More detail here, including what appears to be the identification of the protesters, which I won't copy, because I feel so embarrassed for them and hope they can find a way to stop being obnoxious and start making sense. Notice that they're at their best when they create an atmosphere of unreason. When some people try to reason with them and invite them into a middle position of engaging in debate — which really isn't fair to the speaker — they look baffled and — like so many law students in so many law school classrooms throughout the ages — woefully unprepared.
The main protester is wearing a jacket that says "STAY WOKE" on the back, and she keeps looking at what may be her mobile phone, perhaps to get the words for shouting at the other protesters to shout back (that is, to "mic check"). The other protesters are backed up against the wall about as far as they can get from the formidable figure of Christina Hoff Sommers:
Campus safety asked @CHSommers if it was true that she came armed with a gun for security purposes. Christina’s response? “My Malti-pooh Izzy is my security but she’s not here.”
— Andy C. Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) March 5, 2018
१७३ टिप्पण्या:
These are future lawyers?
This morning's posts are a lineup of the crazy.
If they are not law students, then they need to be charged for trespass, disturbing the peace, and violation of civil rights (and conspiracy thereto).
If they are law students, they need to be expelled and forever disqualified on ethics grounds from ever having a law license. And if there are any lawyers among them, they should be disbarred.
Back in the old days that I still remember, a university would have a so-called "Dean of Students". After a situation like this, the Dean would call each of these students into his office one by one for a talk. At the end of the talk, the Dean would issue a warning and a disciplinary measure to the student.
Eventually the Dean would expel any such student who remained recalcitrant.
I have been away from the university scene for decades, but it's my understanding that there still is an official who is titled "Dean of Students". Now, however, the Dean's main role is to think up ways to prevent someone like Christina Hoff Sommer from speaking publicly at the university. For example, the Dean of Students is the official who would impose a $5,000 security deposit on the campus organization that invited Hoff Sommer to speak.
Whatever issue the protester was protesting was manifestly not the issue that afflicted the protester's life.
The dean's role was riot control and fundraising in the 60s.
Ann should start a private tutor service for embarrassed (wealthy) parents. Stumped on how to word the advertisement. It'll need an insect snare.
To be fair, Christina Hoff Sommer's currency depends on these mindless protestors that she can speak out against.
"Are you parroting me?"
"Parroting me!"
This is how you get more Trump. The Left still has not figured this out.
The following video was uploaded onto YouTube yesterday
ANTIFA Mob Attacks Yaron Brook & Sargon of Akkad With Smoke Bombs & Then Get A Beatdown
The video shows an Antifa group disrupting a panel discussion at London College.
One difference between the London disrupters and the Lewis-and-Clark disrupters is that the London disrupters hide their faces, whereas the L&C disrupters do not hide their faces. I suppose the L&C disrupters do not fear any disciplinary measures from their university's administration for disrupting the talk of an invited professor.
In the London case, many of the students get up out of their chairs and confront the disrupters. Amazingly, even one faculty member does so too. Eventually the Antifa disrupters are compelled to leave, and the audience cheers.
In the L&C case, the students -- and, of course, any faculty members present -- all sit passively through the disruption of the talk they had come to hear.
Hey! Hey! This is library!
There identities absolutely should be made public. They are adults, they chose to do this.
Just watched a bit from the start - can't really stomach more Red-Guard-Retard stylings than that.
I'm betting that obesity and Red Guard-osity (and predilection for SJW monkeyshines in general) have a strong positive correlation.
Tempted to have some XXXL t-shirts printed with "Failed By My Elders in Every Way" run up and sent out to these pathetic kids.
Progress: Being big fat bullies free to abuse anyone at any time is now an occupation open to females too. In fact the females advantage is that they walk in to a situation with the culture's rules rigged for them: "Never be rude to a woman and never hit a woman" is their best weapon of choice.
Why do these protesters seem to be so predictably fat and unattractive?
never hit a woman
You're allowed to taser a woman.
I heard the Dean of Diversity had to step in and tell Christine to wrap it up. I am serious.
Mike Sylwester said...
ANTIFA Mob Attacks Yaron Brook & Sargon of Akkad With Smoke Bombs & Then Get A Beatdown
Since they shut down The Gorilla Channel I've been looking elsewhere for video violence, and I was disappointed to not find a "beatdown" in that video. The fun starts at about 13:20, someone grabs a bullhorn, then a few seconds of pushing, then some milling around, then at about 16:00 the assholes just wander off. J'accuse: click-bait headline.
Brilliant and witty skewering of modern culture here. Among the best digs is: Leading universities have turned themselves into hybrids of Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood and Mao’s Red Guards.
These protesters must be proud of what they’ve done - so it is only fair that their names and photographs should be posted online where potential employers can see them. Forever.
Meanwhile, across the river:
Oregon college students who staged sit-ins to protest a required course on Western Civilization appear to have gotten their way, as faculty at Portland-based Reed College consented to overhaul the humanities curriculum to include more regionally diverse texts.
In a Jan. 31 email, professor Libby Drumm, who chairs the yearlong Humanities 110 course, said the new curriculum will adopt a “four-module structure” to include thinkers from the Americas in addition to those from Athens and Rome.
“In fall 2018 we will begin to implement the new syllabus with two modules, one that includes the study of classical Athens and the other the study of existing course content,” Ms. Drumm said in the email, first reported by The College Fix. “In spring 2019 two new modules will be implemented, both focused in the Americas and consisting entirely of new materials and lectures.”
The President, John Kroger, announced his departure last month.
The liberal establish is not embarrassed by its goons. The MSM will edit the videos and make them look good.
