"Inside the ball we see a fight between two guys in tuxes and then suddenly out of nowhere came Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway who began throwing some mean punches at one of the guys," [Fox Business correspondent Charlie Gasparino]. "Whole thing lasted a few mins no one was hurt except maybe the dude she smacked."Here's more detail at Gasparino's Facebook page:
More detail on my post trump inaugural fun and games: first met my pal Scott baio outside the victory ball. We said hello when a bunch of anarchist thugs began to descend on us screaming "hey Chachi are u fascist?" One made an aggressive move toward us i shoved him away and he said "touch me again u little prick and I'll smack u" my response: "GFY asshole" that's when my producer Brian Schwartz intervened and crisis was averted. Part two was even more insane: inside the ball we see a fight between two guys in tuxes and then suddenly out of nowhere came trump adviser Kellyanne Conway who began throwing some mean punches at one of the guys. Whole thing lasted a few mins no one was hurt except maybe the dude she smacked. Now I know why trump hired her. Btw I exaggerate none of this-cgMakes me think of what Trump said at the pre-inaugural dinner: "There is no den she will not go into."
CORRECTION: I pictured Conway punching the man in the face, but I don't think that's right. I took the phrase "in the face" out of the post title.
२०८ टिप्पण्या:
208 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»OK goddamn it...where are the reporters? We deserve some names for this one........
"Inside the ball we see a fight between two guys in tuxes and then suddenly out of nowhere came Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway who began throwing some mean punches at one of the guys," [Fox Business correspondent Charlie Gasparino]. "Whole thing lasted a few mins no one was hurt except maybe the dude she smacked."
-- Did she "throw some mean punches" or was the dude "smack[ed]"?
Kellyanne is Wonder Woman.
Even not knowing what it is about I say "Good for her!"
Just doing her job.
"Whole thing lasted a few mins no one was hurt"
-- A fistfight that lasted a few minutes? At an inaugural ball? What, did the security look on, see Conway roll up her sleeves and say, "She's got this, boys, let it play out."
Did the author know how long a few minutes are when it comes to a fistfight?
Now we know what a real American woman is all about.
She looks to be in shape.......
What......nobody had a cell phone to record the event?
Awesome if it's true. The contrast with the self-clowning Left will not be lost on most people.
Mathew Sablan: "Did the author know how long a few minutes are when it comes to a fistfight?"
Real fist fights are usually resolved in about 10 seconds.
A real empowered woman not defined by her vagina.
Nobody was hitting her, I take it. Gentleman don't strike ladies.
I take this story with a large block of salt. A fistfight at an inaugural ball, with the President's leading lady involved, and it takes 4 days to come out?
How possible is that? And no security personnel jumped in?
No, I think this story has some likely embellishments.
But then again, maybe KellyAnne was punching out a reporter and the media was so embarrassed their boy could get out muscled by a Trump supporter they want to hush it up.
Remember when a "beat" reporter had to hang out with real people to get their stories? Now they just have to hang out on facebook. In their underwear. Scratching themselves.
Barbara Feldon explains, on a scene where she takes out a gangster thug with a single punch, that the joke was that her punch is like being hit with a feather.
This reads like a drunken White Trash wedding.
It was just a case of mistaken identity. Kellyanne was swinging and the guy was yelling, "No! No! I'm not that Richard Spencer!
Kellyanne Conway, Wonder woman? Supergirl? The legend lives on.
Alternative Facts in evidence again, most likely. If true, why is it acceptable for Kellyann to assault the protestors?
harryo said...
Now they just have to hang out on facebook. In their underwear. Scratching themselves.
I'll have to remember to turn off that camera...just kidding! I don't use facebook.
Some issues with this story.
If it lasted several minutes, that's plenty of time for someone to whip out there cell phone. Where is the footage?
Fist fights lasting that long as a huge party? A few seconds, sure. But minutes? Are these guys pro boxers? MMA? Sheesh. A few minutes fighting is a lifetime.
There's no context.
Kellyanne just comes across a room where two strangers are fighting and starts hitting one of them?
Just too few details.
"The allegation that, at the Liberty inaugural ball, Kellyanne Conway punched a tuxedoed man _3 times_." [Italics yours.]
The implication is that once or twice would have been no big deal.
Eighth and final rule: If this is your first time at Fight Club, you have to fight.
Probably the Left on one of their infamous baby hunts. Allegations are front page news ever since the Pro-Choice Church established the selective, opportunistic, unprincipled doctrine of presumed guilt.
On the lack of video...
Maybe it was just stupid nonentities until "suddenly out of nowhere came trump adviser Kellyanne Conway."
Thus explaining not enough time.
The facebook thread was infested with nasty lefties.
I'm a bit skeptical of the whole story.
Yeah. I'm remaining skeptical.
It was the majorette uniform.
“Team America, Fuck Yeah!”
I find it hard to believe Charlie Gasparino would make this up.
@rhhardin, back when I studied Tang Soo Do there were plenty of women in my dojo from whom you would not much enjoy taking a punch.
Also, male lefties are emphatically NOT gentlemen.
How cool would it be if we find out that she punched Chuck?
