The shocking tweet students saw: "Buckeye Alert: Active Shooter on campus. Run Hide Fight. Watts Hall. 19th and College."
UPDATE: "[L]aw enforcement officials told NBC News he was an 18-year-old Ohio State student, a Somali refugee who was a legal permanent resident of the United States."
The motive was unknown, but officials said the attack was clearly deliberate and may have been planned in advance.The attacker didn't use a gun but a car and a knife.
१२५ टिप्पण्या:
I thought the reason the media refers to shooters, etc. as suspects is not to prejudice them at trial but it looks like I was wrong about that.
Here comes the fake news headlines to tell us this guy was a right wing tea partier and racist supporter of Trump.
Or is it alt right now?
A week from now we will find out he is Muslim. Unexpectedly.
I'm glad finally an organization is admitting that while running is fine if you are already well away from the center of violence, and hiding is fine if you are behind a concrete wall and a steel door, there a strong history that says hiding in place when an active shooter arrives in your location is NOT the right path to safety - and fighting back becomes an important part of your own AND OTHERS survival.
Praying for OSU.
My wife works at OSU. She is a little bit removed from the center of campus, though.
Finals are next week at tOSU.
I love academia reaction to the real world. The most gutless group of professionals. Those who can't do teach.
Rats. The idiotic Rush affiliate will preempt Rush with nothing-news reports.
If it bleeds it leads, plus any football news conference, is the rule.
eric said...
A week from now we will find out he is Muslim.
There are many possibilities. The outrage isn't that it will inevitably prove to be Muslim terrorism but rather that if it turns out to be so the media will claim the killers motives are impossible to identify.
We can't assume the shooter is not an embittered John Kasich.
I am surprised that the tweet did not instruct students to retreat to a Safe Space, where they could clutch teddy bears and color inside the lines of their coloring books.
Sorry to hear it. Didn't think Harbaugh would go this far.
The detail I'm waiting for is did the shooter take his own life, or did it take a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun?
I have Facebook friends marking themselves as "safe" on FB. Most of them are miles from campus.
It's navel-gazing all the way down.
CBS Pittsburgh --
Police tell WBNS that the incident started around 9:30 a.m. this morning when a vehicle ran into the chemical engineering building. Witnesses said two people jumped out of the vehicle, one with a gun, the other with a knife.
I don't think it's clear at this point whether the attacker(s) was the shooter. I'm seeing reports of a machete attack. Perhaps the shooting was someone carrying at OSU who killed a slasher. Wait and see. Too much confusion. Hope your wife is safe, EMD.
My son was in class near the site. He kept texting me the entire time, which made it a little hard to concentrate on work, but I realized he must have been anxious. Safe now. Thank God.
Just in case we thought mass shootings were going out of style.
No gun. Car and knife
I think the shots heard were the police
EMD: Why is marking yourself as "safe" on social media considered navel gazing?
Family and friends who have a loved one at OSU would freak out when this news broke and the fastest way to let them all know not to call you non-stop is to disseminate that you are fine on social media.
Not only is the local Rush affiliate preempting Rush with mindless empty news chatter, but my backup station in Detroit is interrupting Rush for updates.
News directors are airheads.
An attack on strangers using a vehicle to plow into them and then a machete to hack them certainly smacks of Amish fanaticism (Ohio has more Amish than any other State), but we should all wait for the facts to come out.
Wow! Wiki seems to have the latest...........
@Virgil, the Amish don't own cars. It's those damned Mennonites!
I heard he wasn't a shooter. He used a car and a knife.
He's probably Japanese. They're always doing the car and knife at main railroad stations.
Four victims went to Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, OhioHealth Grant Medical Center is caring for three victims and two victims went to OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital. None of the victims had life-threatening injuries.
Local Report
My guess: Safe Spaces leftist liberal all bent out of shape because 1) Trump 2) Ohio State actually had guts and told a bunch of whiny BLM/safe spaces protestors where to go, which was jail if they didn't leave in like 20 minutes; 3) Finals next week and 4) Ohio State has a winning football team and leftists hate that.
