Before leaving home she realized she needed a hat ... something better than a golf visor to protect her hair. So she rummaged through the 10 hats in her closet and grabbed one without looking at the stitching."Would anyone believe that?" I asked out loud. "Certainly not a woman," Meade answered.
(The story continues: Jenner wears the hat, arrives at her destination, throws the hat on the floor, and, on returning to the car an hour later, picks up the hat and, only then, notices the "Make America Great Again." She's supposedly horrified — because "What he's doing to our [transgender] community is absolutely f***ing awful" — but put the hat back on for the ride to Starbucks, takes the hat off to go into Starbucks, then puts the hat back on to drive home. She drives all the way home before realizing that she left her purse at Starbucks, drives back, and, in a rush, enters Starbucks with the hat on, and it's on the drive home that a photographer seems to have taken a picture of her driving and wearing the hat.)
ADDED: Do men — as opposed to women — just slap a hat on their head and not notice the writing? I ask Meade if he just picks any hat or picks a hat by shape or whether he always notices which affiliation he's selecting. He says he always notices and pushes me to take a picture of his array of hats for the blog. So here goes:

८० टिप्पण्या:
That's called a "bugeyed Sprite." "Austin-Healy" is for the big ones.
"Certainly not a woman,"
Truer words have never been spoken.
Tank does not care what people do in their private lives, but Jenner is a public figure (by his own intention and actions) pushing a public agenda. He is a man with "issues (in both senses of the word)," and should not be referred to as a "she," which he is not.
Answer to ADDED question: No.
"She drives all the way home before realizing that she left her purse at Starbucks, drives back," The transition is complete.
Seriously, Jenner cooperated with this story. Attention whore.
As if you need to read the stitching on that red hat to know what it is.
Did that pink hat used to be red? Meade doesn't seem like a guy who would wear pink.
So he/she rummaged through the 10 hats in his/her closet and grabbed one without looking at the stitching.
How did he/she come to possess a MAGA hat? One would think it would be in the trash. Just like his/her gender, I am thinking Jenner can't make up his/her mind whether he/she likes Trump or despises him.
Meade has good hats, and I don't mean just the logos! I love that soft cotton style, with the smaller, bendable bill. I've only seen the MAGA hats in the big plastic box/wide bill style. Disclaimer: this is a fashion preference, not a comment on the President, or MAGA.
He has hats just for the blog? Can we see what his other hats look like?
In spring, lots of hats blow off fisherman and wash up on the beach. My best find is one from "The Thirsty Whale" in Bar Harbor.
My husband will grab a cap without giving a fig what is on it. If Jenner didn't notice, the male is still in there.
I am thinking Jenner can't make up his/her mind whether he/she likes Trump or despises him.
Trump has trampled on his/her intention to enlist in the Marines.
Does Jenner have hat head hairdo that needs protecting because otherwise I don't see how baseball cap protects hair.
I middle aged male and in my experience women just don't pick random things from their closet and put them on without looking to see it how affects whole outfit.
And Trump isn't doing squat to the transgender community. What the transgenders and their allies/willing accomplices are doing to the transgender community "is absolutely f***ing awful".
I am male with three baseball caps of different colours. I always grab a hat that is of different colour to clothes I am wearing because I don't like to look too coordinated.
Obviously from your bike shop.
Does this hat make me look like a Nazi.
"Seriously, Jenner cooperated with this story. Attention whore."
I think you are right. And your comment made me think that Jenner left the purse in Starbucks because attention had not yet happened.
I really don't believe that a person who is in the habit of carrying a purse could drive all the way home without the purse. There's a purse consciousness that you develop, and especially when you get in the car, you would be aware you didn't have the purse, because the normal in car movements wouldn't work. You put the purse somewhere. You get your keys out of it. And when you go into a shop for some takeout coffee, you never put the purse down.
I would guess that either Jenner isn't used to carrying a purse or the purse was deliberately left behind to get attention... or the purse wasn't left behind and she's just giving that a reason for going back into Starbucks to get attention.
I suspect that Jenner wants to attract Trump's attention and to inspire a meeting (on the subject of transgender rights). There's nothing that wrong with that aspiration, and, in fact, it's something Trump might appreciate. It's a bit of a "Celebrity Apprentice" move.
"Did that pink hat used to be red? Meade doesn't seem like a guy who would wear pink."
I'm surprised you don't recognize the logo and the color that goes with it.
Is Scott Adams's pope hat a one-size-fits-all adjustable thing.
Adams wears a pope hat when he wants to speak with moral authority.
A baseball cap worn under a bike helmet is a great plus, for shading from sun and from wind, in the winter.
It also soaks up and redistributes cooling sweat; or you can stick a maxipad under the forehead area.
I wear a bike helmet when I want to speak with moral authority.
A trick the pope would try.
The story is bullshit. Here's what I want TMZ to investigate -- does xe get to hit from the ladies tees now?
