Never got into baseball. I used to look forward to football season starting up. Now it's just become another fully politicized battlefield in the great culture war. Nice things... why we can't have them and all.
Robert "The FBI White-Washer" Mueller's team of Trump-hating lawyers is leaking to Trump-hating journalists that a Russian immigrant named Felix Sater tried to make some deals between Donald Trump and Russian entities.
Sater is an undercover agent for the FBI. Here is a passage from the Wikipedia article about Sater.
In 1998, Sater was convicted of fraud in connection to a $40 million penny stock pump-and-dump scheme conducted by the Russian Mafia involving his company White Rock Partners. In return for a guilty plea, Sater agreed to assist the FBI and federal prosecutors as an informant in organized crime.
In 2009, he was sentenced to pay a $25,000 fine and served no prison time. As a result of his assistance, Sater's court records were sealed for 10 years by Loretta Lynch, then the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York. Lynch's decision to seal his records was discussed at her 2015 Congressional confirmation hearings to become attorney general; she stated that Sater provided "information crucial to national security and the conviction of over 20 individuals, including those responsible for committing massive financial fraud and members of La Cosa Nostra."
In July 2017, The Financial Times, citing five sources with knowledge of the matter, reported that Sater had agreed to cooperate with investigators looking into an international money laundering scheme involving Viktor Khrapunov, a former government minister in Kazakhstan. Khrapunov, who now lives in Switzerland, has been accused by the Kazakhstani government of embezzling millions of dollars and is wanted by Interpol.
Sater became an FBI informant in about 1998 and seems to have continued to work as an FBI informant to the present. He probably earns a lot of money for doing so.
"buwaya said... This bridge needs to be replaced. It is a good example of the backlog of public infrastructure spending and low private investment in physical plant."
If that's the bridge I think it is, I've ice fished there, and I believe it's no longer an active rail line.
"buwaya said... This bridge needs to be replaced. It is a good example of the backlog of public infrastructure spending and low private investment in physical plant."
Also, pretty sure it's on the railroads to repair bridges. It's not a public or government thing.
The Berkeley mayor is part of the FB group that organized riots.
Shocking (sarcasm) but I still don't understand if all these things are false flag operations with all the players working towards the same goal or if there really are opposing factions?
Not that it matters. I imagine if you bend the spectrum the opposite ends could start to touch...
If that's the bridge I think it is, I've ice fished there, and I believe it's no longer an active rail line.
Well if it's not in use why didn't Dane County just buy the right if way and use the existing fill? Trestle would need replacement but they'd have saved a lot of money. Of course sometimes "abandoned" rail lines get reopened, for instance for a tourist rail line.
"Big Mike said... Well if it's not in use why didn't Dane County just buy the right if way and use the existing fill? Trestle would need replacement but they'd have saved a lot of money. Of course sometimes "abandoned" rail lines get reopened, for instance for a tourist rail line."
I have no idea what you are asking or what are you talking about?
Love baseball, love football. The game between the 49ers and the Vikings was spectacular! And my Seahawks look great so far [except for the one sitting during the anthem]. The Mariners, not so much. But the Diamondbacks look promising.
The Houston Astros had a slam-dunk into the playoffs but I can't help but think that Harvey will interfere even if they find alternate stadiums/stadia. Surely transportation will be a big issue. I know that sports are not a high priority in crises like these but the Astros deserved a great season.
Today's entry in the annals of over-the-top writing (and misuse of "fulsome"):
“Let us take this pause in this moment, when we find ourselves swimming in the crucible of one of the grandest business and moral battles of our generation, and find strength in each stroke of our proverbial digital pens, that we wrote with the indelible, eternal and permanent ink of righteousness. We write with the souls of thousands of lives saved, the lives of millions of jobs created liberating multitudes of drivers from the shackles of servitude to iniquitous taxi cartels of corrupt cabals that choked cities with their pollution of air and morals. We write with the spirit of Bonnie Kalanick, who raised her son with deep unconditional love and unfading faith in his ability to do good for the world. Whose tragic and untimely death was used against her son at his most vulnerable, unspeakable time of pain. They chose to strike at a moment of a devoted son’s retreat and leave of absence to mourn the absence of the inviolable love of his mother. In doing so, they joined the very corruption her son had devoted such fervent passion to fight. In her memory, we devote our actions to a just cause; to defend what is right and to protect the interest of not only shareholders but most importantly the far more important stakeholders of employees, drivers and customers whose lives have been forever altered by the abiding faith and fervent hard work of Travis Kalanick and the Uber team. Their allegiance was met by this unholy alliance of perfidious greed devolving rapidly into the audacity of vituperative unparalleled predatory rapacity.
Let us strike tomorrow with the full and fulsome courage of our convictions. Let our just cause give pause to those who would ever dream of ever emulating the shameful shenanigans of these sanctimonious hypocrites who fling filings and letters de haut en bas; when it is we who have the higher moral ground and our letters and filing will hail down upon their platforms, exposing them as bitterly barren barons of moral turpitude. And as the summer sets, we let us be steward of truth who in unison proclaim: fiat justitia ruat caelum.”
- Venture capitalist Shervin Pishevar, writing about the Benchmark lawsuit concerning Uber
"The left is relentless! a bunch of snowflakes and sjw and trannies!"
Not really. Its all a bunch of power mongers using all sorts of mcguffins (such as "social justice" and "intersectionality", and "privilege") as propaganda objects. Its got a propaganda line and a cultural policy for a purpose. This foolishness is not an end in itself.
Its not "the left", because there isn't a real left. Just a mechanism used by its owners.
