Wrote Scott Adams, yesterday, before the Hillary speech. He's got a theory that "the Democratic National Convention is probably lowering testosterone levels all over the country." He means that literally. "And since testosterone is a feel-good chemical for men, I think the Democratic convention is making men feel less happy."
I'm linking to him not just because I always link to him, and not just because I've been saying the whole convention has been a "celebration of diversity and the platitudinous assurances of commitment to equality" (and I like his phrase "festival of inclusiveness"), but because I'm extremely interested in the way equality/inclusiveness/diversity is supposed to substitute for actually doing well and becoming prosperous. That problem with the Democratic Party's message jumped out at me last night when Hillary said:
I've gone around our country talking to working families. And I've heard from so many of you who feel like the economy just isn't working. Some of you are frustrated -- even furious. And you know what??? You're right. It's not yet working the way it should. Americans are willing to work -- and work hard. But right now, an awful lot of people feel there is less and less respect for the work they do. And less respect for them, period.See the problem with the framing of the problem? People just need to feel better about what they are already doing. You could have the same bad, low-paying job but what needs to change is that you should be — should feel — respected for staying right there.
The next line was also telling:
Democrats are the party of working people. But we haven't done a good enough job showing that we get what you're going through...How does "we" become "you" in that sentence? I thought all were in the party. But there are the real insiders — those consolidating their own party power — who are the real "we," and they need to show you — you, the people — that they care about you, because we need you to vote for us.
... and that we're going to do something about it. So I want to tell you tonight how we will empower Americans to live better lives.See? She doesn't say she's going to empower you to get ahead economically. The idea is "to live better lives" — which sounds like some sort of elevation of your character. You can be "better." You can be "respected."
Yes, she does proceed to declare it her "primary mission ... to create more opportunity and more good jobs" and to make a bunch of disjointed assertions like "our economy isn't working the way it should because our democracy isn't working the way it should" and "That's why we need to appoint Supreme Court justices who will get money out of politics and expand voting rights" and "American corporations that have gotten so much from our country should be just as patriotic in return." You can diminish my point with that additional material if you like, but what jumped out and grabbed me jumped out and grabbed me.
२३९ टिप्पण्या:
239 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»"But if you’re an undecided voter, and male, you’re seeing something different. You’re seeing a celebration that your role in society is permanently diminished...."
Having read precisely that far, and having concluded that it was an imbecilic claim on its face, I was pleased to see the attribution to Scott Adams.
It feels good to be consistent in my judgment.
"That's why we need to appoint Supreme Court justices who will get money out of politics and expand voting rights" and "American corporations that have gotten so much from our country should be just as patriotic in return."
Be patriotic and bribe Hillary Clinton.
Watching Hillary's speech she looked really angry. When you've just won your party's nomination you should feel happy, right? What are her speeches going to be like when things are going poorly?
Hillary wants to end the first amendment in the united States.
Trump wants to keep people from writing lies about him.
Same thing. Can't see any daylight between these two positions.
I guess he missed the speech by General Allen
You can diminish my point with that additional material if you like
Lack of focus on that additional material is the problem.
"That's why we need to appoint Supreme Court justices who will get money out of politics ..."
Said the woman who charges hundreds of thousands of dollars per speech.
To your point, and I would add the "illusion of".............
Translation: Aside from insiders and cronies, most of you'll be left with even less, but what we will give you is all you'll need.
've gone around our country talking to working families. And I've heard from so many of you who feel like the economy just isn't working. Some of you are frustrated -- even furious. And you know what??? You're right.
Who the heck has been in charge the last eight years? Sounds like Mrs. Clinton is running against THAT.
"That's why we need to appoint Supreme Court justices who will get money out of politics ..."
Right after I finish playing the float.
"How does "we" become "you" in that sentence?"
Astute observation Ann. "We" are the party elites. "You" are serfs and chattel we schmooze every 4 years and then promptly forget you. (And them blame the R's for your despair.)
Clinton, as Obama before her, loses me at class diversity (e.g. racism, sexism) and selective exclusion. Their anti-native policies in domestic and foreign affairs reveal that their good intentions are couched in ulterior motives. They recognize neither individual dignity nor intrinsic value, and bitterly evade reconciliation of moral and natural imperatives.
"I'm linking to him not just because I always link to him"
It's good that you finally have an actual reason and not just continued infatuation.
Re: the why's and wherefore's on how people vote ~ who knows as some women vote for a man 'cause they like his hair.
So Trump may have a chance ... or not.
There was a point in her speech where--and I am not making this up--Hillary's eyes flashed red for a split second. I'll leave it to others to ascribe any significance to that.
HRC seems to belive corporations are people when it comes to patriotism and paying taxes. But they certainly are not people when it comes to free speech, which will be illegal for corporations if she has her way.
If feelings and self esteem were tangible and of any actual value, there would be no need for most federal aid programs in this country. That people can't eat their feelings has been a problem for the Dems ever since they got rid of the last bit of rationality in their policies (about the time Sam Nunn retired), and decided just to go for raw power over people.
"Americans are willing to work -- and work hard."
There are those that say not all Americans are willing to work hard. Some might say there are those who want to work less, and be paid more.
And, how about the wives and daughters of coal miners. How are they being helped bt closing the mines?
Inclusiveness is code for BLM illegal aliens LGT? , but not Republicans, who are the enemy.
I think that's a great analysis.
I believe that the modern Democrats party is obsessed with messaging. Over the past 8 years they've enacted a lot of Big Things, from Obama Care to the Iranian Nuclear Deal to Gay Marriage. And yet the overall mood in the country is dour, people feel we're heading in the wrong direction. Racial tensions have reached a fever pitch. The economy has been in the doldrums for years. There seems to be constant tragedies blaring across the news. People are generally unhappy.
Of course the Democrats want to continue all of this, but in order to do so they have to convince you that what's really been going on has actually been awesome. It's all about convincing voters that things a really great rather than actually attempting to solve the underlying problems.
Ultimately the Democrats are a party of problem-pointer-outers, not actual problem solvers. They don't really care if problems actually get fixed, just as long as they appear to be getting fixed. And as such they have to frame everything they try to do in positive verbal ornamentation. So messaging is everything to them. It's all there is.
Rumpletweezer said...
There was a point in her speech where--and I am not making this up--Hillary's eyes flashed red for a split second. I'll leave it to others to ascribe any significance to that.
I posted a comment about that last night.
Clinton claimed that her top priority was jobs, but her solutions were pretty weak: a minimum wage hike, an amnesty for illegals (because they contribute to the economy, you see), the repeal of Citizens United. Oh, and one additional bit that I didn't even notice until I read the transcript, because it was so hidden: the biggest jobs program "since World War II."
But this section of the speech was a bit like GHWB's "Message: I care." A perfunctory claim that needed to be voiced, to check off a checkbox.
Professor, you seem to have discovered virtue-signaling. Patent it, or lay a claim!
Eric the Fruit Bat said...
"But if you’re an undecided voter, and male, you’re seeing something different. You’re seeing a celebration that your role in society is permanently diminished...."
Having read precisely that far, and having concluded that it was an imbecilic claim on its face, I was pleased to see the attribution to Scott Adams.
It feels good to be consistent in my judgment
Perfect ! Confirmation bias, one of Adam's main points. No interest in what AA had to say about it, then?
