... it's Monday morning, and things will happen. Who knows what? But I've got to run off early. I'll see you again later when the clouds clear.
And please consider shopping through The Althouse Amazon Portal.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
६० टिप्पण्या:
Wait a minute, we demand that tou stay at your computer until the announcement is made!
Beautiful pic
I haven't seen the crew at Morning Rino this excited since Nate Silver had Hillary locked in at 90%.
How do you watch that show? I stopped watching the Golf Channel because of the MSNBC promos where RINO Joe could not take a breath from his Trump bashing. Everyone knows what they are gonna say and they don't allow dissidents from their POV unless proved tame.
Who got out the red spray paint after that poor whippet??? Dog abuse!
That looks exactly like my Lab.
Consortium News has published an article by Robert Parry titled "Guardians of the Magnitsky Myth", which includes the following passages:
.... The emerging outlines of the broader suppression are now apparent in moves by major technology companies – under intense political pressure – to unleash algorithms that will hunt down what major media outlets and mainstream “fact-checkers” (with their own checkered histories of getting facts wrong) deem to be “false” and then stigmatize that information with pop-up “warnings” or simply make finding it difficult for readers using major search engines.
For those who believe in a meaningful democracy, those tactics may be troubling enough, but the Magnitsky case, an opening shot in the New Cold War with Russia, has demonstrated how aggressively the Western powers-that-be behave toward even well-reported investigative projects that unearth inconvenient truth.
Throughout the U.S. and Europe, there has been determined effort to prevent the American and European publics from seeing this detailed documentary that dissects the fraudulent claims at the heart of the Magnitsky story.
The documentary – The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes – was produced by filmmaker Andrei Nekrasov, who is known as a fierce critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin but who in this instance found the West’s widely accepted, anti-Russian Magnitsky storyline to be a lie.
However, instead of welcoming Nekrasov’s discoveries as an important part of the debate over the West’s policies toward Russia, the European Parliament pulled the plug on a premiere in Brussels and – except for a one-time showing at the Newseum in Washington – very few Americans have been allowed to see the documentary.
Instead, we’re fed a steady diet of the frothy myth whipped up by hedge-fund investor William Browder and sold to the U.S. and European governments as the basis for sanctioning Russian officials. For years now, Browder has been given a free hand to spin his dog-ate-my-homework explanation about how some of his firms got involved a $230 million tax fraud in Russia.
Browder insists that some “corrupt” Russian police officers stole his companies’ corporate seals and masterminded a convoluted conspiracy. But why anyone would trust a hedge-fund operator who got rich exploiting Russia’s loose business standards is hard to comprehend.
The answer is that Browder has used his money and political influence to scare off and silence anyone who dares point to the glaring contradictions and logical gaps in his elaborate confection.
So, the hedge-fund guy who renounced his U.S. citizenship in favor of a British passport gets the royal treatment whenever he runs to Congress. His narrative just fits so neatly into the demonization of Russia and the frenzy over stopping “Russian propaganda and disinformation” by whatever means necessary.
This summer, Browder testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee and argued that people involved in arranging the one-time showing of Nekrasov’s documentary should be prosecuted for violating the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), which carries a five-year prison term.
Meanwhile, the U.S. mainstream media helps reinforce Browder’s dubious tale by smearing anyone who dares question it as a “Moscow stooge” or a “useful idiot.” ....
How do I watch Morning RINO? Foolish I know, but I generally limit my viewing to the first few minutes of the show. My purpose, weak as it is, is get a glimpse of what the enemy is is thinking. They were drooling this morning.
I'll be around!
Like here I am right now.
I'm just in motion today. More than usual and didn't get my classic morning session.
But with only about half an hour to do the morning blogging, it worked out okay, no?
Is that dog really that color? It looks like he got splashed with red dye.
How many dogs are there? Count the legs and divide by 4.
CNN and MSNBC in anticipatory glee. Near orgasm. Joy! Impeachment next.
Is that big white dog supposed to represent Weinstein?
Looking at that pic, I can't help but think Laslo was a dog in his last life, or maybe, if he is a really good boy, he can be a dog in his next one!
The Forward website has published an article by J. J. Goldberg titled "The Secret Jewish History Of Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Scandal". The article tells the family history of Bill Browder, the hedge-fund investor who convinced the US Congress to pass the Magnitsky Act.
Browder's grandfather, Earl Browder, was the chairman of the Communist Party USA from 1930 through 1945. Earl Browder married Raisa Berkman, a "Russian Jewish intellectual". One of their sons, Felix Browder, married a Jewish woman name Eva Tislovitz. Their child is Bill Browder, the man who pushed Congress into the Magnitsky Act.
Bill Browder moved to London and began working for Robert Maxwell.