Consider for instance that teacher training is controlled by a very few people who determine what teachers learn and what ideology is pushed to them. Those few people are financed by a set of foundations like these -
Financing the work of people such as Bill Ayers (Obama's famous mentor) and many others involved in policy generating bodies like this -
If you want to know why your public school teachers are incompetent cultural-imperialists pushing a propaganda line (and they generally are), its because their schools of education are controlled by people indoctrinated by the institutions they came from, which themselves are controlled and indoctrinated by a surprisingly small group of high-level people.
Anybody watching the Trump Tax Reform speech from Missouri? It's actually a very good, very well written speech. Naturally, Trump keeps veering off into stupid Trumpisms. (Talking about "GPD" -- also GDP -- in terms of percentages. He means "growth" obviously, and I think its safe to presume that he's talking about annual growth in GDP but never actually says so, in the Trump shorthand for economics.)
So its a good speech, basically. Lots of talk about reform. Hopefully he can stay away from the reckless Trump predictions of the biggest tax cut in history.
What is so weird, is to hear Trump moralizing about taxes and how he will eliminate tax loopholes for wealthy Americans, when Trump is the guy who won't release his own previously-filed tax returns for public scrutiny.
A large portion of the bike path is built across the water using crushed stone fill -- exactly as the rail line is constructed -- except for a small bridge that parallels and is roughly the same length the trestle. If the rail line is truly abandoned then the builders could have acquired the railroad right of way and saved a large portion of the cost of building the bike trail. They would probably want to replace the old trestle, though. Go watch the video Althouse linked to.
But are the tracks truly abandoned? Lightly used is not equal abandoned, and the aerial views of the bike trail make the railroad tracks look pretty well maintained. Maybe
Even if they are currently abandoned, sometimes "abandoned" rail lines come back to life. There might be a reopened factory that needs bulk delivery of raw materials, and tourist rail lines are popular here in the east. See, for instance, the Western Maryland, Cass Scenic Railroad, Strasbourg, etc. There was a case in Canada where an abandoned rail line was reopened, but the locals had in the meantime used the space for gardens or otherwise part of their property. Much dismay.
Our President said we are no longer surrendering to foreigners on trade and tax rates no matter how many. congressmen have sold their votes to foreign interests for cash. He threatened Congress to screw up lowering tax rates. He means their big donors cannot save their careers with DJT spilling the beans on the Obama guys who ran as fake GOP candidates.
Chuck asks: Anybody watching the Trump Tax Reform speech from Missouri? It's actually a very good, very well written speech. Naturally, Trump keeps veering off into stupid Trumpisms. (Talking about "GPD" -- also GDP -- in terms of percentages. He means "growth" obviously, and I think its safe to presume that he's talking about annual growth in GDP but never actually says so, in the Trump shorthand for economics.)
So its a good speech, basically. Lots of talk about reform. Hopefully he can stay away from the reckless Trump predictions of the biggest tax cut in history.
What is so weird, is to hear Trump moralizing about taxes and how he will eliminate tax loopholes for wealthy Americans, when Trump is the guy who won't release his own previously-filed tax returns for public scrutiny.
Yes, I listened with appreciation. When he was campaigning, Trump more or less implied that because he knew all about loopholes he knew best how and why to close them.
In fact I think he said that, while he used to be working for himself, he would now be working for us, the American people. I believed him and still do.
A large portion of the bike path is built across the water using crushed stone fill..."
I think you are thinking of a different area, or maybe I am. I think this bridge is part of the rail line that forms a triangle just west of John Nolen Drive. Here is the image:
What is so weird, is to hear Trump moralizing about taxes and how he will eliminate tax loopholes for wealthy Americans, when Trump is the guy who won't release his own previously-filed tax returns for public scrutiny.
He should never release them Anybody but the most moronic (not you, of course) realizes that tax returns involving multiple business's gonna be full of stuff asssholes can nit pick over (not you, of course.
Now, How about those "home office" deductions you have been taking? How about that new computer?100% percent business related? Prove it. Cell phone for business use? Show me your personal cell on a different plan. Mileage expense? Prove it. Golf membership for business deduction? ReallyChuck, that's a stretch.
Yes, I listened with appreciation. When he was campaigning, Trump more or less implied that because he knew all about loopholes he knew best how and why to close them.
Yeah; like when Trump promised a really great new replacement for Obamacare. Where everybody would have a better plan, with better coverage, with lower premiums, and lower co-pays and co-insurance, and where "everybody will be covered; because everybody has to be covered." And how he knew that he was going against Republican orthodoxy on that, but he would say it anyway. And how he would not cut Medicare or Medicaid.
And how would Trump do all of that? It would be "easy" because Trump is such a great negotiator.
That is all bullhsit. It was bullshit from the moment Trump uttered all of those statements. And maybe the worst bullshit from Trump's own perspective was his claim that he would negotiate a really great new healthcare deal for everyone. Because on that score, Trump never even really tried. He simply fell back into the mode of trying to just get a bill passed that would allow Trump himself to proclaim that he "repealed Obamacare." Trump didn't care about what was in the bill, and it didn't do much of anything toward keeping his other grandiose promises. No bill could, and still be a realistic proposal. So Trump didn't get personally involved, he didn't propose much by way of policy, and he never got what he had promised. He didn't even DO what he promised, in terms of "negotiating" a really great (reform) deal.
Yeah; like when Trump promised a really great new replacement for Obamacare. Where everybody would have a better plan, with better coverage, with lower premiums, and lower co-pays and co-insurance, and where "everybody will be covered; because everybody has to be covered." And how he knew that he was going against Republican orthodoxy on that, but he would say it anyway. And how he would not cut Medicare or Medicaid.