Hillary will probably get a bump from the convention -- I mean, when CNN people are literally dancing in the aisles it's got to translate to something -- so Adams will look wrong in the short term. But in the long term, I believe he's right. This election is Mommy vs. Daddy, it's estrogen vs. testorerone. We've had 8 years of male-estrogen with the promise now of four more of the plain old direct from the woman variety. Trump comes along as an old-school alpha male, cocky, bullying, big-talking -- a doer -- after 8 years of passive-aggressive snark.
In short, Trump is a giant middle finger to the Obama estrogen-male. That's why I like him and it's why he's won so much of America over. Every time the Dems jump on him for being mean, coarse, vulgar, a bully they just burnish his credentials. And if you don't agree with me, screw you.
Science says men’s testosterone levels rise when they experience victory, and drop when they experience the opposite.
The reverse works too. That's why there are strip clubs. For the science, see the NYT and John Tierney Strippers, Testerone and the Dow.
Celebrate all the inclusiveness you want but look at this, "Second-quarter economic growth came in much weaker than expected, with GDP rising just 1.2% -- well below Wall Street estimates."
Quote is from liberal USA Today.
At 1.2% we are looking at a recession.
A and not A, that's me.
That's why we need to appoint Supreme Court justices who will get money out of politics and expand voting rights
That's funny. Hillary has built her entire life around enriching herself from politics and would be the first one out the door if the cash incentive was removed.
"That's why we need to appoint Supreme Court justices who will get money out of politics ..."
That's not a SC issue, that's an IRS issue.
Get the money out of the government, and the money will leave politics all on its own.
As long as Washington is laundering trillions of dollars for the American people/corporations, there will be money in politics. Much as "the internet sees censorship as damage, and routes around it", so too "grifters see legislation as damage, and route around it."
(Of course, what she meant was "get those other people's money out of politics, so that "we" can have an even-bigger share of the pie. Just like all the other "we" vs. "you" that Ann was seeing here.)
Testosterone shields should be developed immediately for the grim possibility of a Clinton victory in November. Laslo's 'Lamar' may think that his testosterone is safe because he's black but black women know better.
Our democracy isn't working the way it should so we "need to appoint Supreme Court justices who will get money out of politics and expand voting rights"? She actually said that?? I have long despised this woman and expect nothing good from her, but this is some scary stuff. Although I regard the prospect of a Trump presidency with genuine trepidation, America needs to send this bitch packing for good.
Seems like it doesn't take much to lower the testosterone level of conservative men lately. If one listens to the brilliant Scott Adams, although he doesn't say it's only conservative men who feel emasculated, it appears it is only conservative men who are affected. Liberal men don't seem to be threatened or depressed. Analyze that.
"Some of you are frustrated -- even furious. And you know what??? You're right. It's not yet working the way it should."
But I thought Obama fixed all this. Has Hillary forgot whose been in charge for eight years?
That word "empower". That's a word women use a lot, women of the left. Do men ever use that word? Maybe beta males.
It's going to take far more than 8 years to fix what Bush broke.
Democrats are the party of working people. But we haven't done a good enough job showing that we get what you're going through...
That's bullshit on stilts. The Democrats are party of government. The only working people they care about are those who work for government or whose unions make big campaign contributions. The regulations enacted by the bureaucrats and the high business taxes are big factors in closing businesses across the country. If you really are for working people, you have to also be for those who employ them.
To be fair, Democrats, or rather classical progressives, did lead in the introduction of smoothing functions including contributory (e.g. Medicare, unemployment insurance) and noncontributory (e.g. welfare) entitlements. Where they went catastrophically wrong was their choice for normalization. Not unlike immigration reform (e.g. immigrant born conflation with native born) that condones and promotes the conditions that engender mass exodus from second and third-world nations. Withdrawal of honest brokers, progressive wars, and opportunistic regime changes that destroy lives and create refugee crises. Abortion rites and Planned Parenthood that violate human rights, debase human life, and corrupt both scientific and medical practice. The tell-tale heart is beating progressively louder.
How does "we" become "you" in that sentence?
It's the old Voice For The Voiceless shtick again. The lurking message being, "Shut up and let us speak for you."
Like I wrote in an earlier comment- she can't run away from the economy that is- Obama has been the president for the last 8 years, and she served in a high profile position in that administration for half of it. If she does lose this election as I expect, her primary mistake will have been in accepting the position of Secretary of State.
And economy that is growing at less than 2% year over year is one that isn't growing at all on a per capita basis- the basis on which an individual voter actually witnesses it.
As for Adams, he is correct, though he is overthinking and over analyzing it. Clinton is going to lose the white male vote catastrophically, and I think this explains why she chose the VP she did. The problem is that no one really gives a flying fuck who the VP nominee is.
If she really wanted to get money out of politics (or at least reduce it), she could propose that her party reduce the election cycle to about three months. One month for regional primaries, convention, then two months for the campaign.
That would cut the need for fundraising.
If you want to regain some perspective on what's been happening over the last decade, watch "The Big Short." We did last night on DVD, and I'm still livid over what the banks, the U.S. government, the SEC, and the corrupt bond-rating agencies Moody's and Standard and Poor's did to balloon the housing market to rake in billions.
We're still paying the price from that crash, and as the movie brilliantly pointed out at the end, there were no reforms to the banking system, Bush was the lead dog in bailing them out, and only one banker went to jail.
Seriously, if you haven't seen "The Big Short", do yourself a favor. Steve Carroll gave a brilliant performance playing the world's angriest banker, and the movie, with Will Ferrell's friend Adam McKay at the helm, uses a bag of tricks -- including cameos by Selena Gomez, Anthony Bourdain and Margot Robbie (Harley Quinn in the upcoming Suicide Squad movie) to explain how we got shafted.
Oh, and to add that Scott Adam's post coincided neatly with Nancy Pelosi's declaration that white men hate Hillary because of Pelosi says Clinton struggles with white male vote because of "guns, gays and God."
Trying again: Argh, sorry about the text duplication in the last line. I couldn't see from the steam coming out my ears.
My favorite part was when Hillary acted fascinated by the balloons. Absolutely amazed and transfixed. Can't some NYT writer tell us that balloons are like snowflakes? No two alike.
Lack of respect for labor jobs is a problem, not the problem.
Maybe it would be less of a problem if there weren't so much of a push for every student to attend college. The high schools that my children attended sent the message that college was the best choice for everyone. Vocational training and labor jobs should have been promoted equally. How can you push diversity if you think everyone works well in a classroom/office environment and don't recognize that some people are better when they're up and doing things?
That's got to affect how the students look at their future careers and whether they respect their parents' type of work.
Hillary's answer is to import replacement workers with better attitudes.
We elected a black man and everyone declared that was a huge milestone, except that it didn't change a thing for black people. Did it? Would electing a woman president make any difference for women?
Well, electing Obama did make a big difference to him and his family and his friends.
Can we replace workers with DNC balloons?
Lower testosterone is going to hurt miltary recruitment. Time for young women to supplant young men among our 200,000 combat unit troops.
Oh, and to add that Scott Adam's post coincided neatly with Nancy Pelosi's declaration that white men hate Hillary because of Pelosi says Clinton struggles with white male vote because of "guns, gays and God."
Plus the best part. Pelosi added, "God being the women's right to choose".
How does abortion = God?
Liberal men don't seem to be threatened or depressed. Analyze that.
Liberal men are beta males. These days anyway. Back in the 1960s it took serious levels of testosterone to demonstrate for civil rights in the face of police truncheons and knowing what happened to Goodman, Schwerner, and Chaney. These days they live in their mothers' basements and sip lukewarm herbal tea.
I for one will not complain when the Bureaus of parasites pretend governing while raping the system for cash bonus for failures and Cadillac pensions after taking retirement and double dipping as consultants finally ends and lobbyist jobs at the old Agency kick in.
