There's so much politics-and-showbiz going on, and I'm not going to sit passively in a comfy chair as a good little audience member.
I predict Roseanne Barr will have more scenes to play, perhaps some slow rolling out of apologies as the new TV season approaches and new episodes are teased about how Roseanne Connor said something racist and kind of might actually be a racist or maybe Dan is a secret racist and Darlene comes to the rescue and the little he's-not-transgender boy shows us how to love again.
What soppy goo we slurp up every day! It's always something new. For example, right now, I'm seeing "Roseanne Barr blames sleep aid Ambien for racist tweet" (Reuters)...
“It was 2 in the morning and I was Ambien tweeting-it was memorial day too-i went 2 far & do not want it defended-it was egregious Indefensible,” she wrote. “I made a mistake I wish I hadn’t but...don’t defend it please.”What does "it was memorial day too" even mean? Roseanne has a disorderly mind — or speaks as though she does — but she's done a bang-up job of grabbing our attention and that draws into question how orderly our minds are. Step back. Get skeptical. You only have the hours and minutes in your life that you have. You must use that time as it happens in the now. Every second you pay attention to one thing, you lose a second that would have gone somewhere else.
How many seconds of human time can Roseanne or Donald Trump or Kim Jong-Un amass? Kudos to them for their unfolding victories in the game of paying attention.
IN THE COMMENTS: Eleanor said:
Personally, I think Roseanne saw some of next season's scripts, didn't like the way the story was going, and wanted out. She'll rehabilitate herself, maybe another network will pick her up, and she'll get more control of the show. If not, she can afford to enjoy her retirement, knowing she put liberal hypocrisy on grand display.Leland said:
I think it is cancelled. She insulted the Obamas by insulting Valerie Jarrett. And the comment was definitely ugly, despite years of Chimpy McHitler. Fair enough, what she tweeted about VJ was not nearly as bad as dressing up as Hitler and pulling ginger bread men out of the oven. That latter joke didn't keep ABC from hiring her in the first place.Yes, the problem of likening humans to apes, an interesting variation on the age-old resistance to the notion of evolution. We are primates, all of us, the same order as the apes. Bush was "Chimpy McHitler," and let's not forget that time Trump sued Bill Maher for joking that Trump was the son of an orangutan.
Oh! And I see that people have not forgotten. There's already: "Roseanne Supporters Are Calling For HBO To Fire Bill Maher For Calling Trump An Orangutan" (Hollywood Life).
Henry said:
I don't think Roseanne walks this one off -- at least not until she does a full Mel Gibson disappearance for a few years.Yes, I thought that too. Do the show without "Roseanne." Before the reboot, the series had ended with Roseanne's husband dead. So come back with Roseanne dead. Was she really the without-which-none of the show? She's a bad actor compared to the others. John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf are at the complete opposite end of the scale — great actors. Sara Gilbert ("Darlene") seems to have been the brains of the reboot. She could become the central character. Build the new season around John Goodman, Laurie Metcalfe, and Sara Gilbert, and leave the dead weight of Roseanne behind.
Pre-production on the next season was already underway. It wouldn't surprise me if Disney tries to reboot the show without Roseanne. Maybe she dies off-screen and Dan remarries Betty White.
Roseanne's next page is to go full Charlie Sheen. She's not getting her show back.
Sal said:
My new script idea: Roseanne has an encounter with some black guy. He complains about her apes reference and she gives him ten bucks. His eyes light up!LOL. (He's referring to this. I love comments that incorporate stuff from other posts.)
AND: daskol said:
Great actors are moons and need a planet. Great TV writers too, and even clever Sara Gilbert is merely a moon without a planet. Roseanne is a planet.
२२८ टिप्पण्या:
228 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Why do you watch that garbage? Just bored? I really don't get it. When I walk into a room and there's a TV on, I feel like there's an idiot in the corner, yelling. I'm always amazed that other people don't seem to notice.
I've paid zero attention to Roseanne's TV show... until now.
I'm fed up with kissing black ass. Ditto with kissing feminist women's asses. Double with kissing gay ass.
Bitter ridicule of politicians is a great American tradition. Fuck the black exemption. Jarrett is a rich, powerful woman. She can absorb the same ridicule President Trump takes every day.
If the proponents of black ass kissing want to make us hate blacks, they couldn't be doing a better job. I won't kiss black ass. Don't have to either. Retired, secure, don't give a fuck because there's nothing that can be done to me.
I hope Roseanne persists in finding another venue.
Personally, I think Roseanne saw some of next season's scripts, didn't like the way the story was going, and wanted out. She'll rehabilitate herself, maybe another network will pick her up, and she'll get more control of the show. If not, she can afford to enjoy her retirement, knowing she put liberal hypocrisy on grand display.
I'm going with full moon + ambien.
I think it is cancelled. She insulted the Obamas by insulting Valerie Jarrett. And the comment was definitely ugly, despite years of Chimpy McHitler. Fair enough, what she tweeted about VJ was not nearly as bad as dressing up as Hitler and pulling ginger bread men out of the oven. That latter joke didn't keep ABC from hiring her in the first place.
It's all Trump's fault-vj
Ambien makes people do crazy shit. If she can successfully work a victim angle -- sleep-deprived, pharma-reliant -- she'll be back on tv.
I should also note, being edgy is currently not in style with the hoi polloi (it is, but those that consider themselves the real majority don't think so).
Ambien makes people do crazy shit.
Harvey Weinstein takes notes. . .
My drunk-tweeting guess wasn't so far off.
I don't think Roseanne walks this one off -- at least not until she does a full Mel Gibson disappearance for a few years.
Pre-production on the next season was already underway. It wouldn't surprise me if Disney tries to reboot the show without Roseanne. Maybe she dies off-screen and Dan remarries Betty White.
Roseanne's next page is to go full Charlie Sheen. She's not getting her show back.
Bottom line for me:
If my values and beliefs are dependent on affirmations from a politician, celebrity or "expert", my values and beliefs are pretty weak.
Money will out. That’s the truly interesting part of this. The cage match between profits ( and remember, they’re liberal’s profits) and PC goose stepping. After all the right noises are made, I suspect it will be business as usual.
Bush could take being called a smirking chimp because everyone knows that whites can contextualize this stuff, and it's too much to expect of blacks, or something. Slavery was bad, Jim Crow was almost worse, but at some point we have to accept that Barr is not a racist, just an artist who walks the edge, which is what we demand of artists.
Does anyone really think that Obama's 50 million dollar deal with Netflix is going to produce anything transgressive to the dominant culture in Hollywood? Barr has acted as America's jester. But as far as ABC goes, it's just good business.
Only if Roseanne aligns herself with Valerie Jarrett claiming the nasty tweets are because Trump has degraded America with his crassness.......then there will be a comeback.
My new script idea: Roseanne has an encounter with some black guy. He complains about her apes reference and she gives him ten bucks. His eyes light up!
It is interesting that Roseanne's outburst came two weeks after ABC's announcement that the show will focus more on family, less on politics next season.
"ABC expects Roseanne to continue on its path away from politics and focus on family in Season 2 storylines, ABC Entertainment president Channing Dungey told reporters this morning."
Roseanne has all the money she wants. This is one way to deny ABC its profits, or least make them sweat. Based on her reactions since the tweet, seems she may have gone farther than she'd intended.
The collateral problem that I'm worried about is that this incident gives Val even more de facto immunity than she already has. I suspect that as Barack's Tom Hagen she gave all the orders to Lynch, Brennan, Clapper and Comey on the government spying on Trump and letting Hillary off. She gives Obama plausible deniability. Just because Val is a Black woman in the WH doesn't mean that she couldn't be a major criminal ordering dirty tricks.
If you look at Val's official Twitter feed from when she was in the WH, it was stuff like meeting with Girl Scouts from Chicago. Val was Barack's muscle.
This spying thing needs to be blown open. We need a Special Counsel. Now.
