Inside the Trump administration, sources who've been briefed on the Nunes memo expect it will be underwhelming and not the "slam dunk" document it's been hyped up to be.ADDED:
What we're hearing: There is much more skepticism inside the administration than has been previously reported about the value of releasing the memo, according to sources familiar with the administration discussions.
I find it remarkable how comprehensively the Democrats, DoJ and FBI have played into Trump's hands over the Nunes memo. By conspicuously trying to hide information they have aligned themselves against the public, drawn suspicion and imbued the memo with totemic power.
— Julian Assange ⌛ (@JulianAssange) February 1, 2018
१७४ टिप्पण्या:
And they could even be right, but other news suggests raw panic. For instance the lead Democrat, Adam Schiff, is complaining that the memo was altered from what he and the other Democrats read. Yes, says Nunes, we made some changes to fix grammatical errors and other changes that you requested.
Democrats are hopeless.
Release the Memo!
Release the FISA application!
Release the deleted texts between Strzok and Page!
And, of course, Stormy Daniels, release your bosoms to America!
The FBI and CIA own our democracy. What right do we have to demand to know anything?
Pretty crazy how the left is freaking out. Release the memo, then argue about the "false parts" and provide the "omissions".
Standard operating procedure
”For instance the lead Democrat, Adam Schiff, is complaining that the memo was altered from what he and the other Democrats read. Yes, says Nunes, we made some changes to fix grammatical errors and other changes that you requested.“
I hope when the memo is released they can also point out the changes that were made, so that we can assess the integrity of Mr. Schiff.
Hillary's mob probably killed Seth Rich and Hillary herself openly stated she wanted to kill Assange.
The only people without the memo at this point are the people. I have no doubt Schiff leaked it to allow media allies to prepare for it. Republican officials haven't been good at not leaking either. Hell. An FBI agent stole from the bureau to leak. Release it already.
The crazed Democrats are demonstrating how The Streisand Effect works. "Don't look at my house"
Adam Schiff(D) is a CNN stiff.
Democrats need an insurance policy.
Memo to Adam Schiff:
Release the sphincter muscle!
There has to be more to it than the simple fact that they used Fusion's work to justify FISA surveillance. That may resonate with legal scholars and political junkies but the general public ain't gonna give a shit.
How long before CNN declares it illegal to view the memo?
Meanwhile "The Post" and related stories (NY Times, NPR, other organs of Prog Culture) are celebrating the importance of disclosing things that might embarrass the State, because the People need to know.
I don't think Daniel Ellsberg and his co-conspirators worried overmuch about supplying the "full context" and good grammar for the materials they brought to public view.
Also. If Democrats didn't praise every other leak, even ones that named our sources in foreign countries like WikiLeaks did, I'd believe they had an actual moral objection here.
Information wants to be free.
Release the memo and the Democratic counter-memo. Release both at the same time. Release the underlying documents. Allow the FBI an opportunity to respond in public. Allow the relevant FBI officials to testify before Congress. Shine a light on what happened during the 2016 campaign.
In the future, the FBI should be more careful. Also, voters should try to nominate better major party candidates. No more criminals like Hillary. No more celebutards like Trump with laughably dysfunctional campaigns.
No reason the Nunes memo should be held up because Schiff didn't do his homework on time.
The FBI seems to be complaining that there is no context for the memo as Americans don't have the documents with the context.
OK let's release the documents. The Chinese and Russians have them now. Why not the American people ?
If it's good enough for the NY Times......
Presumably Assange would know, given that he has almost certainly seen it, and the revised version as well.
Maybe if the media could get the context of Trump feeding fish right, I'd trust their opinions on the context behind the memo.
The Memo reminds me of Harvey Weinstein.
It's the tip of the iceberg.
Oof. Stzork and Page had tweets seeking to keep from being archived. We now have a conspiracy to hide government records. Remember they weren't just setting up trysts. They were advising each other on government business. Why are they not unemployed?
Congress asking for McCabe's messages. Let's see if my guess that his retirement would coincide with the destruction and loss of government property and records.
Because we aren’t very good at holding people accountable. It’s one of those things that once you start it’s hard to stop.
Side note: These texts between Stzork and Page establish the intent to break the law Comey said would be needed to punish someone for evading record preservation laws.
But Matthew - Strozk and Page are DEMOCRATS, so they are above the law.
Since he is such a fan of openness, perhaps Assaunge should publish all of his emails
I can’t believe you people think you have some right to know this stuff. Look for a rash of disk drives damaged beyond all recovery, if the past is any guide. It’s random chance.
