ADDED: If you had to have a tattoo on your face, what would it be? And I mean a tattoo that large and conspicuous. So don't just make it very small or say you'd have tattooed eyeliner or your eyebrows "microbladed" or you'd wear long bangs to cover it up. Your only power is to pick the image. What is it? Not a gun! Let's say the image must be of a weapon. Still, a gun is just not graphically appealing or interesting. Even if you like guns, that tattoo is clunky and indistinct. A mess. If it had to be a weapon, I'd say: an arrow.
१३२ टिप्पण्या:
Now there' a look.
I would have liked to have been there when that decision was made.
Rustys theory of spandex, piercings and tattoos writ large.
Gobsmacked here.
Face tattoo = loser.
Tattoo artist = accessory to a loser.
Assault rifle tattoos must be banned!
A "hold my beer, watch this" moment.
At least it's not an Iron Cross that spooks the Antifas.
c'mon Althouse, you know he ditched the real gun in the ditch. Are we now going to have to actually start reading the articles?
I hope he’s not bringing that gun to a knife fight.
"Man with a tattoo of a gun on his face charged with illegally possessing a gun"
Very misleading headline. I was expecting an aggressive interpretation of the gun statute that criminalized the tattooing of the gun on his face, which would have had serious 1st Amdt issues. Instead, we find that he was arrested for being a felon in possession, with an actual gun in evidence, who just happens to have a gun tattooed on his face. Stupid criminal, but maybe even stupider headline.
" I was expecting an aggressive interpretation of the gun statute that criminalized the tattooing of the gun on his face ..."
What a pity. He looks like he had such promise.
"Bruce Hayden said...
Very misleading headline. I was expecting an aggressive interpretation of the gun statute that criminalized the tattooing of the gun on his face..."
If I were him I would get a "get out of jail free card" tattoo.
The headline misled me, because I immediately assumed it was a story from the UK. (Where it probably is a crime to have a tattoo of a gun.)
This post: Gun tattoo. Next post: "Calling his shots..." Do I sense a theme here?
t's got an extended magazine, too. He'll never get out.
If I was forced to have a tattoo of a weapon on my face, I would choose a balasiong. It has very elegant curves and proportions.
and when we see any tatoo we need to think about the PAIN , the TIME and the MONEY this person chose to waste.
“If you had to have a tattoo on your face, what would it be?”
I wouldn’t.
This guy is advertising his stupidity.
Vines is federally prohibited from possessing a firearm, according to the department.
So, a felon? I was expecting the story to be just what it was. I've stopped expecting headlines to accurately and unambiguously sum up the story. It's all about the clicks now.
What hunter needs a face tattoo?
Tattoos don't kill people.
Killers kill people.
My choice: IDIOT
Because you don't want people to wonder.
The eternal debate continues. I vote longbow for a tattoo.
I learned in marketing that we are what we eat, drink, drive and wear. Brooks Brothers says one thing. Bud Light says another.
A Madison woman driving a TT says university professor with grown children who is an unconventional thinker. Driving a Hummer would have said something different.
And there is no such thing as a tattoo artist. Oxymoron. How about body vandal?
A multi-colored bullseye would look nice, no? Perhaps Target (the store) would fund the work...
A Katana (or some other curves sword like a Mameluke) which runs from one temple down along the jaw line. If I had to pick a tattoo on my face.
If I had to have a face tattoo of a weapon, I'd go with a gun, but drawn with a fish-eye perspective pointing at the viewer.
Is that a single fresh-looking tattoo of a tear under his left eye? Or embedded diamond? Wonder if both mean a kill?
This is good a reminder that Tattoos are simply ownership markings on people who are owned by others. People do it to surrender themselves to other forces or units like a Military Patch. It is not now, and it never has been, a way to beautify a human being.
How about a battleship?
How bout grade school weapons? A suction cup dart tattoo might be amusing but spit wad, definitely inappropriate.
I'd go with a SPLL. Self Propelled Loader/Launcher, the Multiple Launch Rocket System vehicle I drove in the Army. It's a pretty cool looking vehicle when the launchers are elevated.
The man is obviously a moron.
A Tiger mask
I've begun to wonder if tattoos are addictive. I've a nephew who started with biblical tats, added a mountain tattoo after the wildfires in Gatlinburg, and recently took his heartbeat strip from a cardiologist appt to the tattoo parlor to have it added to his arm.
I like dbp's idea of a curved sword, but would run it aside the brow ending high on the cheek bone at the outside edge of the eye.
