Said Donald Trump, evoking — right? — among other things, genitalia.
Here's the NYT article on that speech to the NRA: "Donald Trump Tells N.R.A. Hillary Clinton Wants to Let Violent Criminals Go Free." The headline focuses on one of a few issues highlighted in the article:
Donald J. Trump accused Hillary Clinton on Friday of wanting to let violent criminals out of prison and “disarm” law-abiding citizens in unsafe neighborhoods, and warned that women, in particular, would be at greater risk if she were elected president. ... [Trump] said the November election would be a referendum on the Second Amendment....The Times conspicuously rankles at Trump's daring to believe he can appeal to women, especially with a pro-gun message (though the NRA has made women-specific appeals for a long time):
Mr. Trump, whose record of sexist remarks, among other things, has left him at a potentially crippling disadvantage among female voters, polls show, appealed directly to women in his speech, imbuing his defense of gun rights with an undercurrent of fear.But why does the headline zero in on Hillary's supposed plan to let violent criminals go free? You can see it here — racial politics:
“In trying to overturn the Second Amendment, Hillary Clinton is telling everyone — and every woman living in a dangerous community — that she doesn’t have the right to defend herself,” Mr. Trump said. “So you have a woman living in a community, a rough community, a bad community — sorry, you can’t defend yourself.”
If Mr. Trump’s comments seemed reminiscent of an era when crime rates were far higher — the Willie Horton ads attacking Michael S. Dukakis, the Democratic nominee, in the 1988 presidential race came to mind — they also appeared somewhat at odds with the broad bipartisan consensus on the need to reduce incarceration rates and prison populations: Mr. Trump sought to frighten voters about the idea of criminals being released from prison....How irritating that Trump is trying "to frighten voters," just as Hillary is working the other side of the criminal law enforcement issue:
[O]n Saturday, Mrs. Clinton will speak at a dinner of the Trayvon Martin Foundation’s “Circle of Mothers” in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., a group offering support to women who have lost a child to gun violence. And she is expected to press the issue to win over voters in Los Angeles, Oakland and other California cities before that state’s primary on June 7.She's offering support to a group that offers support so that this other group — those "voters in Los Angeles, Oakland and other California cities" — will offer her support as she continues her quest to defeat the gruff-voiced old socialist who isn't even really trying to win.
It's a hard life for a woman trying her darndest to be the most powerful person in the world — with the help of the most powerful newspaper in the world.
ADDED: "Circle of Mothers"! I was just talking about Hillary, mothers, and circles 2 posts down (in the context of the nonVenn diagrams: "Maybe they're just circles to be pretty. Circles are nice. So round! Here, they enclose words, words and numbers. Numbers can be hard, so soften them with round shapes, round shapes and soft colors, like the colors Mother used to decorate your nursery, Mother, who didn't trouble you too much with numbers but who comforted you with her round, round shapes.").
९७ टिप्पण्या:
I feel like Canada is prepping for a lot of illegal immigration.
How come the people running away from the USA always say, "Canada"?
The NYT does their best to advance the narrative, but sometimes that requires a very big hammer.
"[O]n Saturday, Mrs. Clinton will speak at a dinner of the Trayvon Martin Foundation’s “Circle of Mothers” in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., a group offering support to women who have lost a child to gun violence."
Tell me this is an Onion parody somehow taken seriously by Stupid Hillary.
In Omaha, the victims of "gun violence" are mostly Black gang bangers shooting each other.
That whole Trayvon Martin incident was a Tom Wolfe novel turned true.
Memo to Stupid Hillary: Zimmerman was acquitted. Self-defense. Zimmerman feared for his life. Martin was beating the hell out of him. The jury system still works. Thanks Founding Fathers!
Crime rates are increasing, it seems rather sharply.
Interesting that it's happened in just the last 2 years.
Also public concern is up.
Trump is right. Hillary doesn't have a heart part. She is so evil that she wants to see defenseless women living in a world of unemployed and marijuana stoned immigrant teen gangs to live in fear night and day.
But she will give a speech about the virtue of Wall Street Banks for a mere $350,000, provided that, she must have an armed security team paid for.
"Evoking...genitalia" Are you kidding me? Were those your words, Professor, or the story you quoted? Because someone is obsessed with sex organs to the exclusion of all else, and while I know that describes many progressives, I like to think it's not you.
This sentence from the Times is so typical.
"Mr. Trump, whose record of sexist remarks, among other things, has left him at a potentially crippling disadvantage among female voters, polls show, appealed directly to women in his speech, imbuing his defense of gun rights with an undercurrent of fear."
This is how to turn screaming editorializing into a fake pretense of descriptive reporting.
