Hillary "can’t seem to escape insatiable men," writes Frank Bruni, the NYT columnist, who is pushing for Hillary and must think it will help to cast Hillary as the victim of sexual predators (even though most of us are hoping the President will protect us, not thinking of ourselves as the protector of the President).
In Bruni's scenaro, the sexual predators Hillary can't outrun are: 1. Bill Clinton (whose "bimbo eruptions" might explain the secretiveness that got her into that email trouble), 2. Donald Trump (whose "candidacy is an unalloyed expression of male id... less a political mission than a hormonal one"), and 3. Anthony Weiner (the boy with the computer).
Hillary's story is "shaped by the appetites and anxieties of men." She lives under "a cloud of testosterone." I know Bruni is trying to help her, and I know Bruni took the trouble to characterize male sexuality as weakness, but he is making Hillary Clinton look hapless and ineffectual and weak. That isn't a closing argument.
६३ टिप्पण्या:
We used to call it flop sweat long ago, maybe 2 years ago.
If somebody "can't escape" a problem, then they usually ARE the problem.
Ironically, when I smoked pot, I knew plenty of people to buy pot from. I don't now and, honestly, have no clue who to buy it from if I wanted to.
Your friends and associates do largely reflect you.
Frank Bruni? Really? Zero credibility.
By enmeshed he means she was President of the Nuts and Sluts Swat Team.
I wish we had a metric that would be measuring the relative early voting rates since last Friday.
Hillary is understandably pushing her supporters to vote early - before anything worse hits the fan. A poll tracking those who are or aren't waiting to see more before they can't wait any longer to vote would be extremely illuminating, IMO.
"Why is she always dealing with these corrupt perverts?"
Why is she always SURROUNDED by them in the first place?
Why is she willingly friends with noted sub-human Blumenthal?
Why did she go to bat for her husband and attack women he assaulted?
Why did she promote the idea of Huma marrying Weiner?
Her problems are self-inflicted. And her family has corrupted the government in a way I'd have imagined impossible.
I wish we had a metric that would be measuring the relative early voting rates since last Friday.
This week should lead to the end of early voting. Kill it dead. Either you vote of election day or you don't vote.
I wonder if Bruni sleeps in "footies?"
These are the crazy years, after all. (looks knowingly)
"even though most of us are hoping the President will protect us, not thinking of ourselves as the protector of the President"
I'm not so sure about that. I'm mostly hoping someone -- I can't think who -- will protect *me* from the President.
The FBI examining Weiner's laptop wouldn't be a problem for Hillary if she had obeyed the law.
Hillary surrounds herself with bad people and bad people behave badly.
Good thing Russia doesn't have a strong man leading it. D'OH!
Right. Because sociopath power-obsessed Hillary is just a victim of circumstance. Her private server and all her years of secret personal enrichment? Blame men!
Frank Bruni - NY Times beta male to the rescue!
Frank floats the "Hillary is mentally ill" thesis.
Is anyone else getting the Vote Early for Hillary pop-up on this site. It happens automatically and is extremely annoying & difficult to back out of. That should encourage undecideds to vote for her.
Everything's aimed at the women's vote.
Say anything about men that helps, is the rule. Women are not bright.
"Is anyone else getting the Vote Early for Hillary pop-up on this site."
My site shouldn't be feeding any pop ups. If it is, maybe someone can explain to me how to stop it.
Give Bruni credit for creativity. It's not easy to address Hillary's legal problems and long history of sleazy associations, however obliquely, yet leave NYT readers snug in the cocoon of their unexamined assumptions.
I think Bruni's presenting their *best* closing argument. Yes, it makes her look like a victim: but playing the victim card is what the culture now rewards. It evokes sympathy for her in a way that she cannot otherwise win, as amply demonstrated by her endless "re-sets" to "engage with the American people" and "show them her warm and human side."
The victim card also automatically invokes hatred toward the victimizer. Here, that's all those testosterone-poisoned XY types who are waging the endless systematic insidious corrosive War on Womynz. So this appeal reinforces her core theme of fighting for her sisters, while demonstrating the martyrdom that has always befallen such fighters.
So, IMHO, a pretty rich message and not bad as damage control. It has the further and important advantage of changing the subject from her pay-to-play operations, to male weakness that impedes her campaign.
