१५ सप्टेंबर, २०१६

Trump at the Economic Club of NY with a broken Teleprompter and a guy sitting at his elbow chomping on food throughout the speech.

This is harrowing.

Trump starts out:
"We're having a lot of fun on the campaign and on the trail. I just wanted to say that—and it's always a lot of fun when you come up and the people don't have the teleprompter working but that's OK," Trump said, looking down occasionally as he spoke at the lectern.... Lucky I brought some notes."
He shows some notes. He speaks. He gets to the line: 
"Everything that is broken today can be fixed. And every failure can be turned into a truly great success. Just look at the way I just melded into the teleprompter that just went off..."
That is, the Teleprompter that had gone off before and is back on now.
"Who else could have pulled that off, OK? Who else?"
But he's still not aware of how ridiculous that guy behind him looks, with that endless chewing, chewing...

२५ टिप्पण्या:

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

I'm so happy I have a tag for chewing!

It has 52 posts. Isn't that weird?

rehajm म्हणाले...

Economist Milton Friedman said there's no such thing as a free lunch. Sometimes the cost is you have to watch somebody eat it.

eric म्हणाले...

It would have been comedy gold if he were the Republican version of Obama, off teleprompter.

Obama has the gift of teleprompter gab. But his kryptonite is being off teleprompter.

Trump, on the other hand, is much more appealing off teleprompter. At least, in that moment. Being a Republican makes it easy to twist his words later and make it seem like he says dumb things. But if you're there listening, you get it. He is one of us.

I think it just comes natural to the guy. No nervousness at all.

I hope he wins two terms as President. I'd love to hear the stuff he says when he is a lame duck.

Lyle Smith म्हणाले...

Can't believe you don't have a tag called masticate.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

Economist Milton Friedman said there's no such thing as a free lunch. Sometimes the cost is you have to watch somebody eat it

I always hated those business lunches and business meetings with food. It is impossible to look and act professional, carry on a conversation while everyone is shoving food into their mouths, smacking their lips and chewing.

It was also amazing to me how some of the people who were very professional otherwise had such awful, gross, disgusting table manners. Gulping their food. Talking with their mouth full of partially chewed food and with particles of food hanging out, on their tongue, between the teeth. GROSS!!!!

Business lunches are a stupid idea.
I would usually not eat or just push the food around a bit on the plate if they insisted that I must have the meal.

Unknown म्हणाले...

I wonder how many posts you have on blue glasses? Why, you might say, do I ask that particular question at this particular time? Well, I did not know about the use of blue glasses for the purpose of preventing seizures. Where am I going with this? Well, interestingly enough, Hillary was wearing blue glasses when she ...ahhh..."seized up".

For those readers who prefer to limit their information acquisition to the MSM and who avoid contentious criticism of their beloved candidate Hillary, I have included a link to full information on this topic that is totally non-political, written by folks not even thinking about Hillary or politics:


For the hardier information seekers I recommend this:


And for the hardiest of the hearty, the full Monty:


I cannot help wondering why Hillary's advisors would allow her to make this particular fashion statement, given the obvious implications. Since there was no mention of the glasses in the MSM coverage of the occasion...

Given the circumstances, Journalism 101 would seem to indicate that a speculative article about the glasses would rate front page treatment. Should I hold my breath?

Sharc म्हणाले...

At least that guy wasn't beheading turkeys in the background.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

No doubt one of the Deplorables chomping away back there.

dreams म्हणाले...

The guy on the screenshot is David Malpass one of Trump's economic advisors, a very good guy.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Chewing is something to chew on. Maybe a long etymological study on "Chew" could be in order. BTW, Parkinson's sufferers have a coordination problem called Dyskinseia that requires a careful and slow effort to chew and swallow correctly leading to coughing bouts from particles going down the windpipe. They avoid swallowing water.

And also, we all need to give the Dentists in our life a big thank you. They make our life expectancy increase at the same time give they us a good reason to stay alive.

It's lunch time.

dreams म्हणाले...


“Donald J. Trump Has Campaigned Very Clearly For Change — A Policy Upheaval To Promote Faster Growth, Repair The Economic Stagnation And End The Corrupt Pay-To-Play System That Favors The Well-Heeled.” – David Malpass, Senior Economic Advisor"


Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

Trump said, "We're having a lot of fun on the campaign and on the trail. I just wanted to say that..."

This a key contrast with Hillary Clinton.

gspencer म्हणाले...

A couple of rules I learned as I entered the workaday world.

Never speak of any private matter in the rest room.

Or in an elevator.

When in a really important meeting (and something to eat is offered), job interview, annual review, at the head table of a major speech, you won't go wrong if you only pick at tiny things or better yet touch nothing.

mezzrow म्हणाले...

"Trump got those rich New York businessmen so excited with his hate speech, they were masticating in plain view of the public! In their suits!" - George Smathers' ghost

dreams म्हणाले...

Some of us shouldn't eat in public and when I say some of us, I actually mean one of us.

Michael Fitzgerald म्हणाले...

Stupid Trump! How can we elect this guy president when he doesn't even know when people behind him are eating obnoxiously! What a disaster this video is! How can this guy stand up to Putin when he can't even give a speech without someone eating on camera to make him look bad? Start the spin cycle wingnuts, your candidate is toast!

n.n म्हणाले...

No Judgment.

heyboom म्हणाले...

Ann, you really get worked up about a lot of little things don't you? I mean that affectionately, by the way.

Bilwick म्हणाले...

Gosh, if only Obama's teleprompter would break down. A mute "Il Dufe" is something we can only dream of.

robother म्हणाले...

Contrast those low energy Bushes, of whom it was often said that they couldn't talk and chew gum at the same time: Trump manages it nicely, by outsourcing the gum chewing to his hired gun economist! (Also he gets points for finally finding something economists are good at.)

Rusty म्हणाले...

Blogger Dust Bunny Queen said...
"Economist Milton Friedman said there's no such thing as a free lunch. Sometimes the cost is you have to watch somebody eat it

I always hated those business lunches and business meetings with food. It is impossible to look and act professional, carry on a conversation while everyone is shoving food into their mouths, smacking their lips and chewing.

It was also amazing to me how some of the people who were very professional otherwise had such awful, gross, disgusting table manners. Gulping their food. Talking with their mouth full of partially chewed food and with particles of food hanging out, on their tongue, between the teeth. GROSS!!!!

Business lunches are a stupid idea.
I would usually not eat or just push the food around a bit on the plate if they insisted that I must have the meal."

It's why you should just drink.

DavidD म्हणाले...



David म्हणाले...

I suspect sabotage at many levels. Organized by Masticators for Hillary.

damikesc म्हणाले...

Trump said, "We're having a lot of fun on the campaign and on the trail. I just wanted to say that..."

This a key contrast with Hillary Clinton.

Trying to watch a video of her campaign stops and all you see is a damned downer. It is the most morose thing I've ever seen. There is no energy. No joy. No happiness. Just attacks on everybody and everything.

For his faults, Trump is running an actually really positive campaign. Everything is great, just the country is managed and run badly. But the people are great. His staffers are great. His events are great. He, needless to say, is great.

mikee म्हणाले...

I'd rather see a public eater in the background than the Islamist father of a mass murderer.

But I've been told that's one of many things that make me deplorable.