A federal judge on Friday sharply criticized Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s criminal case in Virginia against President Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and openly questioned whether Mueller exceeded his prosecutorial powers by bringing it.
“I don’t see what relationship this indictment has with anything the special counsel is authorized to investigate,” U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis in the Eastern District of Virginia said.
At tense hearing at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia, the judge said Mueller should not have “unfettered power” in his Russia probe and that the charges against Manafort did not arise from the investigation into Moscow’s alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.
Related: ‘Come on, man!’: A federal judge cast serious doubt on Mueller’s case against Manafort and suggested he’s using it to get Manafort to flip.
US District Court Judge T.S. Ellis III suggested that the reason prosecutors are going after Manafort is to try to get him to flip on President Donald Trump.
“I don’t see what relation this indictment has with what the special counsel is authorized to investigate,” Ellis said to prosecutors. “You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud. … What you really care about is what information Mr. Manafort could give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump or lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
What in the world will they do for clicks if they are successful in having Trump resign or removed? Pathetic.
Meanwhile, here in the Northeast I am taking the afternoon off from work to assemble the tools and materials I will need for some projects this weekend. This is preventing me from being bored.
Low unemployment, POC support for Trump jumps from 11 to 22%, and a potential for peace in Korea; yet supposedly POTUS and his team don't know what they are doing.
I'm so old; I remember when Obama and the Clintons got behind Hugo Chavez. How's that going?
"At this rate a whole lot of Democrats are ultimately going to face prosecution and Mueller maybe one of them."
Gotta disagree. Can't see the outlines of this if you see it as only a D vs. R. thing. Mueller does not read like a Democrat. There's a good part of this drama that is Republican on Republican violence as Trump reshapes the party.
Paul Ryan out of politics. McConnell batting away that insane guy in West Virginia. Trump vs. Bush family. Trump vs. long time Republican political operatives - Rick Wilson/ Mike Murphy/ Steve Schmidt. Trump vs. Writers and pundits like Podhoretz & David French.
The judge also gave the government two weeks to hand over the unredacted “scope memo” or provide an explanation why not -- after prosecutors were reluctant to do so, claiming it has material that doesn’t pertain to Manafort.
Movie 1 - Bright Skies and Sun: 3.9 percent unemployment, lowest black and hispanic unemployment in years, on the cusp of perhaps a historic moment in Korea, 51% approval rating.
Movie 2 - Darkness and Gloom: Panic at the Whitehouse, the Mueller investigation is closing in on the target. Trump lied about a payout to a porn star. Crazy! Incompotent! Disaster! Doom!
”The judge also gave the government two weeks to hand over the unredacted “scope memo” or provide an explanation why not -- after prosecutors were reluctant to do so, claiming it has material that doesn’t pertain to Manafort.”
Gotta disagree. Can't see the outlines of this if you see it as only a D vs. R. thing. Mueller does not read like a Democrat. There's a good part of this drama that is Republican on Republican violence as Trump reshapes the party.
Paul Ryan out of politics. McConnell batting away that insane guy in West Virginia. Trump vs. Bush family. Trump vs. long time Republican political operatives - Rick Wilson/ Mike Murphy/ Steve Schmidt. Trump vs. Writers and pundits like Podhoretz & David French.
It is a Republican Voters vs. The Swamp thing.
All those republicans you named are on the same team as the democrats. There is only one thing republican voters like less than the Democrats in DC:
Republicans and phony conservatives like David French and Chuck are the problem. Democrats are gonna do what Democrats are gonna do. That is a given.
But the Establishment traitors who are only in it for the money, jobs and sea cruises are seeing President Trump implementing conservative doctrines left and right and they are resisting him every step of the way.
They are the real problem. They always have been. As Achilles said they are allied to the Democrats and not the rank and file grass roots. So they need to be expelled and sent to their true home in the Democratic party.
So, legal question. Let's say that in fact Federal campaign law was violated when the $130K payment was made to Stormy Daniels. What would the usual punishment for this be? A fine? Imprisonment? What? Because it seems to me that this act is pretty weak tea to base an impeachment on.
Gotta disagree. Can't see the outlines of this if you see it as only a D vs. R. thing. Mueller does not read like a Democrat. There's a good part of this drama that is Republican on Republican violence as Trump reshapes the party. "
Beg to differ. This isn't such an R vs D thing as you said but rather the outsiders tossing the trash away. However you do have a point in that Trump is reshaping the party while not entirely to the like of the TEA Party there is a large overlap.
I used to really like Jennifer Rubin, but she went all Inga on Trump. NR, where they don’t like Trump, had a long piece on her amazing flip flops in the past year.
She is the best evidence for Chuck's claim btw. She really was a LLR who would now endorse Che Guevara if Trump dissed him. Sad.
buwaya said... "Democrats hang Trump in effigy and demand violence against the capitalist state."
Not so. This part is refreshingly normal.
I agree.
The best thing Trump did was pull the mask off of the servants of the globalists. The republicans and the democrats. A majority of the democrat party are socialists and solid numbers of them want to murder a good 10% of the US population and subjugate the rest like socialists always do.
I don't want them to take Trump out be it by assassination or impeachment.
But it would be nice to get this over with. If they do impeach Trump we could just put him back in the white house a month or so later.
RonF said... So, legal question. Let's say that in fact Federal campaign law was violated when the $130K payment was made to Stormy Daniels. What would the usual punishment for this be? A fine? Imprisonment? What? Because it seems to me that this act is pretty weak tea to base an impeachment on.'
Campaign law wasn't violated. The whore signed an NDA long before Trump started his campaign. To make the payment a campaign law violation the payment would have to be for something that would only have arisen because of the campaign. What she did was extortion. Trump paid her to shut up and not have a problem with his wife and he has done this before and no one thought Trump was a paragon of marital virtue so the underlying predicate of Trump paying the whore off because of her affecting his election isn't even risible. However speaking of campaign finance law violations Hillary and the DNC have a lot explaining to do.
Rosenstein may only grant the lower he has to give. Sessions recused on Russian meddling in the election and any Trump complicity. It is not clear that Rosenstein may act of his own accord to grant a broader power - beyond the Sessions recusal - if Sessions is not involved in granting further power.
The heavily redacted Rosenstein letter will not support Mueller unless Sessions gives Mueller the power. So any prosecution might have to be handed off to Virginia AAGs.
Any the pre-dawn raid starts to look improper. And any evidence gathered may become tainted. The poisonous fruit will choke the Virginia AAGs case.
And Manafort goes on the offense. Rich. Pissed off at the treatment of his wife.
Stormy Whore signed it on October 28, 2016. And presumably didn't get paid till after the Nov Election. Hard to see it as a campaign contribution unless you want to argue that an NDA and payoff to a whore to keep silent is a valid campaign expense.
Notice how his approval with black males has doubled in the past couple of days.
Banging a porn star is a feature not a bug.
That is with men of all ethnic varieties.
It just doesn't work for feminist women and faggots like David French who prefer that their women be banged by black guys. That is your basic definition of a cuck.
"Trump has Bestowed a New Cachet on the Criminal Class."
Is this gentry liberal code for Kanye and Black men coming iout n favor of Trump? I for one, welcome Black men to the ranks of the Deplorables. (Unless you all want to join the Irredeemables; we got different gangs here too.)
What do you think black males (at least a significant percentage of them) felt like hearing Maxine Waters (of all people) telling them to sit down and shut up?
Let us discuss a bunch of things people said that they have already said, almost word-for-word, dozens of times before, with the results being absolutely nothing of consequence, but THIS TIME will be different!
The only thing I smell is the rank desperation of the Acela corridor. No matter how many hilariously ludicrous headlines they write, they just can't get the Don. It must be a hard existence.
Continuing proof that there is no amount of positive results that will cure TDS. "Deranged" is by definition immune to reality.
Some of their complaints have merit, like he does tell some whoppers. He's a bullshitter by nature, but not the kind of damaging lies like "you can keep your doctor" or "premiums will drop by $2500", or "we have a red line". Those kind of lies hurt people, sometimes destroying lives, or worsening horrible situations.
The point is that for many of us, while we prefer the truth, we understand there is very little of it in politics, so that all you can really get excited about is results, and that's what you need to judge, and hold people accountable for. Few of us really want a womanizing bullshitter with a loose mouth, but if he gets what is looking like incredible and unprecedented results, then would you really prefer to trade peace and prosperity for continued failure just so you can bathe in the glory of a sharp pant's crease.
Althouse may be bored, but the left isn't. They are just getting started. Sure, they may lose the votes of a handful of nice midwestern retirees in the process, but they think their scorched-media and law-weaponization strategy will destroy Trump and the Republicans. They enjoy the process.
"Saudi Arabia ‘agrees deal with Vatican to build churches for Christians living in the Muslim country.’"
I was thinking a few years ago of printing t-shirts with the message "Support the Riyadh Cathedral". All the experts a few years ago would have scoffed at such a suggestion. Churches is Saudi Arabia? That's a game changer.
"Saudi Arabia ‘agrees deal with Vatican to build churches for Christians living in the Muslim country.’"
I was thinking a few years ago of printing t-shirts with the message "Support the Riyadh Cathedral". All the experts a few years ago would have scoffed at such a suggestion. Churches is Saudi Arabia? That's a game changer.
Just when the Pope sold the Chinese Catholics down the river.
This Pope is not interested in spreading the Good News by the established Church.
He would cede authority to the Muslims and the government in Saudi Arabia just as he has done in China.
That is why the Saudi's will go for it. They can control the Church and keep it under their thumb. They never would have done it if we had a real Pope.
Yes. Also, yesterday the Pentagon announced/revealed that Special Forces units were conducting operations with the Saudi military. You probably didn't see that report because it was buried under articles about Stormy Daniels and other important news.
This post gets a tag of "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?!?
We have just concluded a week in which the President of the United States and his longtime personal attorney have been shown to have clearly and comprehensively lied about a subject which might give rise to charges that FEC, banking and/or tax laws were violated.
Discussions of THAT normally-astonishing news now gets tagged as "TDS"?
wwww said... the outsiders tossing the trash away.
I don't think it is Just an insiders/ outsiders thing, although there is a big component.
Americans vs. Globalists.
There are always lick spittles willing to serve money. The globalists have a lot of money and a lot of support in the establishment of both parties. Americans finally have someone on their side. We haven't had that for 30 years. The Bush clan was most certainly on the other side.
This is the other thing a lot of people don't see: Trump as President is in the interests of insider Democrats. Insider Dems have NO interest in impeachment.
They desperately want Trump removed and are willing to do anything they can to do it. But they have no path forward to accomplish this.
They have no interest in impeachment now because they are looking at the polls and because they are trying to pull out from their current course. They failed to turn the American people on the first president to put Americans before the globalists in 3 decades. They have the tiger by the tail and it is getting frisky.
They see where this is all going if they keep pushing.
There are always lick spittles willing to serve money. The globalists have a lot of money and a lot of support in the establishment of both parties. Americans finally have someone on their side. We haven't had that for 30 years. The Bush clan was most certainly on the other side.
Completely agree. I don't believe Trump has a really fleshed out world view, but I certainly think he has decent nationalist instincts and was far preferable to anyone else running. The only other person worth considering in 2016 was Bernie Sanders, a basic New Deal Democrat despite his attention-grabbing efforts to claim the mantle of "socialism." Sanders at least admitted that open borders is Koch brothers loving low wage scheme, and he is skeptical of American interventionism.
Trump derangement syndrome is the press asking exclusively about Stormy Daniels instead one question about Iran, North Korea or tariffs.
A Federal judge just bitch slapped the Special Partisan about the bogus Manafort charges. He said the indictment was simply out of the scope of their mandate and a political attempt to impeach the President and reverse the election.
That is all this is.
The American people recognize this. Only a true Democratic partisan like Chuck and Inga will not.
Chuck said... This post gets a tag of "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?!?
We have just concluded a week in which the President of the United States and his longtime personal attorney have been shown to have clearly and comprehensively lied about a subject which might give rise to charges that FEC, banking and/or tax laws were violated.
Discussions of THAT normally-astonishing news now gets tagged as "TDS"?
Unemployment below 4%.
Possible peace on the Korean Peninsula.
