But "racism" is an abstraction, a label applied to what Roseanne did — which was to tweet "muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj" in reference to Valerie Jarrett.
We don't know what motivated those words. Perhaps it was real racism, but it could also have been a wild, reckless urge to outrage or a confused angry silliness. What was Roseanne's emotional state at the time of the tweet, and does it have any relation to any of the known side effects of Ambien?
The American Addiction Centers website discusses the possible cognitive impairment that Ambien users have experienced, and I'll just excerpt some of the things that could be related to a stupid expression like Roseanne's:
Difficulty concentratingSanofi's snark is first rate, but it doesn't exclude the possibility that Ambien was Roseanne's problem. That said, blaming Ambien sounds lame — and yet, ironically, making a lame excuse could be caused by Ambien. Lame excuse-making could be the result of confusion or disorientation or impaired judgment.
Disorientation to place or time
Loss of emotional affect...
Excessive sedation
Confusion and disorientation...
Impaired judgment
ADDED: The NYT addresses the question whether Ambien could caused the severe lapse in judgment or break from reality that could explain Roseanne's tweet?
So-called working memory — the mental scratchpad where the brain manipulates numbers, names and images — may shrink temporarily.... Yet these effects, taken together, have much more in common with sleep deprivation than with Tourette-like outbursts of insults and epithets. Tourette’s episodes typically arrive as a deluge and generally have no rational connection to the person’s usual behavior....AND: Roseanne's offense is chiefly to have violated a particular well-known social norm against any suggestion that a black person looks like an ape. Looking at a human face and seeing likeness to an animal is very common. We often think someone has a "horse face" or looks like a chicken or — in the case of Mitch McConnell — a turtle. Apes have the most resemblance to humans, so this common way of seeing animal faces in humans is most likely to happen with apes. Donald Trump was famously called the son of an orangutan, and George Bush was often pictured as a chimpanzee. I had a colleague at the University of Wisconsin Law School who posted on her office door a set of pictures of George Bush and chimpanzees making various faces. It was stock humor at the time. But everyone is supposed to know that you just do not do that with black people.
Many people have reported hallucinations while taking Ambien... daydreams so vivid they are like waking dreams — before the person snaps back into the here and now. Sleep scientists suspect that at least some of these reactions represent “mixed states,” when mental processes of the slumbering brain leak into the patient’s waking hours...
Roseanne transgressed that social norm. Had she forgotten about it? I doubt it, but comedy often involves an outrageous transgression. What's one thing you absolutely should not say? That's a question you might use to brainstorm a comic routine. Shock the bourgeoisie is the old artist's credo. But the bourgeoisie shocks back. You get the consequences. Some jokes won't be taken. "Roseanne" is/was a network sitcom.
But the question here is: Could Ambien have caused it? And I'm saying that the only cause needed was the destructive impulse to violate a strong social norm that has to do with race. I do understand the argument that the racial idea had to be in her head before it could have exerted pressure to leap out, but if she'd kept the idea to herself, like so many other people who are aware of the strong social norm, she wouldn't be in any trouble at all.
२४२ टिप्पण्या:
242 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»"Perhaps it was real racism, but it could also have been a wild, reckless urge to outrage or a confused angry silliness. "
But those ARE some of the real symptoms of "real racism."
LOL. High speed shark jumping. When a drug manufacturer is forced to wade into the fray.
Ambien helps you fall asleep, but it doens't help you stay asleep.
Don Lemon is still crying. Is there a drug for that?
Sanofi's snark is first rate
Disturbing that there's some dick at Sanofi that admires Elon Musk's style. Hopefully they don't let him near the drugs.
Maybe, Roseanne meant Van Jones at CNN, but was confused by the Ambien. Er, I guess, that wouldn't help much.
Victoria Jackson from the old SNL shows? Blonde woman - not too funny?
I doubt Roseanne is a racist.
It's illegal to hate or mock anything or anyone connected with Saint Obama. Even when planets of apes are involved.
Hail Chimpy McBushHitler
But was it racism-racism ?
Notice how, engulfed as we all are in our cultural blind spot, Barr's tweet is seen as only racist, & no one comments on how it's also anti-Muslim.
I mean, Muslims breeding with apes? That's a pretty nasty insult. Doesn't Roseanne know that, according to those Muslim Brotherhood types, it's Jews like her that are the descendants of apes & pigs?
Ambien: fall asleep, get woke!
What she was saying, Ambien or not, is that the puppetmaster of the previous president is one butt-ugly woman, regardless of her ethnic background. Hard to disagree with that.
Is this what we have to look forward to from corporate entities and their PR reps ?
Snarky twitter BS like they're High School Popular Girls jostling for who gets to sit at the cool lunch table?
No thanks. I wish they would have stayed out of it.
Can't imagine they'd be this snarky if it was a Tiger Woods car crash excuse that mentioned Ambien, or any number of lefty Hollywood types who use the Ambien excuse/justification/mitigation to dig out of PR trouble.
My friend's husband went out in the middle of the night to water the lawn, completely naked, another friend experienced hallucinations. Neither will ever take it again.
In no way am I defending her tweet, because everyone knows, only Democrats are allowed to call black people monkeys, like when Ben Carson, pediatric surgeon was call a "monkey of the porch variety" by is sickening leftist. Roseanne is claiming she didn't know Jarrett was black, and everyone knows it is okay to compare non-blacks to monkeys, like ChimpyMcHitler Bush or Donald the orangutan.
I don't know id Roseanne is a racist, but I know she is a lunatic, always has been.
Ambien needs to pay reparations.
Perhaps a special tax.
"...racism is not a known side effect of" Ambien."
About everything else is:
Memory loss
Depression, suicidal thoughts
Withdrawal, which can be life-threatening.
Roseanne should reply "No one ever died from a bad joke"
Given what the psychologists say about subliminal racism -- everyone has it and it's always affected us -- impaired judgment and aggression actually do encompass racism as a side effect.
Roseanne should have been taking a side dose of Risperidone for the Ambien.
Perhaps Obama could lead a national conversation on ambien on his new $50M netflix show.
There may have been a diversity motivation, but the correlation between Planet of the Apes and terrorism is not limited to [color] diversity, and, in fact, is quite limited in that respect. For example, in South Africa, the violence targeted people of the same diversity class (a la Fatah and Hamas). In Jordan (the "second" state), the violence was between people of the same diversity class. It wasn't about diversity, but rather minority or central (i.e. left-wing) regimes pursuing consolidation of capital and control, and the people, and the babies, were collateral damage, ostensibly for political/social progress.
When I hear the word RACISM, I don't even pay attention. The word has been used so much, that it has lost its meaning.
Harvey Weinstein should claim he was taking ED drugs and his behavior was a side effect.
Is it a baby or a colorful clump of cells? Opinions will vary.
