"... and it offends my sense of fairness. I would love to see him fight this." And: "I want to see the ethics commission do its work. I want to hear what the accusers have to say when confronted by questions while under oath. I am particularly curious as to the answers of the anonymous accusers. As for Gillibrand, she may run for president if she wishes but she ain’t getting my vote."
These are the 2 highest-rated comments on the WaPo column "Could Al Franken un-resign? Sure."
I've already posted today on the topic of the potential for Franken to "un-resign." He'd always only said he would resign in the coming weeks, so I presume it would be procedurally easy to decline to follow through on his earlier statement. What I'm putting up this post to discuss is the political future of Kirsten Gillibrand, who I think wants to run for President. She chose to elevate her profile over the Franken scandal and she succeeded dramatically — getting an "avalanche of Democratic senators" to join her in calling for Franken's resignation, which seemed to force him into abruptly acceding to her imperious demand.
If Franken turns around and says he won't resign, he will be talking about fairness, due process, and evidence-based judgment. Whatever he says will be critical of the way power was exercised under the leadership of Kirsten Gillibrand. This is her signature issue, and she made a grand show of flexing her muscle, and her fellow Democrats behaved as if she were their leader on this issue. If what they did is portrayed as ill-considered and rash, Gillibrand looks like someone who should not be trusted with great power.
If Democrats care about the future of Kirsten Gillibrand, they need Franken to shut up and go away.
१४३ टिप्पण्या:
Well she's getting in the way of the junior senator from California so Franken's doing the good of mankind a favor
I honestly think the Podesta Democrats are still holding out for Hillary in 2020. Considering that's the most stupid course of action possible, I expect a not-so-subtle campaign to push Gillibrand under the bus.
Roy Moore should say he'll concede when Franken leaves the senate.
Well, that ballbuster thing worked so well for Hillary....
Okay I looked her up. Google images. She has sort of matronly tits. Other than that sounds like a typical public-hysterical democrat playing to idiot women.
The official narrative plays a lot of that down and makes believe she's a serious person.
Althouse wonders if the make-believe serious person will work or not.
I suspect she's actually a serious person but doesn't mind insulting everybody's intelligence because women are angry.
How much more will it take before everyone sees that Democrats care about sexual harassment (and every other type of sex scandal) only if and when it benefits them politically?
Of course Franken isn't going to resign. He never intended to. Did anyone think he did?
Soon we'll know what and who they love more.
If Franken changes his mind and refuses to go he displays every Leftist's worst nightmare of toxic white male privilege. If Gillibrand can't win the nomination on the back of that, she's unfit as a Dem politician.
Gillibrand is a ditz. It'd be nice for her to articulate one coherent geo-political or economic idea.
Checking the Democrat boxes: (1) Pro-Choice, (2) Pro- gay marriage, (3) Anti-Trump is not sufficient, Sweetie.
Franken should stay because fuck off ladies. He'd get guys' votes.
He could always pull a Costanza...
LEVITAN:... Is that Costanza over there? What are you doing here?
LEVITAN: Am I crazy, or didn't you quit?
LEVITAN: Friday.
GEORGE: Oh, what? What? That? Are you kidding? I didn't quit. What? You took that seriously?
History repeats itself: the first time as Seinfeld, the second time as farce.
If Democrats care about the future of Kirsten Gillibrand, they need Franken to shut up and go away.
But what if Democrats care about principles?
I crack me up sometimes...
If Democrats care about the future of Kirsten Gillibrand, they need Franken to shut up and go away.
I don't think it is just happenstance that Franken's replacement was produced almost instantly and that the replacement senator is a woman.
A pox on both of their houses...
There is reasonable suspicions that Al a) is guilty of sexual misconduct and b) there was fraud involved in his election.
Gillibrand pushed this for political reasons, not because she cares about men (especially Democrat men) abusing women. This was another stick to beat up her political opponents with. Now that it looks like Moore is out (he may be pushing a recount) down the memory hole with this incident...
Again I ask; what are Franken's chances of a re-election in 2020 (his current term ends then) if he un-resigns?
What are the Franken-replacement's chances if she has to run in a special election in 2018? And then again in the Franken class in 2020?
What if Franken resigns in 2018, and then comes back to run again in 2020?
It's all a matter of Minnesotans holding the seat for the DFL Party, right?
I'm willing to presume the most craven of motivations with the Minnesota Democrats. It is for just that reason that I am wondering about Franken's regular term and any special elections.
