"... is to affirm the nation’s honor while quarantining him. A Democratic-controlled Congress would be a basket of deplorables, but there would be enough Republicans to gum up the Senate’s machinery, keeping the institution as peripheral as it has been under their control and asphyxiating mischief from a Democratic House. And to those who say, 'But the judges, the judges!' the answer is: Article III institutions are not more important than those of Articles I and II combined."
Writes George Will (WaPo).
१०९ टिप्पण्या:
George Will was a good friend of Charles, but Will’s writing and thinking has really declined. Will is the eGOP. The losers who got nothing done. The wimps who were always rolled by the Dems. The country club GOP who gave us open borders.
Back in the day I really liked Will; now I can’t stand him.
This is what Trump wants. He wants to run against a Democrat controlled house, so Will is just Trump's tool here.
George Will needs to follow in the footsteps of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. Au revoir, Georgie boy!
George Will is a pretty good baseball writer. He should stick to that.
George Will and Bill Kristol should run together as a ticket in the next Presidential election. Let the two of them show us how to win elections.
Didn't bow tie boy endorse Obama back in '08?
The Democrats need to come up with something better than transgender bathrooms and open borders. If George Will hasn't noticed, neither party is stellar right now. Voting against Trump's party is a vote for a different kind of awful.
It's stupid to say that the Republican Party is President Trump's "plaything".
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
George Will has deluded himself into believing that America's waiters/waitresses, checkout clerks, truck drivers, etc. want a smaller federal government. They don't. They want fewer elitists like George Will.
Will is the perfect example of what too many years inside the beltway will do to
a mind. There needs to be term limits for editorial writers.
BamaBadgOR said...
George Will has deluded himself into believing that America's waiters/waitresses, checkout clerks, truck drivers, etc. want a smaller federal government. They don't. They want fewer elitists like George Will
After "fewer elitists," what then?
Single-payer national healthcare? Or not? Lower taxes? Or not? Entitlement reform? Or not? A 200- or 300- or 500- or 1000-ship US Navy? Tort reform? Or not? Chinese tariffs? Or not?
So now there is no difference between George Will and Katrina vanden Heuvel?
Will on judges: "I really don't care, do u?"
Stick a fork in George. He's done.
Like a pickle in Pecksniffian brine.
It’s long past time for George Will to hang it up and start watching baseball full time.
Nobody is more bitter than a jilted lover, eh George?
I simply can't comprehend the mind of someone who would write, about politics, the phrase "the nation's honor."
He is concerned that if Trump keeps this up, the price of housekeepers, gardeners, and cooks is going to go up.
George Will always reminded me of the guys I met in college who wanted you to know which prep school they attended.
“After "fewer elitists," what then?”
Start listening to the people who elected you rather than those who fund your campaigns?
For a country that began with, “We the people...” there certainly seems to be an utter disdain in the halls of power for who they are and what they want.
Will’s column is yet another example.
"After "fewer elitists," what then?
Single-payer national healthcare? Or not? Lower taxes? Or not? Entitlement reform? Or not? A 200- or 300- or 500- or 1000-ship US Navy? Tort reform? Or not? Chinese tariffs? Or not?"
With the elites, we got NAFTA, "Don't Ask Don't Tell," the MFN status for China that drained America of its manufacturing ability, the permitted rise of Islam extremism and terrorism, and identity politics.
And you want more of that?
Oh, and let's not forget the banking deregulation that caused the economy to collapse in 2008, as discussed in "The Big Short."
This was done under Bill Clinton with a GOP congress, working together. In cooperation.
And elites like George Will smiling beneficently over all of it.
Chuck is the fool that knows not and doesn't know that he knows not. Just shun the cocksucker.
“After "fewer elitists," what then?”
A roaring economy
More job openings than people to fill them
Falling welfare rolls
Lower taxes
Peace in the Korean Peninsula
ISIS obliterated
For openers. No wonder Will needs to put a stop to all this nonsense.
George Will conflates Intelligence (which he has) with political judgment (which he lacks).