Ambien doesn't have a viable defense. The lawyers will discover or manufacture anecdotal evidence, carry out a warlock hunt with the press's (i.e. bullhorns) aid, and pursue an ostensibly class action case designed to disenfranchise and coerce Ambien's investors.
Can’t we all agree it was Trump’s fault and move on?
Assholery is a side effect of Democrat party membership. There are other side effects: hypocrisy, Messiah complex, hatred of America and Americans, blood coming out of wherever...
So the other day snark was bad, just so tiring, enough already. Today snark is cool. The difference that I can see is today’s snark is more of the reflexive name-calling which passes for thought these days.
When I hear the word RACISM
The new word is diversity (i.e. denial of individual dignity), which is a superset of racism. Semantic progress.
AllenS: that's why the new phrase is “white supremacist” .
Excerpts from another website on Ambien:
Common (1% to 10%): Depression, abnormal dreams, sleep disorder, insomnia, exacerbated/aggravated insomnia, hallucinations, agitation, nightmare, drugged feeling, confusion, euphoria, memory impairment, amnesia, anterograde amnesia, nervousness, disorientation, anxiety, psychomotor retardation, binge eating, depersonalization, disinhibition, mood swings, stress symptoms, apathy
Uncommon (0.1% to 1%): Decreased cognition, detached, difficulty concentrating, emotional lability, illusion, sleeping (after daytime dosing), irritability, drunk feeling, reduced alertness
Rare (less than 0.1%): Impotence, abnormal thinking, aggressive reaction, decreased libido, delusion, dementia, feeling strange, hysteria, intoxicated feeling, manic reaction, panic attacks, personality disorder, somnambulism, suicide attempts, neurosis, perceptual disturbances, restlessness, libido disorder, rages, inappropriate behavior
Frequency not reported: Psychoses, dependence
Postmarketing reports: Anger, abnormal behavior, disoriented social media usage
The last one certainly seems to be worth investigating.
Tarzan say "muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj" no say race, so who racist? Tarzan friend ape?
Can’t we all agree it was Trump’s fault and move on?
Where have you been? Chuck already established that in the last thread...
What Roseanne tweeted is one thing, but the reaction of the supposedly sane press is another.
Roseanne Barr is whack. She has always been whack. I consider her latest offense less awful than that photo of her dressed as Hitler burning gingerbread men in the oven.
But, have you listened to the news people on this subject? It's all Trump's fault. It's all about politicized racism, & Trump's the ringleader. And not only that! That bastard Trump put little Mexican kids in cages! He even went back in time to 2014 to do it, he's such a h8er!
If you haven't listened to CNN in a while, turn it on and listen. They have absolutely lost their minds, & it's amazing to behold.
Sanofi weighing in seems like a bad idea to me. People do strange things on Ambien. That's just a fact. See https://www.drugs.com/sfx/ambien-side-effects.html. So for Sanofi to charge in and say "but not this" is a little rich. Ambien is prescribed because it is needed not because it has no unpredictable side effects which in turn may result in conduct by patients that are odd or problematic. No one accused Sanofi of producing a racist promoting drug. So there was no call to "defend" itself.
Roseanne has already clarified that's she's not blaming the ambien. It's natural for someone who just colossally screwed herself to point to the circumstances. Middle of the night tweets - just say no.
She is also a pot-smoker but she's not blaming the pot. It's the pot.
Of course it was the Ambien. She discovered that when visiting her lawyer’s office yesterday to discuss the millions of dollars that she will likely lose as a result of her tweat. With the Ambien discovery, this is now an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) claim against ABC and Disney. Did they offer her reasonable accommodations for her disability? And, she may have a viable claim against the drug maker for failure to warn about this side effect, unless they can maybe claim that it was subsumed by some of the other published side effects, such as confusion, disorientation, nightmares, etc. And, if not, then maybe she could be the lead/named plaintiff in a class action suit. We shall see.
Disorientation to place or time
Apparently Roseanne thought it was the 1950s.
Tarzan love anecdote.
Ambien Continues To Be Abused And Is Used To Commit Horrifying Acts Of Violence
Police Officer Drugs His Wife With Ambien, Rapes Her On Camera, Then Kills His Family
Former Professional Football Player Rapes Women Using Ambien
Guy Takes An Ambien And Sets A Submarine On Fire
Young was high on Clonazepam and the generic forms of Ambien and Lexapro during the crash.
Man Takes Ambien And Hallucinates A Plane Crash
Republican Party Leader Uses Ambien To Rape A Constituent
NJ School Board Member Drugs Six-Year-Olds With Ambien
Man Allegedly High On Ambien Kills His Girlfriend
Fuller was also high on citalpram, alprazolam, and Ambien.
Tennessee Sheriff Beats Wife After Taking Ambien
Murder: Another Ambien Side Effect?
As the masters rot on walls
and the angels eat their grapes
I watched Picasso visit
The Planet Of The Apes
Funny, but in the long run it might have been wiser not to go out of their way to link themselves with somebody awake enough at 2:30 am to tweet anything.
Being under the influence of anything can result in doing dumb things. It seems a reasonable excuse. Whether it is true or not is another matter.
I was on prescription medication once that made me manic for a day. I had the good sense to stay home before I did something stupid in public. One of the side effects was that my "filter" was on the fritz and I was saying things I would never say and, for that matter, thinking things I never think. That was a heck of a ride.
She merely told the truth. But then one simply cannot have that on network television these days.
”Given what the psychologists say about subliminal racism -- everyone has it and it's always affected us -- ”
Psychology is one of the fields that can’t replicate their results.
Ignorance can be cured, but stupid is forever. And that's true in Roseanne Barr's case (even though she was able to be functional as a comedienne--of sorts). So I'm not blaming the Ambien (or whatever other excuse she comes up with).
I can't call her tweet "racist" (Who knew a mixture of Iranian and Planet of the Apes was a race?). Or maybe Vaj Jar calls herself Persian. I don't know and don't much care.
What really ticks me off is that Roseanne gave Valerie Jarrett a chance to go on the tube and proclaim this incident as a "teaching moment". I've had it up to here with Obama era "teaching moments". Most of which involved some variation of "You can't say that that naked dude (i.e. "King") has no clothes.".
Our former Lightworker and New Messiah, and his disciples are beyond criticism. And the press is here to remind you if you forget.
YH said...
If you haven't listened to CNN in a while, turn it on and listen. They have absolutely lost their minds, & it's amazing to behold.
1. Pretty fonny response from a pharma.
2. The NYer did a long piece on Ambien and sleepwalking, which is very close to sleeptalking.
"The devil made me do it" is more plausible.
Under the influence of impaired judgment seems about right. I don't know who she would sue for that, but rehab is in the works
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said... She is also a pot-smoker but she's not blaming the pot. It's the pot.