It would appear that it is the alpha males who don't feel threatened. The beta males are worried about their testosterone levels because of Hillary! LOL.
That you / we stuff bothers me too. Michael Bloomberg looks like a dwarf compared to Trump, however. He sounded small too. Short people scare me because they feel inferior and may act in ways to compensate. I can tell you stories of murder and theft from short people from personal experience. Does Trump's vindictiveness and thin skin make him temperamentally unsuitable to be president? Would he be likely to start a war? But Hillary voted for the disastrous war in Iraq. Two rotten candidates, but for very different reasons.
I am so darn sick of hearing that line used by the candidates. The President doesn't create any jobs unless he (or she) uses part of their salary to pay for someone to do something that was not already being done. PERIOD.
A President can't create jobs, they can only either stay out of the way or kill jobs.
They stay out of the way by pushing to reduce regulations and/or taxes. The kill jobs by pushing for more regulations and/or taxes.
If you are waiting for the President to create your job, you will be waiting a long, long time...
The DNC seemed to be chock full of Alpha males, all those Admirals and Generals and military veterans, even Tammy Duckworth appeared to have more testosterone than those RNC males.
What grabs me is that Adams's concern about emasculation connected in your mind with your observations about the convention's focus on diversity.
Unknown says: " Liberal men don't seem to be threatened or depressed. Analyze that."
Liberal men don't have any testosterone to start with, thus have none to lose.
Pajama Boy is the stereotypical liberal male.
Beta male is typically liberal, alpha male is typically conservative.
Obama is known as the estrogen president for a reason.
"...we haven't done a good enough job showing that we get what you're going through..."
Ah, the Majestic Plural. The poor peasants.
What a load of crap. It's not the job of the party, "The vanguard of the people", to make us feel good.
The party shall enslave the peasants, and they will produce what we tell them, and in what quantity we want, and they will be happy, or we will put them in gulags.
We will put art in all the VA facilities, so we can enjoy the ambiance while watching the veterans play on the squirrel cage trying to get in.
I think things must've flipped somewhere along the line then because liberal men seem to just ooooze testosterone. Conservative men just seem to stand ther clutching their testicles fearfully.
Donald Trump apparently feels the reach out and grab too, as he says he wants to hit some of the DNC speakers. He hasn't said which ones - this should be fun.
I do think you should compliment Hillary on our not having to hear the tired expression "people who work hard and play by the rules" at her convention. If we elect her, we won't have to hear that for eight years. If we don't, it will be back in circulation by Thanksgiving.
How does abortion = God?
If I'm following right, I think Pelosi means that you couldn't POSSIBLY have a negative opinion about abortion unless you're a religious zealot.
If that's her implication, then she's a blithering dingbat who doesn't belong anywhere near government power.
Unknown: "It's going to take far more than 8 years to fix what Bush broke"
It is going to take far longer than 90 years for the Soviets to fix what the Czar broke.
It's not so much that we need to feel respected for our work, but that we need to see that doing the right thing - and that means working and contributing, as well as following the rules, is not a sucker's game.
We see people all around us: on the street, in our circles, on TV, in government, and some in business who break the rules, don't work or contribute, drop the ball, steal, lie and cheat, and they get away with it, and even prosper from it. We who work and pay our taxes and follow the endless and ever expanding rules end up footing the bill and keeping less and less of what we produce for our families and ourselves.
We want a reasonably fair and equitable system that rewards work, sacrifice, and respect for each other. Instead, we see an expanding kleptocracy, and the Democrats seem to want as much of that as possible. They certainly chose the right poster child for the leader of such a movement.
Despite all this attention and obsession with words lately, what politicians say is of virtually no importance whatsoever, and this goes for both parties. That's the sales pitch. What matters is what is really in the box they deliver. They promise products they have no idea how to produce and have no intention of even trying to. Judge them solely on what they have produced in the past, not what they promise. Would you buy a pet rock from a pet rock company based on a sales pitch that promised that it could serve beer and wash your clothes just because you really like the sound of a great product like that? It would sell among the electorate like cheap cocaine, and produce the same result.
Unknown said...
It would appear that it is the alpha males who don't feel threatened. The beta males are worried about their testosterone levels because of Hillary! LOL.
Hillary has enough for everybody!
Even you.
"It is going to take far longer than 90 years for the Soviets to fix what the Czar broke."
Maybe Trump can help out his buddy Putin fix what th Czar broke. Trump may owe him a favor.
Big Mike said...
Liberal men are beta males.
Yet they are not afraid to walk down the street unarmed, unlike some sissies I could mention.
Don't hurt your nuts working in your garage Rusty.
The bigger the gun the smaller the weenie, or so the saying goes...
I think I must've flipped somewhere along the line then because liberal men seem to just ooooze testosterone.
If that's her implication, then she's a blithering dingbat who doesn't belong anywhere near government power.
Nancy has shown that for years but she's still there! Probably hoping she'll be Speaker again...
I don't care what politicians think of me or my work as long as they don't think I do it for them and their friends.
Hillary's village has her on a throne and me washing her feet. No wonder she likes it. My village has her in stocks in the village square with rest of us walking by on our way to work mostly ambivalent to who is managing the commons.
celebration of diversity
"...fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, 'Nature Cure' quack, pacifist, and feminist..."
Unknown:" Maybe Trump can help out his buddy Putin fix what th Czar broke. Trump may owe him a favor"
Uranium deals for payoffs
Dismantling our military
"Flexibility" offered in soft loving whispers
Giving Putin his way in Ukraine and Syria
Good times, good times.
What are the odds hillary maneuvers to hand over our remaining Uranium rights to Putin in return for Clinton donations like she did before?
That kind of cash could easily cover another 29 flights on Jeffrey Epsteins Pedophilia Express for Bill. Of course, assuming Bill could stay awake long enough to make some new underage "friends" on Epsteins island.
"Yet they are not afraid to walk down the street unarmed, unlike some sissies I could mention."
It's a difference between the people who take responsibility and those who expect others to do it for them. Similarly, a beggar isn't afraid of walking down the street without a job, but a responsible person feels less than adequate with the situation.
"Liberal men don't seem to be threatened or depressed. Analyze that."
Okay. Liberal men are either women or are the beneficiaries of graft in the corrupt Democrat world, which is a victory (for the immoral).
bagoh20 said...
person feels less than adequate
On this we can agree.
Bill Peschel said...
...Pelosi says Clinton struggles with white male vote because of "guns, gays and God."
"...God being the woman’s right to choose." -- Pelosi
A bit nutty, eh?
And I think that, so many times, non-white, non-college-educated have voted Democratic. They voted against their own economic interests because of dumb.
It has taken one generation to permanently change the culture of our society. Success in life is measured in feelgoodiness and praise heaped on the goodness of your actions. Are you actively enhancing inclusiveness? Are you making the world a greener place? Are you doing a job you love as opposed to a corporate grind that pays off your student debt? The disconnect is that rewards of the right way of life and right way of thinking just don't live up to expectations. Besides feeling good, marching with the BLM and eating organic food that was produced ethically and your overpriced electric vehicle haven't increased your material wealth. Now you suffer the mental anguish of doing all these right things, while still feeling guilty about not loving the fact you don't have material success. You decry the material wants, but you deep down you still want them. You should get all that great stuff as a result of your correct thinking and correct living.
There is only one solution. Bernie Sanders socialism. The government will forgive my college loans for the Masters degree in humanities. I will make more thanks to a $30 minimum wage for my barista job and I will be able to afford my organic lifestyle. I don't have to worry about healthcare. It's just not fair. Something is wrong.
