१ फेब्रुवारी, २०१८
Melania in an Aflac commercial from 2005.
Featured at The Daily Mail today, after Donald Trump himself brought it up as he was meeting with a representative of the insurance company yesterday: "Your chairman I know very well, and he's done a fantastic job... He actually, a long time ago, hired my wife to do a big commercial. You know that, right? An Aflac commercial. And I think it was a successful commercial, too."
What a weird world we live in!
८६ टिप्पण्या:
That bit at the end, where she realizes that not only does she quack like a duck but she has webbed feet now, too, is priceless.
Clapper is now admitting that they used the fake dossier to EXTEND the surveillance.
There's a mud slide of bad news coming, and we have to get out ahead of it.
The AFLAC duck was voiced by Gilbert Gottfried, until he got fired for making jokes about the earthquakes and tsunami in Japan.
First female POTUS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB1avMEhi_s
Hey, was that ZHillary as Igor?
It it acts like a duck and it quacks like a duck.... Is Hollywood casting about for a live action feature length movie based on the Donald and Daisy Duck comics? We may have our leading lady. And I have done a pretty good Donald Duck since high school.
Of course it’s a White duck. #blaaaaaaaaaaaackducksmatter
I remember that commercial- didn't know until just now that was Mrs. Trump.
We're through the looking glass now people!
Could Hillary do that?
"Clapper is now admitting that they used the fake dossier to EXTEND the surveillance."
Not - wittingly. [Intense four-fingered head-scratch.]
madAsHell: "Clapper is now admitting that they used the fake dossier to EXTEND the surveillance."
Which is funny, because in prior testimony Clapper the Idiot claimed to have zero knowledge of any FISA surveillance based on the hoax/fdem opp research fake info "dossier".
Gee, I wonder when, exactly, AFTER his under oath testimony, that Clapper "suddenly" "became aware of" how this hoax document was used?
Clapper is rapidly turning into the Evelyn Farkas of 2018. The more the dude talks the worse it gets!
Naturally, Straight Arrow-Straight down the Middle-objective "journalist" Jake Tapper "forgot" to ask any follow ups related to gee Mr Clapper, you are certainly telling a very different story today than you told before, any reason for that?
I'm sure he'll get to it soon. He's too "professional" and "objective" not to.....
"Clapper is now admitting that they used the fake dossier to EXTEND the surveillance."
-- To keep this on topic, it looks like Stzork should have had a better insurance policy. Maybe AFLAC.
She was a model. Sometime models get work... in the advertising world.
I'm sure he'll get to it soon. He's too "professional" and "objective" not to.....
2/1/18, 11:58 AM
Tapper might tweet out those hard-hitting questions though. He often asks the tough questions on Twitter. On TV, face to face with Democrats, not so much.
Has LLR Chuck demanded to put that Duck under oath to determine if Melania really said "Aflac" at the end?
Can you imagine the rage LLR Chuck would feel if right in the middle of that commercial Sarah Sanders came in holding a homemade pecan pie?
I shudder to think.
Well, when it comes to selling insurance, Melania kinda leaves that rather annoying Flo from Progressive in the dust, doesn't she?
That probably helped Melania. Now she can let the tsunami of Hate Trump Fake News, Hate Trump Fake Books and Hate Trump Fake Rumors just roll off her like water off a duck's back. But she does have to stay away from the Robertsons of Duck Dynasty. They shoot ducks, don't they.
After watching that Aflac video, there were other YouTube videos offered, and one of them was of Trump in commercials, always playing himself, of course. Few, if anyone else,in this country have been able to play themselves in so many commercials over the years. Some were for his properties, but many were not, such as a Pizza Hut commercial showing him and Ivan’s eating cheese crust pizza, or selling Big and Tasy burgers for McDonalds. Interesting.
What's interesting is that Melania was not cast for her face. Any pretty girl could sit up and look shocked. They wanted the duck to speak with her voice.
@Yancey, play it again. The mad scientist’s assistant identifies her as “Mrs. Trump.”
Darrell said...
Could Hillary do that?
I see what you did there.
