As is so often the case, those who mostly loudly warn of “fake news” from others are themselves the most aggressive disseminators of it. Indeed, what happened here is the essence of fake news. The Post story served the agendas of many factions: those who want to believe Putin stole the election from Hillary Clinton; those who want to believe that the internet and social media are a grave menace that needs to be controlled, in contrast to the objective truth that reliable old media outlets once issued; those who want a resurrection of the Cold War. So those who saw tweets and Facebook posts promoting this Post story instantly clicked and shared and promoted the story without an iota of critical thought or examination of whether the claims were true, because they wanted the claims to be true. That behavior included countless journalists....
२८ नोव्हेंबर, २०१६
"Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New, Hidden, and Very Shady Group."
The Intercept gives The Washington Post a well-deserved thrashing. Excerpt:
fake news,
८५ टिप्पण्या:
The Washington Post is a "gatekeeper" of reliable news, so this stuff about Russia spreading fake news through these listed websites must be reliable.
They are attempting to cover for
How does a pizza shop owner wield so much power to be one of the 50 most influential people in Washington?
Why is a pizza shop owner visiting the White House.
Why did a Pizza Shop have international symbols of pedophilia in its menus and signs?
Why does Podesta have artwork depicting the torture and subjugation of children.
What kind of party at the White House generates the need to order $65K of Pizza from a nearby pizza Shop?
WaPo labels Drudge a Russian propaganda outlet? Tha makes it all too clear that the WaPo is just feeling threatened somehow.
This has been such a bizarre election cycle, and post election cycle, but I really believe my eyes have been opened.
This blacklisting and "fake news" storyline is so bizarre. Why do they think people are affected by these "fake news" stories, but not by the fake news that 1 in 5 college women are raped? Or that universities like UVA let fraternities gang rape female students on shards of glass and do nothing about it?
Then there was the really weird story about Julian Assange being wanted for sexual contact with a young teen- a story propagated by a fake company that was years old, had fake PR, had a fake back story, and had even bothered to join a UN commission.
What's going on out there???
Now that Donald Trump will become the US President, he will become able to inform the public about the yarn that 17 intelligence agencies agreed that the Kremlin controls Wikileaks.
Given that this intelligence finding was published by only the 1)Department of Homeland Security and 2) Director of National Intelligence, Trump should inform the public:
* How many of our 17 intelligence agencies were asked to provide input and agreement for that finding.
* How many of the 17 agencies declined to support the finding.
* How many of the 17 agencies concurred with the finding.
Then President Trump should fire the current DNI.
Washington Post is an arm of the democrat party. It's biased or fake. Take your pick.
Then there was the really weird story about Julian Assange being wanted for sexual contact with a young teen- a story propagated by a fake company that was years old, had fake PR, had a fake back story, and had even bothered to join a UN commission.
The subject of the story PropOrNot reeks of the 'cool kids' at Premise Data Corp and/or Todd & Clare...
President Trump should inform the public also whether the two-agency finding about the Kremlin controlling Wikileaks is based on intelligence sources and methods or only on the personal opinion of someone in the Department Homeland Security.
In other words, does the US Intelligence Community have spy reports, intercepted communications or some other such "sources and methods" evidence?
Why didn't, for example, the CIA or NSA join in signing this finding?
How did our Department of Homeland Security become our most authoritative agency about the Kremlin's secret operations?
President Trump will be able to explain all this to the US public.
Glenn Greenwald?
Looks like it won't take a HEMP device to knock out the information systems on Maple Street, after all.
Impressive and honest work from Glenn Greenwald. Free speech hero! That's got to be embarrassing for lefties at the WaPo.
This is common for democrats. It's called transference. They accuse their opponents of the crimes they themselves commit on a far grander scale.
They accuse others of lying, but themselves are the bigger liars.
They accuse others of racism, and other societal ills, but themselves seek to divide the populace and keep various groups under control for their political aims.
They accuse others of being criminals, yet their entire political operation is more like a criminal syndicate.
The only time I read the Post anymore is when I follow a link from this blog or from RealClearPolitics. They haven't been an honest broker of news for a decade or more.