Armed attacker shot dead by cops after mowing down students with a car and stabbing them with a knife at Ohio State University leaving at least nine people injured
* An assailant was reported at OSU's Columbus campus Monday morning
* Federal official told CNN that knife-wielding attacker went on a stabbing rampage at Watts Hall around 10am
* Law enforcement sources who spoke with Columbus Post-Dispatch said there were two attackers - one with a gun and one with a knife
* Witnesses said someone pulled the fire alarm at the building and that man mowed them down with his car as they were evacuating
* The man got out of his car and started stabbing students when a responding officer shot him dead
* Around 11am, SWAT teams stormed a nearby parking garage and led two men from the building in handcuffs
* At least nine people have been injured - including one in critical condition
The shelter in place was lifted just after 11:30am
I might have some grudging respect for the guy if he'd strapped two knives to the hood of his car and drove after anyone dressed as a matador.
Having 2 individuals potentially involved in the attack basically rules out the lone crazy.
It is interesting that no reports of what the suspects looked like or might have said has leaked out yet.
As the folks at Pajamas Media point out and assuming that a machete was actually used today by at least one of the attackers, this would not be the first machete-terrorist attack (it clearly is a terrorist attack by someone for some reason):
Amish joke so soon? Then I guess it is OK if I point the finger at Jim Harbaugh as the possible perp?
I have Facebook friends marking themselves as "safe" on FB. Most of them are miles from campus.
It's navel-gazing all the way down.
There is actually a cell phone app you can use to auto notify you are safe on your FB page.
If you had a child on that campus, you'd like to know.
In fact our youngest was at U of Alabama in Huntsville when Professor Bishop went off on her shooting spree. Son did not answer phone. Judy asked a Trooper contact if he could help. A few minutes later we got a phone call from a Captain saying, "Ma'am I have laid eyes upon your son. He is safe. I will let you speak to him now".
You can not imagine the relief.
John says you can not imagine the raised eyebrows in his frat when, during a lock down, a Trooper Captain entered the frat and asked for John.
What the two arrested look like - Daily Mail -
One white youth, one portly black man it seems.
I suspect neither was actually involved.
The Daily mail is a much better tabloid than anything in the US.
Drago said...
It is interesting that no reports of what the suspects looked like or might have said has leaked out yet.
There are pictures of the two men arrested at the Daily Mail link.
It's been reported someone pulled the fire alarm getting the students outside where the car could run them down. Maybe the pair arrested pulled the fire alarm.
"Run Hide Fight" is exactly what we were taught in my company. Several of my coworkers (all of them are veterans) are packing concealed handguns. Should it come to that, they plan on fighting back hard.
Notice that no one called Black Lives Matter or a gun control advocacy group to handle the situation. They called cops armed with guns to handle the situation. While preliminary reports are often inaccurate, it sounds like the police handled the matter professionally.
buwaya puti said...
One white youth, one portly black man it seems.
Yay Diversity!
Reports say it was a Somali refugee student...
I'm positive his motive will remain an inexplicable mystery.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Say, that Trump fellow is saying more Nazi stuff, I hear...
According to the Columbus Dispatch, only one perp and he used knife and car.
Hmm -- a somali refugee? There are not that many Amish in Somali so once again my instincts may have failed me.
It's interesting that this went from 'active shooter' to 'knife and car' attack. I'm sure there are those out there who were already excitedly preparing to use this arrack as more justification for new gun control laws.
The left can't catch a break these days.
And kudos to Sebastian for the first Harbaugh reference - well played.
Were the people run over by a car, or a horse and buggy?
shocking that it is a Somali. Did he have a confederate flag on his car?
"Run Hide Fight" is exactly what we were taught in my company.
Myself.....I prefer lock and load.
It is navel gazing when people who are MILES away from an isolated incident decide that they too need to freak out and make themselves "safe" when they aren't in any danger. Yes. If you have anyone you care about on that campus, you would need to know that they are safe. If you are miles away and flip out, you are a drama queen.