Good one. Trump believed you guys had it ready to go, if only we had a president to sign it. You lied to Trump just like you lied to all of us.LLLR Life Long Lying Republicans
Full Moon, you lying jackass. Point to where I wrote anything about a healthcare reform plan to replace Obamacare. Anything, that is, beside the fact that regularly wrote that it would be hard, with lots of hard choices, and could be electorally costly for whoever did it, and that Trump's simplistic promises would never come true.
Quote me, for the good readers here. Show them what promises I ever made on health care.
Trump studied economics at Fordham and earned a degree in Business Administration from Penn, so he knows a fuck-ton more about economics and the "GDP" then some dog bite lawyer from Michigan, Chuckles.
Full Moon, you lying jackass. Point to where I wrote anything about a healthcare reform plan to replace Obamacare. Anything, that is, beside the fact that regularly wrote that it would be hard, with lots of hard choices, and could be electorally costly for whoever did it, and that Trump's simplistic promises would never come true.
Quote me, for the good readers here. Show them what promises I ever made on health care.
You can't. You disgraceful piece of shit.
8/30/17, 3:07 PM Chuckie., you moronic Ann Arbor asshole. you know "ypu" refers to all you LLLR and your compatriots. You'all had the repeal ready to go, then pissed yourselves when Trump got in office, ready to sign. Go bruise up some woman, that's all you are capable of, paper filing low level office worker "lawyer".
"Chávez's so-called back-to-the-land movement calls for the redistribution of land -- increasingly properties that the state has taken over in what officials term a "rescue" or "recuperation." The objective is to ensure "food sovereignty," thereby reducing dependence on imports.
But nearly five years after the measures were implemented nationwide, farmers and agriculture experts say, Venezuela is not only far from self-sufficient in food, but also more dependent than ever on foreign countries. Food imports rose to $7.5 billion last year, a sixfold increase since Chávez took power a decade ago.
Among the once-productive farms put out of business earlier this decade was this 33,606-acre ranch in Cojedes state owned by the Vestey Group, a British company. El Charcote used to turn out 3.3 million pounds of beef a year, making it one of the country's top 10 producers. Today, the 13,000 head of cattle that once roamed here are gone.
The small farmers working the property have a few cows, but those animals, and the small corn patches here and there, are mainly for personal use. New farm machinery, painted the government's trademark red, gathers dust in a lot on the outskirts of this town.
"If there is a word to describe all this, it is 'stagnant,' " said Carlos Machado, an agriculture expert at the Institute of Higher Administrative Studies in Caracas and a former agricultural consultant for the Organization of American States. "The government policy to increase the crop production in the country is a complete failure."
Fabi said... "We'll see you fucks in the primaries."
Dream on, pussy.
You must be referring to the successful 2016 Trumpist primary challenges to Marco Rubio in Florida, to Paul Ryan in Wisconsin, and to John McCain in Arizona.
Oh, wait...
McCain's challenger was Chemtrail Kelli Ward. McCain won the primary by 11 points. And so now Loser Kelli is running again, this time against Jeff Flake.
That's an impressively static analysis, Chuck. Anything happen -- or not happen -- in Congress since the last election that may drive the primaries? Try not to overthink it.
FullMoon said... Even Pelosi slammed antifa. LLLR republicans representing Chuck still whining about alt right violence.
I've said too many times to count; you can figure out where I stand on most things from reading National Review, the Wall Street Journal editorial pages, the Weekly Standard, and, semi-regularly, Ann Althouse.
So go check out what they have said about antifa/Black Bloc violence.
You know nothing about my career; but you seem to have made a career for yourself out of imagining points of view on my part. What's up with that?
@Chuck, you may not think much of Kelli Ward, but her 11 point loss to McCain came before he gave a one-fingered salute to efforts to reform Obamacare. Flake has none of McCain's name recognition, he's in a public feud with Trump, who has higher ratings among Arizona Republicans, and this is not 2016. Unless Flake takes some sort of a leadership role on tax reform or does something special to mend fences, he will be in serious trouble.
Unless Flake takes some sort of a leadership role on tax reform or does something special to mend fences, he will be in serious trouble.
He certainly will if my primary vote carries any weight. The GOP has somehow managed to screw themselves politically while having a majority in Congress. That takes real talent but not the kind we want.
FullMoon said... ... What, you expect us to believe you some hot shot class action, death penalty type guy after posting your stupidity of years? What a joke. Now, run down to the courthouse and file those papers, like the boss told ya, loser.
I have never described myself in those terms. Once again, you are characterizing me, and yet you can't possibly search and find a place where I have written anything like what you are supposing. I have mentioned little more than a few of the kinds of cases I have worked on, in situations where a similar kind of case is the subject of a comments page.
I never thought to ask where you practice law, when you took the bar exam, where you are licensed, and whether or not you were on your law school's law review. Mostly because I don't care, but moreover because I don't think that any of it would be affirmative in your case. If so, that's fine. There are a handful of commenters here who are clearly lawyers, and you'll notice that I have hardly ever had so much as a disagreement with any of them. If there have been any disagreements, they are almost always interesting and respectful ones.
Mocking victims for fun and profit.
McCain's challenger was Chemtrail Kelli Ward. McCain won the primary by 11 points. And so now Loser Kelli is running again, this time against Jeff Flake.
Chuck, yu post on Marshall was good. This is not.