There are so many ridiculous elements in this story, it sounds like bullshit. The biggest glaring anomaly is where the hell was security? I can't imagine a bar fight between two guys going on for a few minutes without bouncers stepping in and tossing both guys out. At an inaugural ball which I would assume would have a heavy uniformed police and security presence? Give me a freaking break.
Gasparino said that KellyAnne punched a guy in a tuxedo.
That suggests that she was "telling" one of the (possibly inebriated) invitees to knock it off. I don't think it was a protestor. It might even have been someone she knows. A protestor would have gone running to the MSM ... and presumably his mommy.
Many commenters are focusing on the unlikihood of the fight lasting "a few minutes."
They're right, but they're also ignoring that it's easy for witnesses to lose track of time when an incident plays out in front of them.
It could have been a couple of shoves, a flurry of blows, and it's over in 15 seconds. Far too fast for security to react.
It also depends on the size of the room and how crowded and noisy it was.
That said, I don't particularly care whether it happened or not. I just find it amusing that over two days, Trump has shitcanned the TPP, plans to approve two pipelines, issued an order about personal regulations regarding Obamacare.
Meanwhile, on my various feeds, I'm hearing about his press secretary misspeaking "alternative facts", arguments over the size of the inaugural crowd, and a possible fight at an inaugural ball.
Oh, and who is the latest celebrity to lose his shit (Madonna yesterday, Brian Eno today).
Keep doing the Lord's work, reporters!
I'm sure the "few minutes" is inaccurate. It's a figure of speech.
Kellyann is LOYAL. Get over it. And wish she was on your side.
Another reason to love KAC -- the first victorious female Presidential Campaign Manager can also throw some blows!
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
On the lack of video...
Maybe it was just stupid nonentities until "suddenly out of nowhere came trump adviser Kellyanne Conway."
Thus explaining not enough time.
It's not like people see fist fights every day. Even that is video worthy.
I think Bill probably has it right. 15 seconds feels like minutes in these situations.
Why would senior correspondent Gasparino write this if it didn't occur. That would be a ticket to a whole lot of agita.
Said "minutes", likely meant "moments"
I saw yesterday that she had said "I'm a man in my day job." I forget where and the context.
Perhaps she was just trying to prove her manhood?
John Henry
What would the commenters at Althouse have said, if Michelle Obama or Valerie Jarrett had gotten into a scuffle and had thrown three punches.
I think someone else has already asked; Where the hell was the Secret Service?
Was this the military ball? President Trump was dancing with a Navy electrician. She had less than 8 years in and a chestful of medals. I suspect that if Kellyann had needed help, she might have jumped in.
Not a lot of ways for a non-spec forces/non-corpsman to earn medals in the navy.
I'd love to know her story.
I found her name but could find nothing about her.
John Henry
Is this another example of a sucker punch we talked about yesterday?
It sounds likes self-defense. The guys should thank her.
Moby Chuck is on the job!
You can see that Moby Chuck is pretty much chucking (see what I did there?) all pretense of "republican-ness" out the window.
Not a moment too soon I'd say. Much healthier this way with all of our cards on the table.
"Why would senior correspondent Gasparino write this if it didn't occur."
-- I don't know, but a lot of people write fake news lately.
"Original Mike said...
I'm sure the "few minutes" is inaccurate. It's a figure of speech."
It is. It means a few minutes.
A punch to the face is hardly ladylike. A knee to the balls is more accepted in polite society.
Good Lord Chuck,
Can't you resist the urge to beclown yourself?
Michelle would have knocked out Valerie with one punch. POW! Down goes Jarrett. Down goes Jarrett!
As a commenter here, I would have laughed - no righteous indignation. That's what they pay you for.
Chuck said...
What would the commenters at Althouse have said, if Michelle Obama or Valerie Jarrett had gotten into a scuffle and had thrown three punches.
I think someone else has already asked; Where the hell was the Secret Service?
1/24/17, 12:03 PM
1) If MO or VJ were hitting other leftists at an Obama function? Pass the popcorn! Although MO is a bruiser, they might need the meat wagon on that case.
2) Unlike MO, KAC and VJ probably do not get blanketed with USSS dignitary protection. Plus this is a party, full of VIPs. What kind of parties do you go to where armed response (to drunken-brawl minutiae) is 15 seconds away? That is a function for aides or bystanders. Assuming you are not stepping between two karatekas. Or at most, ordinary event security. Why would USSS interfere in a drunken brawl between two people not under their protection? In any case, KAC probably did not take minutes to throw three punches.
3) You are an ass, a fake phony fraud, and no gentleman. Please come to New York and let me show you how long a beating can take.
Gasparino put his name to the story, so I think the story is almost certainly true. As for the amount of time, I challenge anyone to show where Gasparino said the men were throwing punches for several minutes. Every spontaneous fight I have ever witnessed involves about 100 times as much verbal posturing as actual punches and shoves.
You will probably eventually learn who the two drunks were- I am guessing you will find the that the fight had nothing to do with politics, too, since Conway likely knew both men very well.