"That kind of cash could easily cover another 29 flights on Jeffrey Epsteins Pedophilia Express for Bill. Of course, assuming Bill could stay awake long enough to make some new underage "friends" on Epsteins island."
Donald Trump: "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
Since "diversity" provides no social, intellectual or economic value, I am not sure why the made-up concept finds its way into liberal feel-good parties. Nobody can cite a Realville advantage except for the laws put into place to provide minorities with entrance into university programs that are unearned and that, my friends, is discrimination, pure and simple. Early in the game, minorities were fast-tracked into higher business management positions but over time these sails were realigned and the ship righted.
ARM: "'Liberal men are beta males.' Yet they are not afraid to walk down the street unarmed, unlike some sissies I could mention."
It's not fear. Alpha males have different expectations.
Hillary Clinton: But we haven't done a good enough job showing that we get what you're going through and that we're going to do something about it. So I want to tell you tonight how we will empower Americans to live better lives.
Me, at my radio: What the hell have you been waiting for, sweetheart?
I know, I know, it's sexist, but haven't the Dems been in the Oval Office for a few years, now? On the one hand they argue it's all better, things are good, the Repubs. are too "dark," and say it's really just a matter of improving their communication; on the other hand she's saying "we're going to start doing things to make your miserable, tough lives better."
Like..what was stopping you before, lady?
Speaking of underage girls...
A lawsuit accusing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl has been refiled in Manhattan federal court by an attorney.
Thomas Meagher filed the lawsuit against Trump on June 20. The lawsuit was originally filed by Katie Johnson without an attorney in California federal court. The accuser now uses the pseudonym Jane Doe.
Please name one liberal man who just oooozes testosterone, Mr. Unknown.
Blogger Unknown said...
Speaking of underage girls...
A lawsuit accusing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl has been refiled in Manhattan federal court by an attorney.
Guys, guys! I'm serious guys. Thus is for reals!
Guys! Guys?! Cmon guys.
Blogger Unknown said...
"The DNC seemed to be chock full of Alpha males, all those Admirals and Generals and military veterans, even Tammy Duckworth appeared to have more testosterone than those RNC males."
People in the Pentagon and in congress are interested in access and power, they made a calculation that Hillary is more likely to win so they're with her. She is also more predictable and controllable. Not so much testosterone as career assessment. Hawks like Hawks. There will be positions to fill and it is time to get in line.
Unknown: "A lawsuit accusing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl has been refiled in Manhattan federal court by an attorney."
What an interesting coincidence in timing!
Well, I hope we get to the bottom of that right after we find out why Romney paid no taxes for 8 years and purposely killed a woman by giving her cancer!
hombre said...
someone: "Liberal men don't seem to be threatened or depressed. Analyze that."
Okay. Liberal men are either women or are the beneficiaries of graft in the corrupt Democrat world, which is a victory (for the immoral).
The original statement is false: "We found a statistically significant relationship (p < .0001) between anxiety, depression, and liberalism."
I think Adams has a point. My wife was moved by Hillary, but were many men moved? I was moved by Obama and Bill and somewhat by Michelle, and I have been moved by other female politicians and orators, but Hillary and her daughter do absolutely nothing for me. Per Pew, Trump is beating Hillary among white guys 59% - 33%. That's an amazing gap and I do not think the convention closed it.
"person feels less than adequate"
On this we can agree.
Yes, but inadequate is more than just a feeling. Those in Orlando, Paris, Fort Meyers, Columbine, etc, etc. died from inadequate self-defence, and it was forced on them by law. They were required to be helpless victims, because some actually prefer that and force it upon all.
See ARM, it's you who are claiming bravery, but without even wanting to provide any security. That's the real posing, the real bluster.
"Please name one liberal man who just oooozes testosterone, Mr. Unknown."
Well, there is that blue dress, if that's what you mean?
hombre said...
Alpha males have different expectations.
Apparently they expect to get picked on.
bagoh20 said...
it's you who are claiming bravery
No, just an absence of paranoia.
Blogger AReasonableMan said...
hombre said...
Alpha males have different expectations.
Apparently they expect to get picked on.
I have a wife and four children. If we go out somewhere and something happens to them and I'm unable to protect them, I'd hate myself.
It's not always about self preservation. Sometimes it's about protecting others.
If this were the creative 19th-early 20th century, not our congealed world, there would be a dozen teams furiously working on operas on this subject. Its a remarkable situation with memorable characters.
Not a modern political opera, God forbid. "Nixon in China" may be the best of them, and no-one would steal music for it for a TV commercial, or even play bits of it in a political convention.
I have in mind a more creative work, a natural for the talented and ambitious -
Suggestions for stylistic approaches to "emotional truth" -
Fill out with suggestions!
Since this is a story about the demos, the chorus will have a powerful role, and several characters -
Trumps audience - The Hebrew slaves of Nabucco seem right
The Press
The Internet
Wall Street
The Republican candidates
Trump - A tenor of course. A piece like Nessun Dorma would, indeed be ideal for the character, and moreso with the choral interjections, and to add a touch of ambiguity. As in Turandot.
Hilary - Her voice... This one is tough.
Obama - A baritone, written, perhaps, as Mephistopheles in Gounouds Faust. An attractive but deceptive part. Or alternately Alberich. I was thinking of Hagen, but I don't know.
Biden - Leporello, of course
Bill - Don Giovanni. He absolutely cries out for a duet. He has to be played as an old goat, which really does work. Don Placido can do Don Giovanni, old goat mode, in his sleep, and sometime it seems thats what he is doing.
Blogger gadfly said...
Since "diversity" provides no social, intellectual or economic value, I am not sure why the made-up concept finds its way into liberal feel-good parties.
I can see instances in which diversity can be a plus. In a sales force, perhaps. In seminars on comparative religion and culture. On the restaurant scene (in NYC, for example, there are blocks that feature one after another restaurant each offering a different ethnic cuisine--I can dig that kind of diversity).
But to suggest that diversity has an intrinsic value of such worth that we must bow down to it is ridiculous in the extreme.
Blogger AReasonableMan said...
bagoh20 said...
it's you who are claiming bravery
No, just an absence of paranoia.
Being prepared isn't paranoia.
Do you keep a fire extinguisher in your home? Smoke alarms? Locks on your doors?
Beta males may think, feel and philosophize but it's alpha males who get things done. Our nation was built by alpha males.
Well Unknown, if indeed Mr. Trump raped a 13 year old girl then he should just hire Hillary to represent him.
Buwaya at 12:23, I like your ideas. I would cast Cruz as Iago.
Proof that Trump didn't meet Putin.
"platitudinous assurances of commitment to equality" As illustrated by the woman who rode to power on her husband's coattails, helped to destroy the women he assaulted along the way, and thanks to the FBI and DoJ is the living embodiment of inequality under law.
One of the things to note about countries that have had a Communist revolution at some point is that even decades and generations after the actual coupe or revolution has occurred the controlling communist party still calls themselves the "Revolutionary" party. That is they consider the Revolution to be an ongoing thing, and consequently anything bad happens is never their fault. They portray themselves as constantly revolting against these unknown forces, so the revolution never ends.
