"He tells us that he sees many women who want sex, but who also want a human connection after being ignored for so long. Isolation and lack of intimacy within marriage, it turns out, is a very common issue. After that night, Morgana was imbued with a new sense of purpose. Her fire was reignited and she decided she wanted to see the escort again. She held off her plans to end her life with a growing sense of hope that there was more for her yet to come.... Fast forward three short years.... [s]he is a... pornographer, creating films that document her experiences in real time as she develops and learns about her newly explored sexuality—a process she never got to experience in her youth. Morgana’s work is sex-positive and age-positive...."
From "The Desperate Housewife Who Reinvented Herself as a Porn Star" (in The Daily Beast).
४२ टिप्पण्या:
Or maybe she's just a slut.
Why no gender differences tag? I am sure a mid-forties man who left his wife, fucked prostitutes and then became a pornographer would not get such a sympathetic treatment.
Male escorts service almost exclusively male customers. This article is so much wishcasting.
Prostitution undermines feminism, as it takes power away from women. This is why they write articles like this - pretending women use escorts the same way men do, to try to make themselves feel better about the erosion of female sexual monopoly.
They brought this on themselves, of course, with the sexual revolution. But now that 20% of the men are having nearly 100% of the sex i.e. The bottom 80% of men feel alienated and are looking for a way around this barrier, which they will find via prostitutes and eventually sex bots.
I feel bad my sons are going to grow up in this shitty situation - I guess I just have to ensure they're in the top 20% (really top 10%) of men.
I was going to say something nasty, like daily beast is accurate, but she looks a little too pathetic.
And I know pathetic.
Good for her. There is no worse despair than utter isolation. The porn part is not to my taste but I think what she does in the privacy of her own soul is not something I want to judge, even if she films it. I don't have to watch the film.
An interesting term "sex-positive" -- and not in a good way. It sounds eerily similar to "politically correct", doesn't it?
"All sex is rape unless it advances our agenda, then it's sex-positive!"
"BDNYC said...
Why no gender differences tag? I am sure a mid-forties man who left his wife, fucked prostitutes and then became a pornographer would not get such a sympathetic treatment."
That tags the article and the Daily Beast as pornographic propaganda, leftist-sexist scat. But we knew that.
This is why I hate the term. I dated a girl last year who was into rough sex -- really, really rough. I won't go into too much detail because I don't need Laslo bugging me for her number, but I have to mention an activity to ossify the comment. She loved to be gagged and throat fucked. Viciously. So viciously that I found myself uncomfortable with it and damned near stopped after about forty five minutes the first time I did it to her.
The point being, I'm sure if we were to have filmed it -- okay, if I were to post the videos to the Internet -- the same people branding things sex-positive wouldn't grade the above act so charitably. "That's sex-negative!". But she loved that shit everyday. Bigly sex-positive for her.
Nice girl. I miss her.
"I don't much like people who choose to encourage... risky behavior but then don't stick around to see the results of the show. If you stayed and saw, how do you know you wouldn't revise your original positivity? (or maybe that's why you don't want to stay and look and see how it (the person/situation) all turns out, in actuality/reality..."
It's a film. Films aren't reality.
Risky behavior? Safe sex is an oxymoron. Just some more fraught with risk than other. She's able to determine her own risk tolerance. Her audience too. These films aren't for teenagers.
@Meade, you make sure your lady-love has plenty of "human connection." None of us want her to reinvent herself.
Sucking your own cock would be queer, Mary -- not that's there's anything wrong with that. I don't worry about how she self-identifies and I never worry about money, but I appreciate the helpful hints.
Why are women who make pornography always "stars?"
Mature overweight women can have Daddy Issues, too.
I am Laslo.
If it weren't for Daddy Issues most American men would never get laid.
I am Laslo.
The Arc of Womanhood for the Modern American Male:
Mother: had Daddy Issues.
Wife: has Daddy Issues.
Daughter: will have Daddy Issues.
I am Laslo.
I hoped that Mary would re-engage, because she perfectly illustrates my point. I described a young woman who's entirely fulfilled sexually and she had to casually slur her with the term "hooker", suggesting money may be in play. Sounds like some "sex-negative" shaming to me!
The Guy Who Is Proud of His Porn Star Daughter....
