Great photograph of Keith Richards. I'm really enjoying it, but... robot rape? The link goes to The College Fix:
John Banzhaf, a well-known activist professor of public interest law at George Washington University Law School, says experts disagree on the consequences of allowing people to engage in mock acts of rape with humanoid dolls, and lawmakers should vet this issue as soon as possible....Let me know when they make a robot in the image of Keith Richards and program it to "effectively rape" the customer who intentionally sets herself in "frigid" mode.
“The obvious first step would be to have hearings and do studies to determine just how serious the threat is, whether there are any real benefits to having sexbots programmed to simulate being raped, and then what if any new laws, regulations, etc. might be appropriate,” he said....
Sexbots, already in use in European brothels, can be intentionally set to “frigid” mode in which the user must effectively rape the robot because it will resist advances....
The "In Defense of Cigarettes" piece at the link does feature a (different) photo of Keith Richards smoking and a text reference to him, but it's just the fusty Weekly Standard musing about whether it was better back in the good old days:
I liked the ceremony of the cigarette. The implicit danger of starting a fire near your face. The punctuation that talking while smoking affords, giving your words animation and shading: the stops and starts, the dramatic pauses, sitting still after exhaling while letting the smoke do all the work around you. It could make even some suburban hump drinking piss-water beer at the Greene Turtle on a Tuesday afternoon feel like Robert Mitchum in Out of the Past or like Keith Richards in life.What's a suburban hump? Is "hump" even a noun there? Suburban hump drinking piss-water beer... I'm just guessing that "hump" and "beer" are nouns, that there's a type of person called a "hump" who lives in suburbia and that beer needs to be compared to piss for the billionth time.
The OED does have 2 definitions of the noun "hump" that are a type of person. One is "hump-backed person." The other is "Sexual intercourse; (hence) a woman who makes herself available for sexual intercourse. coarse slang." So it's like calling somebody a "fuck." But is it special for women? Because I don't get the process of smoking making a woman feel like Robert Mitchum. I do, however, understand how a woman smoking might get into the feeling that she's like Keith Richards.
५९ टिप्पण्या:
If Hillary was President it would be the law that your sex robot turn frigid if it catches you smoking.
Let me know when they make a robot in the image of Keith Richards and program it to "effectively rape" the customer who intentionally sets herself in "frigid" mode.
Really, Ann?
The problem with cigarettes is that most of them are not enjoyed. They are more often a burden than a joy - the burden of needing a quick satisfaction to an unnecessary craving. That was built into the design over the years. They are made to sell, burn, sell more than enjoy. Try a nice cigar.
Robot rape ? Evidently, it's the thought that counts.
Forget the cigs - a far more relevant question is whether raping a Japanese child sex robot will make you feel like a Catholic priest.
I was watching the new HBO series Insecure (ironic, given the HBO hacking).
The main character was wearing a t-shirt with a picture of "Shock G" (Gregory Jacobs) of the early rap group Digital Underground.
Also known as "Humpty Hump" the t-shirt showed his picture and said "HUMP, Making America Gyrate Again."
All robot sex is rape!
I think of a hump as being slang for a drudge or worker bee. An everyman. Not female.
I presume Labash was going for "lump" but thought, "eh, that's kind of cliche, so why not 'hump'?" - then promptly tossed his concern about cliches out the window by the time he got to "piss-water beer."
Robert Mitchum was sentenced to 60 days in prison for possession of marijuana in 1948.
How can you rape an inanimate object?
Can I rape my toaster? No
Can I rape my bongos? No
Can I rape my life size poster of Brittney Spears in her Catholic school girl outfit? No, but it's not for lack of trying.
Humping on stage is why Elvis could only be shown from the waist up on Ed Sullivan. That is also what made the teenie boppers who could see all of him scream. Rock and Roll was slang for humping.
"Really, Ann?"
Yes, I would have a lot of things to say about that. Currently, I am saying something about the absence of it.
Wednesday is hump day for the work week. Tuesday is kind of like Hump Day Eve. You drink but not wth any sense of abandon or purpose. You have to work tomorrow and the days after that. You mildly drink for whatever mildly analgesic effect a few beers will have. The beers aren't actually piss warm, but they're drunk in a desultory way and lose their chill before you finish them.
The good old-fashioned Dry-Hump must be a victim of the Sexual Revolution.
By the way, my imagined KR robot would be unfair to KR, not just because it would be appropriating his reputation for commercial gain, but because it would be inconsistent with his sexual preference. As described in his autobiography (which I read in full), he was never even the initiator of sex but always sat back and waited for women to come to him.