Funny how the left has turned on Assange, et al as it becomes more and more clear that the Democrats are the ones hiding stuff from America.
If Assange has seen it, so has everyone else they want to keep it from.
Other than your citizens.
"Since he is such a fan of openness, perhaps Assaunge should publish all of his emails"
I think everyone has seen Assanges' emails too.
I'd like to see this all end with Deep State seated at a conference table, and Donald Trump walking around it with a baseball bat.
Assange is consistent in his beliefs. Luckily he sounds cynical to know the left who were his allies during the anti Bush years could never truly be relied on when it was their turn in the barrel.
”Funny how the left has turned on Assange, et al as it becomes more and more clear that the Democrats are the ones hiding stuff from America.”
The freaking Washington Post has come out against publication of the memo!
The Washington Post would never publish classified material!
Matthew Sablan @ 6:48: "Side note: These texts between Stzork and Page establish the intent to break the law Comey said would be needed to punish someone for evading record preservation laws."
Well said. Isn't it funny how these casual channels for urgent or passing thoughts to one's work colleagues, turn out to be a trove of evidence about intent? It's better than a diary. And Stroke and Page are obviously bright, trained, experienced, thoughtful, etc. The best of the best: would DOJ and FBI accept anything less?
And yet here they are, like foolish children, leaving a perfect confession for the prosecutor. Open and shut.
Which prompts the question: when and how will they be brought to book?
The press is destroying itself.
Wray wanted the names of FBI officials who broke the law to be redacted.
"These texts between Stzork and Page establish the intent to break the law..."
Are FBI agents supposed to engage in criminal conspiracy?
In the spirit of Muddying the Waters, here is Muddy Waters himself:
Got My Mojo Working
I got a gypsy woman givin' me advice
I got a gypsy woman givin' me advice
I got a whole lottsa tricks keepin' her around
If Doj has been telling lies to the fisa court I'm sure the fisa judges can handle it. They don't need help from political hacks who don't give a rats ass about anything other than protecting the president regardless whether he is a crook.
" They don't need help from political hacks "
They seem to have required "help", seeing as they themselves did not bring any of this to light.
"The Washington Post would never publish classified material!"
Jesus, you dumbfucks don't get it. Do I have to explain it once again?
1. If the leak of classified information helps our side politically, then First Amendment!
2. If the leak of classified information hurts our side politically, then Treason!
Why is this so fucking hard to understand?
---Editor of Washington Post
/sarcasm off
and Donald Trump walking around it with a baseball bat.
Just remembering that scene still creeps me out.
Back when I watched movies.....
"If Doj has been telling lies to the fisa court I'm sure the fisa judges can handle it."
f Doj has been telling lies to the fisa court I’m sure the fisa judges can handle it.
Never question authority. You have neither the need nor the right to know people! Sunshine is not the best disinfectant! Democracy thrives in darkness!
The FISA court judge who signed off on the warrants is an Obama appointed hack who had to recuse himself when his politically motivated rulings came to light.
Sunshine is the best disinfectant.
Release both memos and all of the names. Reveal the sources and methods. Burn them all.
The people have the right to know.
The freaking Washington Post has come out against publication of the memo!
Democracy thrives in darkness. It’s right on their masthead.
Oh, I get it now. Democracy only thrives if we are provided only the information that the WaPo thinks will help the Democrats. If we don’t get that stuff out there, and only that stuff, mind you, Democracy dies. Not just that, but the terrorists win.
”If Doj has been telling lies to the fisa court I'm sure the fisa judges can handle it.”>
Which part of Congressional oversight do we not understand?
People are piling up the bets, pushing chips on the table from all sides. One side doesn’t want people to see the cards. I have never seen anything like this and I followed Watergate at the time.
Like they handled Eric Holder's false affidavit in the James Rosen case.
Which part of Congressional oversight do we not understand?
It’s the new civics. It has been agreed since the founding that Congressional oversight is implied in the powers assigned to Congress, but you know what? “The constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper!” That seemed to have been Lois Lerner’s take hiding from Congress, and Hillary Clinton’s take in destroying all of those emails.
Just a goddamn piece of paper.
Its a "Nothing burger" AND "devastating to national security".
The MSM/Dems have the bases covered.
If the positions were reversed some Democrat Congressman would've just leaked the memo on Day 1, to the cheers of President Hillary and the MSM.
Only the Republicans "Obey the rules" and worry about "process".
“The MSM/Dems have the bases covered”
But not their asses, I am thinking.