We just suffered a Presidential run by a well-connected mediocrity who claimed her main qualification for office was being a woman. That turned out well.
We do not need another.
I think the final D nominee for 2020 will be someone unexpected.
I predict bland, likeable, without a whiff of scandal, and someone from the south or midwest.
Bay Area Guy said...
Gillibrand is a ditz. It'd be nice for her to articulate one coherent geo-political or economic idea.
Checking the Democrat boxes: (1) Pro-Choice, (2) Pro- gay marriage, (3) Anti-Trump is not sufficient, Sweetie.
12/18/17, 3:36 PM
You forgot the most important, er, box: Gillibrand has a vag.
There is a Dem House of Representatives candidate who is running ads touting the fact that she doesn't have one of those icky pee-pees that get men into such trouble. Nothing about any policies or positions she advocates for or against - just "vote for me, I'm female!"
The Dems have played identity politics for a long time, but that's the first ad I've seen which didn't even pretend to bother with anything else.
Un-resign, dude. Your Alabama contract is up. Pig Monster!
wwww said...
I think the final D nominee for 2020 will be someone unexpected.
I predict bland, likeable, without a whiff of scandal, and someone from the south or midwest.
12/18/17, 3:45 PM
The Dem bench is mighty thin.
Gillibrand is as lynch-happy as any Klansman. She would be remarkably easy to beat in any national contest. No sane person truly wants to be identified with the pussy hat.
"Gillibrand looks like someone who should not be trusted with great power."
You're just about there: replace LOOKS LIKE with IS and you've got it.
predict bland, likeable, without a whiff of scandal, and someone from the south or midwest.
You meant to say “smidgen” not “whiff,” right?
Martin said...
We just suffered a Presidential run by a well-connected mediocrity who claimed her main qualification for office was being a woman. That turned out well.
We do not need another.
12/18/17, 3:44 PM
That may have been her public claim but her actual claim was that it was her turn. That "articulate" fellow (Dem for nice negro though he is half white - not sure if that counts in Dem circles, they of the "one drop" rule and all) stole it from her before so she was doubly due this go round. Then that HACK Trump (whom she expected to get a big check from not a contest) went and pissed all over her parade.
Oh well, there is always 2020 (Dear Lord, hear my prayer, please let Hillary have her way and allow her to run again in 2020!, Amen - I know, that will cost me 12 Hail Mary's and 4 Our Fathers but it was worth it!).
A vag is not a pee-pee.
"Can't you just hold it?"
"It doesn't work that way, detective."
Hot Pursuit (2015)
Franken came to his senses. Frankensense, they call it. And it's very Seasonal.
It's Jamie Gorelick in 2020, I kid you not. It's the only job she hasn't failed in. Yet.
I predict bland, likeable, without a whiff of scandal, and someone from the south or midwest.
A Republican, in other words.
He can't "unresign" since that would require him to first resign.
Gillibrand for POTUS? Seriously? She’s a one-issue wonder so far. They’re desperate.
In a redemptive move, Franken offers to have each Democrat female Senator grab his ass on camera, tells governor Mark Dayton and his putative appointment, Tina Smith to, "Go fuck yourselves," and declares at a press conference that he is un-resigning his seat, who, as an "Independent Democrat" will caucus only with Bernie Sanders.
As Roy Moore is a character in this thread, what do we know about the intent now of the stable of his accusers? Haven't seen anything since Tuesday. I'm betting the heinous allegations will have become evanescent: allowed to fade away, a wisp at a time, without so much as an emanation to form a penumbra... No need to verify, Mr. Media, the trust was sufficient.
Looks to me like the left is upset that their social justice suicide bombers were actually successful.
The Dem bench is mighty thin.
People want to call it now based on people who have been in the public eye, who guess someone who is at least someone known. But my bet is it'll be a complete surprise. Someone like Doug Jones. Someone known locally, not nationally.
I think South or Midwest but could be someone west of the Rockies. But I'd be mighty surprised if it was someone from New England, New York, or California.
Gillibrand will probably end up like the accusing girls in Salem - ignored. I doubt that a New York Senator is going to be successful winning a Democratic primary this time around. California maybe. In fact, I suspect a woman will have a hard time winning it after we get two more years of exposure of the incompetence and basic crookedness that was Clinton's campaign. Gillibrand made her move way too soon. She will get no support from the Clinton group. We all know in our hearts that Hillary wants to run again.
