When the President returned to the White House Thursday evening from a day trip to Virginia, there were "a lot of expletives." The source said for more than a week Trump had been lamenting that his senior staff "just keep getting in their own way."
"The President had a fantastic week advancing his agenda to lift up all Americans and keep the nation safe. His joint session speech will go down in history as one of the best," White House spokesman Sean Spicer said in response to CNN's reporting.
The President is showing increasing flashes of anger over the performance of his senior staff and daily developments about Russia overshadowing his message, multiple people inside the White House and outside the administration told CNN.
४ मार्च, २०१७
"The President was 'hot' and exasperated Thursday night after Sessions' recusal..."
"... a source familiar with the situation said, considering it hasty and overkill," reports CNN.
१०५ टिप्पण्या:
His anger makes perfect sense, especially regarding Jeff Sessions capitulation.
It's CNN, the RT of the chattering class.
Reports CNN.
Fake news.
Please understand the reason for news papers existence and their motivations.
Newspapers, and reporters, are there for themselves. Their pay comes from advertisers. Thus to keep readers they must have controversy. As the old saying goes, 'if it bleeds, it leads'. Without controversy the newspapers die due to lack of readership.
Thus any misstatements, or statements that can be parsed as misstatements, will be published as misstatements or lies. If it does not bleed, they will make it bleed.
Fake news is no more than yellowdog press in a new wrapper. Nothing new. If there is no controversy... they will make some out of thin air.
And that, more than anything else, is why we see what is happening in the news world today.
Sessions is clinging too tightly to his reputation as a perfectionist at fair ethics when the other side plays its hand All Allynski All of the Time.
Trump just spent 21 months of intense battle to rid us of Eric Holder and Obama. And suddenly Sessions goes wobbly and reinstalls one of Holder's people as Attorney General.WTF?
"His anger makes perfect sense, especially regarding Jeff Sessions capitulation."
The problem with DC Republicans is they always play defense and attempt damage control. Whether the Sessions recusal was a smart tactical withdrawal or a capitulation can't be known. One thing I certain of is that Sessions never thought of counterattacking.
Hell, we don't even know if Trump is actually mad about this. Does anyone believe the MSM? Probably fake news.
Good, he should be angry.
And he should be pissed that this leaked too.
Trump knows how to say "You're Fired!"
None of this week's catastrophe is Trump's own fault, eh? So he blames his senior staff. What does he expect them to do? Tie him up at night and take away his Tweeter? Go on news programs and repeat his lies, well they do that already.
Oh, like Obama & Clinton (especially Clinton)) did get pissed off & use "expletives" on a daily basis.
Who is CNN talking to when they write this stuff? Is CNN's audience so clueless about recent presidential history that they don't know how many recent presidents (i.e. since Roosevelt) swore like sailors?
Yeah, I know the answer. Yes, they are that clueless.
Honestly, I'm kind of glad he recused so we could learn that Obama had done a midnight rules' change in the line of succession to position one of his people into power.
I mean, I dislike the fact that happened, but it is good to know exactly what Obama thought about respecting rules.
"Whether the Sessions recusal was a smart tactical withdrawal or a capitulation can't be known."
By his own admission, Sessions followed the advice of Obama operatives inside the Justice Department. They told him to recuse, he recused, in effect, handing control back to Eric Holder.
This is not the "winning" Trump bargained for.
If I were Trump I would ask for Sessions' resignation.
Trump needs to clean house yesterday.
The Obama administration is full of moles.
Some might even be on the Russian payroll or Soros payroll.
There is nothing there on the Russian stuff. It doesn't matter whether Sessions is in the chain of command or not on this. Dana Boente will do fine, and the result will smell good.
Now the Obama DOJ spying on Trump is another matter, and Sessions can lead the charge.
Trump needs to grab this issue by the cervix.
Maybe start banging cocktail waitresses five and six at a time??? Fredo was and is the future baby!
New Slogan: Make Trump Flynn (as in Errol) Again announced on a yacht with 60 18-year-old dames looking to make it big.
It sounds like Obama and the media are trying to push two stories simultaneously. One, Trump is CRAZY! No way was he actually wiretapped by Obama administration.