CNN says Wray’s gonna quit. OK, anybody keeping track of CNN’s record on these things?
The panic that the Democrats are displaying in their attempt to discredit the memo and prevent it's release tells me there's more at stake here than the reputation of the DOJ and FBI.
There's something here that jeapordizes their plan to RULE THE WORLD!
”The constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper!”
Not only that, it’s like a hundred years old.
A show of hysterical indifference. I would have been hard pressed to describe such a thing until now. I guess it's possible that an entity's hysteria can reach such a pitch that the unavoidable and irresistible next step is to throw itself off a tall building. The Dems are just about there and there doesn't seem to be a single voice interested in talking them down.
”CNN says Wray’s gonna quit. OK, anybody keeping track of CNN’s record on these things?”
1). Yeah, it’s CNN.
2). Fine.
Oversight yes. Sabotage no. The fisa court will treat harshly any atty who intentionally lied to the court. Doesn't matter who appointed the judge.
Suppose the whole drawn out Nunes Memo tease is a red herring asking the questions, while the Inspector General is preparing the coup de grace. The Nunes memo is a GOP document. The inspector General's Report will be inescapable.
Gitmo awaits.
”Oversight yes. Sabotage no.”
Premature charge, given that we haven’t seen the memo.
Some here suggest that if things were reversed, the Dems would just leak the memo. Wrong, the dems would have long ago leaked the source documents. burned sources, methods and procedure, and the media would have celebrated their courage.
Oversight yes. Sabotage no. The fisa court will treat harshly any atty who intentionally lied to the court
So you are saying that Congress doesn’t need to be informed because we can trust judges appointed by politicians absolutely with the awesome power we have given them,
What are you really trying to hide? You can’t really be dense enough not to see the contradictions. in your sentence. It’s the Democrats crying sabotage, for political reasons of their own.
”The fisa court will treat harshly any atty who intentionally lied to the court. Doesn't matter who appointed the judge. ”
What government attorneys have been disciplined for their penchant of hiding exculpatory evidence? The answer is none. That’s why we need oversight.
Several weeks ago, a lib FB friend was sharing Dan Rather posts about "transparency" and "sunlight" - this was right after Diane Feinstein released the first Simpson transcript. When the 2ne transcript was posted, moderate cheers (but not so much since neither helped their side). And now. . . crickets, absolute crickets regarding The Memo.
In the end, it is starting to look like it is going to be similar to the whole “secret router” investigation, which was the first witch hunt that I remember liberals here salivating over.
Cockroaches: "Turn off that damn light and put down that can of RAID! It endangers national security!"
Let justice be done, though the heavens fall.
Not a lot of people know this, but "Totemic Power" was one of the names under consideration for what became "Abbey Road"! "Everest" was another, w the concept being a photo of them in front of the mountain (they couldn't be bothered to get there) or an ashtray massive tall, full of cig butts.
Last of the Witchhunters is on SYFY channel, It’s kind of a “The Last of the Mohicans” take on The Mueller report. If they don’t get the witch, the whole world as we know it is in danger!
Steve uhr: "Oversight yes. Sabotage no. The fisa court will treat harshly any atty who intentionally lied to the court."
Guess who was the FISA judge? Contrereas.
Who was the judge overseeing the Flynn case? Contrereas.
Who suddenly recused himself from the Flynn case just 2 weeks ago because of the exposure of the illegality of the FBI/DOJ?
Thanks for playing Steve. You can go now.
We haven't seen the memo but Wray has and said it is highly misleading. Further sessions said, I heard, that he has no reason to believe the fisa court was misled.
It's also bs that trump is allowed to see confidential info about an investigation into him and his campaign.
Original Mike said...
I hope when the memo is released they can also point out the changes that were made, so that we can assess the integrity of Mr. Schiff.
You'll need an electron microscope to find it.
”The fisa court will treat harshly any atty who intentionally lied to the court.”
The more I think about this, the more objectionable it becomes. This is much bigger than disciplining a justice department official. This was, allegedly, interference by the justice department in a Presidential election. This has to be conducted in full view of the public.
We haven’t seen the memo but Wray has and said it is highly misleading.
Do you have a link for that? Because last time I checked, the people at the FBI who were expressing “grave concern” refused to say whether their statement was approved by Wray.
It’s also bs that trump is allowed to see confidential info about an investigation into him and his campaign.
Like it was BS that Senator Stevens could see any of the exculpatory evidence that prosecutors had when they indicted him days before the election? That kind of BS?
Somebody here is feeling very partisan over this issue.