Let's cut some slack here. Jenner had to quickly learn how to Be a Woman after a lifetime of not being one. Miscalculations will be made. (The passive voice will be used to avoid having to select the correct gendered pronouns).
Austin Healy? Healy? What's that?
The real question is does jenner play from the women's tees?
Blogger Ann Althouse said..."Did that pink hat used to be red? Meade doesn't seem like a guy who would wear pink." I'm surprised you don't recognize the logo and the color that goes with it.
I believe Sydney was questioning if Meade bought the normal red Badger hat or if they offered pink ones and Meade chose one.
Creighton, like Wisconsin, sometimes sells pink colored logo items; usually to support breast cancer research. I have a pink Creighton shirt.
A BS story, of course. But why would we expect a man unclear about his gender to be clear about his politics?
A Althouse: "I suspect that Jenner wants to attract Trump's attention and to inspire a meeting (on the subject of transgender rights). There's nothing that wrong with that aspiration, and, in fact, it's something Trump might appreciate. It's a bit of a "Celebrity Apprentice" move."
Interesting speculation. Perhaps Trump is aware of this, as in it's all contrived. Trump and Jenner are in cahoots.
It's an Austin Healey Sprite.
I had a 1966 Austin Healey 3000. Cool car.
Re Meade's "pink" cap. My goto Chiefs cap has turned pinkish after years of sun, rain, and snow wearing it in Arrowhead. I trust Meade's Badger cap suffered the same fate.
I clicked through to see the picture. With the cap and sunglasses, so only lower face and jawline show with long hair off the ears and streaming backward, Jenner has a long way to go to look anything like a woman. Combined with driving an immaculately restored 50+ year old sports car in Malibu, the look is 100% immensely rich surfer dude whose surfing days are behind him.
I think guys know what their logo says. Most of the time the logo is not anything particularly provocative, so no drama results. I mean, if I get a reaction to my gimme hat about a school I attended decades ago, it will probably be from a fellow alum. Or else a family member telling me it is too grubby to wear.
You are what you wear, drink and drive. Ford or Chevy? Bud or craft or import?
Meade lives in Wisconsin, supports breast cancer research, likes baseball and fishing. He is a no nonsense tradesman or nurseryman with his Carheart hat.
It is all about tribalism and branding.
I do the same with tee shirts. I was walking the dog last evening and realized I still had my "Hillary for Prison" tee shirt on.
Fortunately, I live in a section of Tucson that voted for Trump. A lot of Tucson, especially around the university, is left wing.
Seems like the Badgers cap should be about the same hue as the Reds one, and the frayed part at the front of the bill may indicate that it used to be. What the heck happened to that hat? More than just a little sun, I think.
Is it a midwestern or bike rider thing? I would only wear a hat if I was going bald or the weather was really cold.
If you want to get ahead, get a hat.
Doesn't the "shorts make a man look like a large, clumsy child" rule apply to ball caps? If not, why not?
Kaitlyn Jenner, ambivalence personified.
My husband doesn't wear Ball Caps. He hates them, but nevertheless has a big selection because companies that he does business with keep giving him hats.. and water bottles and all sorts of other goodies.
He wears an Australian Mesh hat like THIS. These hats protect your face AND neck from the sun. Can be dipped in water to cool your head when working outdoors in the heat. Like an evaporative cooler. Can be crushed and still bounce back into shape. Practically indestructible.
He has several and I also have a couple versions of this style hat and love them.
@AllenS, the Austin Healy 3000 is the all-time cool car.
@Althouse, i can only speak for myself, but I wouldn't keep a hat in my closet that would be offensive unless I meant to wear it specifically to give offense.
Austin HealEy 3000. Bought the car in 1968, and sold it in 2014.
Bruce loves Trump.
Kaitlyn hates Trump.
Bruce won't let Kaitlyn throw away the MAGA hat.
'Caitlin' would put on a pussy hat if it brought publicity.
Ann Althouse said...
"I suspect that Jenner wants to attract Trump's attention and to inspire a meeting (on the subject of transgender rights). There's nothing that wrong with that aspiration, and, in fact, it's something Trump might appreciate. It's a bit of a "Celebrity Apprentice" move."
Awesome speculation.
I can see that meeting happening. Trump could use it to announce a sop to the transgender community -- like announcing that the bathrooms in all federal facilities will be transgender-friendly. And Jenner could use it to announce/launch a run for Senator next November against the 85-year-old Diane Feinstein.
Before 2016, the problem was that "People are not wearing enough hats."
I have a hat like Dust Bunny's husband. It's great for walks to shade the eyes.
I still have two ball caps: a Charlotte Knights cap (minor league baseball when I lived there) and Dallas Cowboys cap picked up along the way, along with a NFL jacket bought at Goodwill. I have to be very careful wearing these in eastern PA, where the Iggles rule.
My favorite is the Australian kangaroo-skin hat, bought at Killer Hats (Route 30 east of Lancaster: great store). I wear it to author events. Very recognizable and memorable.
Caitlin who?
I too think that Jenner is trying it on.