Many years ago there was a radio talk show in Los Angeles run by a guy named Michael Jackson. He was a lefty but I used to listen because he did some good interviews. One day he had the LA Police Chief, a black guy who is now a city councilman. The chief was doing a whole thing on why guns were a very bad thing and why only criminals would carry concealed guns which were illegal.
As I listened, I laughed so hard it was hard to keep driving because every caller was a woman ! Each woman would be lectured by the chief about how she was wrong to carry a gun and every one had the same response. "I refuse to be a victim !" They were mostly women who had jobs that either took them out at night or into bad areas. I knew a woman physician who had one of the few concealed carry permits in Orange County.
It was the funniest show he ever did. Each caller would be lectured and then the next caller would be another women with the same message.
Any criticism of the Hildebeast will be construed as sexist.
She is ostensibly buying into to Black Lives Matter malarkey. That it is bogus can be seen by its two big poster boys, Trayvon Martin and Big Mike Brown. Both attempted to murder the guy who killed them in legally justified self defense. If someone is trying to kill you, shouldn't you be able to defend yourself? Apparently not, if the guy trying to kill you is a young black hoodlum. That is really the bottom line, when it comes to BLM. Sure, the Black incarceration rate is sky high, esp of young black male hoodlums. But not as high as their rate of committing violent crimes.
The danger here, that Trump alludes to is the Ferguson Effect, where the BLM movement has forced the police back from avtively and proactively fighting crime in poor minority communities, the exact set of communities most in need of it. The cop on trial this week in Baltimore is supposedly guilty of multiple felonies for essentially following his training and his orders, none of which was unreasonable. You can be sure that few cops in that city are going to expose themselves to danger, knowing that the head prosecutor, whose husband is running for mayor, will try them on flimsy charges if anything happens adverse to a preferred minority (I.e a young black male - by far the most violent demographic in our country). After a couple decades of a steady reduction in murder rates, they have jumped signicantly in a number of Dem controlled cities across the country, wiping out maybe a decade of progress in a scant year or two. Arguably by the reduced policing being hoisted upon these cities by the BLM movement.
Expect Trump to continue to hit Hillary. And, she is really tone deaf here - anyone who knows the real facts about Trayvon Martin's death would probably be horrified by her speaking like this at a political function in his name.
Althouse said ...
It's a hard life for a woman trying her darndest to be the most powerful person in the world — with the help of the most powerful newspaper in the world.
I seriously doubt that the Wall Street Journal will back Hillary in the coming election.
Iirc, Trayvon Martin's aunt is the only one who cared two bits for him while he was alive.
Brilliant Trump again. Trump wants to empower women. He wants them to be able to protect themselves — not rely on government or some man. Trump is the authentic feminist. Not Hillary! Hillary wants women to be a protected class—a group needing special safe places, affirmative action to achieve. Trump wants to arm women and let them do it themselves.
Agree, but which message sells better:
1. Be an independent grown up person.
2. Get free stuff.
Hillary hasn't went anywhere in a long, long time without being surrounded by people with guns. All of you women who are considering voting for her need to think about that.
My gut feeling is that Donald Trump's vice president is going to be a woman. And the way he has orchestrated it, with him providing the introductions and then the curtain is pulled back for the reveal? It will be empowering for her. It's a very classy move.
The way he said, "No, not Nikki Haley, no no" screamed racism to me. I think this is the ugliest part of Donald Trump's character, his fear of foreigners and people who do not look like him. His nativism. He needs to get over this fear, it's childish and stupid.
It's possible that his plan is to surprise us. Nikki Haley would be a surprise. That would be an amazing move! But I don't know if Nikki Haley would say yes to his offer. Donald has already reached out to Marco Rubio, and now he is shamed and embarrassed and hating on hispanics again.
The most likely candidate is Sarah Palin. The way he's structured it, with a third act reveal, he is putting her up as an important part of his campaign. And Sarah is bigger than he is. And she can draw fire while he buttons his mouth and shows nothing but steely resolve.
His ideology is awful and his character is beneath us. But he is really, really good at drawing attention to himself and putting on a show. He excels at it. And I like that he is now shifting the attention to his running mate. Again, that's a classy move. It has to be a woman, I think.
It's a hold-your-nose election. And about as partisan and ugly as humanly possible. Ugh.
The Times ran the Trump hit piece last weekend to try to quell the growing media narrative that he could actually win. When that busted, suddenly a Times poll appears showing Hillary up 6, an improvement from two polls showing Trump up 3 and 5. Almost everyone knows the media and especially the Tines tries to control the narrative in their reportage and editorial page but most people still think the use of polls is somehow scientific and beyond the touch of the potter's hand.
