and the rest hate hate hate it, being reminded of 9-11 and their subsequent destruction of American unity.
When I say "kill them all" I mean kill all those who are plotting, supporting, or involved, either actively or indirectly, in activities and operations undertaken for the purpose of killing and/or harming American citizens, and harming and/or destroying the United States in particular and Western civilization overall.
In other words: kill our enemies.
It was kind of jolting to see the "U-Turn World Trade Center" street sign. I know exactly where that sign was.
One thing that seems strange to me about the Bldg 7 controlled demolition. (No one doubts that was a controlled demolition.) But how did they get the explosives ready, get them taken into the Bldg 7 and put into the right places wired up, all during all that chaos in the 6 hoursfollowing the total surprise attacks by Jetliners on Bldgs 1 and 2?
One almost thinks that work had to be pre-done on Bldg 7 weeks ahead. And if so, what work was pre-done on Bldgs 1 &2?
Wahhabism is named after an eighteenth-century preacher and activist, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703–1792).[16]
Replacing Ottoman Hegemony with Western Military-Industrial local puppet tyrants following the revolt in the desert set the stage justifying, in the minds of the saudi's, resurgence of religious nihilism.
Dozens and dozens of heavy-handed moves later, we get 911.
The death and destruction plus wealth balance sheet leaves us ahead of the Arabs 1000:1
Kill them all is not a strategy, it is blood-thirsty genocide. Roughcoat apparently learnt nothing from the failed bodycount war fought in Vietnam.
STILL waiting for CBS to re-run 'The Road To 9/11'.
The Road to 9/11, 2017: History channel website: "Episodes for this season are currently unavailable on our site."
The Path to 9/11, 2006: ABC, nothing on their site comes up, thanks to the Clintons.
I've got a link to it, but the thought of watching it depresses me too much.
Umm, Iran is a sworn enemy of the Taliban.
Whose hatred of America far exceeds anything else.
Why do you leftists continue to make excuses for Islamic extremists?
Tcrosse asserts: At one point the cameras were pulled away from the people jumping from the towers, and the videos of it were not seen again.
I have it on DVD. Just watched it, as I do every year since 9/11. In Memoriam-New York City 9/11/01, a well-produced, graphic and very moving DVD recording the events. The music includes Aaron Copland as well as the ever-evocative Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber. I highly recommend it.
Why do you leftists continue to make excuses for Islamic extremists?
Because they have to, in knee-jerk fashion, defend every hair-brained idea that defies logic or common sense and that might oppose God, country or decency. It's what leftists do. It's what leftists have always done.
"Umm, Iran is a sworn enemy of the Taliban."
And the interactions between al Qaeda, whom the Taliban refused to turn over to us on pain of invasion (owed them one for Massoud), and Iran over the years have been complex and interesting, and more collaborative than hostile.
By all means, go for the snark instead, but I wonder if you actually don't know how much more there is to this story.
I saw "The Path to 9/11" the first and only time it was broadcast on two consecutive nights.
I have since acquired it in its entirety from The Pirate Bay, see
The Pirate Bay site comes and goes, but it's never gone for good. It's shut down today, but will likely return tomorrow or shortly thereafter. You can also avail yourself of Pirate Bay proxy and mirror sites.
"The Path to 9/11" is one of the best miniseries ever made, and better than any and every cinematic treatment of 9/11. In particular the whole final third of the production depicting the attacks is incredibly well done. It's very tough to watch -- that's how good it is. The depiction of the heroism of the doomed NYC firefighter will bring tears to your eyes.
After watching "The Path to 9/11" I felt wrung out -- filled with rage and sorrow. I can see why the Clintons and leftist Orcs suppressed it.
This video has now been expunged and I can't find it anywhere.
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