I'd choose a claymore
Get a tattoo of a throwing star. You could claim it is just a star like that Kat Von d.
A stiletto with the blade pointing down running from forehead to tip of the nose.
And of course, this dude is a complete moron.
My largest concern is the significantly reduced odds that he will be contributing to the social security fund during what I hope will be 30 years of doing things which will include avoiding people like him.
A katana, of course.
I tried to guess his state. I wasn't far off. Something in his face screams "appalachia" to me.
brass knuckles would be appropriate for anyone wanting a face tattoo
Well sure, he looks like an idiot, but a bad assed idiot. I would give him a wide berth. If he asked the barista at Starbucks where the men's room was, she wouldn't give him a hard time about making a purchase. Not a good look when meeting the parole board, but how often do you do that.......I'd prefer something innocuous and pleasant or maybe a Calvin & Hobbes tattoo. Then people would smile when they met me for the first time. It's really hard to consistently pull off a look that matches your facial tattoo......I must say, however, that this guy has exactly the kind of face you'd expect for a tattoo like that.
The commenter "Darrell" has a picture of a smoker accompanying his comment. Isn't this a non-smoking blog? That picture encourages young people to smoke, so it behooves the blog mistress to kindly ask Darrell t remove the offending picture. We all deserve clean air, water, and food.
Choke on it, Trumpit.
Like your Daddy used to say to you.
Agreed. If one had to have a weapon on one's forehead, a Ninja star or other type of throwing blade would be a better design choice.
My face itself is my weapon. And my birth control.
I'd go with the same AR-15 pistol as this guy, but I'd add a chainsaw bayonet and fire coming out of the barrel.
Obama's FBI.
Obama's FBI
He couldn't make the cut. He couldn't prove he hated Trump enough.
It's got an extended magazine, too
I thought it was just falling out.
If it's a prison tattoo, it might not have been entirely voluntary, but more likely it's a TWI.
"An arrow." Always moving forward.
Robert Crais' character Joe Pike would be pleased.
Little Boy. Fat Man was a pussy of a weapon. They actually had to test it before using it.
Of course, I have no tattoos, and never plan on getting even a tiny one. I don't think they're a bad idea for the right people under the right circumstances. That is a group into which I simply do not fit (though an image of Fat Man on my face is certainly apt).
Would your arrow be the cross-piece of an upper case "H", Althouse?
"That's an odd thing to get tattooed on your neck."
" We all deserve clean air, water, and food."
Yes, and locked doors and barred windows for you.
If he had an "I'm With Her-->" tatoo, the FBI wouldn't find intent.
If you're really hardcore, someone who wants to establish their no tolerance street creds, then a tattoo of an assault scalpel should be your first, second, and fourth Choice.
" I was expecting an aggressive interpretation of the gun statute that criminalized the tattooing of the gun on his face ..."
Me too. Especially since the school system has gone beyond the bend in stupid reactions like, suspending students for having pop-tarts that were chewed into a shape that vaguely resembled a gun. Clue....it didn't at all.
I really thought that this was the next step in the lunacy of the anti-gun nuts.
If I were forced to have a tattoo of a weapon, I suppose a small boomerang could be artistically used. Perhaps two for symmetry.
Shane said...
"An arrow." Always moving forward.
Robert Crais' character Joe Pike would be pleased.
Except Joe Pike's arrows are on his delts. If the arrow was on your forehead it would mean, "Always moving sideways"
"Mommy, Daddy, I want you to meet my boyfriend. . . . "
..when a ski mask becomes a better option.
"..when a ski mask becomes a better option."
Hah! I wonder if that's how all these people get into that line of work...
His coiff is kind of gowdy.
What's holding the cheek stud on?
"What's holding the cheek stud on?"
The vacuum in his cranium.
He was going to get the tattoo on his ass, not his face, but then he got mixed up.
Something symmetric; slingshot maybe.
What a disgrace to deface de face.
I have to speak up for crossbows.
The badge of the Spanish Legion has crossed arquebus and crossbow and halberd.
Thats three weapons!
Such a tattoo is not uncommon among vets of that hard-bitten outfit.
Who are, usually, just the sort who would have a tattoo and mean it.
But I've never heard of one on the face.
Very misleading headline. It turns out it to be actually, literally true, which I wasn't expecting because I'm dumb.
If you had to get a face tattoo, Mike Tyson's is a surprisingly elegant and unobtrusive pattern.
"“If you had to have a tattoo on your face, what would it be?” I wouldn’t."
In the hypothetical, that's not an option. If you don't choose, you'll be given the default tattoo, the badly drawn gun.