"Whole thing lasted a few mins "
Whole thing likely encompasses, arguing, one push, more arguing, second push, pushed guy pushes back, loud voices, pushing, maybe few punches, Kellyanne punching in a WTF are you doing way, fighters backing off, smoothing their clothes, walking away.
Minutes of drama, seconds of punching.
Again, note Gasparino isn't relating a story he heard about- he witnessed it.
Also NYDN story uses "smack" in the body
"Whole thing lasted a few mins no one was hurt except maybe the dude she smacked."
as well as "face" in the headline i.e.
"Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway allegedly punched a man in the face at President Trump's inaugural ball"
Gasparino may not be a man of his hands and after all things happen fast.
(A woman once punched, or slapped, me in the face twice - fenderbender rage - and I did not even know what happened, let alone which martial art was used, until her guy pulled her off me.)
Kinda interesting how easy it is to identify the commenters who have been there and done (or witnessed) that, as opposed to those who need to "imagine" what it would be like.
BTW, don't suppose Chuck would be up to grabbin' Kelly Anne like he gonna do Greta. Am I right?
"Minutes of drama, seconds of punching."
-- Doesn't compute. The guy said: "inside the ball we see a fight between two guys in tuxes and then suddenly out of nowhere came trump adviser Kellyanne Conway who began throwing some mean punches at one of the guys. Whole thing lasted a few mins." They walk in and see a fight going on, then Kellyanne Conway comes in. That's the whole thing that lasted a few minutes. Unless he's just writing sloppy, which is possible.
I also am pleased to see the media focused on inauguration attendance and women's marches while Trump dismantles the Obama "legacy."
The Pipelines, Obamacare and TPP. Not bad for Day One.
Kellyanne is one great gal. My oldest granddaughter looks a lot like her. I just hope she is like her in other ways.
Other interesting, but totally irrelevant, thing that may point to just sloppy writing. Brian Schwarz -- gets proper casing. Kellyanne Conway -- proper casing. Scott Baio -- not proper casing.
Mickael K: "The Pipelines, Obamacare and TPP. Not bad for Day One."
That's the kind of progress that will send Moby Chuck right over the edge. Can you imagine what other conservative accomplishments will do to him?
One almost shudders at the thought.
Could've been a passion play.
KellyAnne punches (open hand, btw; closed is how you break fingers) some guy! Film at 11!
She looks fit to deliver a mean blow. I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of that. Was there music in the background? Maybe bluegrass?
Weak story. Video or it didn't happen.
Matthew Sablan said...
"Minutes of drama, seconds of punching."
-- Doesn't compute. The guy said: "inside the ball we see a fight between two guys in tuxes and then suddenly out of nowhere came trump adviser Kellyanne Conway who began throwing some mean punches at one of the guys. Whole thing lasted a few mins." They walk in and see a fight going on, then Kellyanne Conway comes in. That's the whole thing that lasted a few minutes. Unless he's just writing sloppy, which is possible.
Depends on what the definition of "fight" is.
That's true; if he's writing sloppy this is possible.
"But the two men wouldn't break up the fight and Conway apparently punched one of them in the face with closed fists at least three times, according to the stunned onlooker."
Doesn't the face punching come directly from Althouse's link?
I took the "minutes" to mean the whole sequence he writes about, from his entrance with Scott Baio to the conclusion of the fist fight.
"Not a lot of ways for a non-spec forces/non-corpsman to earn medals in the navy."
Actually there are, for various deployments, missions, awards the entire ship/unit receives for exceptional performance, etc.
"I took the "minutes" to mean the whole sequence he writes about, from his entrance with Scott Baio to the conclusion of the fist fight."
So was he a pussy who sat by and watched for minutes when the correct action was to jump in a punch one of the folks.
Or, was his response the right call, and KAC seems like a loon.
Maybe there's some combo, where the correct response depends on each individual's knowledge of the (original) fighters and their situation that night.
I dunno. I don't see enough info, yet, to claim that it was good for KAC to punch some dude, as Athouse claims.
I call bullshit. No fistfight lasts "a few minutes."
Was she wearing her Revolutionary War outfit at the time? Might explain it.
Yeah, um, this is an event full of serious dudes, Trump-supporting biker dudes, and they just stand back and wait for KellyAnne to throw down?
I dunno. There is this male thing about "hey, let 'em sort it out". It could happen, even in tuxedos. Unlikely, in that setting.
Let me go farther: if the dudes around really were just standing around while KellyAnne jumped in, then they'd better turn in their balls. You don't watch a fight; you run in and try to stop it.
This week's SNL is going to write itself.
You don't watch a fight; you run in and try to stop it.
Ever been near a barroom fight?
Yes, Roughcoat, and good point.
Lyin'PB_Ombudsman: "Anywho, This week's SNL is going to write itself"
That's bound to gain the left just about zero votes (since the left already has Moby Chucks).
In news that will sway thousands of votes: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/01/24/trump-signs-five-more-orders-pipelines-steel-and-environment/96988428/
Wow. 2020's election results are going to write themselves!
My understanding is that if a fight has already started, stepping in the middle of it is a horrendous idea, even for people properly trained -- though they may be required to do it. Best case scenario you stop the fight, worst case you get yourself hurt/killed or someone Mercutio'ed.
