Via AdWeek, where Richard Horgan says: "From a U.S. perspective, it’s impossible not to think of the wrath that descended upon comedian Kathy Griffin last week for her posed, bloody Trump image shot by Tyler Shields."
७ जून, २०१७
"Too much is too much!" says the severed head of Theresa May on the cover of the new Charlie Hebdo.
Via AdWeek, where Richard Horgan says: "From a U.S. perspective, it’s impossible not to think of the wrath that descended upon comedian Kathy Griffin last week for her posed, bloody Trump image shot by Tyler Shields."
७६ टिप्पण्या:
So where's the cartoon showing the President of France's Head?
Is this the Kathy Griffin thing redux?
Speaking of which, immediately after her bloody Trump head, she had about two, or three shows a month. I looked at her tour calendar yesterday, and it's empty.
Scott Adams makes the point that cartoonists are supposed to be funny - and aren't in the business of offending millions of people for no good reason.
This is quite different, though, from the Griffin bit. That it has to be explained is kind depressing, though.
Ann, do you queue up a post like this, know it's likely to explode into hundreds of comments, and think to yourself something like "RELEASE THE HOUNDS!" as you press the button to publish?
Because I would.
"From a U.S. perspective, it’s impossible not to think of the wrath that descended upon comedian Kathy Griffin last week for her posed, bloody Trump image shot by Tyler Shields."
I think he means "media" instead of U.S.
The media have this immense self-regard and a sort of awe-inspiring obliviousness to the real world.
My perspective when I look at that magazine cover is to think "Isis," not "Kathy Griffin."
Kathy Griffin, oblivious to reality, mimics Isis and then is shocked when people start comparing her to Isis.
Richard Horgan, also oblivious to reality, thinks that the "USA" is mourning the cyber-death of Kathy Griffin. In truth, most of us in the real world don't give a shit about the cyber-death of Kathy Griffin. She's irrelevant. Isis is a big deal. So the Charlie Hebdo magazine cover works.
Is Horgan a nitwit?
Meanwhile, the Tories are expected to increase their majority in Parliament.
Mohammed ordered his religion, to be a conquest Religion of the sword. He was a desert pirate raiding commerce crossing Arabia and wanted to terrorize the merchant caravans he raided for loot, camels and slaves. The beheaded the men that did not join the Raider Gang.
Nothing's changed.
It also reminds me of this.
They've pretty much earned the right to make any decapitation jokes they want to.
A) Cartoon vs. gorey realistic depiction.
B) May was supposedly beheaded by ISIS, terrorists notorious for beheading people.
Her beheading wasn't advocated. The idea was that it happened as a result of not taking the ISIS threat seriously.
Contrast Griffin's concept, that she, an American, had beheaded Trump, implicitly advocating the act and implying it was justified, which in turn implies that ISIS' savage acts might also be justified.
This is like one of those liberals who thinks it is awful to run a photograph of an aborted infant.
You crossed the line!
Amazing how people in the media think truth should be censored if it upsets people.
That's what makes Richard Horgan an idiot. It's his sensitivity.
ISIS won't win until they cut their own heads off.
That will teach us.
Basically the two are opposites.
Hebdo's art advocates protecting civilized people against savages.
Griffin's art advocates civilized people act like savages.
Yeah. If you have been following the UK election, you know that Theresa has done a pretty good job of cutting off her own head. Look up "dementia tax".
Margaret Thatcher she ain't.
Here is Theresa May, with her too much speech.
The UK reporter says she is "visibly angered."
She is?
"They've pretty much earned the right to make any decapitation jokes they want to."
Beat me to it.
What Bob Boyd said. It never crossed my mind to equate them.
Amedeus, you are correct, and also I've been following Guido Fawlks, and Jeremy Corben's associations with terrorists (Sinn Fein, Hamas, and Egyptian) and his refusal to criticize any of them balances May out nicely. Plus, he's exhibited an inability to recall his own party's platform in interviews.
Darn near two peas in a pod over there.
As long as British satirical magazines get to put images of Merkel being raped and Macron being beheaded, I don't see the problem.