Does he actually say "This is Trump?!" in the commercial? Who would have gotten that reference almost 15 years ago?
How do you fit into stilettos with webbed feet?
Melaina vs. Michelle.
Grace vs. Hate.
Are you fucking kidding me? I remember that commercial bigly -- for obvious reasons. Thank you, Melania -- your beauty and dignity are quite the contrast to the dour bitch who preceded you.
Achilles, someone (daily caller?) posted a video of Michelle giving Laura a gift on the steps on 20 jan 2009. Laura keeps it out of the photos, then hands it off to an aide after they're inside--passing it across in front of Barry.
She knew!
@richlb, what I heard the mad scientist’s assistant day is “Mrs. Trump.”
The Igor guy reminds me of the guy who played Peter Pettigrew in the Harry Potter movies.
Big Mike said...
@richlb, what I heard the mad scientist’s assistant day is “Mrs. Trump.”
But why even call her out? Who knew who she was in 2005, especially in that context. She was a newlywed with The Donald at the time, but if you weren't from NYC you probably weren't that aware of it. There is no other context in the commercial that she is Mrs. Donald Trump. Just kind of odd in my opinion.
Melania? Not attractive to me at all!
Almost as weird of having a President that once stared in a movie opposite a chimpanzee.
Robert Cook: "Melania? Not attractive to me at all!"
I'm sure from your perspective you are thinking she is no Nadezhda Krupskaya.
Does this mean the democrats get to impeach Trump now? Collusion with ducks is serious stuff.
Drago said...
you are thinking she is no Nadezhda Krupskaya.
Oddly, or perhaps not, you seem to know more about Russian communists than anyone else here.
Oddly, or perhaps not, you seem to know more about Russian communists than anyone else here.
Drago, are you informing yourself again???
My office.
@ARM, if you’re trying to imply that you had to look up who Nadezhda Krupskaya was, I don’t believe you.
“Oddly, or perhaps not, you seem to know more about Russian communists than anyone else here.”
Yes, I noticed this a while ago...
If only more leftists knew something about the horrific history of the USSR. Reading a few books might help. ARM and Inga are suspicious of a commenter because he is not as abysmally ignorant as they are.
Not Russian communists. It's Soviet communists. Russians were subsumed with the progress of the left-wing regime. However, the two are easily conflated, even today by Soviet-era relics. It was Soviets that practiced color diversity, abortion rites, redistributive change, and other Pro-Choice practices.
Drago, really, how dare you be educated about the history of Communism?
Only Russian bots possess such knowledge! Good leftist don't learn about Soviet history! It's a story that ended unhappily for them. Just think how sad Bernie Sanders felt when they started pulling down those statues of Stalin and Lenin.
ARM: "Oddly, or perhaps not, you seem to know more about Russian communists than anyone else here."
Well, when one spends ones time in the US military confronting his Soviet adversaries, as opposed to, say spitting on US troops and calling them baby killers, one tends to learn a thing or two about those adversaries that is quite useful.
One also becomes very aware of the standard marxist/leninist techniques and tactics that are recycled and reused globally in country after country...like here.
Livermoron: "Drago, are you informing yourself again???"
Well, one does what one can to avoid devolving into your standard leftist, like we see often on this blog.
Oh, garinga know communism.
She was advocating Stalin's 'show me the man and I'll show you the crime' brand of due process and justice just the other day.
ARM, sometime soon perhaps we should discuss the Patrice L Lumumba People's "Friendship" University and what a happy little training ground that turned out to be for our adversaries.
I mean, you guys wouldn't consider them our adversaries.
After all, you are the guys that, like Andrew Young in the Carter Admin, called Cuban Troops in Africa a "stabilizing influence".
You know, just like the trained security forces trained in Cuba that are today active in Venezuela.
Hence the mind-numbing destruction and starvation in a virtual garden of eden sitting on a sea of oil. Only you lefties could screw that up.
And Greece! Oh Greece. Don't get me started on that tragedy.
Livermoron: "She was advocating Stalin's 'show me the man and I'll show you the crime' brand of due process and justice just the other day."