If the fight hasn't started, getting between two people might be able to stop the fight. But, still risky.
Lyin, you and your pals better get busy. MI/WI/PA are not impressed with your "Operation Increase Comedy Skits Poking Fun At Trump" campaign.
Alas, in the end, it will be as successful as Michelles #BringBackOurGirls campaign.
Spoiler alert: Michelles "powerful" message fell on deaf ears over at Islamic Jihad/Boko Haram Central.
But thanks for giving it a good old college try.
Moby Chuck hardest hit.
Ok Drago,
My pals and I will shut down the skits. We'll come up w/ stuff that lowly educated folks think is funny. How about some more of those (supposedly) funny video shows(either the broadcast or MTV versions)? Or what about folks wearing camo and talking about ducks?
Any other ideas?
Carry on.
Lyin'PB_Ombudsman: "Ok Drago,my pals and I will shut down the skits."
I would never ask you to give up your only weapon.
Carry on!
Hey, did you hear the one about the lifetime democrat union voters in Pittsburgh who heard Trump today declare that US steel would be used for the pipelines?
Yeah, they decided to vote republican next time! When asked about Alec Baldwin, these same workers said "who?".
Carry On!
Moby Chuck hardest hit.
Did you hear the one about the lifetime blue collar dem voters who were tapped to complete the pipeline and then asked about last weeks opening SNL skit?
Their reply? "Where's that republican party registration card?"
Oh my goodness, these "jokes" write themselves! They really do!
"Yeah, they decided to vote republican next time! When asked about Alec Baldwin, these same workers said "who?"."
But that's a little offset by one life long R going the other way, in response.
Lyin: "But that's a little offset by one life long R going the other way, in response."
That's the spirit!
@Roughcoat, Trayvon Martin was whaling away on Zimmerman for multiple minutes. I concur that most fights are short, but longer ones do happen.
Attacking means a quick aggressive move to disable an opponent that hopefully surprises the guy, and a 98 lb woman with a quick mind and the shares of muscles that God gave women is a hard fighter to beat.
DJT had already branded Conway his Million Dollar Baby, likely from a Clint Eastwood Movie of some fame.
Remember: Never fool with a champion Blueberry Packer.
In the "caricature" thread below, writer William spoke of Kellyanne throwing a "succor punch".
Since she was coming to the aid of the guy, I guess that works!
"Remember: Never fool with a champion Blueberry Packer"
Goes for fudge packers, too, from my POV.
"Trayvon Martin was whaling away on Zimmerman for multiple minutes."
The idiot near Phoenix was whaling away on the highway patrol officer on I 10 when a guy driving by stopped.
He told the guy beating the trooper, who had been wounded by the shooter, to leave the cop alone. When he didn't stop, the passerby got his gun from his car and shot him.
A passerby stopped to render aid and the trooper asked for help. Officials say the driver went back to his car, grabbed a gun and shot at the suspect who was not following his commands to stop attacking the trooper. The suspect was killed.
Milstead has a message for the motorist who shot the suspect and called on the trooper's radio for help.
"Thank you," Milstead said, "because I don't know if my trooper would be alive today without his assistance."
Arizona is not populated by pussies.
Plus, of course the dead shooter was an illegal.
Leonard-Penuelas-Escobar, who had been the driver in a rollover crash
that claimed the life of his passenger, had opened fire on vehicles." Vanessa Monique Lopez-Ruiz, 23, was ejected during the rollover"....was the suspect's girlfriend. Escobar was listed as an "out of status" person from Mexico...we know what "out of status" means.
I thought the Palin family was not invited to this innovation only party!
RV, that's why nobody got hurt.
Where is Moochie when you need her? Kelly Anne Conway (sp?) is at best a welter weight. Mooch is a light heavyweight trending toward heavyweight, and if she had smacked the dude, he'd be on the ground--with a broken jaw or worse. Still I have to give Ms. Conway props; when a job needs to be done, pronto, ask a woman. They're used to cleaning up messes of all sorts. I mean she handled Trump's campaign and got that ship righted.
Hillary Clinton Role-model/Women's March re-make.
(*wow Ashley Judd has lost her cotton pickn' mind)
Fake news. You all know it is.
John said...
I saw yesterday that [Conway] had said "I'm a man in my day job." I forget where and the context.
Perhaps she was just trying to prove her manhood?
She's been there. Done that.
First they came for Scott Biao. Scott is one of the most marginal and vulnerable members of the Hollywood community, and there is no one to defend him. Although he's the first, he will not be the last--provided there is some other person in Hollywood to speak out on behalf of Trump. If they get away with this, they will be coming after the bikers next....,, There is no floor show on earth that can match a barroom brawl between two women. A woman's most potent women is not a clenched fist but a spiked heel. They always go for the eye too.
John said...
Was this the military ball? President Trump was dancing with a Navy electrician. She had less than 8 years in and a chestful of medals. I suspect that if Kellyann had needed help, she might have jumped in.
First 3- Navy Achievement Medal, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal. The one picture I can find is too blurry for me to make the last two, but they're lower in precedence then the National Defense Service Medal. One looks like it could be the Global War on Terrorism Medal. And the other I can't make out at all.