Interestingly the accusation manufactured to destroy Assange is the same accusation traditionally used to control weak politicians by CIA international Globalists who offer and document creepy rich and powerful people into Sexual contact with under age children.
Mick is probably right that the basic need to push Fake News as a category is to cut the legs out from under Pizza Gate,which no one can discuss anyway from Speakers-of the House from Ohio to Football legends at Penn State University... because it scares them.
AprilApple said...
Washington Post is an arm of the democrat party. It's biased or fake. Take your pick.
11/28/16, 8:27 AM
Embrace the power of "and".
PB, the term is "projection". Big on the left. They practice it and don't deny it.
Greenwald should have quit writing sooner. The first section is compelling, but later he reveals his own nuttiness:
a fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, a pro-Western think tank whose board of advisers includes neoconservative figures like infamous orientalist scholar Bernard Lewis
As Fortune’s Ingram wrote of the group, it is “a conservative think tank funded and staffed by proponents of the Cold War between the U.S. and Russia.”
When it comes to Fake News, Facebook and Reddit and the like are the least trustworthy sites for this. Facebook can't even keep from being tricked by fake Amber alerts, for crying out loud.
Also: Pizza Gate has got to be the stupidest conspiracy I've heard in forever.
The WaPo demonstrated during the election - and since- that it has no news value and is completely in thrall to the democratic party. Ari Fleisher has a piece in the WSJ about who is selected to sit in the WH press room. He basically says that if Trump wants to clean house of the liberal MSM he can. I would be delighted to see the WaPo ejected. They have earned it.
MayBee said...
This blacklisting and "fake news" storyline is so bizarre. Why do they think people are affected by these "fake news" stories, but not by the fake news that 1 in 5 college women are raped?
I'm not getting why you think people concerned about fake news believe people aren't affected by the fake 1 in 5 news. I think it's obvious they do believe people are influenced by it, that's why they go to such lengths to produce it.
Rick: "Greenwald should have quit writing sooner. The first section is compelling, but later he reveals his own nuttiness:..."
You go to political war with the cast of characters you have (with their strengths and weaknesses) rather than the one you wish you had.
All things considered I'm happy to have a Glenn Greenwald out there doing what he does (similar to Rhythm and Balls here) as they are both clearly attacking entrenched powers that be on both sides.
I'll take that everyday.
I say go for the abolition of fake news. And installation of news outlets that only provide the "truth". Also it should have an outlook that is broader than the simplistic American first view point.
Perhaps they can call it Pravda.
I blame The Daily Show. Too many people used it as a real news source, to the point where Stewart and Colbert's staff sometimes seemed to think they're ACTUAL news people.
JAORE: "I say go for the abolition of fake news. And installation of news outlets that only provide the "truth". Also it should have an outlook that is broader than the simplistic American first view point.
Perhaps they can call it Pravda"
That is of course precisely the lefts end game on this.
Recall that in the weeks following the election the entire dem leadership caste was out there claiming that the only problem was one of "messaging" and that there was no issue whatsoever with dem policy prescriptions.
Obviously if the dems only problem is messaging then it's critical for the Stalinists to replicate what they've created in the academic world and that requires shutting down and criminalizing opposing viewpoints.
It can't happen here.
The Wash Post, opting to go with this fake "fake news" meme and using this secretive little cabal of Vox-like juice-boxers has finally and completey rounded the bend.
There is no real recovery from this and is a major crack in the edifice of the MSM which will over time bring it all down.
The great media leveling: it can't come fast enough and the tools to do it have been brought to you by Capitalism!
Does Bezos read his rag?
"The problem with the internet is that there are no gatekeepers!" - HRC
So we will accuse everybody who won't take our calls and spike stories for us, "Fake News!" I am sure Google can figure out a way to be a gatekeeper for us!
A fake news story about the influence of Fake News Stories is now the #1 "Most Read" on WaPo's site.
Half of the country is indeed suffering a mass nervous breakdown.
This is what happens when a Scientific Progressive is allowed to become the Washington Post's executive editor.
Truth is the first casualty of war. And this is war.