Sunshine is the worst disinfectant
Democracy lives in the Darkness
I did not have sex with that woman -- Miss Lewinsky.
Release the Memo!
All the news that's unfit to print
Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee are calling for an immediate meeting with officials from the FBI and Department of Justice over the claims made in the memo drafted by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.). The letter, spearheaded by ranking member Rep. Jerrod Nadler (D-N.Y.), is directed to committee chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.). In it, Nadler asks Goodlatte to arrange a meeting with FBI Director Christopher Wray and other representatives from the Justice Department to examine the “talking points” that he says Republicans are using to “discredit the work of the FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller. - The Hill
I think that the meeting will go like this “You’ve blown us up!” as they watch the incoming torpedo that they themselves launched.
It is worth noting that what Obama's stupid gang of corrupt agents (drawing several governmental benefit packages within their families) were doing merely violated Statues up until the day Trump was President elect created his official Transition team. Thereafter the audacity of continuing their counter Trump inside operations at full speed first to stop his inauguration and then to cause an impeachment limbo was full blown outright War against the United States of America punishable by death.
They were too stupid to know what to do if Hillary's rigged election got votes counted honestly.
If this is as bad as Democrats say, it should help them in their project to remove a sitting president through use of politicized agents at the FBI.
"that trump is allowed to see confidential info about an investigation into him and his campaign."
Maybe you need to read the fucking Constitution before you make an even greater fool of yourself.
And yet, Trump, taking zero shit and giving zero fucks, just marches along in his so far highly successful presidency.
NB:Waging War against the United states makes one into an enemy combatant, whether a Citizen or not.
Maybe you need to read the fucking Constitution
Just a goddamn piece of paper that means whatever Democrats need it to mean on any given day. Written by Humpty Dumpty, you know.
"CNN says Wray’s gonna quit."
-- Rosenstein and Wrayenstern have quit.
@Matt Sablan One can only hope!
”I think that the meeting will go like this “You’ve blown us up!” as they watch the incoming torpedo that they themselves launched.”
I believe the line you’re looking for is ”You arrogant ass, you’ve killed us.”
OM: "He’s DOJ."
Considering the quality of posts, I'd be inclined to agree.
I felt bad about that comment, I thought it was over the top, so I deleted it. Sorry steve.
The fake but plausible dossier had less deniers. This is damage control, fast and furious.
As for The Constitution, the stork flies conveniently, selectively, opportunistically at the twilight fringe. Once you leave the logical domains, it's a monotonically divergent slope.
I hope he corrects me if I’m wrong, but I believe he is a former DOJ prosecuter.
Two senior FBI officials have now reviewed a controversial Republican staff memo alleging abuses of government surveillance programs during the 2016 presidential campaign, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News – adding that the officials “could not point to any factual inaccuracies.”
Democracy, and, more importantly, principals and principles, are aborted at the twilight fringe.
”The fisa court will treat harshly any atty who intentionally lied to the court. Doesn't matter who appointed the judge.”
In the James Rosen case, the FISA court has not said boo about either A.G Eric Holder, who has at least twice admitted to overseeing the perjury on national TV, nor the DoJ attorneys actually carrying it out, nor the FISA judge who went along with the scam, knowing full well the affidavit presented before him was false.
I want to see both memos and the IG's report. We, as a people, are not stupid. We have a pretty good idea now what was going on and we can sort the wheat from the chaff.
Incidentally Nunes did not "write" the memo. It was drawn up by the committee's Republican staff who, I presume, are a bunch of lawyers who probably have a pretty good idea what is evidence. Of course, evidence is subject to interpretation, but it is still evidence.
steve uhr, buy an apostrophe, for God's sake.
Steve Uhr: "We haven't seen the memo but Wray has and said it is highly misleading."
Wray saw the memo on Sunday followed up by a visit with 2 other FBI guys (1 counterintelligence and 1 and expert on the FISA/legal processes).
None could point to any inaccuracies in the memo.
And why should there be any inaccuracies in the memo. It is based on documentation produced, FINALLY, after lengthy delays (as if the FBI and DOJ did not believe constitutionally mandated oversight by congress applied to them) with the final threat of Rod Rosenstein being held in contempt of congress, by both the FBI and DOJ.
And sorry Stevie.
This memo is just the beginning. There will be more memo's on the way and IG Horowitz' report will out soon as well.
Steve, you and lefty pals better start getting your deflection talking points coordinated now. 'cuz there is a paper trail for the memo assertions and if the FBI/DOJ wants to argue about inaccuracies, well, that's just going to lead to some very funny conversations as congress critters stand there holding the documents from FBI and DOJ!
