“Low plastic stool, cheap but delicious noodles, cold Hanoi beer.” This is how I’ll remember Tony. He taught us about food — but more importantly, about its ability to bring us together. To make us a little less afraid of the unknown. We’ll miss him. pic.twitter.com/orEXIaEMZM— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 8, 2018
Trees dream of you at night. They ask you to be kind and gentle to them.— Yoko Ono (@yokoono) June 8, 2018
You could have tied this into your post on OKCupid.
Particularly contrasting the domination of the woman and the trees that want you to be gentle to them.
Yoko Ono eminent?
The only "O" in that statement is the the one between two "L's"
The Cheerios weep.
Oh Yoko!
Anyone would be melancholy if they had to (even by their own choice) be subjected to this drivel.
Obama's tweets lack the pizzazz of Trump's tweets.
Buzz me when you get to Maureen O'Hara.
Personally, I chop trees up and throw them on the fire.
about its ability to bring us together
The guy who spent his entire eight years deliberately crapping on half the country muses about unity.
Spare me.
Low plastic stool...
If your stool is not low plastic, you really need to rethink your diet.
Fucking Obama! What if I DON'T want to be together with him? What if I prefer my own kind? Do I have that freedom? Is THAT permitted to a citizen of the United States?
I hope that Obama and his fellow Democrats will become a little less afraid of unknown meddling in our Presidential elections.
At first glance I thought that Ono was kicking O's ass.
Then I noticed the "K."
Fucking Obama! What if I DON'T want to be together with him? What if I prefer my own kind? Do I have that freedom?
No. They want everyone marching together to Utopia. With them in the front, of course.
It's why the deplorables are so deplorable. They must be changed or erased, as they can never simply be left alone.
If you like your low plastic stool, you can keep it...
But, you didn't build your low plastic stool...
We are the low plastic stool sitters we've been waiting for....
"He taught us about food — but more importantly, about its ability to bring us together. To make us a little less afraid of the unknown. We’ll miss him."
Oh God. What's with the Royal "We"? And the dopey pseudo-profundity. He helped our drive for "diversity" and a love of the "other".
Unlike all you rednecks who just want to eat Big Mac's and don't eat Cold noodles in Hanoi.
Of course Obama made it about himself.
Has somebody been coaching him to use "we" instead of "I"? He still doesn't get it right, clearly talking about himself, but he's trying. That's something new for him.
I love Vietnamese food, and I didn't need some druggie TV chef to teach me "not to be afraid".
Of course, I've never believed throwing weird food down your throat was the epitome of courage.
Here is a link tO the flag of Trinidad and TobagO.
When I got into Uber today one was hanging off the mirrOr. But it was reversed on the back so when the sun shone through it looked like the stripes made an X.
I asked the driver where the flag was from and he tOld me. Then he said a lot of people think it's the Confederate flag and give him crap abOut it.
Apparently peOple in Boston aren't learning much these days except that not-exactly white people frOm Trinidad and TobagO could be clOset KKK members.
Trees dream of you at night. They ask you to be kind and gentle to them.
How does this woman feed herself?
My ex, of all people, told me of Mr. Bourdain's passing. I've read his Kitchen Confidential and Bone in the Throat. OTOH, I try to avoid anything produced by Yoko, so thanks for subjecting me to her latest drivel. Summoning my equivalent authority on the subject, the trees I encounter are screaming for her to STFU. They also offer up their branches for tribute to my Sunday Steak Soul Sacrifice...
I had an uncle who flew 30 missions over Korea and was the bravest man I knew. But he wouldn't have eaten escargot if you'd given a bottle of Ketchup.
To him, Spaghetti or Lasagna was about as "foreign" as he could take, although he did like Tex-mex.
Actually, I doubt Trees dream. But I agree we should treat our green and leafy friends with respect. I always feel sad about a tree getting cut down, even when its necessary.
But you can't make Lumber without a few Trees taking one for the team.