You can see a similar thing occurring in the modern Democrat Party. They've effectively had control of the direction of the country for the better part of a decade now. They've won many battles. But the general discontent of the electorate about the direction the country has been moving in has put them in an awkward position. Their only options are to continue to blame Bush or the GOP or white males or WallStreet or anyone else for everything bad that's been happening. We have a president who constantly lectures us on all our failings using ham handed straw men and who will never except any blame whatsoever about the state of things. We have a Democrat Party who has openly courted racial extremists, who had a fairly successful avowed Socialist as a primary candidate, and who has selected a corrupt, venal prevaricator as its candidate for president out of some misguided sense of obligation.
Blaming others and "messaging" is all they have left.
Of course, the right has Trump.
From what I've seen and heard (from them) liberal men (and women) who don't like guns are generally afraid of and disgusted by them. That's why they don't carry guns -- and, having no choice, just accept their helplessness but combine it with denial and outrage that "we" still "allow" the guns to be out there for bad people to run around with them.
Whereas your typical concealed-carrier has no fear of guns and no great fear of being victimized (as the sort of person above tends to assume), but also confidence that they won't be helpless if someone should try.
DNC 2016
Father to Trump: "You have sacrificed nothing and no one."
Trumpkins - your great leader received deferments for a "bone spur" in his foot during the Vietnam War. Didn't stop him playing football at his private school and golf later on.
Trumpkins - your wise leader really is the HERO.
Whereas your typical concealed-carrier has no fear of guns and no great fear of being victimized (as the sort of person above tends to assume), but also confidence that they won't be helpless if someone should try.
As a woman traveling alone in an RV, I can attest to that. I would also like to think I could be of help if someone else were being victimized.
@ARM (cont.)
It's a problem of projection/common-mind fallacy.
People who fear and despise guns have to imagine how they would have see the world in order to be willing to own or carry one. Not realizing that it's possible for other people to not share their particular world view without being stupid, evil, or crazy.
What did the Clinton's sacrifice, Unklown? Oh yeah, Vince Foster and national security.
Isn't it liberals who make guns into fetish objects? They sexualize and emotionalize them. The youtube videos you can watch showing people shooting machine guns or big caliber rifles do not show typical behavior.
I live in a rural area. I assume that most of my neighbors have a gun or two in their house, but I don't know for sure. Nobody talks about the guns that they own.
Unknown - military service and personal sacrifice don't matter, remember? Remember when Bill Clinton ran against a war hero/accomplished veteran, or when Barack Obama did (when the election happened during a time when we had lots of our military actually fighting)?
Military service doesn't matter anymore.
Dodging the draft isn't a big deal anymore.
Remember? You made those changes--your side set those rules, changing the norm. It simply won't work to say to the Right - "ooh, you had better pretend like the old rules you used to follow still apply!" Fuck that, your norms apply now--you won that fight.
I've never thought of my firearms as extensions of my genitals, in any way.
The anti-gun Left insists that I think of them that way.
The anti-gun Left says that firearms are my substitute/fetishization of my genitals.
The anti-gun Left then says they should take away and destroy my firearms.
To the Left guns are somehow expressions of sexuality for people.
And the Left wants to confiscate and destroy guns.
Kinda...kinda sick, aren't you Lefties?
I will ask again for a single, unalloyed positive reason to vote FOR Hillary Clinton.
I see that our resident Leftists are reduced to making dick and ball jokes. Somehow this proves that Hillary is breaking glass ceilings. Meanwhile nearly 100 million adults are without jobs in a Democrat-led economy. And America will not have 3% economic growth under Obama, which is a first-ever "accomplishment" that no other president ever achieved.
And so Blame Bush makes an appearance. Leftism is a religion. There is no other reason cause-and-effect should be so ignored.
AReasonableMan said...Apparently they expect to get picked on.
They expect to provide for their own defense and not wholly depend on others.
You cast your own inability to provide for yourself--and the attendant dependence on others--as self-confidence. Most of us don't agree.
If you don't want to own or carry firearms, don't. I'm not going to force you to.
If you prefer to depend on others to provide protection for you (cops, etc), fine.
I don't have to agree that your choice is brave, or morally superior, though - I don't.
It's not paranoid to own and know how to use fire extinguishers in your home. The threat of a fire is low and most people never have a house fire/never need to use a single fire extinguisher, I'd bet.
If you decide not to own a fire extinguisher and instead rely on your fire dept./911 or a neighbor's hose to protect you from a house fire, that's your business.
Birkel said...
I will ask again for a single, unalloyed positive reason to vote FOR Hillary Clinton.
There aren't any. In fairness, there aren't very few if any unalloyed positive reasons to vote for Donald Trump, which is why this election is about fear of the Other.
Personally, I have many positive reasons for my vote, which won't be for either of these two.
I plan to vote for Trump because I am confident he will hire competent people, as he has done throughout his career. Pence seemed, at first, a lackluster choice but, having heard him speak, I can see what an asset he is. And he would probably make a good President which cannot be said for Kaine. Is he a life insurance policy for Hillary, or what?
If inclusiveness is gonna include cop killers and their fellow travelers, lawbreakers, racists, straight white male haters, marxists, babykillers, dudes who think they're chix and chix who think they're dudes, etc., I'll just go ahead and exclude myself now.
You can go and have your weird, backwards future. I'm just gonna go sit over there.
Waaaaaayyyyyyy over there.
buwaya, I like your suggestions for an opera. Has there ever been one where the female lead has an unpleasant voice? How ever would you get the audience to sit through it? Brainwash them into thinking it is good for them to suffer?
"Feeeeelings...whoa, whoa, whoa feeeelings.." that's all that matters. Shoulda been their theme song.
She's telling people to know their (diminished) place and learn to accept it happily. Your problems are not real problems; YOU have problem only in that your expectations are wrong. But, I will fix that.
That message is VERY clear and I suspect many people will get it even if they can't quite put it in words.
I would say that is a likely plus for a Trump administration. My concern would be toward what ends he is directing those people after he hires them.
My hope would be that he hires people smarter and wiser than himself and listens to them well enough to make good decisions, even if they clash with his gut feelings (if his gut feelings are what he is expressing in his speeches). I doubt how realistic an expectation that is. It's more just me trying my hardest to imagine a universe in which a Trump administration would be good for the country.
The amazing thing to me about Hillary is her utter, Baroque shamelessness. All the mentions of doing right by our veterans when there has been one scandal after another at the VA under Obama. The talk of a robust foreign policy when our position in the world has been largely collapsing under Obama and Clinton. Talk of keeping us safe when their clear preoccupation is preventing a (mostly nonexistent) anti-Muslim backlash and increasing minority turnout by scapegoating the police. The talk of getting money out of politics when she is a giant vacuum cleaner of special interest contributions and Trump is the one who's actually doing largely without. Talking of national security when she has laid out sensitive information for all the world to see. And so on, and so on. It takes your breath away.
A colleague of mine who supports Hillary had me watch the impressive speech by Capt. Khan's father. Very powerful stuff, and it reminded me of how disgusted I was with some of the things Trump said during the primary season.
The only problem with that speech was the mother standing beside him wearing a veil. It worked to reinforce the DNC's message of inclusiveness, diversity, etc., but I think for most Americans, including some Democrats, the visual detracted from the persuasive effect of the speech. There is still a pervasive expectation that immigrants not only be loyal to America, but also shed some of the cultural trappings from their old country. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I just think it's a fact. I think this is particularly true of Muslim immigrants, especially given the events of the last few months.
At the lizard brain level, the Khan speech visually linked Hillary and the Democrats with Muslim immigration --> Syrian refugees --> terrorism. In my opinion, this does not do anything to reach undecideds.
I would love to hear Scott Adams say something about this.
From eaglesoars via the Washintontimes article on BLM.