Notice that they're at their best when they create an atmosphere of unreason.
I thought you were in favor of that? You know the whole "emotion is a part of reason" and "feelings are as important as truth" thing.
Fern: ...and I was disappointed to not find a "beatdown" in that video.
I admit that I, too, was disappointed on that score.
I am all for lame, imbecilic displays of this nature. Eventually the children will get rewoke and realize how lame and imbecilic they were. Unfortunately they'll be 200K in debt and working at Dairy Queen.
"The National Lawyers Guild is dedicated to the need for basic and progressive change in the structure of our political and economic system."
The Pacific Northwest has many of these left-leaning pseudo- schools, (Reed, Evergreen, Lewis & Clark) that have been credentialing leftists since the 60s. The SJW activism is just a way to distract the students from the fact that their non-voidable student loans are funding a scam and they are the first order victims.
Peace Justices and Municipal Court Judges in 2025. District Judges in 2035. Federal Judges in 2040 ...
I'm sure these protesters would be lionized by the press for exercising their "free speech" rights. Contrast this with the treatment that Florida teacher Dayanna Voltich is getting for allegedly hosting a white nationalist podcast in her off time. She's drawn the full glare of the media Eye of Sauron. No "free speech" rights for her, nosirree. No, her speech is "hate speech," and we can't have that. Never mind that if a member of an ethnic minority made the exact same sort of claims in favor of their group, they would be praised for standing up against white supremacy.
Their chanting is so listless, and they sing like they've heard the song once or twice, but never really learned it. 3/10
Althouse, you were certainly correct yesterday when you said that university students get ripped off when they go for quality education, are subjected to abuse that makes that impossible, but sexual harassment by males is hardly the bulk of that abuse, nor the main cause of the fraud being sold to students and their parents. There are plenty of abusers of many stripes, and and they are tolerated. It seems that abuse is the only thing that is tolerated on campus these days, especially radical unhinged victim-hood, and blatant shut down of free speech and open discourse.
Jeez Louise, they can't even brownshirt right.
These are future lawyers? Yikes!
Lawyers love to present themselves as bulwarks against tyranny and oppression and guardians of individual freedom. There probably has never been a lawyers' convention that didn't include some self-congratulatory ode to their righteous struggles on behalf of the little guy. They prefer not to remember that lawyers were also an important component and support base of just about murderous tyranny in history. So too were academics.
Slow. No Wake.
You would think it would give the Young Impassioned Revolutionaries pause that their cause is not just permitted but even tacitly encouraged by the authorities of their school, the police, etc.
What's the point of being a Young Impassioned Revolutionary if the old folk agree with you?
Kids: you can buy your Che shirt from Amazon* now. Bezos will take your money.
Hell, I'll buy you a Che shirt and give it to you for free. Because I would find that funny.
You know what's Woke? When your parents decide they don't need to pay your tuition for this shit.
*Woke slogans on shirts available on Amazon:
Stay Woke (multiple graphic designs)
I Heart Naps But I stay Woke
Woke AF
Black & Woke
Raised Woke
Woke (Coca-Cola logo style)
Kids: you're supposed to Sell Out to the Man AFTER you get older and get a Real Job.
Another Amazon 'Woke' shirt:
Went to Bed Drunk, Woke Up Drunk
THAT is a Woke I expect from college students.
Perhaps another shirt: I Paid 100 Grand For College and All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt.
That would be pretty Woke.
The Germans have a word for this.
Someday they will look back at this video and realize this was where they went off the rails and missed the route to success in life. While they were acting like foolish children, the bills were racking up. Don't they realize that the local playground is free.
And let me be clear: I don't agree with Ms. Voltich's positions, but I believe that when it becomes impossible to hold unpopular positions because of the risk of being fired from your job for holding them, then we've gone a long way toward giving up any fiction of free speech in our society. At that point, we would soon reach the state that George Orwell described in 1984, where it would be impossible to even think unorthodox thoughts because the very words had been deleted from the Newspeak vocabulary.
I've read one of Sommers' books, and it was OK, although the topic was kinda foolish... the great search for the pure feminism that will finally bring salvation to America's poor suffering females. Althouse's favorite topic.
The richest, most powerful group of people in human history can't stop bitching. Our dads were right. Women will bitch. Nothing will fix that.
What an odd role to play in life, and what a strange way to spend one's days... going around to campuses to be screamed at by fat idiot kids.
This is your life Christina!
It should be made public. And sent to their families and tied to them forever.
Kindergarten students probably have more sense. I should hope that, by watching this video, these nitwits will realize how silly they sound. Instead, they will probably feel 'empowered'. Sad.
"tcrosse said...
Slow. No Wake."
Haha! Nice.
Christina Hoff Sommer looks like Bud Fox's real estate agent in Wall Street.
I was fortunate to meet with Christina Hoff-Sommer in a small venue shortly after she had published her book, "The War Against Boys". It was a room full of teachers, some who agreed with her and some who did not. It was a lively discussion with both passion and politeness on both sides of the argument. Christina herself is bright, funny, and very engaging. She listens as much as she talks. These students missed out on a great opportunity. Pity.
Apparently Trump hatred is driving some revival of interest in law schools where applications were down 20% before he was elected.
Someone should protest that coat.
Do you think even one of these "protesters" has read all the way through even one of Sommers' books? Let alone made the effort to create actual arguments (evidence + logic) to refute the book's content?
They appear to be "informed" via social media: if all my friends say Sommers "fascist" then it must be so, perhaps. What more evidence could anyone want or need?