I love trees, too. Don't you? They are murdered on a daily basis to make toilet paper. Isn't that sad when you think about it? A living, breathing, beautiful tree was mercilessly chopped down, so you could wipe your fat ass. Think of all the delicious fruit that trees provide; think of the clear cutting of forests; think of the vanishing forests; think of the many animals that call the forest home. Killing trees is self-defeating and sadistic. Trump should be impeached for chopping down trees to build his grotesque golf courses - a dying pastime, and sport mostly played by rich old fogies. At least another dying sport, tennis, doesn't kill as many trees. However, golf and tennis will both bore spectators to death. I'd rather watch a raccoon or squirrel climb a tree than watch fat-ass Trump swing and miss a golf ball. Wouldn't you?
Oh, Noooo. Oh
"If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down?
We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason."
How does this woman feed herself?
Spaghetti O's?
It's the Story of O.
Not sure that tweets about low stools and trees are exactly the images I'd choose about a man who hanged himself. But Bourdain is beyond caring, so it's no harm, I suppose.
Obama is dull. Tony hanged himself out of boredom
So there was another beer summit?
Trumpit said...
I love trees, too. Don't you? They are murdered on a daily basis to make toilet paper. Isn't that sad when you think about it? A living, breathing, beautiful tree was mercilessly chopped down, so you could wipe your fat ass. Think of all the delicious fruit that trees provide
Fuck. The trees that are cut down to make toilet paper are not providing delicious fruit.
If trees do dream, they will surely be dreaming about Obama.
Trumpit, have you stopped wiping your ass? I guess people can tell when you've wandered into the public library to use the computer even before they see or hear you.
Not sure that tweets about low stools and trees are exactly the images I'd choose about a man who hanged himself
It's just gallows humor.
Every tree is a potential stump.
Is Obama capable of expressing any emotion about anything without including himself? His tribute to Neil Armstrong comes to mind: A picture of Obama looking at the moon....
Narcissist in Chief, indeed.
Bourdain eating Jiro's sushi in about as long as it takes to eat at Sukiyabashi Jiro.
ANOTHER reason to be completely uninterested in Yoko Ono.
> To make us a little less afraid of the unknown.
Oh, give it up, kid, nobody cares.
Its amazing that peeps complain about Trump. In the last 24 years we've gotten:
1-Billy Bob Clinton - An impeached sexual-harasser in Chief, draft-dodger and liar.
2-Bush II - An invade the world - invite the world, compassionate conservative Dummy
3-Obama - the Big zero.
Its like when I was younger. Peeps would wank on about Reagan. As if LBJ, Nixon, Ford, and Carter were Better - LOL!
If you’re from a marginalized, dehumanized community, you know what Anthony Bourdain meant. To Palestinians, Iranians, Libyans, undocumented immigrants in the US, abused women…what a loss.
Suddenly, sadness is turning to non-sadness.
Trumpit absolutely has to be moby. Even the craziest of crazy Lefties is not that crazy.
I remember her. She married well. Trees don't have a central nervous system to my knowledge.
Anthony Bourdain and Barack Obama eating dog in Vietnam. A fitting tribute. If only Barack could find a doorknob or tie a knot.
If trees have to ask Anthony Bourdain to be kind and gentle to them, he must have been a real SOB to them in the past. #treetoo
How does this woman feed herself?
John Lennon's royalty checks.
"If you’re from a marginalized, dehumanized community, you know what Anthony Bourdain meant."
If those people know who Bourdain is from watching him on cable TV, they are far better off than any marginalized, dehumanized community in the history of the planet.
Trees cut down to make toilet paper were planted and raised to be chopped down for toilet paper. They are not old growth forest, they are crops. Like broccoli or carrots.
Really? We didn’t know food can bring us together? What tripe.
Have we heard from OJ yet ?
O: no.
I favor the old approach to suicide: disparage the murderer, ravage his house, forfeit his estate, bury his body outside the city gate.
After reading this blog I will go clear my mind and pallet with a loaf of bread and a jug of wine under a tree in the park with anyone who cares to join me.
I hope this wasn't one of those penis meals he referred to.
R/V: Using a loaf of bread and a jug of wine to clean a pallet strikes me as a rather odd of going about it, but be my guest....