Franken will not actually leave. His phony bologna resignation speech was all theater to convince the folks down in Alabama not to vote for icky Roy Moore. Here’s a poll Gallup should run down in Alabama:
If I had known that Al Franken’s resignation was not for real, how would that have affected your vote on December 12 th?
1) I voted for Doug Jones and still would have voted for Doug Jones.
2) I voted for Roy Moore and still would have voted for Roy Moore.
3) I wrote in someone else’s name and still would have cast a write-in vote.
4) I wrote in someone else’s name but would have voted for Roy Moore.
5) I did not vote but would have gone to the polls to vote for Roy Moore.
6) I did not vote and still would not have voted.
7) Al Franken is resigning from the cast of “Saturday Night Live “? What’s he going to do next?
8) Who is Al Franken?
Should about cover the waterfront.
I predict bland, likeable, without a whiff of scandal, and someone from the south or midwest.
A Republican, in other words.
Well, Not in the Age of Trump. That's why I predict bland and boring for the nominee. Just a hunch. We'll see.
"It's Jamie Gorelick in 2020..."
Are you trying to ruin my happy hour, Darrell?
Al makes a great piñata. By all means keep him. Seriously.
Well, Not in the Age of Trump. That's why I predict bland and boring for the nominee. Just a hunch. We'll see.
There's some debate, even in these comments, about how much of a Republican Trump is.
Darrell said...
It's Jamie Gorelick in 2020, I kid you not. It's the only job she hasn't failed in. Yet.
At you suggesting that Jamie Gorelick is going to fail at her current job? You know, representing Presidential son-in-law and White House something-or-other, Jared Kushner?
Kushner has hired not one but two of the most inside-insiders of the entire Clinton era; Gorelick and Abbe Lowell.
Lock him up. Lock. Him. Up.
The so-called "reckoning" may be declared a success with one less female chauvinist, one less diversitist, one less whatever, colluding with male chauvinists to sacrifice women, men, and babies, for social, political, and economic progress.
without so much as an emanation to form a penumbra
The allegations were declared nonviable and summarily aborted. There was no "fetal" collateral damage, so we can credibly call it positive progress.
Franken offers to have each Democrat female Senator grab his ass on camera
While conscious and unconscious, then we'll have a gay olde time.
If Democrats care about the future of Kirsten Gillibrand, they need Franken to shut up and go away.
If Democrats are serious about civil rights and basic fairness they need Kirsten Gillibrand to shut up and go away.
Recall Gillibrand was trying to use the Title IX witch hunt to push this agenda back before the Rolling Stone debacle, and in fact she had a connection to the case. Emily Renda was a UVA grad and activist on the White House Title IX working group which Gillibrand worked closely with. The goal of that group was to use the propaganda studies claiming 1 in 5 (sometimes 4) women on campus are sexually assaulted to change the legal structure regarding sexual assault. Step one in this process was to pass a law requiring the so-called "Affirmative Consent" doctrine to be used on all college campuses receiving federal funds. Since this includes loans that is all but a handful of universities. These rules are more accurately described as "Accusations Prove Guilt".
Emily Renda directed Sabrina Erdely, author of the Rolling Stone story reporting the rape hoax as factual, to Jackie. Their goal was to use the resulting story to trigger a moral panic allowing them to eliminate due process on campus. The next step was to transfer as much of those eliminations to the general legal system as possible.
It's amazing how close they came to success, and they still could if we're not vigilant. Antioch College tried to enact the Affirmative Consent rules back in the 90s. They were mocked so loud the rules were rescinded. A mere 20 years later California requires their use on all higher ed campuses in the state. Activists don't ever give up, they just look for a different place to attack.
If Democrats care
We learned in Philosophy 101: When the if statement is false, as in this case, the entire statement is true.
The last Woman Senator from New York who ran as a Democrat for President did such a bang-up job. Why not try again!!
Gillibrand has a history of sexual hysteria. She and her pal McCaskill brought about the retirement of the female astronaut LT General who was nominated for the Space Command.
Her offense ?
she over ruled an overenthusiastic JAG officer who wanted to crucify a male officer who was accused of sexual assault by a female officer when the alleged assault occure in a car with another officer couple who denied that anything had taken place.
In 2013, Helms was nominated by President Barack Obama to become vice commander of the Air Force Space Command. Senator Claire McCaskill placed a permanent hold on the nomination because Helms had dismissed a charge of a sexual assault and punished Captain Herrera on a lesser charge leading to his dismissal from the USAF, in her role as the General Court-Martial Convening Authority, who is required to review all findings.[7][8] As Helms's lawyer explained, Helms felt the prosecution had failed to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. Obama eventually withdrew Helms's nomination.