"I think of a hump as being slang for a drudge or worker bee. An everyman. Not female."
Hm. I tried Urban Dictionary too and got nothing like that. It was all "humping" in the sense of sexual activity or "humps" as that truly idiotic slang for breasts.
When I looked up the phrase "suburban hump," I got places that sold floor mats for the Chevy Suburban to fit over the "hump."
Robot protection laws won't surprise me. Machine protection laws could not be far behind. Don't throw the spanner into the works. The law will be justified not by the consequence of violence, but the expression of violence.
We already protect animals in wildly inconsistent ways, depending on whether they are meat or pets, cute or cold-blooded. The argument of respecting sentience is already profoundly compromised by the appearance of sentience. It is worse to kill a dumb dog than a smart pig.
but always sat back and waited for women to come to him.
Doesn't everyone do that?
It just occurred to me that hump is a slang verb in the infantry meaning hiking with gear.
I give back to lefties their mantra from days when anti-sodomy laws were on the books: Get the Hell out of our bedrooms. And stay out!
Hump might have derived from Humping in the sense of carrying something heavy, like "humping my ruck" or "I had to hump all that drywall up 2 flights of stairs".
gerund or present participle: humping
lift or carry (a heavy object) with difficulty.
"he continued to hump cases up and down the hotel corridor"
What's a suburban hump?
It's a polite way of calling someone a fuck. A suburban fuck is a form of deplorable.
I'd walk a mile for a Camel.
Ann Althouse: I tried Urban Dictionary too and got nothing like that. It was all "humping" in the sense of sexual activity or "humps" as that truly idiotic slang for breasts.
Try searching Urban Dictionary for "a hump".
Yea, "hump" can refer to a working stiff, especially in drudgery work. Maybe it's more of a British thing, but I've heard it often.
It could be that a "hump" is like one of those speed bumps they put up, that just sit there and do nothing, but actively impede your progress.
A Trump hump is grabbing their pussy.
"I'd walk a mile for a Camel."
How the Hump got his Camel.
In frigid mode, it's not a moving violation.
That got Woody Allen in trouble once.
I'm more interested in whether these sex robots will have Ludicrous Mode.
Hump remains a mystery word. But we know that Wednesday is its day.
When distance running, like Cross Country, it was a Big Deal to reach half way point. That was the hump after which you told yourself, " Self, it's all down hill from here."
I used to smoke when I played golf, and occasionally in the bar afterwards. I loved it.
I found cigarette smoking particularly well-suited for golf, in that it calmed the anxieties or nerves that arrive at the onset of a tournament round, and then provided a pick-me-up when needed later on. A true wonder drug.
Haven't smoked in 10-15 years, and never will. But I've never preached to any smoker about it. When they're ready to quit, they will.
William said...
Wednesday is hump day for the work week. Tuesday is kind of like Hump Day Eve. You drink but not wth any sense of abandon or purpose. You have to work tomorrow and the days after that.
If you like, the "hump" is a coinage that hasn't mainstreamed yet, so perhaps the guy thinks he's edgy. Think schlub or like words for just some average guy.
You mildly drink for whatever mildly analgesic effect a few beers will have. The beers aren't actually piss warm, but they're drunk in a desultory way and lose their chill before you finish them.
The pretense is that low-quality prole humps drink low-quality ("in a word, [mainstream] American") beer. not with delectation, but as a drugging behavior.
Yeah, I want him to be my friend.
(I already posted at end of dead thread...but it's sooo important!)
This thing about "raping" pieces of plastic is so weird that feminists have to be behind it.
"Law professor warns: Congress must act on growing sexbot industry" (same link)
John Banzhaf, a Nervous Nelly at George Washington University School of Worrying About and Controlling Everyone Else, says experts disagree on the consequences of allowing people to engage in mock acts of rape with humanoid dolls, and lawmakers should vet this issue as soon as possible.
Banzhaf proposes the dolls be required to have a string on the backs of their necks that says "No means no, Mr. Man!" when pulled.
Well, not really, but it's more sensible than what he actually says.
Now at stage I do a double take when see someone smoking on street. Never see it indoors.
set to “frigid” mode in which the user must effectively rape the robot because it will resist advances....
Hopefully, it won't reset itself midway--not the kind of main squeeze men want.
Does the robot get programmed to have a cigarette after sex?
Hump a load. Hump a wheel barrel of bricks. Indicates physical labor and hence of lesser status.
