"... so I kept reading. 'Favorite things: Sending you to work with marks, the fragrance of your hair lingering on my hands, photography and Dan Savage.' I slammed shut my laptop. I was, well, turned on.... One week and dozens of emails later, Dan and I agreed to meet... His aura of calm control was a revelation for me... Though Dan wouldn’t admit it, he was a sadist. He would leave me with bite marks and bruises that lasted for weeks. And I was not a masochist. I hated the pain but found catharsis in how undeterred Dan was by my outbursts... I had found a strange liberation in submitting to Dan, but it was only a first step. I wanted the domination, but I needed lazy Sundays and walks in the park, too. I wasn’t sure what that kind of relationship would look like... So I went back on OkCupid and created a new profile. 'I’m looking for a monogamous long-term partner whose natural dominant qualities complement my submissive,' I wrote...."
From "I Wanted to Be Dominated. But Not Quite Like That" (NYT).
It’s complicated.
People's motivations for subscribing to the NY Times can be complicated ...
A word is needed here.
Four letters.
Why exactly is the Paper of Record rubbing our faces in this?
My only exposure to the New York Times is through this blog. But reading of this woman has given me a flash of insight - there must have been Romans who felt the greatest delight when Rome was sacked.
"My only exposure to the New York Times is through this blog"
Yes, its a view inside the mind of the power elite that read, and run the USA.
Its bizarre and scary at the same time.
That's pretty much every chick on OkC.
Do you like Pina Coladas?
I thought Dan Savage was gay.
.... well, all right I guess
What a strange life to live. Managing these weird permutations and complicated arrangements sounds like a full time job.
He told me he’d been a “dominant” for years and lived with his girlfriend in an open relationship. They had rules: no unprotected sex, no sleepovers, no kissing.
"I want you to keep a journal and send it to me, too. I have to know what might come up."
For the next two months, Dan texted me constantly.
The nights before his visits I would stay up until 4 a.m. cleaning, eager to please him.
Then Dan would leave and I would sit alone in my bedroom, his sweat still fresh on my skin, wanting so badly to be held.
I wasn’t the only woman he visited. He would tell me stories of other women he was sleeping with, and I’d repress any feelings of jealousy. I thought he was more evolved than I, as if attachment were some sort of moral failing on my part.
I don't have any issue with experimentation but I hope that the result of this, as the end of the piece seems to suggest, is that she tried out being someone's sex toy and decided it wasn't for her. She and everyone deserves respectful, committed, real love and sex.
And also she needs in my matronly opinion something to do with her time other than playing head and sex games. What a waste of time and energy.
There is a trueism here that I can't quite put my finger on.
An old saying, or song, "If you don't believe in something, you'll believe anything." Kind of gets me close to it.
You see, women are attracted to confidence. Power. Men who aren't pulled back and forth by emotions. Solid.
But feminists hate these men. Manly men. So, those qualities that women like become perverted.
Again, I'm no wordsmith and I can't quite say what I mean here.
But I've seen this a lot today. They have rejected the traditional man and perverted their natural desires.
From time to time, I an reminded just how much an illusion our idea of minds and wills are. One great analogy was picturing oneself atop an elephant and riding high on its back, thinking that 'you' are in control. But the moment things stop being in perfect balance, the elephant decides to do what it wants, and you're just along for the ride.
I think we're far more driven by instinct then anyone cares to admit.
I'm more worried about the people who would blog about these deviant articles.
It is critical that these people be given control over our lives immediately.
Though Dan wouldn’t admit it, he was a sadist.
He did admit it. What were you reading?
All in all, probably not a girl you want to bring home to mother.
Equal in rights and complementary in Nature. The rest is negotiable between consenting adults.
"I'm a feminist." What does that even mean anymore?
New York leftwing mating dance!
Isn't Dan Savage the gay dude who licks doorknobs when he gets upset about political campaigns?
I went from doorknob to doorknob. They were filthy, no doubt, but there wasn’t time to find a rag to spit on. My immune system wasn’t all it should be — I was in the grip of the worst flu I had ever had — but I was on a mission. If for some reason I didn’t manage to get a pen from my mouth to Gary’s hands, I wanted to seed his office with germs, get as many of his people sick as I could, and hopefully one of them would infect the candidate.
So, much as it pains me to confirm a hateful stereotype of gay men — we will put anything in our mouths — I started licking doorknobs. The front door, office doors, even a bathroom door. When that was done, I started in on the staplers, phones and computer keyboards. Then I stood in the kitchen and licked the rims of all the clean coffee cups drying in the rack.