Hey, I had a bad date with a girl. so now I’ll go gay!
Anyone who wants a Dem majority in the House is a menace to society, unless you like open borders and high taxes.
I'd rather see a President make a plaything of his party than of his country.
A bow-tied bum-kisser crying because his rice bowl has been kicked over. Where is this so-called conservative's outrage at the crimes and abuses of the Obama administration that have been exposed so far? Weak cucks like this worm Will have nothing to say about the revelation that GOP presidential nominee and "hero" John McCain was a principal behind the IRS targeting of TEA Party groups, so fuck this little rat and his worthless opinion.
i miss the olden days, back when George Will pretended not to be a bought and paid for tool of the Democrats.
Kevin said...
“After "fewer elitists," what then?”
A roaring economy
More job openings than people to fill them
Falling welfare rolls
Lower taxes
Peace in the Korean Peninsula
ISIS obliterated
For openers. No wonder Will needs to put a stop to all this nonsense.
You didn't say how you get to those happy pie-in-the-sky outcomes. You don't cut taxes without making hard choices. You gonna cut social security? You gonna obliterate ISIS with more military spending?
You didn't answer any specifics.
Is "anti-elitism" for, or against, same-sex marriage? For, or against, legalized marijuana? For, or against, equal pay legislation?
Now we've thrown "campaign finance reform" into the argument. Was McCain-Feingold good, or bad? Was Citizens United good, or bad?
Is the EPA elitist? Or anti-elitist?
This is one of those Althouse comments pages where I feel I am just wasting time and losing IQ points simply by playing.
George Will has always decried cults of personality. How can he not see that he and the other never-Trumpers are a cult of anti-personality? You don't like his manners, so you'll throw out the policies just to be rid of him? How is that different from worshiping Obama?
So don't play, Chuck. By all means, avoid sullying yourself.
Jeff said...
George Will has always decried cults of personality. How can he not see that he and the other never-Trumpers are a cult of anti-personality? You don't like his manners, so you'll throw out the policies just to be rid of him? How is that different from worshiping Obama?
The irony of this, on a blog hosted by a lawprof who voted for Obama...
I'm not sure if George Will agrees or not, but I know how Trump won Michigan, coming from behind in the polls. It was two things. He picked up the votes of mainstream Republicans and movement conservatives like me, who spent the entire campaign loathing Trump. Trump was the least of two evils in the end.
And, Trump was lucky to have gone up against a Democrat who didn't excite the base of urban and black voters.
Combine the two, and Trump won the state by the narrowest margin in Michigan presidential election history.
Take those two things away, and he's a loser.
Having voted reluctantly for Trump, I know that I'm substantially his margin of victory. And I could be his margin of defeat.
Poor George. From claiming that Reagan's deficits would be fixed by 7% growth, to sadly carping from the sidelines and pushing Democrats, he has always been a man worth ignoring.
chuck opines:
After "fewer elitists," what then?
chuck knows what waiters want. a tip which he refuses to provide. Tell those deplorables to get a better job or go to law school.
That's our chuck.
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, who famously stated as a fact the opinion that Trump could not win Michigan is back 20 months after the fact to explain how Trump won Michigan.
That seems legit. /sarc
As for the term 'elite':
Credentialed? Probably.
After that what makes those people self-identify as elite?
I commend Thomas Sowell's The Vision of the Annointed to people like our resident fopdoodle extraordinaire.
For the same reason God gave a boar tits, He gave us Chuck.
George Will continues to be a brilliant writer. But his writing is now so warped by his Trump hatred that it makes little sense. As an example, to begin by implying it is the policy of Trump’s administration to shred families at the southern border requires a willful ignorance of both the facts and the law.
I suspect George will (ha) be disappointed come November.
Trump will have more of the Black vote in 2020 in Michigan, except if the Democratic candidate is Black.
Three Black possibilities are:
Kamela Harris
Eric Holder
Cory Booker
I don’t see them being the next president. Trump would make them laughingstocks - think low energy Jeb...