Jenner has always struck me a shrewd player in the media game, parlaying his Olympic prowess into a successful, ongoing investment and expertly exploiting his transgendering. One tends to forget that for decades Jenner partnered one of the most media savvy entrepreneurs in the country. Which is also why I've never bought Kris' innocent act.
Never mind realizing which hat he has on, does Jenner ever wake up realizing he has a hard on?
Sorry about the missing e.
The hat is just very faded. Meade is outside a lot.
How do you download pictures from Flickr to the comments?
She hates Trump, but does he?
Ann Althouse said...I really don't believe that a person who is in the habit of carrying a purse could drive all the way home without the purse. There's a purse consciousness that you develop..
To be fair, he/she/__ is making a lot of..adjustments.
Probably has a lot of catching up to do in the shoe department..which won't be easy either. Maybe the alphabet gang can shame shoe makers into expanded size range.
I am a woman with a baseball hat collection (too lazy to photograph it though). My fav is a gray Iditarod hat from 2009. I wear baseball caps on "bad hair days" aka Sat or Sun, or anytime I leave the house for a quick errand without fixing my hair* to its "normal", presentable state.
I have been eyeing SpaceX hats to add to my collection, but want to wait for the Falcon Heavy hat.
*Fine, curly hair ensures I wake up looking like a Crazed Cat Lady every morning.
Sometimes I notice what my t-shirt or ball cap say, sometimes I don't, but I don't have to double-check to make sure I'm not wearing anything that promotes anything I oppose. DUH!
Do men — as opposed to women — just slap a hat on their head and not notice the writing?
Men don't have hats they wouldn't wear just sitting around where they could accidentally be worn...
It brings up the "Don't throw away my favorite hat no matter how dirty/worn" issue. It is probably one of the few hats we have and like. The ones we don't like, usually gifts, have a way of being unnoticed.
Some of the gals on the LPGA tour look cute in their ball caps, especially when they pull their ponytails through the back.
Jenner ever wake up realizing he has a hard on?
THE surgery was performed in January. Facial surgery at unspecified date.
Thanks, tcrosse.
My dad's best friend had a similar MG Midget in the mid-60's. Somehow he drove it with 5 kids aged 5-9 in it and no injuries. Now he'd be arrested.
especially when they pull their ponytails through the back.
Looks like a horse blankie to me. At least there's no cleavage up there, I hope.
Some of the gals on the LPGA tour look cute in their ball caps, especially when they pull their ponytails through the back.
This is how the wife chooses a cap. It must have an opening in back for the hair and velcro, not a slip ring adjuster.
Quality lid collection, Meade.
Many good comments here. My favorite is Althouse's:
I suspect that Jenner wants to attract Trump's attention and to inspire a meeting (on the subject of transgender rights). There's nothing that wrong with that aspiration, and, in fact, it's something Trump might appreciate. It's a bit of a "Celebrity Apprentice" move.
Yet another reason to be disgusted with Jenner, with Trump, with "the transgender cause," and with The Celebrity Apprentice.
I'm supposed to care about Bruce Jenner, his hats and his political opinions because .....?
You were great at the Montreal Olympics in 1976, I don't like Wheaties and that's the sum of your life to me.
I am a woman with a baseball hat collection (too lazy to photograph it though). My fav is a gray Iditarod hat from 2009. I wear baseball caps on "bad hair days" aka Sat or Sun, or anytime I leave the house for a quick errand without fixing my hair* to its "normal", presentable state.
Me, too, ALP! Most days I wear a baseball cap with my ponytail sticking out. Keeps the hair & sun out of my eyes.
I'd love to have an Iditarod cap!
He might call himself "Caitlyn Jenner", but that name does not make him a woman. Even surgery will not make him a woman. He was born a man, and still has x-y chromosomes.
Transgenderism is nothing but a lie.
"Some of the gals on the LPGA tour look cute in their ball caps, especially when they pull their ponytails through the back."
I'll drink to that!
I always notice what hat I'm putting on my head.
Bruce Jenner is like a brain on drugs if there was any actual brain involved. Any questions?
Every doctrinaire "progressive" on this planet would agree with the following statement. Mentally ill people should not be given deadly weapons.
Is there some Vegas over/under betting on when Caitlyn returns to being Bruce? I'm thinking 2019. After (s)he claims that (s)he made her/his point.
Let's put our doubts about whether transgender is a medical or mental condition and take the left on their word that it is a medical condition. What other "medical condition" that requires daily medication, and surgical intervention is allowed in incoming military members?
Insulin is a hormone. Diabetics who require insulin are not admitted to the military.
Wow, I got curious, and guess what "Hermaphroditism" is on the list as is missing testicles.
Is there some Vegas over/under betting on when Caitlyn returns to being Bruce? I'm thinking 2019. After (s)he claims that (s)he made her/his point.
The word on the street is that Caitlin has passed the cut-off point.
That is too bad if that is "his array" in its entirety. I have not counted but I can safely say I have 50.
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