No, probably not. I'm an occasional user of most stuff. A long term pot smoker doesn't loose sight of the boundaries, if anything it'll emphasize them. Pot smokers don't often make social mistakes, other than just being noticeably stoned and loosing the thread. Ecstasy can easily loosen up what you shouldn't say but believe, but mostly these are extreme positives, not negatives. Blow can reduce sensitivities to others a lot and mistakes can be made, but again not usually negatives. I would imagine those are the most likely 3 she might be a recreational user of.
The villain is 99 times out of 100 alcohol. If you're creative, you write all kinds of brilliant stuff you regret, as some of us know, but twitter makes it impossible to harpoon the little darlings in the morning. She sounded drunk to me.
I Callahan said...
"Can’t we all agree it was Trump’s fault and move on?"
Where have you been? Chuck already established that in the last thread...
I didn't make that claim. But of course, the reason for the post was Roseanne's temporarily revived popularity, which had much to do with Roseanne's fandom with Trump.
Of course, with a guy like Trump, there are few controversies that he can't somehow make worse, to the satisfaction of his base who wouldn't care if he shot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue. So now Trump is attacking Disney CEO Michael Iger over the affair:
Is there a mind-crime clinic? We need more tax payer funded mind-crime clinics.
Drug company should have kept quiet. I am not the first here to mention this. It will be all over the net by end of day.
Ambien Becoming Better Known for Triggering Murders and other Bizarre Behavior than it is for Treating Insomnia
If Trump's not willing to make it all about Trump then Chuck certainly is.
"Tarzan take many drug: uppers, downers, acid, Mary Jane, Purple Haze, Black Beauties, Chinese doorbells—you name it, Tarzan take it."
Tarzan mis-quote Tarzan no take Ambien you name.
Millimeter deep snark is the lifeblood of Twitter.
Hey!! It helped Kerry Kennedy get off (she drove the wrong way on the highway but was aquitted)Awww.....justice is great!! (if you are on the right side!!) https://www.cnn.com/2014/02/28/justice/kerry-kennedy-dwi-trial/index.html
So, we can officially rule out Ambien as the cause for LLR Chuck's racist post about Ben Carson and the "Department of Black People"?
A long term pot smoker doesn't loose sight of the boundaries, if anything it'll emphasize them. Pot smokers don’t often make social mistakes, other than just being noticeably stoned and loosing the thread.
Do they forget how to spell “lose”?
Does Sanofi's official Twitter operator (user? Twitter spokesman? official Twit?) have a problem with Ambien? Or is impaired judgment just something they overlooked when they hired her?
Planet of the Apes is a movie. It is not racist from what I recall (it's more species-ist, I suppose), but I haven't seen any of the remakes.
Sanofi should shut up and make drugs
Yeah, I have found myself checking in on CNN for a few seconds now and then, just to see if I can keep the streak going of catching them in some deranged conspiracy theory based on the most speculative ‘evidence.’ I bet if they cover the volcano, it will come up that Rosanne has a nut farm there<< true, last I checked, and the gods are mad at her for supporting Trump.
So far I have a perfect record. I play it like poker, a straight flush would be five dips into CNN and discussion of Stormeee! came up all five times. So far they have been having great fun with stories out of the jack boots leaking the stuff they got raiding Trump’s lawyer’s office.
Hillary’s lawyer, on the other hand, was given immunity from prosecution for nothing in return. That’s how America works!
Ambien is weird, how it comes on. Kind of psychedelic even. Fun, but I had to stop taking it. Xanax is a lot more transparent.
No excuse for Rosanne, though. I followed her on Twitter and she's pretty lame, like a lot of the Trumpbots with all their silly multiple emojis in their names.
Why does my side have to be so stupid?
Meanwhile Trump tweets to make it about him. I wonder how many tweets Hope Hicks stopped/toned down when she was working for him. He seems to be getting worse since she left.
Drago said... [hush][hide comment]
So, we can officially rule out Ambien as the cause for LLR Chuck's racist post about Ben Carson and the "Department of Black People"?
And his intention to give tiny Greta van Sustern a good titty twist to show her what it feels like?
I'm still puzzled how the reference to "Planet of the Apes" is a racist remark. From what little I know about that movie, the Apes are, well, the betters while humans are the inferior types. The Apes are intelligent, tool using, smart, literate, etc.
If the point of calling someone an ape as a racist attack... isn't using "Planet of the Apes" the last reference to an ape you want to make? In Planet of the Apes, the apes are superior to humans.... so it sort of seems like shooting yourself in the foot to call someone an ape from planet of the apes.
Why not just say, "Ape?" by itself if you are looking for the racist remark?
Seems to me that the point of using Planet of the Apes in connection with the Muslim Brotherhood is to point out the slavery, the disregard for humanity that both societies have. It also seems to me that she could have said the Morlocks and the Muslim Brotherhood and gotten the same point across, though likely the cries of "racism" would still ring.
I'm just not seeing the racism here. But perhaps I'm not woke enough like our leftist betters, who always focus on the color of your skin and judge you by it. They know racism when they see it, and they also know that racism is fluid. A statement is never to be analyzed on its own. In fact, it's irrelevant. You must consider the source and the target. If the source is to the political right of the target, it's racist/sexist/bigoted by definition. If the source is to the political left of the target, it's never, ever racist/sexist/bigoted.
That's it. That's the rule for whether a statement is "wrong think" somehow. It's how Mike Lee could say that people need to get a job and that's racist against blacks. Mike Lee is conservative, and most blacks are leftist political groups. So it's racist. Meanwhile, Black Professor X can call for a general genocide against all white people and he or she gets promoted and congratulated, because he's a leftist and white people are not considered a left wing group--so no racism. It's why Inga or Ritmo, white leftists, can call Condoleezza Rice a "house nigga" and it's a-ok--she's an exception to the "Blacks = Left" rule so it's not racist. It's also how Justice Thomas can be a racist because he's on the right, so he's racist most of the time. Just ask Chuck.
Makers of Ambien signalling their virtue.
Wasnt there a Kennedy who crashed on Ambien?
Planet of the Apes was humans devolving.
Until the 2nd movie when humans had deleloped telepathy. But that was the Heston years. I refused to watch the remakes.
Cross-posting from the previous thread:
Ambien Becoming Better Known for Triggering Murders and other Bizarre Behavior than it is for Treating Insomnia
I sure hope the do-gooders don't get Ambien banned, like they got those zinc sprays banned just because a few idiots couldn't follow directions. The only thing Ambien ever does for me is help me get a good night's sleep. I try never to use it more than once in a week at most, and usually half or quarter dose, so as to avoid addiction. But it works like a charm, and I'm 90% sure I haven't done anything criminal or criminally stupid after taking it.
Ever notice how when drug companies have to list all the unwanted side effects of their drug, the commercial invariably shifts to some visually appealing scene like puppies or a family celebration. They wouldn't do that to draw your attention away from the words being said, would they? Nah, that's just crazy talk. Forget I even mentioned it.
