"Before the attack, the group of 200 people handed out xenophobic leaflets with the message 'Enough now.'"
'All over the country, reports are pouring in that the police can no longer cope with preventing and investigating the crimes which strike the Swedish people,' reads the leaflet. 'In some cases, for example, in the latest murder of a woman employed at a home for so called ‘unaccompanied minor refugees’ in Molndal, it goes as far as the National Police Commissioner choosing to show more sympathy for the perpetrator than the victim,' it continues. 'But we refuse to accept the repeated assaults and harrassment against Swedish women. We refuse to accept the destruction of our once to safe society. When our political leadership and police show more sympathy for murderers than for their victims, there are no longer any excuses to let it happen without protest...."
BBC reports that Sweden now has 123 boys for every 100 girls in the 16 to 17-year-old age group. The strange, huge disparity is attributed to asylum applicants:
What is surprising is that if you look at the breakdown of the ages of applicants in Sweden, there's a huge bump in the figures at the age of 16 - often unaccompanied minors arriving without a parent or guardian. And 92% of unaccompanied minors aged 16 and 17 years old are male. So why is this?
"If you're underage, first of all, you get housing, you get more financial resources. You also have a lot of staff around you helping you with different issues," says Hanif Bali, a member of the opposition Moderate Party in the Swedish parliament - which is on the centre right of the political spectrum. "If you need food, clothing, everything, you can go to the municipality and demand this money... You have the right to family reunification. So you can bring all of your family to Sweden, if you are underage."
Given these huge incentives and the fact that age isn't checked, men are lying about their age, according to Bali:
"[A] very big amount of those who are tested do not have the correct age. Some friends of mine, who have taken care of these unaccompanied refugees, are saying, 'We took care of one kid, and we found out he was about 28 years old.'"
१०७ टिप्पण्या:
They have sown the wind. Including deleting all the CCTV video tapes of the New Years Eve rampage.
Now it is the turn of the whirlwind,
What does the government expect when it invites an invasion? Cloward Piven strategy happening all over the world. The NWO is attempting to overload all systems, so that it can force a solution it desires (never let a good crisis go to waste-- create the problem in order to solve it).
It is the god given right of all men to protect themselves.
"Xenophobic". I don't think that word means what they think it means.
There is an organization behind this. I expect this manifestation is designed as a "Battle of Algiers" provocation, a dare to the authorities more so than simple aggression against immigrants. A persecution of the nativists would serve to drive people to their side.
Street violence accomplishes nothing. All real power comes through the Ballot Box.
They have sown the wind. Including deleting all the CCTV video tapes of the New Years Eve rampage.
Did they delete them? I hadn't heard about that. I just assumed they had them but wouldn't release them to the public.
Did they delete them?
Deleted or unreleased. "At this point, what difference does it make?"
Either way, they are creating a protected class.
You cannot understand the new story without having read the ones from five days ago (Ann, I am surprised you did not include the link to it) -- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3415477/Swedish-police-warn-Stockholm-s-main-police-station-overrun-migrant-teen-gangs-stealing-groping-girls.html
This vigilante attack was not a against a random target or group of refugees. It was against the group of teen criminals that had taken over the station. There might have been some innocents hurt, the same as when we launch a predator strike against an ISIS camp.
Don't assume these guys were just hooligans.
"Street violence accomplishes nothing. All real power comes through the Ballot Box."
I don't agree with Mao on much, but I do agree that, boiled down, all political power flows from the barrel of a gun. We have been fortunate in this country for a long time that we have not needed to grasp that. But, to quote the sage of my generation, the times they are a'changin'.
Wasn't somebody asking when the vigilantism would start on a recent Althouse thread? Ask, and you shall receive.
In the Old West vigilance committees arose when the citizens no longer believed that the law could not or would cope with criminals and their activities. In northern European countries law and justice have basically shut down with respect to crimes committed by Muslim immigrants. This is a message to the legal establishment, police and judges alike, to do their jobs or the jobs will be done for them.
Could it happen here? In the 19th century American West it already did.
All strategies are contextual. If your enemy changes the context you must adapt by changing your strategy. If you don't, you die. In Europe the elites have changed the context by permitting an invasion. European citizens, who used to be law-abiding, have been forced to change their strategy accordingly. The law, such as it is now conceived by the elites, is against them; so they must be against the law. Street violence and vigilantism is increasingly becoming their only viable recourse. They are engaged in an existential struggle. If they don't fight now their civilization will die and they will die with it. I endorse their actions.
It is the god given right of all men to protect themselves.
Including the "non-Swedish-looking" Swedes?
The strength of the west as always been centered in voluntary adherence to the law, self-evidently founded on the belief that we, each, would one day have to stand before God and account for our choices and desires.
It doesn't matter how rich a nation or a capitalist system may be, we will never be able to afford the police, the security structures, the methods, the courts, and the prisons to cope with a citizenry who doesn't voluntarily adhere to law. Every time Obama flaunts the law, he strikes further at the foundation of society. And in doing so, he reveals how truly shallow his thinking is. He may truly believe that our laws and structures favor the powerful, but having destroyed them all to rebuild, he will make us even more vulnerable to the powerful and to the mob. That he doesn't know this is a tell that he is either a complete dunce or a morally bankrupt anarchist or fascist.