Will (like Kristol and other GOPe types) still do not understand what happened and show no interest in learning. They were okay with identity politics for generations because it did not affect them very much, if at all, and shared Democrats' religious belief that the root of America's social and political problems were the fault of working stiffs. It never occurred to these self-proclaimed geniuses that laying all ills at their feet would provoke a reaction that someone could and would harness.
So of course he is fine with losing an opportunity to nominate conservatives to the courts. In the end, station matters more than principles.
> But his writing is now so warped by his Trump hatred
Likewise Kristol and others. I cannot figure out what those folks find so triggering about Trump in reality, which leaves me with Adams diagnosis of cognitive dissonance as a real thing. It at least fits the facts: those with the highest regard for their own intelligence and understanding are most likely to morph into raving lunatics when they are wrong.
135 days until mid-terms...
IG report just came out and is dammning. Comeys Boy Scout image is in tatters. Mueller’s investigation popularity is on the downward trend. And more ig reports are in the way!
Economy is doing very well, and may pick up speed.
Trump is doing outreach to the Black Community
The stupid party seems to have backed away from the landmine of amnesty.
Democrats are proudly resisting!
Trump just started to play the angel families card.
NK US is in the right track.
Trump is saying marijuana should be a states issue.
MSM’s reputation is being pounded by Trump.
Trumps tarrif threats seem to be working and may help the economy even more.
Only negative is see the children card, and Trump is handling that amazingly well. I’m surprised it was not held to October. And the longer it goes on, the more effective Trumps response will be.
Trump is the Rodney Dangerfield of politics, caddy-shack economy Explains the arrogance / blindness of Will and Kristol,
It’s mystifying and sad to observe in real life.
I’m surprised Trump is doing so well in running the US. I wish he was doing even better.
He went on Bill Maher last week as the token Republican traitor, so this was expected.
George Will's anti-Trump vitriol is as much an affectation as his bow tie, but much less charming.
You know, about 80% (at least) of your health care system is already funded out of either direct taxation (withholding taxes, and other taxes, including the various State medical expenditures), or mandated employer coverage. This is not different from the usual European system. Most of Europe does not have a "single payer" setup.
"Single payer" is a buzzword that few bother to unpack. It does not describe most of the developed world medical finance systems.
The remaining non-mandated non-public funded bit is a sort of symbolic exception so as to claim that one doesn't have a state-dominated system. This is absurd, you really do.
You do, really, have a state-burdened system, much more than any European or Asian system. This comes from the other side of the question, in the sense of the regulatory and legal loadings on medical care delivery. US medical care delivery is massively bureaucratized in comparison to anywhere else, it is encumbered with absurd process costs enforced by law, regulation, state-supported monopoly, and legal risk.
Your entire controversy over medical finance systems us a complete lie, a fabrication without connection to reality. The argument is utterly deceptive.
Shorter George Will:
We have to destroy the Republican Party (and the republic itself) in order to save it.
Money explains Will, and the rest.
These fellows sing for their supper.
No doubt they can rationalize the alignment of their sense of virtue with their sources of income.
i miss the olden days, back when George Will pretended not to be a bought and paid for tool of the Democrats.
It's more pathetic than that. The Left doesn't even have to pay him...just make sure he gets invited to all the right cocktail parties.
Agree w. everything David Begley said for openers up @6:03AM. Makes me ashamed to be a fellow born & raised Prairie Stater..(and only fifty miles apart at that)
I read quite a bit of conservative blogs & news sites on-line. I listen to conservative radio. No one on the right quotes George Will anymore. No one. Haven't for years.
Who exactly is his audience?
It's fun to watch an intelligent person rationalize something that makes no sense at all.
Gahrie said...
Shorter George Will:
We have to destroy the Republican Party (and the republic itself) in order to save it.
That sentiment, almost verbatim, has been repeated in Althouse blog comments more times than anyone could count; We have to destroy the GOPe (and the Deep State) in order to save the party (and the country)...
And of course the current anti-Republicanism originated with Rush Limbaugh, and then "registered conservative independent" Sean Hannity. They have been attacking Republicans for years.