One would think schools that claim to offer "higher education" would at least discourage these displays of unreason and emotion-driven mob action, if only to protect their reputations as places that privilege reasoned argument over mob-rule shoutdowns.
When speech (other than that which contains credible threats of violence) is characterized as "an act of aggression and violence" then it becomes legitimate to shut down that speech by any means necessary. Including (of course) one's own actual, physical aggression and violence.
Have these schools no leadership? Do they not see (or care) what they are becoming?
Now that I have listened carefully to their surprisingly well-reasoned arguments, I have completely changed my mind about feminism and male-female relationships. This is such an impressively effective way to convince others to embrace your way of thinking, I'm surprised it is not used more widely.
We think.
We think.
For ourselves.
For ourselves.
And you don't.
You Don't.
The Germans...said:
You know what's Woke? When your parents decide they don't need to pay your tuition for this shit.
More likely they carry a debt load as onerous as their excess avoirdupois. It will blight their lives financially, and along with the obesity that is damaging their health, will seriously erode any chance for a decent quality of life.
They may eventually intuit that they have been severely fucked over by the people who were supposed to raising and educating them, even if they were never given the mental and emotional training to be able to identify and articulate those responsible for their misery, rage, and uselessness. Not that I'd feel any sympathy for the university administrator class if they do figure it all out, and decide to really act out.
I see a bunch of people who probably won't pass the Bar Exam on first try...or second. Maybe on the third...or not.
The answer to these worthless cunts trying to shut down free speech is violence.
Targeted, overwhelming, violence.
There is little interest or ability to engage in productive debate even in better schools than Lewis&Clark.
It is a common "safety" school for applicants targeting the better UC's for undergrad.
And L&C does this explicitly, offering tuition discounts to approach UC fees.
This obsession with the semi-literate use of woke reminds me of this.
Fascism is as fascists do.
Now is the winter of our discontent, with Christina Hoff-Sommer and this ton of pork.
"Apparently Trump hatred is driving some revival of interest in law schools where applications were down 20% before he was elected."
Not sure if there is a causal relationship there, or if the problem was more supply and demand. As kids continued to graduate from college as the Obama Recession stretched out, a number chose to go to grad school in the mean time to better qualify themselves when the Recession finally ended. Something to honorably kill time with. Not like my ski bum days right after college and before grad school. The two types of grad schools that could ramp up supply the easiest and fastest (law and business) seem to have been the ones that graduated too many. There were consequential gluts in both supplies of graduates (JDs and MBAs), which meant a lot of people getting very expensive graduate degrees that they couldn't use. When the news of the lack of jobs for these very expensive graduate degrees filtered back to those oreparing for graduation, the demand crashed. After all, who wants to drop hundreds of thousands of dollars for such a degree, and then end up waiting tables? Sure, some of the increase in demand is probably due to the Trumpian Economic Boom, but some probably also because of the natural market correction.
"Sure, some of the increase in demand is probably due to the Trumpian Economic Boom...."
What "boom" is that?
The worst are full of passionate intensity. Aren't they.
What "boom" is that?
Paul Krugman's face hitting his desk.
When did it become so cool for leftists to end political discourse by disrupting events? Really, if a squad of former Marines entered such an event, and administered a savage beating to the disrupters, I would cheer. Appeals to reason only work with people who are capable of reason. You cannot colloborate or compromise with those who are unwilling to collaborate or compromise. As the left is presently unwilling to do so, we are left with the conflict management strategies of competition (Marines beating the shit of out of them), avoidance (as most Americans do), or accomodation (as university administrators do). As for my part, I am ready to see some ass-beatings. Apparently a reminder is needed as to why dialogue is better than war.
John Henry
The visible "boom" parts so far are personal consumption, consumer confidence, and gross private domestic investment, which has resumed a high rate of growth after stalling out in 2015-16.
Other bits are either lagging, such as labor force oarticipation and employment rates, or will take some time to calculate such as median incomes.
Comrade Cookie: "What "boom" is that?"
The boom of lower unemployment, increasing wages, bonuses, massive capital investment, repatriation of US funds from overseas, manufacturing up, the Fed so worried about inflationary effects of rapid growth that we are now witnessing repeated increases in the Interest rate ....that sort of thing.
You can back to lighting candles in your Maduro shrine now....assuming you are not in Venezuela where candles, along with literally everything else, is either in short supply or, let's face it, simply unobtainable.
Another Cookie Success Story!! Leading to, eventually, as it must, a different kind of "boom" story.....
Oso Negro: "When did it become so cool for leftists to end political discourse by disrupting events?"
Oh, it started around the late 1700's and continued all the way up thru today.
What "boom" is that?
[tcrosse:] Paul Krugman's face hitting his desk.
These retarded nitwits, er, collegiate protestors, make your average West Texan truck driver look like a Rhodes Scholar.
"The boom of lower unemployment, increasing wages, bonuses, massive capital investment, repatriation of US funds from overseas, manufacturing up, the Fed so worried about inflationary effects of rapid growth that we are now witnessing repeated increases in the Interest rate ....that sort of thing."
Repeating Trump PR doesn't constitute evidence of a boom. I don't believe the unemployment stats, and haven't over several administrations. When you claim that unemployment is going down only because plenty of people have given up hope and stopped actively seeking work, that's not employment growth. As to the jobs people are finding...are they career-track jobs with good pay, good benefits, etc.? Or are they service jobs, (retail, fast-food, etc.), temp jobs, part-time jobs, second- or third-job, "independent contractor jobs," and so on? What increasing wages are we seeing? Bonuses? Who gets those? Only is certain fields. I've been employed steadily for decades, and I've never received a bonus.