McCain has always been an egomaniac. I was a volunteer for him in 2000 because I preferred him to Bush. That was then and this is now.
McCain ran for re-election in 2016 on name recognition and a promise to repeal Obamacare.
Kelli Ward I don't know but she had much better name recognition now and Flake is living up to his name.
Yeah; like when Trump promised a really great new replacement for Obamacare.
I guess Trump(like all the rest of us suckers) thought that Ryan and McConnell would do what Ryan and McConnell were elected to do and pass an ObamaCare replacement. Now that we all know that they have no such intention we can all plan accordingly.
If I were POTUS:
I would create a Harvey’s Heroes Award and give it to every private citizen who used their boats in this disaster. I’m seeing a framed and signed document with a lapel pin. Kick it off bigly with a ceremony in the Oval Office.
Message: Ordinary people can make a difference. It emphasizes and promotes altruism and self-reliance. And that the POTUS is aware of it and responsive to it.
If the GOP is "worse than the Democrats," then you should be voting for the (D)'s. You trash-talking shithead.
Er, Chuck...would you LIKE that?
Is that what it would take?
Do you think it would be impossible?
I've thought-not sure if I've said-that if Trump chose to run as a D, he would be accepted, he would get the nom, he would beat the R. And the media would volte-face and kiss him up to God.
VDH in NR, which you have said that you read, wrote about the classes of Trump opponents. Do you see anything insightful there?
There are a handful of commenters here who are clearly lawyers, and you'll notice that I have hardly ever had so much as a disagreement with any of them.
You say that like it is a good thing. To us Deplorables, that's part of the problem.
You'all had the repeal ready to go, then pissed yourselves when Trump got in office, ready to sign.
The Republican Congress passed Obamacare repeals that were vetoed by Obama. Somehow, with increased majorities, and Trump ready and willing to sign the bill into law, the Republican Congress is now unable to pass a repeal bill.
Chuck said... "FullMoon said... Even Pelosi slammed antifa. LLLR republicans representing Chuck still whining about alt right violence.
I've said too many times to count; you can figure out where I stand on most things from reading National Review, the Wall Street Journal editorial pages, the Weekly Standard, and, semi-regularly, Ann Althouse.
So go check out what they have said about antifa/Black Bloc violence."
We don't care.
"You know nothing about my career; but you seem to have made a career for yourself out of imagining points of view on my part. What's up with that?"
Chuck. We don't care. You obviously think we should care, but we don't.
Why is that Rachmaninoff has writing credit on the pop song "All By Myself" (chorus chord progression is from his Piano Concerto No. 2), and Copeland isn't listed on the writing credits for "When I Fall in Love" ... (several phrases taken from the concert suite of "Appalachian Spring")?
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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Final stretch of MLB season. Can't get into football until after the World Series
Never got into baseball. I used to look forward to football season starting up. Now it's just become another fully politicized battlefield in the great culture war. Nice things... why we can't have them and all.
This bridge needs to be replaced. It is a good example of the backlog of public infrastructure spending and low private investment in physical plant.
The Berkeley mayor is part of the FB group that organized riots.
Looks like the bridge at Chappaquiddick.....
I downloaded the ARRL 40wpm morse code archive to have something to listen to on daily bike commutes.
I notice a big "I've heard this one before" effect now that it's started repeating.
Who knew that you'd remember the text.
Robert "The FBI White-Washer" Mueller's team of Trump-hating lawyers is leaking to Trump-hating journalists that a Russian immigrant named Felix Sater tried to make some deals between Donald Trump and Russian entities.
Sater is an undercover agent for the FBI. Here is a passage from the Wikipedia article about Sater.
In 1998, Sater was convicted of fraud in connection to a $40 million penny stock pump-and-dump scheme conducted by the Russian Mafia involving his company White Rock Partners. In return for a guilty plea, Sater agreed to assist the FBI and federal prosecutors as an informant in organized crime.
In 2009, he was sentenced to pay a $25,000 fine and served no prison time. As a result of his assistance, Sater's court records were sealed for 10 years by Loretta Lynch, then the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York. Lynch's decision to seal his records was discussed at her 2015 Congressional confirmation hearings to become attorney general; she stated that Sater provided "information crucial to national security and the conviction of over 20 individuals, including those responsible for committing massive financial fraud and members of La Cosa Nostra."
In July 2017, The Financial Times, citing five sources with knowledge of the matter, reported that Sater had agreed to cooperate with investigators looking into an international money laundering scheme involving Viktor Khrapunov, a former government minister in Kazakhstan. Khrapunov, who now lives in Switzerland, has been accused by the Kazakhstani government of embezzling millions of dollars and is wanted by Interpol.
Sater became an FBI informant in about 1998 and seems to have continued to work as an FBI informant to the present. He probably earns a lot of money for doing so.
Mueller was the FBI Director from 2001 to 2013.
"buwaya said...
This bridge needs to be replaced. It is a good example of the backlog of public infrastructure spending and low private investment in physical plant."
If that's the bridge I think it is, I've ice fished there, and I believe it's no longer an active rail line.
Is "railbridge" a regional thing? "Trestle" is the word I always hear.
"buwaya said...
This bridge needs to be replaced. It is a good example of the backlog of public infrastructure spending and low private investment in physical plant."
Also, pretty sure it's on the railroads to repair bridges. It's not a public or government thing.
"Railbridge" is the name of the cafe. I could put any words together that I want if I'm inventing a name.
But "rail bridge" is a standard term, going back to the 19th century. I sense that it should be one word, because "railroad" is one word.
As for "trestle," I don't think that's the right term for this constructuon. Don't you need more triangle shapes.