“Trump does Wills” a softcore political film cumming to you soon starring a doe-eyed Leni Dunham
It's so funny to me; the one thing standing in the way of a Democratic House in 2019 is the product of the hard work of grassroots mainstream establishment Republicans in states all across the central United States, long before anybody ever spoke of Trump in politics.
That one thing is the congressional redistricting that occurred after the 2010 decennial census. In red/swing states all across the country -- and Michigan is a prime example -- the Republican Congressional majority is solidified by that redistricting; to such an extent that I don't think that Democrats can win the house in the 2018 election. I think that current redistricting will save the House for a Republican majority.
Pre-Trump Republican Party loyalists drew those maps.
If the maps save the day for a Republican majority, it will be the best thing that ever happened to Trump. Maybe, save him from articles of impeachment.
We have to destroy the GOPe (and the Deep State) in order to save the party (and the country)
Wait...now you're defending the Leftists in government who are objectively oppressing the Right too? A big fan of Lois Lerner are you....
Nobody on our side has made the argument that people should vote Democrat to get rid of the GOP Establishment.
Pre-Trump Republican Party loyalists drew those maps.
Which is not the same thing as anti-Trump traitors like Will. How many of those grassroots activists think we should elect Democrats instead of Republicans?
And of course the current anti-Republicanism originated with Rush Limbaugh, and then "registered conservative independent" Sean Hannity. They have been attacking Republicans for years.
The GOP Establishment is not the same thing as the Republican Party, no matter how much you wish it was.
This is the real George Will. A Hillary supporter and leftist.
The "conservative" George was was a fake. Which explains all his weird twists and turns over the last 30 years.
He was pretending, playing a role.
I'm glad he's dropped the mask, because I was tired of his bow-tie, cranky, elitism.
I read quite a bit of conservative blogs & news sites on-line. I listen to conservative radio. No one on the right quotes George Will anymore. No one. Haven't for years.
Who exactly is his audience?
Chuckles and the rest of the GOP Establishment. Plus the Left...Will is one of their pet conservatives for the moment...….
Will is calling for congressional gridlock. Nothing is better than something (the Althousian Bargain)
Quit buying the lie that George will is a good conservative who's "just gone a little crazy" over Trump.
Nobody supports Hillary or Pelosi/Schumer and is a conservative.
Its not possible.
He was never a Reagan Republican - it was all an act. Just like David Gergan or David Frum.
"Who exactly is his audience?"
Right. I haven't the cranky, little bitch in years.
He was always a pompous blowhard - and once he dropped the mask, I dropped him.
Will is like Kristol. The WaPo and Fox News (in Kristol's case) appointed these guys "Conservative opinion leaders". Its not like we voted for them.
Both were Phonies and mediocrities. And Kristol was always wrong about everything.
George Will and Bill Kristol continue to be intelligent, interesting writers. But establishmentarians to their core. I just had no idea how much of their political beliefs flow from their establishmentarianism. Trump has done a service in putting a spotlight on this limb of the republican tree. He is likely also likely in the process of sawing that limb off. Trump is a true disestablishmentarian, whereas Will and Kristol cling to antidisestablishmentarianism.
Will is cashing his MSM checks.
That is all he is doing.
Just shun the cocksucker.
Words to live by.
66: George Will and Bill Kristol continue to be intelligent, interesting writers.
Really? Examples?
Will’s baseball writings are trash.
He excoriated Bonds for steroids after he pimped for Sammy Sosa in 1998. Fucking vile hypocrite. Bonds from 1990-98 had a hall of fame career without a drop of steroids. Better than anyone except Trout. Sosa was a shitty nobody hitter that even W had to trade when he was running the Rangers that daddy’s friends let him run (the Rangers were fucking terrible under W, he ran them like he ran the country). Sosa was nothing without goods. But Will was a big Sosa fan because Sosa played for the Cubs. Better that Bonds hold the home fun records than Sosa and McGwire. Those guys were average players without roids.