Manafort indictment going to be thrown out in 2 weeks because Mueller is conducting an illegal investigation.
At least a dozen high ranking officials in the former administration have admitted to dozens of counts of perjury, conspiracy, espionage act violations, obstruction of justice.
Manufacturing jobs showing consistent growth for the first time in decades.
Trump is pushing dozens of constructionist judges onto the bench and remaking the federal judiciary.
The Black vote is splitting and black voters are leaving the democrat plantation.
Chuck cares that Trump paid a porn star to not talk about sex.
You are deranged Chuck. A traitor. Nobody likes you. Nobody cares what you say. Republican voters across the country have turned away from you disgusting lick spittle losers.
Nobody in the political spectrum is more pathetic than the Cuck wing of the republican party.
I think Rand Paul was another candidate not subject to the control of the globalists. That is why he could never get traction. Only Trump had a big enough ego and big enough balls to bull through. America recognized that elected him. Not by much. But by enough to become President.
The Democrats and Republican traitors like French, Kristol and Chuck just can't get over it. They never will. They will try every trick in the book. Break every precedent. Reverse any long held position or belief. To reverse the election and return the government to the control of the Deep State and the Swamp.
I'm still interested in the answer to my question. What would be the expected penalty for violating Federal campaign laws (if that's what happened) in a Presidential campaign to the tune of $130K? And what is the case that this is a "high crime or misdemeanor"?
The swamp is fighting hard and shifting in new players.
And the MSM is going at Trump harder than ever. Althouse's post here is amusing. 100% get Trump. Can't really do better than 100%, but they certainly can keep it up.
Years ago then-not Pres. Trump reputedly had sex with a porn star. While he was married. Understandably he wanted her to keep her mouth shut about it and paid her off when he was running for President. Now the Democratic party/media establishment, which has proven repeatedly that it does not understand that part of the country not within 100 miles of LA, NYC or DC, thinks that this is their ticket to overturning the 2016 election.
What they fail to realize is that nobody outside of their social circles gives a $h!t. They fail to realize that the ship of public support for impeaching a President over something that happened years ago and then lying about it during the campaign sailed when they refused to convict Clinton for committing adultery and lying about it WHILE HE WAS IN OFFICE. Never mind when another famous Democrat, a sitting Senator, committed vehicular homicide while drunk and killed Mary Jo Kopechne, only to see him re-elected 6 times and touted as one of the Senate's greatest leader. Never mind when a sitting Democratic President committed adultery with a famous actress WHILE HE WAS IN OFFICE only to see the press actively cover it up.
So, by all means, flog this dead and rotting horse until the stink covers you. It should be a REAL HELP during the mid-terms. For the GOP....
They have frothed themselves up into believing Trump's impeachment is imminent, meanwhile his approval ratings keep going up, and the news both domestic and global is all pretty good. Hell even the Saudi Arabia talk of building churches and says the Palis need to take a deal.
”The judge also gave the government two weeks to hand over the unredacted “scope memo” or provide an explanation why not -- after prosecutors were reluctant to do so, claiming it has material that doesn’t pertain to Manafort.”
By my count, Rod Rosenstein has told all 3 branches of government they can't see his memo.
It's fascinating. I was reading this AP article about Trump giving a speech to the NRA, and fragment jumped out to me:
Taking a break from the escalating pressures of the Russia probe and the Stormy Daniels case
It presupposes that Trump is under "escalating pressure", that all this stuff is of great concern to him (and also by the transitive law, of great concern to his supporters perhaps). Personally, I don't see that at all. This imagined siege, the darkening skies doesn't seem to reflect the attitudes of many Americans at any rate.
The difference between what Trump did (if it happened) and what Bill Clinton did (which definitely happened) was everything: who, where, when, what. With Trump is was a private personal relationship, private location, private time. With Bill it was an employee, in the White House during Presidential work, but most importantly, Bill didn't even pay Monica, what a dick! Now the suddenly offended are pissed off becuase Trump's gal got paid, while Bill used his employee like a tube sock, and played her becuase she was barely an adult and foolish. And Trump is the offensive one?
When I get bored I find the most boring online post and send it in morse code into the code-practice-mode of my little transmitter, working to get error-free speed up on the iambic paddle.
1. It's surprising how long it takes to send a page of text even at high speed.
2. Iambic characters (cfklqry) are easy to send but they screw up the following character, the hand having learned transitions which suddenly end with the opposite parity. C was the hardest to learn until I found sending a B with the dash held slightly too long gave a C every time.
Failures at higher speed than perfect give perfect for about 45 seconds and then errors start to accumulate, I think because you revert to a more natural speed and an iambic paddle is very unforgiving of speed changes, unlike a bug.
Seems to me that a the Saudi Vatican deal is way bigger than people are making it out to be. Until recently, it was illegal even to give Bibles to Christians. It was more or less illegal even to bring them into the kingdom.
Saudi Arabia is the home of Mohammed the Prophet. Home to the 2 main shrines of Islam (Mecca and Medina) has millions of non-Saudi faithful visit every year. Keeper of the faith in every sense of the word. Even the word "church" was proscribed. Church's Fried Chicken in big in SA but is known as "Texas Fried Chicken" IN SA.
And now, not gradually but from one day to the next, they not only agree to allow Christian churches, as I understand it, they will be funding and building Christian churches.
I suspect that the next step is going to be to tell the Wahabis, and other more militant Muslims, to back it down a couple notches.
After that? A govt effort to convert the country to Christianity? Probably not and I certainly don't advocate it. But in a year they have moved further than I would have expected in 50.
I credit President Trump. Not for actually doing anything, though he has visited and has established good relations. I think it is more an attitude, though I am not sure that is the right word. Ambiance or encouragement maybe? where this could not only happen but seem normal and logical.
I disagree that Impeachment is merely a political process, and the grounds for invoking it is limitless.
The specific language in the Constitution is there for a reason. We are simply being conditioned to thinking Impeaching a President for political reasons is normal and acceptable.
Nonapod said... It's fascinating. I was reading this AP article about Trump giving a speech to the NRA, and fragment jumped out to me:
Taking a break from the escalating pressures of the Russia probe and the Stormy Daniels case
It presupposes that Trump is under "escalating pressure", that all this stuff is of great concern to him (and also by the transitive law, of great concern to his supporters perhaps). Personally, I don't see that at all. This imagined siege, the darkening skies doesn't seem to reflect the attitudes of many Americans at any rate.
The number and the vehemence of Trump Tweets about all of it just yesterday morning sort of indicated to me that yeah, it's of great concern to him. I don't ordinarily give Trump much credit for being reasonable, but it would be reasonable, for someone in Trump's position, with a search warrant having been executed on Michael Cohen, that he would have great concern.
We have just concluded a week in which the President of the United States and his longtime personal attorney have been shown to have clearly and comprehensively lied about a subject which might give rise to charges that FEC, banking and/or tax laws were violated.
They have been shown to have not done any such thing. This is the kind of wishful thinking that keeps the regulars around here making fun of your “LLR” designation. You can interpret the events of this week myriad ways, but you decide to interpret it to be in the worst possible light for Trump. Are you noticing a pattern yet? Because ANYTHING that happens that’s bad and has DJT’s name on it, is always assumed to be the worst by you.
When I get bored I find the most boring online post and send it in morse code into the code-practice-mode of my little transmitter, working to get error-free speed up on the iambic paddle.
It begs the question, what do you do for excitement?
Of Course, Chuck has zero problems with the deep state running rampant and destroying people like Cohen and that other guy who testified how people just like Chuck had bankrupted him and forced him to sell his home and move away and abandon his dad to die because of the crushing legal bills people like Chuck were forcing on him.
Right Chuck? You proud of your "impeach Trump and destroy anyone he's ever talked to!" mission? Of course you are. Why wouldn't you be down with imperial government force used against political opponents of the Democrat party? I mean, what's government for if not to use the hobnailed boots to stomp on people opposed to Democrat control, right?
I'm sure that if Judge Ellis turns up dead after rebuking Mueller, you'll cheer and celebrate as yet another opponent of Fascist Democrat government goes down.
I'm also sure that Chuck is cheering on the left as they are now trying to silence and destroy Kayne West for daring to say that Trump is not the devil. Just like I'm sure he's firmly on the side of the mob trying to destroy that Utah girl who wore a modest Chinese dress to prom.
But unfortunately for Chuck, both West and the Utah girl are telling Chuck's best buddy friends the Imperial Kultural Kommando's to jump in a lake. The Utah girl a tad more politely than West, to be sure.
I too am excited about Lockheed's patent. Someone else may be even closer but I can't find the story just now.
There there is this, conventional packaged reactor. Factory built and erected onsite. I think they are shooting for a unit generating utility power in 2019
I've been a nuclear fan since the 1960s Bring it!!!
For all the nuclear naysayers, go watch The China Syndrome. For all it's cartoonishness, still the best pro-nuke movie ever made. Did not get near the publicity it deserves. It does have Hanoi Jane but still worth watching.
Ask yourself this honestly: If Trump got impeached, and consequently the potential peace in Korea was abandoned, and the economy took a shit, increasing unemployment, slashing the stock market, lowering wages, and drying up tax revenues,
would the Democrats and the left be happy?
Hell yea, they would, and they would feel all that was worth it. All that bad news would be nothing against their glee at ending Trump.
It would however not be good for them, and they are so obsessed they don't care even about their own destruction. Scorpion and the Frog.
I do not understand President Trump and Tweeting. I don't get Tweeting in general but I really do not get President Trump supporting Twitter.
He should move to Gab or Mastodon. A large part of Twitter's base would follow. Everyone else would realize that there are alternatives to Twitter.
They want to censor conservatives and liberals (libertarians)? Fuck 'em. We should censor them.
I've tried both Gab and Tusk and they seem perfectly good alternatives to Twitter. Mastodon better in some ways since it is distributed and less centrally controlled. I don't do anything on either because I still don't get the point.
Pence was assigned a staff doctor, Pena. It was not the VP's choice it seems. Pena seems to have been "political" - on the other side.
Yet more of the "swamp". The whole structure of the FedGov is infested. And its been made very difficult to bring in outsiders as they are personally harassed by the swamp and its allies, including major corporations.
Vance said... Of Course, Chuck has zero problems with the deep state running rampant and destroying people like Cohen and that other guy who testified how people just like Chuck had bankrupted him and forced him to sell his home and move away and abandon his dad to die because of the crushing legal bills people like Chuck were forcing on him.
Right Chuck? You proud of your "impeach Trump and destroy anyone he's ever talked to!" mission? Of course you are. Why wouldn't you be down with imperial government force used against political opponents of the Democrat party? I mean, what's government for if not to use the hobnailed boots to stomp on people opposed to Democrat control, right?
I'm sure that if Judge Ellis turns up dead after rebuking Mueller, you'll cheer and celebrate as yet another opponent of Fascist Democrat government goes down. 5/4/18, 2:26 PM
Vance said... I'm also sure that Chuck is cheering on the left as they are now trying to silence and destroy Kayne West for daring to say that Trump is not the devil. Just like I'm sure he's firmly on the side of the mob trying to destroy that Utah girl who wore a modest Chinese dress to prom.
But unfortunately for Chuck, both West and the Utah girl are telling Chuck's best buddy friends the Imperial Kultural Kommando's to jump in a lake. The Utah girl a tad more politely than West, to be sure. 5/4/18, 2:29 PM
If you want to know why LLR Chuck is in complete disarray, confused and lashing out (potentially violently per his previously documented comments) its simply because the democrats electoral advantage is crumbling before our eyes.
The dems, and thus LLR Chuck, are now in a total panic that the typical lefty/LLR tactics aren't working against Trump.
And now that a Federal Judge is specifically calling out the hoax investigation/Witch Hunt which Chuck and Inga and all the other lefty/LLR "peas in a pod" were counting on to overturn the election and return LLR Chuck's beloved dems (whom he passionately defends) to power (and soon we will see Rosensteins bogus and illegitimate authorization memo for Mueller), things ain't lookin' too good in Mudville for our Lefty Supporting LLR "slugger".
On top of the foreign policy successes, economic successes (which Valerie Jarrett is now trying to claim credit for on behalf of LLR Chuck's "magnificent" obama), trade re-negotiations, corporate profits (best in a quarter century, jobs, deregulation, etc., LLR Chuck and his operational democrat allies have nowhere else to turn.