Two - yes he may have been wiretapped but Obama didn't order it since presidents cant order Wiretaps.So, I guess Trump WAS wiretapped.
Its' pretty clear that someone in Obama adminintstration or FBI pushed for two FISA requests. The first was turned down and the second was approved. Its also pretty clear that Obama on his way totally changed the rules for the NSA and broadened their powers so they could disseminate information without worrying about privacy across all branches of govt. for the sole purpose of leaking information.
Of cours, the leaks so far do not actually reveal anything damaging. They are instead leaks designed to damage. They are leaks from unnamed sources which suggest something MIGHT be true without actual proof of wrongdoing. All so that Dems can appoint a special counsel and they can turn this into a political issue.
Trump has every right to be hot with Sessions-
First, Sessions said looked at the "rules", probably put in place by Holder.
Second, he consulted his "staff" that affirmed he should recuse, then mentioned in passing how he doesn't have his staff in place, because the the dems won't confirm them.
Third, it appears he never informed Trump he was going to recuse, leaving a possible Obama appointee to instantly appoint a Special Prosecutor to go after Trump.
Jesus H. Christ.
"Dana Boente will do fine, "
Obama changed the order of succession at the last minute. The new Asst AG is being nominated now. Boente may be OK.
This was part of the setup by Obama .
Except that if the Obama administration had its way, Dana Boente wasn't supposed be the U.S. attorney to handle these matters in the event that Sessions recused himself. On February 10, USA Today reported the following:
Seven days before he left office, President Obama changed the order of succession without explanation to remove Boente from the list. Obama's order had listed U.S. attorneys in the District of Columbia, the Northern District of Illinois and the Central District of California.
That seems like awfully suspicious behavior. In fact the USA Today story noted this is pegged to the news that Trump quietly signed an executive order restoring Boente to the line of succession. The Obama administration chicanery was likely brought to White House's attention after Obama holdover and acting Attorney General Sally Yates tried to usurp the powers of the president and countermand his immigration executive order, actions for which she was summarily fired.
Like I said, there is fare more actual evidence that Obama is staging a coup than there is Trump worked with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary.
As far as Boente goes, who knows-
It seems the rule of law is now foreign to the nation that once put it first and foremost.
Trump didn't fully realize that the DC GOP crowd is a bunch of pussies. He knows now.
For the first time in his political life (except when he lost that congressional primary to Bobby Rush in 2000) Obama is about to get a real pasting from someone who doesn't care if he gets called a racist by the hacks at MSNBC. Obama has never had to take a real punch from anyone in authority, and we are going to find out whether or not he has a glass jaw.
Trump isn't stuck in a cage with Obama, Obama is stuck in a cage with Trump. Let's see how he likes it.
As to Sessions, it is very clear that he was part of Trump's campaign, and he would be compromised directing any investigation of the campaign. His recusal has nothing to do with his meetings with the Russian ambassador. It has to do with his very visible role as an adviser to Trump during the campaign.
Reading and parsing the various denials by the Obama people, it is abundantly clear that, at the very least, Trump's campaign staff was bugged in October at the very latest. What you see in the denials and explanations is a backtracking to the defense that Obama himself didn't order the tap or the investigation.
One of the things about a FISA warrant is that it isn't low level miscreants arguing for these warrants- they are handled at the very highest levels of the DOJ. At the very least, Loretta Lynch is in the decision tree, and if you think that she didn't let Obama know what was going down, I have a swamp in Florida to sell you.
I don't think there would have been anyone there to leak the whole thing to the press. They must know who the leaker is?? Either that, or the meeting was recorded, and the secretary pool listened to the whole thing.
I wonder if CNN got drunk like Hillary did on election night? She was physically assaulting her senior campaign staff.
The CNN story is contrived.
As regarding FISA warrants, it's against the law to target US citizens with them especially on US soil. If this happened heads will roll, AG Sessions should prosecute like a rabid dog. While ex-presidents aren't liable in civil court, they can be held accountable in criminal court hence the Nixon pardon. Should Obama worry?