The religion that the MSM dare not speak the name of. An "active shooter," in the sense that I'm going to shoot down to the 7-11 in my car, or use my Ginzu to shoot some celery sticks. Somewhere, George Orwell is smiling.
Blogger sane_voter said...
shocking that it is a Somali. Did he have a confederate flag on his car?
It's going to take weeks. Maybe months. Who knows? Eventually, on page 18, we can discover if he really was Somali and probably a lone wolf of no particular religious affiliation.
"active shooter" versus "in-active shooter"
The media are dopes. That part probably doesn't need discussion.
zipity said...
Reports say it was a Somali refugee student...
The suspect's name was not released, but law enforcement officials told NBC News he was an 18-year-old Ohio State student, a Somali refugee who was a legal permanent resident of the United States.
The motive was unknown, but officials said the attack was clearly deliberate and may have been planned in advance.
Finals are next week, makes you wonder if the kid new he wasn't going to make it any longer. More lives destroyed by race preferences in admissions.
According to lefty theory, the OSU cops are now responsible for a net increase in the number of terrorists.
The motive was unknown, but officials said the attack was clearly deliberate and may have been planned in advance.
Andrea Mitchell is absolutely sure of everybody's motive — Dylann Storm Roof, Stephen Bannon, Jeff Sessions, and especially Donald Trump — but when a Muslim man goes on a murderous rampage it's "Duh, we don't know nuffin."
Latest seems to be one known perp, shot dead, and still interviewing witnesses to see if any one else was involved. Almost expect an accomplice, to have pulled the alarm. The two guys led out of the parking garage in cuffs are likely innocent bystanders. If the suspect was, indeed, Somali, we likely have, of course, some more Islamic terrorism. See how long it takes to put 2+2 together. Also, as to bets - who is going to call the victims first? Obama? Trump? Crooked Hillary? (Last one was for laughs - she likely wouldn't call if she had been sworn in as President).
The incident was over and done with before the false "active shooter" alert went out.
The only shooter was the cop who shot the Somali about a minute after he smashed into the building and jumped out with a knife. Then, when things were all once again safe and secure, THE Ohio State ginned up the panic with this false alarm.
Ali Muhammad
I have no doubt that things were exacerbated and could have ended much worse due to all of the fear-mongering and fire-stoking that the left and media have engaged in the past few weeks.
MSNBC anchor asking a law enforcement officer about that "run, hide, fight" email is incredulous that it might apply to everyone confronting a terrorist. (He expressly assumed the "fight" would only apply to professional law enforcement.)
I guess the Progressive tactics manual says that if you're unable to run or hide from a terrorist, you should just lie passively until the shooter is out of ammo, or breaks his knife blade. (Sadly, that explains a lot of the death toll these lone wolves have inflicted over the last couple years.)
It now appears to be an Isil recruited immigrant from Somalia who tried a Nice Truck attack with a car, running down pedestrians and using his knife on the living survivors.
Damn Gun Free Zones.
People reported hearing shots, not knowing the po-po were the ones firing the shots. So I don't blame the university. Rather too strong of an alert than too weak of an alert.
EMD: Why is marking yourself as "safe" on social media considered navel gazing?
Family and friends who have a loved one at OSU would freak out when this news broke and the fastest way to let them all know not to call you non-stop is to disseminate that you are fine on social media.
Indeed. I get updates whenever there is a hurricane or natural disaster in an area that a “friend” on FB lives where they list themselves as “safe.” Most of these are casual acquaintances (e.g. just people I’ve friended because we have a common interest) but I understand that they do it to reassure their loved ones and I probably would too if there were an attack or a major disaster where I live.
"The incident was over and done with before the false "active shooter" alert went out.
The only shooter was the cop who shot the Somali about a minute after he smashed into the building and jumped out with a knife. Then, when things were all once again safe and secure, THE Ohio State ginned up the panic with this false alarm."
I doubt it.
Likely the University was given 2 pieces of information. First an fire alarm.
The second was, likely phoned in, reports of shots fired.
Sounds like the cop got there quickly after the 9-11 call and took down the guy with the gun.