BLM is a dysfunctional matriarchal subculture that wants to overthrow a larger functional patriarchal culture. BLM will vehemently attack any authority figure because an authority figure unconsciously represents the enemy—the hated weak or absent father. BLM grossly and consistently denies reality, e.g. Black Men Don’t Matter, and thus suffers from an incurable subcultural psychosis. In larger perspective, the Democrats represent matriarchal power, whereas the Republicans represent patriarchal power. Throughout history patriarchies have been far superior to matriarchies in governing societies and countries.
They could have balanced it out by including parents of some Fort Hood victims.
Personally, I have many positive reasons for my vote, which won't be for either of these two.
There lots of people who had "positive reasons" for casting their votes for the humorless Mr. Ross Perot, reasons that they has reasons to regret, I surmise.
Just what are positive reasons to throw one's franchise on the bonfire of the vanities?
we "we need to appoint Supreme Court justices who will get money out of politics and expand voting rights.
There you have it: Hillary, and by extension the Democratic Party, advocating for an activist Supreme Court.
@jdniner BLM is a dysfunctional matriarchal subculture that wants to overthrow a larger functional patriarchal culture. BLM will vehemently attack any authority figure because an authority figure unconsciously represents the enemy—the hated weak or absent father. BLM grossly and consistently denies reality, e.g. Black Men Don’t Matter, and thus suffers from an incurable subcultural psychosis. In larger perspective, the Democrats represent matriarchal power, whereas the Republicans represent patriarchal power. Throughout history patriarchies have been far superior to matriarchies in governing societies and countries.
The pervasive matriarchy of the black subculture has, IMO, destroyed black manhood--real manhood, not the acting out in gangs, etc. Aretha Franklin sang about Respect but few black women show it to black men. I know there are historic reasons for this but this is 2016, after all.
So say you had a college professor you became infatuated with. You would hang on their every word. Write about them. Think about them. Advocate for them. And the professor attributes his success to Lucifer.
from spectator dot org
Yes, this was Hillary’s big internship — working for two notorious Bay Area communists. Her father must have been appalled. Saul Alinsky, a self-described democratic socialist who proudly admitted working with communists, must have been pleased. (“Anybody who tells you he was active in progressive causes and never worked with the Reds is a goddamn liar,” Alinsky once said.)
And he would probably make a good President which cannot be said for Kaine. Is he a life insurance policy for Hillary, or what?
I don't think Clinton had a choice with Kaine.
Kaine was the head of the DNC before DWS. My guess is, they all made a deal. DWS was Clintons Co-chair during the 2008 campaign. Hillary probably went to Kaine and said, step down and let DWS take over so I can be assured of victory in the 2016 primary.
Kaine said, sure, but you'll give me the VP spot for it.
Muslims are underrepresented in the US military.
Muslims are overrepresented in committing mass shootings.
"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
The difference between Clinton and Trump to me is.
1. Clinton wants the government to save you. And she'll help.
2. Trump wants you to save yourself. And he'll help.
Communists versus Capitalists.
RNC 2016
"What is wrong with this man (Trump)"
Trumpkins: The woman in the short vid is Trump's daughter Ivanka.
On real matters - not rhetoric, just dollars and kilowatts - or if you like fiction and want to analogize it this way, where everyone stands in the "Hunger Games" Center and Districts configuration of the modern USA -
Energy intensiveness of States economies - its fascinating.
From the Energy Information Administration, part of the DOE.
Look at the most "energy efficient" economy, Washington DC, and the runners-up.
So, why is this? It most certainly isn't "energy efficiency". What this is telling us is, mostly, the split between states/localities doing actual work on things, vs those that actually live on rents, most definitely so in the case of Washington DC, but true as well for New York, California, Maryland, Delaware, etc. - the software business and many, if not most, "service" industries collect rents on activities/sales elsewhere.
And Hillary wants to make D.C. the 51st state? Another reason to vote for Trump.
@Micael: "The amazing thing to me about Hillary is her utter, Baroque shamelessness . . . It takes your breath away." And as both the second-rate trolls here and the DNC show, Dems are entirely fine with it. It makes no difference to them. In fact, they like it. They are daring the opposition to join them in the gutter, where everything is politicized, only power matters, and law and morality count for nothing. Though of course I did not support Trump in the primaries, I think the Trump vote was in part an OK-game-on, let's-play-rough signal.
The other thing that this tells us -
Economically speaking, this goes to where things are made. This is a map of military industrial potential. A US Civil War II will break along a faultline of genuine industrial capacity, not the collection of rents. And industrial capacity is where you see it - where energy is being used.
Eric the Trump sycophant's afternoon:
After eating a taco bowl made by Mr.Trump's Mexican cook who cooks for free because of her love for Mr.Trump, I got a tour of Maralago! The butler allowed me to smell one of Mr. Trump's socks I pulled out of the dirty laundry bin. I begged to keep it, but the butler said Mr.Trump gave strict instructions to not let the anyone take anything for free. The sock would cost $500, I couldn't afford it after being laid off at the Post Office. I was heartbroken, but I still love Mr.Trump. I left a note under his pillow begging him to adopt me. I wish Mr. Trump was my daddy. I'd let him spank me. Oh daddy Trump....
You don't need to make DC the 51st state. Just allow people in DC to vote in Maryland. No constitutional issue, and DC residents get to vote for their federal reps.
But this won't work if your goal is to get two more Democrat senators and two more Democrats in the House of Reps.
But this won't work if your goal is to get two more Democrat senators and two more Democrats in the House of Reps.
Exactly. The D.C. delegation did say during the roll call that Hillary would make D.C. the 51st. state.
buwaya, a second US Civil War could not possibly be fought along geographic lines. But Texas, who has the legal prerogative to secede, could lead the SW in a revolt. Rather than manufacturing, I would say military installations would be the important factor. And the military, itself. Whose side would they take?
Rumpletweezer said...
There was a point in her speech where--and I am not making this up--Hillary's eyes flashed red for a split second. I'll leave it to others to ascribe any significance to that.
7/29/16, 10:41 AM
Sadly, the seeker fizzled.
I certainly can't tell for sure what would be decisive should such a day come.
Would it be a short term matter of on which side the military supports? The answer to that requires some different information. The economy however matters greatly in a long conflict.
The point I am trying to make, badly, was that the states that have industrial capacity don't, yet, understand their own strength, in the grand bargain.
"The amazing thing to me about Hillary is her utter, Baroque shamelessness." http://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/mika-it-feels-like-clinton-is-lying-straight-out-693313091808
Those videos of Clinton at the beginning. Just lying. This is what lying looks like. Is there any reason at all for anyone to listen to her talk and talk about her marriage or anything else? Who in their right mind believes a word she says?
Lying Clinton? What else is new? The Hillary supporters don't care, not one whit, that Hillary is lying. They don't care about her dictatorial desires; her evilnesses, etc because they want it. They want America to be turned into the Soviet Union, because they expect to be the petty bureaucrats with the power of life and death over a helpless, enslaved population. They love the idea of "Everything by the State, Everything In the State, Nothing outside the State!" Hillary Clinton wants to import Muslims to kill Christians? They don't care; they aren't really Christians anyway. They mouth the words, but they hate real Christians with a passion. Real Christianity is all about taking ownership of yourself and then giving that to God; to put your faith in Him--not the government, HIm. The man or woman who gives him or herself to Christ is forever beyond the power of the Democrats and other statists throughout history.