KKK and Planet of the Apes had a baby = DJT
Yes. I am anti-Caledonianist and pro-oranguntan.
"Why do you watch that garbage? Just bored?"
The post isn't about watching the show but about watching the media drama about the show.
Bush could take being called a smirking chimp because white people weren't subjected to hundreds of years of vile pseudo-science that used physical appearance from skin color to skull size to justify slavery, Jim Crow, anti-miscegenation laws, and supremacist theorizing.
Barr wrote one good thing: "don't defend it please."
Same article, noting cancellation of another conservative's sitcom a couple of years ago:
Asked if ABC regretted cancelling Tim Allen multi-cam comedy Last Man Standing two seasons back, Dungey said that decision had been made “with the best information we had at the time.”
Fox, whose sister studio produces the comedy, announced earlier this week it was bringing the series back on its primetime slate.
ABC aired Last Man Standing for a couple of years, in which it got “down to the wire” if it would be able to make a deal that made sense, Dungey reminded. “That year, we were not able to come to terms and bring it back. But I wish them every success with that show,” she said.
Intensifying, the culture wars are.
Maybe Julius Caesar was the proper play for Shakespeare in the Park to run. But dollars to donuts they would not have run Macbeth had Hillary won. The elite killed Caesar out of fear of a leader with the love of the people. I still say that elite opinion regarding Trump, Rosanne, etc can be summed up as disgust and fear: the peasants are revolting.
Show was their most successful in the lineup, yet they'd only ordered 13 episodes. Roseanne don't get no respect. Too transgressive.
Per usual for ABC, the network has ordered 13 episodes for this coming season, Roseanne having been a mid-season starter, Dungey explained when reporters seemed surprised the TV season’s most successful new series had not snagged a larger order.
“We love the show and would happily do as many [episodes] as possible, but for the moment we’re happy with the 13,” Dungey said.
She also got asked about a joke in one of the aired episodes referencing other ABC comedies that rubbed some the wrong way. The episode saw Roseanne and Dan Conner (John Goodman) wake up after falling asleep watching ABC and realize they missed all the programs between Wheel of Fortune and Jimmy Kimmel Live.
“We missed all the shows about black and Asian families,” Dan said, referencing black-ish and Fresh off the Boat.
My new script idea: Roseanne has an encounter with some black guy. He complains about her apes reference and she gives him ten bucks. His eyes light up!
Roseanne S10E10 "Rep-ape-rations"
"Kudos to them for their unfolding victories the game of paying attention."
Ah, so a "victory" is what this is.
I wonder what the terms are of Roseann's contract? Is there a benefit to her, and the others in the cast, if the show is "prematurely" terminated? How does ABC benefit pulling the plug on their hit show?
Just asking...
If Roseanne said something similar about Donald, Ivanka or Melania Trump, would her show be cancelled?
I suspect she would be nominated for an Emmy.
The totalitarians are in charge. It's time for honest liberals to open their eyes.
Is Valerie Jarrettt still living with the Obamas? I always thought that was weird. Imagine if Karl Rove moved into the Crawford ranch. People would rightly think that something was afoot.
Conservatives are pleased as punch the Colin Kaepernick has lost his career due to his protest against police misconduct, but they are now crawling out of the woodwork saying that Rosanne Barr is the victim of political correctness. Rosanne thought she could get away with saying out and out racist crap in this age of Trump. She does speak for all of the deplorables, as does her hero Trump.
This is the time for the choosing. What side were you on? It is clear that Ann, wanting to get her low hanging fruit readership, chose her Althouse Hillbillies and Donald Trump.
There is now thousand of posts documenting Ann’s embrassing, excusing, and promoting deplorableness.
Some small legacy you created for yourself Ann.
I really don't give a shit what a ditzy comedian said about defending or not defending her words. She cannot demand that we not discuss it, for one thing. At some point America is going to have to decide that the past is over.
I don't hear people using this kind of language to oppress actual people. I agree with ST on this, it's a power grab to use history against living people.
Do you think Barr is a racist? I kind of doubt it.
What soppy goo we slurp up every day!
Not me! I don't watch any primetime. I grew out of that in my 20s. I didn't even watch Seinfeld or Northern Exposure (my bf said at the time, But it's QUIRKY! You're supposed to LIKE IT!)
Show comes back with Rosanne as a Trump hater. All is forgiven.
The punishment of Roseanne Barr is disproportionate to her crime.
”How many seconds of human time can Roseanne or Donald Trump or Kim Jong-Un amass?”
Donald Trump is President of the United States, and as such his actions can impact my well being. He gets some of my seconds. Kim Jong-Un has nuclear weapons that could kill me. He gets some of my seconds. Rosanne is a crude actor on some TV show I have no interest in. No seconds for her.
Roseanne's tweet was not so much "racist" as just plain stupid.
Valerie Jarrett is a good-looking woman - at least when not excesively prepped for a photo-op - so the shot was way off the mark. Her politics now, that is something else - not so much on the domestic side, but I would like to know more about her influence on Obama's Iran policy.
As for Rseanne - remember her reaction when she flubbed the national anthem and the crowd booed her?
Why pay attention to her after that?
Now I Know! at 8:54 AM
... It is clear that Ann, wanting to get her low hanging fruit readership, chose her Althouse Hillbillies ....
The "hillbillies" commenter is back.
He's been gone for a while.
"You only have the hours and minutes in your life that you have. You must use that time as it happens in the now. Everything second you pay attention to one thing, you lose a second that would have gone somewhere else."
Sez the woman whose blog about such things we are all addicted to.
Conservatives are pleased as punch the Colin Kaepernick has lost his career due to his protest...
When you start off a comment with a lie, no one is going to believe the shit you're peddling. Kaepernick walked out of one contract and refused the next one the 49ers offered. He pulled the "eject" button not hillbillies or the NFL. Intellectual laziness is rampant among trolls.
Henry asserts: “Bush could take being called a smirking chimp because white people weren't subjected to hundreds of years of vile pseudo-science that used physical appearance from skin color to skull size to justify slavery, Jim Crow, anti-miscegenation laws, and supremacist theorizing.”
I know you didn’t mean it, but at the same time you’re defending calling Bush names. You’re just explaining why certain images are ineffective.
So what kind of imagery is OK to use against Valerie Jarrett? Suppose that the Obama Administration was guilty of what amounts to crimes. Further suppose that Jarrett played a central role in that.
That joke about the rest of the ABC lineup is funny, not racist. Funny is not allowed anymore on the Disney network. Gotta go to Fox for that, apparently.
Soppy goo and codswallop are nice names for the barnyard product that is the staple of Hollywood and the left. Out here in Comanche country it's produced by the male buffaloes.
That Channing Dungey, of ABC, first black American president of ABC Entertainment Group: looks to me like the reporters at the upfronts, and clever Lisa de Moraes of, are on to her shtick. Like white on rice.
Rehab time for post menopausal woman who can't resist. touching the monkey and then maybe a new chapter.
@chickelit -- I've never been interesting in I'm rubber you're glue line of argumentation.
As for Valerie Jarrett -- it can't be all that hard to come up with non-racist insults. Call her a war criminal. Bush had to deal with that too.
Ann, it's cancelled alright, and if you read that piece carefully you can see exactly why. Channing Dungey really didn't like that show. Not at all.
Yesterday's Wall Street Journal refers to Trump as a 'Lucky Dancing Monkey'
Rosanne thought she could get away with saying out and out racist crap
Evidence that she thought before she tweeted? A whole lot of people do not.
I don't see this as a calculated move.
@Henry: I hold a lifelong grudge against Chicago politics, you see. It’s nothing racial at all. It’s more a bias against big city muscle that comes up to do mischief. The WI employee union business was the last display of what disgusts me. In my grandparents day, it was Capone and a corrupt Chicago City Hall. The Obamas and Jarrett became the face of that “Chicago Way.”