That report of gunfire sounds probably hit the University information center before the cops called in blade wielding dude down. Hence the "active shooter" report.
Reasonable alert IMO.
Ali Muhammad. No doubt, they'll be searching hard for a motive for the attacks.
The attacker didn't use a gun but a car and a knife.
If he was a Kenyan immigrant he probably would have used a pen and a phone. You can do far more damage that way...
Our oldest is a LEO. He gets irate as hell when reports come in of people cowering in a room while a shooter takes them out, the shooter even pausing to reload and NO ONE does anything to stop the attack.
I hope I would do better.
Throw something at him. Break up one of those desks to make a club. Rush him. Hell, spit at the guy. He is about to KILL you!
Sorry MSNBC, go back to your gun-free safe place.
Our local paper just did a Facebook "breaking news" to tell us the name of some local youngster who is a student at Ohio State and that his mother reports that he is safe. Mind you, our community is about half the population of Ohio State University (65,000 students) and about 500 miles away, but why let a crisis go to waste if our local media can localize the story.
I DEMAND strict knife and car control. Waiting periods to buy a knife.
None of you heartless bastards born of bigotry cares about the real victims here, Muslims who will face the most severe backlash ever faces by anyone in any society at any time, even prehistory I declaim.
You wonder why all the welfare? It is because you people have scared PEOPLE of Color off the streets with all your mighty mighty backlashes of HHHate.
"Here comes the fake news headlines to tell us this guy was a right wing tea partier and racist supporter of Trump."
-- Turns out the fake news part of the shooting was the shooting.
EMD: Why is marking yourself as "safe" on social media considered navel gazing?
The people I have described specifically live nor work anywhere near campus where the incident took place.
Closeted Michigan fan probably...
Our oldest is a LEO. He gets irate as hell when reports come in of people cowering in a room while a shooter takes them out, the shooter even pausing to reload and NO ONE does anything to stop the attack.
One of my cousins who teaches Ju-Jitsu also will occasionally teach classes on how to deal with a shooter in such a situation. The best bet is for multiple people to rush him/her at the same time.
"Ali Muhammad"
Floated like a bee; stung like a butterfly.
David Burge @iowahawkblog
Thoughts and prayers for all the evening news editors who had to scrap all those 10-minute gun violence segments
Will they describe the Somali attacker as "mostly peaceful"?
Concern-of-backlash stories to commence in 3 . . 2 . . 1
Lol, Sebastian.
A little gallows humor to deal with this crap is welcome from me.
Floated like a bee; stung like a butterfly.
Hmm. His student ID is for a guy named Clay Cassius.
Blogger Fabi said...
Will they describe the Somali attacker as "mostly peaceful"?
A refugee who became a permanent resident.
Isn't it nice of us to take in temporarily displaced people's who are suffering from war, or persecution, or natural disaster, only to send them back home once the danger has passed?
Just kidding. Refugee is now another word for immigrant. Just another way our government tricks us.
Awaiting with baited breath est. of a legal defense fund for our poor "person of color."
"Ali Muhammad"
Floated like a bee; stung like a butterfly.
Good one, Meade! :-D
"Ali Muhammad"
Or as he was referred to over the weekend, Ali Xuhaxxad.
Ah, sorry, but being run over, or stabbed, or slashed is not being "stung like a butterfly"
A car and a knife? When oh when will we finally close down that knife show loophole and outlaw cars that can run over more than six people at a time?
No doubt the dead guy was driven mad by the election of Trump...
Correct name apparently Abdul Razak Ali Artan. Link includes some background info.
Abdul Razak Ali Artan
Ironically coincides with a Somali woman winning Miss Minnesota while dressed in a hajib and a burkini.
Additional background plus pic.
Abdul Razak Ali Artan: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
"The Daily mail is a much better tabloid than anything in the US."
Yet more foreigners doing the jobs Americans just won't do.
I saw this posting hours ago & read the first group of comments. I thought "Oh, that's just us jerking each other's chains about how the "shooter" would be some Muslim guy & the media would have "no motive established as of yet".