But you keep hope alive Stevie! You've got Adam Schiff-ty on your side, so you should feel confident....LOL
Drago said...
Who suddenly recused himself from the Flynn case just 2 weeks ago because of the exposure of the illegality of the FBI/DOJ?
He was forcibly recused. He didn't recuse himself.
He has been working with the FBI/DOJ for a while on cases like this. His conflicts of interest are legion.
It is pretty clear he should be going to jail too.
Look, this memo absolutely cannot come out!
Also, it's a big nothingburger.
Trump continues to drive his enemies before him, scatter their defenses, and the lamentations of their women is most delicious.
“He was forcibly recused. He didn't recuse himself.”
I’ve seen conjecture that John Roberts forced him out, but I don’t know what it’s based on.
Valentine is done
Here but now they're gone
Romeo and Juliet
Are together in eternity, Romeo and Juliet
Don't fear the memo.
The Washington Post treats America like a mushroom farm, keeping us in the dark and feeding us bull shit, while preening about bringing light is funny.
At my Starbucks there is a guy I recognize from the WaPo. His computer has two large stickers. Facts Matter and Resist. One day I am going to ask him which of the two he really cares about, because you can’t have both.
Wait, steve is an attorney, and he is pushing the talking point about Wray. Well, I would think he could provide a link.
Release the IG Report!
Release all emails to and from Andrew McCabe, since March of 2016!
Bullshit! Dems would not be flipping out over an underwhelming memo.
”Bullshit! Dems would not be flipping out over an underwhelming memo.”
Actually, I think it would be a brillant strategy.
Ahhh, I was just commenting about Axios on the cafe post above without seeing this.. i was surprised to learn that it is owned by Laurene Powell Jobs' 501 (c), The Emerson Collective
Tim in Vermont said...
In the end, it is starting to look like it is going to be similar to the whole “secret router” investigation, which was the first witch hunt that I remember liberals here salivating over.
2/1/18, 8:05 PM
And you know what? If the Dems had accepted the results of the election rather than screaming RUSSIA at the top of their lungs, I'll bet Trump would have let it alone. The ones yelling "wolf" are the ones who ate grandma and buried her bones in the backyard.
Actually, I think it would be a brillant strategy.
Bill Clinton used it very effectively in the whole Lewinsky escapade.
Hey Tim. In didn’t notice you were back “in Vermont.”
In = I
Without a perp walk and someone doing twenty in jail, it's all a farce.
Dirty cops deserve prison. Special Agents named in memo deserve no different treatment than dirty cop on the street.
"If the Dems had accepted the results of the election rather than screaming RUSSIA at the top of their lungs, I'll bet Trump would have let it alone."
I concur -- Trump can be very magnanimous in victory. He doesn't like to be fucked, however, by anyone other than Mrs. Wallace, so I'd look for some great vengeance and furious anger in the instant case.
The FBi is dirty all over the place.
Notice no one in the hack press mentions the Bundy case. FBI abuse so bad, media won't touch it.
Trump is way too magnimus in victory.
That was his biggest mistake.
He should have appointed a special prosecutor to look into Hillary's many crimes staring with the uranium deal.
Now he should appoint a special prosecutor to look into the FBI crime related to his election. Trey Gowdy would be perfect.
"If the Dems had accepted the results of the election rather than screaming RUSSIA at the top of their lungs, I'll bet Trump would have let it alone."
If the picture being painted is correct; that the Russian investigation is based upon democrat opposition mud, then their post-election behavior was incredibly reckless.
Henry @ 8:44: "...Don't fear the memo."
Nice. Such a fantastic song. And that theme of mortality? Perfect here.
Adam Schiff is using the sloppy Chewbacca defense. Stand in the corner, and yell anything indecipherable.
He should realize that the next Democratic President will be investigate him and trying to put him in jail. You know the thing they decry as horrible is the first thing they would do.
Not accepting the results of an election is just the latest and most odious example.
He needs to destroy them without mercy and salt the earth.
Wow, CNN spent the whole day pushing #FakeNews. Must be a day that ends in -day.
ARM's fact checker got cred? nope.
Senate homeland security chairman Ron Johnson is asking for text/email/communication records from 16 new FBI and DOJ employees, including Comey and McCabe.
Comey and BloomenDorkenthal(d) have their McCarthy talking points down.
Dan McLaughlin sez:
"If Joe McCarthy was known for one thing, it was his hostility to using the federal government to accuse people of collusion with Russia."
Alan Grayson was a Polifact fact checker?