Channing Dungey, first black American president of ABC Entertainment Group, was just looking for a reason. And Roseanne, who sees envelopes not as missive transmission devices but as things that need pushing, gave her the excuse to do it.
I have learned from this controversy about Roseanne Barr that the CEO of ABC is an African-American woman, Channing Dungey. It seems that Dungey is the person who cancelled Barr's show.
Last night I watched the beginning of the new season of The Bachelorette. For some reason (Dungey?) there is an extraordinary number of African-American bachelors in this season. Of the 28 bachelors, seven are African-Americans -- that's a fourth of the bachelors.
The deck is stacked for Becca to give her final rose to an African-American.
By the way, my own favorite bachelor so far is Clay, who has a Black father and a White mother. I have counted Clay as Black, because to me he looks just Black. Clay is a very impressive guy.
Yes, the problem of likening humans to apes, an interesting variation on the age-old resistance to the notion of evolution.
No, it's a deal because blacks specifically have facial features resembling apes. Liberal whites don't want to bring it up because they're thinking of it all the time. It's a guilt thing.
The specific implication is that blacks haven't evolved very far.
Sensitivity to it is to remind blacks that they haven't evolved very far.
Thinking nothing of it would be the non-racist approach, and as usual it's the opposite of what the left insists on.
The Obamas and Jarrett became the face of that “Chicago Way.”
I don't disagree with you.
The haters are going to over reach, and Roseanne will smash them by portraying herself as the victim of political correctness over reach.
Almost Trump like.
She’s a smart lady that punches back, that is a force of chaos, and does not know when to stop.
I don’t expect her to go into exile for a few years quietly. She’s not Mel Gibson.
The ambien excuse is brilliant.
I wonder what effect this will have on Kathy Griffith's comeback tour? Maybe they could cast Kathy in the Roseanne role. That would make everybody happy and restore domestic tranquility to our troubled land.
..dead weight of Roseanne...
Yea, she's fat and looks like a Ambien addicted trailer queen.
What does Memorial Day mean? In a February interview, she said she suffered from anxiety and depression and has had several nervous breakdowns. The sadness around Memorial Day can cause a relapse of depression. Even for those who aren't depressed, the day can be just hard. Add in sleep deprivation, and she should have just stayed away from social media all weekend.
No, the show won't come back without her. No Trump supporters will watch the show without Roseanne, and no lefties would ever admit to watching the show in the first place. She will go into exile like Mel Gibson and Kathy Griffin, then come back with a new sitcom. I predict she'll come back faster though, because she said "don't defend it, please."
If I were her, I would have wanted a new character and show in the first place, not a reboot of a show she said (when the series first ended) she was tired of doing. She should go back on the road as a stand-up comedian--I suspect there is a great untapped market for comics who cover the issues she does.
With Sal's comment, I see the pathway back to Roseanne, and if ABC was smart; they'd do this. Have Obama come on Roseanne's show for a beer summit on race relations. ABC gets their popular show back, Obama gets his face in front of cameras again, it reminds us that one time when Obama shined a spotlight on racial divides and brought us together. Do this just before the mid-term elections. Then season 2 can end, after the blue wave election, with Roseanne's off camera death, perhaps a shooting death at a Walmart.
-ABC announces at the upfronts that next season Roseanne will focus more on family, less on politics
-ABC announces at the upfronts that it's only purchasing 13 episodes of its most popular new show: reporters surprised
-Clever Lisa deMoreas points out that Roseanne wrote jokes poking fun at ABC's PC comedy lineup
-Reporters ask about another hit conservative show that ABC cancelled, now being picked up by Fox, Ms. Dungey demures
-Two weeks later, restless Roseanne tweets something intentionally offensive to provoke Ms. Dungey, first black American President of ABC Entertainment Group
-Ms. Dungey, feeling provoked and justified, makes the move she's wanted to, and her friends have wanted her to, for a while now
-Roseanne feels bad for costing her fellow cast and crew their jobs
Clever Lisa deMoraes of know her industry well.
“Build the new season around John Goodman, Laurie Metcalfe, and Sara Gilbert, and leave the dead weight of Roseanne behind.”
Snicker. You write your insults well, Althouse.
I’m not skeptical. They had their fun now it’s over. Unlikely she returns- who wants the grief? Fox? I’d give higher odds they brought her back just to can her ass.
I'm having a really hard time knowing what's off limits and what's not. In my youth, I was lectured by my betters that the picture of Jane Fonda sitting on an NVA anti-aircraft gun -- as if she were trying to shoot down American flyers -- shouldn't affect my willingness to see Jane's movies. Freedom of expression was an ideal that only had value, I was told, if we were willing to tolerate the expressions of others we disagreed with. In far more recent memory, people have said vile and truly profane things on network TV: Trump's mouth is Putin's cock-holder. VP Pence's belief in prayer = mental illness. None of these people were fired. And, of course, ESPN, which, like ABC, is owned by Disney, has brought back potty-mouthed Keith Olbermann.
If all the vile, profane, vulgar, racist, and horrible things these people have said and done were not career ending, why was Roseanne's Tweet over the line (and obviously so)?
In the future, everybody will be Sherman McCoy for fifteen minutes.
Great actors are moons and need a planet. Great TV writers too, and even clever Sara Gilbert is merely a moon without a planet. Roseanne is a planet.
“If all the vile, profane, vulgar, racist, and horrible things these people have said and done were not career ending, why was Roseanne's Tweet over the line (and obviously so)?”
The obvious answer is that there are bigger politics at play in this one. The timing with the announcement of the Obamas getting into Hollywood entertainment, for example. Time will tell.
I still am pondering the decision by ABC (i.e. Channing Dungey) to include seven African-Americans in the group of 28 bachelors in the current Bachelorette season.
That decision must have been made only after determining that Becca is quite attracted to African-American guys. Maybe she has even had such a boyfriend in her past.
ABC would not allow Becca to dump all seven in her first couple of rose ceremonies. The producers would compel her to string along at least two or three of them for several episodes.
ABC needs to pair a White woman with a Black guy in order to end the chronic complaints that the show is racist. This inter-racial matchmaking might be one of Dungey's highest priorities as the ABC CEO.
Huh. Kim Jong-un is important. Donald Trump is important. I don't have a TV and don't at all care about this lady with her show who appears to be a lunatic.
You can't get away with profaning The Sacred Race.
ABC was probably willing to tolerate Roseanne being pro-Trump-ish so long as she made them money. But two different thoughtcrimes AND a financial liability? No dice.
I've got no pity for her either, or the people who hitched on to her show. She wasn't an unknown; everyone knew she was likely to blow up.
The left, right ion Q, are in over-drive painting Trump and his supporters as TERMINAL RACISTS.
Meanwhile, the white left are actual racists when it comes to tolerating black conservatives. No tolerance at all.
The real lesson here is the extent to which Twitter reveals that celebrities -- and most particularly celebrities who are Trump admirers (though this very much includes a great many of the leftwing haters of Trump) -- are just dumb, venal people for whom a public outlet for publishing their thoughts only exposes them as dumber and more venal than we had imagined.
”Blogger Chuck said...The real lesson here is the extent to which Twitter reveals that celebrities -- and most particularly celebrities who are Trump admirers (though this very much includes a great many of the leftwing haters of Trump) -- are just dumb, venal people for whom a public outlet for publishing their thoughts only exposes them as dumber and more venal than we had imagined.”
You’re a celebrity around here, Chuck.
Roseanne apologized but we need to back over her over and over, via Don Lemon and CNN, until she's dead.
Roseanne is a dumb shit for saying what she said, but that fact that the left have seized upon it like it's the end of the world is telling.
George Bush is a stupid cowboy money-ape, remember? but HOW DARE YOU SAY SOMETHING ABOUT ANY PRECIOUS CORRUPTOCRAT. Off with your head.