Come to think of it, Trump should pardon Lynch and Obama tomorrow for violating the FISA laws. It would be great television. ;-)
Not a smidgen of corruption at the DOJ under Obama, not a smidgen. We can trust them with their awesome powers in the same way we could trust his IRS!
It's not like the Democrats have some plan to use the powers of the various agencies to create a one-party government where the ultra rich can do one stop shopping when they need something from the govt or anything.
Aside from providing a glimpse into the hand in glove relationship between a corrupt Clinton machine and our corrupt press, assuming the Russians did it, what was the harm caused? I just can't figure it out. Trump supposedly conspired to get some true facts in front of the American people?
I think the press, in its arrogance, thinks that they have some kind of right to withhold the truth from the American people. What I can't understand is why young people go along with this shit, but I think that the education system now teaches them what to think, not how to think, since if they knew how to think, they might come to the wrong conclusions.
There is no confirmed evidence that the F.B.I. obtained a court warrant to wiretap the Trump Organization or was capturing communications directly from the Trump Organization. the New York Times.
None of their partisan Democrat sources would confirm it, imagine that! Talk about weasel words. Funny how stories based on captured communications appeared in the press. But they probable came from some other surveillance of Trump's communications, I am sure.
The whole NYT article seems to be about how unethical it would be to find out where those news stories that have been used to damage the Trump administration came from, since they purported to be from intercepted communications. I mean, we could get to the bottom of it, but the New York Times channels Nixon to say "but it would be wrong."
This is what happens when you appoint former Senators to important positions. They are too much products of the system. They don't know how to fight. They still act like they need to get reellected.
Sessions should have said that the whole thing was bull crap and told the Democrats and the press to go F themselves.
I suspect that is how things will go down from now on.
I'm not a big fan of Krauthammer, and he has hardly been a Trump supporter, but this is what he said:
If this is so obvious that Krauthammer can say it so definitively, the battle is on.
While the whole "Russian contacts" thing is a crock, a fake scandal, but if there is going to be an investigation, Sessions would likely be one of the people investigated, so he was right to recuse himself.
CNN is pure s h i t.
Clinton News Network forever. Corruption excusing whores.
Sessions is too nice, and old fashioned. Perhaps we need a younger cut-throat for the job.
I want the entire corrupt democrat corruption machine brought to its knees, and flushed down the crapper.
Sessions is still playing by the old rules, whereby the democrats demand something completely unreasonable and republicans give them something only slightly less unreasonable to prove how nice they are. Trump ought to be angry. I hope Sessions can learn to behave like an innocent man (which he is). Emphasis on the word "man". He tried to play nice. That was stupid.
All the corrupt democrat sleaze-holes who raided innocent peoples homes on behalf of a BS John Doe investigation in WI to stain Walker-- We need an investigation and indictments. Democrat criminals need to spend time in jail for a change and pay for their corruption.
The list of corrupt democrats starts at the top and rolls downhill.
Biggest mistake Trump made was to say that he wasn't going to go after the corrupt Clintons.
What is so difficult to understand? Lying under oath to congress is a serious matter even if you claim to have screwed up because you didn't understand the question and should have slowed down-- so this is at least a "false statement" which differs from perjury but is a good reason for why an honest person like Sessions has to recuse himself from investigation into to Trump ties with Russia.
He needs to go on offense. On defense, he will die a death of one thousand cuts. Every cabinet member needs to have at minimum a weekly initiative that reduces the size and scope of the government, and punishes embedded progressives and their enablers.
"Seven days before he left office, President Obama changed the order of succession without explanation to remove Boente from the list. Obama's order had listed U.S. attorneys in the District of Columbia, the Northern District of Illinois and the Central District of California."
No doubt this was discussed behind the scenes to all relevant players in Congress on the left.
The trap was set.
Then it was time to look for anything resembling a lie.
Insert cartoon spring sound here.
I am Laslo.
AprilApple: "Biggest mistake Trump made was to say that he wasn't going to go after the corrupt Clintons."
Trump is not in a position to go after Clinton so Trump's statement that he wouldn't is entirely appropriate.
If course, as we see with Obama's weasel words about never involving himself in DOJ "independent" investigations, so shall Donald Trump not involve himself in the coming "independent" investigations by the FBI and DOJ into the Democrats Soviet-like illegal wiretapping of domestic political opponents and the Clinton pay for play schemes.