What did the Romans ever do for us?
I gotta go with Scott Adams on this one.
The most logical explanation is she was not in her right mind at the time of the tweet.
Politically, the term Racism simply means a notice given to any skin color shade less than pure Nordic pink. That gerrymander of a term is intentional. It makes the American "Whites" into a minority living in a winner take all majority vote system they once ruled. That is the only reason VJ and BO have dedicated themselves to scrapping our border defenses so efficiently.
But poor, confused Roseanne just wanted to ridicule the Shiite Muslim Americans righteously plotting a jihad murder of the Jews. And she remembered that the crazy Planet of the Apes's Rulers had some short brown hair styles like VJ.
Difficulty concentrating
Disorientation to place or time
Loss of emotional affect...
Excessive sedation
Confusion and disorientation...
Impaired judgment
Not sure if that profusion of side effects implies Ambiens most well known one: Ambien is infamous for inducing weird fugue states. There's all sorts of tales of people blacking out, losing huges gaps of time where they do a bunch of weird things and end up with no memory of them.
Assuming Roseanne was taking Ambien, I'm willing to give her a pass on the tweet. Those of you who haven't experienced the drug-induced changes to thinking and behavior may not be able to relate, but I have experienced them.
A couple of decades ago, my doctor prescribed ambien to address my chronic insomnia. I thought it was the best stuff ever. I could sleep! I woke full of energy, ready to attack the day. Over the weeks I was taking ambien, I began having all-but-uncontrollable urges to throw my desk chair out my 8th floor window and jump to my death. On my commute home, I felt similar urges to ram my pickup truck at freeway speed into a concrete bridge abutment. These urges didn't scare me in the least. They seemed normal -- even rational. I didn't act on them ONLY because I couldn't figure out how to make my death seem accidental. Rationally, I didn't want my wife and family to be burdened with the stigma of a suicide and I wanted to ensure they'd receive my life insurance benefits.
After a few weeks of serious work, I thought I'd come up with a plan that might work. About that time, I picked up a new prescription of ambien from the pharmacy and happened to glance at the blurb of side effects. The word 'suicide' caught my attention. Instead of putting my plan into action, I called my doctor and explained how I'd been feeling and he strongly suggested I quit taking the drug.
What does this have to do with Roseanne? Those who have known me from my youth would say I'm an optimist. Suicide, under normal circumstances, would be the furthest thing from my mind. I'd NEVER contemplated it before, much less made it a serious study. Yet, there I was actively planning my own death -- and it all seemed like the most rational, natural, and normal thing in the world to me at the time. Ambien seriously messes with a person's mind and the person taking it doesn't know it!
So, is it possible that Roseanne Tweeted something under the influence of ambien that she wouldn't have without taking the drug? Yes. Is it possible that the Tweet has NOTHING to do with Roseanne's actual thoughts and feelings? Absolutely! My 'real self' had no intention of taking my life. Those ambien induced urges to jump out my office window were NOT a window into my soul. Roseanne's Tweet may, or may not, be a window into hers.
Very interesting comment by DKWalser and I take it at face value.
But don't expect Sanofi to recount stories like his. Legal liability for suicides would put a real dent in the stock price.
>>Can’t we all agree it was Trump’s fault and move on?
Chelsea beat Chuck to it by a few days. Now, anything bad that happens can be blamed on him for "degrading" America.
It is true. Dean Obeidallah on CNN confirmed it. In writing.
What more proof of his guilt do we need.
Impeaching Trump is, of course, the only correct remedy for Roseanne posting a nasty tweet.
"Drago said...
So, we can officially rule out Ambien as the cause for LLR Chuck's racist post about Ben Carson and the "Department of Black People"?"
Yep. Just call him ChucKKK!
Of course, with a guy like Trump, there are few controversies that he can't somehow make worse, to the satisfaction of his base who wouldn't care if he shot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue.
Well, Chuck, depends on whom he shoots.
@wwww, George Soros was 14 and he helped his Jewish father round up Jews for the Nazis in Hungary. Wikipedia used to be more up front about this part of Soros’ life, but the latest write ups are a bit more bowdlerized.
@DKWalser, thank you for that slice of your history. What a side-effect! Yikes!
To heck with Ambien. Plain old whiskey makes southerners crack ethno-racist jokes.
Racism is a side-effect of diversity, including color judgments and discrimination.
Racism is a side-effect of the twilight faith and Pro-Choice religious/moral philosophy, that debase human life and deny individual dignity, respectively.
I don't like it. You're supposed to be medicine, Ambien. Remain professional. People already abuse your product and you know it, so don't push things by getting cutesy.
I thought everyone knew that Soros was really, really into backstabbing and selling Jews to the Nazis and watching them go off to the camps. It's no wonder most leftists love the guy.... with their support for the Palestinians, they all share the same goals.
It used to be that when a person said or did something hurtful, you'd assess the damage to the person hurt.
You smack Valerie Jarrett, she might smack you back (self-defense) or sue you for battery or call the cops to arrest you for criminal battery.
You call Valerie Jarrett a "thief," she might sue you for defamation.
Here, in the modern era, if you say something tinged with any form of racialism, even if not directed at any person, well, you've trangressed against an entire class of innocent people, and must be fired.
It seems out of whack. But the Left often makes out of whack rules.
tim in vermont said...Do they forget how to spell “lose”?
Only when lightly stoned in Bombay (Mumbai), as I am. Not as fun as being heavily stoned in Kathmandu last week. Or completely wrecked in Bangalore (Bengaluru) the week before that. Et cetera, all around the world, for years. African cities, south to north, starting in a couple of weeks. Everyone has their specialty.
VJ isn't the most attractive woman. Normally, mentioning that is unnecessary and boorish. But, among Obama's minority girls it stood out in contrast to Susan Rice, who for some reason, perhaps her poise, but mostly her winning smile, I thought was incredibly hot.
What a side-effect! Yikes!
Again, I've taken Ambien on occasion over many years, no doubt 100s of times, and have never had any side effects. I suspect anyone who's had such side effects is taking a 10 mg dose every night for weeks or months. I've discovered that 5mg or even 2.5mg is sufficient to help me sleep, and I know enough not to take it even two consecutive nights so as to avoid addiction.
James, I don't doubt what you're saying (seriously).
I think the human body and how it handles illness and drugs vary widely.
The clearest expression of it was talking to my doctor about salt's effect on high blood pressure. He estimated that only about 20 percent of people are vulnerable to its effects.
Bill, yes, I'm not discounting others' experiences, and people do react differently. Still, I suspect dosage and frequency matters as well.