I have to admit: when I first found out my Little Girl was starring in pornographic films I was upset: THAT IS NOT WHAT I WANT MY LITTLE GIRL TO BE DOING. I was angry, and confused: had I done something wrong? Is this because she accidentally saw my cock that time when she was younger? Was I a Bad Father...?
Her Mother still does not know of our daughter's career: she has only confided in myself and my wife, her step-mother. Like I said, I was angry and confused: you are having sex with strangers on film for money? AFTER I paid for college...?
But, after taking time to reflect, I came to realize that -- as a parent -- we have to let our children Follow Their Dreams. She told me that she was not meant to work in an office, that she had to do something that Expressed Herself...
Of course, I had reservations: Honey, you only make six hundred dollars for filming a gonzo anal scene with a black man? But she patiently explained to me that the films were just Building Her Brand: once she had a Name, she would make Big Money out touring the Strip Club Scene...
Of course, this has curtailed some of my own habits: I certainly don't want to be casually perusing Internet Porn and come across my Daughter chocking on a Black Monster Cock. But that is MY hang-up, not hers: I understand that. Most of the sites I visit are of Japanese Girls in Knee-High White Socks, anyway, so I don't think I will see her there...
I am Laslo.
Pornstars are the test group for the theory that more and better sex equates to more happiness and fulfillment. From what I've read their lives aren't conspicuously better than mine (except, of course, when they're having great sex) and, in many cases, their lives are spectacularly worse. The exception for great sex is a pretty large exception, but my guess is that after the twentieth orgy the event becomes fairly hup drum.. Well, certainly after the hundredth......I've thought about it, and my considered opinion is that a career in porn will not lead to lasting happiness. So all those porn producers can just stop with the lucrative offers.
Laslo -- not suggesting that you have expertise in the field, but have you heard of tentacle porn? I'm afraid to look.
The Guy Who Is Proud of His Porn Star Daughter....
It's funny, but I think my Daughter finding herself as a Porn Star has actually brought us closer together. Just the other day she invited me to come along to the set for one of her films, and -- trepidation aside -- I went along...
The film was set at a rather nice house in the hills, and it was not nearly as seedy as I had expected: sure, the smell inside took some getting used to, but the people there were very friendly, and most of them weren't on drugs...
I HAD worried about my daughter getting caught up in drugs, but during the filming her only vice was drinking cans of Red Bull. One of the other actresses told me that drinking Red Bull was a good way to get the taste of cock out of their mouths...
Don't get me wrong -- I didn't actually WATCH my daughter perform: when she was on camera I stayed in the kitchen and watched CNN with the sound off. It was weird, knowing that in the next room my daughter was being fucked in the ass by a black gentleman, but I understood that the sounds I was hearing weren't real, they were ACTING...
I think the only sad part of the experience was how many of these young people smoked. Maybe people still think smoking is sexy, I don't know, but I worry about their health: the young never understand that they are not going to be young forever...
I am Laslo.
Fabi said...
"Laslo -- not suggesting that you have expertise in the field, but have you heard of tentacle porn? I'm afraid to look."
Big in Japanese Manga.
From Wiki (so it is relatively safe)Tentacle erotica.
"In 1989, Toshio Maeda's manga Demon Beast Invasion created what might be called the modern Japanese paradigm of tentacle porn... ...Maeda explained that he invented the practice to get around strict Japanese censorship regulations, which prohibit the depiction of the penis but apparently do not prohibit showing sexual penetration by a tentacle or similar (often robotic) appendage..."
I am Laslo.
... after being ignored for so long ... being ignored for so long ... ignored for so long ... for so long ... so long ...
“If he asks you more than 3 questions, you better get used to the fact that you are the murderer.”
Thank you Laslo! The derivation makes perfect sense -- but maybe sometimes a tentacle is just a tentacle. :-)
People like to say things like, there is someone for everyone. Nope, not at all true, and stop saying it, cause it’s mean to people who never find anybody.
There are millions of people out there who we’ve all unanimously decided they are light speed ugly and nobody kisses them on the lips, even. Nobody touches their genitals their entire life, they just wash it and then they die, that’s all that happens.
Oh, and if you’re feeling bad for them you can go find one and fuck one tomorrow.
You can just solve the problem right there. With all that kindness in your hearts... “Oh, well go fuck one? Naa, I don’t think so.”
That’s the one way we’re all mean, nobody does it, nobody fucks down, nobody. People fuck up or across. Some women fuck down because the guy talked them into that it was up. Some guy, yeah, no you should, I am totally up yeah.