And the idea of a self-reliant, independent, self-governing group of people that really has very little need of outside government because they govern themselves terrifies Democrats. Think about it: without government, what states would be destroyed and what states would be mostly ok? California, Illinois, NYC: the zombie apocalypse. Utah with the Mormons; possibly Texas and other southern states--pretty well off, most likely.
Nothing says "I understand the average working family" like an endless parade of showbiz celebrities.
Follow the money -- to the Clinton Crime Foundation!
There are Unknowns and then there are Unknowns. Some actually make sense.
A correction:
Third rate:
#11 says:
"After eating a taco bowl made by Mr.Trump's Mexican cook who cooks for free because of her love for Mr.Trump, I got a tour of Maralago! The butler allowed me to smell one of Mr. Trump's socks I pulled out of the dirty laundry bin. I begged to keep it, but the butler said Mr.Trump gave strict instructions to not let the anyone take anything for free. The sock would cost $500, I couldn't afford it after being laid off at the Post Office. I was heartbroken, but I still love Mr.Trump. I left a note under his pillow begging him to adopt me. I wish Mr. Trump was my daddy. I'd let him spank me. Oh daddy Trump...."
Oy Vey.
Unknown #69 is on the side of truth, and wit.
# 79 looks like a keeper too.
One point about people living off rents vs those paying rents (I am speaking of the economic concept of rents), is that those paying rents probably don't need the rentiers. States that live off the "real economy" can survive a split with those that live by collecting rents from them. Vice versa is not true.
This is not merely a matter of taxes, but also of the private economy. The owners, coupon clippers, speculators, collectors of license fees and copyrights report income disproportionately in some places.
The Democratic party is disproportionately (very, very disproportionately) the party of rentiers.
I am a beta male because my cock is at erection a good percentage of the day and I am able to pull in some hot young pussy.
Hillary said. . .
Democrats are the party of working people. But we haven't done a good enough job showing that we get what you're going through...
Then Althouse wrote. . .
How does "we" become "you" in that sentence?
It is clear that the "we" is "Democrats" from the earlier sentence and the "you" refers to the "working people" who may or may not be Democrats. How would you even write the second sentence so that we and you would be the the same?
If we go with the (to me obvious) interpretation, the sentence would read:
"But we (Democrats) haven't done a good enough job showing that we (Democrats, again) get what you (working people) (a)re going through. "
Let's assume as Althouse seems to that the "we" and "you" should refer to the same thing (Democrats or working people). If you substitute "Democrats" in both places or "working people," then the sentence makes zero sense.
I don't need to be convinced that Hillary has elitist tendencies, but we shouldn't have to twist her words to make that point.
Althouse didn't have to twist the words. They spoke for themselves.
"Exactly. The D.C. delegation did say during the roll call that Hillary would make D.C. the 51st. state."
Tthey can say that as much as they want to, but according to the Constitution it would take Congressional approval (and the approval of Maryland and Virginia) to do so.
MANY states will not want to make D.C. a state, as well as the seat of the national government, and will instruct their senators and congress critters to vote against such a move.
Evita will not be able to simply decree otherwise.
"My wife was moved by Hillary, but were many men moved?"
I can't say I was moved but I did, for the first time ever, I think, find Hillary appealing. It was only for a moment and the moment came during the playing of her video where she was being interviewed in her kitchen. I don't mean her words were appealing but her demeanor, relaxed and real and human, caused me to actually like her for once. Just for that one moment. And then the video was over and real life resumed.
Althouse said:
"How does "we" become "you" in that sentence? I thought all were in the party."
Good catch.
It's a tell. Neither Hillary nor her speechwriter really believe the Dems are a party that celebrates inclusiveness. Does anybody really believe the Dems are a party that embraces all Americans?
This is a party whose former leader, "our" President, told Republicans they can sit in the back seat. And the newly appointed leader is a woman who referred to the Republicans-- aka her fellow Americans-- as "the enemy" she was most proud of. The Dems are the party of "we won", whose leaders consider Americans exercising their constitutional rights to speech, religion, and gun ownership to be a more dangerous threat than ISIS. Quite fitting that Hillary proclaimed her top priority as President is overturning Citizen's United. Her primary instinct is to go to battle against Americans who dare to criticize her.
The propagandist hate-mongers in mainstream and social media-- who've never met a Republican they didn't hate-- would be emboldened by a Hillary win, and the hatred they spew towards Hillary's critics will get louder and uglier than ever. During her reign we will witness an expansion of the divisions along party, race, and gender that took root under Obama, fueled by a media that has showed itself to be in thrall to the Democrats.
Ivanka Trump, in her convention speech, said she considers herself neither Rep. or Democrat. Independents -- who presently make up the majority of the electorate* -- can embrace that attitude; one of common sense over ideology. An administration led by someone like Trump is more likely to be inclusive of the viewpoints of all Americans-- liberal and conservatives-- than an adminnistration led by a cagey, paranoid Republican-hater like Hillary.
Hillary is correct that her party doesn't show that they get what working people are going through. But it is because she has turned the Dem party into one whose primary concern is getting money from the wealthy donor class; and then expanding the welfare state in order to toss crumbs at the politically unconnected. Trump's ascendancy is because working people know that the politically connected have no idea what working people are going through in this economy. And furthermore, working people have come to believe that the politically connected of both parties really don't care.
*Gallup Party-Affiliation poll as of July 13-17, 2016: R 28% I 42% D 28%
(I wish there was a better way to edit than deleting and reposting.)
MANY states will not want to make D.C. a state, as well as the seat of the national government, and will instruct their senators and congress critters to vote against such a move.
Well, I'm sure MY Senators, Murray and Cantwell, will fall obediently in line.
HER kitchen, Meade? Like, where SHE cooks?
Oh, I'm sure it's her property, but it's her garden like the Meadehouse garden is Ann's garden.
"Festival of Inclusion" sounds better than "Festival of Inclusiveness" - at least to my ear.
I like to judge people as individuals, so ethnic diversity doesn't mean much to me.
The Dems are moving towards a paradigm where there is complete ethnic/gender/sexual orientation diversity -- but everyone thinks the same (liberal value system).
Not my cup of tea.
Meade said...I can't say I was moved but I did, for the first time ever, I think, find Hillary appealing. It was only for a moment and the moment came during the playing of her video where she was being interviewed in her kitchen.
Tsk tsk tsk, Meade, listen to yourself. The only time you find Hillary appealing or even think of her as a normal human is when she--a woman--is in her kitchen?
Sounds like somebody needs to get woke, brah.
Don Giovanni's too high-class to be played by Clinton. He's more an Ochs von Lerchenau.
On the other hand, if we stick with the Don Giovanni theme we can get Al Gore to play the statue. So there's that.
"HER kitchen, Meade?"
Sorry, I meant Morgan Freeman's kitchen.
"Sounds like somebody needs to get woke, brah."
I like to judge people as individuals, so ethnic diversity doesn't mean much to me.
The Dems are moving towards a paradigm where there is complete ethnic/gender/sexual orientation diversity -- but everyone thinks the same (liberal value system).
Not my cup of tea.
That's right. No conservative women, gays or ethnic minorities need apply.
I have to disagree with your astute criticism Paul.
Bill Clinton did, and still does, to a degree, have powers.
And the commendatore has a fine, dignified part, entirely not in keeping with Al Gore.
A Comendador was a holder of an Encomienda (a governorate of sorts) under one of the orders of chivalry, an extremely respectable position and normally granted through service and military merit.
buwaya said...
Nessun Dorma, Turandot, Gounouds, Leporello
Those are tropical diseases, right?
Portuguese bakeries.
"Those are tropical diseases, right?"
To quote Instapundit - Heh.