They're wrong. Only two things keeps polls honest: other polling and the actual Election Day. Since Election Day is still miles away, the Times is unbound by this restraint. But the other polls, if they start creating a narrative of their own, threaten them. Hence the CNN poll the day after Trump sealed the deal in Indiana showing Clinton up 13. And now this Times poll, not daring to push down on the scales that far but at least to 6.
No one should be naive concerning the agenda if the media, both left and right. They all spin, card-stack, distort, cherry pick ... do whatever it takes to control. To get the truth one must take the Venn diagram approach, taking in many differing viewpoints and looking for overlap.
"his fear of foreigners and people who do not look like him."
No, she went out of her way to endorse an opponent. You sound slightly unhinged.
I agree with one point, though. Joni Ernst would be a good choice although not as experienced as some of the men, like Tom Cotton.
If I'm right, it's going to be a
election. So for you white people who like white people and want white people to be ruling the white people, congratulations, we got white people to choose from, and if you don't like those white people, we have other white people you can select.
And it is a little embarrassing, in a multi-ethnic society. On the hand, Obama really was a jackass.
The funny thing is that the media can yell at Donald Trump for his white vice presidential pick, except that Hillary Clinton will also have a white presidential pick. And I would love to be wrong on this! Get out of your comfort zone, Donald J. Trump, and pick out a pretty lady who doesn't look like you.
Sarah's like, "hey, I married an Eskimo, we are covered."
For your ageists out there, it breaks down like this...
Old/Really Damn Old
For you feminists out there, it breaks down like this...
Single mom taking care of her deadbeat husband and her crazy grandpa
Nuclear family of Big Daddy and Big Mama
Mr. Trump, whose record of sexist remarks, among other things, has left him at a potentially crippling disadvantage among female voters, polls show, appealed directly to women in his speech, imbuing his defense of gun rights with an undercurrent of fear.
This is a NEWS report? This is not an op-ed but an "objective" news account?
And they wonder why nobody trusts the media.
Many years ago there was a radio talk show in Los Angeles run by a guy named Michael Jackson. He was a lefty but I used to listen because he did some good interviews. One day he had the LA Police Chief, a black guy who is now a city councilman. The chief was doing a whole thing on why guns were a very bad thing and why only criminals would carry concealed guns which were illegal.
I find it funny that after years of hearing how nasty, vicious, and racist the LAPD is...the Progs still want them to be the ONLY ones with guns in that area.
Well, them and the security detail of the Progressive elite.
I seriously doubt that the Wall Street Journal will back Hillary in the coming election.
Editorial board, maybe not. Reporting? Probably will.
I wonder if Hillary brought anybody with a gun to that meeting. I doubt anybody will ask.
I'm a little upset with America that voted down Marco Rubio, and decided to go with angry white people. Foaming at the mouth and red in the face angry white people.
Rubio is either pro-open borders or was completely snookered by Chuck Schumer. Neither indicate a great deal of leadership potential.
I'm sure the NYT will report on how Hillary sought to "frighten voters" about the dangers of people protecting themselves with guns.
Criticize Obama and you're racist. Criticize Hillary and you're sexist. Democrats just can't handle criticism of any kind. The typical reaction when you criticize a religion and it's holy leaders.
Criticize Obama and you're racist. Criticize Hillary and you're sexist. Democrats just can't handle criticism of any kind. The typical reaction when you criticize a religion and it's holy leaders.
All we've seen is that if you want leaders to be held accountable, they must be white men.
"Foaming at the mouth and red in the face angry white people. "
They are living in your head, pal. I don't see any. All I see is angry blacks who want free stuff, all As in elite colleges and nobody in prison who looks like them.
One day, you will get what you want and then you will be looking for a white man to protect you.
Get out of your comfort zone, Donald J. Trump, and pick out a pretty lady who doesn't look like you. about you pick the person best qualified for the job of VP and one who could step into the job of President if needed? Instead of focusing on skin color, gender, ethnic origins, lets focus on qualifications and competency.
This should not be yet another affirmative action Presidency. M'kay?
Saint Croix said...
"If I'm right, it's going to be a
election. So for you white people who like white people and want white people to be ruling the white people, congratulations, we got white people to choose from, and if you don't like those white people, we have other white people you can select."
If a smart person wrote this this is one of the most racist screeds I have seen in a while.
Michael K said...
All I see is angry blacks who want free stuff
You should probably get more.
I like Trump's repeated use of "not equipped" as in if you don't have a gun you are not equipped to be safe in a bad neighborhood.
I worked on vacant contaminated property occasionally in South Florida in the late 80's-early 90's. Our man in Miami was a woman who carried a snub nose .38 in her clutch. She said it gave her the type of stay away swagger that criminals could read. She called it her equalizer.
Clinton is playing to the fears of women. Suggesting their kids are not safe because of gun totin' cops and robbers.