We are about to find out just how horrifically far our Soviet/East German Democrats were willing to go to defeat Trump by using our own intelligence services and most clandestine capabilities against
Amadeus 48: There is nothing there on the Russian stuff. It doesn't matter whether Sessions is in the chain of command or not on this. Dana Boente will do fine, and the result will smell good.
Now the Obama DOJ spying on Trump is another matter, and Sessions can lead the charge.
Exactly. People are carrying on as if they think Sessions has recused himself as AG tout court.
David Baker: If I were Trump I would ask for Sessions' resignation.
I'm glad you're not Trump then.
If that were to happen, then I'd start blackpilling. In the meantime, I'm going to relax and enjoy my coffee.
Nah - Trump's DOJ can go after Clinton.
Trump didn't need to say anything about the Clintons. Giving her a verbal pardon was a huge tactical mistake.
Don't give corrupt democrats anything. Ever.
When you are hot and bothered the best remedy is golf at Mar-A-Lago. Let's see where Trump has been every weekend so far:
Weekend 1. Mar-a-lago
Weekend 2. Mar-a-lago
Weekend 3. Mar-a-lago
Weekend 4. Trump hotel in DC
Weekend 5. Mar-a-lago
Trumpies, do you notice a pattern? It's called being conned.
conned by Mar-a-lago?
- you cracked it, Inga. How dare Trump spend time at his own residences. "Shocking new evidence!"
The tax-payer cost estimate for each round-trip to Mar-a-Lago is $3m.
The average annual US salary is $50K. Assume 30% tax ie. $15K. $3m divided by $15K equals 200. So, 200 people have to work on an average salary and pay $15K in tax per year so that Trump can travel and play golf at Mar-a-Lago.
And, that is just one weekend.
Trump has been to Mar-a-Lago 4 weekends out of five so far - that is already 1,000 people on an average annual salary.
Trumpies: You have been conned.
Lame, even for Inga.
Little Known. It's a bit late to be concerned about WH travel expenses, about 8 years too late. What a vacuous, empty pantsuit you are Inga.
We now have evidence that obama just pulled a Putin/Soviet operation against domestic political opponents as well as leading an coup attempt and what does Unknown come up?
Too many trips to Mar-a-Lago.
Sorry Comrade Unknown, I didn't think it was possible for you to become more pathetic but you found a way!
Carry on!......and get prepared for you are about to learn about your no-longer-President messiah.
The repeated pushing of the "Trump colluded with the Russians" fable long after it's clear there is no "there" there now makes perfect sense. Those culpable desperately need for there to be suspicion of Trump and the Russians to justify the FISA warrant. When it comes out that there was in fact a FISA warrant for the Obama administration to wiretap Trump (and short of actually seeing the physical paperwork, it sure does look like there was), they're going to need to be able to explain themselves. Saying Trump colluded with the Russians is their only out. Even then, it may not be enough.
Looks like Unknown is not going to have access to that Stasi job she was so looking forward to under obama/clinton.
Sorry Unknown, but Eric Honeker & Hillary Clinton are not my President!
Crimso has it right.
It's not going to be pretty. Sally Yates Come On down! You're the next contestant on "Lets Make a Deal".
DOJ going to the FISA courts around the FBI! This is going to get ugly, and that is a very very good thing.
Hey Unknown!
While you have your calculator (remember those things?) out, calculate the cost of the Obama daughters and wife Secret Service expenses! Be sure to break it down to percentage of annual income of us deplorables! In addition, add the cost to the taxpayers of Valerie Jarrett recent housing and the cost of Michelle moving out to her own digs!
Someone ought to be watching Dana Boente very closely to ensure that the obama/clinton thugs don't get to him and try to force his hand on an Eric Holder minion as an independent counsel (assuming that is even possible given the law expired in 1999 (thanks Billy Jeff "cigar-man" Clinton).
The new Deputy Asst AG will get voted on Tuesday in the Senate so at that point we can be sure that at the top of the DOJ we will no longer have any more North Korean wanna-bes.