I'm not saying there aren't fitful signs of positive economic activity, but what data support an "economic boom?"
If they're students, they should be arrested and then expelled. If they're not students, arrested, tried and jailed.
Campus safety asked @CHSommers if it was true that she came armed with a gun for security purposes.
Were they hoping for a chance to to pat her down or maybe even strip search her?
I don't believe the unemployment stats, and haven't over several administrations. When you claim that unemployment is going down only because plenty of people have given up hope and stopped actively seeking work, that's not employment growth.
Cookie, who has studied Marxist economic theory, knows that economic booms only occur in Socialist countries like The Soviet Union and Venezuela.
You are perfectly correct re the unemployment rate.
Wait for the BLS figures on labor force and employment rates.
They are much less elastic and take longer to adjust, if they do.
"incredibly lame" Yes. But the left fights. They raise the cost of staging events, they intimidate students, they distract spineless administrators, and they stigmatize anyone not on their plantation. Sure, people like Hoff Summers and a few brave student groups fight back, but large groups of students and faculty appear to be cowering, unwilling to pay the price of standing up to the thugs.
some of the increase in demand is probably due to the Trumpian Economic Boom, but some probably also because of the natural market correction.
That may well explain it but the automation of law writing is going to cut the market for associates and lesser members of the profession.
A lot of these law students seem to be Marxist which is contradictory if an economic boom is stimulating them.
Is there any evidence on any college campus in the entire United States, that the opposite has happened? Such as Noam Chomsky or Jesse Jackson or Angela Davis giving a talk about some liberal idea, and College Republicans came, disrupted, and prevented the speaker from speaking, under the guise of their 1st Amendment right to protest?
The Left needs to start paying a price for this. Not violence, but expulsion by a Dean who has some balls and principles.
"Is there any evidence on any college campus in the entire United States, that the opposite has happened? Such as Noam Chomsky or Jesse Jackson or Angela Davis giving a talk about some liberal idea, and College Republicans came, disrupted, and prevented the speaker from speaking, under the guise of their 1st Amendment right to protest?"
Well, there's this.
More detail here, including what appears to be the identification of the protesters, which I won't copy, because I feel so embarrassed for them and hope they can find a way to stop being obnoxious and start making sense.
A terribly unthinking comment, Althouse. This will not change until the perpetrators are punished, and severely.
Rockford College.
Jane Adams would be embarrassed.
2003, Robert Cook? Really?
@Sebastian, +1
I think Char Char Binks is trying to prove that the Germans really do have a word for it.
The Rockford story is from 2003, at the height of the Iraq War.
If that is the last time a leftist was booed off the stage, them it seems like the Left really does control the debate on college campuses.
You need a better source for talking points.
Ritmo would not like the fluffy lady.
This sort of woman is one of his problem areas.
Oddly, or maybe not so, I am quite good at dealing with fluffy lady, or the type anyway.
They are much less troublesome alone, in person.
They may even be reasonable.
Not my type, but manageable.
What you should avoid is this type in packs.
"That may well explain it but the automation of law writing is going to cut the market for associates and lesser members of the profession."
So they can automate the law writing, but what about the reading of all those documents, and while we're on it, I wonder what percentage of those pages ever get read anyway. Can't we just have a single computer write the documents and then read them to itself, check a few boxes, send off an email to whoever stating said document have been filed and accepted, and get to some useful work with those minds currently wasted on this mental masturbation?
A little different. That's a graduation ceremony. You have a Leftist speaker trying to hijack it, with the insertion of his politics.
If Hedges came to campus for a talk, and a buncha right-wingers came to his talk to shut it down, you'd be right.
Your response pretty much answers my question,NO, and hence, proves my point.
On College Campuses, the greatest threat from totalitarians who shut down speech comes from your buddies on the Left.
@FullMoon, +1
Really, after Parkland why is anyone waiting for someone to show up from the government to fix things? (Even if we are talking Marines.) The government is good at collecting taxes and getting social security checks out on time. Not much else.
Is disrupting a private event protected free speech? It should be trespassing, and/or disorderly conduct that is punished with expulsion if needed in order to PROTECT FREE SPEECH, unless we don't really value it?.
More detail here, including what appears to be the identification of the protesters, which I won't copy, because I feel so embarrassed for them and hope they can find a way to stop being obnoxious and start making sense.
Anne, let me say with the most polite of intentions: "'F that".
They can deal with their embarrassment while serving fries at the local Dogs 'n Suds. For now, they should be identified, ridiculed and expelled.
So they can automate the law writing, but what about the reading of all those documents, and while we're on it, I wonder what percentage of those pages ever get read anyway.
Maybe this is pertinent to the issue,
AI is now reading legal documents.
If thy are written on word processors, scanning for terms should be possible.
Law firms would collect gigabytes of data, put it into a review platform, and then ask lawyers to run search terms. With time, the algorithms became more popular and more sophisticated.
Humans still set the parameters. But computers whittle down those millions of documents.
"Gone are the days when you would staff 50 to 75 first- and second-year associates to a document review. That just does not happen anymore," Kirk says.
Blogger Johnathan Birks said.
Unfortunately they'll be 200K in debt and working at Dairy Queen.
Well..some of them will use shit like this for cred as they worm their way into non-profits, Dem pol staff, NGOs etc
Christina Hoff Sommer looks like Bud Fox's real estate agent in Wall Street.
Nice catch! Had to go deep for that one...
Democrats in Virginia's legislature walked out of this speech by the Republican who is challenging Tim Kaine this fall for the Senate.