That mortal sin was enough for the SJWs McCaskil and Gillibrand to block a female with a distinguished career far beyond anything they had ever accomplished. Helms then retired.
The officious JAG officer wanted to have the male officer dishonorably discharged. Helms allowed him to resign and keep his citizenship.
That sort of thing cannot be allowed by the feminist intifada.
Democrats losing their party and religion with a progressive schism in the Pro-Choice Church.
Someone like Doug Jones.
Doug “There were very fine people on both sides of the Civil War” Jones?
Isn’t that racist, or was that only three months ago? This is like Lou Costello getting the rules from Abbot to poker. “Hey, I got a kangaroo straight! 2,4,6,8,10, just like you won that pot with!”
“Sorry, but that only counts once in a game!”
So, it's Iran-Iraq War time, here, yes?
Gillibrand v. Franken, may they both lose, and drag the Democrat Party down with them
"If what they did is portrayed as ill-considered and rash, Gillibrand looks like someone who should not be trusted with great power.
If Democrats care about the future of Kirsten Gillibrand, they need Franken to shut up and go away."
If only.
I certainly wouldn't have a problem with Democrats "caring about the future of Kirsten Gillibrand", but, alas, there are probably enough Dems smart enough to know that Gillibrand is a dingbat who should not be trusted with great power.
Meanwhile, the internecine slap-fest might turn out well (for anti-Dems). Back Franken, back Gillibrand, it's all good.
There's some debate, even in these comments, about how much of a Republican Trump is.
Yes, I do not see Trump as a "traditional" Republican -- certainly not as a 20th century Republican. I don't get the impression he was identified as a Republican until quite recently. But things change.
But party identities change over time. The Whigs changed, things change, parties re-form under the same name and sometimes they re-name themselves.
After all, they are multiple groups who form a coalition that needs to get more then 60 million votes. A lot of different ideologies/ philosophies involved.
I think both parties are in transition as a big generational shift is underway. Boomers are retiring. The millennials now outnumber boomers. This transition will probably take 10-20 years. How they both look in 20 years is unpredictable to me. But I think a major change in political party change & re-formation is underway, similar to the 1850s/ 1860s.
Rick at 4:18: nice comment on Gillibrand and UVA. I would offer one small edit: "Jackie," the woman interviewed by Erdely at UVA, had a surname as well as a fantastic slander. Jackie Coakley. She may be a head case, but I see no reason to give her anonymity. She is lucky not to have been charged for her life-destroying falsehoods, and the message that we need to send to others who aspire to do as she did is, very simply, don't even think about it.
I do hope Gillibrand and Franken can settle their differences. In a cage. With knives.
Poor Al. Came to the senate to late to be a lion. And he didn't even kill anyone.
The last Woman Senator from New York who ran as a Democrat for President did such a bang-up job. Why not try again!!
And that's why I doubt Gillibrand will get the nomination. But who knows? Democrats are notoriously bad at politics.
Since you put it that way, Franken should stay, and remain a bad example.
Gillibrand won’t get the nomination. Someone like Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris will have a better chance to be nominated and to win.
Democrats have hung a sign for the 2020 nomination: No Whites Need Apply.
They could put him in charge of the Democratic Party Sexual Harassment Rehab Program
Unlike Gillibrand, Harris and Warren do have substance They are hardcore leftist true-believers.
The only saving grace is that while Pochahontas has her Native American heritage to defend, Harris has a really, really, white husband.
Hey, I don't care about these things, but it ain't gonna help the "get out the vote" crowd in East Oakland:)
Democrats have hung a sign for the 2020 nomination: No Whites Need Apply.
Thank God Warren has that Native American cookbook entry to save her!
Warren 2020: Make America Grate Again
What I want is Chris Matthews to interview So Franken about Roy Moore.
He wAS a cigar store Indian necessary to have obamacare pass, and stay in effect, his work with the Olivia wise club embezzling voter fraud were more serious offenses.
Kirsten Gillibrand: an opportunist only a Democrat could love.
If Franken unresigns, I'd expect a lot of blowback from the Black Caucus. There were already charges of racism after Conyers was forced to resign. If Franken gets to unresign, especially if that move is supported by anyone who was pushing Conyers to get out, the internal dynamics could get quite ugly for Team Dem.
I’m sold. STAY AL, STAY.
I think he cannot because a *woman* has been named to replace him. But I said from the get-go he should not resign. The claims against him were weak, some were distorted, and some ludicrous.