Elective abortion and abortion fields with guns and assault scalpels, vacuums, etc. are known side-effects of some pharmaceutical and illegal drugs. The normalizing philosophies are progressive (i.e. generational) and first-order forcings of diversity or color judgments.
Кто кого.
FullMoon said...
Drago said... [hush][hide comment]
So, we can officially rule out Ambien as the cause for LLR Chuck's racist post about Ben Carson and the "Department of Black People"?
And his intention to give tiny Greta van Sustern a good titty twist to show her what it feels like?
That's a lie. I never made any such threat. "Full Moon" knows it, and has previously admitted same.
Fuck you, Full Moon.
James K said...
What a side-effect! Yikes!
Again, I've taken Ambien on occasion over many years, no doubt 100s of times, and have never had any side effects. I suspect anyone who's had such side effects is taking a 10 mg dose every night for weeks or months. I've discovered that 5mg or even 2.5mg is sufficient to help me sleep, and I know enough not to take it even two consecutive nights so as to avoid addiction.
How do you get to sleep the second night?
Prog in 1900: we are apes! we are descended from apes! evolution rules! only deplorable reactionaries would deny it!
Prog in 2018: suggesting someone is the spawn of apes is racist! evolution does no create differences between races! only deplorable reactionaries would deny it!
Vance said...
That's it. That's the rule for whether a statement is "wrong think" somehow. It's how Mike Lee could say that people need to get a job and that's racist against blacks. Mike Lee is conservative, and most blacks are leftist political groups. So it's racist. Meanwhile, Black Professor X can call for a general genocide against all white people and he or she gets promoted and congratulated, because he's a leftist and white people are not considered a left wing group--so no racism. It's why Inga or Ritmo, white leftists, can call Condoleezza Rice a "house nigga" and it's a-ok--she's an exception to the "Blacks = Left" rule so it's not racist. It's also how Justice Thomas can be a racist because he's on the right, so he's racist most of the time. Just ask Chuck.
I'm a huge fan of Justice Thomas', Vance. I've never had an unkind word about him. I have supported him from his days on the Circuit bench.
So just fuck off, Vance.
Chuck is just angry that the dems generic polling advantage collapsed.
No wonder LLR Chuck felt compelled to immediately LEAP to the defense of far left CEO Bob Iger who just hired Keith Olbermann.
I mean, Olbermann was one of the key early "stars" on LLR Chuck's beloved MSNBC so its natural that LLR Chuck would feel protective of him.
Noted Racist Commenter Chuck: "I'm a huge fan of Justice Thomas', Vance."
Curious George said...
"Drago said...
So, we can officially rule out Ambien as the cause for LLR Chuck's racist post about Ben Carson and the "Department of Black People"?"
Yep. Just call him ChucKKK!
I wasn't ridiculing Dr. Carson. I was ridiculing Trump. And if you quoted me fairly and fully, in context, it would be clearer. But you won't do that.
So fuck you. And your little dog "Drago," too.
Next time there is a suit about Ambien, I bet the plaintiff's lawyer makes hay about Aventis joking about the side effects. Especially if there is mental illness or brain damage (which Barr has) involved.
And a maker of pharma mocking mental patients? This was a stupid tweet. But they just couldn’t resist the self-admiring “oh snap”.
Noted Racist Commenter Chuck: "I wasn't ridiculing Dr. Carson."
LLR Chuck: "Ben Carson", "Department of Black People"
Yep. Not racist at all....and there was no Ambien involved!
Drago said...
Noted Racist Commenter Chuck: "I'm a huge fan of Justice Thomas', Vance."
You miserable asswipe. You spend hours tracking my comments and quoting me, and you won't be able to find one word that I have written about Justice Thomas that wasn't praising him.
You worthless troll.
Noted Racist Commenter Chuck: "I was ridiculing Trump."
Trump never said that.
YOU said that....racist commenter.
LLR Chuck: "You spend hours tracking my comments and quoting me"
Just a few minutes here and there is more than sufficient.
Remember, LLR Chuck wants all critics of CNN doxxed AND enjoys rumor mongering about children.
That's who you are Chuck, and it's all on the record. Just like "Department of Black People" when you were talking about Ben Carson, a man you have ridiculed in the past.
Probably because all your leftist operational allies do as well.
I sure hope LLR Chuck doesn't get hold of any information on Ben Carson's young grandchildren. Goodness knows what he would do with that....
LLR Chuck: "You worthless troll."
One thing is for certain, ALL the loony lefties on this blog value your imputs extremely highly.
And why not? Peas in a pod. Peas in a pod.
You can't win when you talk to or about blacks. They are a protected class that needs to be coddled and deferred too and guilty liberals have to give them reparations in the coffee shop.
Your best bet is to cut them out of your life. The way liberals do in their gated communities and private schools. Oh they are fully integrated you say! Not really. They only have Cosby Kid types who act white.
Without the raping of course. (Which is very hard to do)
If you limit your interaction you will live a long and healthy life. Just look at what the youtes did in Chicago this weekend. Read Derbyshire for a guide to surviving.
I see some on this blog like Barr are in to spreading the Soros lies; see Snopes for a more complete gloss of this;
In the modern era of self-seeking being able to blame anyone but yourself, one excuse is as good as another.
Can Ambien reduce your inhibitions? Because suppressing your racism involves inhibitions.
And sense all white people are racist . . .
Prog in 2018
Progressive and liberals sects believe in evolutionary creationism, but they deny the evolutionary process (i.e. chaos), selectively, opportunistically, when it is politically congruent. The limits of knowledge and skill are the known causes to restricting scientific inquiry to a narrow frame of reference. The secular sects are known to conflate logical domains when it suits their purposes. Still, we should discern classical and progressive liberals, classical and liberal progressive. The quasi-moral principle: stability, is characteristic of the latter, and a first-order forcing of progressive discontinuities and dysfunctional convergence.
That said, individual dignity is a moral axiom. Diversity denies individual dignity and normalizes prejudice. Intrinsic value is a moral axiom. Pro-Choice (e.g. selective-child) denies human rights and debases human life, and denies women's franchise (e.g. choice, choice, then Choice). The Planet of the Apes is present and progressive. Terrorism is present and progressive (e.g. anti-whatever movements). Let's hope our simian masters will discover a conservation of principles, and not repeat the Planet of the Simian Derivatives.
"Department of Black People" ChucKKK is having a difficult time crawfishing out of his own comments. Lulz
R/V: "I see some on this blog like Barr are in to spreading the Soros lies"
Lefties take time out from advancing lies from Soros funded (and LLR Chuck approved) sources to complain about "Soros lies".
Too funny.
John Derbyshire speaks to the future of the Republican Party and the effect on LLR like Chuck and the rest of the Washington General Republicans:
While the Democratic Party is committed to anti-white positions, that swelling number of anti-anti-white whites is electoral gold for the Republican Party. Whether the Republican Party—also commonly known, let me remind you, as the Stupid Party—has enough sense and skill to mine that gold, is an open question. There are some hopeful signs from the White House, although that is of course not the same thing as the Republican Party.