Hey Chuck, have fun mopping up the tears of Tom Perez and the rest of your DNC allies!
I am sure they assigned a woman doctor just to fuck with Pence.
Of course he had his wife in the room with him when he is being examined. I do the same thing. Any man should do the same. Never be examined or treated by a female nurse or doctor without a witness. Period.
walter: "The ole "turn your head and cough" would have tried his guidelines. Maybe he had his wife present"
Funny story from the days when you could get away with it:
A Navy Flight Surgeon, when giving a prostate exam to Naval Aviators, would place his other "free" hand on one shoulder of the Aviator.
A second Flight Surgeon would then stealthily emerge from behind a curtain and silently walk up behind the Aviator and casually put a hand on the other shoulder of the Aviator as the exam was on-going.....
Ask yourself this honestly: If Trump got impeached, and consequently the potential peace in Korea was abandoned, and the economy took a shit, increasing unemployment, slashing the stock market, lowering wages, and drying up tax revenues,
would the Democrats and the left be happy?
Well, we've seen this movie a few times, haven't we?
Liberal policies/actions have devastating consequences, liberals respond with "See what happens when you elect Republicans! Only us liberals can fix this!!"
What you are seeing is NYC politics being replayed.
You had the washroom attendant Dinkins who destroyed the city. We elected an asshole who couldn't keep his dick in his pants Giuliani to clean it up. He did so while breaking a few eggs in the process.
bagoh20: "Ask yourself this honestly: If Trump got impeached, and consequently the potential peace in Korea was abandoned, and the economy took a shit, increasing unemployment, slashing the stock market, lowering wages, and drying up tax revenues, would the Democrats and the left be happy"
Not at all.
And you just know that suddenly, "unexpectedly", good old LLR Chuck would become quite "concerned" about where Pence was taking the country and naturally, as a "True Conservative" LLR Chuck would then start attacking Pence in order to get him defeated....so that we could eventually get "True Conservative republicans" in power.....LOL..(wink wink).....
Chuck, don't play games. Surely you've heard about the absolute rant by one of the targets of your best buddies--the Mueller/Fusion GPS axis-- in congress this past week? Michael Caputo was the target.
Where he exposed the 50 million dollars Democrats had just paid over to Fusion GPS and a former staffer of a Democrat Senator, specifically to destroy the lives of anyone who had ever said hi to Trump, pretty much? I'm sure you approve of that, by the way.
This guy had been attacked by legal processes so much he'd racked up multiple hundred thousand dollar legal bills in less than a year.
He'd moved out to rural New York state to be next to his dying father. But now he was forced to sell his house to pay his legal bills. Just like your friends forced General Flynn. Which never, ever bothered you much, did it? He agreed to work for Trump, surely he should pay the price! Same for Caputo, right? The more painful the better, right Chuck?
When I read about Caputo telling the panel about how your best buddies the GOPe Senate and all the Democrats--the ones you always praise as heroes for "resisting Trump"-- how your heroes destroyed his life and crushed his children just to punish him for supporting Trump; my mind immediately went to you, Chuck. How no doubt you are cheering this on. How the painful results of NeverTrumpism is destroying people by your mad fantasies and made up (dare I say "trumped up?") accusations and falsehoods against President Trump.
Of course you support the despicable, deplorable methods the Never Trumper's are using to hurt people in very real ways. Why wouldn't you? You would cheerfully sell half of America into slavery as long as you could say "They got Trump!"
Jimmy: "Next Valerie Jarrett will be saying that Trump's breakthrough with North Korea is just the result of the groundwork laid by Obama"
And there is no downside for Jarrett to do so as there are quite a few LLR Chuck's running around, supposedly on the conservative side, who are all to willing to continue to give all praise and glory and credit to their "magnificent" "sort of a god" obama.
Vance: "Where he exposed the 50 million dollars Democrats had just paid over to Fusion GPS and a former staffer of a Democrat Senator, specifically to destroy the lives of anyone who had ever said hi to Trump, pretty much?"
Uh oh.
Now you've done it.
You've cast aspersions on a democrat.
LLR Chuck will never allow that to stand without a fight.
It is going to be a long hot summer while the Stalinist Mueller investigation implodes. The American people see the pain and suffering this "investigation" are being subjected to for the crime of supporting Trump.
Anyone who supports this is an enemy of freedom. Chuck.
It's like a new daily habit, scrolling through the WaPo headlines trying to find one that is not some variant of "You won't believe what awful thing the Trump administration has done NOW!"
By the way, I don't know why this whole Stormy Daniels thing is such a big deal. I mean, let's say it's true. Didn't it occur when Trump was a Democrat?
Democrats, as Katie Couric just confirmed, have zero problems with sexual affairs. Clinton, Kennedy (doesn't matter, all of them), etc. Couric cheerfully confirmed that most NBC exec's had the "rape button" in their office. What's the big deal, right? Democrat men abusing women is the norm; Democrat men who are faithful to their spouses are the needle in the haystack it appears.
Trump was just another Democrat.
And we are told that Democrat sexual misconduct is never, ever, a problem. Ever.
So why is there such a huge, well, storm over Stormy Daniels when Trump was a Democrat for that episode? Trump was being a Democrat. Now that's a bad thing according to Chuck and his leftist buddies?
1. Articles that imply that something is true by pointing out that it might be true, or might happen in the future. Headlines or opening paragraphs with the words "may" "could" "might" etc. 2. Articles that put the opinions of the journalist author in the mouths of unidentified, often unidentifiable, people: "some have asserted," "sources say", etc. 3. Articles that suggest a knowledge of a public figure's inner thoughts by referring to words of the public figures opponents: "Democrats warned Trump not to fire Mueller." 4. Articles that present false dichotomies to support implications of unknown motivations, or predictions of preferred outcomes: "Ryan decided to retire rather than to continue as minority leader;"
I'd appreciate any suggestions about ways to add to or refine these categories.
Perhaps the Althouse blog-a-tariate could set up a GoFundMe to pay for a lifetime subscription to the NYT for LLR Chuck so that he will feel better about how "his team" is doing.
The Times is Selling headlines Of collusion Hillary In her vodka drowns The FBI Is filled with leakers The circus is in town Here comes The blind special counsel They've got him in a trance One hand is tied To James Clapper The other is in his pants And the media Is restless They need somewhere to go As Guliani And Trump look out tonight From Trump Derangement Row
The porn star She seems so easy "It takes one to know one" She smiles And puts her hands In her pink G-string Gold-digger stripper style And in comes her lawyer He's moaning “There’s no NDA, I Believe" And someone says "You're slated to be The guest tonight On MSNBC” And the only sound that's left After the CNN reporters go Is Stormy Daniels sweeping up On Trump Derangement Row
Now the dossier is mostly redacted The lies are classified The golden showers ladies Have all taken All their mattresses to dry All except for James Comey Who is trying to sell his new book Talking about A Higher Loyalty On every channel you look And Robert Mueller Is writing subpoenas He's getting ready For the show He's going to lead The carnival tonight On Trump Derangement Row
Now Hillary She's in Chappaqua Wondering where the fifty points went On her seventieth birthday She’ll never be President To her power Was quite romantic She wore an iron dress Her ambition was her religion Her sin was her lifelessness And though her blames Are fixed upon Deplorables and Russian Hos She now spends her time sulking On Trump Derangement Row
Molly: "I'm developing a taxonomy of TDS journalism:
1. Articles that imply that something is true by pointing out that it might be true, or might happen in the future."
Case in point:
"My Little Pony republican" Chuck: "We have just concluded a week in which the President of the United States and his longtime personal attorney have been shown to have clearly and comprehensively lied about a subject which might give rise to charges that FEC, banking and/or tax laws were violated."
"Let's say that in fact Federal campaign law was violated when the $130K payment was made to Stormy Daniels. What would the usual punishment for this be?"
-- Edwards was found not guilty of a, while not completely analogous, somewhat so, situation. Several other politicians reimbursed or returned the tainted money to no ill effect save embarrassment and loss of funds.
Gotta disagree. Can't see the outlines of this if you see it as only a D vs. R. thing. Mueller does not read like a Democrat. There's a good part of this drama that is Republican on Republican violence as Trump reshapes the party.
Paul Ryan out of politics. McConnell batting away that insane guy in West Virginia. Trump vs. Bush family. Trump vs. long time Republican political operatives - Rick Wilson/ Mike Murphy/ Steve Schmidt. Trump vs. Writers and pundits like Podhoretz & David French.
I agree. McConnell gave us the Democrat Senator in Alabama. He blocked Mo Brooks. I wonder if Brooks might run this fall. I have not heard anything about it but I am far from Alabama.
When I read about Caputo telling the panel about how your best buddies the GOPe Senate and all the Democrats--the ones you always praise as heroes for "resisting Trump"-- how your heroes destroyed his life and crushed his children just to punish him for supporting Trump;
I sent fifty bucks to his GoFundMe thing.
I just listened to Pat Buchanan's book, "Nixon White House Wars" for the second time.
Buchanan is a Trump supporter and the similarity of what the left is doing to Trump and what they did to Nixon is amazing.
Perhaps ARM and/or his pal LLR Chuck would like to explain why Valerie Jarrett is trying to claim credit for the economy that, according to Chuck's dem allies, was supposedly already destroyed by Trump.
I can't wait to see how Chuck's pals "square that circle" in the upcoming campaign.
Notice how nobody is asking for blackmail charges to be brought against Stormy Daniels. ARM--beloved or not--doesn't even do it when he puts on his law and order hat. The one he dons when a Republican spits on the sidewalk.
"We have just concluded a week in which the President of the United States and his longtime personal attorney have been shown to have clearly and comprehensively lied..."
"Have been shown." Chuck claims to be an attorney, but his standard of proof is, well, flexible. In this case "have been shown" is: Some other person (Giuliani) said something that sort of contradicted what Trump said, and then later walked it back. Well that seals it.
Actually, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the Obamaphiles claim he's responsible for peace in the Korean Peninsula. I mean, what did he call his Korean policy, "Strategic Patience"?
If we just lead from behind, and have patience, eventually all our problems will go away. And if it happens sooner rather than later, then he's even better at his policy than anyone ever would have thought. Historic!
The strength of the economy is mostly a function of the optomism or lack of it by business owners and executives, as well as the general public, based to a large extent on government policy. Being all three of the above people, I can tell you that this is not the Obama economy. Obama was a big downer for us. Like dating with the hope of falling in love while knowing you have Gonorrhea. You would just rather wait until it clears up, because the chances of success at that time are not good.
The Trump election happens and the optomism instantly turns 180 degrees. Then, he actually does the tax and regulation cuts and it's off to the races. I've hired a dozen new employees in the last year and invested millions in a new plant in Las Vegas. The original intent was to get out of California, because the leftists there plus, the ones running things in D.C. made it intolerable and doomed my business with stagnant sales and rising costs.
Now, after Trump, I'm not even able to move my business. Both locations are swamped with work, and I only wish I had more capital to invest in growth. Trump has made all the difference mentally, and backed it up materially. Obama was pretty clear about his dislike for business and his need to regulate and pilfer it was widely understood. Nobody feels good about investing in growth and taking risks under that. Now, the only risk is still from Democrats: that they will succeed in killing the goose in mid-golden egg.
Leora: "This is the first I'd heard that Mueller was working under a secret mandate. What country is this happening in?"
The Rosenstein/Mueller corruptocrats leveraged the improper FISA Title-1 warrant (counter-intelligence only) that was used back in the campaign to illegally spy on Trump campaign personnel and then to continue spying on Trump and everyone else after Mueller was appointed (by Rosenstein).
Then, as if that isn't enough, Mueller is trying to get away with using that FISA Title-1 warrant as a substitute for an appropriate Title-3 warrant which requires appropriate probable cause...because Mueller and Rosenstein know that no real probable cause actually exists.
Worse, Mueller is attempting to leverage a counter-intelligence FISA Title-1 warrant issued to find out about collusion in 2016 to turn into a criminal investigation for actions back to 2005!
The Judge saw the obvious absurdity of all this and then heard Mueller actually make the argument that he didn't have to even show the authorization for his actions (from Rosenstein).