Now even the Dutch are casting shade. Sad.
"AReasonableMan said...
Now even the Dutch are casting shade. Sad."
Funnier than anything SNL has done.
Hey!! When are you going to put up a cafe post?
Did you see the woman that was escorted off the Baltimore to Seattle flight?
She asked the flight attendant, "Do you believe in gravity? You know it's a theory!!"
The cognitive dissonance gong is still ringing in my ears!!
Dutchie would rather insult Trump than get his throat cut with an actual knife by insulting people who believe...
I notice the newest meme ricocheting around the fake news buggy whip media is the demand to ostracize Conway, refuse to interview her or report on her, and thus deprive her of the ability to challenge democrat party opinion. Because WOMEN MUST BE HEARD- except for republican women, who must be shunned, because they're not real women, only democrat party women are. Yeah, these people would never spit at or throw things at Pro-Life women....
Thanks, Harold.
My only other comment is that if electricians had looked like that in the 70s I might have shipped over again.
John Henry
"Funnier than anything SNL has done."
CG watches everything SNL does, that's dedication.
That happens in Holland, but it is a crime there to discuss it. But Trump's the problem
Meanwhile Trump's approval is at 57%
madAsHell: She asked the flight attendant, "Do you believe in gravity? You know it's a theory!!"
The cognitive dissonance gong is still ringing in my ears!!
Iianm she said that to the passenger she was harassing, not the flight attendant, and it wasn't cognitive dissonance, she was just using a standard "liberal with a degree in Science! from NPR" trope. (As in, "you retarded conservatives deny global warming just like you deny evolution because you say 'it's just a theory', so there, you retarded conservative!")
The crazed expression in her eyes when she said it was the icing on the cake.
tim in vermont said...
Meanwhile Trump's approval is at 57%
1/24/17, 4:08 PM
Brando, did you catch that?
Ah yes, here it is. I remember correctly; that's exactly what she's doing.
Best parts: "He is in my space" (i.e., he's sitting peacefully in the seat next to her in the same aisle), and her thinking that she's within her rights to ask that he be moved to another seat, because it's unreasonable that she should be expected to sit next to someone who voted for Trump.
Quality comedy.
Michael Fitzgerald said...
I notice the newest meme ricocheting around the fake news buggy whip media is the demand to ostracize Conway, refuse to interview her or report on her, and thus deprive her of the ability to challenge democrat party opinion."
Right. The POTUS is going to send her out to be his spokeswoman and nobody will interview her. That'll work out great for the press.
Allen S at 11:20
Best parts: "He is in my space" (i.e., he's sitting peacefully in the seat next to her in the same aisle), and her thinking that she's within her rights to ask that he be moved to another seat, because it's unreasonable that she should be expected to sit next to someone who voted for Trump."
And her poor cuck of a husband just sat there. He's undoubtedly suffered for many years.
AReasonableMan said...
Now even the Dutch are casting shade. Sad.
1/24/17, 3:41 PM
I thought it was quite funny.
standard "liberal with a degree in Science! from NPR" trope.
Unfortunately, I can't find an interesting metaphor in that.
I call BS. KAC would never need more than a single punch.
Big Mike said...
Also, male lefties are emphatically NOT gentlemen."
Sure doesn't look that way. A gamma male named Dion Bews punched a female conservative journalist in the face and then was protected by feminists when he ran away. Yay, Sisterhood!
Punching a woman in the face at a march for Women's Rights. I expect he'll convert to Islam soon.
Gravity: It's Only a Theory ...
"Finally, the mere name‚ 'Universal Theory of Gravity' or 'Theory of Universal Gravity' (the secularists like to use confusing language) has a distinctly socialist ring to it. The core idea of "to each according to his weight, from each according to his mass" is communistic. There is no reason that gravity should apply to the just and the unjust equally, and the saved should have relief from such "universalism." If we have Universal Gravity now, then universal health care will be sure to follow. It is this kind of universalism that saps a nation's moral fiber. It is not even clear why we need a theory of gravity: there is not a single mention in the Bible, and the patriotic Founding Fathers never referred to it."
What Fitzgerald said, I wonder if this story was meant to discredit Conway in some fashion? I'm not sure how,as it makes her seem even more of a badass. Like in W.W II when the germans took the photo of Churchill chomping a cigar and holding a Thompson submachine gun and tried to use it as propaganda photo that Churchill was a "killer". It only enhanced his reputation, not harmed it.
I'm skeptical of the Conway story. I'm more interested in how the "peaceful protesters" spit on and shoved a Gold Star mother and daughter who attended the ball.
Again, nice work, lefties. You're really convincing the rest of us that you're morally superior.
Gee, it's almost like Leftists only care about Gold Star families when they can be used against Trump.
madAsHell: Unfortunately, I can't find an interesting metaphor in that.
Yeah, that was pretty clumsy. I meant "standard line you always hear from people who think reading or listening to 'science' journalism in liberal MSM outlets makes them scientifically literate, unlike those rubes who don't even watch Al Gore documentaries."
On the other hand, I'm not sure what you meant here, either.
AReasonableMan said...
"Now even the Dutch are casting shade. Sad."