Come on Chuck; Roseanne's tweet is nothing out of character from her rants over the past several years--maybe even decade. Even from before Trump was a politician.
Chuck, here's a link to a site that could teach you the meaning of "venal", and many other words:
Ungawa! Tarzan not "ape man" since 1934.
Her own agent dropped her. None of the people she works with have said a sympathetic word about her. She is truly in disgrace. To find a parallel, you'd have to go back not to peak McCarthyism but to Oscar Wilde...... Her remarks, as she herself has said, are indefensible, but they are also trivial. She was not the leader of a lynch mob nor was she donating proceeds from the show to the KKK. The response to her remarks are overdone and intolerant........They charged Marie Antoinette with the crime of seducing her five year old son. That's a monstrous crime. They did not convict her of that crime, but they did find other reasons to behead her. After beheading her, they put her five year old son in solitary confinement in a stone cell where he soon perished. They committed a monstrous crime against a five year old child. The resentments of the Jacobins were more vile than the presumptions of the aristocrats.
In the Channing Dungey/Roseanne Barr TV heavyweight matchup, Channing Dungey takes this round. Maybe the whole fight. In her younger day, when she threw more weight around, Roseanne would have crushed Dungey. But she can't go up against a network president anymore, at least not one at ABC. They've got higher priorities than just making hit TV shows. Game is different now than the last time Roseanne played it at this level.
The post yesterday by Chuck on Roseanne disappointed me, and today’s furthers that. Both posts feel just mean spirited and spiteful - full of venom smearing Trump supporters.
Perhaps they are just trolling the usual Chuck responders, since they seem to love to troll each other.
I have read much better posts by Chuck that add to discussions, and don’t derail it.
LLR & #StrongDemDefender Chuck "Chadwick" comes out in support of the insane, rape-enabling, conservative bashing, communist totalitarian and MS13 gang member supporting lefties over Trump supporters.
Once again, as always and will always be, our "Bowe Bergdahl republican" is aligned perfectly and in pitch perfect tone with the leftist talking points of the day.
Every second you pay attention to one thing, you lose a second that would have gone somewhere else.
I took this to heart and didn't read the rest of the post.
Chuck said: The real lesson here is the extent to which Twitter reveals that celebrities -- and most particularly celebrities who are Trump admirers (though this very much includes a great many of the leftwing haters of Trump) -- are just dumb, venal people for whom a public outlet for publishing their thoughts only exposes them as dumber and more venal than we had imagined.
I 100% agree with Chuck here.
In the olden days, the studios had publicists who acted as a filter between the attractive but (mostly) incredibly stupid stars. The movie stars were not allowed to hold impromptu interviews, spew out their thoughts. Their personas were finely tuned and absolutely artificial.
This is why they were STARS and maintained a level of mystery. Today we are exposed to the dumb, hypocrisy and unfortunately stupid nature of our media stars (lower case).
I'm not sure which method is more desirable. Keep the mystique and distance of the real person from the characters they play. Keep the verisimilitude. Shut up and sing.
Or.... know just who these people are so we can judge whether we even want to give them our attention and money.
Roseanne made two basic mistakes.
First she apologized. You never apologize. She is a comedian. She make a joke. She should have made five more outrageous jokes. If they fired her then it would be because she was a comedian.
Second she has to realize that black people are like children. They are not capable of being made fun of or laughed at. They need to be coddle. Cosseted. Protected.
It is the White Man's Burden.
The thing about 'racist comments':
I don't think most people spouting them are bigots. I think they are mean and or angry people saying hurtful things. (See also: Shock Value)
Think of the things you say when fighting with family. We often say the most terrible things. Yet, we can usually separate being angry and pushing buttons from irredeemable actions.
Not so say they don't hurt, or that bitterness won't linger.
Shoutin' T: Fuck the black exemption. Jarrett is a rich, powerful woman. She can absorb the same ridicule President Trump takes every day.
I did read the comments, though. Thisˆ.
One more time: Jarrett is a rich, powerful woman.
Remarkable how this highly pertinent fact is not part of this "conversation".
Don't really care.
William said...
To find a parallel, you'd have to go back not to peak McCarthyism but to Oscar Wilde......
I suggested Mel Gibson, but he at least had Jodie Foster on his side.
Barr has the misfortune (and fortune) of working in an industry where success is entirely dependent on persona.
“If all the vile, profane, vulgar, racist, and horrible things these people have said and done were not career ending, why was Roseanne's Tweet over the line (and obviously so)?”
Because it is tied directly racist theories that justified slavery, Jim Crow, and white supremacy. This is not hard.
In today's entertainment industries, vile, profane, vulgar, and horrible may get a pass. Racist does not.
so the earlier too minute hate, re Puerto rico, was directed by this fellow:
much of it is derived from self reporting, which that can never go wrong,
Everyone is viewing this through old peoples lens. Even Roseanne.
A very similar thing happened to Shock Jock Anthony Cumia of the very highly rated Opie & Anthony show. He was fired after tweeting some stuff after he was physically attacked by a black criminal in Times Square. He lost a multi million dollar gig and they blew up a very profitable show second only to Howard Stern.
Cumia simply went on the Internet and set up his own podcast were he sells subscriptions and made even more money while being his own boss. He can tell any joke he wants without getting fired.
Roseanne can do the same thing. Broadcast television is a relic of times gone by. You don't have to be on the three major networks. Or even one of the streaming services since Netflicks went full retard with the big money deal payoff to Obama.
She can set up her own Youtube channel. Charge say $10 for her show. Stream all of her old shows that have been taken off various channels in the orgy of self righteous sanctimony. If she got 8 million people to subscribe she would have 80 million to work with. That would be less then the price of a movie. The sky is the limit. People do it all the time for stuff much less entertaining.
She could make it a political statement. Push the comedy envelope. Be more realistic in language and characterizations. That first show would be very anticipated an lots of people would buy it just to see what she would say.
You need to acknowledge the new paradigm. I don't know if Roseanne is sharp enough to realize it. But she has a big opportunity here.
True and telling point about the extremity of the response.
Granted we have little idea of the back-story here, but even so this is a good illustration of the intensity of class and tribal hatred, the alienation of Americans from each other.
Vox Day (A smart but very eccentric fellow, like him or dislike him he is interesting, I think of him like one of Goya's grotesques.) highlights an article in the Washington Examiner by Paul Bedard, featuring comments by Mitch Daniels at Purdue's graduation ceremonies. If Mitch Daniels is fearful, we all should be. The Civil War meme is becoming pervasive.
There is a reason that Youtube is censoring conservatives and inconvenient messengers. The more popular they are the quicker they are censored.
I don't think thats a viable venue for the likes of Rosanne.
Her show would attract complaints immediately, due to its inherent notoriety, and those would serve as pretexts to get it kicked off the system.
Fandor said...How does ABC benefit pulling the plug on their hit show?
-- much would they have lost continuing it? It's not like they could replace its namesake.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...The left, right ion Q, are in over-drive painting Trump and his supporters as TERMINAL RACISTS.
TDS Trumps profits, Fandor. Especially if ABC's CEO is black..
But it doesn't help anything to bring up "They called Bush a chimp..Trump an orangutan." when she is distancing herself from her own tweet that was guaranteed to trigger outrage (machine) in an era of "dog whistle" sensitivity. She, of many years in the media/left environment knows how this rolls.
I figured she would go the typical rehab route.."ambien tweet" becomes a thing...makers of Ambien joining the outrage.
I've never watched her show. Not even the new season. She doesn't interest me. Never has.
However, the nevertrump morons dancing on her grave really annoy me. I can't wait for when the left comes for them. I've got my own dancing to do.
The Obamas have not seen the last of Roseanne Barr. She will overcome this hit job. Roseanne is funny. As was Joan Rivers. The duo of VJ and BO are totally boring at best. Their system of lies leave people confused and uneasy.