2018 and 2020 will prove to be very interesting.
The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Sunday finds 50 percent of registered voters say they want a Democratic-controlled Congress, compared to 39 percent who want Republicans in control.
Democrats hold a massive advantage among voters ages 18 to 34 in the poll, with 69 percent of those voters saying they prefer Democrats in control of Congress versus 21 percent who prefer Republicans. They also hold double-digit advantages among female voters, 54 percent to 34 percent, and independent voters, 43 percent to 31 percent percent.
Meanwhile, Republicans hold just a 2-point advantage among white voters, with 46 percent saying they prefer a Republican-controlled Congress compared to 44 percent who want Democrats in power.
NBC reports it’s the first time since 2008 that Democrats have held a double-digit lead and captured 50 percent of registered voters on the question of who should control congress in the NBC/WSJ poll.
Memo to the Michigan Republican Party--Distribute this photo of Chuck to all security guards. Subject should be considered mentally disturbed. Use whatever force deemed necessary.
Democrats have hung a sign for the 2020 nomination: No White Males Need Apply.
Fixed it for you, campy.
Inga: "Someone like Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris will have a better chance to be nominated and to win."
Pocahontas will be scalped by Harris before the first primary.
The dems know that they need a non-white as the nominee to get the necessary spool up in the democrat base.
In any event, at any point in time, Harris can pull the "Fake Indian" card on Warren and Warren will go "poof" and disappear.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Pow Wow Chow)
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Willie Brown)
Quite a lineup.
The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. . .
The same people that had Hillary with a 97% chance of winning? Right. I've got three seconds, fuckheads, tell me everything you know.
Inga: "2018 and 2020 will prove to be very interesting"
What election wasn't interesting?
Inga is citing polls for 2018?
Remind us again what those same polls said last November.
If Franken gets to unresign, especially if that move is supported by anyone who was pushing Conyers to get out, the internal dynamics could get quite ugly for Team Dem.
They've been there before. They are counting, probably rightly, on blacks falling into line.
Althouse said " What I'm putting up this post to discuss is the political future of Kirsten Gillibrand, who I think wants to run for President. "
Yes! I completely agree!
I have been thinking that Franken would hold on with fingers, toes, and teeth, but Dayton's naming a successor kinda took the wind out of those sails. If he decides to fight it now, pass the popcorn.
“Inga is citing polls for 2018?”
No. The poll reflects today’s opinions. No one knows what the future holds.
Ah, gee, kinda hoping that Franken would actually resign, cuz then Minnesota Gov. G. Dayton could do a do over of Gov. Wendell's famous make himself senator shtick. But, no, Gov. G. Dayton had to go appoint his Lt. Gov., which appointment will have to wait till Franken really does pull the pin on his current gig.
Our half esteemed governor had to go do the sane thing and not have himself appointed (Well, Gov. Wendell didn't actually do that either, technically! Still, that was the result, in a true sense).
Still, whatever Franken does benefits Minnesota: His resignation removes, kinda, that blemish on our once good and noble state; If he doesn't resign, it kinda demonstrates that he is an unrepentant abuser IMNO (Defender of Woman's rights? Ha!).
Drago sez:
"In any event, at any point in time, Harris can pull the "Fake Indian" card on Warren and Warren will go "poof" and disappear."
I forgot that! Harris is indeed, half-Indian from Mother. (Father was Jamaican).
Harris will one day be President, but I just hope it's not 2020.
No one knows what the future holds.
You're going to die. Bet on it.
Gillibrand has been one of the biggest supporters of the Title IX kangaroo courts. The accusation is enough.
Bay Area Guy said...
Unlike Gillibrand, Harris and Warren do have substance
I don't see much difference. Gillibrand relies on discredited propaganda studies concerning campus sexual assault. Warren developed her own on medical bankruptcy. Her 2001 study defines a "medical bankruptcy" as a filing including 1,000 of medical bills. This is a crazy number not least because literally no one should ever file bankruptcy over that amount. If you can't pay 1,000 you're judgement proof. But the biggest problem is that the overwhelming majority of bankruptcies with 1,000 in medical debt include vastly greater amounts of other debt.
This mis-definition shows she wasn't even attempting to study the problem but was instead focused on creating a data point the political press could hype and turn into a moral panic. In this case her effort was successful leading to both Obamacare (in part) and the CFPB (entirely). I suppose you could credit for for creating her own propaganda rather than relying on others but that's not what I mean by "substance". Ultimately they are both in snake oil sales.