Good Lord.
We live in stupid times.
If it's a nothing-burger, then the energy the Democrats, FBI, and DOJ have put into opposing it will be further proof of their inadequacy to do the jobs for which they have been hired.
Sharyl Atkinson, an actual real journalist, sez:
"Have you ever seen so many open-government groups and reporters argue to keep secret alleged government abuses against US citizens?"
CNN really is a total joke.
FBI/DOJ Leak Yet Another Misleading Piece of Shit to CNN
CNN has a story out, leaked, of course, from FBI/DOJ sources doing pre-buttal work for the FISA Abuse memo, stating that Peter Strzok wrote the first draft of the letter Comey sent to Congress announcing the news that the FBI was re-opening the investigation into Hillary's emails after the FBI's New York office found Hillary Clinton's emails on Anthony Weiner's computer.
From this, you are to conclude that this Peter Strzok, despite texts showing not only a partisan animus but sheer partisan terror over Hillary possibly losing to Trump, was nonetheless a fine, upstanding, unbiased FBI agent, just doin' his job.
Yeah here's the trouble with that: The New York FBI office is the one that discovered the emails, and they were pressuring the DC office to actually act on the evidence they'd delivered to them weeks ago, which McCabe and Co. -- straight shooters all, CNN would like us to know -- were sitting on.
I guess CNN doesn't remember any of this, or doesn't know how to use the Google Machine.
But Fact Checkers are the ultimate referees of Troof!
Alan Grayson was a Polifact fact checker?
Only for three hours, but still, whoever signed off on his hiring needs demotion to the nighttime janitorial service.
For the record, Robert Cook is a big Grayson fan.
Did someone say More Cowbell?
The republicans decide to release the memo the Friday before the Super Bowl. I thought you do that when you don't want people to notice.
Steve uhr: "The republicans decide to release the memo the Friday before the Super Bowl. I thought you do that when you don't want people to notice."
God, you are dense.
Why is that important. Patriotic Americans will not be watching the NFL.
All for this horrible creature.
So nobody who watches the Super Bowl is patriotic? You are truly nuts.
Simply when the process reached its conclusion.
It is a strange time. It just became ready, they didn't want it to overshadow the SOTU, and the Superbowl is following.
If there is little overlap between Sunday Morning News show watchers and Football fans, there is no damage to the number of eyeballs. If there is, the men, camping out early, may catch snippets of it and chat.
However, I notice that you didn't mention Hillary's ridiculous defense essay about how she covered for another sexual harasser something like 20 minutes before the SOTU address.
Because THAT isn't trying to bury news.
Odd that.
For me, it's just the earliest and most convenient time between the Superbowl and the SOTU, while still allowing the Sunday Jabber Jaws wonk out about it.
steve uhr: "So nobody who watches the Super Bowl is patriotic? You are truly nuts"
Uh, yeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhh, that was the point I was trying to make....riiiiiiiiight.
You are basically an incompetent ARM.
No the fact is that people who support a league that puts the supporters of cop killers on a pedestal are nuts.
Patriots should boycott these animals until they stand for the anthem or get cut.
Boycott the National Felons League.
From the Onion, which is a far better news source than the WaPo:
"WASHINGTON—Stressing that such an action would be highly reckless, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned Thursday that releasing the “Nunes Memo” could potentially undermine faith in the massive, unaccountable government secret agencies of the United States. “Making this memo public will almost certainly impede our ability to conduct clandestine activities operating outside any legal or judicial system on an international scale,” said Wray, noting that it was essential that mutual trust exist between the American people and the vast, mysterious cabal given free rein to use any tactics necessary to conduct surveillance on U.S. citizens or subvert religious and political groups. “If we take away the people’s faith in this shadowy monolith exempt from any consequences, all that’s left is an extensive network of rogue, unelected intelligence officers carrying out extrajudicial missions for a variety of subjective, and occasionally personal, reasons.” At press time, Wray confirmed the massive, unaccountable government secret agencies were unaware of any wrongdoing for violating constitutional rights."
Drago -- I wasn't responding to you. I was responding to me peel.
Looking forward to Trump's "long national nightmare" speech after the conspirators are named, fired, prosecuted, and shipped off to gitmo.
The NFL is hemmoraging fans. It is only gong to get worse.
The gang bangers and criminals and social justice warriors have destroyed a once great sport.
Boycott the NFL.
Even worse than the FBI if that is possible.
steve uhr: "Drago -- I wasn't responding to you. I was responding to me peel."
I hope everyone enjoys the game Sunday. Go eagles. (About as patriotic name as you can get ... apart from the patriots.).