The Berkeley mayor is part of the FB group that organized riots.
Shocking (sarcasm) but I still don't understand if all these things are false flag operations with all the players working towards the same goal or if there really are opposing factions?
Not that it matters. I imagine if you bend the spectrum the opposite ends could start to touch...
Fake Drudge headline:
"UPDATE: USA tests most dangerous nuke weapon ever produced..."
Linked to another fake headline ->
"World War 3? US tests 'most dangerous nuclear weapon ever produced' amid North Korea row"
The supposed quote is unattributed, apparently one dork reporter talking at another dork reporter.
B61-12: yield: Less than 50 kt
which is 1000 times smaller than the Russian RDS-220.
rehajm said...
Not that it matters. I imagine if you bend the spectrum the opposite ends could start to touch...
Like this?
If that's the bridge I think it is, I've ice fished there, and I believe it's no longer an active rail line.
Well if it's not in use why didn't Dane County just buy the right if way and use the existing fill? Trestle would need replacement but they'd have saved a lot of money. Of course sometimes "abandoned" rail lines get reopened, for instance for a tourist rail line.
Yes, a railroad person would call it a trestle.
"Big Mike said...
Well if it's not in use why didn't Dane County just buy the right if way and use the existing fill? Trestle would need replacement but they'd have saved a lot of money. Of course sometimes "abandoned" rail lines get reopened, for instance for a tourist rail line."
I have no idea what you are asking or what are you talking about?
Final stretch of MLB season. Can't get into football until after the World Series
A-Men!! And the baseball is so good this year, why would you want to get into football yet??
Makes me wonder...if a bridge was built by someone guilty of wrongthink, will the bridge have to be pulled down and replaced by one built by the SPLC?
Well if it's not in use why didn't Dane County just buy the right if way and use the existing fill?
Does Dane County need it for something? If not, why would they?
Love baseball, love football. The game between the 49ers and the Vikings was spectacular! And my Seahawks look great so far [except for the one sitting during the anthem]. The Mariners, not so much. But the Diamondbacks look promising.
The Houston Astros had a slam-dunk into the playoffs but I can't help but think that Harvey will interfere even if they find alternate stadiums/stadia. Surely transportation will be a big issue. I know that sports are not a high priority in crises like these but the Astros deserved a great season.
"As for "trestle," I don't think that's the right term for this constructuon. Don't you need more triangle shapes."
Keerect. A trestle bridge needs trestles. They are in short supply here.
I thought Melania's pumps were completely appropriate for her trip to Texas.
The left is relentless! a bunch of snowflakes and sjw and trannies!
Apparently, the trestle vs. bridge argument has been hashed out:
Trestle v Bridge
Today's entry in the annals of over-the-top writing (and misuse of "fulsome"):
“Let us take this pause in this moment, when we find ourselves swimming in the crucible of one of the grandest business and moral battles of our generation, and find strength in each stroke of our proverbial digital pens, that we wrote with the indelible, eternal and permanent ink of righteousness. We write with the souls of thousands of lives saved, the lives of millions of jobs created liberating multitudes of drivers from the shackles of servitude to iniquitous taxi cartels of corrupt cabals that choked cities with their pollution of air and morals. We write with the spirit of Bonnie Kalanick, who raised her son with deep unconditional love and unfading faith in his ability to do good for the world. Whose tragic and untimely death was used against her son at his most vulnerable, unspeakable time of pain. They chose to strike at a moment of a devoted son’s retreat and leave of absence to mourn the absence of the inviolable love of his mother. In doing so, they joined the very corruption her son had devoted such fervent passion to fight. In her memory, we devote our actions to a just cause; to defend what is right and to protect the interest of not only shareholders but most importantly the far more important stakeholders of employees, drivers and customers whose lives have been forever altered by the abiding faith and fervent hard work of Travis Kalanick and the Uber team. Their allegiance was met by this unholy alliance of perfidious greed devolving rapidly into the audacity of vituperative unparalleled predatory rapacity.
Let us strike tomorrow with the full and fulsome courage of our convictions. Let our just cause give pause to those who would ever dream of ever emulating the shameful shenanigans of these sanctimonious hypocrites who fling filings and letters de haut en bas; when it is we who have the higher moral ground and our letters and filing will hail down upon their platforms, exposing them as bitterly barren barons of moral turpitude. And as the summer sets, we let us be steward of truth who in unison proclaim: fiat justitia ruat caelum.”
- Venture capitalist Shervin Pishevar, writing about the Benchmark lawsuit concerning Uber
"The left is relentless! a bunch of snowflakes and sjw and trannies!"
Not really. Its all a bunch of power mongers using all sorts of mcguffins (such as "social justice" and "intersectionality", and "privilege") as propaganda objects. Its got a propaganda line and a cultural policy for a purpose. This foolishness is not an end in itself.
Its not "the left", because there isn't a real left. Just a mechanism used by its owners.
Consider for instance that teacher training is controlled by a very few people who determine what teachers learn and what ideology is pushed to them. Those few people are financed by a set of foundations like these -
Financing the work of people such as Bill Ayers (Obama's famous mentor) and many others involved in policy generating bodies like this -
If you want to know why your public school teachers are incompetent cultural-imperialists pushing a propaganda line (and they generally are), its because their schools of education are controlled by people indoctrinated by the institutions they came from, which themselves are controlled and indoctrinated by a surprisingly small group of high-level people.
Bill Ayers was one of these, btw.
Looks like South Carolina. We have a lot of those around. On defunct railroads.