Henry: Bush could take being called a smirking chimp because white people weren't subjected to hundreds of years of vile pseudo-science that used physical appearance from skin color to skull size to justify slavery, Jim Crow, anti-miscegenation laws, and supremacist theorizing.
You're joking, right?
So, we can't mock blacks by comparing them to apes and monkeys, Because History. Because History means they don't have the "privilege" that other kinds of people who can be mocked by comparing them to apes and monkeys have. And having that "privilege" means that those other people get opportunities and access to society's goodies, regardless of their being mocked by being compared to apes and monkeys, but mocking blacks by comparing them to apes and monkeys deprives them, by some unexplicated Because History mechanism, of getting access to the same opportunities and goodies.
So nobody can mock Valerie Jarrett by comparing her to an ape or monkey because that would prevent her (by the above mentioned unexplicated Because History mechanism) from having opportunities and access to society's goodies.
But...Jarrett is a rich and powerful woman. Other black people before her have been mocked by being compared to apes and monkeys, but...Jarrett is a rich and powerful woman. Why did the Because History mechanism fail in her case? Now she has herself been mocked by being compared to apes and monkeys. Will this act of mockery retroactively deprive her of her wealth and influence?
The mechanism by which Because History ordains and controls these things still eludes me. Though it does seem to be getting more elaborately Ptolemaic over time.
It’s comical in a disturbing way to see those who lament that they can’t call black people apes and monkeys without blowback. Oh that awful unfair PC culture. Let’s expect black people to drop any sensitivity about it, so we can engage in our bigotry unimpeded.
Matthew Sablan said...
Come on Chuck; Roseanne's tweet is nothing out of character from her rants over the past several years--maybe even decade. Even from before Trump was a politician.
This is true, Matthew. Roseanne was an ignorant, conspiracy-theory-loving mess on Twitter long before Trump entered politics.
And Trump was an ignorant, conspiracy-theory-loving mess on Twitter long before he entered politics.
Anybody who was aware of their respective Twitter histories ought to have known better than to associate with either of them into the future.
People have a right to be racists, bigots, etc. people don’t have the right not to get called on it by the rest of society. Not gonna happen. No Trump, no anti PC campaigns will ever stop decent people from pushing back against it. All the whining is pathetic.
Simple solution -- Roseanne goes on apology tour, attends mandatory diversity sensitivity training seminar at the NAACP, renounces Trump and all his supporters and returns to the show as a woke LGBTFG activist, who kneels for the National Anthem.
Persians, Muslims, and black Africans were slavery's roots in the world. Liberalism (i.e. divergence) is the roots of diversity (e.g. racism) in today's world. Both are for-profit rackets run by minorities for political, social, and generally secular (e.g. wealth, pleasure, leisure, narcissism) progress. The Pro-Choice religious/moral philosophy formed the foundation of slavery, and, more so, an unprecedented violation of human rights: sacrificial rites (i.e. elective abortion and torture). That is the central government of Planet of the Apes combined with terrorism to tame humanity. Thousands of year of progressive (i.e. generational) slavery to control white, black, etc. competing interests.
I think Barr wanted to get fired, and the actions at the up-fronts for the 2nd season of the reboot is the why- she was being pressured to back off the politics in season 2, and it probably rankled her.
I think the show probably won't continue without Barr, but I also think it can't continue without her. The ratings for the show without Barr will be less than half and probably less than a third of what they were at the end of this past season, if Barr is dropped from the show.
Blogger Angle-Dyne, Angelic Buzzard said...
Henry: Bush could take being called a smirking chimp because white people weren't subjected to hundreds of years of vile pseudo-science that used physical appearance from skin color to skull size to justify slavery, Jim Crow, anti-miscegenation laws, and supremacist theorizing.
You're joking, right?
This is why I always say we ought to vote Republican. Even if you're someone who believes Dems and Reps are all the same.
There is one important way they differ. You can mock Republicans. You risk being labeled a racist or sexist or misogynist, etc, for mocking a Dem.
I for one thing it is important we be able to mock our politicians.
Loren, in the previous thread, had the comment of the day regarding this- have Barr attend the Starbucks reeducation camp.
“Loren, in the previous thread, had the comment of the day regarding this- have Barr attend the Starbucks reeducation camp.”
Good idea and give her lots of strong coffee to overcome the Ambien.
It’s comical in a disturbing way to see those who lament that they can’t call black people apes and monkeys without blowback. Oh that awful unfair PC culture. Let’s expect black people to drop any sensitivity about it, so we can engage in our bigotry unimpeded.
Why should black people be sensitive about it in the first place?
I claim it's a white liberal fantasy that blacks are unevolved compared to whites so it's rude to point it out. Their faces are similar.
A white guy has no problem with being called an ape. Why is that?
Nobody minds their hands being compared to apes' hands. For men it's a plus.
Presumably blacks don't think of themselves as unevolved and so ought not to mind being called apes, except by liberals, who think that blacks are unevolved and need to be protected from that fact. Sort of the definition of PC.
Of course, Barr is suffering from the effects of a great double-standard here- can you imagine any liberal star being canned like this for making the exact same remarks about Clarence Thomas, for example?
From In February, [Joy] Behar infamously and openly mocked the Christian faith of Vice President Mike Pence and millions of Americans when she proclaimed that the ability to hear messages from God is not a marker of faith, but “mental illness.” It took Behar weeks to apologize, and she only did so after constant public criticism and ridicule.
Why is The View (and Joy Behar) still on ABC?
Speaking of Ambien and excuse making, here’s the maker of Ambien responding to Roseann Barr blaming her racism on Ambien.
Sanofi US
Sanofi US
People of all races, religions and nationalities work at Sanofi every day to improve the lives of people around the world. While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication.
8:57 AM · May 30, 2018
She lost me when she tried to make the National Anthem a joke and then grabbed her crotch when they booed her. Guess she was just protesting the police...right? Lefties above should love her for that.
Althouse ought to be saying the same thing, if she talks about the pap we're being fed to believe every day.
Barr grabbed her crotch because it was baseball. She's mocking the player tradition.
Remember when they rebooted the Valerie Harper TV series, originally titled "Valerie," after she left (contract dispute I think). They initially called it "Valerie's Family" after Sandy Duncan stepped in (as her sister?) and then changed it to "The Hogan Family." It ran for four seasons WITHOUT Harper (and even got higher ratings the first season without her).
I feel terrible for the other people working on the show. A huge blow. Just huge.
Who is "the rest of society" ?
That is the critical question on these matters.
Its not the actual majority population of this country.
It is in truth a very small clique, relatively, that thinks in those terms and decides these questions.
The "Al Sharpton" Left finds Rosannes comments reprehensible.....
I know it's de riguer to follow the clickbait,
" Roseanne, who first told the world that she has multiple personality disorder in 1994, says it's not easy dealing with switching between "Somebody" and "Nobody."
Those are just two of the names the former sitcom queen has given to her personalities, which she says total seven in all. The rest she calls Baby, Cindy, Susan, Joey, and Heather. In an interview in the August issue of Esquire magazine, Roseanne says that after 10 years of hard work, she's managed to integrate the differing personalities. "
She could just say they dis-integrated. ;)
There is a progressive perception and effort to form close association between black people and apes (or perhaps simian derivatives). Why is that? Planet of the Apes was populated by black, brown, and white apes, and humans, too. It seems this issue is a political device to manufacture leverage, normalize prejudice, and capitalize on the remains, a la [color] diversity.
Yancey Ward said...
Of course, Barr is suffering from the effects of a great double-standard here- can you imagine any liberal star being canned like this for making the exact same remarks about Clarence Thomas, for example?
True. I can imagine that very scenario. Some liberal icon makes a primate-inflected joke about Justice Thomas, and gets away with it. Yes, I can.
And it will be reflective of the liberal media double-standard in this country.