The apple does not fall far from the tree.
known fascist
Rest assured, from someone who has been reading up on the history & doctrine of both Italian Fascism & German National Socialism, that not a one of these antifa clowns has the vaguest notion of what Fascism really was or is.
It is vitally important to the revisionist history of the Left, especially the far Left, that the true nature of Fascism be obscured. Historians, many of them "honest" men of the Left, have labored mightily since the late 80s to correct the historical record.
A tag for dogs but not cougars?
The video would be more entertaining if "Izzy" was there in full Malti-poo attack mode.
(or lifting a leg on the cardboard sign)
National Lawyers Guild was a Communist Party front. I guess that hasn't changed.
There's your future Red Guards of America, if they ever get the power.
I believe he prefers to write his name as "McCheck."
@Big Mike
"The government is good at collecting taxes and getting social security checks out on time. Not much else."
Air Traffic Control is amazing.
These kids are dumb and should face sanctions from the school. Are they in the non-refundable period of the semester for tuition?
Also, I was secretly a fan of the Bangles and this is a shameful way to treat a talented artist.
This is plainly harassment, is it not?
There is a phrase with which these young people should become familiar: "Do you want fries with that?" Lewis & Clark admits practically anybody and has a woefully low post-graduation employment rate and bar passage rate.
"Eventually the children will get rewoke and realize how lame and imbecilic they were. Unfortunately they'll be 200K in debt and working at Dairy Queen."
Not likely. They will be staffers in the Kamala Harris administration, and paid well to run your lives for you.
..."like so many law students in so many law school classrooms throughout the ages — woefully unprepared."
Hey, Hey! Ho, Ho! Pennoyer v Neff has got to go! Doubt that would've worked as a cover for unprepared in Civ. Proc. in 1970 University of Texas Law School. But today?
Would L&C be better with more Sacajewea?
That isn't supposed to be anti-Semitic. The only lawyer left in my family is Jewish and recently featured positively in Powerline.
@Triangle Man, if you knew what I know about the FAA you’d never fly again.
This is all woefully woeful.
Blogger Oso Negro said... Really, if a squad of former Marines entered such an event, and administered a savage beating to the disrupters, I would cheer. ... As for my part, I am ready to see some ass-beatings. Apparently a reminder is needed as to why dialogue is better than war.
Only a wannabe like you thinks a squad of Marines would want to savagely beat women.
Way to Let your Cuck Flag Fly! You Go, Grrrrrrrrrrrrl Tell us again how brave your Dad and Son are as if that has anything to do with you. Lol
Christina is going for that Edith Prickley look.
"A little different. That's a graduation ceremony. You have a Leftist speaker trying to hijack it, with the insertion of his politics."
Trying to "hijack" the graduation ceremony? How is that possible? He was invited to speak. Presumably, those who invited him were familiar with his reporting and writing and knew (or should have known) he would not give yet another anodyne pep talk to the young adults about to go into the world. As far as Hedges was presumably concerned, he was providing what he had been invited to provide: his views based on his experiences as a war reporter.
Today's leftists? Totalitarian to the core.
It will not end well for them.
You ain't seen nothing yet. When Trump's and the GOP's obscene tax cuts for the rich take full effect, with the consequent destruction of the middle class, and their minimal hopes and dreams, protests will become increasingly violent. Revolt is appropriate in this new age of authoritarian control of our lives. This boisterous classroom tiff over the rights of the disenfranchised was very benign, and insignificant. The infiltrating malignancy that assaults our basic human and animal rights is the chokehold of the rich and powerful vested interests, and corporate control of out lives in a fascistic police state. That aging glamour girl speaker was totally out of line for not turning over the podium to the protesters. They needed to vent their anger over the Trump Administration's corruption and the legal profession's complicity and own crimes against humanity. A law school classroom was a reasonable, and symbolic place for this minor disruption to take place. Christina Sommers chose to speak to students at a law school for a reason- you tell me - so she deserved the warm reception that she got.
Where the Left reigns, Silicon Valley, Academia, and Hollywood -- they trash the First Amendment.
It's always easy to protect speech you support, but the real test of maturity (and citizenship) is defending the right to speak of someone you don't like. I've done it (hell, back in college in the early 90s).
Modern Liberals fail the test each time. Look at ARM and Ritmo always going into outrage when someone non-leftist speaks and is attack. ARM and Ritmo give the pro-rape response: They were dressed wrong (i.e. Doubleplusungood ideas)
That's why protection of the second Amendment is louder now.
Embarrassing? That's for sure.
I take some solace from the much larger group of students in the classroom who showed patience and willingness to listen. When this group gets Woke, and insists that a small minority not be permitted to disrupt their educational opportunities, we will actually have something.
"That aging glamour girl speaker was totally out of line for not turning over the podium to the protesters."
Yikes..hear Trumpit roooaarrr.
Triangle Man said...Also, I was secretly a fan of the Bangles and this is a shameful way to treat a talented artist.
March 5th 2018: Just another manic Monday..
@Big Mike
I didn't mean to imply the whole FAA is great, but there's no denying that we have some excellent ATC. Also not to imply there isn't room for improvement.
protests will become increasingly violent.
Make your best move.
Bay Area Guy, you have been put in your place. Cook found an example from 15 years ago, so shut up. All the whingeing about lefties being censorious has been negated - there is an example from 15 years ago that absolutely destroys your argument. You may think there are campuses where leftists shout down "others" with impunity, but you are wrong, wrong, wrong. Cook has found an example from 15 years ago that shows clearly that the problem lies on the right. The fascism started on the right, 15 years ago, and has continued unabated since.