There are now literally millions of them now.
We are at an inflection point in our history. Long term I think its likely Western socialism does win out here but I'm hoping we can hold out for another 40 years or so.
By that time France will be an islamic republic with Belgium reaching that point in just about 20 years from now. Those guys are so astonishingly weak and pacified.
We're all kinda talking around the elephant on the table:
Nadezhda Krupskaya? Kill, Fuck or Marry?
Lenin said “ Marry.”
So true. When somebody's taken a shot at you you tend to keep an eye on them.
I think the toothless hunchback said "Mrs. Trump".
I might be responding to the power-of-suggestion (in the thread above), but I also can't imagine anything else that could make sense there.
The commercial was made in 2005. The same year as her wedding. I can imagine that her face graced many magazine covers both before, and after the wedding.
You guys live in a long gone past - fighting the last war.
Love the attempt at a conspiratorial whisper from ARM and Inga, especially Inga's use of ellipsis as if there was more to her thought than a lame attempt to infer that Drago is a closet Communist.
Juvenile, but definitely adorable.
Well....I am not a guy....so....However, I also don't find Melania very attractive. She has an elegant way about her and wears clothes very well.
She just seems stiff and extremely reserved. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
I believe it is her eyes that throw my off from considering her "attractive". Cold, squinty and rather expressionless eyes. That also may be an affect and and effect of years of being a stoic fashion model.
The most bizarre and evil thing about the Mueller investigation is that the only people they will prosecute is anybody who was dishonest or evasive with the investigators.
Which is bizarre and evil because powerful people--like Clapper--commit perjury and they are still running around free.
Either perjury is a crime or it's not. This gray world where some people go to jail for perjury, and other people do not, is so politicized and ugly it's contemptible.
And I'm the duck thread. Oops.
Drago, you know and I know that, eventually, it will come down to a sanguinary affair. It always has.
We'll stand our ground and they'll stand theirs.
As was brought up a few days ago, the Civil War started with politics. I think that is true of virtually all wars, but especially a civil one.
The Founding Fathers recognized this. They talked of a peaceful revolution every four years as a way to forestall a violent revolution. Inability to accept the results of an election is a catalyst to such a calamity.
These are very dangerous times. And I do not say that lightly.
No matter what comes out of the investigations....impeachments, jail, there will be one side who believes a great injustice has been visited upon them.
My prayer for this country right now is for the evidence is so compelling that it will shake awake enough of the delusionals who aren't willing to associate the sudden rise in economic security to its direct causal action, so that they will see how far they have been debased by those they held in their trust and acquiesce in a peaceful manner.
I don't think they will.
ARM said...
“Oddly, or perhaps not, you seem to know more about Russian communists than anyone else here.”
Inga said...
Yes, I noticed this a while ago...
Tough day for you two. Been a series of tough days.
Remember not a month ago they were both going on and on about the need to find the “truth.”
Now we are finding the truth. I told you what would happen when the truth started coming out. They are doing exactly what I said they would do.
And I remember Inga’s little bleat about civil war last night. The one where she said that Trump better back off and not release the memo or the FBI and friends would take him out.
They are already turning to violence.
AReasonableMan said...
You guys live in a long gone past - fighting the last war.
Sez the guy whose side has been babbling about Russians!!!! for over a year now.
You know, somebody once said something about those who don't remember the past being condemned to repeat it.
You'd think a guy who uses a bust of Aristotle as his avatar would be a bit more curious and knowledgeable about the past - especially since it concerns events that happened in his lifetime.
ARM: "You guys live in a long gone past - fighting the last war"
A lefty writing that in early 2018 is...amusing.
If that makes you feel better to think so.
Enjoy your tax cuts.
Blogger AReasonableMan said...
You guys live in a long gone past - fighting the last war.
This from the guy who made not-so-subtle allusion to Drago being a Communist in the first place.
Smart and honest, that's ARM...said no one ever.
"You'd think a guy who uses a bust of Aristotle as his avatar would be a bit more curious and knowledgeable about the past - especially since it concerns events that happened in his lifetime."