I just prefer, that people on my side not be so literally "deplorable." Deplorable was supposed to have been something that opponents of Hillary Clinton could use in a political debate. "Deplorable" was not supposed to be an operational model.
People of all races, religions and nationalities work at Sanofi every day to improve the lives of people around the world. While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication.
I get that its probably snark but what if it's not? It's disturbing the makers of a pharmaceutical don't understand how the listed side effect of their own drug could lead someone to do exactly what she did.
“It is in truth a very small clique, relatively, that thinks in those terms and decides these questions.”
Miscalculation/ misunderstanding the shift that is happening, especially as millennials and those even younger than them start replacing us older generation. Racism, sexism and other isms aren’t being embraced by the younger gereneration.
Equally disturbing is some twat in the C suite thinks Elon Musk is an effective manager worthy of emulation.
Freeman I feel terrible for the other people working on the show. A huge blow. Just huge.
I do too. I wonder if they have some contractual recourse? After all the other actors and personnel on the show, personally, did nothing that caused the show to be canceled.
Breach of contract? They need to lawyer up.
I for one thing it is important we be able to mock our politicians.
Absolutely. The alternative is unaffordable (while redistributing from Medicare) medical care, inflated home prices, perpetual social justice adventures, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform (in lieu of emigration reform), institutional diversity (e.g. racism), political congruence (i.e. selective exclusion), normalization of abortion rites (e.g. selective-child, recycled-child), dysfunctional male-female relationships, warlock and witch hunts, etc.
Too bad Roseann didn’t think of her coworkers before tweeting.
That is why you don't get Trump, Chuck- Trump refuses to play by the rules of the double standard, which vitiates the rationale for the double standard in the first place. You don't get it, which is "unexpected".
Breaking: NFL has announced Roseanne Barr will sing the national anthem in a duet with Colin Kaepernick at 1st Monday night game this fall.
I have for some time now been pretty sure that Mifsud was never a Russian agent, but working for either Clinton directly or the CIA/MI6 when he had the meeting with Papadopoulos. One of the unexamined items of the Papadopoulos plea has always been how exactly was it determined that Papadopoulos lied about his, Papadopoulos' knowledge of Mifsud's connections? Read that plea agreement- it is surpassing odd in that regard in that it literally assumes facts not in evidence.
Now I Know! said...
"Conservatives are pleased as punch the Colin Kaepernick has lost his career due to his protest against police misconduct..."
AND because he was incapable of transforming into a reliable and accurate pocket passer.
Before people pulled the absurd comparison to Bill Maher's remarks out of their asses I was already interested to see how Maher was going to deal with the Roseanne stuff on Friday. He did a piece about a month ago that was cast as an "open letter" to Roseanne, who is a personal friend. And now she's in racist trouble like he was in racist trouble not long ago. What to do!
From late April:
The 49ers offered Kaepernick a contract, which he turned down because he thought he could do better in free agency. Is it really that surprising a QB who went 3-19 in his last 22 starts wasn't a big free agent draw?
specially when you factor this into it,
but the times, and the post, reads press releases, doesn't really do flow charts and diagrams that disturb the narrative,
@ William
Her remarks, as she herself has said, are indefensible, but they are also trivial. She was not the leader of a lynch mob nor was she donating proceeds from the show to the KKK. The response to her remarks are overdone and intolerant........
The democrat hack press are going Hogg wild over this. It's telling. I wonder if they will hire a hit man to take her out? She must be destroyed. They will destroy her as an effigy to Trump. It's unforgivable to mock anyone in the Obama administration.
Obama should partner up with Roseanne for that Netflix gig.
yes, remember paula dean, she was a prog in good standing, till crimethink was revealed a decade ago,
Old Hollywood zealously protected stars from bad publicity, until they discovered that there was no such thing. The more outrageous, salacious, and scandalous the better!
This have changed back, in a way, and now everybody is afraid of making the black kids angry.
rhhardin @10:44: I try to avoid the "Dems r real racists" trope, but in this case there really seems to be something to it. Progs ricochet between being embarrassingly sycophantic toward black activists, no matter how dumb, and flesh-crawlingly patronizing toward blacks in general. Exactly in the style one would predict from people who have based so much of their amour-propre on sneering at alleged "racists", yet who secretly fear that their protected group, so useful as markers in that class game, may not be quite up to the larger civilizational game.
The "because history" excuses for their hysterical over-reaction to "ape and monkey" stuff is transparent special-pleading. They don't believe it themselves, it doesn't bear up under rational analysis - you never see it taken beyond the bald assertion stage. They present no concrete arguments or evidence for its effects being so baleful as to warrant our tolerating the socially destructive consequences of this non-stop hysteria and these non-stop public purge and purification rituals.
Weak comparison to Kaepernick.
Rosanne was arguably at the top of her game.
And Kaepernick played out his controversy at his job.
I would guess they would have to rely on the testimony of the two Russian officials, to make that determination, or it could be like the four men, Mueller let rot in prison, for acts whitey bulger committed,
Just how toxic would it have been to Trump if Roseanne's character became the very embodiment of the claim that Trump's supporters are largely white racists? I think ABC did him a favor--provided he doesn't tweet his enthusiastic support of her.
Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said..
The democrat hack press are going Hogg wild over this. It's telling.
More like completely predictable.
Serve it up for the spike.
Thanks Rosanne! (or Baby, Cindy, Susan, Joey, Heather)
Too bad Roseann didn’t think of her coworkers before tweeting.
Seems like her coworkers helped throw her under the bus. In any case, it was ABC's decision to cancel the show, they're the ones who should be held accountable. Colbert wasn't canceled for "cock holster," just to name another example.
You might want to save/compile your discussion for a relevant thread or cafe.
I would bet some portion of readers interested in that won't be reading through this post's comments.
if I wait for a relevant thread,...
the methodology of the previous 2 minute hate is of note,
I think, to unravel this mystery, Narciso, Congress needs to determine if the FBI CI team really did file for a FISA warrant regarding Papadopoulos in the Summer of 2016 that was turned down by the court, and if they did, demand to see it. There have been numerous reports that such applications were filed and denied, but, curiously, none of the stories seem to know on whom the warrants were filed. For the longest time, when the Steele Dossier was still the Rosetta Stone for the investigation as proclaimed by the stenographers at WaPo and the NYTimes, we were led to believe that it was Steele's work that got the investigation going and that those early Summer 2016 FISA warrant applications were the result of Steele's good info. Afterwards, when it was learned that Steele's work was funded by the Clinton Campaign, the origin stories shifted to Papadopoulos and Mifsud as being the start. However, if this is true, then any FISA warrant applications from the early Summer of 2016 should involve George Papadopoulos, right?
I'm a "hater" now?
And I bring this up to point out that Papadopoulos wasn't questioned by the FBI until February 2017. Also, to point out, that Mifsud has never been indicted by Mueller even though Mueller went out of his way to indict Russians who could never be brought to trial for buying Facebook ads, of all things.
Ambien Becoming Better Known for Triggering Murders and other Bizarre Behavior than it is for Treating Insomnia
Freeman I feel terrible for the other people working on the show. A huge blow. Just huge.
Yep, just like anybody else getting laid off of work, right?
106 Ending or Cancelled TV Shows for the 2017-18 Season:
Personally, I think Roseanne saw some of next season's scripts, didn't like the way the story was going, and wanted out.
Nope. The writers were supposed to start work Tuesday.
@Dust Bunny Queen: The majority of those working on the show are likely covered by union contracts, which will spell out what compensation they are entitled to.
The crew that worked on Roseanne are screwed not so much because the show was cancelled, that happens all the time as you point out, but because production is starting on the Fall shows, so there are no potential jobs to go to for now.
“She is a comedian. She make a joke. She should have made five more outrageous jokes. If they fired her then it would be because she was a comedian.”
Except Wanda Sykes is a comedian who’s is also black and an Executive Producer on the show. She quit.