Big storm about to hit Sturgeon Bay Area.
Anybody watching the Trump Tax Reform speech from Missouri? It's actually a very good, very well written speech. Naturally, Trump keeps veering off into stupid Trumpisms. (Talking about "GPD" -- also GDP -- in terms of percentages. He means "growth" obviously, and I think its safe to presume that he's talking about annual growth in GDP but never actually says so, in the Trump shorthand for economics.)
So its a good speech, basically. Lots of talk about reform. Hopefully he can stay away from the reckless Trump predictions of the biggest tax cut in history.
What is so weird, is to hear Trump moralizing about taxes and how he will eliminate tax loopholes for wealthy Americans, when Trump is the guy who won't release his own previously-filed tax returns for public scrutiny.
Titus - she actually wore sneakers. I saw a pic of her getting off the plane in TX, and she had on jeans, white shirt, white sneakers.
@Curious George.
A large portion of the bike path is built across the water using crushed stone fill -- exactly as the rail line is constructed -- except for a small bridge that parallels and is roughly the same length the trestle. If the rail line is truly abandoned then the builders could have acquired the railroad right of way and saved a large portion of the cost of building the bike trail. They would probably want to replace the old trestle, though. Go watch the video Althouse linked to.
But are the tracks truly abandoned? Lightly used is not equal abandoned, and the aerial views of the bike trail make the railroad tracks look pretty well maintained. Maybe
Even if they are currently abandoned, sometimes "abandoned" rail lines come back to life. There might be a reopened factory that needs bulk delivery of raw materials, and tourist rail lines are popular here in the east. See, for instance, the Western Maryland, Cass Scenic Railroad, Strasbourg, etc. There was a case in Canada where an abandoned rail line was reopened, but the locals had in the meantime used the space for gardens or otherwise part of their property. Much dismay.
Our President said we are no longer surrendering to foreigners on trade and tax rates no matter how many. congressmen have sold their votes to foreign interests for cash. He threatened Congress to screw up lowering tax rates. He means their big donors cannot save their careers with DJT spilling the beans on the Obama guys who ran as fake GOP candidates.
Chuck asks: Anybody watching the Trump Tax Reform speech from Missouri? It's actually a very good, very well written speech. Naturally, Trump keeps veering off into stupid Trumpisms. (Talking about "GPD" -- also GDP -- in terms of percentages. He means "growth" obviously, and I think its safe to presume that he's talking about annual growth in GDP but never actually says so, in the Trump shorthand for economics.)
So its a good speech, basically. Lots of talk about reform. Hopefully he can stay away from the reckless Trump predictions of the biggest tax cut in history.
What is so weird, is to hear Trump moralizing about taxes and how he will eliminate tax loopholes for wealthy Americans, when Trump is the guy who won't release his own previously-filed tax returns for public scrutiny.
Yes, I listened with appreciation. When he was campaigning, Trump more or less implied that because he knew all about loopholes he knew best how and why to close them.
In fact I think he said that, while he used to be working for himself, he would now be working for us, the American people. I believed him and still do.
"Big Mike said...
@Curious George.
A large portion of the bike path is built across the water using crushed stone fill..."
I think you are thinking of a different area, or maybe I am. I think this bridge is part of the rail line that forms a triangle just west of John Nolen Drive. Here is the image:,+Madison,+WI/@43.0605555,-89.3868715,16z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x880652e0039ff28d:0x558c9ef62697c562!8m2!3d43.0564469!4d-89.3822129
John Nolen is the main artery into The Square, and UW, and Monona Terrace.
Maybe AA can shed some light.
Nope I was wrong, you were right Big's the RR that parallels that new bike path. Not familiar and don't know the status of the line.
Maybe I'm just a reactionary, but I really like Trump more and more as time goes on.
What is so weird, is to hear Trump moralizing about taxes and how he will eliminate tax loopholes for wealthy Americans, when Trump is the guy who won't release his own previously-filed tax returns for public scrutiny.
He should never release them Anybody but the most moronic (not you, of course) realizes that tax returns involving multiple business's gonna be full of stuff asssholes can nit pick over (not you, of course.
Now, How about those "home office" deductions you have been taking?
How about that new computer?100% percent business related? Prove it.
Cell phone for business use? Show me your personal cell on a different plan.
Mileage expense? Prove it.
Golf membership for business deduction? ReallyChuck, that's a stretch.
mockturtle said...
Yes, I listened with appreciation. When he was campaigning, Trump more or less implied that because he knew all about loopholes he knew best how and why to close them.
Yeah; like when Trump promised a really great new replacement for Obamacare. Where everybody would have a better plan, with better coverage, with lower premiums, and lower co-pays and co-insurance, and where "everybody will be covered; because everybody has to be covered." And how he knew that he was going against Republican orthodoxy on that, but he would say it anyway. And how he would not cut Medicare or Medicaid.
And how would Trump do all of that? It would be "easy" because Trump is such a great negotiator.
That is all bullhsit. It was bullshit from the moment Trump uttered all of those statements. And maybe the worst bullshit from Trump's own perspective was his claim that he would negotiate a really great new healthcare deal for everyone. Because on that score, Trump never even really tried. He simply fell back into the mode of trying to just get a bill passed that would allow Trump himself to proclaim that he "repealed Obamacare." Trump didn't care about what was in the bill, and it didn't do much of anything toward keeping his other grandiose promises. No bill could, and still be a realistic proposal. So Trump didn't get personally involved, he didn't propose much by way of policy, and he never got what he had promised. He didn't even DO what he promised, in terms of "negotiating" a really great (reform) deal.