Who called him Tony?
"Trees cut down to make toilet paper were planted and raised to be chopped down for toilet paper. They are not old growth forest, they are crops. Like broccoli or carrots."
It is amazing to me how bestial humans disparage living things to assuage their guilt over killing them for some trial purpose like food or toilet paper. I broke my hand in 2016 from a slip and fall on moist ground. I recently called the doctor's office. I was shocked to find out that the doctor and one of his daughters died in recent mudslides. Nature will exact her revenge sooner or later for all the bad things that we do to her.
Si los árboles lloraran, si se pudieran mover
si la lluvia reprochara el momento de caer
si el desierto hiciera versos y en pedazos al calor
si el calor se detestara y viajara a otra región
¿entonces dónde quedo yo?
When was the last time Obama tweeted about the plight of people in Detroit or rural West Virginia? Then again no one in those places watches gourmet food TV shows.
Ann, you are such a phony. Read the ugly comments above about former President Obama. These are the readers you cultivate for your blog. The hatred for President Obama by your one sided readership is palpable. But you only write about Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Ann, you are a fake.
"Ann, you are a fake."
Conform Althouse. OR you are a traitor. Conform - or you will be destroyed!
/s/ your lovely Left-wing fans
Who just want the best - for everybody!
Cant handle digs at Obama? Then beat it, Now. Go have cheap noodles and a shitty Vietnamese grog. Obama is golfing and buying g his 7th house. He doesn’t give a shit so get over it.
Or take digs at Trump and join in the fun.
George M. Spencer said...When was the last time Obama tweeted about the plight of people in Detroit or rural West Virginia?
He's been working for the betterment of Chicago..via his shrine.
Rahm's been busy hiding student teacher sex-capades there.
I am not asking Ann to conform. Instead, I am pointing out that she is dishonest. She writes against Trump Derangement Syndrome while ignoring the deranged hatred expressed on her blog almost ever day against former President Obama. And there is a huge difference of course between the two—Trump spews invectives and hate everyday of his presidency, while President Obama did his best to raise the tone of the nation discussion over his eight years. That is what makes you hate him even more.
Obama is just another asshole politician who has gotten rich off politics. The people whose water he carried for 8 years are paying him back now.
There is no such thing as “the national discourse.” The man invited vulgar rappers to the White House so spare us the vapors over The National Discourse. It’s childish to want Our Leaders to pretend we don’t live in a culture of porn, vulgarity, drug-enhanced athletes with a fourth grade education, etc. Obama loves these folks. He digs on celebrity more than Bill Clinton.
How’s this for idiotic: Obama sends his daughter to intern for Harvey Weinstein. Unbelievable. Surprised Trump didn’t call child services on him and Michelle for that.
It takes a tremendous desire to Make Believe to not notice this shit. W and Obama were coke heads into their 30s. JFK and LBJ were total degenerates toward women. Absolute White Trasg.
Trump bursts your bubble. Grow up. The US has always been led by guys who were less than gentleman. Fortunately most of them weren’t feckless cunts like W and Obama.
while ignoring the deranged hatred expressed on her blog almost ever day against former President Obama.
Next time you see an example of "deranged hatred" for Obama, why not attempt a little deprogramming and point it out and explain why it is false. Oh wait.... That would require effort and intellectual and expository skills that you manifestly lack. (Yeah, I know.)
while President Obama did his best to raise the tone of the nation discussion over his eight years
"You've gotta punish your enemies and reward your friends"
"Punch back twice as hard.."
I could go on.
I recently called the doctor's office. I was shocked to find out that the doctor and one of his daughters died in recent mudslides. Nature will exact her revenge sooner or later for all the bad things that we do to her.
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Gaia
Trumpit, I know your education sucked, so I will explain the joke to you.
I think there was something too studied about that meal. I'm reminded of Marie Antoinette milking a cow..........Why is Yoko only concerned about trees? Everything that lives wants to stay alive. This includes broccoli and carrots. I'm particularly upset about Brussels sprouts. These young cabbages are never even given a chance at developing normally. The way some people don't eat veal, I draw the line at Brussels sprouts. I have a conscience when it comes to dark greens.