He thought it was Jerry Garcia, exiled.
Not exactly:
Nadezhda Krupskaya (26 February 1869- 27 February 1939)
Endlessly bringing up the past seems unhealthy to me. The world is a complex place, history provides analogies to the present but they are only analogies. History doesn't literally repeat itself.
ARM, I was referring to the history of the USSR, not Lenin's wife. The USSR did exist in your lifetime.
You talk as if Communism and Communists are as extinct as the dodo bird. On the contrary, many leftist college students think it'll work out just fine next time - when they're in charge! That's because people like you never taught them what happened when Communism was tried everywhere else.
He thought it was Jerry Garcia, exiled.
2/1/18, 4:04 PM
Exiled: "You'd think a guy who uses a bust of Aristotle as his avatar..."
No way. Thats a picture of a Berkeley Sociology professor who started a combination Artisan/Symbionese Liberation Army Commune in Santa Fe New Mexico!
Hey, isnt Aristotle that guy the leftist black historians claimed burned down the Library of Alexandria to steal knowledge from the "black egyptians" (giggle)?
The lunatic lefties were only off by about 309 years.
But in a "good" way...
ARM: "Endlessly bringing up the past seems unhealthy to me."
The "Southern Strategy" topic guys would now very much like you to cease talking about the past.
The "Americas Founding" was hopelessly flawed and should be undone crew would like you to stop discussing the past.
The "white civilization is uniquely horrible and invented slavery" crew would like for YOU to stop discussing the past.
AReasonableMan said...
You guys live in a long gone past - fighting the last war.
Endlessly bringing up the past seems unhealthy to me. The world is a complex place, history provides analogies to the present but they are only analogies. History doesn't literally repeat itself.
You insist history starts anew every day.
The same people who sent Scooter Libby to jail will soon be begging for mercy.
All of the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save Us!"
That is one sexy duck.
Oddly, or perhaps not, you seem to know more about Russian communists than anyone else here.
Hey. We weren't the ones openly cheering for the Soviet Union during the entire Cold War.
That was you guys.
Don't blame us for knowing the enemy.
exiledonmainstreet said...
Sez the guy whose side has been babbling about Russians!!!! for over a year now.
This is a perfect example of living in the past. The Russians have built a cyber criminal gang/army and they used it to attempt to subvert US democracy. You can argue about how effective this effort was, or whether anyone in Trump's organization colluded in this effort (clearly Jr was willing to), but you can't argue that the Russian's didn't actually give it a shot, as they also did in Europe. Framing this in terms of the old cold war misses the point entirely. We are dealing with a very different threat whose aims seem to be mainly commercial in interest.
If they were commercial in purpose why did they back the candidate in your hypothetical that hurts them the most?
Of course your hypothetical also ignores Clinton hiring Russian intelligence through an intermediary to spy on her political opponents. Unless you think Steele lied about his sources.
Trump Jr met with a lawyer the Obama administration cleared and used. And according to Fusion she couldn't speak English well anyway. At best he is guilty of opposition research.
At worst he wanted to hear juicy gossip about Clinton. Seeing as Clinton illegally paid for foreign gossip about Trump, I can't see how we find Jr did anything illegal without most of the Clinton campaign going down in flames.
ARM: " The Russians have built a cyber criminal gang/army and they used it to attempt to subvert US democracy."
Yeah, Romney was saying something about that in 2012, until you and all your pals laughed him off the stage.
But do go ahead now and lecture us more on what the Russians are capable of pulling off. It's really very "enlightening"........not.
ARM: "The Russians have built a cyber criminal gang/army and they used it to attempt to subvert US democracy."
We know precisely how the Russians did this.
Putin's pals provided laughable lies to Hillary's hired guns who fed the lies to the FBI who used the lies to lie to the FISA courts to get illegal spying authority against Trump and all his associates and the lefties here then spread all that super secret intel data far and wide in the US govt and to reporters and then, when it was clear that it all might become known after Trump won, your pals then weaponized the lies into a false narrative of Russia/Trump collusion which was then used as a pretext in an attempt to overturn an American election.