Pretending Trayvon was some innocent kid is sickening. He was a punk who beat up a fat out of shape guy. too bad Zimmerman had a gun.
"[T]he Willie Horton ads attacking Michael S. Dukakis" which Al Gore originated, and which like Hillary birthing "birther" is a fact that is flushed away down the most convenient memory hole.
Saint Croix sounds like one of those Christians whose church focuses on importing third worlders into America more than helping Americans.
Nativist? Really? No wonder you are so anti-Trump. You don't want America to preserve its culture and people, like Mexico does, like Japan does, like Korea many Arabs has China imported and gave welfare to?
Should Japan open up the floodgates to the world too, Croix? Are they nativists too for realizing they are a tiny minority in the world and need to protect themselves to survive?
Interesting to see this Circle come up on the day that Hillary tweeted out a not-Venn diagram of circles.
The New York Times the most powerful newspaper in the world? Really? Only in its wet dreams as it muses on faded glory. Good reputations and influence take years to build--and only a few stupid articles to throw away. And the New York Times has been printing stupid articles and editorials like there is no tomorrow. Keep it up, and there will be literally no tomorrow for the Times. People won't even buy it to line bird cages.
the Willie Horton ads attacking Michael S. Dukakis
There was only one Willie Horton ad. Perhaps the NYT is mixing up the Willie Horton ad and the "revolving door" ad.
If anyone is curious, the Willie Horton ad is here:
The revolving door ad is here:
The one thing that I get from her email thing, is that she is frustrated by technology.
My mother was like that. She returned the princess telephone with buttons for a rotory dial, because she was crying every time she had to find the right numbers to press.
"Mrs. President, the Iranian nukes are heading for Berlin!"
"We need to launch a retaliatory strike right now!"
"OK... How do we do that??"
"Well you have to create a cipher from this codebook machine ordering the launch."
"OK... Can we just skip that and send them a FAX?"
"No, No, they won't know it's really you."
"OK...Well I can put my ass on the copier and FAX that, and then they'd know."
Tits, areolas and nipples are like Venn Diagrams.
The NYT is one of the principal sources, the originator, of stories for the US big media machine, which includes nearly every other newspaper, plus broadcast TV, cable TV, numerous Internet venues, and millions of individuals on their own Internet outlets (facebook, twitter). Althouse is one, as she links, cites, comments so often on the NYT.
That's why the NYT is so powerful.
Large parts of the above are components of a coordinated machine, which overall is losing influence, but its power should not be underrated. The 2012 election was won largely by this machine.
Michael K said...
All I see is angry blacks who want free stuff
You should probably get more.
Get More ? What is that about ?
Look at the news, please.
Being a simple man my simple take on Hillary not being equipped to be President stems from not thinking a grifter, criminal and traitor is not equipped to be President. But then again I'm not a Democrat. They have different metrics for political job qualifications.
Trump and the NRA should be highlighting what's happening to women in European countries that are taking in large numbers of migrants. I'm not seeing much about it in the U.S. press, other than mild coverage of what happened in Cologne and Helsinki on New Year's, but this is an ongoing story in the British and German press.
Women are being assaulted and raped and the answer law enforcement is giving them is "Don't go out at night" -- in their own hometowns in their own countries. They can't defend themselves because they're not allowed to carry firearms. Even worse -- highlight the story about the woman who tased her would-be rapist and was then charged for having an illegal weapon.
Let's hear Hillary explain how the European approach empowers women.
I think we're going to need a bigger copier.
What does the podium say? Ra na nana na na la la?
Hey everyone. Blacks be taking Michael K's stuff. Be sensitive.
All I see is angry blacks who want free stuff, all As in elite colleges and nobody in prison who looks like them.
Michael K is a very rational individual who can't wait to explain the disparity in sentencing between powder cocaine and crack cocaine. It's because the two forms "don't look alike." And because as a white surgeon, he obviously prefers the powder.
A million nonviolent offenders in America's prisons is also very rational - if you're getting paid to run them. I guess in a former life Michael K must have been a prison warden, or something. He really feels for them and the desperate needs of their very profitable business. It's an American industry with a very long and respectable history: Locking up black males for very important reasons, getting them to work for negligible if any pay, etc. Michael K is speaking up for the best of American traditions.
One day, you will get what you want and then you will be looking for a white man to protect you.
He will go by the name, "Massa."
Massa Michael K. Please protect the unworthy blacks from all the dangers you see all around you. Only your paranoia will save them.
The Democrats and the NYT have gone to lala land. The race card and the sex card played out long ago. They are no longer aces - they're the deuce and trey of clubs. It's like when a kid calls somebody a poopyhead. If that's the best they've got it's game over.
The Circle of Mothers that happened to meet all had black children that died on the street.