The Democratic Party, acting in close concert with an international cabal headquartered in Brussels, is determined to take control of the United States. They will do it by winning elections, or by stealing them. Or by subversion from within, or by invasion from without. Of course they are prepared to tell lies, as many as needed, to further their scheme. They are prepared to do far worse than that.
The easiest way to tell if a media entity is fake and unreliable, look for those who sit on stories that are detrimental to their preferred political party.
Ha! Anyone who thinks this is about the "Democratic Party" is deluded. It's the "establishment," the corporatocracy that controls the levers of power. It wasn't different during Bush's reign, and it probably won't be different under Trump.
I think it's the attack on Wikileaks that particularly irked Greenwald. Maybe he's defending Drudge, too, though. The argument that Drudge is a Putin stooge is so idiotic I don't know where to begin.
While he doesn't condone the hacking, Greenwald (like most of us) has no doubt the hacked e-mails are genuine. And this is not the first time he's been brutal on institutional media, and how dishonest its been.
You'd think the WaPo would be interested in stepping up and doing some honest journalism, after all the pro-Hillary propaganda that the MSM offered up. They tried, and failed, to manipulate the American people. The incestuous relationship between the media, the Democrat party, and Hillary Clinton was a scandal. Woodward and Bernstein should start knocking on doors on their own damn newspaper! What did you know and when did you know it? But instead of any hint of self-assessment or self-criticism, instead we get a double down of stupid.
Avoid the internet! Read our paper!
What a joke.
Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
Also: Pizza Gate has got to be the stupidest conspiracy I've heard in forever
You can always tell how fake and nutty a story is by how much is demonstrated facts, and how much is, "Hey, we are just asking questions."
Pizza gate is 100% just asking questions.
I assumed it would be the Southern Poverty Law Center.
So they have competition now.
After watching the Left praise/excuse Castro this weekend, stories like this make me even more nervous.
Do people think Castro tells his people they can't listen to US media because we want them to be free and he does not? Or does he tell them we are telling the Cuban people fake news and propaganda?
That's how this works, people.
I think it's the attack on Wikileaks that particularly irked Greenwald.
I think so too, but he's been irked by the whole Red Scare during this election.
My favorite article from The Intercept was the one where they show that the "secret server" in Trump Tower, that was using an address that contained the name "trump" BTW, was not sending money to Alpha Bank in Russia, but rather was sending marketing emails for Trump luxury properties, and the return traffic, the "conversation" with Alpha Bank was people clicking on those emails. Oddly, it has been deleted, and now there is a dead link in the Forbes piece on it.
Ha! Robert Cook - if you don't understand the corruption that IS the democrat party - you're a fool.
rehajm said...
Then there was the really weird story about Julian Assange being wanted for sexual contact with a young teen- a story propagated by a fake company that was years old, had fake PR, had a fake back story, and had even bothered to join a UN commission.
The subject of the story PropOrNot reeks of the 'cool kids' at Premise Data Corp and/or Todd & Clare...
It does.
And it actually makes me doubt the whole rape charge that Assange is in hiding over. It just seems like it's become the go-to accusation.
I'm just wondering how VICE made it on to the legitimate news list.
Why did they name themselves something that looks like both pron and porn?
Fake news?
I just assume it ALL is fake or is grossly distorted. from any and all sources until proven otherwise. NY Times...fake. Washington Post....fake. National Enquirer.....fake. Anything on Facebook, which I don't do anyway.....fake. The Onion...actually more true than fake :-)
Emails that we get with links to stories. Fake and don't forward that junk to anybody.
The media has lied to us so much for so often for so long, that I distrust all of it.
eric said...
"Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
Also: Pizza Gate has got to be the stupidest conspiracy I've heard in forever
You can always tell how fake and nutty a story is by how much is demonstrated facts, and how much is, "Hey, we are just asking questions."
Pizza gate is 100% just asking questions".
The "pizza restaurants" (Comet, and Besta) used known international symbols of pedophilia on their menu and signs, and have recently changed them---- FACT.