- John Derbyshire
Quoted from a very interesting post by the aforementioned Vox Day.
Fabi: ""Department of Black People" ChucKKK is having a difficult time crawfishing out of his own comments. Lulz"
Perhaps LLR Chuck was on some heavy cold medicine at the time....
I didn't know my social security was funded by Soros who must be everywhere doing everything just like Drago and others claim he was doing in Budapest, get your tweet out to pass it on.
"ChucKKK said...
So fuck you. And your little dog "Drago," too."
Now that's the ambien talking.
CG: "Now that's the ambien talking."
Ambien and, hopefully, a nice scotch.....
Roseanne is a lot like Trump. An imperfect vessel. She was embodying the true feelings of working class white Americans.
I bet most of you didn't even watch the show because you are a bunch of sanctimonious pompous assholes who wouldn't know funny if it bit you on the touchas.
The last two episodes were about Dan and his partner. A black guy no less. Dan had to use Mexican Illegals to get a drywall job and not his black partner and the usual crew. His partner was irate and talked about their twenty year long friendship. Dan said he has to do what he had to do.
He said "I always told you if I ate you would have something to eat. Well I am not eating."
Roseanne touched on basic truths and problems that ninety nine percent of the comedies on TV don't come within a million miles of or even acknowledge. That was why she had to be silenced by the people who give Keith Olberman and Jemele Hill and Joy Behar a platform.
R/V: "I didn't know my social security was funded by Soros who must be everywhere doing everything just like Drago and others claim he was doing in Budapest..."
Coherence. Look into it. After all, you can't always depend on LLR Chuck coming to yours and your lefty pals defense.
Roseanne also touched on the difficulty in getting prescription drugs under Obamacare. On the VA with her son who had to leave at the crack of dawn to get to see a doctor. She had a subplot about taking care of elderly parents. All with lots of jokes and funny and crude lines.
She is a comedian who specializes in crudity and shock value. Big surprise that she said something that outraged the perpetually offended.
Roseanne ought learn the first rule of holes.
Roseanne got a lot of crap from ABC. They hated that she was successful. They tried to dictate her show to make her go away from being fair to Trump and giving him any shred of a positive spin. They even announced that the show was going to move away from that. Roseanne said that was bullshit.
Her days were numbered from that point on.
ABC was paticularly insensed when she mocked the minstrel shows of "Blackish" and "Off the Boat" the two politically correct ethnic comedies that they have on their channel. ABC specializes in politically correct comedies that promote a progressive agenda in a false minstrel show extravaganza. "Blackish" is a phony black suburban comedy. "Off the Boat" is a nonsensical Asian yellow face concoction. The highly rated "Modern Family" is geared to normalizing and promoting the gay agenda. That is what they want to sell. Not something that
speaks to the white working class. When they have a show like that such as "Roseanne" or "Last Man Standing" they have to cancel them. You can't have that on national television. It doesn't matter that they were the highest rated shows on their network by far and away of any measurement. Money doesn't matter to them. Politically correct ideology trumps that in the view of ABC/Disney.
Maybe racism is a side effect of Ambien, and maybe not, but racism is clearly a side effect of American leftism. Correlation is not proof of causation, but every American leftist I know of is obsessed with racism, although admittedly only as a weapon or excuse. They are blind to their own, or to the inherent racism in many of their positions and policies.
Let's imagine a white president of ABC, and they have a very popular new show with a black lead like the Cosby Show. Bill Cosby tweets: A polar bear and the KKK had a baby = Mike Pence. Would that show get cancelled by that president? I expect there would be a few people that would call for it, but not many, and I think few whites would be offended, just as I imagine few Black are actually offended by Roseann's tweet. Regardless, no cancellation is likely nor would anything likely happen from it.
Now if the statement was directed at Kellyanne Conway (a woman), then we might have a bigger dust up, and if the white president of ABC was a woman we might even have some punishment, but a racist tweet about a white man, especially a conservative would be swallowed and digested without any upset. I think that this cancellation would be less likely of an ABC executive that was a man, black or white.
As for racism, I think getting this upset about a common slur like this is mostly a response by leftists as weaponization, and it should be insulting to Blacks that people think they are incapable of handling it. I don't think most Blacks or Whites would get that upset about a comedian making such a joke at their expense. You have to be stuck in team think, points scoring or posing to get worked up such a thing.
Think about the insult aimed at a white person instead and what would be the general response? People would say: "Big woop, so what, deal with it", because they expect that white people are capable of that and Blacks are not. That's the real racism on display here.
Well thank you WWWW you took the time to post more than tweet length about Soros and other disproved conspiracy tweets which Drago may or may not read. I often post short shots like Trump to make a point, but try not to reduce the remarks to labeling one as righty, or lefty as though that sums up the argument.
'Think about the insult aimed at a white person instead and what would be the general response? People would say: "Big woop, so what, deal with it", because they expect that white people are capable of that and Blacks are not. That's the real racism on display here"
That is exactly right. Blacks and women should go around wearing a diaper and a onezie so everyone can realize their child like status and would refrain from damaging their delicate sensibilities.
Poor babies.
roesch/voltaire said...
"I see some on this blog like Barr are in to spreading the Soros lies; see Snopes for a more complete gloss of this;"
It is true that Soros was not an SS officer, nor a NAZI. It is certainly false that he did not collaborate with the NAZIs.
You can't really blame the poverty pimps and racial hucksters like Al Sharption and that Coates asshole and all the rest who are just copying the grievance festival that Feminists benefited from because of #Metoo. How many woman got jobs because of that? The new President of FOX news and the head of programming at ABC to name two. So I would expect black opinion makers would see that and want to get in on that action.
After all. Monkey see monkey do.
Wait a minute.
Sorry. I just took a sleeping pill.
""Perhaps it was real racism, but it could also have been a wild, reckless urge to outrage or a confused angry silliness. ""
But those ARE some of the real symptoms of "real racism."
If that's what racism amounts to today, then we have it pretty well licked.
What kind of dull, dying culture would be left without such things in it's comedy?
abnormal disorder
aggravated cognition
anterogravated bitacks
dementational delusion
demotoxicidecressive ambulibiderbation
deprientrated conaling
difficulty diffecting
disomordecretated sychor
euphosive disonsoria
eurossive sychossive thibilibinhibido
feeptual impotion
hal thing
impairety behavation
intoxicated cognition
lizateriende eating
neuphosed sychomness
persomnesive emptuallusis
persory pervousion
psychosed judgment
raggravated conation
ratinal labnoria
stratiory imptoxien
roesch/voltaire: "Well thank you WWWW you took the time to post more than tweet length about Soros and other disproved conspiracy tweets which Drago may or may not read."