But the lesson their children all needed, you see, was "don't fuck with my stuff and don't fuck with me."
she = evoking genitalia. It's a linguistic fault not unique to English.
Female chauvinists lost the women's card when they normalized reactive parenthood, and worse, defended planned parenthood. While they still retain leverage through appeals to an immature, liberal generation, they do not have a consensus to extort concessions from the general population of women and men.
Anyway, the effort to create a hybrid gender has backfired. Clinton is only the latest victim of the pro-choice progressive paradox.
Crime is up thanks to the Ferguson effect.
Women in Arkansas were certainly at greater risk when she was First Lady there. about you pick the person best qualified for the job of VP
I hope you're joking! He's going to pick the vice-president who is most likely to help him get elected.
The calculation he is making is whether a minority pick would cost him more votes or win him more votes, or should he double down on vanilla. He hung out with Al Sharpton to pick up pointers on identity politics and how to demonize people. This is an ancient game, and he is playing it.
His official demons are Muslims and Hispanics who are illegal immigrants. Because he has made racist comments about these groups, people not in these groups feel that they have seen his shit and have nothing to fear. Donnie has been very vague about his politics (which makes me nervous) but very clear about his racial bad guys.
I think a lot of minorities do not vote Republican because Republicans insist they aren't racist at all. Donnie has decided to run as a racist, but to shift the targets. It's not Jews and African-Americans, the traditional targets, but Muslims and Hispanics. People who are comfortable with identity politics are comfortable with Donnie. This is why the Clintons went to his wedding. They do this shit all the time! It's common in politics to divide humanity into racial groups and try to cobble together a coalition. They do this to achieve power. We should resist it, because we are not dogs, and racism is evil and stupid. YMMV.
Saint Croix sounds like one of those Christians whose church focuses on importing third worlders into America more than helping Americans.
My church isn't political, it's a spiritual place.
We sometimes have to bite our tongue!
S.C., what race are Muslims?
"Michael K is a very rational individual who can't wait to explain the disparity in sentencing between powder cocaine and crack cocaine. It's because the two forms "don't look alike."
Rational criminals would sell the lesser penalty drug. Indeed truly rational people wouldn't be drug dealers, few make any real money at it, the work is exceedingly dangerous and more often than not the criminal winds up in prison for many, many years. On balance even a full time minimum wage job after taxes is more profitable given the hours worked than being a low level street dealer so there is nothing rational about being a drug dealer. Rational and honest people don't have sympathy for criminals. If a million people are incarcerated for drug dealing then a million jerkoffs are temporarily not committing crimes. If you want to make the case for legalizing illegal drugs, make the case but spare us the sanctimonious attitude.
You don't want America to preserve its culture and people, like Mexico does, like Japan does, like Korea many Arabs has China imported and gave welfare to?
Should Japan open up the floodgates to the world too, Croix? Are they nativists too for realizing they are a tiny minority in the world and need to protect themselves to survive?
I think these are fair criticisms.
It is, however, a bad idea to nationalize economics. This is one reason I'm a Republican--I like free trade and free markets. I'm not afraid of them. I think the competition is healthy and benefits us. Your points are valid. But be wary of his plan to tax imports and make our stuff more expensive. Be wary of taxes, regulations, and trade wars. Nor do I think it's a good idea to bluster and bully the world, and expect the world to just take it.
In general I think Hillary is too soft and weak as a commander in chief. She invites aggression. But Donnie is too angry and confrontational as a commander in chief. His aggression also invites aggression. Do you not notice all the fights and anger that he is arousing? That's not healthy for trade, or peace. He has a war-like view of business, which might be good for a CEO, but it's a shitty attitude for a President. I don't want a national economy or a president who is trying to run an economy.
S.C., what race are Muslims?
Her chief disqualification is that she joined in the TREASON of Barack Hussein Obama in aiding the wagers of Jihad who are attacking the USA.
St C, I'm afraid I don't see anyone angrier around here than you.
In general I think Hillary is too soft and weak as a commander in chief. She invites aggression. But Donnie is too angry and confrontational as a commander in chief. His aggression also invites aggression. Do you not notice all the fights and anger that he is arousing? That's not healthy for trade, or peace. He has a war-like view of business, which might be good for a CEO, but it's a shitty attitude for a President. I don't want a national economy or a president who is trying to run an economy."