Posdesta has an art collection featuring pics of child torture--- FACT
James Alefantes (owner of Comet) Instagram has disturbing pics of himself as the devil, children taped to a table, torture chambers, children with money, and many other disturbing images---- FACT
Many Wikileaks Podesta emails feature strange and out of context referrals to "pizza" and "hotdogs"-- known references to pedophilia----- FACT
Podesta himself was invited to a "spirit cooking" ceremony hosted by Ms. Abramovich in a Wikileaks email----FACT
The police sketches for the subjects of the Madeleine McCann case in Europe (child abduction) strongly resemble Podesta and his brother------FACT
The woman investigating the Clinton Foundation links to child abduction in Haiti, Monica Peterson, was recently found "suicided" in Haiti.---- FACT
Smoke meet raging fire.
@ Tim in Vermont
This is a pretty entertaining read from The Intercept
The Barrett Brown Review of Arts and Letters and Prison
"Eventually I was placed on another bus for an 11-hour jaunt to the medium security Federal Correctional Institution at Three Rivers in South Texas. I’d heard quite a bit about Three Rivers from my colleagues at Fort Worth; the BOP, it seems, has been trying to increase the prison’s proportion of white inmates, which is something like 15 percent, so as to provide for some degree of racial balance. Of the 18 inmates on the bus, though, there was only one other white guy, but then he had a swastika tattoo on the back of his head, so he may have counted as two or three white guys for accounting purposes.
Despite being shackled and handcuffed, we inmates rather enjoyed our road trip. I was designated the resident expert on Texas, a role I took very seriously, pointing out to everyone which highways we passed were named for which unprosecuted war criminals. I also explained how we helped steal the 1960 election for Kennedy before killing him and replacing him with a common hoodlum. Occasionally the bus would make a stop in some strip mall parking lot and the inmates would amuse themselves by pointing out female shoppers as they came out of the stores and declaring them to be sexually adventurous, often on dubious evidence. “You know they freaks cause they drink Natural Light,” said one misguided drug dealer, referring to two pallid Caucasian women who had just emptied a case of beer into a foam cooler before driving off in a minivan, obeying the speed limit."
The whole thing:
Barrett Brown is an imprisoned U.S. journalist and the founder of Project PM, a crowd-sourced investigation into the cyber-industrial complex. In 2012, the FBI raided his house, and later that year Barrett was indicted on 12 federal charges relating to the 2011 Stratfor hack. The most controversial charge, linking to the hacked data, was dropped, but in 2015 Brown was sentenced to 63 months in prison.
Mick, you forgot the FACT that there was an active shooter situation at Ohio State today too.
Also that FACT that many pedophiles are American, and Podesta lives in America. That's a fact, jack!
Hey, I'm just stating facts here.
"The "pizza restaurants" (Comet, and Besta) used known international symbols of pedophilia on their menu and signs, and have recently changed them---- FACT."
-- I'd change my menu too if the Internet came down on me accusing me of being part of a ring of child molesters because my menu had secret code words in it.
"Ha! Robert Cook - if you don't understand the corruption that IS the democrat party - you're a fool."
Oh, I do, believe me. What you don't understand is that is both parties.
Robert Cook's last name is "Cook."
Cook's are what cannibals do to PEOPLE. Before they EAT THEM.
Robert Cook is a cannibal, QED.
What was Mick going to do with his free time once Obama and his birth certificate left office?
Now we know.
Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
"The "pizza restaurants" (Comet, and Besta) used known international symbols of pedophilia on their menu and signs, and have recently changed them---- FACT."
-- I'd change my menu too if the Internet came down on me accusing me of being part of a ring of child molesters because my menu had secret code words in it.
They changed their menu to the double super secret code.
On another note. Can you imagine if you owned these places and suddenly you're bankrupt because the internet accused you of being pedophiles?
What a nightmare that would be for a small business.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"Ha! Robert Cook - if you don't understand the corruption that IS the democrat party - you're a fool."
Oh, I do, believe me. What you don't understand is that is both parties.
11/28/16, 11:12 AM
Many understand it is both parties.
Thus, Trump.
Is Global Warming considered fake news yet?