1/24/17, 3:41 PM
I thought it was quite funny.
So did I. Mocking and self-mocking at the same time.
madAsHell said...
Hey!! When are you going to put up a cafe post?
Just do what you always do. Ignore the topic, disrespect the guidance and effort of the hostess and let it fly.
Someday Kelly Ann will punch Gasparino three times. Verbally of course. And he will be down for the count.
Note to ARM: See? We're not like the douches on the left who got a rodeo clown fired for daring to mock His Royal Lordship.
David to madAsHell: Just do what you always do. Ignore the topic, disrespect the guidance and effort of the hostess and let it fly.
Does he always do that? In that case I apologize to our hostess for following him down the garden path.
(That video was funny as hell, though.)
I see this was posted this morning. After a while, how much can you say about Conway purportedly getting into a fistfight?
Anglelyne said...
Mocking and self-mocking at the same time.
I liked the aerial shots of the windmills.
AReasonableMan said...
Now even the Dutch are casting shade. Sad.
1/24/17, 3:41 PM
I thought it was quite funny.
I did too. Sadly, they are losing their country to the Muslims
I apologize beforehand for going OT, but it seems as if, once again, Number 44's undoubtedly well-meant intentions went awry in the real world:
SAGINAW (WWJ/AP) – A man whose drug-related prison sentence was commuted in November by President Barack Obama has been fatally shot at a federal halfway house in Michigan after two men with assault-style rifles sought him out, police said.
Two men wearing masks went into Bannum Place in Saginaw on Monday night with plans to kill 31-year-old Damarlon Thomas, a former Saginaw gang member. Lt. David Kaiser said Thomas was shot several times by one of the men as some of the roughly two dozen people at the home were held at gunpoint."
exiledonmainstreet said...
See? We're not like the douches on the left who got a rodeo clown fired for daring to mock His Royal Lordship.
People were overly protective of Obama but he didn't offer much in the way of comic material either. Bill Clinton provided more fertile ground but he was not in Trump's league. Trump is the only politician I can think of for whom the phrase larger than life really fits. A while back someone who posts here regularly put together some of his quotes and argued that they were more like the output from a character in a comic novel than a real person.
Lyin'PB @6:07 PM:
You wag, you.
Just do what you always do. Ignore the topic, disrespect the guidance and effort of the hostess and let it fly.
HooYa!! I'm a maverick!!
" protective of Obama but he didn't offer much in the way of comic material either."
Yeah sure. I'm sure that you, as a reasonable man, have considered all possible aspects of comedy possible mocking Obama, and you don't know a single person who would laugh at any of them.
@ARM, thanks for the link -- really funny! I think the guys who did it should have added a reference to Gerry Wilders, who is a great politician, just great. Also they have Genever, which is a great way to do gin, just great. Cleans your tonsils, not mention any tapeworms in your gut. Great stuff, really great. And the Amsterdam red light district! For enough money those girls won't just piss all over Obama's bed; they'll piss all over Obama. Really great.
But the skit fails when it claims Dutch is a great language. Last time I was in Amsterdam I cleared my throat and a cocktail waitress turned beet red and dumped a beer on top of my head.*
Anyway, if Dutch is such a good language why do so many of them speak English, huh? Answer me that! And note how those who speak English talk it way better than those Limeys living across the channel in Britain. Not to mention people from Noo Yawk or Baaastan. Not so Great Britain, not anymore. Sad!
* Stolen from Bob Hope, a great comedian, really great.
Maybe the guy she punched was a Nazi? If so, I hear that's totes OK.
Even cons, unknowingly, admit that BHO wasn't a great source re comedic mocking and such.
Y'all still jabber about BHO saying that there are 57 states (even though if you actually listened to what he said you'd be mocking him for saying there are 60 states). Sure, the pussy grabbing is gonna stick to DJT, but it's also true that week after week, DJT provides new stuff to ridicule. BHO was less generous re mock material.
"* Stolen from Bob Hope, a great comedian, really great."
As if we needed any more evidence that Big M is in the golden years.
Carry on.
Blogger Michael K said..
Escobar was listed as an "out of status" person from Mexico...we know what "out of status" means.
Nice! I was getting kinda tired of "undocumented".
Though..that really does describe his current state..
Obama was a rich target. His speaking style was distinct ("Let me be clear,") and his comments predictable ("I learned about that the same time you did.")
Matt S,
That's hilarious.
Carry on.
Obama's mom jeans, bike helmet, going 22-1 before managing to finally sink a hoop, pitiful first pitch, and ability to almost unerringly choose sports team who would go on to lose (a Cubs fan friend of mine to me said before the WS "I pray the SOB picks the Indians to win instead.") offer a lot of potential for humor. SNL didn't go there because mocking Obama's sub par sports ability would have put a nick in his "coolness."
Some of Michele's horrendous sofa covering dresses could have been mocked as well; but weren't for the same reason. The Narrative was that she was an incredibly stylish woman, a black Jackie O. The media wasn't going to go there.
All those "healthy" children's school lunches which ended up in the garbage can (they were actually serving cabbage sandwiches on one school menu) could easily have made a funny skit - but it was Michele's pet initiative so the media was not amused.