The Judge laughed at them because what this means is that Mueller/Rosenstein are saying explicitly that they are a 4th branch of government unto themselves and that they answer to no one and no one can question what they do.
Which is why the entire farce was structured in just this way by the very, very very close pals Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein.
All of whom are involved deeply in every Clinton scandal for the last 30 years and they have a great deal to cover up.
To crib from a comment on a post from Ace: How does the left expect anyone to make a moral judgment on Trump's fitness for office, when the alternative were people who would've made the White House Chef prepare State Spirit Dinners. It was him or actual occultists who perform black magic.
Further, let's compare between the Left's celebrated rock star president Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. Both slept around. Clinton raped his women, Trump seduced them consensually.
What happened to the women involved? Bill Clinton and his wife, dream candidate Hillary, did their best to destroy them. With the complete and total assistance of the media ("Drag a dollar bill through a trailer park!")
Clinton's women are lucky to be alive in their raped state. Donald's women got... filthy rich off of it.
And I'm supposed to be having hysterics over Trump's peccadillos and vow to vote Democrat so they can ruin more women. Right Chuck? Or ARM, since Chuck apparently won't defend his peeps destroying Caputo.
Now, the only risk is still from Democrats: that they will succeed in killing the goose in mid-golden egg.
They want our crumbs back.
That’s an official plank for midterms raise taxes.
You’ll notice it’s not being mentioned much.
I actually had an idea for campaign ad. Someone is talking about all the good things that Trump’s policies have done for the country so far and they would have a caricature of Nancy Pelosi popping up behind him every now and then yelling crumbs crumbs and then the official Democrat plank they’re running on in midterms scrolled across the bottom and said.
....and I only wish I had more capital to invest in growth...
That’s how the economics of share buybacks work. Companies out of good ideas instead of investing in lousy ideas instead return captal to shareholders to be reinvested with companies with great ideas.
They're talking faster and faster and louder and louder, but all they're telling us is that they've got nothing and nothing. Soon, the table-pounding:
“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell.” — Carl Sandburg
"The strength of the economy is mostly a function of the optomism or lack of it by business owners and executives"
Trump is the embodiment of prosperity and will eventually be a good luck charm. Part of his effect is policy, part of it is anticipation of policy, or the implied protection from bad policy, and part is simply sympathy with his image on the part of the genuinely relevant people in the economy. Lots of these things are subconscious and irrational.
Don't forget the articles by some of the semi-sane journos that have to begin and end with a ritual Trump bashing so they can have a middle part approving of something that he's done.
Of course President Trump is a liar and a fool, but what his sane aides have tricked him into doing about X really isn't bad. Here's why..
Genuinely relevant people in the economy = bagoh and his customers. Not the editors and writers of the NYT. Or even the NYT's owners and masters, who are at best parasites on the genuine economy.
Blogger buwaya said... I just got a Chinese robocall. I did not understand the language. Not Cantonese. Lots of people have been getting Chinese robocalls.
I got one, too. I wonder if they are all to California area codes ?
There is a type of article about anything but politics, but will throw in an aside like "in this dark night of rising authoritarianism". Nudge nudge, wink wink.
I wonder if they are all to California area codes ?
Mine have all shown as Bay Area area codes. Which means exactly nothing in this day of VOIP, but may indicate some passing association with the Bay Area.
Wait, a Deputy Solicitor General of the United States is assisting Mueller argue the Manafort case in Virginia? Seriously? The Solicitor General is subordinate to the President and the AG. What in the bloody hell is wrong with Sessions?
Obama, Lynch and Holder may be gone, but they are apparently still running the DOJ. Regardless of the fallout, Trump should boot Sessions and Rosenstein before they destroy his Presidency.
“Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.” Lavrentiy Beria, NKVD, USSR, circa 1938; Rob’t Mueller, DNC Gestapo, 2018.
I'll bet Kerry, like Huma, Susan Rice, Cheryl Mills, Ben Rhodes, Valarie Jarret, et. al., still have all of their security clearances while while many Trumpers were never issued one, and were forced out of the White House.
You and I may be the only 2 here that know who Paul Erdman is. None of his books are available for Kindle. Few are available in print, other than used.
I think I've read everything he has written, multiple times. A year or two ago I bought used copies of Crash of 79 and Panic of 89 and read them. That guy was really prescient.
I really liked his book The Silver Bears which was semi-autobiographical and made into a movie with Michael Caine and Maggie Smith. I saw it on TV years ago and have been looking for a copy ever since.
Erdman was a Swiss banker/economist for a while and got royally screwed by the Swiss including some jail time. That explains the negative attitude to the Swiss.
Helluva writer. If you are ever in PR look me up and we'll have a cup of coffee or something.
I was under the impression Ben Rhodes never got a security clearance.
"An email from late October 2008 appears to show the FBI denied an interim security clearance for Ben Rhodes during the Obama administration transition period, prior to the 2009 inauguration. Rhodes now serves as the White House Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and has played a key role advising President Obama on national security matters, including the Iran nuclear agreement."
Initially denied by the FBI on an interim basis, The Chief Executive has the final word on classification. Obama over-rode the FBI, and Rhodes eventually became the chief negotiator in the Iran nuclear payoff.
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२०५ टिप्पण्या:
205 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Interesting Instapundit:
A federal judge on Friday sharply criticized Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s criminal case in Virginia against President Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and openly questioned whether Mueller exceeded his prosecutorial powers by bringing it.
“I don’t see what relationship this indictment has with anything the special counsel is authorized to investigate,” U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis in the Eastern District of Virginia said.
At tense hearing at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia, the judge said Mueller should not have “unfettered power” in his Russia probe and that the charges against Manafort did not arise from the investigation into Moscow’s alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.
Related: ‘Come on, man!’: A federal judge cast serious doubt on Mueller’s case against Manafort and suggested he’s using it to get Manafort to flip.
US District Court Judge T.S. Ellis III suggested that the reason prosecutors are going after Manafort is to try to get him to flip on President Donald Trump.
“I don’t see what relation this indictment has with what the special counsel is authorized to investigate,” Ellis said to prosecutors. “You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud. … What you really care about is what information Mr. Manafort could give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump or lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
Well, that’s clearly true.
Posted at 12:25 pm by Glenn Reynolds
And Valerie Jarrett says that credit for the roaring economy really belongs to President Obama!
At this rate a whole lot of Democrats are ultimately going to face prosecution and Mueller maybe one of them.
I ain't going in there, it's dark and filled with the bodies of dead democracies.
Stop ignoring the lies!! And leave Brittany Spears alone, too!!
Yeah, I've been bored for a while now.
I have developed a strong opinion about Michael Avenatti's suit. The dark blue one is nice. Would like to know the brand.
I'm surprised Althouse hasn't wanted to blog about Ross Douthat's NYT piece. Sex Robots!
We needed the rain. We got 3.5 inches here at MikeHouse.
What in the world will they do for clicks if they are successful in having Trump resign or removed? Pathetic.
Meanwhile, here in the Northeast I am taking the afternoon off from work to assemble the tools and materials I will need for some projects this weekend. This is preventing me from being bored.
Low unemployment, POC support for Trump jumps from 11 to 22%, and a potential for peace in Korea; yet supposedly POTUS and his team don't know what they are doing.
I'm so old; I remember when Obama and the Clintons got behind Hugo Chavez. How's that going?
”And Valerie Jarrett says that credit for the roaring economy really belongs to President Obama!”
I recently read the claim that President Obama doubled the regulatory cost on the economy.
"At this rate a whole lot of Democrats are ultimately going to face prosecution and Mueller maybe one of them."
Gotta disagree. Can't see the outlines of this if you see it as only a D vs. R. thing. Mueller does not read like a Democrat. There's a good part of this drama that is Republican on Republican violence as Trump reshapes the party.
Paul Ryan out of politics. McConnell batting away that insane guy in West Virginia. Trump vs. Bush family. Trump vs. long time Republican political operatives - Rick Wilson/ Mike Murphy/ Steve Schmidt. Trump vs. Writers and pundits like Podhoretz & David French.
Regarding Manafort:
The judge also gave the government two weeks to hand over the unredacted “scope memo” or provide an explanation why not -- after prosecutors were reluctant to do so, claiming it has material that doesn’t pertain to Manafort.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” (Judge) Ellis said.
Two movies:
Movie 1 - Bright Skies and Sun: 3.9 percent unemployment, lowest black and hispanic unemployment in years, on the cusp of perhaps a historic moment in Korea, 51% approval rating.
Movie 2 - Darkness and Gloom: Panic at the Whitehouse, the Mueller investigation is closing in on the target. Trump lied about a payout to a porn star. Crazy! Incompotent! Disaster! Doom!
Which movie are you watching?
”The judge also gave the government two weeks to hand over the unredacted “scope memo” or provide an explanation why not -- after prosecutors were reluctant to do so, claiming it has material that doesn’t pertain to Manafort.”
I bet none of the memo pertains to Manafort.
Democrats hang Trump in effigy and demand violence against the capitalist state.
The left is totally unhinged.
In 2020, President Trump will win all the same states he won in 2016.
Plus, he will win New Hampshire and Minnesota, which he almost won in 2016.
wwww said...
Gotta disagree. Can't see the outlines of this if you see it as only a D vs. R. thing. Mueller does not read like a Democrat. There's a good part of this drama that is Republican on Republican violence as Trump reshapes the party.
Paul Ryan out of politics. McConnell batting away that insane guy in West Virginia. Trump vs. Bush family. Trump vs. long time Republican political operatives - Rick Wilson/ Mike Murphy/ Steve Schmidt. Trump vs. Writers and pundits like Podhoretz & David French.
It is a Republican Voters vs. The Swamp thing.
All those republicans you named are on the same team as the democrats. There is only one thing republican voters like less than the Democrats in DC:
The Republicans in DC.
"Democrats hang Trump in effigy and demand violence against the capitalist state."
Not so. This part is refreshingly normal.
The Liberal MSM and Stormy Daniels are real drips.
Republicans and phony conservatives like David French and Chuck are the problem. Democrats are gonna do what Democrats are gonna do. That is a given.
But the Establishment traitors who are only in it for the money, jobs and sea cruises are seeing President Trump implementing conservative doctrines left and right and they are resisting him every step of the way.
They are the real problem. They always have been. As Achilles said they are allied to the Democrats and not the rank and file grass roots. So they need to be expelled and sent to their true home in the Democratic party.
So, legal question. Let's say that in fact Federal campaign law was violated when the $130K payment was made to Stormy Daniels. What would the usual punishment for this be? A fine? Imprisonment? What? Because it seems to me that this act is pretty weak tea to base an impeachment on.
Gotta disagree. Can't see the outlines of this if you see it as only a D vs. R. thing. Mueller does not read like a Democrat. There's a good part of this drama that is Republican on Republican violence as Trump reshapes the party. "
Beg to differ. This isn't such an R vs D thing as you said but rather the outsiders tossing the trash away. However you do have a point in that Trump is reshaping the party while not entirely to the like of the TEA Party there is a large overlap.
Suggest everyone go to "Huffpuff" and read about Jeff Goldberg, Atlantic, TNC, and their secretly recorded discussion about Firing Kevin Williamson.
Its not that interesting but its valuable for understanding the Left-wing MSM.
I used to really like Jennifer Rubin, but she went all Inga on Trump. NR, where they don’t like Trump, had a long piece on her amazing flip flops in the past year.
She is the best evidence for Chuck's claim btw. She really was a LLR who would now endorse Che Guevara if Trump dissed him. Sad.
buwaya said...
"Democrats hang Trump in effigy and demand violence against the capitalist state."
Not so. This part is refreshingly normal.
I agree.
The best thing Trump did was pull the mask off of the servants of the globalists. The republicans and the democrats. A majority of the democrat party are socialists and solid numbers of them want to murder a good 10% of the US population and subjugate the rest like socialists always do.
I don't want them to take Trump out be it by assassination or impeachment.
But it would be nice to get this over with. If they do impeach Trump we could just put him back in the white house a month or so later.
RonF said...
So, legal question. Let's say that in fact Federal campaign law was violated when the $130K payment was made to Stormy Daniels. What would the usual punishment for this be? A fine? Imprisonment? What? Because it seems to me that this act is pretty weak tea to base an impeachment on.'