Despite what the public opinion of reliably genius internet commenters, the Democrats did the right and good thing replacing Al, in fact we could use a few more replacements of the politicans indistinguishable from the other party. we need another Bernie Sanders with a message, hope they don't sabotage them again.
Gillibrand is such a lightweight, she'll be perfect for Dem VP in 2020--sort of like Slow Joe without the gravitas.
The Dems got killed in 1994 and 2010. Why wouldn't the GOP get killed in 2018?
The GOP held on in 2002 because of 9/11, but the ax fell in 2006. It would be remarkable if the GOP held on in 2018, although it looks like a race to the bottom.
If Democrats care about the future of Kirsten Gillibrand -
Why should they? She's one of the most boring, milquetoast, play-it-safe and stand-for-nothing-but-meaningless-identity politics senators their party has in that region. Almost as bad as Cory Booker - or even Hilldog before her. Sure, the Demoncrats can care about her future, but only if they don't give a damn about their party. They seem to have not figured out that standing up for something might not win titles but it does win the kind of offices where power actually matters.
Republicans have my full permission to keep beating the crap out of Demoncrats until this basic lesson is learned.
Warren-Sitting Bull in 2020!
Gillibrand has a lot of nerve grabbing the women's champion model when she took Hillary's Senate seat and had the enthusiastic blessing of both Clintons, enabler and horndog. (Interesting fact: Hillary Clinton got into politics by cutting ahead of another, better Democratic woman, Nita Lowey, who was in line to move from the House to the Senate.)
If the Democrats want to win next time, they will look beyond their politicians. Think Oprah Winfrey, Mark Cuban or Jeff Bezos. Each could fund a campaign, as HRC did, but without all the icky stuff and corruption. And any one of them could go toe-to-toe with Trump as a successful business person. Seriously.
Republicans have my full permission to keep beating the crap out of Demoncrats until this basic lesson is learned.
Only the more thoughtful Democrats have learned anything from 2016, least of all Hillary. If they are convinced they did nothing wrong in 2016, they will continue in the same old way.
"What I'm putting up this post to discuss is the political future of Kirsten Gillibrand, who I think wants to run for President."
That doofus white chick doesnt stand a chance. Especially in the dem party.
Person of color or Bust!
There's some debate, even in these comments, about how much of a Republican Trump is.
Just driving home and Mark Levin, who was a NeverTrumper, even after the election for a while, was calling Trump "The third Reagan term."
Chuck will be the last holdout except Max Boot,
Kirsten Gillibrand is an attractive woman but she's a dim bulb. A lightweight.
If Democrats care about the future of Kirsten Gillibrand, they need Franken to shut up and go away.
If Democrats are serious about civil rights and basic fairness they need Kirsten Gillibrand to shut up and go away.
If I were a Democrat, I'd want them both to lose.
The Great American Baking Show got cancelled for the rest of the season (only 1 episode had aired) because one of the judges was accused of impropriety from several years ago.
Ok, sever ties with him for the future. But how crazy are we going if we can't even lay eyes on him on this show? Why does everyone have to be punished?
Also, Kirsten Gillibrand was very transparent regarding her political ambition.
I think people are going to be sick of Gillibrand's brand of purges.
Franken was railroaded and Gillibrand was pullin' the train.
I denounce myself.
Not only should Franken "unresign', but he should run for President in 2020 and tap Anthony Weiner as his running mate. The Franken-Weiner is coming to town!
It is unlikely Gillibrand will win the Democratic primaries because they skew to the left and she represented tobacco companies earlier in her career.
Franken said the other day that he would resign in January.
I am guessing he loses some kind of pension money if he quits before the end of the year.
Any congressional pay experts here?
John Henry
I assume Gillibrand did what the minority leader and senior senator from her state suggested she do. If I’m right, then she’s a follower and not a leader at all. If I’m wrong, that’s in its own way worse because it means she can’t think very many (or any) moves ahead and foresee likely consequences.
Senator Emily Litella. What a disgraceful lot.
Gillibrand has everything needed to run:
1. Not Hillary Clinton.
2. As far as I know, not thoroughly corrupt like Clinton.
3. As far as I know, not an actual criminal like Clinton.
4. Will do whatever Chuck Schumer tells her to do.
5. Has a vagina.
Don't minimize #5, a lot of women I know were voting for "history."
She's wall stets fair haired girl, she once was a lobbyist for big tobacco (boo)
Franken was deemed unworthy, inconvenient, and his resignation profitable. In following the established Democrat religious/legal/ethical doctrine, he should be deemed nonviable and aborted/recycled for social progress.