Will was ecstatic in 1998 when Steroid Sammy was going for the home run record. And then Will was appalled in 2001 when Bonds hit
73 homeruns. Will is a fucking joke and has always been one. He cheated on his first wife and kicked her to the curb for another woman. That’s Conservative Morality for you.
the one thing standing in the way of a Democratic House in 2019 is the product of the hard work of grassroots mainstream establishment Republicans in states all across the central United States, long before anybody ever spoke of Trump in politics.
chuck, I am getting tired of your horse shit. The Country Club Republicans have been for open borders for years, at least back to 1986 when they convinced Reagan that, if he just did this one amnesty, they would be good boys from then on.
I am not a blue collar worker but I recognized the smell of bullshit in 1986 when the "grassroots mainstream establishment Republicans" decided to regulate the shit out of Medicine and especially surgeons.
The market function in Medicine was to be replaced by the bureaucrat. The AMA sold out for the 30 pieces of silver as they stole the volunteer constructed Relative Value Scale, banned by the FTC and reappeared as the Current Procedural Terminology, owned by the AMA which charged for its use. It had been free when the CMA and committees of volunteers worked it out.
Your bullshit just smells too bad, chuck.
Gahrie to Chuck: "And of course the current anti-Republicanism originated with Rush Limbaugh, and then 'registered conservative independent' Sean Hannity. They have been attacking Republicans for years."
The GOP Establishment is not the same thing as the Republican Party, no matter how much you wish it was.
I think the mind-boggling obtuseness that Chuck displays on the point of GOPe v. Republican voters is perfectly sincere, not disingenuous.
Well, there goes the Tory vote. How will Trump survive the loss?
I think the mind-boggling obtuseness that Chuck displays on the point of GOPe v. Republican voters is perfectly sincere, not disingenuous.
" A man cannot be reasoned out of an opinion he was not reasoned in to."
chuck is an ideologue but one that is not based on information. It is emotion.
"I would not want to be a member of a club that would have me as a member ."
Groucho Marx.
Will is calling for congressional gridlock
That's because then his Republican Establishment buddies can continue to promise on the campaign trail to get shit done, only to go to Washington D.C. and not actually do anything.
The worst thing to happen to the GOP Establishment was for the Republicans to control both houses of Congress and the presidency...now they are expected to actually get shit done...which might mean pissing off their Democratic pals and not getting invited to the right parties. Which is exactly why Will is trying to justify voting for Democrats.
Michael K:
"chuck, I am getting tired of your horse shit.
Your bullshit just smells too bad, chuck.
I think Chuck is anosmic. He's got his head so far up his ass re "The Party" (or so far up the GOPe's ass) that he really doesn't know it's bullshit.
Chuck:GOPe bullshit::fish:water
Will gave W. questions before asking him then on TV so as “not to ambush” W. Will consistently defended W’s ignorance. Will is a GOP hack, an adulterer, and a hypocrite. He’s an arrogant asshole who has much to be humble about.
mccullough said...
He excoriated Bonds for steroids after he pimped for Sammy Sosa in 1998. Fucking vile hypocrite. Bonds from 1990-98 had a hall of fame career without a drop of steroids. Better than anyone except Trout.
This pisses me off as well. What exactly was Bonds supposed to do? He was the best hitter of his generation and these fucking cheats were being lauded by the baseball establishment. He could have quite reasonably concluded, based on the behavior of Big Baseball, that anything goes.
Will’s second wife is a “public relations” buslhitter who has made tons of money off the Crony Capitalists. Now her business has dried up because of Trump.. Will is a shill, a total hypocrite in all aspects of his life. Douchebags like Will are a reason Trump is president. Enough people tire of the hypocrisy.
"Darrell said
George Will needs to follow in the footsteps of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. Au revoir, Georgie boy!"
Perfect. George Will is the past of the Republican Party. He is dead and doesn't know it yet.
It is a good thing that he left the party since it ends the need to throw him out.
I agree. The people like Selig and his fellow owners were corrupt. They totally fucked up baseball by locking out the players in August 1994. They were ecstatic when Sosa and McGwire (and others) were taking steroids and hitting more homeruns to get fans back to the game. Will was one of their shills.