Trumpy is definitely the lesser evil here. Hillary and the Democrats most assuredly will try to run the economy. Trumpy will bluster and get a few concessions, mostly minor and then call it a day when it comes to trade. I'm in the import/export business and if I believed Trump was serious I'd be retaining a bankruptcy lawyer for just incase. As for military confrontations Trumpy seems more of an isolationist than hawk and that is probably more dangerous in the long run but thanks to Obama our stick is no longer that big and making non-credible threats is dangerous in of itself. My forlorn hope is that Trumpy actually does try to lower tax rates, lessen the regulatory burden on business and appoints actual conservatives to the courts. If he did that he would be a successful president. If he actually does what he intimated, that is rescind most of the Obama Administration regulations and repeal Obamacare and the excessive Obama intrusions into the economy that would be a Godsend and make him a great president. No matter what I don't see Trumpy as a two term president if elected so who he picks as his VP will be crucial as that person will be his likely successor if he is elected president.
Rational criminals would sell the lesser penalty drug.
Thanks Bob! I didn't anticipate how much you would know about selling drugs. But then, you are from Cuba so I guess it makes sense.
Indeed truly rational people wouldn't be drug dealers,
Er, just when did I say anything about selling? Never.
...few make any real money at it, the work is exceedingly dangerous and more often than not the criminal winds up in prison for many, many years.
Well, it looks like just like the guy who talked about the Germans bombing Pearl Harbor, you're on a roll.
On balance even a full time minimum wage job after taxes is more profitable given the hours worked than being a low level street dealer so there is nothing rational about being a drug dealer. Rational and honest people don't have sympathy for criminals. If a million people are incarcerated for drug dealing then a million jerkoffs are temporarily not committing crimes.
Like I said before you went full-bore rant, Fidel-style, possession is not dealing and possession is what's putting them into those big, steel houses of confinement that you and your fellow Castrovians seem to love so much. So, I understand if in your culture you think the state should have just as much a right to police what's in or going into people's bodies as what goes into their minds. But that's not the way we Anglos roll.
If you want to make the case for legalizing illegal drugs, make the case but spare us the sanctimonious attitude.
The case is blatant and abundant. And if I wanted to be sanctimonious I'd go on about your inability to read, your confusion between possession and dealing, your unwillingness to accept the obviously racist lack of any need for sentencing disparities based on form of cocaine, and possibly your own Cuban hatred of personal freedom and perhaps even sense of cultural inferiority. But no, you've already made the former cases abundantly clear and your very own GOP nominee Donald Trump is doing his best to make and sell the other case to you. Knowing you, I have a feeling you'll take him up on that and your own comment seems to indicate that you'll have no problem doing so.
"Mr. Trump, whose record of sexist remarks, among other things, has left him at a potentially crippling disadvantage among female voters, polls show, appealed directly to women in his speech, imbuing his defense of gun rights with an undercurrent of fear."
This editorializing purports to be part of a news story?
And Willy Horton? The buffoons at the NYT certainly know how to carry a grudge to the point of absurdity.
The buffoons at the NYT certainly know how to carry a grudge to the point of absurdity.
Lol. Says the guy who constructs his own paranoid world-view around fear and resentment and loathing of French and Russian revolutionaries, Karl Marx, hippies, etc., etc., ad infinitum and nauseam.
Did you notice in the clip that the only point where Tromp looked down at his notes or script or whatever was when he was charactering what Hillary! said about gun control? He seems to be being careful about exactly how he characterizes her position. I infer that Tromp takes this issue seriously, and wants to be clear about what it is about Hillary!'s position that he disagrees with.
"[O]n Saturday, Mrs. Clinton will speak at a dinner of the Trayvon Martin Foundation’s “Circle of Mothers” in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., a group offering support to women who have lost a child to gun violence."
"The Trayvon Martin Foundation"? Yeah, let's definitely keep his memory alive. Maybe they could name a school after the vicious little idiot.
In once sense, the Zimmerman case is an excellent example of why people should be allowed to carry firearms: Martin was banging Zimmerman's head on the sidewalk and might have killed or crippled him; Zimmerman saved his own life because he had a gun.
A response to that argument, which may have some merit, is that if Zimmerman weren't armed, he wouldn't have followed Martin, and the attack would not have occurred. One of Heinlein's novels (I don't remember the title; it may have been one of his juveniles) had a bunch of explorers sent to an alien planet and they were allowed to be armed only with knives; no blasters or ray guns. The idea was that being armed with guns would encourage them to take greater risks. I think there's a lot of wisdom in that. But the law shouldn't try to impose wisdom on the citizens by fiat. And no matter how wise we are we can't always avoid the risk of being violently attacked.
If President Hillary! managed to impose the kind of "reasonable" gun controls that disarm everyone but her Secret Service detail, it would harm women more than men (more men than women are big enough and strong enough to defend themselves without guns), more old people than young people, more poor people than rich people, and more people of color than white people. But I don't suppose Tromp will make that argument.
Saint Croix: "Donnie has decided to run as a racist...."
When your premise is wrong your conclusions are likely to be wrong as well.
Re: Godfather -- I believe that Heinlein novel was "Tunnel in the Sky." Heinlein also wrote, "There are no dangerous weapons, only dangerous men."