One of his [Browder's] first jobs in London is with the investment operation of the publishing billionaire Robert Maxwell. As it happens, Maxwell was originally a Czech Jewish Holocaust survivor who fled and became a decorated British soldier, then helped in 1948 to set up the secret arms supply line to newly independent Israel from communist Czechoslovakia. He was also rumored to be a longtime Mossad agent. ...
When Browder launches his own fund, he hires a former Israeli Mossad agent, Ariel, to set up his security operation, manned mainly by Israelis. Over time, Browder and Ariel become close. ...
When Browder sets up his own fund ... his first investor is Beny Steinmetz, the Israeli diamond billionaire. Browder tells how Steinmetz introduced him to the Lebanese-Brazilian Jewish banking billionaire Edmond Safra, who invests and becomes not just a partner but also a mentor and friend.
Safra is also internationally renowned as the dean of Sephardi Jewish philanthropy; the main backer of Israel’s Shas party, the Sephardi Torah Guardians, and of New York’s Holocaust memorial museum, and a megadonor to Yeshiva University, Hebrew University, the Weizmann Institute and much more. ...
A casual observer might wonder whether and how much his battle with the Putin regime reflected an ancient grudge resurfacing across the generations, but there was nothing urgent about it. Now the stakes have changed. It could be, far-fetched though it seems, that the crisis in American governance exploding before us right now is just the latest twist in an old grudge match between the Soviet dictator and the sad, betrayed world of American Jewish communist idealism. That’s something we need to know about.
[end quote]
It’s Manafort and a business partner.
Can the Podesta Group be gar behind?
Blogger David Begley said...
It’s Manafort and a business partner
In the Observatory with a candle stick!
A few days ago I bought two books through the Althouse Amazon Portal, and that small item for $12.21 day before yesterday, that was me.
Is that Zeus the dog in the foreground? He looks pretty good for having just spent five months at sea.
Can the Podesta Group be gar behind?
If Mueller was running an honest investigation then I don’t think so. As it is ...
One of the rules when working at someones house is to never let the dog out. That Whippet reminds me of the time I saw two pest control guys trying to capture a nervous Greyhound. They may still be chasing him.
Another rule, don't throw the dog's ball. They will never leave you alone after that.
Next up to be indicted is Robby Mook for money laundering and paying the law firm in order to buy the Trump dossier.
The question is will Mook rat out the Podestas and the Clintons. I say yes. Mook doesn’t want to be the scapegoat and would not fair well in prison.
November 8th.....Screaming at the Sky Day is coming!!
Yay!! Hope people take a lot of videos so we can all have a good laugh :-)
Old man yells at cloud Life is now just an episode of the Simpsons.
This is where the standard DC quid pro quo gets even less complicated.
Because Mueller is whistling Manafort.
Unfortunately, I am leaving Boston before the show.
That one dog looks like it's part giraffe.
I wonder if the Mueller indictment can be thrown out because it exceeds his authorization?
It has nothing to do with Russia and the 2016 election.
While trying to fill in background knowledge I came across this excellent timeline published recently by the Daily Caller.
Two things stood out:
1. The name Peter Strzock. He's only mentioned in passing in the timeline for having received the Steele dossier, but when I googled his name I learned that he was a lead counterintelligence investigator who in August 2017 was removed from Mueller team and relegated to the HR department. Did I just miss it at the time or did this pass without much note at the time?
2. The date July 5, 2016. Things that happened that day: Steele first provided some of his research to an FBI contact. Comey gave his press conference exonerating Clinton. The DNC "hack" (which was not a hack) occurred. This is starting to get the feel of some coordinated grand plan.
It has nothing to do with Russia and the 2016 election"
Had to do something as the narrative went pear shaped, sorry Hillary, no offense intended!
I see that Manafort is under indictment for his dealings in the Ukraine. So why not Joe Biden’s son? Just thought I’d ask.
Actually I think this is all to give cover for Mueller to end the investigation. Practically every "Special Prosecutor/Counsel/investigator" has incredible pressure to hang a scalp on his belt before he can pack it in. See: Scooter Libby.
This investigation would HAVE to start focusing on Democrat malfeasance if it continues, and well, we can't have that now can we?
So indict Manafort, claim no prosecutable evidence exists between Trump and Russia, then strike the tent and pretend all the crap done by the DNC and The Hillary Campaign just never happened.
A happy ending all 'round!
"David Begley said...
Next up to be indicted is Robby Mook for money laundering and paying the law firm in order to buy the Trump dossier.
The question is will Mook rat out the Podestas and the Clintons. I say yes. Mook doesn’t want to be the scapegoat and would not fair well in prison."
Nope. He also doesn't want to be suicided.