I bet it's an ink drawing and not really a tattoo.
“If you had to have a tattoo on your face, what would it be?"
My third eye. And it would follow you around the room.
Actually, the bow is the weapon. The arrow is ammunition. Pedantic, but that's the game we're playing. It might be possible to do a tasteful bow, to the extent that any tattoo can be tasteful.
If you had to have a tattoo on your face, what would it be?
It would read “Wealthy, single, and terminally ill.” If that doesn’t get an old fart like me laid, nothing will. (For the record, I am not wealthy, very happily married, and pretty healthy for a septuagenarian, and I don’t care for tattoos.)
One time I was at the house of this friend of mine when his son, who had moved to a coastal metropolis, came home for a visit. The son brought a friend with him and this young man had all kind of piercings. There were hoops and rings and studs in his ears, his eyebrows, his nose, his lips, his tongue.
My friend looked at the kid and said, "It looks like a tackle box blew up your face."
The guy would not have attracted much notice except for including an extended magazine in the image. Magazines that can hold additional ammo just drive lefties crazy.
His tattoo reminds me of poisonous animals with bright colors.
Crossed cutlass on my forehead with skulls on my eyelids...the wink would be killer.
How broadly do we get to define "weapon"?
Let's play Fun With Bruce! Come up with a misleading headline!
I'll go first.
Man with fire tattoo arrested for arson.
I want my hands tattooed on my face. Lethal weapons, registered with the police department.
But they would be clasped in prayer. Just to keep'em guessing.
"poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS"
When my son was in high school I had a tattoo conversation with him. I explained that his dad and I didn't like tattoos but, obviously, when he was older we wouldn't have any control over his decisions and he would have to make his own call. I then pointed out that if we had allowed him to get a tattoo when he was ten he would be stuck wearing a Lego for the rest of his life.
So if I had to get a tattoo it would be of a Lego.
poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS
A lot to fit on the forehead without text wrapping. . .
Maybe put that on my t-shirt and tattooed weapon on my forehead -- graphic of voting ballot check next to Trump.
Or a tattoo red MAGA cap.
If a woman had a labrys tattoo it would be hateful and marginalizing to criticize it.
Much classier to ink a small one on your ear pointing at your head.
That tattoo screams 'put a gun to my head and pull the trigger'. Rival gang members would have too much fun. But I don't think this guy's long term thinking abilities are very strong.
If you'd ask a Dem to visualize the typical Trump voter, this is the face they see. Maybe the Dems could hire him to wear a MAGA hat and make promos endorsing Trump.
"This guy is advertising his stupidity."
To say the very least. Boomers have succeeded in totally trashing our culture. At least the Muzzies would bring this shit to a screeching halt.
Facial Tattoo??? How about the AA for the Airborne Light Infantry. PIR 505.
On second thought: since I was in 3rd Armored Division perhaps a spearhead would be nice.
Facial Tattoo...
Tribal is a cop out.
Bar Code wouldn't be the worst choice.
Hello Kitty might be the worst.
Split face Angel one side Demon the other has a 1% chance of being epic, 99% chance of almost as bad as Hello Kitty.
Meade said...
Maybe put that on my t-shirt and tattooed weapon on my forehead -- graphic of voting ballot check next to Trump.
Deplorable in block letters across forehead.
+10 if you spell it wrong or go bold font all caps with an exclamation point.
I will also add that his eyes look incredibly sad to me. (And they are beautiful eyes).
If my daughter brought this guy home and said "This is my boyfriend" I would, knowing my daughter's tastes and abilities, welcome him into the house. I might note that his tattoo is really apparent, and ask the obvious question: Why? Could be an interesting story behind it.
I want to see a kid somewhere get one of these tattoos and go to school- anywhere in the US.
As for what weapon I would choose- I would get a great big "Trump" on my forehead.
And since a few folks have already claimed the katana, I might go for a wakizashi, the shorter of the daisho, the two swords carried by samurai warriors.
If you are a progressive, your weapon tattoo has to be 911.
I'd say: an arrow.
This arrow idea just won't fly. Graphics of arrows are used to draw attention to something else other than the arrow. If I had an arrow tattooed on my face, where would it point? From the forehead down the nose? What does that mean? Look at my mouth? If it were made to point upward, what does that mean? God thanking Tebow-style? Left? Right? It's all too confusing. An arrow tattoo on the face demands explanatory footnotes on the chin.