Frank Bruni should add himself to the male sexual predators preying on Hillary Clinton list. But has The New York Times switched to explaining why Hillary lost mode?
I think Bruni's presenting their *best* closing argument. Yes, it makes her look like a victim: but playing the victim card is what the culture now rewards. It evokes sympathy for her in a way that she cannot otherwise win, as amply demonstrated by her endless "re-sets" to "engage with the American people" and "show them her warm and human side."
The victim card also automatically invokes hatred toward the victimizer. Here, that's all those testosterone-poisoned XY types who are waging the endless systematic insidious corrosive War on Womynz. So this appeal reinforces her core theme of fighting for her sisters, while demonstrating the martyrdom that has always befallen such fighters.
So, IMHO, a pretty rich message and not bad as damage control. It has the further and important advantage of changing the subject from her pay-to-play operations, to male weakness that impedes her campaign.
I think Bruni's presenting their *best* closing argument. Yes, it makes her look like a victim: but playing the victim card is what the culture now rewards. It evokes sympathy for her in a way that she cannot otherwise win, as amply demonstrated by her endless "re-sets" to "engage with the American people" and "show them her warm and human side."
The victim card also automatically invokes hatred toward the victimizer. Here, that's all those testosterone-poisoned XY types who are waging the endless systematic insidious corrosive War on Womynz. So this appeal reinforces her core theme of fighting for her sisters, while demonstrating the martyrdom that has always befallen such fighters.
So, IMHO, a pretty rich message and not bad as damage control. It has the further and important advantage of changing the subject from her pay-to-play operations, to male weakness that impedes her campaign.
I don't think of her as feminine. She even dresses unisex.
Wait, you mean people who are willing to tolerate Hillary up close and don't mind being associated with all the lying - you're saying those people have character flaws?
Wow! What insight!
damikesc said...
I don't now and, honestly, have no clue who to buy it from if I wanted to.
Once the Professor retires and she and her "gardener" move to Colorado I'll bet he could hook you up.
Pictures will be available at ThePotparazzo.blogspot.com
Hillary's problems all spring from her unbridled lust for power and money. She is instinctively corrupt. It's who she is, it's what she does.
"Is anyone else getting the Vote Early for Hillary pop-up on this site."
My site shouldn't be feeding any pop ups. If it is, maybe someone can explain to me how to stop it.
I emailed you yesterday morning about a significant change in your site's behavior.
Prior to Nov. 1, I could write a comment, select Google account, log in to my account, preview my comment, then publish it.
Since yesterday, if I go through these steps - write a comment, select Google account, log in to my account, preview my comment - when I then attempt to publish it, your site returns an Error 400, which is a Bad Header Request. This occurs regardless of browser or IP location. And yet, I've not yet noticed this same behavior on other Blogger.com sites.
To post this I had to log into my Google account first, then proceed through the commenting steps. If your comment numbers are down noticeably since Nov. 1, this could be a contributing factor.
Clearly, either Google/Blogger changed something with respect to your site, or someone else did. Whether or not this is related to any Vote Early for Hillary pop-up - I haven't seen that - I couldn't say.
I've accessed this site today using both Chrome and Firefox and have not had any pop-ups.
Let me amend what I just wrote to clarify that this new situation doesn't let me publish from the Preview pane: I can Preview, and I can Publish, but I can't Publish from the Preview pane any more without getting the Error 400.
Since I have Firefox set to block popups and since I utilize an ad blocker as well, not having seen popups would be the norm for me.
To be contrarian, it's less about Clinton than the decadent electorate.
Sex scandals and such are merely a reflection of the actual mores of the electorate and the elite and influential that they have selected.
The people prefer mountebanks and love soap operas.
Sketchy Guy Who Works at the Adult Bookstore says:
I'm at the counter when a guy with a bad comb-over comes up, acting all nervous. I know why he is nervous: he couldn't find what he is looking for, but he wants it bad, so now he has to ask me and -- in doing so -- expose his most debauched desires.
"Can I help you find something?" I ask.
"Um... I 'm looking for something... specific," he says.
"Aren't we all?"
"Yeah. Ha. Anyway, I 'm looking for a video where someone fucks someone who looks very specific."