Yeah, but these guys just gave Trump 4 Pinocchois and you agree that Trump is acting as an "agent of chaos," Professor, so this must be OK. I mean, the WashPo would never highlight Trump's statements that call into question the validity of the election process but not highlight the fact that this similarly-unsourced bullshit does the same thing, would they? I'd be shocked to see such biased, partisan treatment from so august a publication!
Fake news from a fake news source quoted by another fake news source.
Mick may never have to buy himself a drink again based on his accurate election predictions. 300+ EVsfor Trump? Come off it!
... Ok, if Mick is right about both Trump winning and Pizza Gate, I think I just give up understanding the world.
Our Sunday paper had a big story on fake news and how to spot it, written by the paper's editors. On the opposite page from that story so nicely juxtaposed, was a big story of equal columns about how women all over America were calling Planned Parenthood to load up on birth control pills because they thought Trump was going to take their pills away. The story was completely sourced by Planned Parenthood. That newspaper doesn't know fake news when they see it.
I read this the other day and wondered when Glenn Greenwald and I started to be of like mind. Have I missed something by not reading him in years?
Sydney said...
Our Sunday paper had a big story on fake news and how to spot it, written by the paper's editors. On the opposite page from that story so nicely juxtaposed, was a big story of equal columns about how women all over America were calling Planned Parenthood to load up on birth control pills because they thought Trump was going to take their pills away. The story was completely sourced by Planned Parenthood. That newspaper doesn't know fake news when they see it.
11/28/16, 12:09 PM
Sure they do. There is a difference between an actual "lie" and "a bending of the factual record in support of a higher truth that benefits women and children, the environment, liberal causes, and general fairness" otherwise known as "fake but accurate". Get with the program will you? You DON'T want to go to a re-education camp. They are not nearly as much fun as they sound...
I think Mick prophesied a massive popular vote win.
eric said...
"Mick, you forgot the FACT that there was an active shooter situation at Ohio State today too".
You haven't noticed that the "active shooter" bullshit was shut down for the election because it benefited Trump?
By the way WHERE is Omar Mateen's wife, who was talked about by the FBI as an accessory to 103 "shootings" (Pulse)? She disappeared 10 days after the "shootings", never to be heard from again, and the "media" never asks a question about her whereabouts. Do you think they would just let an accessory to 103 shootings walk away? Why isn't the media asking about it?
Henry said...
"I think Mick prophesied a massive popular vote win".
That I did. It was obvious to me.
All references to Omar Mateen's wife end on 6/27, like she dropped off the earth. Look it up.
Matthew Sablan said...
"... Ok, if Mick is right about both Trump winning and Pizza Gate, I think I just give up understanding the world".
Am I making you doubt your cognitive dissonance?
No. Trump winning was remote, but possible.
Pizza Gate requires a lot more than just polls to be wrong. If it turns out to be true, I'll be shocked. And legit shocked, not shocked that gambling is happening here shocked.
By the way WHERE is Omar Mateen's wife, who was talked about by the FBI as an accessory to 103 "shootings" (Pulse)? She disappeared 10 days after the "shootings", never to be heard from again, and the "media" never asks a question about her whereabouts. Do you think they would just let an accessory to 103 shootings walk away? Why isn't the media asking about it?
Google is hard to use.
The New York times interviewed her on Nov 1st. She says she has had to move 3 times because of harassment. The FBI has interviewed her multiple times over the last several months since the shootings.
But, where is she?! Why don't the FBI talking to her?! Does she own a pizza shop?
I'm just asking questions.
Blogger Mick said...
Henry said...
"I think Mick prophesied a massive popular vote win".
That I did. It was obvious to me.
He thinks you're praising him.
Look at what has to be true for Pizza Gate to be true. Generations of politicians need to be irredeemably evil, with tentacles through multiple countries, communities and organizations. These need to have acted with perfect anonymity and secrecy up until John Podesta was successfully fished. In other words, generations of secrecy undone because the leader clicked on a common attack that every government employee is warned against multiple times a year. And, instead of using an actual secret server to communicate about this, multiple people used easily compromised/public/government emails to speak in code about their evil.