Bonds was by far the best player of the 1990s. Griffey was an amazing player as well but was a distant second. Bud Selig was voted into the Hall of Fame by his fellow hacks while Bonds still lingers. Total disgrace.
Didn't Will dump his first wife because she spit out a retarded Kid and traded her in for a slanty cunt?
Why would anyone listen to his nonsense?
“George Will needs to follow in the footsteps of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. Au revoir, Georgie boy!"
Not with a bow tie. He needs a scarf or a belt, or a Trump-sized necktie to pull it off. So to speak.
Langford Peel = Moby.
You can always spot them, because they go OVERBOARD. They exaggerate the conservative viewpoint to absurdity.
Its a gamma trick. Instead of writing like a man, and arguing their liberal views in the open, they pretend to be conservatives and write absurd, over-the-top comments. Its so "Subversive" don't ya know.
And then they pat themselves on the back for being "clever".
RC you are taking it personal.
Did you marry as slant too?
Or does rc stand for real chink?
Asking for a friend.
Since our Article I and II politics have been completely dysfunctional for quite some time, regardless of which party
occupies the White House, Article III politics are all we have left. If our Article I and II politics worked properly there would be little need for Article III politics.
Hank Aaron is the home run king.
The droid heads above should be stricken from the record books.
Come on George.. grow a pair. You used to be better than that.
George Will is a pretty good baseball writer. He should stick to that. - Jason
Quoted for truth.
They totally fucked up baseball by locking out the players in August 1994.
Oh, good grief. The players went on strike on August 12, 1994. Strike.
And I haven't attended a game since.
eddie willers said...
Hank Aaron is the home run king.
This is a difficult thing to judge. If Aaron had to play against a bunch of steroid infused pitchers like Bond then things may have gone less well. Baseball management is at fault here, not the players. The players are victims of appallingly bad management creating perverse incentives.
It always sound more authoritative and intellectual when you refer to Articles I, II and III using Roman numerals. Other than that Will's piece is incoherent except for the underlying theme of disdain.
They will then have leisure time to wonder why they worked so hard to achieve membership in a legislature whose unexercised muscles have atrophied because of people like them.
Trump is imploring congress to act.
[Corker] proposed a measure by which Congress could retrieve a small portion of the policymaking power that it has, over many decades and under both parties, improvidently delegated to presidents.
Again, the result of that long process is Trump's fault?
This is because the amendment [on trade] would have peeved the easily peeved president. The Republican-controlled Congress, which waited for Trump to undo by unilateral decree the border folly they could have prevented by actually legislating, is an advertisement for the unimportance of Republican control.
WTF is Will's point? Will is mixing the tradition of trade authority in the executive with immigration legislation, which, again, Trump is asking congress to rectify.
Meaningless noise is this administration’s appropriate libretto because, just as a magnet attracts iron filings, Trump attracts, and is attracted to, louts.
Okay, there it is - the disdain.
And to those who say, “But the judges, the judges!” the answer is: Article III institutions are not more important than those of Articles I and II combined.
Yeah, but only when the courts are in the hands of strict constructionists rather than activist liberals. Not a peep from Will only district court judges legislating from the bench with binding force over the rest of the country?
George Will has lost his way and his marbles.
'roids saved baseball after the '94 strike. everyone knew, owners and players got rich but cucks can't stand the man in the arena so they shit on the players.
Jim at is obviously an anti-American communist tool
George will has been a sanctimonious ninny like ever since forever.
Will was never an honest person. He was always a scam run by the uniparty. Just like Kristol and the entire Bush family and all of the other nepotistic failures in DC.
Will was a mandarin. A better. He defined what "good" conservatives believed so the uniparty could ignore the "extreme" points of view.
Will was and always will be a globalist shill.
Things like support for borders, Fair trade, Rule of Law. Those were all extreme to the globalists.
Now they are done.
They can leave the hard way or the easy way.
Americans are taking the country back.