So feminism is leaving a woman with bite marks and bruises that last weeks?
No wonder they got their panties in a twist over 'enforced monogamy'.
By the way, this isn't new. Newspapers were full of stories like this in the '70s. Full sexual revolution, rewrite the rules.
Then AIDS happened.
First impression: this sounds like the plot to 9 1/2 weeks.
Second impression: she'd be happier as a tradwife.
Also, a gentle reminder -- mostly to young males:
Don't sleep with leftwing women -- even the good-looking ones. They are crazy and will cause many headaches and make false rape charges and cause all sorts of problems down the road. (See, Mattress Girl, Columbia ).
Find apolitical or conservative women and sleep only with them. For the leftwing women, 85% are mostly ugly anyway, so that's not a problem. But that 15% -- see young Gloria Steinem in the 60s -- can pose a tempting risk.
For these select hot leftists, well, just smile and nod and pretend you're a retard or something.
Wanted: A tough Feminist that excites me with equal amounts of tenderness and confrontation. Must also have her own money that she has earned in a legal Profession. And must be cute.
I call bull. Not that I think such relationships don't exist but jeez louise. I'm throwing this in the fiction bin because it is just too exactly right. Somebody read a book, title starts with a number and ends with a color, and decided to try her hand at penning a different kind of #metoo experience.
When my brother brought his new girlfriend home, and visited with my mom, she was very gracious. But when they left, she looked at me and said:
"That girl is nothing but tits and ass."
She was, and I was jealous. Sad to say, she got fat, got the house, and got his wages.
c'est la vie...
Different Dan. Dan the biter, not Dan the licker.
O Laslo, Laslo, wherefore art thou, Laslo?
If Bill Clinton had met this women instead of Juanita Broaddrick he could be doing his book tour in peace today. Sad.
I don't care what she says, that's asking for trouble when she decides later that it would also be nice to beat up your bank account, or get you fired.
Why is Bill Clinton biting lips? His own, Juanita Broaddrick, etc, etc.
Maybe, he is the Presidential version of Hannibal Lector.
Sabine woman speaks out.
What is it her father didn’t understand about her? I thought at first she was a male (despite the authors name) hiding from her father the fact that he was gay. The whole thing was pointless once I figured out he was a she and there was no great secret.
"after I told him about my struggles with alcohol and family issues."
Big Savage fan.
Hot/crazy matrix alert.
Whip me ,beat me, make me write bad checks ! - EATING RAOUL
>>Dan and I agreed to meet... His aura of calm control was a revelation for me.
I get that a lot...
Have a good time, kids. Just confine your sadomasochistic tendencies and power/submission games to your romantic relationships and not the political sphere, the way "liberals" and socialists do. Then we all suffer . . . and some of us don't like pain.
I've already fucked three other women today, so let me tie you down and introduce you to Mr. Fist.
Let me get this straight. She was turned on by him, but isn't a masochist. Uh huh.
Ain't no ass kickers without ass lickers.
Is #NoJudgment still the operative mood of social progress?
This is the way the NYT acknowledges the correctness of “The Red Pill” philosophy: From a personal, woman’s perspective.
The Red Pill is a group on reddit that believes that, due to evolutionary traits, women are naturally submissive and prefer dominant men, and it tries to teach men to be dominant.
It’s a simplistic version of Jordan Peterson’s brand of evolutionary psychology.
I’m glad the NYT acknowledges, in its anecdotal and tacit way, that Peterson is right. We are social, mostly-hairless apes. And deep down the things that get our brains to release seratonin and dopamine are very like the things that get our animal ancestors’ brains to release the same chemicals.
Feminist, huh. Also #NoLabels. Perhaps #TooManyLabels. #HateLovesAbortion
@Althouse, you — and other feminists — need to fix this woman and a lot of others like her. No sense in demanding that us men fix the sadistic guy; as long as his activities get him laid he has no motivation to change and he won’t.
Bet he wasn't the first man to abuse her.
"@Althouse, you — and other feminists — need to fix this woman and a lot of others like her. No sense in demanding that us men fix the sadistic guy; as long as his activities get him laid he has no motivation to change and he won’t."