From a U.S. perspective, it’s impossible not to think of the wrath that descended upon comedian Kathy Griffin last week for her posed, bloody Trump image shot by Tyler Shields.
Except that the Hebdo cartoon makes sense in light of current events, and the Griffin picture was just assassination porn.
Are fanatical Brits gonna storm the offices of Charlie Hebdo now with machetes? Or do just assume that civilized Western countries don't do that type of stuff when offended.....
From a U.S. perspective, it’s impossible not to think of the wrath that descended upon comedian Kathy Griffin last week for her posed, bloody Trump image shot by Tyler Shields.
Charlie Hebdo's fans aren't hoping that May gets decapitated.
This is quite different, though, from the Griffin bit.
It was more from the sense of one begets the other. If not for Kathy Griffin, then maybe Hebdo imagines another cartoon.
How come we never see images of Obama holding his severed head?
Or Hillary, Bill, Chelsea,
Or Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Barbara Mikulski, Rahm Emanuel, George Clooney, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Larry David,
[fill in the name of your favorite lefty]
First, this is not a priestess offering the head of a hated foe. This is not in fact anyone holding anyone else's head. This is a big difference!
Second this is a cartoon.
Third there isn't much blood here.
Fourth, this is a bit funny: it portrays May as a fool and plays on a British stereotype.
There is here absolutely no sense or implication that CH wants or fantasizes murder. This doesn't even show a lifeless head! The head talks ffs. There certainly was with Griffin.
The cover can also be viewed as Charlie Hebdo having caved to ISIS after their horrific attack. They are just giving the terrorists some snuff porn fantasy.
The magazine did pretty much shut up about Radical Islam after the killings, did they not?
If Charlie really wants to make a bold statement then it ought to take the Kathy Griffin photo and photoshop Marianne in place of Kathy and Mohamed's head in place of Trump's.
gspencer said...
How come we never see images of Obama holding his severed head?
Here you go, via Gateway Pundit.
"aren't in the business of offending millions of people for no good reason." Of course CH has lots of "good reasons" to offend lots of people for quite a while. In fact, it's about time we start "offending millions of people" in earnest.
Now this is the kind of beheading graphic that conservatives would LOVE!
If only they understood irony, of course.
The cover can also be viewed as Charlie Hebdo having caved to ISIS after their horrific attack. They are just giving the terrorists some snuff porn fantasy.
No. Only a mindblinded Westerner would take that literally. Which to be a successful satirical magazine, it's not possible to be.
How come we never see images of Obama holding his severed head?
Violent Righties prefer to using lynching depiction, probably because it's considered more offensive.
I believe the reason the Left now favors decapitation depiction of the their boogeymen and women is because they are somewhat convefefe with ISIS.
Kathy Griffin was on the side of ISIS and wants to see the American president beheaded.
Well I guess that means we now know what Henry VIII and Oliver Cromwell thought of Islamic State!
I believe the reason the Left now favors decapitation depiction of the their boogeymen and women is because they are somewhat convefefe with ISIS.
How much does one have to hate French anti-monarchists, English Republicans and the Tudor Dynasty to just cede everything that beheading's accomplished through the years to Caliphate-revivialists.
Some conservatives are such presentists.
Looks like you've got an admirer, chicken-head!
Even the noted anti-Semite Roger Waters has jumped in the game:
Picture a shithouse with no fucking drains
Picture a leader with no fucking brains
Is Roger Waters enough of an anti-semite to object to California's senators on account of their religion?
How much does one have to hate French anti-monarchists, English Republicans and the Tudor Dynasty to just cede everything that beheading's accomplished through the years to Caliphate-revivialists.
I cannot forgive nor forget what your side did to Lavoisier.
I cannot forgive nor forget what your side did to Lavoisier.
So I can't not be a Republican because of what anyone on the left ever did, but nothing the right-wing ever does is wrong.
That's the reason I'll never be a right-winger. The lack of personal responsibility is something I'd never associate with. Let them group-associate all they want. At least the left seems to understand how to differentiate between people and groups.
Bob Loblaw said...
the Griffin picture was just assassination porn.
Daily Mail
Assassination porn is getting more realistic.