This tells everyone that comedy is not a protected class of speech, and why every joke must now be scanned for prohibited political messages.
Sykes’ actions told everyone her hierarchy was black before comedian.
And on the left hierarchy is everything.
I watched the film "Planet of the Apes" because I didn't think Roseanne is a racist and I wondered what she was talking about. The movie presented the apes as the superior species because of their superior morality. However the apes did operate a totalitarian society which oppressed man and denied scientific inquiry and truth for the good of the social order. They suppressed the knowledge that man had developed a superior civilization before the apes took over.
I thought Roseanne might have been drunk when she tweeted, but that she was onto something, i.e., the liberal Democratic Party rejecting Western civilization as oppressive, etc., while suppressing the freedom of speech of anyone who is a Conservative. Then mix in the Muslim Brotherhood, whose aim is the supremacy of Islam over the West for the sake of peace. Sounds like the Democrats are the apes who want to impose a totalitarian system for our own good and world peace.
But now Roseanne is apologizing for saying that Valerie looks like an ape, although Roseanne also said she never thought Valerie was black but was an Iranian Jew.
I can't imagine where this will end up.
Wanda Sykes: “White people don’t steal wallets.” They steal countries. #FaceValueBET
Comedian > White because Everything > White.
Yes, the problem of likening humans to apes, an interesting variation on the age-old resistance to the notion of evolution.
Willfully obtuse or merely obtuse? I'm going to assume you're playing dumb, but it's unfair to your readers since so many of them (or at least the commenters) seem genuinely unaware that the "blacks are the offspring of apes" trope is so profoundly hurtful.
Well now. Will ABC shutter its programming for a few hours to hector its thousands of employees about the implicit racism in their hearts, the hearts that let the vile Roseanne have a public forum? It is not enough to fire her and then crow about their purity when what is needed is a thorough look at the racist subtext of hiring Roseanne in the first place. Or is ABC realty not that woke at all.
"They steal countries"
This is true. Europeans as a group are the greatest conquerors in history, since about 1500 AD. And since then the rest of the globe has danced to a European tune. In every way, great and small.
This is something to be proud of really.
Ambien Becoming Better Known for Triggering Murders and other Bizarre Behavior than it is for Treating Insomnia
I sure hope the do-gooders don't get Ambien banned, like they got those zinc sprays banned just because a few idiots couldn't follow directions. The only thing Ambien ever does for me is help me get a good night's sleep. I try never to use it more than once in a week at most, and usually half or quarter dose, so as to avoid addiction. But it works like a charm, and I'm 90% sure I haven't done anything criminal or criminally stupid after taking it.
The European achievement is truly astonishing.
Over and over and over, groups of dozens or hundreds conquered populations of hundreds of thousands or millions. Cortez and Clive and Albuquerque (yeah, there was a man behind the name) should get more attention. And so on, hundreds of times on every continent.
They were stopped by only a few things - delayed by diseases to which they or their animals had no resistance, or truly vast numbers combined with reasonably effective technology and organization, like China's, or Islam, which was surprisingly effective for a long time. Morocco and Turkey were very tough opponents.
Still, as time went on both diseases and Islam could be at least partially overcome.
What Europeans could not overcome was their own decadence.
Wanda Sykes: “White people don’t steal wallets.” They steal countries. #FaceValueBET
Comedian > White because Everything > White.
Not my fault they don’t have flags. (Ref. To Eddie Izzard bit)
Since I don't mind read, I can't know what Roseanne's actual intentions were with that Tweet. But whatever they may have been, I doubt she achieved them, unless she really did want to get fired and put a bunch of people out of work. Which is possible I guess, self sabbatage a real thing.
And everyone knows this is hardly the first outrageous thing she's ever said or done. As I've pointed out before, Roseanne was in a car accident when she was 16 and suffered a TBI and by her own admission underwent a pretty severe personality change as a result. Among other things, I suspect she has impulse control issues. Stand up comedy is one of the few fields were having impulse control issues can be an asset. Being totally unfiltered, saying shocking and outrageous things, being foolish or foolhardy, these are traits of some of the most renowm comedians.
My guess is that she had a thought, connecting a bunch of silly sounding phrases in her head, and just Tweeted it out without any reflection on some pretty obvious interpretations. And that's it. She thought something along the lines of "ValJar's face looks like those masks in the Planet of the Apes", and whatever mechanism that says comparing a black person to an ape is *Super Duper Racist* was just not online in her head at that moment. Again, I don't read minds, so I could be being way too charitable with this. She could really either be a real racist or cynically blowing a racist dogwhistle for real racists. But I don't think so.
I have something of an advantage here, having been raised in large part in an ex-colony, as a descendant of conquistadors, the real thing, some of those that conquered and directly ruled foreign lands.
It is a hard thing for the native intellectuals and educated persons to acknowledge that a for a very large part of their history they were people with very limited agency. They were not often the doers, or at least not those whose doings were recorded, and very rarely the leaders. The study of their history involves mainly a story of the doings of foreigners, with the natives necessarily being those in the crowd scenes and the spear-bearers of their own drama. This leads to having an enormous chip on the shoulder, only partially palliated by being independent.
You see much the same thing in the US, under all the displacement, with the further handicap of not truly having collective agency, due to an ongoing lack of achievement, in relative terms.
genuinely unaware that the “blacks are the offspring of apes" trope is so profoundly hurtful.
So could you please provide a complete list of “profoundly hurtful’ “tropes” that nobody is allowed to say because somebody bad said something like them at some time? Can we still watch Flash Dance, which has a bunch of pollock jokes in it, for example? One thing that is forever forbidden is for us to be in the moment of now.
There are two kinds of ‘past' to the left, the one that “never happened” and the one that serves as shackles for their enemies.
Freeman Hunt said...
"I feel terrible for the other people working on the show. A huge blow. Just huge."
I feel more sympathy with people who have lost actual productive employment than with a bunch of useless clowns who worked in "entertainment". But that's just me, I guess. They'll get unemployment, same as if they'd lost real jobs.
And since no one else has brought it up, Barr says that she thought Valerie Jarrett was Saudi. Can't say it surprises me, I didn't figure she was all up on the different kinds of Muzzie. They're all towelheads, right? So,
a) do you believe her?
b) if so, does it make a difference?
Are black Democrats disqualified from powerful office in the US because they can’t take the flack that has always gone with the job? You can say anything you want about black Republicans, so don’t tell me it’s the “black” part that is operating on the logic. If you were to develop a logical K-map, for example, the ‘black’ 1 or 0 would come out Don’t Care, Democrat or Republican would turn out to be the operative bit, and so any decent logician would quickly see that “black/white” cancels and can be ignored.
Maybe the best response to an insult like this is to shrug, and if you have to do this, tell yourself that it has no basis in fact? You know, like a healthy adult might. Naah! Continued infantilzation of black Americans is critical to Democratic electoral success!
There is much variation in the phenotype of sub-sahara
Not always simian.
" if you have to do this, tell yourself that it has no basis in fact?"
The reason it hurts is because it does have a basis in fact, in a larger sense (not the ape part). All truly effective insults do. It is the continuing inferiority complex that makes any offense unbearable.
Can we still watch Flash Dance, which has a bunch of pollock jokes in it, for example?
Here's the thing, Tim: People of Polish descent don't have the recent memory of being burned alive with impunity by their fellow American citizens, so their sense of humor is more relaxed and expansive in these matters. Mysterious, I know.
Oh my, I just noted... I've been tagged. And I have a history. So much for my skills of observation.
... genuinely unaware that the “blacks are the offspring of apes" trope is so profoundly hurtful.
What about calling Clarence Thomas a "house negro"?
To me, that too seems to be kind of hurtful.
Denying individual dignity or color judgments a.k.a. "diversity" are materially hurtful and a first-order forcing of progressive (i.e. generational) prejudice.
I predict that Barr will never work in TV again. She has crossed the uncrossable line. She has told the truth about an advertiser.