Tom said:
The richest, most powerful group of people in human history can't stop bitching. Our dads were right. Women will bitch. Nothing will fix that.
Unless you are terminally lazy, you bitch about things that you are powerless to affect yourself. I don't think women in general are lazy, therefore I disagree about the power of women. May be rich, but not powerful.
"protests will become increasingly violent.
Make your best move."
Your guns won't protect you from the coming revolution. You will die from cancer from contaminated water, and food, so your firearms are useless. Trump has gutted the EPA and turned it over to monsters. His administration will poison his own followers for corporate profits.
I disagree with Althouse--these people are adults and need to pay a price for what they did. That is a matter of simple justice, but also utilitarian in that punishing the perps is apparently the only way that sane people can take control of campuses so that free speech and actual education, as opposed to propaganda, can again take place.
I suggest a one-semester suspension as a suitable punishment plus cooling-off period. Second offense equals expulsion.
, and corporate control of out lives in a fascistic police state.
And speaking of folks who have absolutely no idea of what Fascism is, right on cue arrives Trumpit.
I saw this last night and felt the same kind of embarrassment for them that Althouse feels. They were so terrible that I actually wondered if Christina Hoff Sommers paid them to make herself look better. I just don't understand how anyone could be so lame.
The "Summer of Resistance" wants its revolution-speak back.
The essence of due process is an opportunity to be heard. If these punks are going to deny that, then they have no business being either in law school or in being members of the bar.
Trumpit: "You ain't seen nothing yet. When Trump's and the GOP's obscene tax cuts for the rich take full effect, with the consequent destruction of the middle class...."
I see Trumpit has pivoted to The Tax Cuts Are Literally Going To Kill You!!eleventy!11!
Version 4 talking points.
Congrats and good luck with that.
Version 1: Tax Cuts are literally going to kill us all!!
Version 2: Tax Cuts are ONLY for the rich!!
Version 3: Okay, okay, 80 to 90% of workers get tax cuts, BUT it's ONLY crumbs!!!
Version 4: Okay, okay, thousands of dollars of wage increases and bonuses is not just crumbs, but the full effect of the tax cuts hasn't taken effect yet, and when it does it will Literally Kill Us All!!!
Twumpit fwows a tantwum.
@ Paddy
I like the coat. Makes her look like Cruella DeVille. Play to the typecasting.
Version 5 of the Tax Cuts talking point -
"What tax cuts? Never heard of them."
'Pembesar Penis is persistent.
"Hey! Hey! This is library!"
Nice reference, rahajm, to one of the great heroes of our time.
buwaya: "Version 5 of the Tax Cuts talking point - 'What tax cuts? Never heard of them.'"
Version 6 would be something like: "And if there were tax cuts, there shouldn't be! All your money belongs to us, anyway!" (Translated from the New Tory.)
"The fascism started on the right, 15 years ago, and has continued unabated since."
Actually, it started on the right in Europe three quarters of a century ago, (claims otherwise by right-wing revisionists notwithstanding).
They are woke and drowsy, with no chance of discernment.
Jim at and Trumpit suffer from the same mental illness
Liberalism is divergent. Progressivism is monotonic. Marxism, communism, socialism. fascism, and other minority ideologies are, in principle, a consolidation of capital and control, with a measure of redistributive change. Conservatism... well, principles matter.
Triangle Man,
ATC is indeed amazing--but, as our wacky neighbors to the north have demonstrated, there's no inherent reason it has to be a direct government function.
Big Mike,
Please, please: say what you know!
I say this as someone who was one or two flights ahead of this career-ending landing for one particular airframe. The link here cites conflicting casualty reports from various sources, but as best I can determine there were no serious injuries; a few folks were treated for injuries sustained when evacuating the aircraft.
CHS and Camille Paglia are and have always been both smart and foxy ladies.
Those junior buffoonier students don't hold a candle to either of them -- and they're too mopishly dumb to know enough to keep their pie-holes shut and learn something.
Actually, it started on the right in Europe three quarters of a century ago, (claims otherwise by right-wing revisionists notwithstanding).
Mussolini was editor of a Socialist newspaper.
Benito Mussolini's father, Alessandro Mussolini, was a blacksmith and a socialist,[15] while his mother, Rosa (née Maltoni), was a devout Catholic schoolteacher.[16] Owing to his father's political leanings, Mussolini was named Benito after Mexican leftist president Benito Juárez, while his middle names Andrea and Amilcare were from Italian socialists Andrea Costa and Amilcare Cipriani. Benito was the eldest of his parents' three children. His siblings Arnaldo and Edvige followed.
Mussolini became active in the Italian socialist movement in Switzerland, working for the paper L'Avvenire del Lavoratore, organizing meetings, giving speeches to workers, and serving as secretary of the Italian workers' union in Lausanne.[23] Angelica Balabanov reportedly introduced him to Vladimir Lenin; Lenin later criticized Italian socialists for having lost Mussolini from their cause.
In February 1909,[30] Mussolini once again left Italy, this time to take the job as the secretary of the labor party in the Italian-speaking city of Trento, which at the time was part of Austria-Hungary. He also did office work for the local Socialist Party, and edited its newspaper L'Avvenire del Lavoratore (The Future of the Worker). Returning to Italy, he spent a brief time in Milan, and then in 1910 he returned to his hometown of Forlì, where he edited the weekly Lotta di classe (The Class Struggle).