How about a sword? A medieval-style arming sword with the hilt and quillons tatted across the forehead and the blade inked onto the nose with the point on the very tip. The Picts were said to have been tattooed. A sword between the eyes would have been understood by a Pictish warrior, I think.
I know, a hydrogen bomb explosion! Its starts around the mouth and then mushrooms up the nose to expand like Ivy MIke's cloud across the forehead. In Brooklyn, they'd call you a genius for having ink like that.
The Indians used 2 crossed arrows when they were fighting the U S Cavalry.
Since we are talking about ironic tattoos, there was an English punk who had a dashed line tattoed around his neck along with the words "cut here." He was murdered by a serial killer (Dennis Nilsen) who, well, you can guess the rest.
Yancey Ward said...
If you are a progressive, your weapon tattoo has to be 911.
For a second I thought you said 1911.
One of the best trolls is to point out the 1911 is old, heavy, big and sucks but is otherwise good for a 100+ year old design.
What a great tattoo idea!
And here it comes...
King chess piece.
Or thimble from Monopoly.
I just got a Legoland email...
" Let's say the image must be of a weapon."
Well then I'll just tattoo the 500 page IG report on my forehead. Maybe make it a scratch-n-sniff tattoo with the aroma of a southern Virginia Walmart.
I'd prefer not to have a tattoo on my face, but if I had to pick a weapon to have tattooed there, I'd go with 210Po.
"My eyes are up here"
"Blogger Achilles said...
One of the best trolls is to point out the 1911 is old, heavy, big and sucks but is otherwise good for a 100+ year old design."
Okay, I'll bite.
I like the 1911 because of its intimidation factor. It looks like it was designed to kill people. Not fire a warning shot or be taken to the range for a fun day out, or maybe wing you. When you pick a 1911 up you know that you are holding a lethal piece of machinery, and one that wants to fire.
The various glocks look like industrial design gone mad. Parabellums look like a gentleman's fashion accessory. A 1911 looks like a killing tool.
@Infinite Monkeys
Switch to macOS and you can do this: ²¹⁰Po
If you got a cannonball tattoo, you could pretend you were a dot Indian.
Southside Virginia means south of the James River, though the Norfolk area is now excluded because it's full of Squids and Yankees. It isn't well populated or prosperous, and oddly, neither is North Carolina near the border. There's a string of Walmarts, but few have food.
Lewis Wetzel wrote: Parabellums look like a gentleman's fashion accessory.
You're referring of course to the ammunition.
It's not a tattoo, but every spring someone draws a cross on my forehead with ashes. The cross was a weapon.
I'd get a dragon tattoo similar to the one Hanaryo (Armistice's doppelganger) had in Shogun World in Westworld Season 2 episode "Akane no Mai." I've actually seen that sort of tattoo/warpaint in a mod for Skyrim Special Edition, and it looked pretty cool if you live in a barbarian milieu like Skyrim. Maybe less so in 21st Century America.
Gentlemen never wore (visible) pistols. Or not unless it was a "work" matter, like a battlefield, and even then this was a thing of later times.
They wore swords. Pistols, unlike swords, were commoners things.
Pistols were carried in holsters attached to your horse's saddle. And generally concealed under covers anyway. Small pocket pistols, if they were carried, were indeed small and designed to be concealed.
There are of course some semi-barbaric exceptions, such as Scotsmen.
A modern gentleman's pistol, conforming to tradition, would of course be small and concealable.
I would get an atomic bomb tattoo. It might catch the attention of FBI agents, and I have some questions I want to ask them.
In the hypothetical, that's not an option. If you don’t choose, you'll be given the default tattoo, the badly drawn gun.
This is a strange game, the only way to win it is not to play...
In the same week as the report that IQs have been getting lower over the last 3 decades, with each successive generation getting- how you say- less intelligent. I look at this mug and I think this cannot be true.
Given the nature of his crime, I can only conclude he drew inspiration from the "Boaty McBoatface" moniker.
How about a tattoo of a gun-themed crossword puzzle. Let people solve it with eyeliner pencils. Good ice breaker.
I see plenty of them since a majority of this area is Maori. You would help the artist design it because they have to connect to your area and lineage. People get them most often after they have gained some recognition. One friend's colleagues wanted her to get a chin tattoo, a woman's type, when she retired but she just got an arm one. There was a big scandal when a white woman got a stylized chin tattoo. It was part of a pr campaign for her health or beauty business. It didn't help.
I might be wrong. But I suspect drugs were involved the decision.
I think a rock would be appropriate because you have to have rocks in your head to get the dammed tattoo in the first place.
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