Nessun Dorma (a Pavarotti recording) was played at Trump rallies - to which Pavarotti's estate objected. As noted last week, it does work quite well for Trump - it being about impending triumph - vincero!
Turandot - Puccini opera containing the above.
Gounod - wrote the most popular operatic Faust (there are quite a lot)
Leporello - Comic relief (and filler-in of background) in Don Giovanni.
But don't take my word for it. Here, see for yourself and you too just might fall in love. Or perhaps all you need is a nice sandwich. Or some home baked cookies.
And here's a video of Hillary from yonder times, singing her big do-gooding heart out over a man from a place called Hope.
(Should say "a plurality" no "the majority" in my comment above. There are other grammatical errors but I'll spare you. Again, I wish this site had editing abilities. It would be helpful to those of us who are long-winded!)
So a political convention is supposed to be full of testosterone? Should everyone be wearing pads and helmets? Did Obama, Biden, Kaine, Bloomberg and Bill Clinton [to name a few] come across as feminine?
Anyway 'diversity' is a pretty good thing. So is 'progress'. Two words conservatives tend to dislike.
"Anyway 'diversity' is a pretty good thing. So is 'progress'."
Both are, lets say, opportunistically defined by the Democratic party.
They are used as a brick on the head.
- the message is "we hate you because of diversity and progress!"
Question: how and when did this "diversity" become encrusted upon us?
The Supremes? what was the tale?
Anyway, more good news DRIP!
This is good work, Perfesser.
From the Wiki on Rosenkavalier, the Hogarth painting of a ladies' levee -
This works as an image for whats going on at chez Althouse, being as it is a salon.
The kind of male Hillary and the Democrats regard as representative and don't like gets more and more like Bill Clinton every day.
And Hillary - The first woman nominated for US President is a woman who enabled a sexual predator.
Historians won't even spend a lot of time on the antics of this pair and on explanations for them. It's all happened before in the Roman Empire under the later Caesars - corrupt and decadent and no one really wants to read about or imagine their horrible lives. Or the lives of the people they ruled.
" corrupt and decadent and no one really wants to read about or imagine their horrible lives."
This explains the unrelieved obscurity of Tacitus. No one reads him, ever. Or Robert Graves for that matter.
And, for that matter, this is why Procopius "Secret History" has been so neglected, in comparison to his proper history.
I kid.
The bad behavior of the mighty is endlessly fascinating to the groundlings. Shakespeare knew that, boy did he.
If there's anything worse than obscurity, it's unrelieved obscurity. Poor Tacitus!
Bill Clinton is not an alpha male. Hillary has been, throughout their marriage, the ambitious and aggressive one of the pair. He knows that and 'gets even' through his rather childish dalliances. [Oooh. Mommy might catch me!]
Class diversity politics is exclusive. It is a lightly obscured progression of unprincipled class prejudice that denies individual dignity including racism, sexism, etc.
BTW, the hallmarks of an alpha male are seen in his relationship to the other males of the pack. Other males tend to defer to him, even if unconsciously.
"Democrats are the party of working people."
So..those not, those not even counted towards unemployment numbers anymore..look elsewhere. Well..actually, the official party folk have created plenty of opportunities..for themselves.
"That's why we need to appoint Supreme Court justices who will get money out of politics and expand voting rights"
Says the $200,000 per speech "change maker"...slack jawed hubby by her side at the trough.
It's high time. She wants it.
By the way, "expand"? Exactly who is being denied the right to vote at this point, Hil?
It's high time. She wants it.
It was a four-day marathon of virtue-signalling.
Anyway 'diversity' is a pretty good thing. So is 'progress'. Two words conservatives tend to dislike.
Conservative dislike the real meanings leftist put on these. Progress means regress, and diversity means shut up. The back-to-front meaning of progress in the mouths of leftists led to the popular neologism proglodyte.
Terms used by leftist women that have meanings all their own:
verbal abuse [I don't believe I've ever heard a man complain of this].
And quite a few more I can't think of right now but when I hear them, I groan. Having worked in both male and female-dominated environment, I much prefer the former.
"I've never thought of my firearms as extensions of my genitals, in any way.
The anti-gun Left insists that I think of them that way.
The anti-gun Left says that firearms are my substitute/fetishization of my genitals.
The anti-gun Left then says they should take away and destroy my firearms."
Exactly. Only liberals sexualize guns. It's really quite sick.
I was mugged in Brooklyn 25 years ago. I was in damn good shape then. It didn't matter because in real life, 120 pound chicks can't beat up 200 lb. men. He easily knocked me to the ground and kicked me with enough force to break a couple of ribs. It could have been much worse, if a cop car coming down the street hadn't made the guy scram in a hurry. There are few more terrifying things than being helpless and at the mercy of a brute who wishes to harm you.
I have to travel by car-alone - quite a bit as part of my job. Thanks to concealed carry, I am not the easy mark I was that evening in Brooklyn. ARM and Unknown, would, contemptibly, prefer that I and other women continue to permit ourselves to be completely vulnerable to assault. They are cowards who seek to make their own cowardice and stupidity a virtue and they sneer at people with the gumption to fight back. Christ, imagine a poor woman who had the misfortune of having ARM with her during an attack. I'm sure snark works real well in those situations. If the Orlando victims had only told the shooter that he was using the gun as a penis substitute, he would have been shamed into repentance, I am sure.
God, what sort of world do you two idiots live in? A '70's Coke commercial where everyone (except icky, violent gun owners) live in perfect harmony and taking precautions means you're paranoid?
I feel empowered as a woman because I am able to defend myself against attackers younger, bigger and stronger than I am. Unknown feels empowered because she gets to vote for a corrupt hag for president - because, yay! Vagina!!! Yeah, Hill will come to your rescue if you're ever physically attacked. But I doubt you will be Inga. I don't think you leave your all-white (very Republican) enclave out in the sticks too often. The white men you sneer at have your ass covered. What a hypocrite. The perfect Hillary Hag.
Good post, exiled! In spite of the fact that you used the term 'empowered'. ;-)
How about..
"When it comes to gun violence, there is only one equalizer".
Again..I hate the phrase "Gun Violence". And I hate the left's tortured and conflicted thought processes regarding gender differences.
Sometimes the best approach is appropriating such misnomers and turning them toward your own advantage.
Republicans should have you (and other women of similar experience) in ads. Seriously.
Lest we forget..
It's high time. She wants it.
It's time to get high. We want it.
See the problem with the framing of the problem? People just need to feel better about what they are already doing. You could have the same bad, low-paying job but what needs to change is that you should be — should feel — respected for staying right there.
Why don't you just admit that you never educated yourself well enough to understand that social contract theory is the bulk of the reason why people run for president in the first place? You seem to get it when it comes to terrorism. Why do you have to keep going on like an oblivious fascist? It's really unbecoming. Surely someone who pontificates as endlessly as you have on politics over the years - especially presidential politics - could have learned a damn thing about the social contract. Even your Republican candidate gets it, this year. No one can avoid the basic issue any longer.
I swear. If you were living in Weimar Germany you'd probably have argued that the Versailles reparations were not severe enough.
You really are somewhat insane, Ms. Althouse. How much of your country's obvious and legitimate concerns do you find it advantageous to block out altogether?
Walter: the NRA has a very good ad out featuring a young woman who was raped in college and is now a gun owner ready and willing to defend herself. Of course, I am not an unbiased judge, but I think it's a very effective ad.
Them's a lotta words for little content.
Do tell us how "social contract theory" supports the statement of Hil's that Altparse parsed.
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