Mussolini thought of himself as an intellectual and was considered to be well-read. He read avidly, his favorites in European philosophy included Sorel, the Italian Futurist Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, French Socialist Gustave Hervé, Italian anarchist Errico Malatesta and German philosophers Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx, the founders of Marxism.[31][32] Mussolini had taught himself French and German and translated excerpts from Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and Kant.
During this time, he published Il Trentino veduto da un Socialista (Trentino as seen by a Socialist) in the radical periodical La Voce.
He was actually quite popular in the US with the usual suspects and was in a movie with Lionel Barrymore in the 1930s.
His mistake was get involved with Hitler or he would have died in bed as a Socialist hero.
You're welcome.
Jim at and Trumpit suffer from the same mental illness
Nope. I find threats by the left amusing.
It is a shame that violent protest and hecklers' vetoes are hip and woke.
To be fair, Mussolini did desert the Socialists (most of which later became the Italian Communists) and grafted on nationalism in WWI, as did, also to be fair, many other socialists. He joined an already extremist nationalist movement (a fanatically anticlerical one, note) that had been active since Guiseppe Garibaldi's day (and Garibaldi was another early socialist icon, of the Paris Commune). The intertwinings of all this are extremely complex.
Mussolini was a rare case, one who had the ability to define his own instance of a "third way" ideology based on an intimate understanding of the political ideas of the day. An impressive man, in spite of his flaws.
Third way ideologies were all the rage at the time. A lot of "nice" people were third-way-ists. Mussolini just added a touch of that mad Italian nationalism (see D'Annunzio for a bit of the wackiness in this) and more than a bit of Lenin, etc.
A lot of "socialist" and "communist" governments of the post-colonial third world would mix in a mountain of nationalism, even ethno-racial supremacism, with their socialism. From the 1950's-90's it was almost universal, to one degree or another.
Mussolini was a very influential man.
Just for example, more respectable third-way-ists included Chesterton and Belloc who floated a Catholic-themed "Distributism".
There was much more of that around at the time. A deep dive would be instructive.
Comrade Cookie: "Actually, it started on the right in Europe three quarters of a century ago, (claims otherwise by right-wing revisionists notwithstanding)"
D'Annunzio - The Italians have form in the field of the politically strange.
The elections the other day are no fluke.
D'Annunzios Poetic Regime
D'Annunzio's constitution
In the Italian province of Carnaro, music is a social and religious institution.
I envision H.R. databases teeming with photos, videos and College attendance records for all these SJWs. The next mega industry could be vetting employees using these records under contract to large recruiting companies. You think they aren't watching this shit? Considering what is at stake...
Mussolini was a rare case, one who had the ability to define his own instance of a "third way" ideology based on an intimate understanding of the political ideas of the day. An impressive man, in spite of his flaws.
Yes, he was and he should have stayed far away from Hitler.
Even the History Channel knows he was a Socialist.
Mussolini was a socialist before becoming a fascist.
Born to a socialist father, Mussolini was named after leftist Mexican President Benito Juárez. His two middle names, Amilcare and Andrea, came from Italian socialists Amilcare Cipriani and Andrea Costa. Early in Mussolini’s life, for instance, those names seemed appropriate. While living in Switzerland from 1902 to 1904, he cultivated an intellectual image and wrote for socialist periodicals such as L’Avvenire del Lavoratore (The Worker’s Future). He then served in the Italian army for nearly two years before resuming his career as a teacher and journalist. In his articles and speeches, Mussolini preached violent revolution, praised famed communist thinker Karl Marx and criticized patriotism. In 1912 he became editor of Avanti! (Forward!), the official daily newspaper of Italy’s Socialist Party. But he was expelled from the party two years later over his support for World War I. By 1919 a radically changed Mussolini had founded the fascist movement, which would later become the Fascist Party.
Cookie, you reading ?
"Actually, it started on the right in Europe three quarters of a century ago, (claims otherwise by right-wing revisionists notwithstanding)"
No, the precursors of Fascism & National Socialism cross the boundaries of the Marxist Left & the Christian Conservative/Aristocratic Right multiple times in their development. One thing the precursors all share is a marked distaste for bourgeois consumerism & the give & take of representative democracy.
For example, a former Marxist theoretician who proved decisive in the development of Italian Fascism was Georges Sorel. When Sorel broke with socialism after the Socialists came to the defense of the French Republic after the rehabilitation of Dreyfus, he joined with the proto-Fascist Charles Maurras & his Action Francaise. In 1911, both the Action Francais & a group of French syndicalists (!) joined to form Le Cercle Proudhon. Kinda weird that a bunch of "righties" would join with lefty trade unionists & name the group after a man whose most famous pamphlet answers its question "What is Property?" with "Property is Theft". But, all involved could claim Proudhon as their granddaddy. Proudhon was a figure who ended up influencing Marxists, Anarchists, Syndicalists, & Fascists.
You can see from this one example that the standard categories of Right, Left, & Center are all confounded, even by the political standards of the time. The idea that "Fascism" is in some continuum with "Tory" Conservatism or Free Market Capitalism is 1930s Soviet propaganda. This idea of a continuum of conservatism, capitalism, & fascism is the real revisionist history, but one that has hardened like so much mental cement on the modern Left.
Trumpit said...
Your guns won't protect you from the coming revolution. You will die from cancer from contaminated water, and food, so your firearms are useless. Trump has gutted the EPA and turned it over to monsters. His administration will poison his own followers for corporate profits.
This is a moby.
Groups that try to limit free speech are the most dangerous hate groups of all. Google and Youtube included if they start to censor. They need to trust the marketplace of ideas and the good judgment of free people.
