३० जून, २०१६

"uh, professor, i think you better hustle over to drudge for a classic drudgetaposition."

Says Kit Carson in the comments to the 8:03 a.m. post. Drudge is featuring the new Rasmussen poll, which I've already blogged about here, but what's Drudgtapositionally interesting is Trump's pointing at a man's naked ass:

That "pulls into" is... cheeky.

Widening the frame, we see — in contrast to Trump's dominant and solitary finger — a mishmash of hands, one of which belongs to Obama:

"VIDEO: '3 Amigos' look like 3 Stooges during botched handshake..."

The intentionality of the the juxtapositioning is proved beyond dispute if we continue down the central column to find another dominant hand:

The big hand of Michael Phelps — 5 fingers for the 5th Olympic qualification.

So we have 2 big dominant hands — each starkly meaningful — bracketing the botched, muddled handsiness...

... of Obama, in Canada, with his globalizing friends Justin Trudeau and Enrique Peña Nieto.

४९ टिप्पण्या:

Eric the Fruit Bat म्हणाले...

Dead men naked they shall be one with the wind and the west moon.

Eric the Fruit Bat म्हणाले...

I knew a guy who lived a couple of houses down from Michael Phelps.

Said he was a nice guy but kind of a dope.

Then the video went viral of him smoking dope.

Kind of makes you wonder.

MisterBuddwing म्हणाले...

Apparently, the naked man was shouting, "Donald Trump, where are you?" before he jumped.

Ignorance is Bliss म्हणाले...

Donald Trump, pointing out the Emperor.

Rick म्हणाले...

So Canada elected someone completely out of his depth because their boomer nostalgia overrode their supposed concern about good governance? Welcome to the club.

Eric the Fruit Bat म्हणाले...

Damn! I forgot! It's supposed to be "one with the man in the wind . . ."

Can't I do anything right?

Chuck म्हणाले...

Anybody notice how short and stubby Trump's fingers are? Has anybody else in the media remarked on that, I wonder? With somebody as sociopathic ally vain as Mr. Trump, I just wonder if he ever gets defensive about his short fingers?

Paul म्हणाले...

" I just wonder if he ever gets defensive about his short fingers?"

You really are pathetic man. You need a girlfriend. Or something. Easy to see why you might have trouble getting one though.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...



exhelodrvr1 म्हणाले...

I hope Drudge doesn't unexpectedly have a heart attack.

mccullough म्हणाले...

The Organization of North American Nations (ONAN). We need to compete the idiocy of the EU and this three way handshake is a good start

अनामित म्हणाले...

The three Amigos are stooges

Kit Carson म्हणाले...

1. drudge shows trump in a commanding pose(as he gains the lead) pointing out....
2. the crazy naked man who was calling for trump showing a) trump has definitely settled into the national consciousness and b) a la james taranto "everything is spinning out of control"
3. the 3 progressive amigos also demonstrating 3 progressive's incompetence, including specifically obama
4. and phelps strong hand showing the power of strong enduring leadership.

drudge is an artist who paints the zeitgeist on his page daily.

Brando म्हणाले...

"With somebody as sociopathic ally vain as Mr. Trump, I just wonder if he ever gets defensive about his short fingers?"

Here's the funny thing about the whole "fingers" controversy.

Far as I can tell Trump's fingers are normal sized. The journalist who first called him a "short fingered vulgarian" decades ago likely meant it in the figurative sense. Trump's reaction--sending photos of his hands to the journalist with notes reading "see, not short!"--sort of made this hilarious, but then the longer it went on it sort of became sad. I have a hard time mocking him for it because it seems to be a real psychological obsession with him, like it tortures him to think others are questioning his penis size.

And what's more, finger size is not correlated to penis size--that's just the sort of holdover from what young, insecure boys thought growing up--up there with myths like the "brown note". You would think a 70 year old man, with his money and fame (even if his money situation is far worse than he claims, he's doing better than probably anyone commenting here) and ability to marry models half his age, should be able to tell himself "who cares what others think about my penis size, or hand size? My wife knows better". But instead, this sort of thing consumes him. Could you imagine any other rich and famous male celebrity--certainly one with a reputation with the ladies--getting hung up on something like this?

His fans will write this off as "punching back twice as hard" (as if that journalist is cowering after getting those photos) and "not letting people define you" and his detractors will mock him as a vain, petty little man. But to me it's more sad than anything--even someone with so much can be haunted like that.

Ron Snyder म्हणाले...

Rorschach much folks? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

cubanbob म्हणाले...

An interesting photo. A Mexican President, a Mexican Vice President and a pretty man-child.

Scott M म्हणाले...

"Moe, Larry! The cheese! Moe, Larry! The cheese!"

JAORE म्हणाले...

Obama botches a three-way....

अनामित म्हणाले...


Obama given a standing ovation in Canada's House of Commons, then a rousing chant. How would Trump be recieved?

"Four more years! Four more years!"

Obama shook his head, waved and sat down, a wide grin across his face.

Oh, if only.

Darrell म्हणाले...

The Marx Brothers, not Amigos.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"drudge is an artist who paints the zeitgeist on his page daily."

The zeitgeist of the rightosphere only.

Sydney म्हणाले...

The naked man also yelled, “I love fashion, it’s taught me so much!”

Darrell म्हणाले...

Studies have shown that guys that make comments about another man having short and stubby fingers have a short dick.

अनामित म्हणाले...