I'm so old I remember when left wingers pretended they were against violent imagery.
Huh, I didn't even think about the Trump-Griffin thing until I read the line. Guess I don't have "a U.S. perspective". Well, it's true I can see Mexico from my house.
At least the left seems to understand how to differentiate between people and groups.
Very likely the stupidest comment ever made on this site. And how appropriate.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Is Roger Waters enough of an anti-semite to object to California's senators on account of their religion?
TTR is referring to remark I once made long ago where I complained about having two female, Bay Area, Jewish, Senators.
Only the Jewish part stuck with her.
I still wonder why California had to have two cloned Senators to represent such a diversity of people. Their only difference was IQ.
I have lots of TTR, MUL, R&B comments bookmarked in my quiver.
Two: You only get two.
Senators: Well, obviously we're talking about senators.
Female: Not sure why you'd count out 50% of the population when you only get a choice of two. Most states have two male senators. 50% chance one of each, if we lived in a less unequal society - 25% chance each being both either male or female.
Bay area: Well, it's not like the Southerners have their heads screwed on straight.
Jewish? Free elections. I guess if Jews were as low-attainment as the rest of the population out there, you could expect more diversity to trump quality. You could get mad that Jews predominate in Hollywood, business and academia. Only add the "press" onto that list of grievances and then you've got yourself a full-fledged Richard Spencer clone going on!
"Bookmarking" comments? I remember my own comments well enough as is, thank you very much. What's more - unlike you, I can actually understand them.
Maybe if you could understand them you wouldn't bookmark them. I feel you preserve them as a monument to a sort of puzzle to you. Like an extinct insect frozen in amber, you ponder what it could possibly mean. How distant/close are its relations to modern honeybees?
I only bookmark comments which I think the authors will later deny. It's called memorialization in the legal field.
Well, until I read the comment under the picture, oddly enough, I didn't think of it. My reaction was to what Charlie Hebdo was implying with the cartoon "Multi-culturalism, English-style", and I guess I was focused on the meaning. Which, as far as I got, was the implication that A) Islamist terrorism had destroyed May's political career, and B) that the English would only react against multi-culturalism after they were dead or politically impotent.
I'm still pretty much stuck on that assertion, honestly. Is it true? As for A, we'll have to see the results of the election, and as for B, it appears to me that the Brits may be becoming a little bit cross, which will end in a much different domestic situation.
ARM said--
gspencer said...
How come we never see images of Obama holding his severed head?
Here you go, via Gateway Pundit.
This link of Obama's severed head on the ground was from a self-proclaimed ISIS supporter in an Arabic newspaper. And, of course, Obama is not holding his head.
I only bookmark comments which I think the authors will later deny. It's called memorialization in the legal field.
Like I said, you bookmark the ones you can't understand. In your effort to impose milquetoastiness on everyone else, the more colorful ones bother you and you assume they'll need renunciations later, rather than explanations.
If you were a less intolerant person, you'd stop appointing yourself the schoolmarm society monitor.
Won't anyone think of Bertrand de Born?
OK, Boxer retires, and Harris replaces her -- another of the same breed, from the same enclave. It's almost like the state capital is SF, not Sacramento, isn't it? It has been for a long time, actually. Feinstein was mayor. Willie Brown was mayor.
So "the Southerners" don't have their heads screwed on straight. That includes the entire population of LA, you know. Not just San Diego. I'll leave aside the way you entirely rule out of contention anyone who isn't from the coastal strip, which has now contracted to the Bay Area, since all of SoCal is apparently out. There are a lot of people in the Central Valley and the foothills and the bits well north of SF who might differ.
There were no coronations. These ladies fought for re-election over and over again and won every time. Just like your buddies on the right like Jesse Helms and Jefferson Sessions did.
CA is a big enough state that the two hours separating SF from Sac is not that great a distance.
This is so not a big deal that I'm not surprised even the chicken-with-his-head-cut-off abandoned it.
But he probably "bookmarked" it!
BTW, how are chicken's easy-listening posts going? Still getting two comments for each one, including one of his own?
She ought to be on a horse.