Campaign law wasn't violated. The whore signed an NDA long before Trump started his campaign. To make the payment a campaign law violation the payment would have to be for something that would only have arisen because of the campaign. What she did was extortion. Trump paid her to shut up and not have a problem with his wife and he has done this before and no one thought Trump was a paragon of marital virtue so the underlying predicate of Trump paying the whore off because of her affecting his election isn't even risible. However speaking of campaign finance law violations Hillary and the DNC have a lot explaining to do.
Oh well, if Jennifer Rubin "flips back" - all the Cons will love her -again.
They aren't much for remembering things.
According to the Real Clear Politics average of polls, Donald Trump's job approval rating was 43.8% on Inauguration Day and is 44.0% today.
Right now, the momentum is upward. The approval rating was 41.5% on April 23 and was 44.0% on May 4, the most recent measurement.
The approval rating is headed upward toward 50%.
Rosenstein may only grant the lower he has to give. Sessions recused on Russian meddling in the election and any Trump complicity. It is not clear that Rosenstein may act of his own accord to grant a broader power - beyond the Sessions recusal - if Sessions is not involved in granting further power.
The heavily redacted Rosenstein letter will not support Mueller unless Sessions gives Mueller the power. So any prosecution might have to be handed off to Virginia AAGs.
Any the pre-dawn raid starts to look improper. And any evidence gathered may become tainted. The poisonous fruit will choke the Virginia AAGs case.
And Manafort goes on the offense. Rich. Pissed off at the treatment of his wife.
A little return of lawfare fire, I predict.
I, for one, am enjoying the left's complete and total descent into insanity over Trump.
They deserve it.
Stormy Whore signed it on October 28, 2016. And presumably didn't get paid till after the Nov Election. Hard to see it as a campaign contribution unless you want to argue that an NDA and payoff to a whore to keep silent is a valid campaign expense.
And Valerie Jarrett says that credit for the roaring economy really belongs to President Obama!
Well, of course.
Everybody knows a President's economic policies don't kick in until the 9th and 10th years.
Has anyone Located Jeff Sessions? Rumor is that he's Attorney General - but I find that hard to believe.
Notice how his approval with black males has doubled in the past couple of days.
Banging a porn star is a feature not a bug.
That is with men of all ethnic varieties.
It just doesn't work for feminist women and faggots like David French who prefer that their women be banged by black guys. That is your basic definition of a cuck.
...the power he has to give...
Talk about his, too:
"Saudi Arabia ‘agrees deal with Vatican to build churches for Christians living in the Muslim country.’"
Tectonic shifts.
Things really are dull.
Lets go outside.
"Trump has Bestowed a New Cachet on the Criminal Class."
Is this gentry liberal code for Kanye and Black men coming iout n favor of Trump? I for one, welcome Black men to the ranks of the Deplorables. (Unless you all want to join the Irredeemables; we got different gangs here too.)
@rcocean, between his performance as AG and losing a “safe” seat in the Senate, Jeff Sessions has to be one of Trump’s worst appointments.
But please, don't say the media is pro-Democrat hack.
Sessions must be hitting Ronny Jackson's Ambien.
What do you think black males (at least a significant percentage of them) felt like hearing Maxine Waters (of all people) telling them to sit down and shut up?
Let us discuss a bunch of things people said that they have already said, almost word-for-word, dozens of times before, with the results being absolutely nothing of consequence, but THIS TIME will be different!
The only thing I smell is the rank desperation of the Acela corridor. No matter how many hilariously ludicrous headlines they write, they just can't get the Don. It must be a hard existence.
The desperation of delusion.
Continuing proof that there is no amount of positive results that will cure TDS. "Deranged" is by definition immune to reality.
Some of their complaints have merit, like he does tell some whoppers. He's a bullshitter by nature, but not the kind of damaging lies like "you can keep your doctor" or "premiums will drop by $2500", or "we have a red line". Those kind of lies hurt people, sometimes destroying lives, or worsening horrible situations.
The point is that for many of us, while we prefer the truth, we understand there is very little of it in politics, so that all you can really get excited about is results, and that's what you need to judge, and hold people accountable for. Few of us really want a womanizing bullshitter with a loose mouth, but if he gets what is looking like incredible and unprecedented results, then would you really prefer to trade peace and prosperity for continued failure just so you can bathe in the glory of a sharp pant's crease.
I miss Scaramucci. He was my favorite character.
Like a real soapy they should bring him back to life for the next season.
Althouse may be bored, but the left isn't. They are just getting started. Sure, they may lose the votes of a handful of nice midwestern retirees in the process, but they think their scorched-media and law-weaponization strategy will destroy Trump and the Republicans. They enjoy the process.
Roughcoat said...
Talk about his, too:
"Saudi Arabia ‘agrees deal with Vatican to build churches for Christians living in the Muslim country.’"
I was thinking a few years ago of printing t-shirts with the message "Support the Riyadh Cathedral". All the experts a few years ago would have scoffed at such a suggestion. Churches is Saudi Arabia? That's a game changer.
How about Ellen Pao's call for Silicon Valley to do something about all the incels who work there?
I was nearly a never Trumper at one time, but I was wrong.
I ain't no ways taarrd of winning.
Trump's results sends a thrill up my leg. Every. Single. Day.
Professor - why do you even read that sanctimonious commie rag? Don’t put yourself through that.
You are an honest man Mr. Bags.
Something that the Never Trumpers are not.
Who is just about the most prominent Never Trumper?
Evan McMuffin.
Who has cheated and defrauded everyone who worked on his campaign.
They are all Chucks. Frauds and mountebanks.
With the potential wins Trump has lined up
It might not be wise to
“Overturn the election”
Especially by a soft coup.
It would cause too much instability in the world.
And a lot of testing we as a nation might not be prepared for.
Nature abhors vacuums.
Sacrificing your children might not be the wisest move.
Roughcoat said...
Talk about his, too:
"Saudi Arabia ‘agrees deal with Vatican to build churches for Christians living in the Muslim country.’"
I was thinking a few years ago of printing t-shirts with the message "Support the Riyadh Cathedral". All the experts a few years ago would have scoffed at such a suggestion. Churches is Saudi Arabia? That's a game changer.
Just when the Pope sold the Chinese Catholics down the river.
Go see Avengers: Infinity War. It is GOOD!
You are absolutely right Seeing Red.
This Pope is not interested in spreading the Good News by the established Church.
He would cede authority to the Muslims and the government in Saudi Arabia just as he has done in China.
That is why the Saudi's will go for it. They can control the Church and keep it under their thumb. They never would have done it if we had a real Pope.
Francis is as much a Catholic Pope as Chuck is a Republican.
"Ye shall know them by their fruits."
That's a game changer.
Yes. Also, yesterday the Pentagon announced/revealed that Special Forces units were conducting operations with the Saudi military. You probably didn't see that report because it was buried under articles about Stormy Daniels and other important news.
Few of us really want a womanizing bullshitter with a loose mouth,
But they voted him in twice and he sold US to China.
The game change years.
Lockheed has a patent and they’re going to trial a fusion reactor.
We can put everyone out of business.
This post gets a tag of "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?!?
We have just concluded a week in which the President of the United States and his longtime personal attorney have been shown to have clearly and comprehensively lied about a subject which might give rise to charges that FEC, banking and/or tax laws were violated.
Discussions of THAT normally-astonishing news now gets tagged as "TDS"?
wwww said...
the outsiders tossing the trash away.
I don't think it is Just an insiders/ outsiders thing, although there is a big component.
Americans vs. Globalists.
There are always lick spittles willing to serve money. The globalists have a lot of money and a lot of support in the establishment of both parties. Americans finally have someone on their side. We haven't had that for 30 years. The Bush clan was most certainly on the other side.
This is the other thing a lot of people don't see: Trump as President is in the interests of insider Democrats. Insider Dems have NO interest in impeachment.
They desperately want Trump removed and are willing to do anything they can to do it. But they have no path forward to accomplish this.
They have no interest in impeachment now because they are looking at the polls and because they are trying to pull out from their current course. They failed to turn the American people on the first president to put Americans before the globalists in 3 decades. They have the tiger by the tail and it is getting frisky.
They see where this is all going if they keep pushing.
It ends with traitors swinging from lamp posts.
John Fogerty asked... "who'll stop the rain?"
There are always lick spittles willing to serve money. The globalists have a lot of money and a lot of support in the establishment of both parties. Americans finally have someone on their side. We haven't had that for 30 years. The Bush clan was most certainly on the other side.
Completely agree. I don't believe Trump has a really fleshed out world view, but I certainly think he has decent nationalist instincts and was far preferable to anyone else running. The only other person worth considering in 2016 was Bernie Sanders, a basic New Deal Democrat despite his attention-grabbing efforts to claim the mantle of "socialism." Sanders at least admitted that open borders is Koch brothers loving low wage scheme, and he is skeptical of American interventionism.
Fritillaria meleagris!
Sanders was a cooperative fall-guy. Whatever it was that he said, that's the job he was recruited for, and in spite of his supporters he delivered.
Trump derangement syndrome is the press asking exclusively about Stormy Daniels instead one question about Iran, North Korea or tariffs.
A Federal judge just bitch slapped the Special Partisan about the bogus Manafort charges. He said the indictment was simply out of the scope of their mandate and a political attempt to impeach the President and reverse the election.
That is all this is.
The American people recognize this. Only a true Democratic partisan like Chuck and Inga will not.
Had Sanders unaccountably won, he would have been "managed".
Talk about a puppet.
Chuck said...
This post gets a tag of "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?!?
We have just concluded a week in which the President of the United States and his longtime personal attorney have been shown to have clearly and comprehensively lied about a subject which might give rise to charges that FEC, banking and/or tax laws were violated.
Discussions of THAT normally-astonishing news now gets tagged as "TDS"?
Unemployment below 4%.
Possible peace on the Korean Peninsula.
Manafort indictment going to be thrown out in 2 weeks because Mueller is conducting an illegal investigation.
At least a dozen high ranking officials in the former administration have admitted to dozens of counts of perjury, conspiracy, espionage act violations, obstruction of justice.
Manufacturing jobs showing consistent growth for the first time in decades.
Trump is pushing dozens of constructionist judges onto the bench and remaking the federal judiciary.
The Black vote is splitting and black voters are leaving the democrat plantation.
Chuck cares that Trump paid a porn star to not talk about sex.
You are deranged Chuck. A traitor. Nobody likes you. Nobody cares what you say. Republican voters across the country have turned away from you disgusting lick spittle losers.
Nobody in the political spectrum is more pathetic than the Cuck wing of the republican party.
I think Rand Paul was another candidate not subject to the control of the globalists. That is why he could never get traction. Only Trump had a big enough ego and big enough balls to bull through. America recognized that elected him. Not by much. But by enough to become President.
The Democrats and Republican traitors like French, Kristol and Chuck just can't get over it. They never will. They will try every trick in the book. Break every precedent. Reverse any long held position or belief. To reverse the election and return the government to the control of the Deep State and the Swamp.
Scott Pruitt's disastrous tenure at the EPA, told through cartoons
Adjusting for the audience demographic??
I'm still interested in the answer to my question. What would be the expected penalty for violating Federal campaign laws (if that's what happened) in a Presidential campaign to the tune of $130K? And what is the case that this is a "high crime or misdemeanor"?
I never read the back-n-forth-bickering comments, but I do enjoy the performance art comments.
The swamp is fighting hard and shifting in new players.
And the MSM is going at Trump harder than ever. Althouse's post here is amusing.
100% get Trump. Can't really do better than 100%, but they certainly can keep it up.
Has anyone else started receiving rob-calls from the Bay Area, and they leave a Chinese voicemail?
"And what is the case that this is a "high crime or misdemeanor"?
Its a political crime of course, which can be defined as required.
”Sacrificing your children might not be the wisest move.”
Yeah. THAT’S why this post rates a “Trump Derangement Syndrome” tag.
Years ago then-not Pres. Trump reputedly had sex with a porn star. While he was married. Understandably he wanted her to keep her mouth shut about it and paid her off when he was running for President. Now the Democratic party/media establishment, which has proven repeatedly that it does not understand that part of the country not within 100 miles of LA, NYC or DC, thinks that this is their ticket to overturning the 2016 election.