Inga- care to tell us how much Obama and his vacations cost the American Tax payer?
Hint- record breaking.
Actually, it would have to be a Special Prosecutor for any investigations, not an Independent Counsel.
AprilApple: "Inga- care to tell us how much Obama and his vacations cost the American Tax payer"
More importantly, what was the cost to the taxpayer for obama to have his domestic political opponents illegally spied upon by our clandestine services?
BTW, Nixon just woke up to say "damn Obama. You really screwed up!..."
"Biggest mistake Trump made was to say that he wasn't going to go after the corrupt Clintons."
The most important thing for President Trump to do is to prioritize. At this point, even though they richly deserve it, going after the Clintons is way, way down on that list. Like it or not, there is only so much time, energy, and political capital available, and there are many things much more vital to spend it on.
There's so much evidence in the public record of the Obama administration wire-tapping Trump and his campaign, it's almost laughable. Among others, the Washington Post and NYT reported specifically on the administrations FISA requests, including the denials, and the issuance of same - it's a wonder Obama & Co. are not already all in jail.
But evidence is not enough when you appoint a patsy to run the Justice Department.
Time to bring in Chris Christie.
Ah, c'mon, it's great of Unknown Inga to show up here and give us a good laugh on Sunday morning.
Yesterday, she was all smug and gloating on the thread about Trump's tweets because MSNBC told her they meant Trump was "crazy." It's slooooowly dawned on her that her team might just be in very big trouble. (I imagine quite a few Obama flunkies had a difficult time falling asleep last night.)
So now - hey, let's talk about Mar-A-Lago instead!
I warned the bonehead about her idiotic habit of premature gloating. But being a bonehead, she never listens.
Bring on the investigations. Trump may have the spilled the beans on himself revealing that there was a FISA warrant on him. Oh boy that was really smart, but it's not a bad thing to let the people know that some judge saw probable cause to issue one. Let the nvestigations reveal what they will.
It's nice to see the sudden leftist concern about how taxpayer money is being spent. During Democrat administrations, all that money apparently descends from the heavens, like manna.
"Let the nvestigations reveal what they will"
Oh, they will, dear, they will.
As for me, I'm still thrilled that Trump is creating this hysteria. I don't care about Mar a Lago, there are much bigger fish to fry.
Yes they certainly will.
Yes, Unknown Troll's predictive power, when put to the test of actual events, has always borne out, hasn't it... err. wait...
One thing that Obama and company may not have thought through regarding that FISA warrant. Trump by law has absolute authority to declassify and make public any damn document he wants to. So he can declassify the pleading and denial of FISA warrant #1, throw it on Twitter for the world to see totally unredacted and there's not a thing that anyone can do about it.
Likewise with any internal DOJ communications regarding the development of the warrant and so on.
It's two Ingas in one! Or she's schizo! Inga at 8:28:
The tax-payer cost estimate for each round-trip to Mar-a-Lago is $3m.
Trump has been to Mar-a-Lago 4 weekends out of five so far - that is already 1,000 people on an average annual salary."
Inga one hour later:
" I don't care about Mar a Lago, there are much bigger fish to fry."
Haha! That's almost as good as McCaskill's "I never, ever met with Russians - opps, I guess I did!"
I guess, Inga like many of the Dem's very, very senior leadership is suffering from dementia. She can't remember what she wrote an hour earlier.
Maybe Unknown Troll can direct us to her posts criticizing Obama.
While I do not recall a great deal of grumbling from conservatives about George Bush’s long vacations, I have to agree with the criticism of the First Family taking two separate planes to their vacation on Martha’s Vineyard — apparently to give the First Lady a few hours head start on the vacation. At a time of tremendous economic sacrifice, it seems pretty insensitive to take separate planes and motorcades at a cost of an estimated $100,000.
Michelle Obama and her daughters arrived around 2 pm Thursday on a U.S. government jet while President Obama is scheduled to leave a few hours later with the family dog Bo.
Last December, she was criticized for spending more than $100,000 to get an early start on a vacation to Hawaii. I know folks who have been trying to get work for years and struggling to support their families. I can only imagine what they are thinking when the First Family cannot spare a few hours to save tens of thousands of dollars.