"Suburban hump" refers to a middling nobody, a schlub. It is meant to be condescending, made more so by the reference to low quality (non-Craft made) beer. I've not seen this particular reference before but from the context got what I think is the intended meaning.
From the Partridge slang dictionary, Dalzell and Victor (eds.). Meaning 2 and/or 3 seem to apply.
hump noun 1 a fit of sulks, a bad mood, depression UK, 1873. 2 an offensive or despicable person US, 1963. 3 a dolt, a dull person US, 1963. 4 an act of sexual intercourse US, 1918. 5 a Camel™ cigarette US, 1989. 6 a bridge. Citizens’ band radio slang UK, 1981. 7 the air route over the Himalaya Mountains during World War 2 US, 1942. 8 the middle section of a prison sentence US, 1962. 9 a large wave. Surfer usage US, 1957. 10 a military combat patrol. Recorded in Australia in the C19, but not again until the US war in Vietnam US, 1971. 11 a lookout during a crime US, 1949. 12 in circus usage, a camel US, 1926.
Let me know when they make a robot in the image of Keith Richards and program it to "effectively rape" the customer who intentionally sets herself in "frigid" mode.
Damn, the professor emeritus is getting a bit saucy here!
Call me when they make a robot in the image of Phyllis Diller.
Let me know when they make a robot in the image of Keith Richards and program it to "effectively rape" the customer who intentionally sets herself in "frigid" mode.
You might prefer the 1968 model, rather than the 2017.
I think using hump as a derogatory term is about the sound of the word more than something literal. Hump, lump, bump, Bubba Gump - none of these words seem to imply sharpness, alertness. It implies a dullness. Add Suburban which has always implies shallowness and you have a dull shallow person who is so classless as to swill piss-water beer instead of a trendy fruit flavored ale.
“The obvious first step would be to have hearings and do studies to determine just how serious the threat is, whether there are any real benefits to having sexbots programmed to simulate being raped, and then what if any new laws, regulations, etc. might be appropriate,” he said....
So after establishing no one is in any danger it's "obvious" we need to consider new laws and regulations. What is wrong with people?
I don't know about a rape setting, but I would prefer some sort of knob to adjust the orgasmic intensity and seductive attraction of my sexbot. It's a long work week, and too much great sex leaves you debilitated at the office or shop. There should be a suburban hump setting that's like a handjob from Princess Grace. This would allow you to get a get a good night's sleep without taking up too much time. On the weekends is when you want to use the Marilyn setting in full on orgy mode.
When I see "hump" I think of LBJ's vice president. Remember those 1968 chants of "dump the hump!" and how they suddenly stopped once the other choices were Nixon and Wallace?
Ralph L: You do know that worker bees are ALL female? Sterile female, but still female. If the queen dies some workers can get promoted to take her place, apparently.
Ralph L: You do know that worker bees are ALL female? Sterile female, but still female. If the queen dies some workers can get promoted to take her place, apparently.
And the drones...well, they're good for only one thing.
Let me know when they make a robot in the image of Keith Richards and program it to "effectively rape" the customer who intentionally sets herself in "frigid" mode.
Damn, the professor emeritus is getting a bit saucy here!
He somewhat resembles Bob Dylan.
I cannot believe there are no definitions for hug bumps in the Urban Dictionary yet. I'll have to remedy that.
No Patti Smith tag? What is this place? Digital Somalia?
Hump also refers to the miming of sex with an inappropriate object, as a dog humps a leg.
I first heard "hump" used as a synonym for smuck, low-life, loser, asshole, etc., on NYPD Blue in the early 1990s. Andy Sipowicz (Dennis Franz) was the first to use it there. I figured it was a NYC thing.
I disagree vehemently with William. Once out of the box and fully charged, robot Grace Kelly would cast a dismissive and wordless glance at whatever suburban hump had the indecency to think they could acquire her (through the Amazon portal), pick up her raincoat, turn and walk out the room, call for a driverless cab, and go back to sit in the robot lab for the next undeserving fool. Robot Grace Kelly is too classy for schlubs in the suburbs.
I also presume robot Keith Richards would prove disappointing to Nostalgic Boomers, when they discover he goes off into a corner and falls into a light coma for ten hours before he gets even halfway through "Happy". And then whaddya got? A goofy looking (but quite competent) Mick Taylor, thats what.
I'm surprised it's not in the dictionary. "Hump" as a term for working stiff is not common, but it's not THAT rare.
nice work
Walatra G Sea Jelly
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