Dog ain't bad. If you get the chance, try it adobado, traditionally served with chile. Goes very well with ice cold San Miguel beer. Just saying.
I don't know if Bourdain tried dog; he said, I think, that he'd never done that.
But you never know, he had been to a few of those places.
Why so obsessive about trees?
Wheat has a huge genome, and is arguably a higher form of life.
And boy do humans abuse wheat!
Save the wheat!
One of Bourdain's admirer's mentioned his recipe for pepper steak - something I like but am always trying to improve. So I'll try that and think briefly of this man I never heard of till he died. Life seems very hard in NYC. Women trying torture, successful men hanging themselves. In Wisconsin the alternating sun and rain has drawn weeds up from the ground like morning fog from the lake. I wonder sometimes if I can catch up with them.
Trump spews invectives and hate everyday of his presidency, while President Obama did his best to raise the tone of the nation discussion over his eight years. That is what makes you hate him even more
-My God, Doctor, what is it?
-It's a severe case of Left-projection.
-Is there a cure?
-No. It usually gets worse and worse, till insanity results. It runs in Left-wing circles. Occasionally, in one case in a 100, it cures itself. Had it been caught in time, through remedial education or a dose of commonsense..but otherwise...
-The poor devils.
"Every tree is a potential stump."
"The Giving Tree" comes to mind. Trumpit, why do you hate generousity.
I'm trying to sort it out. Trumpit hates fauna eaters. Trumpit hates flora destroyers. How does (s)he eat without guilt. Ah his(er) hate pushs aside the guilt. I broke the code.
"I recently called the doctor's office. I was shocked to find out that the doctor and one of his daughters died in recent mudslides."
No Trumpit, That's what the receptionist told you while they hid behind the door hoping you'd hang up and go away.
By the way. If I hate Obama and his party, it's because they have caused our family specific identifiable harm. What's your excuse for hating Trump? Be specific.
Yoko is 85? Wow
Tree's rejuvenate. Humans, not so much.
Has obama sent a cd of all his speeches to Bourdain's family members yet?
Fake news. Not cold Hanoi beer. They drank Kingfisher premium. Indian.
buwaya, you haven’t eaten dog? That surprises me. You know probably better than I there’s no way to avoid it, if you eat enough street food in SEAsia.
Speaking of dogs, Bombay, where I am now, has to be the cancerous dog capital OTW. I’ve never seen so many disfigured dead or dying wretches, not even in Calcutta, and that was grim.
@NowIKnow - I would say that Althouse is writing about Trump Derangement Syndrome: 1) because it is so pervasive in our national media; 2) the Trump haters have persisted in stoking non-stop rage since the election; 3) there is an ongoing effort to depose him by the Deep State. I am what you would call an "Obama-hater". But I am not deranged about it. I think he was elected for being a mellifluous mulatto. He had no particular record of accomplishment when he ran, and achieved nothing of positive note while in office. He was fellated daily by the media. As an American, I retain the right to loathe him for all these things. I was startled and saddened when he was re-elected, and I have been appalled when Althouse has opined that everyone loves him, though she may be doing it just to rouse us. But I never thought that Obama should be removed from office by any means other than an election or serving out his term. A thing I think you may not understand is what a reservoir of anger there is among the people who supported or now support Trump. If Trump is removed from office by means other than serving out his term or another election, I think you will see vengeance of such ferocity that it makes the "The Rape of the Sabine Women" look like "Afternoon at La Grand Jatte". But that might be a turn-on to some of the repressed bitches of Manhattan.
“Trump spews invectives and hate everyday of his presidency, while President Obama did his best to raise the tone of the nation discussion over his eight years.“
Can we get the “civility bullshit” tag for comments?
The story of O?
John Henry
Please stop giving this woman an outlet for her nonsense.
Obama blathering about the scenery instead of the man. I'm surprised he didn't mention on himself. Yoko Ono blathering non sequiturs. What the hell is she going on about? I'd understand if it was in traditional haiku form. Not so.
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