In order to convincingly criticize a thing, you have to show us you offered a choice in the matter and that you didn't overlook it on your side. You know, like you didn't offer us the choice that there would be a sexual predator in the White House as opposed to a guy who makes an uncouth comment in private about the fact that many women throw themselves at billionaires. Female hypergamy is a taboo subject, and Trump should have known that we just don't talk about certain things, even in private.
There's two Unknowns, that's why I refer to the one as Unknown Troll.
Amadeus is correct about the tactics here. Sessions has recused himself from the Russia thing, but has absolutely no reason to recuse from Obama wiretaps. Clearly there is all kinds of evidence from the FISA court and Sessions has every right to begin digging into what was going on. I think we will end with several deserving DOJ lawyers out on their ass and Obama tainted ( he will always have deniability 'cause that's how it works). I agree with Trump asking for a Congressional inquiry on the taps as well; competing headlines with the Russian hacking nothing-burger.
In the meantime Trump needs to keep cleaning house and try to keep Ryan and McConnell moving forward. We are only a month into this major operation and have a lot more victories than defeats so far. The shape of the battlefield is becoming more clear, I can't imagine the Dems have much left from the oppo research.
I was reasonably certain that Obama would bend every rule he could. Now we are going to see how many he really did. Thank God he is trying this against a fighter like Trump instead of a pussy(!) like Mitt.
I still say that CNN HQ should be turned into a refugee center. While they await deportation.
"Actually, it would have to be a Special Prosecutor for any investigations, not an Independent Counsel."
YES absolutely.
tim in vermont said...
There's two Unknowns, that's why I refer to the one as Unknown Troll.
3/5/17, 9:39 AM
I know, but the one on this thread is the dumb Unknown. The other one (Vance) is the sensible one.
There are at least five Unknows.
@ Scott Bullseye! The Obama WH was a bunch of slime-balls, but tactical geniuses they were not.
It's the special dumbness of the Inga Unknown that makes her stand out, like a particularly smelly turd.
But let's get back on topic, what will you people do if the investigations reveal collusion between Trump and Russia? Start a civil war?
The Dems have no real political power except the filibuster in the senate. From their perspective they need to limit the damage as best they can and to this end they need to throw Trump and the red team off their agenda so that they waste time and energy on nonsense.
After a good speech and positive reviews its straight back to Russia for Trump and his men. I would say mission accomplished.
Who cares? You're all braindead leftist drones with the same vapid talking points and no reasoning abilities.
I know one's Inga and so I'll call you all Inga because you're all, with the exception of Vance, a collection of blithering ninnies.
I refer to you people as Trumpists. The other Unknown in this thread refers to you people as Trumpies. 2 other Unknows also use the term Trumpist.
Exiled, such an angry person this beautiful AM. Feel free to call us all Inga, LOL!
Unknown said...
But let's get back on topic, what will you people do if the investigations reveal collusion between Trump and Russia? Start a civil war?"
What are you going to do if Obama flunkies start going to jail?
Start a civil war? That seems to be what Loretta Lynch is hoping for.
The left always accuses others of what they are guilty of themselves.
"After a good speech and positive reviews its straight back to Russia for Trump and his men. I would say mission accomplished."
Yes, why would Trump step on his own toes that way?
"Exiled, such an angry person this beautiful AM. Feel free to call us all Inga, LOL!"
Inga is becoming my pet term for all extremely stupid people. I saw a young guy nearly walk into traffic yesterday because he was looking at his cell phone and I thought, "Look at that dumbass Inga!"
I plan to start awarding "Ingas" for especially dumb and dishonest statements by democrats. "Gee, Michael Moore, that was really idiotic. I award you 5 Ingas for that stupidity."
Really, you have no idea how much enjoyment you have given me this morning. Thank you for all the laughs.
Yes, let's see Trump declassify this, if it's true that he could do this.
"IF IN FACT Trump Tower was wiretapped during the 2016 presidential campaign, as President Trump claimed in several tweets Saturday morning, he can do much more than say so on twitter: Presidents have the power to declassify anything at any time, so Trump could immediately make public any government records of such surveillance.