You can tell who rules over you by who you are not allowed to mock. The media was ruled by Obama. No jokes allowed.
That whistle he has sometimes when he speaks is annoying as hell, ripe for poking fun at.
Pretty good exile,
But, what about bowling?
That must have been a vote killer w/ the flyovers.
Well, if SNL could not mock Obama, that proves it was not possible.
exiledonmainstreet: You can tell who rules over you by who you are not allowed to mock. The media was ruled by Obama. No jokes allowed.
But there was plenty of hilarious O-mocking material in the deplorable gutters of the internet during the last eight years.
doesn' Moochelle look like she maintained her age. In certain light, she almost looks younger and thinner after eight years.
Anywho, I'm sure cons will say that's because she's been living the good life w/ the tax payers picking up tens of millions to fly here and there for shopping and vacationing. Still, she's aged well, imho.
"But there was plenty of hilarious O-mocking material in the deplorable gutters of the internet during the last eight years."
Is that the watermelons photo shopped on the White House grounds and BHO w/ a bone in his nose stuff?
Oh, if it's funny to flyovers, doesn't count! No true Scotsman would laugh at an Obama joke!
Seems like it..butt not thinner, just young looking. But I'm sure she has "the best" MUAH artist(s).
"AReasonableMan said...
People were overly protective of Obama but he didn't offer much in the way of comic material either."
Seriously? Ever see him throw a baseball? Bowl? Ride a bike? Wear jeans? Cower from Moochelle? Depend a teleprompter?
"just young looking."
I agree, that's the main thing. In recent weeks there've been pretty unforgiving high def images, but she comes through w/ a young (for her age) looking face.
@Lyin'PB, "septuagenarian," and the years bring arthritis and aches and pains. Couple Tang Soo Do with weight lifting in the days before personal trainers and there's not much gold.
We got all that already.
Anywho, carry on.
Let's not forget Moochelle's hashtag campaign.
Oh yeah Obama was too un laughable at. That's why the New Yorker came out with that cover with him and Michelle fist-bumping and he read them the riot act and then nobody ever made fun of them again. Pure coincidence.
"walter said...
Though..that really does describe his current state.."
I think "room temperature" does better,
"Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...
We got all that already.
Anywho, carry on"
No, I had a couple new ones. I guess we are going to need another Comment Cop.
Big M,
I don't know anything about martial arts. But, I'm a regular Rogan listener, and I know he mocks certain "arts" (e.g. Akido) as BS. Is Tang Soo Do the real deal?
In certain light, she almost looks younger and thinner after eight years.
Anywho, I'm sure cons will say that's because she's been living the good life w/ the tax payers
Don't be ridiculous. Obviously it was the blood she drank.
following the Alt-house rules.
Blogger walter said...
Seems like it..butt not thinner
You got that right, Michelle is one chick who grew in office.
The Hillbuzz blog, run by a gay Chicago guy, used to have a hilarious photo essay which featured Michele in her ugliest, gaudiest dresses side by side with pics of local drag queens who looked much better. It was catty as hell and I'm sure PB and Titus would have loved it - if it had featured a Republican woman.
Michele could sometimes look pretty good, but she had plenty of godawful "wtf was that woman thinking of when she put that on" moments as well. But we all had to pretend she was the most glamorous fashionable First Lady ever.
It's going to be hard to take an unflattering photo of Melania - but I'm sure we will hear very little about what a trendsetter she is compared to the gushing over Michele. Nevermind. We all have eyes.
"Obviously it was the blood she drank."
BTW, you probably already know it, but that's a real thing, but injected rather than ingested.
DJT supporter:
Remember when Obama used a teleprompter to speak to a class of 3rd graders?
Nope, nothing funny about that.
Greatest orator evah!
I'm sure Vanity Fair can be counted on to write an unbiased account of a prominent gay Trump supporter.
If you ever want to throw away 1.5 hours, you can watch BHO (sans teleprompter) own ALL the House Rs who are reading prepared questions. After that embarrassment the Rs whined and said that they would never do that again. All of them together couldn't handle BHO w/o a teleprompter. He's soooo mean.
Regardless of Thiel, that's a real thing that rich folks are into.
And why didn't SNL go after Joey "Choo Choo" Biden? Uncle Joe said ridiculous crap on an almost daily basis and didn't get the Quayle treatment.
My favorite is when he said Americans watched FDR get inaugurated on TV in 1929, but there are many, many gems.
Ooooh, PB's getting touchy! Thou Shalt Not Mock Thy Lord God Barack!
Here's a great picture of the Royal Couple:
You're a chick, unlike me, so my POV may be off the mark, but I'd assume that a chick would like her dude trying to protect her. Not that rain is much of a threat, but BHO seems to be trying to do the right thing in your pic.
Maybe I'm missing something sinister in the pic.
LPB: Maybe I'm missing something sinister in the pic.
We're talking about humorous and you start deflective babbling about "sinister".
You really are touchy about anybody committing lèse-majesté against His Nibs, aren't you?
I'm glad for her that she found her calling. Bouncer is the job she was created for. The one she's been doing all along.