I thought "Yeah, yeah, us Althouse hillbillies on our hobby-horse".
And I check back in hours later & sonafabitch! Did you guys call it or what? We oughtta be on the tele as political gurus, we ought!
But, gimme a break! Could this have been more tailor-made for Trump's Muslim immigration policy or what? I think the FBI needs to check this guy's bank account to see if he's got any checks from one "Kelly Anne Conway" or one "Steve Bannon".
From the article linked by lemondog:
In the August 25 edition of the Ohio State Lantern, Artan was featured in the “Humans of Ohio State” feature. During his interview, Artan bemoaned the lack of pray facilities at OSU. He stresses in the piece that he needs to pray five times a day.
There's your motive, folks! OSU denied him praying facilities.
There's your motive, folks! OSU denied him praying facilities.
Well, me & my homies declared a crusade when my college shut down the Gregorian Schola, so these things have been known to happen.
Bob said:
"This concludes our 2016 election coverage. We now return you to our regularly scheduled Islamic terrorism." LOL
he was an 18-year-old Ohio State student, a Somali refugee who was a legal permanent resident of the United States.
As I understand it, the kid left Somalia for Pakistan in 2007 and arrived here in 2014 @ 16. He must be a great student to have a college level command of English with the SATs to match, and the transcript to get him into OSU ahead of all those locals.
I wonder how much of the motive will turn out to be anger after the social promotion by an OSU admissions committee put him into a situation he was ill prepared for academically and socially...
Our Somalia student has a car??
I never had a car as a student. They were expensive, and parking was difficult to find.
Immigration reform.
That Humans of Ohio State piece is ridiculous: "“I’m a Muslim, it’s not what the media portrays me to be. If people look at me, a Muslim praying, I don’t know what they’re going to think. It’s the media that put that picture in their heads so they’re just going to have and it, it’s going to make them feel uncomfortable."
Yep, it's the media's fault...
"Well, me & my homies declared a crusade when my college shut down the Gregorian Schola"
Occupy (out modern version of a crusade, it seems) Georgetown, Notre Dame, Villanova - well, all the Catholic universities, almost.
But maybe the Inquisition would be a better approach.
I hate to say it, but, the only good spin on what happened at the Ohio State U, is that there is a very, very good chance that every one of those hit by the car, stabbed, or slashed voted for Hillary. Think about it. The cop that shot the muzzi? Yesterday, they would have wanted him removed from the campus.
I am glad to hear there was no gun involved in this attack, from latest reports. Fortunately the one who is critically injured will pull through. The cop who killed him has been a policeman for 2 years - he's 28.
Immigration reform, certainly. But also class diversity (i.e. institutional racism, sexism, etc.). It's not a coincidence that the only nation founded through racially-motivated mass abortion and with class diversity including racism and sexism established as a national law is the progressive state of South Africa. The failure of liberals and progressives to recognize individual dignity and intrinsic value of human life, and the generational adoption of the Pro-Choice quasi-religion has fomented a catastrophic global climate. It's still a lesser law in America, but with liberal intervention and invention, class diversity, as abortion rites before it, may for the first time become a defining part of our national character. Well, either through another judgment from the twilight zone, urban packing, Democratic fraud, immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises), or welfare gerrymandering.
Apparently, having the cops shoot a knife-wielding attacker now requires an "active shooter" alert.
"Turns out the fake news part of the shooting was the shooting."
Not fake at all! There definitely was a shooting. Thankfully, it was someone who needed shooting.
"If people look at me, a Muslim praying, I don’t know what they’re going to think."
I do. They'll think "I guess he's Muslim." When I see people with smudges on their foreheads on Ash Wednesday I usually think "I didn't know they were Catholic." I hate neither group. Now, when people look at you, a Muslim trying to kill people, once again I'm pretty sure I know what they think of you. And it's probably not "I guess he's Muslim" if it's anybody on the scene. But because of people like you, the peanut gallery immediately thinks (before they even knew what happened, much less who did it) "I guess he's Muslim." Now is that the fault of them, or you and your jihadi fellows?