RhythmicBallSucker is down with the peeps.
Martin was banging Zimmerman's head on the sidewalk and might have killed or crippled him; Zimmerman saved his own life because he had a gun.
Don't forget the attempted strangulation, when Zimmerman yelled out for help. Martin switched at that point from beating his head against the concrete of the sidewalk to trying to strangle him to keep him quiet. Either or both legally justified the use of deadly force in self-defense.
Trumpy is definitely the lesser evil here.
Yes, I think that's right. Except when he lurches into crazy. It concerns me that we are nominating a truther and a JFK conspiracy nut. And giving him the nuclear launch codes. And I grant you that any of our presidents might have had mental health issues, and we didn't hear about it.
I guess my question is whether he is Nixon-paranoid, or worse-than-Nixon-paranoid. Many people think the crazy is campaign strategy. Okay, so that means he's not crazy. Except it's really kinda crazy to run as crazy when you're not crazy. And the crazy thing is how it's working!
Here's a scene from The Dead Zone. But no worries! He's not really a madman. He's just making it up!
And before Ferdie asks if I'm off my meds or projecting, who gives a shit if I'm off my meds or projecting? The question is not who is the biggest internet troll of them all. I want to know why we're trusting a troll with the launch codes!
I'm voting for Gary Johnson.
So, I understand if in your culture you think the state should have just as much a right to police what's in or going into people's bodies as what goes into their minds. But that's not the way we Anglos roll.
Actually it was the original Progressive movement that gave the State the right to regulate what we consume....we managed to overturn the ban on alcohol, but the rest stayed in place, and continuously gets bigger, more powerful, and more intrusive.
Don't blame White politicians for making the penalties for crack cocaine higher than for powder. It was apparently done at the behest of Black leaders who were seeing the devastation that crack was inflicting on their communities. And, even today, I think that its effects are worse, but that may be socioeconomic - I have known a number of people who did powder coke, and didn't ruin their lives, but crack seems to be a gateway drug for meth and now heroin, which really are destroying communities (on a somewhat racially neutral basis).
Note - I am agnostic as to whether crack penalties should be stiffer than powder cocaine. And, really agnostic as to legal penalties for illegal drugs, though I did vote for pot legalization in CO.
Barry Goldwater, of course, was not crazy at all.
But in the year of Dr. Strangelove, he made people nervous.
@MichaelMcLain: Thanks!
And hey, how about a shout out to the Koch brothers?!
The Libertarian ticket, by the way, will be made up of two former Republican governors: Gary Johnson and William Weld. I'm actually getting a little excited!
R&B said: "Lol. Says the guy who constructs his own paranoid world-view around fear and resentment and loathing of French and Russian revolutionaries, Karl Marx, hippies, etc., etc., ad infinitum and nauseam."
Just when it seemed you couldn't get any more fatuous, Sock-puppet, you go all in for Willy Horton and the NYT. Lol indeed.
Nah, I just said you had no credibility when it came to calling others out on grudges, sock puppet. But I get it - logic doesn't come easily to a bible thumper who defended gay rights in Texas.
Retirement doesn't seem to be doing any wonders for your senility, mujer.
michael k is right. croix sounds nuts with this 'racist' shit. trump's way above vulnerability to that level of weak-kneed insinuation. find another line.
ugly 'massa' stuff R&B. nobody here wants to participate in your fevered witch hunts.
R&B: "guys, i found a RACIST". please.
Ok Jonathan Graehl. Then if you want to defend crack/powder sentencing disparities on a "non-racist" basis, feel free to step up to the plate.
Also feel free to defend the reason for such a high number of incarcerated and permanently disenfranchised non-violent "offenders", or why it is that they're predominantly black.
So you don't need to "participate" in any witch hunts. They'll have a way of finding you anyway - on account of your defense of or acquiescence with the indefensible. That's what happens when you stand up for horrible things.
Blogger Rhythm and Balls said...
Hey everyone. Blacks be taking Michael K's stuff. Be sensitive.
All I see is angry blacks who want free stuff, all As in elite colleges and nobody in prison who looks like them.
Michael K is a very rational individual who can't wait to explain the disparity in sentencing between powder cocaine and crack cocaine. It's because the two forms "don't look alike." And because as a white surgeon, he obviously prefers the powder.
A million nonviolent offenders in America's prisons is also very rational - if you're getting paid to run them. I guess in a former life Michael K must have been a prison warden, or something.
Oh heck. I was doing something worthwhile this weekend and missed Ritmo's latest rant.
"A million nonviolent offenders"
This is leftist bullshit. Obama, of course, is using this excuse to let out thousands of violent felons.
The "nonviolent drug offender" is a leftist myth.