At some point these people are going to go out into the world to look for jobs. Well prepared. This is how a civilization cracks and falls apart. This is the next generation of thinkers.
I see that the book Fahrenheit 451 is coming out soon as a movie for the 2nd time. The first time around it was a cautionary tale. This time it'll be used as a how-to manual.
The leaders of these universities and specific departments should be fired enmasse. But I guess that will only happen when enough parents decide that spending $50K or so per year to have their kids turned stupid is not a 'value proposition'.
Ever wonder why your barista looks so pissed off?
Temujin: "At some point these people are going to go out into the world to look for jobs. Well prepared."
They have no intention of going out in the real world. They intend to create a "free tuition" and "everybody gets a living stipend" scenario so they have permanent maoist street armies to be deployed wherever the left needs them ad infinitum.
I just read Comrade Cookie's post on the birth of fascism. His grasp of history is on a par with his grasp of economics.
Cookie, run--don't walk--to a good library, or go online to an Amazon vendor, and get hold of a copy of Erik von Kuehnnelt-Leddhin's LEFTISM. In his lifetime "EvK-L" probably forgot more about history than you're ever likely to know. See especially his chapters on Mussolini and the collectivist roots of Italian Fascism. They're fun reading because you could play the game, "Who said this?--Mussolini or Hillary?" Fun for the whole family on Game Night!
President-Mom-Jeans said...
The answer to these worthless cunts trying to shut down free speech is violence.
Targeted, overwhelming, violence.
Having the props pulled out from under them by Generation Z will hopefully be enough. Or the second rosy scenario might be it looses momentum and morphs into something else as the younger players move on, like the hippie movement did.
But more realistically, we’re ten years into this boom economy and no one political is thinking about the severity of the next inevitable recession. It’ll be a doozy. With debt at 20 trillion, there’s not much chance of QE. That should shift priorities away from these indulgences.
Achilles observes: This is a moby.
And a dick.
This is a moby.
It's worse than that. It considers itself performance art.
"Achilles observes: This is a moby.
And a dick."
Look in the mirror and weep. God is busy, so you're on your own. You are proof that God makes mistakes.
I don't think that you can understand the difference between communism & fascism in the 20s & 30s unless you begin with the idea that "international communism" was controlled by Stalin. The German communists that Hitler defeated weren't independent German communists. They wanted to deliver the German nation to comrade Stalin.
Really disappointing that this occurred at a law school. One of the purposes of law school is to start learning what it means to be a professional. That doesn't mean you can't protest ever, but you have to understand when you can't. When an invited public speaker is speaking at a law school, that is not the time to protest. I hope these kids learn they are well past the age where people will excuse dumb obnoxious behavior like this. If I was on the ethics board for whatever state bar they want to join, I would flag them for conduct like this. And if they didn't admit at the point that their conduct was completely unprofessional and display some regret, I would not let them join the bar.
Part of me hopes at least some of these kids don't learn to behave properly and try something like this in front of a court and get bounced by the judge for an overnight vacation in jail for contempt.
I find your claim that Mussolinis Fascism was not a flavor of socialism laughable and butt-ignorant.
Rather than just sayi g it over and over again as if that will make it true, perhaps you could give us some references?
I would refer you to Mussolinis 1938 (or so) explication of Fascism called "the doctrine of Fascism" available cheaply through Ann's portal or even free as a pdf.
Then come back and explain why Fascism is not socialist.
For bonus points explain how it differs from American progressivism of the past 100 years or so.
John Henry
Someone pointed out that these folks have no idea what fascism is. True that. Witness our own mr cook. I am sure that they would be horrified to find that their actions, ideas and aspirations seem to come directly from Mussolinis writings.
They have even, with no sense of irony, adopted the black clothing of the Fascist streetfighters, the "Squadristi"
fascism = progressivism
It always has.
John Henry
While the protesters are horrifying, the students in the audience deserve some blame for being passive wimps. What if they had begun chanting, "Let Sommers speak"? What if they had unplugged the protest leader's microphone? What if they had surrounded Sommers in a protective circle?
One girl tries to ask the protest leader a question, which does have the virtue of showing that the protesters are not interested in an open debate, but otherwise it is a failed tactic; it just gives the protestors an opportunity to shout her down.
The color of communism is red. The color of fascism is black Why are the "antifas" people so in love of the color black?
If armed, shouting, masked people ever try to block my free egress from a place, I'll treat them like any other armed masked kidnappers.
The color of fascism is black Why are the "antifas" people so in love of the color black?
Black conceals at night and anonymizes during the day. Most importantly, however, it is slimming. Many of these people aren't particularly fit.
"If armed, shouting, masked people ever try to block my free egress from a place, I'll treat them like any other armed masked kidnappers."
Save your sadistic fantasies of being superman and your threats of violence for another blog. You strike me as a dangerous right-wing, gun-totting nut. You must egress this blog now and turn you weapons over to your local sheriff. Lose some weight, and dress like a normal human being too.
Black is the color of anarchism, originally, though later black and red in some cases. The original black block of the 90's claimed to be anarchists and the modern lot claims to be their descendants.
Fascism never had a color as such. Because of its nature it was highly specific to a nation/culture and the symbolism could not be uniform. The closest it got was to shirt colors, begun of course by the Italian blackshirts, who got that idea from, of course, D'Annunzio, and that probably was a revival of Garibaldi's red shirts. The German Nazi equivalent for the party faithful and militia was brown, of the SA, until they were suppressed. The Spanish Falange had blue shirts, and others various colors. IIRC the 1930s US Nazis used silver, I don't know how they implemented that.
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