HT: "The cop who killed him has been a policeman for 2 years - he's 28."
One can only hope that the Ohio State liberals/leftists were not too traumatized by seeing a policeman with a weapon defending them.
Perhaps extra playdough in the safe spaces will suffice to ease the pain from this officers micro-aggression presence.
The question every lefty is asking: just how did Bannon pull this off?
I was driving today and my wife called me about the "Active Shooter Incident" at Ohio Stare. My first question was "Was he Muslim?"
Of course he was.
Running into pedestrians and stabbing them is a standard Palestinian technique now in Israel. I knew it would get here soon.
I just wonder how much the Democrat freakout about Trump and Muslims has done to motivate these jihadis. They are no more nuts than the average Muslim.
"Car violence!"
"Knife violence!"
I am glad to hear there was no gun involved in this attack, from latest reports.
Why are you glad? People run over or stabbed are exactly as (potentially) dead as people shot. The thing to be grateful for is that there was a cop there who had a gun and used it before anyone else was killed.
Bob Boyd said...
We can't assume the shooter is not an embittered John Kasich.
Nor can we forget that there are ticked-off Michigan fans running loose in Columbus, screaming "the line to gain was the five and he didn't make it." Wait, that was Jim Harbaugh!
As heaven is my witness, this is a direct quote from CNN:
"Investigators are examining Abdul Razak Ali Artan's Facebook page to determine whether the attack was terrorism, though law enforcement officials said it will take time to ascertain motive.
"In a Facebook post shortly before the Monday morning rampage, the Somali immigrant urged America 'to stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah,' a term for Muslim people at large.
"'By Allah, we will not let you sleep unless you give peace to the Muslims. You will not celebrate or enjoy any holiday.'"
How can the same reporter write all three sentences?
Clearly this brave cop should be awarded both ears, the dishtowel, and the fanbelt.
ISIS Calls for Random Knife Attacks in Alleys, Forests, Beaches, 'Quiet Neighborhoods'
October 6, 2016
PJ Media - Oct 4, 2016
A new magazine issued by the Islamic State advises lone jihadists to get over any squeamishness about using knives and embrace sharp objects as "widely available" weapons of jihad in nighttime stabbing campaigns.
He wasn't very good at mass murder. I can think of other, denser crowds and other types of vehicles where the body count could be a lot higher. So probably can the next psychotic.........I wonder if it ever occurred to him that all these tortured and murdered Muslims are, for the most part, being tortured and murdered by other Muslims who bear a startling resemblance to him and not to the students he ran over.
Armed citizens would make this sort of thing much rarer. Luckily, this time an armed LEO was on site. Too often when seconds count, the police are minutes away.
Another case of a white cop using a gun to kill a young black man while he was driving to school.
I am glad because no one was killed. I tend to think had he used a gun he could have succeeded in killing a few people. I'm just going with the odds, there, for mass killings. It's a lot more work to kill a lot of people with a knife and you're more likely to be killed before you've accomplished your objective. I guess you could argue he'd have been incompetent with a gun as well.
The safe number of Muslim immigrants remains zero.
It's like inviting thousands of snakes to live in your home. Most of them aren't venomous, but when someone gets bitten by a viper...
. . . but officials said the attack was clearly deliberate and may have been planned in advance.
It is extremely hard to plan things in arrears.
Neil? Neil Young? Is there an iconic song to propel you further on these facts such as they are?
"It is extremely hard to plan things in arrears."
President Barack Obama pulled that off! Twice, minimum, while he was leading from behind. It was in between filing incorporation documents for ISIS and holding its first shareholders' meeting.
Things will be a lot safer when Ohio State U becomes a sanctuary campus.
". . . but officials said the attack was clearly deliberate and may have been planned in advance.
It is extremely hard to plan things in arrears."
Haha. Especially true of Plan A. Even Plan B is always made in advance.
Now Plan C -- that one is often made in arrears.
This sort of event is a clear and convincing argument in favor of allowing concealed carry of firearms by all legally eligible persons on a university campus.
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