I know of many conspiracy tweets and theories:
Reagan colluded with Iranian Mullahs to keep American's hostage until he was sworn in.
Reagan/Ollie North had the CIA transport drugs into the inner cities.
HW Bush's family "literally" financed Hitler.
GW Bush let 9-11 happen on purpose.
Trump colluded with Russians to steal the 2016 election.
Lots and lots of conspiracy theories out there.
And lest I forget:
GW Bush stole the election from Al Gore.
GW Bush literally had the levee's blown up in New Orleans.
That is a not-so-oldie-but-goody
And who can forget LLR Chuck's beloved CNN hacks promoting the moronically and easily disproved "Tail Wind" conspiracy?
Everyone's a little bit racist. Can you image Roseanne taking a sensitivity training class? In fact, rather than cancel her show, ABC executives should have incorporated that into the show. I don't like her or her show, but canceling the show was a missed opportunity to make things better for black kids. Impulsively canceling the show hurt a lot of people apart from Roseanne, so I find THAT reprehensible. The show should be cancel if the ratings are poor, or you've got good reasons. Her nasty tweet wasn't a good enough reason.
Avenue Q:
"Cultural sensitivity is important for organizational leaders to understand as well. In a diverse workplace, companies need to promote a culture where people tolerate unique and varying views of people from many cultures. Some organizations even go as far as to offer initial or ongoing training for employees on cultural sensitivity."
@FullMoon: "How do you get to sleep the second night?"
I don't! Seriously, if you're not addicted, you'll fall asleep eventually. Sounds circular, but that's how it's worked for me. I don't want to find out what would happen on night 11 if I took it for ten consecutive nights.
Cultural sensitivity is the means to destroy traditional culture. Which is to say white culture. It is never used to promote white or christian values or norms. Only that which was not accepted as normal or traditional previously is what is taught in schools today.
Cultural sensitivity is bringing you the joy of having little girls getting their clits cut off and chicks with a dick in your little girls bathroom. So buy into that bullshit and see where we will be.
Traditional values have been trashed and destroyed so you should act accordingly. The left has made the new rules so they will have to play by them.
Snopes is more left wing than Wikipedia. Fantastic in their ability to ignore facts inconvenient to their narrative and remarkably incurious about any lines of inquiry that might threaten their admitted left world view.
"ABC got into bed with the crazy, so what did they expect?"
No kidding. Look what happened when the DNC did this!
WWWW did not post anything that disproves Soros was a Nazi collaborator during WWII. Yes, most people are aware he is Jewish... which makes his crimes of turning over his own people to the Nazi's even worse. Snopes is a leftist propaganda site nowadays, so who can believe anything they parrot? Might as well ask Pravda about the Soviet Union as rely on Snopes to be honest when it comes to politics.
Wasn't "Snopes" where they had the famous "Monkey Trial" with Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan?
Or was that Spencer Tracy and Fredic March?
I thought they left them the wind or something?
Anyway it was a bunch of liberal bullshit.
I went to a baseball field at 2:30 in the morning, got my plate gear on and started walking onto a field. A cop saw me, and said he was
Speaking to me for half an hour before I realized what was going on.
I had been taking at least one ambien a night for a couple of years. That shit fucked me right up.
One case, with merely a semblance of correlation, is sufficient to justify a class action lawsuit. Also, diversity, or color judgments, entangles all drugs, white, black, brown, and pink, as a class. Sanofi should be worried.
The National Socialists and other left-wing regimes operate/d abortion chambers in a final solution, a wicked solution, for lives deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable. They normalized doctrines of diversity to deny individual dignity and paint people with broad sweeping strokes and as colorful clump of cells (e.g. Mengele clinics).
Diversity (e.g. racism) and Pro-Choice (lives deemed unworthy)... Never Forget.
For WWWW: you might have a point about Soros except he admits he went out gleefully to help confiscate Jewish property for the benefit of the Nazis.
See link here.
Despite your desperate attempts to rescue a beloved figure of the left... he was and is anti-Jewish scum, despite the fact he is a Jew. Your side can have him!
A kapo is a kapo.
Try to cover up for him as part of the anti-semtic playbook that Valerie Jarret plays by and how she instructed her proxy Muslim President.
Jarret and Huma were the two "handlers" put in place to effect the destruction of America.
When these filthy Muslim towel heads shout "Death to America" ....they really mean it.
Who said that George Soros was responsible for the holocaust asswipe?
Dissembling your despicable statement will mean nothing you toad.
wwww: "Rosanne's tweet was a form of Holocaust denial. Never Forget."
When you go full non sequitur, why not go all the way?
Roseanne's tweet was like an attempt to return to Copernican Astronomy!
An enduring memory of the National Socialist (NAZI) era was their operation of abortion chambers under a legal and quasi-moral right of privacy to dispense with human lives that were deemed unworthy a la selective-child, one-child doctrines. The great revelation was the exposure of these abortion rites and clinics that Planned and targeted individuals based on their diversity class (e.g. "colorful" clump of cells).
"Joy Behar disparaged Vice President Mike Pence for his Christian faith and said Christians are ‘mentally ill.’
It tooks weeks for Behar to issue a fake apology and she still has her job at ABC.
Meanwhile Trump-basher Jimmy Kimmel STILL has a show on ABC.
And this is after he had women grope his crotch on air for laughs."
Roseanne Barr
you guys make me feel like fighting back. I will examine all of my options carefully and get back to U.
2:54 PM - May 30, 2018
14.7K people are talking about this
I would never take Ambien. There have been too many stories about people doing crazy things after taking the drug, whether in their own home, or on an airplane. While it may not be as bad as opiods, it sure does have some nasty side effects.
Note that I am not using Ambien to excuse Barr's behavior.
Social media makes the world more expansive and more connected. We are more likely to encounter exceptions to our college educated norms. Mental health as an unsitgmatized spectrum of permanence where conventions are not always supported. An example may be where a poster is routinely dinged for lack of precision in spelling but where the cause is a neurological deficit created by disease. Ambien can probably create what we think is racism if the user is watching American X and loses their memory boundaries. Then that buried drug induced experience is cultivated by the modern race war on twitter where every adjective has to have a racial tinge. Another dose of stress and ambien and Barr burps out some gas. It all calls out for more tolerance and giving people a chance to balance themselves out. Is what Barr said more offensive than what Oprah said in the past?
wwww: "Dear Holocaust deniers,
You are calling me names because you know it's messed up to blame a 13 year old Jewish boy for the Holocaust."
Just wow.
It's getting funnier by the second.
WWWW: Do you excuse all collaborators with the Nazis? The Jews in Warsaw who sold out their brethren--totally understandable, right? The Vichy Frenchmen who "helped" their occupiers sometimes with that nasty Jew problem--a-ok, right? Or is it only Jewish Leftist billionaires who get the whole "Collaborating with Nazi's is totally ok because he was 14!" treatment? No one said that Soros caused the Holocaust--only that he has no regrets about participating in a small part of it.