What they fail to realize is that nobody outside of their social circles gives a $h!t. They fail to realize that the ship of public support for impeaching a President over something that happened years ago and then lying about it during the campaign sailed when they refused to convict Clinton for committing adultery and lying about it WHILE HE WAS IN OFFICE. Never mind when another famous Democrat, a sitting Senator, committed vehicular homicide while drunk and killed Mary Jo Kopechne, only to see him re-elected 6 times and touted as one of the Senate's greatest leader. Never mind when a sitting Democratic President committed adultery with a famous actress WHILE HE WAS IN OFFICE only to see the press actively cover it up.
So, by all means, flog this dead and rotting horse until the stink covers you. It should be a REAL HELP during the mid-terms. For the GOP....
how about this:
I used to be a regular viewer of Morning Rino on MSNBC. Not sure why, but watched every day.
When Trump accused the B. Hussein Obama administration of "tapping my wires", Scar'Bro went absolutely apoplectic. Never, never never says Joe.
Then yesterday, Scar'Bro's network reported the feds "tapped Trump's wires". Of course it was false. Fake news, as someone would say.
The irony is downright delicious.
They have frothed themselves up into believing Trump's impeachment is imminent, meanwhile his approval ratings keep going up, and the news both domestic and global is all pretty good. Hell even the Saudi Arabia talk of building churches and says the Palis need to take a deal.
”The judge also gave the government two weeks to hand over the unredacted “scope memo” or provide an explanation why not -- after prosecutors were reluctant to do so, claiming it has material that doesn’t pertain to Manafort.”
By my count, Rod Rosenstein has told all 3 branches of government they can't see his memo.
or this:
What if the power went out? You'd be really bored, and poopin' in the bushes. ewww.
It's fascinating. I was reading this AP article about Trump giving a speech to the NRA, and fragment jumped out to me:
Taking a break from the escalating pressures of the Russia probe and the Stormy Daniels case
It presupposes that Trump is under "escalating pressure", that all this stuff is of great concern to him (and also by the transitive law, of great concern to his supporters perhaps). Personally, I don't see that at all. This imagined siege, the darkening skies doesn't seem to reflect the attitudes of many Americans at any rate.
it makes you wonder who is:
Just to be clear, the economy can turn.
And moreover, turn on an event, most likely unforeseen.
If there is a recession with an increase in unemployment, all bets are off.
The Trump performance is a very chancy high-wire act, on his part.
That's a very uncertain hope for reform in your system.
All it takes to truly stumble, just as a for instance, is one dead Saudi Crown Prince.
what you think you know isn't true:
The difference between what Trump did (if it happened) and what Bill Clinton did (which definitely happened) was everything: who, where, when, what. With Trump is was a private personal relationship, private location, private time. With Bill it was an employee, in the White House during Presidential work, but most importantly, Bill didn't even pay Monica, what a dick! Now the suddenly offended are pissed off becuase Trump's gal got paid, while Bill used his employee like a tube sock, and played her becuase she was barely an adult and foolish. And Trump is the offensive one?
yes, it's a sobering thought:
but they haven't been focused on that, a 1976 novel by erdman, the clash of 1979. focuses the attention,
the wannabe Guevara, pats himself on the back:
When I get bored I find the most boring online post and send it in morse code into the code-practice-mode of my little transmitter, working to get error-free speed up on the iambic paddle.
1. It's surprising how long it takes to send a page of text even at high speed.
2. Iambic characters (cfklqry) are easy to send but they screw up the following character, the hand having learned transitions which suddenly end with the opposite parity. C was the hardest to learn until I found sending a B with the dash held slightly too long gave a C every time.
Failures at higher speed than perfect give perfect for about 45 seconds and then errors start to accumulate, I think because you revert to a more natural speed and an iambic paddle is very unforgiving of speed changes, unlike a bug.
other details of note,
It is very true that a downturn in the economy can change the narrative. That is what the Democrats and Republican traitors like Inga and Chuck want.
Terrible things for America.
Just so they can sate their hate for Donald Trump.
Seems to me that a the Saudi Vatican deal is way bigger than people are making it out to be. Until recently, it was illegal even to give Bibles to Christians. It was more or less illegal even to bring them into the kingdom.
Saudi Arabia is the home of Mohammed the Prophet. Home to the 2 main shrines of Islam (Mecca and Medina) has millions of non-Saudi faithful visit every year. Keeper of the faith in every sense of the word. Even the word "church" was proscribed. Church's Fried Chicken in big in SA but is known as "Texas Fried Chicken" IN SA.
And now, not gradually but from one day to the next, they not only agree to allow Christian churches, as I understand it, they will be funding and building Christian churches.
I suspect that the next step is going to be to tell the Wahabis, and other more militant Muslims, to back it down a couple notches.
After that? A govt effort to convert the country to Christianity? Probably not and I certainly don't advocate it. But in a year they have moved further than I would have expected in 50.
I credit President Trump. Not for actually doing anything, though he has visited and has established good relations. I think it is more an attitude, though I am not sure that is the right word. Ambiance or encouragement maybe? where this could not only happen but seem normal and logical.
John Henry
John Henry
I disagree that Impeachment is merely a political process, and the grounds for invoking it is limitless.
The specific language in the Constitution is there for a reason. We are simply being conditioned to thinking Impeaching a President for political reasons is normal and acceptable.
Nonapod said...
It's fascinating. I was reading this AP article about Trump giving a speech to the NRA, and fragment jumped out to me:
Taking a break from the escalating pressures of the Russia probe and the Stormy Daniels case
It presupposes that Trump is under "escalating pressure", that all this stuff is of great concern to him (and also by the transitive law, of great concern to his supporters perhaps). Personally, I don't see that at all. This imagined siege, the darkening skies doesn't seem to reflect the attitudes of many Americans at any rate.
The number and the vehemence of Trump Tweets about all of it just yesterday morning sort of indicated to me that yeah, it's of great concern to him. I don't ordinarily give Trump much credit for being reasonable, but it would be reasonable, for someone in Trump's position, with a search warrant having been executed on Michael Cohen, that he would have great concern.
We have just concluded a week in which the President of the United States and his longtime personal attorney have been shown to have clearly and comprehensively lied about a subject which might give rise to charges that FEC, banking and/or tax laws were violated.
They have been shown to have not done any such thing. This is the kind of wishful thinking that keeps the regulars around here making fun of your “LLR” designation. You can interpret the events of this week myriad ways, but you decide to interpret it to be in the worst possible light for Trump. Are you noticing a pattern yet? Because ANYTHING that happens that’s bad and has DJT’s name on it, is always assumed to be the worst by you.
narciso said...or this:https://saraacarter.com/vp-physician-who-targeted-adm-ronny-jackson-resigns/
What? He had a woman doctor?
The Fake Media are playing the role Tokyo Rose in the Globalist Cabal’s War against the President of the United States. But we just laugh at them.
When I get bored I find the most boring online post and send it in morse code into the code-practice-mode of my little transmitter, working to get error-free speed up on the iambic paddle.
It begs the question, what do you do for excitement?
Of Course, Chuck has zero problems with the deep state running rampant and destroying people like Cohen and that other guy who testified how people just like Chuck had bankrupted him and forced him to sell his home and move away and abandon his dad to die because of the crushing legal bills people like Chuck were forcing on him.
Right Chuck? You proud of your "impeach Trump and destroy anyone he's ever talked to!" mission? Of course you are. Why wouldn't you be down with imperial government force used against political opponents of the Democrat party? I mean, what's government for if not to use the hobnailed boots to stomp on people opposed to Democrat control, right?
I'm sure that if Judge Ellis turns up dead after rebuking Mueller, you'll cheer and celebrate as yet another opponent of Fascist Democrat government goes down.
I'm also sure that Chuck is cheering on the left as they are now trying to silence and destroy Kayne West for daring to say that Trump is not the devil. Just like I'm sure he's firmly on the side of the mob trying to destroy that Utah girl who wore a modest Chinese dress to prom.
But unfortunately for Chuck, both West and the Utah girl are telling Chuck's best buddy friends the Imperial Kultural Kommando's to jump in a lake. The Utah girl a tad more politely than West, to be sure.
she was actually assigned to the medical office, but formally under his aegis,
Seeing Red,
I too am excited about Lockheed's patent. Someone else may be even closer but I can't find the story just now.
There there is this, conventional packaged reactor. Factory built and erected onsite. I think they are shooting for a unit generating utility power in 2019
I've been a nuclear fan since the 1960s Bring it!!!
For all the nuclear naysayers, go watch The China Syndrome. For all it's cartoonishness, still the best pro-nuke movie ever made. Did not get near the publicity it deserves. It does have Hanoi Jane but still worth watching.
John Henry
Democracy Dies in ... sigh!
Ask yourself this honestly: If Trump got impeached, and consequently the potential peace in Korea was abandoned, and the economy took a shit, increasing unemployment, slashing the stock market, lowering wages, and drying up tax revenues,
would the Democrats and the left be happy?
Hell yea, they would, and they would feel all that was worth it. All that bad news would be nothing against their glee at ending Trump.
It would however not be good for them, and they are so obsessed they don't care even about their own destruction. Scorpion and the Frog.
I do not understand President Trump and Tweeting. I don't get Tweeting in general but I really do not get President Trump supporting Twitter.
He should move to Gab or Mastodon. A large part of Twitter's base would follow. Everyone else would realize that there are alternatives to Twitter.
They want to censor conservatives and liberals (libertarians)? Fuck 'em. We should censor them.
I've tried both Gab and Tusk and they seem perfectly good alternatives to Twitter. Mastodon better in some ways since it is distributed and less centrally controlled. I don't do anything on either because I still don't get the point.
John HEnry
"narciso said...or this:https://saraacarter.com/vp-physician-who-targeted-adm-ronny-jackson-resigns/"
"What? He had a woman doctor?"
Pence was assigned a staff doctor, Pena. It was not the VP's choice it seems.
Pena seems to have been "political" - on the other side.
Yet more of the "swamp". The whole structure of the FedGov is infested. And its been made very difficult to bring in outsiders as they are personally harassed by the swamp and its allies, including major corporations.
Vance said...
Of Course, Chuck has zero problems with the deep state running rampant and destroying people like Cohen and that other guy who testified how people just like Chuck had bankrupted him and forced him to sell his home and move away and abandon his dad to die because of the crushing legal bills people like Chuck were forcing on him.
Right Chuck? You proud of your "impeach Trump and destroy anyone he's ever talked to!" mission? Of course you are. Why wouldn't you be down with imperial government force used against political opponents of the Democrat party? I mean, what's government for if not to use the hobnailed boots to stomp on people opposed to Democrat control, right?
I'm sure that if Judge Ellis turns up dead after rebuking Mueller, you'll cheer and celebrate as yet another opponent of Fascist Democrat government goes down.
5/4/18, 2:26 PM
Vance said...
I'm also sure that Chuck is cheering on the left as they are now trying to silence and destroy Kayne West for daring to say that Trump is not the devil. Just like I'm sure he's firmly on the side of the mob trying to destroy that Utah girl who wore a modest Chinese dress to prom.
But unfortunately for Chuck, both West and the Utah girl are telling Chuck's best buddy friends the Imperial Kultural Kommando's to jump in a lake. The Utah girl a tad more politely than West, to be sure.
5/4/18, 2:29 PM
"I've been a nuclear fan since the 1960s Bring it!!!"
I've had a nuclear watchstander (control room operator) cert issued in 1981.
Never used it. But at the time, I was qualified to be Homer Simpson.
If you want to know why LLR Chuck is in complete disarray, confused and lashing out (potentially violently per his previously documented comments) its simply because the democrats electoral advantage is crumbling before our eyes.
The dems, and thus LLR Chuck, are now in a total panic that the typical lefty/LLR tactics aren't working against Trump.
And now that a Federal Judge is specifically calling out the hoax investigation/Witch Hunt which Chuck and Inga and all the other lefty/LLR "peas in a pod" were counting on to overturn the election and return LLR Chuck's beloved dems (whom he passionately defends) to power (and soon we will see Rosensteins bogus and illegitimate authorization memo for Mueller), things ain't lookin' too good in Mudville for our Lefty Supporting LLR "slugger".
