১১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৬

"But [Sean Penn's] earnest efforts were mocked in comedies like 'Team America: World Police'..."

"... in which a puppet depiction of Mr. Penn boasts that he recently traveled to Iraq, which he describes as 'a happy place — they had flowery meadows and rainbow skies, and rivers made of chocolate where the children danced and laughed and played with gumdrop smiles.'"

From "Sean Penn’s Excursions Into Writing Often Mix Activism With Journalism," by Dave Itzkoff in the NYT.

৩০টি মন্তব্য:

TrespassersW বলেছেন...

Whenever I think about Sean Penn, two words come to mind.

One of them is "useful."

20 points to the first person who guesses the second word.

John henry বলেছেন...

Tim Blair blogging from Australia makes a good point. Penn interviewed Chapo. Chapo got caught. Instead of serving in a Mexican prison is being extradited to the US.

News reports are that Penn's interviews led to Chapo's capture. Whether this is because he was undercover or just stupid with security or whether it is even true. Doesn't matter. What do you think Chapo and his people believe?

These are the kind of folks that kill people they don't like (such as informers) very slowly and with lots of pain.

It is not a good idea to be Sean Penn, his family, his friends or any kind of acquaintance of his today.

John Henry

JSD বলেছেন...

More than 100 real journalists have been murdered by Mexican drug cartels. Sean Penn is the privileged ignorant ugly American.

Widmerpool বলেছেন...

Ann - The bar is set very, very low in Tinseltown to be considered a socially-aware, deep-thinking artist. The potential for mockery is plentiful. If these folks were smarter, better-educated, wiser, wouldn't be such a problem. But they're just pretty faces after all.

Wince বলেছেন...

...a happy place — they had flowery meadows and rainbow skies, and rivers made of chocolate where the children danced and laughed and played with gumdrop smiles.

The jokes on us.

I think Valerie Jarret actually said the same thing about Iran.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Some have suggested Sean Penn was secretly acting on behalf of the CIA to help capture Guzman.
Interesting. Conceivable.

Here's a thought: Could Penn have been manipulated by the CIA for the same purpose without his even being aware of it?

Brando বলেছেন...

Even by Hollywood standards Mr. Penn is a monstrous douchebag.

AllenS বলেছেন...

Roy, would that word be "tool"?

Paul বলেছেন...

"These are the kind of folks that kill people they don't like (such as informers) very slowly and with lots of pain."

From your lips...

Tank বলেছেন...

@John Henry

You're probably right about how Chapo's people will look at this, but it sure looks to me like an unforced error by Chapo himself. Vanity.

William বলেছেন...

On one of the news shows this morning it was mentioned in an aside that Guzman's cartel may be responsible for as many as 125,000 deaths. Wow. I had previously read in a New Yorker article that Guzman's cartel used kidnapped day laborers to dig the tunnels used on the border. After the tunnels were dug, the day laborers were murdered. There were cave ins during the digging of some of the tunnels. Those workers were buried alive.........Here's my question: Is there some body count that would justify capital punishment? This question is especially relevant towards cartel members whose "life imprisonment" really means imprisonment until such time as escape can be effected --generally about two to four years......I'd also be interested to learn if Sean Penn considers Guzman's crimes more hateful than Trump's rhetoric.

holdfast বলেছেন...

"It is not a good idea to be Sean Penn"

He's had Charlize Theron and Scarlett johansson, among many others. A man could die happy.

theribbonguy বলেছেন...

John Henry beat me to it. Now is not a good time to be Sean Penn.

I have a REAL hard time feeling sorry for him though.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

TEAM AMERICA is genius!

Skipper বলেছেন...

Find the scene in "The Falcon and the Snowman", in which Sean Penn is beaten up with a Mexico City phone book by the police. Precious.

hombre বলেছেন...

I can't even imagine having an interview with that scumbag.

Does El Chapo have no shame?

Michael বলেছেন...

Sean is dead man walking. He will be popped No question.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

Sean Penn makes Dennis Rodman look like Edward Witten.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

Iraq, which he describes as 'a happy place — they had flowery meadows and rainbow skies, and rivers made of chocolate where the children danced and laughed and played with gumdrop smiles.

So Sean Penn worked for CNN.

ddh বলেছেন...

Roy Jacobsen, the second word is "idiot."

Mark বলেছেন...

What's the over/under in days on Penn's life expectancy?

TrespassersW বলেছেন...

AllesS, no. You need two more syllables. ( Interestingly, it's just one letter more.)

TrespassersW বলেছেন...

We have a winner! ddh, you can collect your prize at the cashier's window.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Suicide by cop is bad enough, but suicide by snitching on the Senoloa Drug Cartel is really self hatred...almost worse than marrying Madonna.

JSD বলেছেন...

Nothing will happen to Sean Penn. God looks after fools, drunks and Americans. Actress Kate del Castillo is the person in danger. Borderland Beat website is a good place to keep up on the Mex Cartels. Warning – it can be extremely graphic in the grand tradition of Mexican tabloids.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Sean Penn is a buffooon and a dangerous ideologue. But this may back fire in his face. Supposedly this interview led the authorities to capture the mexican drug lord.
Might he hold a grudge considering he is behind bars because of Sean Penn?

Can anyone say contract hit?

jr565 বলেছেন...

Tank wrote;
You're probably right about how Chapo's people will look at this, but it sure looks to me like an unforced error by Chapo himself. Vanity.

Its certainly true that he is to blame for agreeing to the interview (based on his vanity). However, he most likely also has the same traits that Escobar also had. Namely, deep paranoia, grudge holding and narcissism. So even if he is to blame he will always find others to blame MORE.
Escobar got heat from a lot of the cartels because the authorities were going after the cartels so strongly because Escobar decided to murder the cops. It would never occur to him that HE was the instigator of that. Rather, the cops were to blame.
So even if he ultimately commited the error that led to the cops capturing him, its not as if he will be self reflective enough to recognize it. Sean Penn is to blame.
Sean might be feeling a bit like the lawyer he played in Carlito's way. He just screwed up with the drug cartel, and now they are looking for blood.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Dear comrades,

"Filled with the dignity and self-respect of being victors, who have set up a shining milestone in the history of the glorious Workers' Party of Korea and our country, we are greeting the New Year 2016.

In reflection of the fervent loyalty of all the people and service personnel, I extend the noblest respect and New Year greetings to the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, the symbol of socialist Korea and the sun of Juche.

My New Year greetings also go to all the service personnel and people, who are working devotedly for the prosperity of their socialist country with a firm determination to follow the road of Juche to the end together with the Party, and I wish that all the families will be filled with harmonious feelings and the happy laughter of our dear children resound more loudly.
The cause of Juche-oriented socialism is ever-victorious, and only victory and glory is in store for us who are advancing under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea. ..."

Swede বলেছেন...

Sean Penn is a twat.

Just thought you should know.

Todd বলেছেন...

From "Sean Penn’s Excursions Into Writing Often Mix Activism With Journalism," by Dave Itzkoff in the NYT.

"Often mix activism with journalism" is a bit redundant as journalism is by its very nature story telling. It is not reporting. Additionally, pointing out how Penn writes is actually highlighting the rule with "journalist" as he is doing what nearly all of them do.