So here we go again, on tax reform.
And whonwrote that heath care bill, chuck, who has been like a possum on tax reform.
Chuck, it's not Trump's fault we have a RINO do-nothing-but-get-re-elected Congress. They are worse than the Democrats.
Interesting article via NYT on an ESPN announcer quitting over brain trauma in Football.
Yeah; like when Trump promised a really great new replacement for Obamacare. Where everybody would have a better plan, with better coverage, with lower premiums, and lower co-pays and co-insurance, and where "everybody will be covered; because everybody has to be covered." And how he knew that he was going against Republican orthodoxy on that, but he would say it anyway. And how he would not cut Medicare or Medicaid.
Good one. Trump believed you guys had it ready to go, if only we had a president to sign it.
You lied to Trump just like you lied to all of us.LLLR Life Long Lying Republicans
mockturtle said...
Chuck, it's not Trump's fault we have a RINO do-nothing-but-get-re-elected Congress. They are worse than the Democrats.
If the GOP is "worse than the Democrats," then you should be voting for the (D)'s. You trash-talking shithead.
Trump fans talking about "Republicans in Name Only" are as ballsy as they are ignorant. How long, exactly, has Trump been a Republican?
We'll see you fucks in the primaries.
Full Moon, you lying jackass. Point to where I wrote anything about a healthcare reform plan to replace Obamacare. Anything, that is, beside the fact that regularly wrote that it would be hard, with lots of hard choices, and could be electorally costly for whoever did it, and that Trump's simplistic promises would never come true.
Quote me, for the good readers here. Show them what promises I ever made on health care.
You can't. You disgraceful piece of shit.
Chuck said...
... You trash-talking shithead.
We'll see you fucks in the primaries.
8/30/17, 3:04 PM
For Christ's sake, chuckie, go squeeze a titty or punch an old lady or something. You getting all wee weed up
Trump studied economics at Fordham and earned a degree in Business Administration from Penn, so he knows a fuck-ton more about economics and the "GDP" then some dog bite lawyer from Michigan, Chuckles.
"We'll see you fucks in the primaries."
Dream on, pussy.
Full Moon, you lying jackass. Point to where I wrote anything about a healthcare reform plan to replace Obamacare. Anything, that is, beside the fact that regularly wrote that it would be hard, with lots of hard choices, and could be electorally costly for whoever did it, and that Trump's simplistic promises would never come true.
Quote me, for the good readers here. Show them what promises I ever made on health care.
You can't. You disgraceful piece of shit.
8/30/17, 3:07 PM
Chuckie., you moronic Ann Arbor asshole. you know "ypu" refers to all you LLLR and your compatriots. You'all had the repeal ready to go, then pissed yourselves when Trump got in office, ready to sign.
Go bruise up some woman, that's all you are capable of, paper filing low level office worker "lawyer".
Even Pelosi slammed antifa. LLLR republicans representing Chuck still whining about alt right violence.
Wapo from 2009, explaining quite a lot about Venezuela today - cited in Freerepublic
"Chávez's so-called back-to-the-land movement calls for the redistribution of land -- increasingly properties that the state has taken over in what officials term a "rescue" or "recuperation." The objective is to ensure "food sovereignty," thereby reducing dependence on imports.
But nearly five years after the measures were implemented nationwide, farmers and agriculture experts say, Venezuela is not only far from self-sufficient in food, but also more dependent than ever on foreign countries. Food imports rose to $7.5 billion last year, a sixfold increase since Chávez took power a decade ago.
Among the once-productive farms put out of business earlier this decade was this 33,606-acre ranch in Cojedes state owned by the Vestey Group, a British company. El Charcote used to turn out 3.3 million pounds of beef a year, making it one of the country's top 10 producers. Today, the 13,000 head of cattle that once roamed here are gone.
The small farmers working the property have a few cows, but those animals, and the small corn patches here and there, are mainly for personal use. New farm machinery, painted the government's trademark red, gathers dust in a lot on the outskirts of this town.
"If there is a word to describe all this, it is 'stagnant,' " said Carlos Machado, an agriculture expert at the Institute of Higher Administrative Studies in Caracas and a former agricultural consultant for the Organization of American States. "The government policy to increase the crop production in the country is a complete failure."
Fabi said...
"We'll see you fucks in the primaries."
Dream on, pussy.
You must be referring to the successful 2016 Trumpist primary challenges to Marco Rubio in Florida, to Paul Ryan in Wisconsin, and to John McCain in Arizona.
Oh, wait...
McCain's challenger was Chemtrail Kelli Ward. McCain won the primary by 11 points. And so now Loser Kelli is running again, this time against Jeff Flake.
"Chuck still whining about alt right violence."
Until Trump is criticized for ignoring antifa violence.
That's an impressively static analysis, Chuck. Anything happen -- or not happen -- in Congress since the last election that may drive the primaries? Try not to overthink it.
FullMoon said...
Even Pelosi slammed antifa. LLLR republicans representing Chuck still whining about alt right violence.
I've said too many times to count; you can figure out where I stand on most things from reading National Review, the Wall Street Journal editorial pages, the
Weekly Standard, and, semi-regularly, Ann Althouse.
So go check out what they have said about antifa/Black Bloc violence.
You know nothing about my career; but you seem to have made a career for yourself out of imagining points of view on my part. What's up with that?
Buwaya, Venezuela should have learned from Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
Ann Althouse said...
As for "trestle," I don't think that's the right term for this constructuon. Don't you need more triangle shapes.
Ken B said...
Keerect. A trestle bridge needs trestles. They are in short supply here.