On top of the foreign policy successes, economic successes (which Valerie Jarrett is now trying to claim credit for on behalf of LLR Chuck's "magnificent" obama), trade re-negotiations, corporate profits (best in a quarter century, jobs, deregulation, etc., LLR Chuck and his operational democrat allies have nowhere else to turn.
Hey Chuck, have fun mopping up the tears of Tom Perez and the rest of your DNC allies!
The ole "turn your head and cough" would have tried his guidelines.
Maybe he had his wife present.
I am sure they assigned a woman doctor just to fuck with Pence.
Of course he had his wife in the room with him when he is being examined. I do the same thing. Any man should do the same. Never be examined or treated by a female nurse or doctor without a witness. Period.
Fucking with him would really be out of line.
Though she looks good in her pics.
walter: "The ole "turn your head and cough" would have tried his guidelines.
Maybe he had his wife present"
Funny story from the days when you could get away with it:
A Navy Flight Surgeon, when giving a prostate exam to Naval Aviators, would place his other "free" hand on one shoulder of the Aviator.
A second Flight Surgeon would then stealthily emerge from behind a curtain and silently walk up behind the Aviator and casually put a hand on the other shoulder of the Aviator as the exam was on-going.....
....hilarity ensues.....
I suspect that the next step is going to be to tell the Wahabis, and other more militant Muslims, to back it down a couple notches.
They're already doing that. And they're doing more than just telling the militants to back down. They're cracking down on them.
in other news:
the news seems to be like sifting through pyrite,
bagoh20 said...
Ask yourself this honestly: If Trump got impeached, and consequently the potential peace in Korea was abandoned, and the economy took a shit, increasing unemployment, slashing the stock market, lowering wages, and drying up tax revenues,
would the Democrats and the left be happy?
Well, we've seen this movie a few times, haven't we?
Liberal policies/actions have devastating consequences, liberals respond with "See what happens when you elect Republicans! Only us liberals can fix this!!"
What you are seeing is NYC politics being replayed.
You had the washroom attendant Dinkins who destroyed the city. We elected an asshole who couldn't keep his dick in his pants Giuliani to clean it up. He did so while breaking a few eggs in the process.
History always repeats itself.
Which means our next President will be an uber rich Jewish Democrat who will win running as a Republican.
Watch and see.
bagoh20: "Ask yourself this honestly: If Trump got impeached, and consequently the potential peace in Korea was abandoned, and the economy took a shit, increasing unemployment, slashing the stock market, lowering wages, and drying up tax revenues, would the Democrats and the left be happy"
Not at all.
And you just know that suddenly, "unexpectedly", good old LLR Chuck would become quite "concerned" about where Pence was taking the country and naturally, as a "True Conservative" LLR Chuck would then start attacking Pence in order to get him defeated....so that we could eventually get "True Conservative republicans" in power.....LOL..(wink wink).....
The Coup continues apace. Again I ask (from a pro-freedom POV) is any State-shtupper the Hive could put in Trump's place be better?
Next Valerie Jarrett will be saying that Trump's breakthrough with North Korea is just the result of the groundwork laid by Obama.
Chuck, don't play games. Surely you've heard about the absolute rant by one of the targets of your best buddies--the Mueller/Fusion GPS axis-- in congress this past week? Michael Caputo was the target.
Where he exposed the 50 million dollars Democrats had just paid over to Fusion GPS and a former staffer of a Democrat Senator, specifically to destroy the lives of anyone who had ever said hi to Trump, pretty much? I'm sure you approve of that, by the way.
This guy had been attacked by legal processes so much he'd racked up multiple hundred thousand dollar legal bills in less than a year.
He'd moved out to rural New York state to be next to his dying father. But now he was forced to sell his house to pay his legal bills. Just like your friends forced General Flynn. Which never, ever bothered you much, did it? He agreed to work for Trump, surely he should pay the price! Same for Caputo, right? The more painful the better, right Chuck?
When I read about Caputo telling the panel about how your best buddies the GOPe Senate and all the Democrats--the ones you always praise as heroes for "resisting Trump"-- how your heroes destroyed his life and crushed his children just to punish him for supporting Trump; my mind immediately went to you, Chuck. How no doubt you are cheering this on. How the painful results of NeverTrumpism is destroying people by your mad fantasies and made up (dare I say "trumped up?") accusations and falsehoods against President Trump.
Of course you support the despicable, deplorable methods the Never Trumper's are using to hurt people in very real ways. Why wouldn't you? You would cheerfully sell half of America into slavery as long as you could say "They got Trump!"
Jimmy: "Next Valerie Jarrett will be saying that Trump's breakthrough with North Korea is just the result of the groundwork laid by Obama"
And there is no downside for Jarrett to do so as there are quite a few LLR Chuck's running around, supposedly on the conservative side, who are all to willing to continue to give all praise and glory and credit to their "magnificent" "sort of a god" obama.
Vance: "Where he exposed the 50 million dollars Democrats had just paid over to Fusion GPS and a former staffer of a Democrat Senator, specifically to destroy the lives of anyone who had ever said hi to Trump, pretty much?"
Uh oh.
Now you've done it.
You've cast aspersions on a democrat.
LLR Chuck will never allow that to stand without a fight.
Chuck said...
The American people are done with your Stalinist witch hunt.
Constitutional scholar Alan Dershowitz delivered a heated takedown Thursday of lawyers and civil libertarians pursuing Donald Trump for a crime, despite multiple probes failing to find evidence after more than a year of investigating.
It is going to be a long hot summer while the Stalinist Mueller investigation implodes. The American people see the pain and suffering this "investigation" are being subjected to for the crime of supporting Trump.
Anyone who supports this is an enemy of freedom. Chuck.
It's like a new daily habit, scrolling through the WaPo headlines trying to find one that is not some variant of "You won't believe what awful thing the Trump administration has done NOW!"
By the way, I don't know why this whole Stormy Daniels thing is such a big deal. I mean, let's say it's true. Didn't it occur when Trump was a Democrat?
Democrats, as Katie Couric just confirmed, have zero problems with sexual affairs. Clinton, Kennedy (doesn't matter, all of them), etc. Couric cheerfully confirmed that most NBC exec's had the "rape button" in their office. What's the big deal, right? Democrat men abusing women is the norm; Democrat men who are faithful to their spouses are the needle in the haystack it appears.
Trump was just another Democrat.
And we are told that Democrat sexual misconduct is never, ever, a problem. Ever.
So why is there such a huge, well, storm over Stormy Daniels when Trump was a Democrat for that episode? Trump was being a Democrat. Now that's a bad thing according to Chuck and his leftist buddies?
Matt Laurer, Charlie Rose, Harvey Weinstein. Hey shit happens and it is an overreaction. Yeah we knew about it but so what.
Donald Trump. It is the end of the world as we know it.
All it takes to truly stumble, just as a for instance, is one dead Saudi Crown Prince.
It’s nice that they’re changing, but we also pump more oil now.
The money is slightly drying up. Can they afford to keep what they have going? They need to modernize.
Now we do need sand....that could be another export for them.
I have gotten at least 5 of the Chinese robocalls. Number keeps on changing. From around the us. And if call back, I get # disconnected.
I got a real person somehow, and he asked if I spoke Chinese, I said no, and he hung up.
Caputo set up a gofundme.
What’s strange to me is why is the gop not backing the victims of this witch hunt.
Democrats seem to take care if their own.
Gargantuan corporate profit increases.
LLR Chuck and Dick Durbin hardest hit.
April 1 jobs report at 3.9%.
LLR Chuck and Maxine Waters hardest hit.
Cities are now running ads to entice job seekers to come to those cities because the labor market is so hot.
LLR Chuck and Nancy Pelosi hardest hit.
I'm developing a taxonomy of TDS journalism:
1. Articles that imply that something is true by pointing out that it might be true, or might happen in the future. Headlines or opening paragraphs with the words "may" "could" "might" etc.
2. Articles that put the opinions of the journalist author in the mouths of unidentified, often unidentifiable, people: "some have asserted," "sources say", etc.
3. Articles that suggest a knowledge of a public figure's inner thoughts by referring to words of the public figures opponents: "Democrats warned Trump not to fire Mueller."
4. Articles that present false dichotomies to support implications of unknown motivations, or predictions of preferred outcomes: "Ryan decided to retire rather than to continue as minority leader;"
I'd appreciate any suggestions about ways to add to or refine these categories.
Perhaps the Althouse blog-a-tariate could set up a GoFundMe to pay for a lifetime subscription to the NYT for LLR Chuck so that he will feel better about how "his team" is doing.
The Times is
Selling headlines
Of collusion
In her vodka drowns
Is filled with leakers
The circus is in town
Here comes
The blind special counsel
They've got him in a trance
One hand is tied
To James Clapper
The other is in his pants
And the media
Is restless
They need somewhere to go
As Guliani
And Trump look out tonight
From Trump Derangement Row
The porn star
She seems so easy
"It takes one to know one"
She smiles
And puts her hands
In her pink G-string
Gold-digger stripper style
And in comes her lawyer
He's moaning
“There’s no NDA, I Believe"
And someone says
"You're slated to be
The guest tonight
And the only sound that's left
After the CNN reporters go
Is Stormy Daniels sweeping up
On Trump Derangement Row
Now the dossier is mostly redacted
The lies are classified
The golden showers ladies
Have all taken
All their mattresses to dry
All except for James Comey
Who is trying to sell his new book
Talking about A Higher Loyalty
On every channel you look
And Robert Mueller
Is writing subpoenas
He's getting ready
For the show
He's going to lead
The carnival tonight
On Trump Derangement Row
Now Hillary
She's in Chappaqua
Wondering where the fifty points went
On her seventieth birthday
She’ll never be President
To her power
Was quite romantic
She wore an iron dress
Her ambition was her religion
Her sin was her lifelessness
And though her blames
Are fixed upon
Deplorables and Russian Hos
She now spends her time sulking
On Trump Derangement Row
Molly: "I'm developing a taxonomy of TDS journalism:
1. Articles that imply that something is true by pointing out that it might be true, or might happen in the future."
Case in point:
"My Little Pony republican" Chuck: "We have just concluded a week in which the President of the United States and his longtime personal attorney have been shown to have clearly and comprehensively lied about a subject which might give rise to charges that FEC, banking and/or tax laws were violated."
MAGA in action:
Stormy Daniels calls Roseanne an 'ignorant twat' in heated Twitter spat over her 'classiness'
"Let's say that in fact Federal campaign law was violated when the $130K payment was made to Stormy Daniels. What would the usual punishment for this be?"
-- Edwards was found not guilty of a, while not completely analogous, somewhat so, situation. Several other politicians reimbursed or returned the tainted money to no ill effect save embarrassment and loss of funds.
So, something like that.
madAsHell said, "Has anyone else started receiving rob-calls from the Bay Area, and they leave a Chinese voicemail?"
For a couple of months, I think, I've been receiving Chinese-language robocalls. Don't know where they're from, though, as I don't pay for caller id.
Gotta disagree. Can't see the outlines of this if you see it as only a D vs. R. thing. Mueller does not read like a Democrat. There's a good part of this drama that is Republican on Republican violence as Trump reshapes the party.
Paul Ryan out of politics. McConnell batting away that insane guy in West Virginia. Trump vs. Bush family. Trump vs. long time Republican political operatives - Rick Wilson/ Mike Murphy/ Steve Schmidt. Trump vs. Writers and pundits like Podhoretz & David French.
I agree. McConnell gave us the Democrat Senator in Alabama. He blocked Mo Brooks. I wonder if Brooks might run this fall. I have not heard anything about it but I am far from Alabama.
When I read about Caputo telling the panel about how your best buddies the GOPe Senate and all the Democrats--the ones you always praise as heroes for "resisting Trump"-- how your heroes destroyed his life and crushed his children just to punish him for supporting Trump;
I sent fifty bucks to his GoFundMe thing.
I just listened to Pat Buchanan's book, "Nixon White House Wars" for the second time.
Buchanan is a Trump supporter and the similarity of what the left is doing to Trump and what they did to Nixon is amazing.
Even the role of the FBI.
For a couple of months, I think, I've been receiving Chinese-language robocalls.
I'm getting them, too but they are on my California number cell phone.