I am soliciting responses to my comment.
"Think Oprah Winfrey." Hey, hey, Crazy Jane, you're a year late, since yours truly made that prediction a year ago, right here on this blog, ahead of the curve. Ahem. But you are right.
Oprah may be too moderate for Dems in prog mode, but she'd be best for them and best for the country (relatively speaking).
I agree with you, Big Mike. Franken was railroaded by Democratic Party elders who imo convinced him that his resignation would give political legitimacy for the impeachment of Trump. Plus the gesture was instumental in giving Gillibrand her moment to take center stage. Roy Moore was an interesting complication from Trump's point of view. Had Moore won, the character issue would have been front and center and used non-stop against Trump. But Moore lost and almost immediately Doug Jones, the Democratic winner and recipient of untold support from the Democratic establishment, announced that he wanted to move on from the character issue. Ha ha. Trump's alleged improprieties were known by voters before the election and they elected him nonetheless. Liberal friends were wildly celebrating after Moore's defeat and I was glad also, but for different reasons. Even when Trump loses, he wins.
I wish I could have been in the room when Franken learned about Jones's statement. Talk about whiplash! Come on Al, don't you think it's kind of comedic? Not only does Gillibrand look like a fool without the judgement to govern so does the Democratic Party, regardless if Franken resigns or not. And he looks a complete idiot and unelectable, so forget about a third term.
But politics is a funny business. Remember when Marco Rubio looked like he was a goner?
"I am guessing he loses some kind of pension money if he quits before the end of the year."
Depends on how they count a year of service but the effect would be minimal even if he gets an extra year of service.
It looks like his pension will be in the mid-20 thousands and his age will allow him to start receiving it immediately.
I doubt that Franken is or will be hurting for money.
I am soliciting responses to my comment.
I don't see why it has to be one or the other. She can't oppose them outright but there is plenty of room to make other choices on the issues they don't champion.
Oprah may be too moderate for Dems in prog mode,
I don't think anyone has any idea what her political opinions are (other than left of center). If she was far left she would have to keep it under wraps so as not to alienate her audience.
The left in the democratic party set both of them up. She is too connected to Wall Street - he is too connected to Hollywood. Two birds with one stone.....
The left in the democratic party set both of them up. She is too connected to Wall Street - he is too connected to Hollywood. Two birds with one stone.....
The left in the democratic party set both of them up. She is too connected to Wall Street - he is too connected to Hollywood. Two birds with one stone.....
The left in the democratic party set both of them up. She is too connected to Wall Street - he is too connected to Hollywood. Two birds with one stone.....
Franken will recant his resignation, the tell is that the Nasty Women and Pussy Hat Marching Society has gone silent. The deal is done.
Committee memberships tell the tale:
Franken, Al (D-MN)
Committee on Indian Affairs
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Committee on the Judiciary
Gillibrand, Kirsten E. (D-NY)
Special Committee on Aging
Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Committee on Armed Services
Committee on Environment and Public Works
Gillibrand's committees are crap, she's only useful to push the War on Women meme which has pretty much backfired on the Dems.
However, Franken sits on three key committees. They can trot him out to regurgitate talking points, spout LIV nonsense, mug for the camera and capture the news cycle.
Sen. Gillibrand should carry around a mattress until Franken resigns!
Drago said "That doofus white chick doesnt stand a chance. Especially in the dem party."
I agree they are going to go with a woman of color and it isn't going to be Oprah (too media phobic) or lamebrain Kamala Harris (too lightweight to wrest the party from the Clintons).
There's only one woman with the stature and media profile; Michelle Obama. Then the Progs and media can resume squeeing over their boyfriend Obama, he gets to hector from the sidelines, swan around with celebs and athletes, play as much golf as he wishes and the Dems will finally be free of the Clintons; a win-win
“... Gillibrand ... ain’t getting my vote ...”
She tied you to her kitchen chair
She broke your throne and she cut your hair
... a cold and very lonely Hallelujah.
If Franken turns around and says he won't resign, he will be talking about fairness, due process, and evidence-based judgment
If Franken does this, it will be for the first time in his political careeer. Until now, he's been perfectly happy to support Gillibrand-style witch hunts, whether on men in college or the military, or on general Republicans anywhere. His history is as no less of a demagogue than Gillibrand, as both his books and his work on the Senate Judiciary Committee make clear.