Didn't she fix herself? The idea of something was sexually stimulating (because of the effect on the mind), she tried it in practice and realized the problem with taking that sexual fantasy into real bodily action, she readjusted to coordinate the fantasy with the reality, and she posted a new ad. I don't know what the new ad brought in (probably more trouble), but what is wrong with having a sexual orientation toward being dominated and searching for that within a strong, complete relationship in which the need for love and real physical closeness and caring are met?
It's just undeniable that millions of women are powerfully sexually moved by that "50 Shades of Grey" fantasy, and the solution isn't to get rid of it entirely, but to find some way to reach it mentally within a safe and satisfying sexual relationship.
I'd be much more interested in the follow up article. After she figured out that a modified approach to accessing the sensations she got from her mind thinking about this kind of thing, she realized she had to find a better man who could still unleash the effect. But what did she find?! Now, she's looking for something that would require a much better man, but can anyone do what she's asking for without eventually getting tired of it or tipping over into something abusive?
can anyone do what she's asking for without eventually getting tired of her?
What a funny old world it would be, were we all the same.
I like the differences people exhibit in their personalities, preferences, behaviors, capabilities, beliefs. As an elderly friend used to say about the neighbor's children, "What enthusiasm!" It sounded much nicer than, "What rotten bastards!"
@Althouse, did she cure herself? I’m not so sure about that. Sorry, but a woman with fantasies about being physically hurt is sick and needs help — and I wouldn’t take the popularity of the “Fifty Shades” series as making it okay to let women get beaten by their lovers. I’m not going to waste one of my limited free Times accesses on this article so, tell me, did she even set up a safe word? (Something I learned about from watching “CSI” episodes featuring Lady Heather.)
This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George tries to be the Bad Boy to impress a woman
Bad Boy George
Ann Althouse said...
"It's just undeniable that millions of women are powerfully sexually moved by that "50 Shades of Grey" fantasy, and the solution isn't to get rid of it entirely, but to find some way to reach it mentally within a safe and satisfying sexual relationship."
The problem is that there just aren't enough really good-looking masterful kinky young billionaires who are secretly sweet, caring and vulnerable to go around. Not sure why that is.
"I now understand that there were complex survival instincts at play when I chose to climb back into bed with my rapist. It’s time we stopped being surprised that the primitive, unnatural act of rape can trigger equally primitive, unnatural responses in its victims."
wasn't it just a few weeks ago, that people here were saying that
No True BSDM freak would ever actually Hurt someone?
that the submissives were the ones Really in control?
I guess those days are done
"II now understand that there were complex survival instincts at play when I chose to climb back into bed with my rapist. It’s time we stopped being surprised that the primitive, unnatural act of rape can trigger equally primitive, unnatural responses in its victims."
She keeps using this word "unnatural," but I am not sure she knows what it really means.
Girls really do love the bad boys, don't they. In my next life....
It’s time we stopped being surprised that the primitive, unnatural act of rape can trigger equally primitive, unnatural responses in its victims.
Rape is a natural act and right of involuntary and perhaps superior exploitation. So is elective abortion. The difference is that in the latter Choice, the victim is tortured (around one month), disarmed, decapitated, and sometimes cannibalized (i.e. recycled-child). Embrace your feminist.
What the hell.
Pretty sad actually all the wounded people, voluntary victims rationalizing bent desires that ripple up from excitement good or bad or rather acceptable or unacceptable experienced for the first time long ago when some random neuron tickled the pleasure centers. Then reinforced time and again in one form or another.
The dude Dan's like a bloody clinician, diaries and other bullshit. He's not a sadist he's a fucking deluded beta control freak playing at macho feminist. She'll find the experience she wants some time and it won't arise from that profile but when the true predator uncannily sniffs out the wounds she's not aware of having. All without hearing one word from her.
Shit it takes a long time for many to grow up. Hope she makes it without too many scars.
Is it just coincidence that the next post is two more stories of Os?
Pauline Reage's The Story of O is very popular with women
Was this on your mind?
John Henry
"Girls really do love the bad boys, don't they. In my next life...."
You walked into the party, like you were walking onto a yacht.
Your hat strategically dipped below one eye, my pussy was dripping wet..
Any man who claims to be a feminist is someone to avoid.
If your date asks to bite you, say no, and don't answer the phone when the person calls. This is Dating 101.
Red flags:
1) Already has girlfriend.
2) Is into "open" relationships.
3) Bites.
4) Wants to beat you.
5) Desires no emotional connection with you.
6) Requires confessions (diary.)
Probably not a guy who dear old dad would like.
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