I think trestle has more to do with frequent mostly vertical supports separated by short spans, based on which this bridge qualifies.
The things with triangle shapes are trusses.
" sparrow said...
Maybe I'm just a reactionary, but I really like Trump more and more as time goes on"
Me too. I never thought I would live to see a president this great. Not joking.
because "railroad" is one word.
Except on the Long Island Rail Road.
Nope I was wrong, you were right Big Mike.
I'm going to print that and frame it. 😉
@Chuck, you may not think much of Kelli Ward, but her 11 point loss to McCain came before he gave a one-fingered salute to efforts to reform Obamacare. Flake has none of McCain's name recognition, he's in a public feud with Trump, who has higher ratings among Arizona Republicans, and this is not 2016. Unless Flake takes some sort of a leadership role on tax reform or does something special to mend fences, he will be in serious trouble.
Unless Flake takes some sort of a leadership role on tax reform or does something special to mend fences, he will be in serious trouble.
He certainly will if my primary vote carries any weight. The GOP has somehow managed to screw themselves politically while having a majority in Congress. That takes real talent but not the kind we want.
FullMoon said...
What, you expect us to believe you some hot shot class action, death penalty type guy after posting your stupidity of years? What a joke.
Now, run down to the courthouse and file those papers, like the boss told ya, loser.
I have never described myself in those terms. Once again, you are characterizing me, and yet you can't possibly search and find a place where I have written anything like what you are supposing. I have mentioned little more than a few of the kinds of cases I have worked on, in situations where a similar kind of case is the subject of a comments page.
I never thought to ask where you practice law, when you took the bar exam, where you are licensed, and whether or not you were on your law school's law review. Mostly because I don't care, but moreover because I don't think that any of it would be affirmative in your case. If so, that's fine. There are a handful of commenters here who are clearly lawyers, and you'll notice that I have hardly ever had so much as a disagreement with any of them. If there have been any disagreements, they are almost always interesting and respectful ones.
Unlike you.
Mocking victims for fun and profit.
"If there have been any disagreements, they are almost always interesting and respectful ones."
"We'll see you fucks in the primaries."
You disgraceful piece of shit.
McCain's challenger was Chemtrail Kelli Ward. McCain won the primary by 11 points. And so now Loser Kelli is running again, this time against Jeff Flake.
Chuck, yu post on Marshall was good. This is not.
McCain has always been an egomaniac. I was a volunteer for him in 2000 because I preferred him to Bush. That was then and this is now.
McCain ran for re-election in 2016 on name recognition and a promise to repeal Obamacare.
Kelli Ward I don't know but she had much better name recognition now and Flake is living up to his name.
I think he is in serious trouble.
Arizona will have two new Senators next year,
I don't think Flake will be one.
Yeah; like when Trump promised a really great new replacement for Obamacare.
I guess Trump(like all the rest of us suckers) thought that Ryan and McConnell would do what Ryan and McConnell were elected to do and pass an ObamaCare replacement. Now that we all know that they have no such intention we can all plan accordingly.
If I were POTUS:
I would create a Harvey’s Heroes Award and give it to every private citizen who used their boats in this disaster. I’m seeing a framed and signed document with a lapel pin. Kick it off bigly with a ceremony in the Oval Office.
Message: Ordinary people can make a difference. It emphasizes and promotes altruism and self-reliance. And that the POTUS is aware of it and responsive to it.
Now that we all know that they have no such intention we can all plan accordingly.
Right, grackle. I hope all of those sons of bitches get primaried out. The GOP knows now that throwing money at a campaign doesn't guarantee success.
If the GOP is "worse than the Democrats," then you should be voting for the (D)'s. You trash-talking shithead.
Er, Chuck...would you LIKE that?
Is that what it would take?
Do you think it would be impossible?
I've thought-not sure if I've said-that if Trump chose to run as a D, he would be accepted, he would get the nom, he would beat the R. And the media would volte-face and kiss him up to God.
VDH in NR, which you have said that you read, wrote about the classes of Trump opponents. Do you see anything insightful there?
There are a handful of commenters here who are clearly lawyers, and you'll notice that I have hardly ever had so much as a disagreement with any of them.
You say that like it is a good thing. To us Deplorables, that's part of the problem.
You'all had the repeal ready to go, then pissed yourselves when Trump got in office, ready to sign.
The Republican Congress passed Obamacare repeals that were vetoed by Obama. Somehow, with increased majorities, and Trump ready and willing to sign the bill into law, the Republican Congress is now unable to pass a repeal bill.
We'll see you fucks in the primaries.
That's what Cantor said.
Chuck said...
"FullMoon said...
Even Pelosi slammed antifa. LLLR republicans representing Chuck still whining about alt right violence.
I've said too many times to count; you can figure out where I stand on most things from reading National Review, the Wall Street Journal editorial pages, the
Weekly Standard, and, semi-regularly, Ann Althouse.
So go check out what they have said about antifa/Black Bloc violence."
We don't care.
"You know nothing about my career; but you seem to have made a career for yourself out of imagining points of view on my part. What's up with that?"
Chuck. We don't care. You obviously think we should care, but we don't.
Geurge! How's your hip?
I feel like I get a new life. Doing stuff I haven't been able to do for years.
Why is that Rachmaninoff has writing credit on the pop song "All By Myself" (chorus chord progression is from his Piano Concerto No. 2), and Copeland isn't listed on the writing credits for "When I Fall in Love" ... (several phrases taken from the concert suite of "Appalachian Spring")?
(And, yes, that should be the verse chord progression.)
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