Sure, I would love to see him make such a statement. It would be nice for the Democrats to walk away from this brink. But I'd bet, if he decides to fight this, it would be more as: "I'm not like all those other guys, I'm really innocent!"
I don't give a flying flip about the future of either Gillibrand or Franken; I just want the jerkmeat to go away.
When Roy Moore lost, there was no reason for the Democrats to throw Franken under the bus, as prelude to a massive sustained attack on Moore's "fitness" for office -- no Franken, no accusations of hypocrisy.
Democrats are disgusting human beings. Disgusting and repugnant.
Are there any members of Congress you would feel like trusting with great power at this point?
Gillibrand doesn't get as much press as Schumer or Andrew Cuomo, so it's certainly possible the press could memory-hole this embarrassment if Franken decides not to resign. My guess though is that Franken will be made to resign whether he likes it or not simply because him staying around neutralizes the War on Women card the Democrats want to play in 2018 and likely 2020.
The difference between Al Franken and a serial killer is that Franken lacks the guts. Evil man, keep from power at all costs.
Kristen Gillibrand ought to seriously consider whether she really wants to be president. She is not thinking real hard IMHO. It's not that great of a job and she doesn't get to only do the fun parts. She's very well as she is.
If she wanted to show serious leadership power, she'd threaten to caucus with the Republicans, and vote with them/as Mitch McConnell directs her, until Franken is gone. THAT would get him out tomorrow. THEN she would be a boss.
I'm still of the opinion that Franken's modified limited resignation speech was primarily aimed at Conyers, second at producing pressure on McConnell to find some reason to reject Moore if he won, and third as a warning to Trump. It was NEVER intended as a serious option, and his non-resignation will be ignored by the MSFN.
Gillibrand has a lot in common with Hillary. They will do anything for money and power. That particular trait didn’t serve Hillary well. But Gillibrand has an advantage over Hillary.....she hasn’t been in charge of anything so we don’t know whether she’s massively incompetent like Hillary. She doesn’t have much of a presence beyond the swamp and she comes across as a rather cold fish. Not particularly endearing qualities.
Drago sez:
I forgot that! Harris is indeed, half-Indian from Mother.
What kind of Indian -- dot or feather?
Franken was not railroaded. He was fairly judged regarding horrendous behavior. Read the account in the Atlantic and tell me how this guy does not resign.
I was just looking at an old Althouse post from 2014 when Althouse was extremely skeptical of Gillibrand when she named a dead Democratic colleague as the senator who had said to her he liked girls to be chubby and asked why she had lost so much weight (she had recently given birth and was getting back to her normal size).
I don't think Althouse believes Gillibrand is trustworthy.
Stocks are up, black unemployment is at a seventeen year low, 20,000 miners are back working, people are working on pipelines, manufacturing is sniffing around the idea of repatriating manufacturing. Identity politics is disregarding all this. So I think that the person who comes out on top in this identity struggle - FrankenStein vs The Mighty Pussyhats - will not be the winner in either 2018 or 2020. I think Franken is much quicker at the politics of it all than Kirsty but she seems more attractive and makes him look like a lout without trying. But that won't be the point. Identity won't be the winning card. Trump will win because his reforms will work and then, after him, those who grasp the opportunity his changes present to get jobs back in their city or state. They will win.
Al Franken-- a stolen election = a fake senator.
And now the Groping "Giant of The Senate" gives us a fake resignation. It figures.
MayBee said...
The Great American Baking Show got cancelled for the rest of the season (only 1 episode had aired) because one of the judges was accused of impropriety from several years ago.
"Sugar Daddy"?
Interesting tag line on the post. I assume you agree that Democrats do NOT care about justice, due process, and evidence. Otherwise they’d want Al to get his ethics committee hearing.
Is this Atlantic you refer to an adversarial forum with subpoena power and the right to confront an accuser?
Or is it a magazine?
Or another scenario. Franken doesn't resign and it is rumoured that Trump was literal in his tweet. Except he said no.
We find out that some cute guy who worked as a staffer got half a mil from Gillibrand for grabbing his ass.
rhhardin said...
A vag is not a pee-pee.
And A Man's a Man for a' that.
If Franken "takes one for the team" it may delay but not prevent the inevitable backlash to this overblown sexual harassment witch-hunting. Gillibrand in that sense is a risky pick to hitch your wagon to--particularly as her longtime embrace of the Clintons (and then abrupt turn on them) demonstrates that she's more about political expedience than righteous principle.
The backlash will come, it just may take another year.
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