"Is that the watermelons photo shopped on the White House grounds and BHO w/ a bone in his nose stuff?"
Solid gold, that one. Wait...it was photoshopped?
exiledonmainstreet said...
And why didn't SNL go after Joey "Choo Choo" Biden?
I don't watch SNL but the Onion consistently got a laugh out of Biden. The picture of a shirtless Biden washing his Pontiac Trans Am was one of the funniest political jokes in a long time.
Remember those first two years when he looked like he was watching a tennis match when they gave him two teleprompters?
Only a racist could have found that funny.
Inter-continental railroad? Nothing?
Corpse man?
Biden was a handy shunt for the Onion.
"See? We're still edgy!"
(Still, Biden got the Medal of Freedom..for attendance..and putting up with occasional stints in isolation)
"Hey..just tell me what day and month it is."
I think that was iowahawk.
Funniest thing on iowahawk's page was a retweet from MooseAllain:
"Very sad to hear about Piers Morgan.
Nothing's happened to him,
I'm just very sad to hear about him."
@Lyin'PB, Tang Soo Do is the style of Korean Karate Chuck Norris used. Whomever says Aikido is bullshit is simply wrong. But it is very hard to genuinely master. I once described a green belt as the mark of an advanced beginner. "No," said my sensei holding up the end of his own belt, "This is the belt of an advanced beginner." He was a fourth degree black belt.
I liked three things about Aikido. First, it is a defensive martial art. You cannot initiate an attack using Aikido. Suits my attitude towards fighting perfectly-- I don't want to start a fight but I want to still be standing when it's over.
Second, you regularly train against multiple simultaneous attackers. Not Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris style where you face nineteen guys but eighteen of them stand around while the hero beats the crap out of one of them. Then seventeen continue to stand around while the hero beats up another guy, etc. To get you black belt in our dojo you needed to defeat three people attacking you -- real attacks that will hurt if your face or belly are still there when their punches or kicks arrive! -- coming from three different directions. Oh, it's real all right.
Third, you don't need to be young and fast and strong to do Aikido because you use your opponent's speed and strength to defeat him. Oh can be learned when you're forty years old and your knees start to go.
Mess not with an Irish Catholic girl. It's not exactly a commandment, but close.
If a fight breaks out at a function like that, the Secret Service surrounds their assigned person. They don't get involved in the fight because they figure it's staged to distract them.
Big M,
Here's a clip:
I don't know if you follow Joe Rogan at all. But, you can check out his martial arts background:
Seems to know his S.
So badass. No pussy hat for Kellyanne, she looks ladylike and feminine but kicks ass when needed.
File under - This is how you got Trump
"It happened Friday night in the heart of gentrifying Washington. I was en route to an inaugural ball, but nearly every road in D.C. seemed to be barricaded, my Uber driver said. So I got out of the car to walk, although, like Cinderella, I was late and without an overcoat.
The night was chilly, and I moved swiftly, my ball gown billowing and swaying with each step. As I passed an apartment building, someone started yelling—really yelling—out an open window: “Go back to where you came from!” And then I found myself covered in raw egg.
The snap of eggshells breaking stunned me. Slimy, sticky yolk covered my face, dripped down my hair, and saturated my dress."
If we're going to be a country whose course is determined by emotional anecdotes, I don't think you'll be as satisfied as you currently expect you'd be.
But, we might as well try it out, to test the assertion.
Carry on.
Oh, back to Pee-Wee again.
That Pee-Wee thing is really clever.
It's brilliant. Never gets old.
If you don't type that at least a thousand more times, it' be a real shame.
[Is my praise false praise, intended to dissuade more of the P.W thing? Or, do I assume that you'd take it that way and I actually believe that the P.W. is tired and lame because it's been repeated so much, so I want you to wallow in lameness?
I dunno.
Carry on.]
Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...
If we're going to be a country whose course is determined by emotional anecdotes, I don't think you'll be as satisfied as you currently expect you'd be.
But, we might as well try it out, to test the assertion.
Carry on.
1/25/17, 12:39 AM
So the hell with those parents of Captain Khan, right? Just checking cuz I thought once upon a time that was a thing. Or is the difference no witnesses? If so, duly noted.
Bad L,
I thought that was BS, then and now. Technically, DJT's reaction was problematic, but that gripe's too nit picky for me to have chimed in.
However, DJT's earlier disparaging of POW's was fair game and informative re his mindset, then and now.
And I do realize that all pols have flaws. I get that many of y'all are jumping on the T train because you see it as a vehicle toward whatever it is that you think is a good place to go. I.e., you're not necessarily on the train because of the conductor (except Trad Guy), and some of y'all are on in spite of the conductor.
Anywho, I'm not on the train.
"Anywho, I'm not on the train."
But you were on the dead end Obama train.
And the written vernacular thing that you have been doing lately is just stupid.
Y'all. Anywho.
You ain't no Mark Twain.
I'm a self identified stupid person. I've reiterated that at least a hundred times in these threads. I'm not sure you're achieving anything by re-reiterating what I've already re(x100+)-reiterated.
Do you think saying the same thing more than 100 times is anything other than wasted time?
Ice cream social
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