If you want to act like little Nazi Klan bitches and throw some people out of restaurants and mob their house a couple times you better get it out of your system. Your Red Guard bullshit will not be tolerated much longer.
Blogger Howard said...
'roids saved baseball after the '94 strike. everyone knew, owners and players got rich but cucks can't stand the man in the arena so they shit on the players.
Jim at is obviously an anti-American communist tool
Howard is desperately hoping that the Mueller corrupt operation can somehow restore the Uniparty to power.
langford peel said...
RC you are taking it personal.
Did you marry as slant too?
Or does rc stand for real chink?
Asking for a friend.
In the Army people made a lot of race jokes.
I agree that there is a way to do it.
You are not doing it that way. You are being a ridiculous drama queen about it.
If you are honest you will look at what you are doing and find a better way to get your point across.
Otherwise you are hurting the cause. Black, Hispanic, and Asian people are not the real problem. The actual people behind this are a very small group of very much white people.
Even the Mexican plutocrats like Slim that are fucking up Mexico are European whites descending from Spanish royalty.
Focus fire and stop hitting collateral targets.
Michael K said...
Howard is desperately hoping that the Mueller corrupt operation can somehow restore the Uniparty to power.
There is a darker place that hopes they do too.
The only way we will truly remove the globalist cancer is catharticly.
I’m so old I remember when Michael Jackson was a black man, MTV played music, and George Will was a conservative.
George Will advocates for a massive democrat win in 2018.
"Brian Stelter/Peter Fonda republican" Chuck defends Will.
Nothing else need to be said.
Fuck off George.
Screw George Will and John McCain.
Yes, George Will is dreary. His "reasons" for opposing President Trump are primarily aesthetic or at best stylistic (I think Will could have written that sentence, don't you?). Still, let's not under-value the prospect of gridlock if, as Will hopes, the Democrats take over the House and perhaps even the Senate (neither prospect looks likely right now, but let's pretend). During 6 of the 8 years of the Obama Presidency, the opposing party controlled Congress and was able to prevent him from doing what he wanted to do through legislation. So he had to act through regulations, executive orders, and non-treaty agreements with foreign powers (with a change of Administrations, almost all of those "accomplishments" have been wiped out, of course). How bad would it be if Trump had to act through regulations, executive orders, and foreign agreements for a couple of years?
Conservatives should not be afraid of gridlock. Gridlock is a friend.
For myself, I will vote Republican come November, but if the GOP falls short, as it often has, I won't worry too much. We'll all see things more clearly come 2020.
So much derangement. There's a real re-alignment happening, no?
Will's always gotten the vapors about Republican politicians talking tough and using coarse language to excite the rabble. Scroll back 32 years, and Will was branding that notorious down-in-the-gutter street brawler George H.W. Bush as 'lapdog' for not being refined enough in his 1984 debate with Geraldine Ferraro or in later public appearances after Reagan's landslide win. If you read it, the column is even more vicious towards Bush as a human being than Friday's column was against Trump.
So Will's been willing to write more than just Donald Trump out of legitimacy as an elected official, and in both cases, he cared more about decorum than he did about policy (and as a side note, it's interesting that National Review, which normally posts Will's weekend columns of Friday evening, hasn't touched this one, and out of the NR contributors, only McLaughlin's commented on the column. I think the others just want to pretend it didn't happen, and that Will won't harp on the topic between now and Election Day).
The bottom line is that Will has no influence on anything. No one really cares what he thinks or says anymore. And it's killing him.
Whew! That is a nasty thread. Angry birds twittering. Schoolyard insults. George Will derangement syndrome.
Hammond X @4:20- George Will, conservative Republican, declares that Americans should support the party that is currently being exposed in a criminal conspiracy against the duly elected president, that advocates for illegal aliens over American citizens, that finances criminal gangs to attack political opposition, that is currently hunting down female Republicans for public harrassment and intimidation, among many other despicable immoral and unethical behavior. But you think assailing that twisted thinking is derangement? GTFOH!
George Will: A 110% FAKE conservative.
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