What Trump is saying seems to be a garbled version of previous reporting by the BBC, among other news outlets."
"Start a civil war? That seems to be what Loretta Lynch is hoping for."
Straight out of WND, lol! I suspected that's one of their trusted sources.
Unknown said...
Yes, let's see Trump declassify this, if it's true that he could do this.
If true then Tump is blowing smoke asking for a congressional inquiry. He already has access to the facts.
"Unknown" seems to be having some difficulty accepting that Donald J. Trump is the duly elected and sworn in president of the United States.
Everything that Obama did must now seem both as breathtakingly beautiful and as fragile as a rose petal.
Personally, I think Obama was the last gasp of nutty boomer progressives with daddy issues. They have spent their lives trying to replace the world daddy built with its opposite. "Oh yeah? You won a good war against fascism? We'll lose a bad war against communism!"
So why doesn't he declassify it immediately? But I'll be happy to have a congressional investigation as well. Trump is hoping we all just forget about his early morning accusations in tweet form. What about the big investigation after Trump asserted there were 3 to 5 million illegal votes cast in the last election? What ever happened to that investigation? Poof, up in smoke.
"Trump just spent 21 months of intense battle to rid us of Eric Holder and Obama."
No. They were leaving even if Trump had never entered the race.
"For the first time in (Obama's) political life...we are going to find out whether or not he has a glass jaw.
"Trump isn't stuck in a cage with Obama, Obama is stuck in a cage with Trump."
Obama's political life is done.
This pro 'wraslin' cage match to the death you're envisioning is a fantasy of yours.
If you can't make the effort to establish a name (or sign your post like Vance), you deserve the "Inga" tag.
Sessions worked on the campaign. Hence he must recuse himself from any investigations regarding the campaign. Period. Whether he lied or misspoke about his contacts with the Russians is immaterial.
"If you can't make the effort to establish a name (or sign your post like Vance), you deserve the "Inga" tag."
This particular 'Unknown' has called itself many things in the past: Anonymous, SandraC, Unknown, Sami, SandyColdfax, Sandy Coalfax, SandiC, Sandy Co. Interesting that its activity has really picked up as the 'Unknown triumvirate' (#11, #51, #55) have slacked off.
steve uhr said...
Sessions worked on the campaign. Hence he must recuse himself from any investigations regarding the campaign. Period. Whether he lied or misspoke about his contacts with the Russians is immaterial.
This is self-evident. But self-evident and $4 will get you a cup of coffee in Washington.
@Cookie You obviously missed Ann's blog on Obama's post presidential political activity. I realize it was based on a British rag - but that rag has been doing better than most US papers on identifying facts in the last year.
Forget it Jake, it's CNN.
@Unknown re Mar-a-Lago.
Did you know that in 1973, cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post donated her 128-room Palm Beach mansion to the U.S. government to be used as a warm weather retreat for the President, a "winter White House". In 1981 the government returned Mar-a-Lago, which had been declared a National Historic Landmark, to the Post Foundation, citing its high annual maintenance cost of $1 million. And now that Donald Trump is president, that legacy has in some sense come true.
If you were the Japanese Prime Minister where would you rather dine? In a tent in the middle of winter on the South Lawn or in warm, sunny Florida at a historic, luxurious retreat on a beautiful beach, with extensive facilities, and a nearby championship golf course?
Nearby Palm Beach International Airport, a public airport, with extensive private aircraft facilities, is capable of landing jumbo jets. Mar-a-Lago is on a long narrow barrier island with a single avenue so it can be isolated/secured on the ground and the air from nearby McDill AFB which can also accommodate the support C-5's and AF2 a President requires accompany him (no matter who the POTUS may be).
BTW- Mar-a-Lago is a hell of a lot closer to DC than Hawaii and the Obama's "winter White House", which cost taxpayers $4.8 million in 2015 alone.
The Obama's have spent in excess of $85 million on vacations and personal travel over their eight year tenure in the WH.
So who's conning whom?
Has anyone noticed the "Sarah Palin cross hairs" in the CNN video report? Nice scope vignette with the window frames making the cross hairs. I renounce this violent imagery and demand an investigation.
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