I hope everyone finds something better to do with their time..
Read a book. Play with your kids.Go to church. Clean your guns.
Boycott the NFL
Don't be like the scumbag Eagle fans who are going to riot win or lose.
I do absolutely, unequivocally love football - but the key is to shift away from the NFL to high school and college games.
Yes, I've watched a lot of college games this past season. It has not been much of a sacrifice to avoid watching the Packers. I have no desire to watch the Super Bowl. Don't care about either team.
Forget the memo. I want to see the FISA application. I want to know to what extent phony Democrat oppo research was used to give the FBI permission to spy on the Trump campaign. Everything else is clutter.
Assange is right, too - people who have nothing to hide don't act like the Democrats and the FBI are acting.
Good point.
Enjoy the sport in its purer form in high school before it is over.
The sport has about twenty years before it dies. Mothers are going to refuse to let their kids play.
It is going to go the way of boxing.
CNN says Wray’s gonna quit.
He had called dibs on a nice couch in the Secretary of State's office when Tillerson resigned, and the administration hasn't let him take it for some reason.
His computer has two large stickers. Facts Matter and Resist.
Are those the only two stickers, and are they placed in that order? If not, it might be that he covered up the first two words of a "Black Lives Matter" sticker with his new one, "Resist Facts".
Whats to say football won't undergo a few rule changes in order to survive? Last time there was a major revamp of the rules in 1906 (to cut down on deaths and injuries) the forward pass was allowed. Indy 500 and forumla 1 races have undergone continual rule changes to protect drivers and cut down on the carnage. Why would this multi-billion dollar sport be any different? Why is everyone so quick to consign football to the dustbin of history?
Jay Elink said...
FIDO said...
Without a perp walk and someone doing twenty in jail, it's all a farce.
I won't settle for any less than a conga line of orange jump-suited co-conspirator seditionists dragging along their shackles and manacles in front of the cameras.
In addition to the sight, just think of the delightful sound those chains would make as they migrated to federal prisons!
I am sure flag football will be a billion dollar industry.
Social justice warriors have taken over the league. There is no coming back.
Because Sessions has turned out to be a complete waste of oxygen...
Who is the one person holding all of this Russian collusion crap together?
Rod Rosenstein.
He has been a traitor for years and he has been involved in more than one DOJ coverup. He conspired with Comey and Mueller to get the special counsel in the first place. He is the only person standing in the way of a second special prosecutor.
Turns out Rod has been extending FISA warrants based on the long since discredited dossier.
The first step right now is to indict Rosenstein and get a non traitor overseeing the investigation. The traitors know he is the last line of defense. After he resigns or is fired the real work can start.
People are overlooking the purpose of the memo. It would be far better to have all the material relating to the FISA applications and FISA requests to be made public that are related to the election and occurred between late 2015 and really right up until about June of this past year. That is the material that the public needs access to to be able to ever trust these agencies again. However, the DoJ and the FBI have fought tooth and nail against even providing this material to the committees of Congress with the oversight responsibilities. It took the entire House voting to impose penalties on Wray and Rosenstein if they didn't comply with the congressional subpoenas for the material on which the memo is based- Wray and Rosenstein finally complied late this past year, but are still dragging their feet on other matters.
Nunes wrote the memo to force the opposition in the agencies into the position of now complaining about how the memo is cherry picking facts, but here is the rub- you can't make that complaint and then refuse to turn over material, or to oppose the declassification and public release of the material. I hope Wray writes up a rebuttal Friday- it will be very interesting to see what facts he is willing to discuss in such a rebuttal- if it is just another claim that facts are missing, he can march his ass over the Intelligence Committee, take an oath, and answer questions publicly. I want to see Schiff's memo for the exact same reason. I think the memo is just about guaranteed to get the result I want- sunlight on all of it- no exceptions. I am fucking sick and tired of hearing about how I have to just trust these people despite all the reasons not to. Sick and tired of it.
BDNYC said...
No more celebutards like Trump with laughably dysfunctional campaigns.
Let's see- he beat all the Republican primary candidates, who spent much more than he did on the primary campaign.
He won the presidential election against the overwhelming favorite, having only a 5% chance of winning on the morning of election day according to all the experts.
I don't think laughably dysfunctional campaigns means what you think it means. Looks like he ran a brilliant campaign as evidenced by one single fact- He won!
“Suppose the whole drawn out Nunes Memo tease is a red herring asking the questions, while the Inspector General is preparing the coup de grace. The Nunes memo is a GOP document. The inspector General's Report will be inescapable.”