This is Saturday Morning Cartoon evil incompetency. I just don't buy it.
I would like to believe that the free flow information and opinion on the internet can't be suppressed. I really, really want to believe this now with the avalanche of "Fake News" propaganda being put out by the losers of this month's election and the referendum in Great Britain in June. However, I think it pretty obvious that such free flow is much more tenuous than I hope.
If you believe in free expression, you need to be very worried, and very vigilant.
"However, I think it pretty obvious that such free flow is much more tenuous than I hope."
-- A Reddit CEO or other leader went in and changed users' posts. That man should be unemployably radioactive now to any company that has users who say things. As far as I know, he's not be summarily fired and publicly embarrassed for his actions.
That's what you need to know about how the left views "free speech."
"Google is hard to use.
The New York times interviewed her on Nov 1st. She says she has had to move 3 times because of harassment. The FBI has interviewed her multiple times over the last several months since the shootings.
But, where is she?! Why don't the FBI talking to her?! Does she own a pizza shop?
I'm just asking questions."
That interview is Bullshit. The same interview is posted by 20-30 "media outlets" on the same day (Nov. 1) because the question was becoming so obvious. It is an attempt to quiet the question as to why the "media" has failed to ask one question about her since June 27.
The whole "Fake News" Story is fake news. There have always been conspiracy theories and silly claims during elections, last time I was earnestly informed by a teen that Romney was going to outlaw tampons. Pizzagate wasn't fake news, just internet supposition based on some seriously weird emails Podesta sent or received, as well as some speculation on his creepy taste in art including pictures of nude teens in his bedroom.
Because the fake "fake news" story is being pushed by the Democrats, Obama, Clinton and others, as well as the PR arm of the Democrat party, the MSM, it has to be calculated. Hardly anyone trusts the media, but like the Democrats, they refuse to change, and continue this BS.
No one is concerned about lefty fake news including that Cuba had great healthcare, 97% of scientists believe the earth is warming due to CO2, or that Hillary was going to win, or that the Russians hacked the election, even in PA with paper ballots (damn they are GOOD, and scary now that Mitt Romney isn't saying it).
Reading that Greenwald-coauthored article is about when I decided:
The story that Russia materially influenced the election is itself a Russian information op.
Putin gets to look awesome and powerful, which he likes; and if we believe it, we are weaker and more disorganized, just how he likes us: the left even madder, plus some on the right thinking they've been had.
Pizzagate--guys--have you read the actual emails? There is creepy shit going on there. Don't know if it's trafficked Haitian children creepy, but they are clearly talking in code about something. Go read them.
I guess this might not be the first time that the truth has been called disinformation.
I would be a lot more impressed by a comprehensive refutation of the contents of Wikileaks re the election.
Regarding 'fake news,' isn't the standard 'truthiness'?
Or, in modern day parlance: baby hunt.
The "List" is hilarious. One subversive site listed is "nutrition". Apparently the Russians are going to implode American society and the social fabric by fake news about Omega 3s and kale.
The Horror!
Mick, you forgot the FACT that there was an active shooter situation at Ohio State today too.
Actually not - Muslim terrorist who was an active stabber, until shot dead. The shots fired were likely the ones that killed him.
Birches said...
I'm just wondering how VICE made it on to the legitimate news list.
11/28/16, 10:43 AM
Maybe they believe the accusation that Vice's COO colluded with the Clinton campaign.
The Intercept can be batshit Lefty at times but they're one of the few sites on the Internet that occasionally do real journalism. I've never had the impression that anyone owned them. Give me The Intercept, City Journal, and Althouse, and I'll separate the wheat from the chaff myself.
Now that Donald Trump will become the US President, he will become able to inform the public about the yarn that 17 intelligence agencies agreed that the Kremlin controls Wikileaks.
Excuse me, but does America really need 17 intelligence agencies? Look, I'm all for competition -- keep the cost of spying down while improving customer service -- but come on. Let's consolidate them into four or five, at the most.
Hey did Barrett Brown ever "destroy" that FBI agent?
He seemed pretty adamant about it, like it was really weighing heavily on his mind.
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