George Soros said the happiest year of his life was that year he watched tens of thousands of Jews get rounded up and shipped off. His own words! He has zero regrets sitting there taking inventory on the confiscated property of Jews being rounded up. Zero regrets. His own words. Did he confiscate it? No, but he helped! Someone had to do it, so why not him, I mean, right? Totally understandable! If there's a murderous regime killing Jews and looking for someone to take inventory of the property they are stealing... why not Soros? He's cheerful about helping out, so indeed, why not Soros when you need someone to help oppress the Jews?
He assisted in the confiscation of Jewish property to further the Nazis Holocaust plan. And you defend him? Really? I mean, his entire life is based on finding out ways to enable Jews to be killed--this isn't a one time thing. He supports Hamas, Fatah, he enables Democrats to demean the Jews. You support him.
As for the Weekly Standard... please. They are almost there in their journey to be another Atlantic clone.
Read Ace on Weekly Standard Article you are promoting, WWWW. And tell me once again what a great guy Soros is for happily watching Jews get rounded up as he takes inventory of their belongings.
wwww: "You don't need to become a Holocaust denier or make up stories about him when he was 13...."
Or you can just watch Soros in his 60 Minutes interview with Steve Kroft and hear him explain the role he played and how he had no guilt over it.
So who are you gonna believe? Soros in his own words, or wwww's caricature?
wwww: "Let's get something straight here. The Nazi's confiscated. The Nazi's killed kids and babies and women and aunts and uncles and fathers. 13 year old Jewish boys in Eastern Europe hid from the Nazis. They were not responsible for the Holocaust.
You blamed a Jewish kid for the Nazi's killing people"
You are insane.
Wander over to Ace of Spades where they have posted the video.
Or, if you are wwww, pretend that interview and what Soros said in that interview never happened and then accuse everyone else of being some sort of Holocaust denier.
Added points if you explain how, and I know this is going to shock alot of folks here, the Nazi's were actually bad people who killed other people.
That was a real eye opener wwww. Well played.
@wwww: I didn’t realize you were such an ardent fan girl of George Soros. Duly noted.
Just to continue to pile on to WWWW "Nazi Collaborator Defender", according to comments at Ace, some people there have relatives that George Soros sold down the river, and apparently Hungary has records of far more stuff Soros did than just itemizing the possessions of Jew. He did say helping the Nazis was the best year of his life.
Kinda hard to defend that, but I'm confident our resident leftists will be up to the task.
How do I see it as collaboration? Well, for one thing: if Soros was being forced to do it; you know--itemize these belongings or we send you to the camp--that's one thing.
But it's not. Soros apparently volunteered to do it. He's on record as saying "I have no guilt at all." He's said, working with that Hungarian guy was the happiest year of his life. He's said, "If it wasn't me, it would be someone else. Why not me?"
that's not a kid who's scared, worried, reluctant. That's a man proud of his work selling the Jews down the river.
Wwww: "I can't believe people are blaming a 13 year old boy for what the Nazi's did."
Too funny.
Wwww: "I'm willing to listen, ..."
Not even George Soros in his own voice on video can convince you.
If Roseanne reports to the manufacturer her complaint that Ambien caused her racist tweet, the manufacturer has to include that in its annual safety report to the FDA.
Wwww: "So you're saying he has no guilt for surviving? Is he saying he has no guilt for hiding?"
I am not saying anything.
George Soros is saying it. On camera.
So your feeble stab at "Republicans Pounce" is fantastically, wonderfully, "LLR Chuckily" amusing....
George Soros splashes money around to leftist causes. Lots of leftists don't want Soros examined closely because of that reason. The ADL is reliably leftist.
What should Soros have done? Not say, "Hey, if not me selling the Jews down the river, it would have been someone else!" He wouldn't say, "I have zero guilt about collaborating with the Nazis." He shouldn't say, "It was the best year of my life!" And these are his words--his words! He's proud of the fact he stood their counting the belongings of people that were hauled off.
Where's his fortune from? Most likely from property of the Jews who were hauled off... and Mr. Soros, who inventoried their belongings, suddenly has a nest egg. That's speculation, but pretty good. All ok with Mr. Soros still? Hungary is engaged in a battle with Soros over his attempts to turn the Jews into second class citizens again.
Vance: " And these are his words--his words! He's"
Vance dares to quote Soros on Soro's own life story!
Yikes! Now wwww will accuse you of thinking the moon landings were faked!
Dios Mio!
City of sin, it's a pity on the whim - Good girls gone bad, the city's filled with them - Mommy took a bus trip, now she got her bust out - Everybody ride her, just like a bus route
Hail Mary to the city, you're a virgin - Jesus can't save you, life starts when church ends - Came here for school, graduated to the high life - Ball players, rap stars, addicted to the limelight
MDMA got you feelin' like a champion - The city never sleeps,
Better slip you an Ambien
Only song I know with a reference to Ambien. (Jay-Z/Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind - c'n'p the lyrics - looks right enough)
God help me, I didnt know what it meant at first. Guess I dont follow the particulars of big pharma commercials. Maybe if he said Aspirin. In any case my daughter likes Alicia Keys, and I will admit her voice is good. Not Van Morrison good.....
Final post:
Rosanne's tweet was a form of Holocaust denial. Never Forget.
Glad I missed all this nuttiness.
wwww you are ruining your reputation as a reasonable leftist.
Ambien, like all modern sleeping pills cause sedation and loss of inhibition.
Ambien may impair your thinking or reactions. You may still feel sleepy the morning after taking this medicine, especially if you take the extended-release tablet, or if you are a woman. Wait at least 4 hours or until you are fully awake before you do anything that requires you to be awake and alert.
From the product info.
I can't recall if it was Ambien or a similar older drug but I remember the three neurologists who went to a European conference and took the drug on the plane home to avoid jet lag.
When they got home they had forgotten everything about the conference they went to Europe to learn.
Sleeping pills, the modern kind, are far more dangerous that phenobarbital, that was in wide use when I was a kid and is now illegal.
Roseanne was a nut long before all this happened.
Sanofi's snark is first rate, but it doesn't exclude the possibility that Ambien was Roseanne's problem.
What? Come on. THere's more equivocating in this post than a gyroscope. Roseanne Barr was a lunatic way before Ambien was ever on the market... probably ever since her teenage traumatic brain injury with a car. And whatever you want to read into those side effects, I'm pretty sure that most of any distinctly weird personal behaviors that could be attributed to it would be while somnambulating.
wwww: "Don't you say this type of thing is Republican or Conservative. Republicans and Conservatives do NOT agree with you on this."
Do not agree with me (make sure you've got the right commenter) on "what", exactly?
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