And you want to lecture us.
I suggest you chat with all your lefty buddies who were a part of this lefty plot to destroy the choice of the American people for President.
You'll have an idea of the individuals to chat with about their transgressions right around 8am ET tomorrow morning.
I suggest you get busy because more memo's about the dems activities will be coming down the pike shortly....and that's before IG Horowitz offers up his official report after his year-long investigation on how the dems subverted democracy with Putin-pal provided info.
Enjoy your tax cuts.
Matthew Sablan said...
If they were commercial in purpose why did they back the candidate in your hypothetical that hurts them the most?
For this question to have any meaning you would have to have a detailed understanding of Putin's and his cronies commercial interests. I doubt this is the case.
ARM: "For this question to have any meaning you would have to have a detailed understanding of Putin's and his cronies commercial interests. I doubt this is the case."
Yeah, Putin and his pals really want the US to become a stronger military power and net exporter of energy to Western Europe.
Hmmmm, that's probably why the Russians invested so much into the "organic" (giggle) anti-fracking campaign in the US.
Yep. Putin and his cronies were utterly and completely aligned with the lefties on energy.
But only completely.
And besides, I'm sure Putin was eyeing more of our uranium reserves. He was willing to pay top price for the first 20%. $140M+ in fact to a few specific people.....
I love how ARM postures as if he has some special insight into the Russian psyche...
Obama spied, Clinton colluded, the DNC denied the nomination to the Jew, and JournoLists from the Fourth Estate have carried out witch trials and public lynchings. While it's a progressive slope, it doesn't get more Left than that.
President Reagan pushed Chesterfield cigarettes before he was elected President.
BTW, did you see the desperate Ron Wyden pleading for an investigation on whether or not the new Tax Tables were not witholding enough from workers paychecks?
Wyden and his dem pals are desperate that so many people are keeping so much more their own money!
That is bound to scare the hell out of any lefty!
Robert Cook said...
Melania? Not attractive to me at all!
You're gay, right? NTTAWWT
Fritz said...
Robert Cook said...
Melania? Not attractive to me at all!
You're gay, right? NTTAWWT
Nothing so interesting. Look at his avatar!
2/1/18, 5:23 PM
Roland, speaking to Jake of the rose:
No one will pick it. Nor will any vandal crush it beneath his heel because his dull eyes cannot abide the sight of its beauty.
That's our boy.
>>This is a perfect example of living in the past. The Russians have built a cyber criminal gang/army and they used it to attempt to subvert US democracy.
So, just like the Democrats, then?
For this question to have any meaning you would have to have a detailed understanding of Putin's and his cronies commercial interests.
Now, Drago, ARM may be on to something here. Sure, if Putin stood to benefit from ownership of Russia's fuel exports, then he would back the candidate who wanted to destroy the American coal industry and kneecap the oil industry. Likewise, if Putin could make money selling diversity bollards and riot police gear to Europe, he'd want to elect the person whose foreign policy expertise is reflected in the current state of Syria and Libya as well as in her frequent flier miles.
On the other hand, if Putin had gone long on U.S. mutual funds in 2016, he'd obviously want to elect the man who brought us the Trump Boom.
So Melania doesn’t speak only five languages—she also speaks Duck! Ad beautifully too!
After seeing Melania in that ad, I realized she'd be great for a remake of "Ninotchka", in the role played by Greta Garbo. I looked at a site with a plot summary and was pleasantly surprised to hear echoes of today's Progressives in the mouths of the Soviets. Here's an exchange along those lines:
The very capable female Soviet rigidly refuses to have a porter carry her bags:
Yakushova: Why should you carry other people's bags?
Porter: Well, that's my business, Madame.
Yakushova: That's no business. That's social injustice.
Porter: That depends on the tip.
Of course in the end love conquers and transforms the Soviet Woman into a wife, and the French count into a husband. There are many excerpts of dialogue at http://www.filmsite.org/nino4.html. Perhaps in the remake Melania would play a woman from Marin County, wearing Birkenstocks, and the Count would be someone like the young Donald Trump...
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