"These ladies" didn't have to fight. No Democrat in SF has to fight except in the primary, where it's actually a tricky calculation: How far left should you go?
The two hours separating SF from Sacramento mean all the difference in the world. They mean the distance between a cosmopolitan elite and an American state. CA is the latter, I still believe, but it's governed by the former.
BTW, how are chicken's easy-listening posts going? Still getting two comments for each one, including one of his own?
I have no idea at all what you are talking about here. Sorry.
Toofless says:
CA is a big enough state that the two hours separating SF from Sac is not that great a distance.
Speaking of Ca, big storm expected Friday. Climate change strikes in June.
Speaking of Ca, big storm expected Friday. Climate change strikes in June.
I'm not seeing that forecast for down here in Oceanside. How far north up the coast does climate change kick in?
One thing I've noticed: You conservatives really get hung up on this perception of exquisitely sensitive cultural changes by geography. "Elite." "State." Sheesh. People are people.
Speaking of Ca, big storm expected Friday. Climate change strikes in June.
I'm not seeing that forecast for down here in Oceanside. How far north up the coast does climate change kick in?
Canceled, like most other CC predictions. Light rain in SF tonight and maybe tomorrow evening.
California conservatives apparently think that global averages should be centered around what specifically occurs in their state, it seems. Which is not too far from navel gazing, basically.
@ARM, thank you for the link. I did not then and still don't find it particularly funny to suggest the assassination of the President of the United States. That went for Dubya and Obama, and goes today for Trump. For better or worse -- and in the case of Barack Hussein Obama it couldn't have gotten much worse -- the man in the Oval Office is MY president. Kill him and then kill yourself quickly, before the rest of us get hold of you.
There were no coronations. These ladies fought for re-election over and over again and won every time. Just like your buddies on the right like Jesse Helms and Jefferson Sessions did.
More like HRC in the primaries. She won, "fair and square."
St. Denis carried his head six miles while preaching after his decapitation. He's the patron saint of Paris.
A saint who carried his own head is known as a cephalophore.
Very different holding your own head than having someone else hold it.
David Byrne was a noted cephalophone.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
One thing I've noticed: You conservatives really get hung up on this perception of exquisitely sensitive cultural changes by geography. "Elite." "State." Sheesh. People are people.
6/7/17, 9:25 PM
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
California conservatives apparently think that global averages should be centered around what specifically occurs in their state, it seems. Which is not too far from navel gazing, basically.
6/7/17, 9:26 PM
Yeah, the "people are people" thing lasted less than a minute. Typical lefty.
Conservatives are not normal people. They're dividers.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...Looks like you've got an admirer, chicken-head!
I saw it. I typically subscribe to ALL comments after I post.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...Conservatives are not normal people. They're dividers.
Who are the adders, subtractors, and multipliers?
I didn't notice my senators were Jewish. It hasn't come up.
But the Senatorial elections are barely contested in the general election since Feinstein was elected. Hell, this year we had a choice between 2 different Democrats and no Republicans; the primary rules were changed awhile back.
Also, ANY rain in California between March and November is very unusual.
Any depiction of a decapitated woman is inherently misogynistic and therefore not funny. Decapitated children and men are amusing in the right context, i.e. If they're Republican.......What role has misogyny played in May's tumble in the polls? Have the Russians tried to tilt the election in Corbyn's favor?
It may be impossible not to think of Griffen, but it is completely and one hundred percent different. One was a wish and even a call for assassination, the other is a warning.
How are these liberals so blind?
Conservatives are not normal people. They're dividers.
Says old toothless as he separates conservatives from normal people.
In a weird coincidence, another headless female prime minister.
Ha ha! Dressed similarly too.
Given that ISIS's trademark is beheading people, and the issue is May's lame response to the latest Islamist terror attack in London--"Enough is enough," as if all that came before shouldn't have been "enough"--to draw a parallel to the Griffin thing says more about the person making the comparison, than it does about the Charlie Hebdo cover.
And what it says is NOT good.
The difference is that Kathy wants someone to chop Trump's head off, and CH wants May to stop following the policies that will get people's heads chopped off
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