It's OK with me if idiots want to flood the streets of inner cities with violent felons. They deserve what they get, which is chaos.
I live in a quiet suburb and am armed with plenty of ammo. So are my friends and family. My grandson was out shooting the AR 15 and the Walther PPK last month. The Colt 1911 is a little big for him but I fired my first one when I was 10.
"the disparity in sentencing between powder cocaine and crack cocaine. It's because the two forms "don't look alike."
More bullshit. The differences were demanded by the Congressional Black Caucus, you fool. There was an epidemic of crack cocaine in the inner cities and white powder cocaine was a harmless vice of white suburbans. Therefore, the punishment was worse for crack.
Ritmo is an idiot who once in a great while says something that makes sense and I forget what a fool he is. (or she, as the case may be)
I am a white surgeon who has treated, and saved the lives of, thousands of black victims of the "Warrior gene."
Are you so stupid you do not realize who is suffering the damage and pain of the left's idiotic agenda ?
I am a white surgeon who has treated, and saved the lives of, thousands of black victims of the "Warrior gene."
Are you so stupid you do not realize who is suffering the damage and pain of the left's idiotic agenda ?
Oh thank goodness! Did you pump them up with the prescription opioids that killed nearly 20,000 Americans in 2014, nearly double the rate killed by heroin? Because hey! Touting one's elitist credentials like Dr. KKK does always proves that you're on the right side of everything! In the meantime, let's keep cannabis in Schedule 1. All the people it's killed and prevented from being hooked on the real miracle drugs of Percocet and OxyContin make for such a danger in this country.
I guess if I were an elitist know-it-all like Dr. KKK I wouldn't cite things, either. But lowly foolish working American that I am, I bothered to check some stats:
Because sourcing and backing up what I say is just what we lowly, non-elite no-good non-1% Americans have to do, I guess. It's not like we can just say, "Muh personal experience and elite credentials are the only authoritah you need to listen to!"
So of course he has no need of citing his "nonviolent drug offender" assertion. Dr. KKK is the doctor of all things, including how many Americans are in prison and for what. And to what end their situation is raised. Because he is Doctor America. Our country is a bad patient and comes to him with facts and figures, but that sort of thing won't be tolerated in his O.R.! Get the fuck out of Dr. KKK's country club right now, America!
I live in a quiet suburb and am armed with plenty of ammo. So are my friends and family. My grandson was out shooting the AR 15 and the Walther PPK last month. The Colt 1911 is a little big for him but I fired my first one when I was 10.
Right before you learned to ejaculate into it, as you will no doubt also teach him to do!
Dr. KKK is a mentor of the highest order.
R&B: "But I get it - logic doesn't come easily to a bible thumper who defended gay rights in Texas.
Retirement doesn't seem to be doing any wonders for your senility, mujer."
Que dices, pendejo?
Michael K to R&B: "Are you so stupid you do not realize who is suffering the damage and pain of the left's idiotic agenda?"
Yes. He/she/it is.
Oh aren't you a clever one. Go suck a dick, mujer. After you take your Viagra and blood pressure pills.
You can hump your bible afterward, mujer.
Seriously. A guy whose crowning intellectual achievement is a few words in Spanish and whose crowning act of bravado is to call himself, "hombre". But only as a "sock puppet" (as he would call it), since he had to change his name from "el hombre".
And why did he do that? Because the Spanish definite article sounded too feminine for him. Too close to "elle".
This is a guy whose dick hasn't worked properly since the Nixon administration. Not that he would know, however. He weighs it down with bibles every night.
It's important for a guy with no admirable history to be able to borrow others'.
NY Times most powerful newspaper? That's yesterday's news.
I did come across two interesting articles about Donald Trump the other day. So for those who think the anti-Trump Republicans are wrong, wrong, wrong, you might enjoy this.
On the Lonely Island of "Never Trump"
Why George Washington Would Have Agreed With Donald Trump.
In that second article, what set my alarm bells going off is this line:
“The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony."
Oh he loves the government so much!
Ritmo melts down. Vodka hardest hit.
The race card and the sex card are not "the deuce and trey of clubs." They are at least the ten and jack of hearts. Anyone who thinks otherwise is substituting wish for reality.
You can suck a dick too, Rusty. Or better yet, give yourself a rusty trombone.
Easy, there sport. Sport. Pace yourself. There's more vodka where that came from.
Michael K is a very rational individual who can't wait to explain the disparity in sentencing between powder cocaine and crack cocaine.
"Community leaders" were calling for it.
A million nonviolent offenders in America's prisons is also very rational - if you're getting paid to run them.
All this talk about drug criminals being "non-violent" --- yet virtually all have committed a series of crimes to financially support their habit. Odd.
Wow -- has Ritmo gone full Crack Emcee??
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