"I gotcha. Young Blonde Cheerleader? Tattooed Emo Girl? Redhead Amputee?"
"Hillary Clinton."
Wow. There is a first time for everything, even at the Adult Bookstore.
"Grandma Porn is in the back left," I say, after a brief shudder. "We got Grandma Anal, Grandma DP, Grandma with Black Men with Black Monster Cocks, Grandma Bukkake: it's all back there."
"Uh, I looked there, and none of the women on the covers look like Hillary Clinton."
"I am not all that surprised by that, sir."
"I REALLY want to see someone who looks like Hillary get fucked. Fucked hard. Anal, sloppy throat gagging, the works."
"We only got what we got, sir," I reply, before something comes into memory. "Here -- let me look for something..."
I return to the counter with a video, and hand it to the customer.
"Uh, this is Gay Transvestite Porn," the guy says, shaking his head.
"Yeah, but look at the title: 'He-llary, The Secretary of Cock." It's a transvestite that dresses like Hillary. Look at the wig."
"Yeah, check out the photos. I mean, he's a dude, but he DOES kinda look like Hillary."
"Well: kinda, maybe..."
"Yeah: look at this. It looks like in one scene he sucks a guy with a huge cock who's wearing an Obama mask, while another guy dressed like a Secret Service Agent in Dark Sunglasses fucks HIM in the ass. And an American flag is in the background: nice touch. A LOT of balls and cocks in this one, but he IS wearing a Hillary wig. I don't know: it's the best I got."
"I don't know, I'm not really into Gay Porn..."
"Yeah, I get a lot of straight men who say that. Right before they buy Gay Porn."
"I'll take it."
So I ring him up, and he leaves into the night, his shame trailing behind him....
Stranger things have happened to me here at the Book Store...
I am Laslo.
I use Edge and there is a Hillary ad, not a pop up, just above the comment box.
Bruni sounds like he's writing an obituary.
I realize we all see the attempted diversion, but it bears repeating. The problem is not and never has been Weiner. The problem is the gross mishandling of communications during Clinton's term at the State Department, which is an issue in itself aggravated by the perception it was done to cover up greater misdeeds.
That's the same whether we uncovered evidence of it via Russian hacking, Weiner's sexting or a visitation from Joan of Arc.
`Hillary's fate is cursed. You will inherit the curse if you vote for her.
Darn it! Those other pigs got pig shit all over my pig!
Frank Bruni should read all of Camille Paglia's columns and interviews for the past five years if he wants to get a glimmer of what a strong feminist sounds like. He sounds like a mealy-mouthed apologist for failure.
NYT revenue down. No surprise.
Laslo: horrible. But brilliant.
he is making look Hillary Clinton look hapless and ineffectual and weak.
Clinton is weak as shown by her reset button with Russia. Her only strength is the ability to reward or threaten people's livelihoods. This only works with a small group of insecure or incredibly greedy people. To anyone with an ounce of self-respect she's completely powerless. The weakness of backroom power is that it only works on people who are or want to be in the same back room as Clinton.
How did Weiner being a perv (and I notice she's WAY less upset over him sexting teens than Trump being crude. Nobody will mention that in the press, I imagine) make her set up a server illegally and lie about it, over and over?
Hillary must have serious issues with men. How could she not? Even Chelsea's husband manages to lose money on the hedge fund he runs with the best inside info that State Department can provide. Her "payback" opportunity may be just around the corner.
The question is why didn't Huma and Hillary separate themselves from and divorce the men who are allegedly victimizing them?
We know why Hillary didn't; but Huma staying with Weiner after his initial offense and congressional defenestration is puzzling.
Sorry. Hillary's biggest problem is herself - she's a liar and a crook. Others just help expose her for what she is.
Isn't "If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen" attributed to Harry Truman?
Although if you were to say that with reference to Hillary Clinton, our often deliberately dense media would latch onto "kitchen" and just start screaming feminist slogans, that surely says more about the media than about the topic.
Does Bruni really think the American public would want a president who can't or won't stand up to assorted bullies and bad actors, domestic and foreign? What does Bruni think happened to former Pres. Carter toward the end of the 1980 campaign season?
Here is my unified field theory of the election.