Republican Sen. Mike Lee hasn’t endorsed Donald Trump — and he has a lot of reasons why.

The Utah senator appeared on NewxMaxTV, where host Steve Malzberg asked why he wasn’t “trumpeting Trump.”

We can get into the fact that he accused my best friend’s father of conspiring to kill JFK,” Lee said. “We can go through the fact that he’s made statements that some have identified correctly as religiously intolerant. We can get into the fact that he’s wildly unpopular in my state, in part because my state consists of people who are members of a religious minority church — a people who were ordered exterminated by the governor of Missouri in 1838 — and statements like that make them nervous.”

Did Drudge report this little exchange?

victoria म्हणाले...

Unknown, No this hasn't been reported because it is not in the interest of the right wing press, who has put themselves in the position of prostituting themselves for Trump. He is always right, even when he is wrong.

I am so disappointed in both parties for giving the American people such sub-par choices.

I am going to vote in November. Just not sure which bonehead i'm going to vote for.

Vicki from Pasadena

Darrell म्हणाले...

Except Trump just pointed to the National Enquirer's story about Papa Cruz, who was pictured handing out Castro flyers next to Lee Harvey Oswald--or so they speculated. Could it be so? Well, Papa Cruz has stated that he was a Castro stooge (he claimed he didn't know Castro was a Communist) and he did hand out Castro flyers in Dallas. At the same time Oswald was handing out flyers. Would "Unknown" report these facts? Hell no.

Temujin म्हणाले...

I think back to images of Churchill & Roosevelt, Eisenhower and De Gaulle, Thatcher and Regan- serious leaders in serious times. Leaders of substance. Heavyweights.

Then I look at the image of Trudeau and Obama and my only thought is...lightweights. So light that they surely must have weights in their shoes or they'd float away. Compare and contrast the times. Yikes...we are in a world of hurt right now.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Would Trump apologize for referencing the National Enquirer? No, but he should.

Meade म्हणाले...

After Michael Phelps line...
"Mutilated body parts wash ashore"

अनामित म्हणाले...

I look at the image of Trump holding up his hands and referencing his penis in a Republican Primary Debate and my only thought was... oh my god what a complete moron. Compare and contrast Trump with Obama.

Temujin म्हणाले...

Get your comparisons in order. Here's an easy one: Obama is the President. Trump is a private citizen running for President. You can vote for him or hate him. Or...you can vote for him AND hate him. But he's not the President. Our President Obama, on the other hand, just had our Sec Def announce that the military is opening up it's doors to Transgender people. Looking squarely at the state of things around the world and at home, this-more social justice BS- is his answer.

He's more lightweight than the word can possibly paint. He's as lightweight as the styrofoam columns at his acceptance speech back in '08. You remember that, don't you? You were probably swooning that night.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Papa Cruz has stated that he was a Castro stooge

Either he's extremely stupid or a poor liar. Not the best background for a presidential nominee. Just image what Hillary and her MSM myrmidons would have done to Ted Cruz had he won the delegate race. Every day there would have been a NYT article drawing a vague connection between Rafael Cruz and Lee Harvey Oswald, igniting a firestorm of conspiracy mongering among the illiterati.

Trump did what needed to be done.

PWS म्हणाले...

By his gesture, Drudge has Trump saying "The Emperor has no clothes." Ha!

अनामित म्हणाले...

Trump is a heavyweight, no doubt about it. So was Mike Tyson.

अनामित म्हणाले...


The Donald Trump campaign is vetting New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) as a potential running mate for the presumptive presidential nominee, according to multiple reports.

Those with knowledge of the process told The New York Times on Thursday that Christie is among those being vetted as a possible vice presidential pick for Trump.

And an unnamed source told CNN the governor has received the official paperwork for the vetting process.

Chris Christie for VP another heavyweight...

अनामित म्हणाले...

Christie is a lovable guy.

अनामित म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
अनामित म्हणाले...

Scott Adams hypnotized Chris Christie.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Unknown wrote; Trump is a heavyweight, no doubt about it. So was Mike Tyson.

Mike Tyson is a criminal. So is Hillary Clinton.

अनामित म्हणाले...

What court convicted Clinton with a crime? Who charged her with a crime? Or is this more from the fever swamps of the conservative mind?

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Call it a prediction based on the evidence of the Inspector General.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

You can dish it out, Unknown, but you can't take it.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

We all know the fix is in, Unknown. Hillary won't be indicted by Obama's Injustice Department. That's why Loretta Lynch met with Billy the Rapist in Phoenix yesterday, which is also criminal activity. That's also why Hillary will spend every dime the Saudis have to win in November, to stay out of jail in January.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Huh? Take what? What have you been handing out? LOL!

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Unknown will say the Phoenix meeting was totally innocent, an intimate private talk about nothing.

Don't tell me Billy the Disbarred doesn't know about optics.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

What have you been handing out?

A little pre-trial conviction à la Unknown's modus operandi, except not without PLENTY OF EVIDENCE. LOL yourself while they frog march Hillary into a new kind of orange pantsuit with numbers on.

madAsHell म्हणाले...


So, that's the good news. Will there be a dump of bad news??

cubanbob म्हणाले...

nknown said...
What court convicted Clinton with a crime? Who charged her with a crime? Or is this more from the fever swamps of the conservative mind?

6/30/16, 1:59 PM"

You owe Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes and Cheney an apology.

walter म्हणाले...

"Pull my finger!"