Their theory is that the batting rotation is: Nunes (HPSCI), Grassley (Senate Judiciary): Goodlatte (House Judiciary), then Horowitz (DoJ OIG). O
Some additional thoughts.
Notice that the DoJ and FBI official complaining are essentially doing so anonymously. We saw with Stryck and Page how this is done by the top tier at those agencies. They try to steer public debate through strategic leaks to sympathetic journalists. And, then, have to appear surprised when their leaks end up driving the news cycle. And this appears to be the same exact thing - top career DoJ and FBI supergraders leaking their personal displeasure at being under attack. Boo hoo. You would think from the MSM commentary that these agencies had some sort of moral independence from the Presidency (as the Executive) and Congress - essentially a fourth branch of government. They don’t (their moral and legal justification being through Artivle II of the Constitution, the contract by which we grant our government its power over us). And, notably, these same “journalists” (Dem operatives with press passes) were just fine with AG Holder imposing his, and Obama’s will over these very same agencies. This is the Deep State, the powerful elite running the permanent bureaucracy. They are under attack, and are screaming like stuck pigs to any sympathetic “journalists” who will listen to them. Which is, of course, probably illegal, and definitely disloyal to their elected bosses. But, of course, they don’t really believe that the democratically elected President and Congress should be looking over their shoulders and telling them, the loyal bureaucratic mandarins, what to do.
I think that the rumor of FBI Dir Wray resigning is a complete red herring. Wishful thinking by the left, looking for another Saturday Night Massacre. He was the first in the Executive Branch to see the Memo, and Nunes tweaked it at his request. More importantly, after Comey, and his disloyalty, I don’t think that Trump was going to nominate anyone who wasn’t going to be loyal that post. I see AAG Rosenstein as more problematic. The best of the lot at the top of the career DoJ staff, put in there because he was willing to fire Comey, but was acceptable to Schumer and the Dems. The Administration was looking for the best that they could get confirmed quickly, and Rosenstein doesn’t appear to have made many enemies on either side of the isle. Not really strong enough for the position - I think that they really need someone like his predecessor, Sally Yates, in the position, but Trump couldn’t wait until he got someone like that by Schumer and his obstructionists, who are still slow walking nominations, and esp for the DoJ. Not corrupt, and not really disloyal, just not strong enough to stand up to his former colleagues at the DoJ, who now report to him. AG Sessions too doesn’t seem strong enough for the job as AG. Too much the southern gentleman. But appointing him AG was political payback for his early and strong support for Trump. Ultimately, I think that they maybe need someone like Gulianni, or maybe Christie, as AG to really clean up the mess. Hopefully, the Republicans will pick up enough Senate seats in Nov to make this sort of change possible. I don’t see either resigning over this, and expect that at least Sessions is quietly cheering his Republican colleagues along.
Steve uhr: "The republicans decide to release the memo the Friday before the Super Bowl. I thought you do that when you don't want people to notice."
Again, wishful thinking. There is a building momentum to these things, which is why the Republicans didn’t wait until next week. Next week is probably already booked solid (see my batting order post above). House voted this out to the President last weekend. The President had 5 days to give his permission to declassify the memo. He happened to have his SOTU speech Wednesday, which meant that Tues and Wed were out, and maybe Thurs. Plus, the Republicans in Congress had scheduled a retreat this week, right after the SOTU, which Trump attended. Which leaves Friday.
It's Friday morning and the left column Memo mention has six linked headlines, all anti-memo release starting with Anderson Cooper using the term "phony drama".
CNN is 24/7 anti-Trump and pro Hillary, and hasn't hidden it for years.
“...And, of course, Stormy Daniels, release your bosoms to America!…”
Fait accompli. Overrated.
Langford Peel “,,,Trump is way too magnimus in victory.
That was his biggest mistake.
He should have appointed a special prosecutor to look into Hillary's many crimes staring with the uranium deal.”
Actually I disagree. Trump was actually concerned with governing. After 8 years of Obama plus the two prior years of a lame duck Bush and a Dem Congress, there was a lot of fixin’ to do.
Why start your whole presidential career off on something that would guarantee to derail it to the detriment of the country, for years?
I’m a lifelong fan of NFL but the league is dead to me now. I have zero interest in the Supergame at all. SJWs ruin every institution they touch. Sadly Goodell decided their view was more important than The Game. Where do I go to get The Game back once it’s coopted?
How can we expect rank and file FBI to respect the Law if we let their managers skate after so much stonewalling and abuse of power?
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