Big Mike said...
@Meade, you make sure your lady-love has plenty of "human connection." None of us want her to reinvent herself.
Cruel neutrality is an asset in the Dominatrix world!
BDNYC said...Why no gender differences tag? I am sure a mid-forties man who left his wife, fucked prostitutes and then became a pornographer would not get such a sympathetic treatment.
It's the Pink Rule: when women do it, it's empowering.
This is a pretty good new angle for me, though; it's not that I'm single and tryin' to get laid, it's just that I'm worried about lonely, possibly-suicidal women out there whose lives I can save with a good sexin'.
I don't want to call myself a hero...but I won't stop you from calling me one.
The Daily Beast is promoting Kickstarters now?
Ughh..."sex-positive". I've only been around for 40 years and have not met everyone on the planet, but i have yet to meet someone who was 'sex-negative'. They may have put some rules on it, like marriage or monogamy or, you know, love, but nobody has been "Sex? Ewww". At least not since before junior high. Enough with these BS made-up words.
Not to say people that hate sex aren't out there. I've just never met them.
The Guy Who Is Proud of His Porn Star Daughter....
I knew it was bound to happen sometime: in the lunchroom at work one of my fellow co-workers sat beside me and hinted that he had seen my daughter in a porn film on the internet...
I think he expected me to be ashamed, but I am PROUD of my Little Girl. She is the CEO of her own company, that company being herself. I mean, there are days I come home from work feeling like I got fucked in the ass, but my Little Girl gets PAID for being fucked in the ass, and she is fucked in the ass on her OWN terms...
It IS uncomfortable though, knowing this guy has most likely masturbated to my daughter getting fucked in the ass. But when I feel too uncomfortable about it, I just remember that his college-graduate daughter is working as a barista while still living at home: she is getting fucked in the ass, but it is by Starbucks, and for minimum wage...
I am Laslo.
Fast forward three short years.... [s]he is a... pornographer, creating films that document her experiences in real time as she develops and learns about her newly explored sexuality
Which translates into she's making "female friendly" porno that would put a Benedictine nun to sleep.
Laslo illustrates the value of having sons instead of daughters.
A young woman, taking command of her life and being sex-positive.
A father, supportive of his daughter being Who She Wants To Be.
Sometimes I write things and I want to cry, it is so fucking beautiful.
I am Laslo.
Not to rain on the porn parade, but for a different angle on this story check out Jane Juska’s charming A Round-Heeled Woman: My Late-Life Adventures in Sex and Romance, which begins with her placing a personal ad in the back of the New York Review of Books that reads, "Before I turn 67 -- next March -- I would like to have a lot of sex with a man I like. If you want to talk first, Trollope works for me.”
Blogger Fabi said...
She loved to be gagged and throat fucked. Viciously. So viciously that I found myself uncomfortable with it and damned near stopped after about forty five minutes
! Uh right..after 30 minutes, we all would start to wonder..
Frustrated housewives turning to male escorts and becoming porn stars is not uncommon? Who knew.
It's sad people go without sex and even worse no contact. But she had to know the path to it, which means it was easier for her to both seriously contemplate suicide and go into porn than to put down the fork. She has a pretty serious flaw in the decision making process.
Went to the linked article. Had to quickly find my supply of eye bleach to wash out the picture.
In the Dark Ages, when I was a freshman in college, I was in the cast of "Ullyses in Nighttown", and the director thought we should all get a first-hand look at the sleezy side of life, so we all went down to a burlesque house to see the show and the audience. It was a pretty sleezy environment, and so were the people, both on and off the stage. Someone told us to look for the guys in the "bald-headed men's row", the row closest to the stage, where the regulars sat for the best view of the girls (I should say "girls"). They were there, all bald, and all wearing scrungy old rain coats, into which they would masturbate while they watched the show. Someone told me that, in the old days, they had a higher class of customers in the bald-headed men's row: They masturbated into their top hats.
That is classier, isn't it?
That is classier, isn't it?
Do you know how difficult it is to keep a top hat on a bald head when it's windy?
They found a simple solution.
I have a top hat, but it cost me $114. No way would I do that.
Come on, Fivewheels, don't you want semen dripping down your forehead?
Althouse is going to have to get the Blogger adult permission page for her blog at this rate.
I rather doubt you were up to nor your ex-girlfriend able to handle
FORTY-FIVE minutes of irrumatio.
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