Putting the squeeze on Manafort for his Ukraine deals in hopes that he throws dirt on the 2016 election, seems kinda unjust.
Well the Dems are going to slow walk this by claiming attorney client privilege, right? Wasn't that the point of using the law firm as an intermediary?
So the question is whether the pressure can be kept up long enough to break that logjam. Fusion GPS itself has already used that as a stall tactic but now their records are being subpoenaed.
Dems are trying to Gerrymander the Senate.
On the Fusion GPS dossier, I’m glad to hear that Hillary Clinton had the information. But the fact her campaign didn’t use it more effectively is a tell as to its unreliability.
So indict Manafort, claim no prosecutable evidence exists between Trump and Russia, then strike the tent and pretend all the crap done by the DNC and The Hillary Campaign just never happened.
There's too much glee in the voices of anti Trump this morning. This thing is just getting going. Every new stone unturned is designed to find that something- anything they can hang on Trump to get rid of him. Watergate is still the goal. If not this shit scares enough the of GOPe to hopefully prevent productive legislation from passing.
It's no coincidence this is coming out the week tax reform is getting going. There are enough closeted pro growth Democrats educated in economics to know the corporate tax reform plan can and will create the kind of improvements in the standard of living of American voters that they will be reluctant to seek change in the next presidential cycle.
@FullMoon, I play “La Golondrina,” a sad mariachi song. Which may seem like a self-contradiction, so you will just have to listen to it.
Looks like they already flipped George Papadopoulous. Arrested July 27, several meetings with prosecutors over balance of summer, pleaded guilty October 3 to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia during campaign.
"Can the Podesta Group be gar behind?"
In a perfect world? No. In this one, with a special prosecutor team staffed with Clinton and Obama political operatives? Unlikely. At least until and unless either Congress or the DoJ pick up the ball. Dems shouldn't whine too much though (good luck there) - they went after Trump's campaign manager, theirs should be fair game too (though his brother Tony is the more likely Podesta target).
"I wonder if the Mueller indictment can be thrown out because it exceeds his authorization?
It has nothing to do with Russia and the 2016 election."
Ukraine is next to Russia, and both 2012 and 2013 have three of the same digits as 2016. Easy peasy.
And nobody on CNN is gleeful, for the love of Christ. This all could go anywhere and everywhere, and everybody must know that. If you haven’t already, and can, watch “Get Me Roger Stone” on Netflix. These are people whose only ethic is greed, and anybody that ever sought to work with them, including democrats, has to be suspect.
"La Golondrina" is indeed a Mariachi band staple, but its not really a "mariachi" song and is often recorded in completely different styles.
It predates the mariachi style by a good bit (1860s).
As I said.
A dog and pony show.
How do you know when you've lied to the FBI?
When the FBI tells you that you lied to the FBI.
Former assistant US Attorney was just on CNBC. To describe him as gleeful would be an understatement. When asked, he also said no way does Meuller lead this to the Democrats. There would need to be another investigation for that.
If dogs have such a wonderful sense of smell, then why do they need to sniff so close to an asshole.
Semi interesting profile of John Boehner in Politico.
"That one dog looks like it's part giraffe."
Exactly what I thought.
The scope of the Hollywood sex scandal keeps on widening. A news report just came out that Lassie repeatedly sexually molested young Timmy's leg. Lassie's trainer admitted the wrongdoing and apologized for Lassie's acting like a "dog".
There are also rumors floating around about Flipper taking liberties with Bud and Sandy. Flipper's trainer denies the rumors and said that any sexual contact that Flipper had with the boys was inadvertent and not done on porpoise.
The usual suspects are masturbating furiously.
There are also rumors floating around about Flipper taking liberties with Bud and Sandy.
This might be true...From what I have read, dolphins are complete assholes when it comes to sex. Female dolphins are often gang raped, and dolphins have also been sexual aggressive with humans.
Don't try to race the giraffe dig. It's a greyhound with spots.
...interesting...I thought it was a skinny cow...
Butts are indeed being sniffed.
It's the day after the most spectacular World Series game in my memory (and, for that matter, its closest competition was less than a week earlier), and no one wants to talk about it. Honestly, I had to Google it to make sure I hadn't dreamed the whole thing. NPR never mentioned it over the course of two hours of Morning Edition. And it wasn't just "all Manafort, all the time," though that was maybe 80% of the content, because they also had a pair of segments on how to help your kids interact with artificial intelligences, and one from San Quentin, and another from Shelbyville, TN.
The Wall Street Journal has a baseball story -- about Carlos Beltran, who at least is in the Astros. But nothing on the actual game. It might've finished too late, of course -- even on the West Coast it was going past 10:30.
Dunno..just might not be a talk about baseball kinda forum.
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