1. Donald Trump represents everything women like least about men.
2. Hillary Clinton represents everything men like least about women.
You're welcome.
Owen nails it all but for one aspect. Yes, this is the best defense they have at this point. However, it is ineffectual because it is directed solely at her most committed voters. Also, nothing could make her look weaker to any voter who needs to be persuaded to vote for her. Bruni's isn't the only column in the last couple of days to take this theme. I view these essays as a sign of some real desperation. I had, for a time thought the Clinton team had been saving their dirt on Trump for the last weekend, but I am starting doubt they have anything worse than the sex talk tape because I think it would have been used early this week.
I still stick with my prediction- Trump needs to win Pennsylvania or Michigan if he can't win Virginia, and for that to work, he still needs to win all the Romney states and Ohio and Florida. It is an uphill battle still, but looking better by the day.
BJM asked:
"The question is why didn't Huma and Hillary separate themselves from and divorce the men who are allegedly victimizing them?"
I have wondered about this for both women. I can make the argument for why Shelob didn't dump Bill- she wanted to run for Senate and needed him to be legally free to go out and take bribes......er excuse me......speaking fees.
As for Abedin, I can only speculate that keeping Weiner in the bun was safer than tossing him out.
Michael: Wrong, Trump is rich, which represents the #1 thing women like about men. I don't think most men view Hillary through the out-dated binary gender schema prism.
Why did Huma keep Weiner ? As LBJ once said of J. Edgar Hoover, it's better to have him inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in.
"candidacy is an unalloyed expression of male id... less a political mission than a hormonal one"
Bruni trying to ape Camille Paglia and sounding absolutely absurd in the process. Perhaps he should return to being a self-involved, pretentious Manhattan eatery critic. Here are some alternative explanations to Trump's candidacy (gee, I wonder how much time Bruni has devoted to actually thinking about these issues):
*Untrammeled immigration and its resultant demographic changes
*Trillions of dollars and thousands of lives lost in foreign military adventurism for at least a decade and a half which has made the world less stable and increased the activity of non-state terrorists
*A globalist economic agenda that has disproportionately affected working-class people who don't have the skills to fall back on higher level work
*A social justice movement in which whites watch blacks commit huge amounts of crime and disrupt communities and college campuses with endless protesting over those same whites apparently having done something to them.
*The sense that the two political parties pretty much collude and work for the interests of a small elite attempting to impose its vision and desires for the country on the masses.
J. Farmer: nice summary. Very nice. But of course Bruni is not paid to think about this stuff clearly, far less is he going to be rewarded for stating it. His job is to find squirrels.
Michael said: 1. Donald Trump represents everything women like least about men.
I disagree. While I don't find him attractive, he's got a lot more going for him than the average male Hillary supporter. The 'gender gap' isn't as wide as you might suppose.
No popups (or ads at all) on the Brave browser.
I disagree. While I don't find him attractive, he's got a lot more going for him than the average male Hillary supporter. The 'gender gap' isn't as wide as you might suppose.
I don't understand what women see in Progressive men.
Then again, I also don't understand flamboyant homosexuals who act in a manner similar to the opposite gender.
"1. Donald Trump represents everything women like least about men."
Right, because as anyone who spent time in high school knows, aggressive alpha males got nothing while introverted beta nerds were drowning in pussy. There are few gaps as wide as that between what women claim they want and what their behavior/choices demonstrate they want in terms of sexual partners.
There was an old song, "You've Got to Be a Football Hero" [...to get along with the beautiful girls]. Have women really changed that much? Is not power [of all kinds] still an aphrodisiac?
And, FWIW, an alpha male is more defined by the deferral of other males to him than by his actions toward women. Women pick up on this.
Deference, not deferral. ;-)
Hillary Clinton is neither hapless nor weak. She is ineffectual because she has no identifiable standards and is, as Safire said, a "congenital liar." A liar with standards can occasionally redeem herself. A liar without standards keeps digging a bigger hole.
Fortunately for Hillary, her supporters have no standards either. She and Bill have demonstrated that they are habituated to breaching the public trust both morally and financially. Yet the Democrats, for the most part, hang on. Immoral? You bet!
The same cannot be said to have been demonstrated by Trump or his supporters.
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