It seems fairly well documented that, while very beneficial to some, Ambien makes others really do some crazy shit. Roseanne is pointing that out.
I suspect that Ambien will take a sales hit as people wonder if they might do batshit crazy shit while taking it.
Can't have the help criticizing the money.
On a semi-related note, if President Trump really wanted to get at the media, especially TV but also print, he would have his FDA commissioner go back to the way it was before. When all direct to consumer pharma ads were prohibited. From the little bit I see of regular TV, I get the impression that they get most of their night time revenue from pharmacos. Stop those ads and stop their revenue.
Progressives would howl but they are the same people who howl about how much drugs cost because of advertising. Cut billions of ad dollars and drugs would be cheaper. They say.
There is a counter argument to be made having to do with fixed vs variable costs and so on,
The US and New Zealand are the only 2 countries that permit advertising of prescription drugs to consumers.
He could ban those ambulance chaser ads that seem to support daytime TV while he's at it.
John Henry
To me, that too seems to be kind of hurtful.
We are in violent agreement — why would you think otherwise?
" People of Polish descent don't have the recent memory of being burned alive with impunity by their fellow American citizens,"
People of Polish descent easily adopt the identity of the larger culture.
They "pass" quite well after a generation. This is an old story in Europe, a large proportion of Germans in particular are descended from Poles, and keep their surnames, etc. And achieve like Germans are expected to.
Angela Merkel for instance is a Polish-German (her father was born Kaźmierczak).
The American problem is not one of historical wrongs. These are so common around the world that its almost a universal. Whatever American whites did to American Blacks, its as nothing to what one bunch of (Asian) Indians did to some other, or some group of Chinese did to other Chinese, or some group or Russians to other Russians. and so on ad infinitum.
The real problem is one of identity and achievement.
No Trump, no anti PC campaigns will ever stop decent people from pushing back against it. - Inga
ChimpyHitler - aka, the Smirking Chimp - is waiting on line one for you.
Wants to point out how decent you and your ilk were for eight years.
Anyone remember when Joan Rivers called Michelle Obama a tranny at an impromptu NYC street interview? She never apologized when asked and just doubled down saying, “Oh, grow up, everybody knows!”
We are primates, all of us, the same order as the apes.
This exhibits somewhat garbled thinking about modern biological taxonomy. Yes, we humans as well as “apes” are primates (at the order level). But so are (e.g.) lemurs, for instance — which are pretty distant from us evolutionarily: lemurs probably diverged from the line of descent of primates such as us something like 60 (maybe even more) million years back — i.e., not long after the great “Chicxulub” dinosaur extinction event which took place about 66 Ma (Ma = millions of years) ago.
We and apes are also (proceeding down the “tree of life” toward its trunk):
• primates (order primates),
• mammals (class mammalia),
• amniotes (superclass amniota — i.e., mammals + reptiles),
• tetrapods (superclass tetrapoda — 4-legged land animals: amniotes + amphibians)
• sarcopterygian fish (superclass sarcopterygii — lobe-finned fish),
• vertebrates (phylum chordata),
• animals (kingdom animalia),
• eukaryotes (domain eukaryota).
(With many other clades — branching points on the tree of life — for convenience left out.)
The foregoing means that we (and apes) are not just “mammals” or “primates” but simultaneously members of all the enclosing lineages of descent. We, for instance (apes and humans), are a kind of sarcopterygian fish — just as much so as our (somewhat famous) sarcopterygian cousin, the coelacanth, which still swims (with gills) today in the world sea.
Continuing by proceeding in the opposite direction — going up (or out toward the branches of) the tree — apes and humans are also members in common of:
• primates (order primates),
• haplorhines (suborder haplorhini — excluding lemurs, et al.),
• simians (infraorder simiiformes — monkeys and apes; excluding tarsiers),
• catarhines (parvorder catarhini — excluding new-world monkeys),
• apes (superfamily hominoidea — excluding old-world monkeys),
• great apes or hominids (family hominidae — excluding gibbons),
• hominines (subfamily homininae — excluding orangutans),
• hominins (tribe hominini — excluding gorillas; including human relations such as australopithecus),
• homininas (subtribe hominina — excluding chimpanzees, while including various human relations of genus Homo).
• fully human (species Homo sapiens.
(Only the last three items above — shown in boldface — are not shared by all African great apes as well as humans.)
Thus, a more illuminating way of looking at the various relationships would be — not that “We are primates, all of us, the same order as the apes” — but “We are apes (or more specifically: great-apes, or African great-apes), all of us, the same family as the apes (or great-apes, or African great-apes).”
More pithily: just as we (both “apes” and humans) are all (among other things) mammals and primates and sarcopterygian fish, so apes and humans are all apes.
Inga: "Miscalculation/ misunderstanding the shift that is happening, especially as millennials and those even younger than them start replacing us older generation."
The islamist supremacists are the most excited of all, as evidenced by what is happening in Europe and what the islamic supremacists hope to duplicate here in the US with the full support of the left and LLR's.
R.J. Chatt said @ 12:11... DING DING DING, Yahtze! We have a winner!
BTW, if you want to enjoy watching Ben Rhodes doing his best LLR Chuck impression on Nov 8, 2016, watch the HBO Special "The Final Year".
I can imagine LLR Chuck logging on to some lefty commiseration website and sharing his grief at the republicans winning the Presidency as well as the House/Senate.
Good times, good times...
Black people do not have an exemption from being mocked, belittled and ridiculed.
Well they do in the minds of the politically correct douches in Hollywood.
Much like women they demand affirmative action and special privilege as a protected class.
Soon enough we will be like England where you can get incarcerated for simply reporting on Muslim Crime like Tommy Robinson.
If you care about freedom and the first amendment you need to support the people who make obscene and hateful jokes. Otherwise you are just full of shit.
Maybe black people can walk around in a bubble. #Metoo feminists as well.
Of course they can tell their own nasty racist jokes right back.
Which can't happen because they are too weak and helpless. And not funny.
We need affirmative action comedy.
On the other hand I totally understand the reaction of the ultra liberal politically correct people at ABC/Disney.
They were spooked.
Roseanne is wrong for backing down. She said what she said. It was a joke. She is crawling and asking for mercy. She needs to take the consequences of what she did. Find her own way. She can turn this into a multi-million dollar gig and stick it up the ass of Bob Iger.
Just like Colin Capernick if you do something and believe in free speech you have to take the consequences of your actions.
Unfortunately she was a poseur.
As far as not being able to be on Youtube there are some alternatives. Which she can use and be the big macher and have some control. That is why you should not be on Twitter. You should be on "Gab" so as not to give business to the ultra liberals who run social media.
Now even Sanofi is using the snark that snotty lefties are known and loved for.
Still waiting to learn how "vj" was instantly identified as Valerie Jarrett. Still waiting to learn why Roseanne had a midnight boner for Valerie Jarrett.
It was about Israel. Roseanne is a committed Zionist which is another reason why the liberals want to destroy her. Jarret is a noted anti-semite who has been railing about the move of the embassy and the close alliance of Trump and Bibi. Jarret hated that Trump nixed the Iranian Cash for nothing deal that she engineered to help her homies in the Muslim Brotherhood.
Roseanne took the gloves off and mocked her in a short tweet. Since Jarret is in a protected class and they were looking for a reason to drop her show she was destroyed. Simple as that.
"of Polish descent don't have the recent memory of being burned alive with impunity by their fellow American citizens, so their sense of humor is more relaxed and expansive in these matters. Mysterious, I know."
So "house negro" and Uncle Tom are far enough in the past?
And I don't think that you know what impunity is.
Who decides what "recent" means?
Valerie Jarret vs Planet of the Apes
There is a resemblance. was funny
Even so....think before you tweet. Someone can get hurt.
So what's next for confirmed racists? Deny them housing, medical care, food? Why not burn them at the stake?
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