ARM: "MAGA in action"
Actually, that would be anti-MAGA in action.
Logic. It's a real thing. You should look into it.
Or don't, as that could cause massive cognitive dissonance.
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, wonders why Trump spends so much time tweeting about a porn star that is a non-issue.
Meanwhile, Trump's approval rating claims.
It boggles the mind that the PURPLE ELEPHANT strategy continues to work.
Never be examined or treated by a female nurse or doctor without a witness. Period.
It's the law in some states.
> Democrats seem to take care if their own.
Yeah, they do that, and they also have the Harvard School of Government, which serves pretty much the same purpose as Sicily did for Michael Corleone.
Perhaps ARM and/or his pal LLR Chuck would like to explain why Valerie Jarrett is trying to claim credit for the economy that, according to Chuck's dem allies, was supposedly already destroyed by Trump.
I can't wait to see how Chuck's pals "square that circle" in the upcoming campaign.
Notice how nobody is asking for blackmail charges to be brought against Stormy Daniels. ARM--beloved or not--doesn't even do it when he puts on his law and order hat. The one he dons when a Republican spits on the sidewalk.
"We have just concluded a week in which the President of the United States and his longtime personal attorney have been shown to have clearly and comprehensively lied..."
"Have been shown." Chuck claims to be an attorney, but his standard of proof is, well, flexible. In this case "have been shown" is: Some other person (Giuliani) said something that sort of contradicted what Trump said, and then later walked it back. Well that seals it.
Never mind that none of this was illegal.
James K: ""Have been shown." Chuck claims to be an attorney,..."
He strikes me as much more of a paralegal type as opposed to an actual attorney.
This is the first I'd heard that Mueller was working under a secret mandate. What country is this happening in?
It is a super secret double probation mandate issue by Scooby Do.
Ask Chuck. He will confirm that is the usual practice. Nothing to see here.
Actually, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the Obamaphiles claim he's responsible for peace in the Korean Peninsula. I mean, what did he call his Korean policy, "Strategic Patience"?
If we just lead from behind, and have patience, eventually all our problems will go away. And if it happens sooner rather than later, then he's even better at his policy than anyone ever would have thought. Historic!
F'ing Jackass.
The strength of the economy is mostly a function of the optomism or lack of it by business owners and executives, as well as the general public, based to a large extent on government policy. Being all three of the above people, I can tell you that this is not the Obama economy. Obama was a big downer for us. Like dating with the hope of falling in love while knowing you have Gonorrhea. You would just rather wait until it clears up, because the chances of success at that time are not good.
The Trump election happens and the optomism instantly turns 180 degrees. Then, he actually does the tax and regulation cuts and it's off to the races. I've hired a dozen new employees in the last year and invested millions in a new plant in Las Vegas. The original intent was to get out of California, because the leftists there plus, the ones running things in D.C. made it intolerable and doomed my business with stagnant sales and rising costs.
Now, after Trump, I'm not even able to move my business. Both locations are swamped with work, and I only wish I had more capital to invest in growth. Trump has made all the difference mentally, and backed it up materially. Obama was pretty clear about his dislike for business and his need to regulate and pilfer it was widely understood. Nobody feels good about investing in growth and taking risks under that. Now, the only risk is still from Democrats: that they will succeed in killing the goose in mid-golden egg.
@Laslo, a good effort, but there’s not going to be a Nobel for Literature this year so it’s ultimately wasted.
@Meade, can you please tell us how to grow fritillaries? I have never had any luck whatsoever. C’mon, bro, we need your help. (Well I need it anyway!)
Leora: "This is the first I'd heard that Mueller was working under a secret mandate. What country is this happening in?"
The Rosenstein/Mueller corruptocrats leveraged the improper FISA Title-1 warrant (counter-intelligence only) that was used back in the campaign to illegally spy on Trump campaign personnel and then to continue spying on Trump and everyone else after Mueller was appointed (by Rosenstein).
Then, as if that isn't enough, Mueller is trying to get away with using that FISA Title-1 warrant as a substitute for an appropriate Title-3 warrant which requires appropriate probable cause...because Mueller and Rosenstein know that no real probable cause actually exists.
Worse, Mueller is attempting to leverage a counter-intelligence FISA Title-1 warrant issued to find out about collusion in 2016 to turn into a criminal investigation for actions back to 2005!
The Judge saw the obvious absurdity of all this and then heard Mueller actually make the argument that he didn't have to even show the authorization for his actions (from Rosenstein).
The Judge laughed at them because what this means is that Mueller/Rosenstein are saying explicitly that they are a 4th branch of government unto themselves and that they answer to no one and no one can question what they do.
Which is why the entire farce was structured in just this way by the very, very very close pals Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein.
All of whom are involved deeply in every Clinton scandal for the last 30 years and they have a great deal to cover up.
dating with the hope of falling in love while knowing you have Gonorrhea.
Dating with Gonorrhea. What a great name for a grunge band!!
Mueller is a "Life long republican"
Just like Comey, Fitzgerald, Walsh and Eliot Richardson. Remember jeffords? He was a "life long republican" before he turned Democrat.
Same thing with Christie and Chaffee.
How'd you like "Life Long republican" Flake instead of Mueller?
To crib from a comment on a post from Ace:
How does the left expect anyone to make a moral judgment on Trump's fitness for office, when the alternative were people who would've made the White House Chef prepare State Spirit Dinners. It was him or actual occultists who perform black magic.
Further, let's compare between the Left's celebrated rock star president Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. Both slept around. Clinton raped his women, Trump seduced them consensually.
What happened to the women involved? Bill Clinton and his wife, dream candidate Hillary, did their best to destroy them. With the complete and total assistance of the media ("Drag a dollar bill through a trailer park!")
Clinton's women are lucky to be alive in their raped state. Donald's women got... filthy rich off of it.
And I'm supposed to be having hysterics over Trump's peccadillos and vow to vote Democrat so they can ruin more women. Right Chuck? Or ARM, since Chuck apparently won't defend his peeps destroying Caputo.
1998 is calling.
It’s sex. Bubba stayed you didn’t care then, you shouldn’t care now.
Look how progressive the country has become. Isn’t that the goal?
No more uptight about sex?
It depends on what the meaning of "know" is.
Now, the only risk is still from Democrats: that they will succeed in killing the goose in mid-golden egg.
They want our crumbs back.
That’s an official plank for midterms raise taxes.
You’ll notice it’s not being mentioned much.
I actually had an idea for campaign ad. Someone is talking about all the good things that Trump’s policies have done for the country so far and they would have a caricature of Nancy Pelosi popping up behind him every now and then yelling crumbs crumbs and then the official Democrat plank they’re running on in midterms scrolled across the bottom and said.
....and I only wish I had more capital to invest in growth...
That’s how the economics of share buybacks work. Companies out of good ideas instead of investing in lousy ideas instead return captal to shareholders to be reinvested with companies with great ideas.
Nice work by Drago.
The last line "All of whom are involved deeply in every Clinton scandal for the last 30 years and they have a great deal to cover up."...
Same names, over and over...no one realizes it.
I just got a Chinese robocall. I did not understand the language. Not Cantonese.
Lots of people have been getting Chinese robocalls.
Hmmm. There is a reason for this. A purpose.
Datapoint for later connections to something.
They're talking faster and faster and louder and louder, but all they're telling us is that they've got nothing and nothing. Soon, the table-pounding:
“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell.”
— Carl Sandburg
Hmmm. There is a reason for this. A purpose.
My tin foil hat provides me with complete omniscience. They're activating the sleeper cells!!
Hmmm. There is a reason for this. A purpose.
Triggering built-in hardware/firmware in Chinese manufactured phones. Perhaps a data dump to Chinese intelligence.
The Chinese don't need no stinkin' badges or FISA warrants.
"The strength of the economy is mostly a function of the optomism or lack of it by business owners and executives"
Trump is the embodiment of prosperity and will eventually be a good luck charm.
Part of his effect is policy, part of it is anticipation of policy, or the implied protection from bad policy, and part is simply sympathy with his image on the part of the genuinely relevant people in the economy. Lots of these things are subconscious and irrational.
Budai figure
Please. No jokes about Chuck knowing all about man dates.
Or titty twisting.
I'm developing a taxonomy of TDS journalism
Don't forget the articles by some of the semi-sane journos that have to begin and end with a ritual Trump bashing so they can have a middle part approving of something that he's done.
Of course President Trump is a liar and a fool, but what his sane aides have tricked him into doing about X really isn't bad. Here's why..
From a Democrat vs. Republican perspective, "karma is a bitch, man!"
Genuinely relevant people in the economy = bagoh and his customers.
Not the editors and writers of the NYT. Or even the NYT's owners and masters, who are at best parasites on the genuine economy.
Attitude is everything.
Blogger buwaya said...
I just got a Chinese robocall. I did not understand the language. Not Cantonese.
Lots of people have been getting Chinese robocalls.
I got one, too. I wonder if they are all to California area codes ?
I did not understand the language. Not Cantonese.
Interestingly, the iPhone voice-to-text transcription could not recognize the language either.
I'm trying to imagine the headline CNN would use to signal this language disparity as racism.
The Rain in Spain is mainly in the plain.
Now, are you not bored?
Michael K: I got one, too. I wonder if they are all to California area codes ?
Nope, all over the place.
I'm developing a taxonomy of TDS journalism
There is a type of article about anything but politics, but will throw in an aside like "in this dark night of rising authoritarianism". Nudge nudge, wink wink.
I wonder if they are all to California area codes ?
Mine have all shown as Bay Area area codes. Which means exactly nothing in this day of VOIP, but may indicate some passing association with the Bay Area.
John Henry said...
I've been a nuclear fan since the 1960s Bring it!!!
What are your thoughts on Thorium Reactors? I would much rather have portable Thorium-based reactors than a Uranium one...
Wait, a Deputy Solicitor General of the United States is assisting Mueller argue the Manafort case in Virginia? Seriously? The Solicitor General is subordinate to the President and the AG. What in the bloody hell is wrong with Sessions?
Obama, Lynch and Holder may be gone, but they are apparently still running the DOJ. Regardless of the fallout, Trump should boot Sessions and Rosenstein before they destroy his Presidency.
“Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.” Lavrentiy Beria, NKVD, USSR, circa 1938; Rob’t Mueller, DNC Gestapo, 2018.
Meanwhile, John Kerry is working back door with Iranian mad mullahs in contravention of US policy.
But don't expect to hear anything negative about from any self-labeled "lifelong republicans".
You mean John Kerry is violating the Logan Act?
I wonder if they are all to California area codes ?
Mine have all shown as Bay Area area codes.
I mean who is receiving these calls. The numbers are spoofed, I'm sure.
I still have my 949 area code on my cell phone. Lots of people don't change those numbers.
I'll bet Kerry, like Huma, Susan Rice, Cheryl Mills, Ben Rhodes, Valarie Jarret, et. al., still have all of their security clearances while while many Trumpers were never issued one, and were forced out of the White House.
I was under the impression Ben Rhodes never got a security clearance.
You and I may be the only 2 here that know who Paul Erdman is. None of his books are available for Kindle. Few are available in print, other than used.
I think I've read everything he has written, multiple times. A year or two ago I bought used copies of Crash of 79 and Panic of 89 and read them. That guy was really prescient.
I really liked his book The Silver Bears which was semi-autobiographical and made into a movie with Michael Caine and Maggie Smith. I saw it on TV years ago and have been looking for a copy ever since.
Erdman was a Swiss banker/economist for a while and got royally screwed by the Swiss including some jail time. That explains the negative attitude to the Swiss.
Helluva writer. If you are ever in PR look me up and we'll have a cup of coffee or something.
John Henry
I was under the impression Ben Rhodes never got a security clearance.
"An email from late October 2008 appears to show the FBI denied an interim security clearance for Ben Rhodes during the Obama administration transition period, prior to the 2009 inauguration. Rhodes now serves as the White House Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and has played a key role advising President Obama on national security matters, including the Iran nuclear agreement."
Initially denied by the FBI on an interim basis, The Chief Executive has the final word on classification. Obama over-rode the FBI, and Rhodes eventually became the chief negotiator in the Iran nuclear payoff.
No one says I'm bored! like Iggy Pop.
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