This is also why Hillary can and must never be the president until she is tried and found innocent in the courts. Without that, she has absolutely no moral authority that would enable her (through or DoJ) to point the finger at anyone and demand that, for the good of the society, they must be sent to prison. It would rend our already-fragile society completely asunder to have Hillary off free in the WH and a downtrodden unlucky slob sitting in prison because her DoJ said the law was broken and society requires the imbalance to be restored or requires a clear signal that such won't be tolerated.
If Hillary were to become President and her DoJ prosecutes anyone, the face of this nation will have been materially destroyed. It will be nothing like I remember as a youth, when I first understood and felt the beauty of our aspiration that in our country we desired that no one be above the law, that all would be equal before the law, and that we desired to establish and maintain a nation of laws not of powerful men and women.
I mourn that we even appear to be standing at the threshold of such a decision - that there are even people that vow to vote for Hillary regardless, without knowing what a public trial and a decision by jury of citizens would produce.
"Xenophobic? OR accurate description of the dangers of Islam and believing Muslims?
"Witnesses told Aftonbladet newspaper that they saw a gang of black-clad thugs attacking refugees at the station.
'I saw maybe three people who were beaten. That was no football brawl or something similar. They targeted migrants. I was quite scared and ran away,' a witness said."
Sounds like a case of Taqiyya. Who was running around in the video?
"Times of Israel" ran the same story, with a similar phony headline, and apparently the "suspected neo-Nazis" were handing out leaflets. One assault reported, probably by one of the "migrant children", like the fatal knife attack.
I think Glenn Reynolds said it first.
Ultimately the police serve to protect the criminals from the people, because absent the police, criminals would be hanging from lamp posts, once the citizens get angry enough...
A social experiment on a grand scale. Not hard to predict what has happened. The response from the "dreamers" is to essentially blame the victims. This will not end well. The 8th century weren't the best of times.
This, I think, is the real response to the PC thread.
You want to have an expansive discussion of problems in the legitimate arena, because you don't want people to break off and start doing their own thing. Society's response to immigration should not be decided by whatever set of masked goons decides to go out and beat up immigrants.
But if you want to coopt people, you have to listen to their problems. That includes problems that some people might find offensive. But you can't let people use actual or feigned offense to take discussion of real problems off the board.
The immigration issue hits Europe across a preexisting fault line. The elites have a project of greater European integration which finds it useful to pretend that big population migrations aren't happening, or aren't a real problem. The nonelites do see it as a big problem, but for historical reasons there's a big gap of center right parties to represent those ideas.
One more reason: Candidate Bernie Sanders Asks: ‘What’s Wrong With’ America Becoming More Like Scandinavia?
Aroused Vikings vs Sad Sack Jihadis.
Is there a betting pool?
It makes sense. These countries only seem to want to respond to the most violent and mob-oriented displays. So why not?
If a country can say don't provoke Muslim rapists by flaunting their eyeball sensitivities then it's hard to say how non-Swedes are wrong by allowing their presence to provoke mobs of Swedish nativists.
Either way, it's mob-rule. Countries that for years have said the best foreign (and now, domestic) policy is to not provoke the violent.
Well, it looks like they've finally done it.
"Hur de hur, und now ve beat der refugee down, punch himur down like punching down der bread dough, börk börk börk!"
I read somewhere that the Rodney King beating was shown on tv seventeen times more often than the Reginald Denny one........I don't think the media will suppress this story nor will they avoid speculating on the politics of those involved in the assaults.......I think the people who took part in these attacks were wrong, but I'm sure the media's coverage of them will only add to their sense of grievance.
The DM article is hilarious. "xenophobic" "racist" Snort.
Reaping the rewards of premature evacuation from Iraq, a poorly conceived social justice movement "Arab Spring", backing terrorist coups in politically unfavored nations, abandoning friends and allies thereby creating a "refugee crisis", inviting and rewarding excessive and illegal immigration, resuming class "skin color" diversity discrimination, and normalizing selective-child policy under a State-established pro-choice quasi-religion pulled out of the dark fringes of a penumbra. Anti-native... Anti-human, really, policies have consequences.
Of course, as we all know, President Wilson was the real racist of that time...
"Did they delete them? I hadn't heard about that."
Here's a link.
SWEDEN’S PRIME MINISTER has condemned a “double betrayal” of women after allegations that police covered up sexual harassment by recent immigrants at a music festival in Stockholm. Meanwhile, reports have emerged of attacks on women in Malmö on New Year’s Eve. (ILLUSTRATION: Stefan Löfven, Sweden’s prime minister.)
Groups of refugees molested concertgoers at We Are Stockholm, Europe’s largest youth festival, in the summer of 2014, according to internal police memos obtained by Dagens Nyheter, a daily newspaper.
“These are so-called refugee youths, specifically from Afghanistan. Several of the gang were arrested for sexual molestation,” one police memo said.
Yet the official police report on the five-day festival attended by 170,000 young people aged mainly 13-19 made no mention of sexual harassment or assaults.
This story is an excellent example of how the net allows us to wire around the mis-reporting of the media to acquire the facts we need to know what is true and what is SJW framing and lies.
Thanks to Virgil Hilts and his timely reference, I am able to disregard the phony "masked racist, xenophobic terrorists beat defenseless refugee children" and to understand what really happened and why.
Think about it. How could any reporter who sought any facts fail to discern what the real story was here?
Why is this surprising other than it only took so long to happen?
Those Swedish dudes have the color all wrong; they should have worn white. Knights of the White Lutefisk and all that. But that said, the San Francisco Gold Rush era Committees of Vigilance, aka "vigilantes" were a response to a local government that could not or would not control the criminal element. The municipal government of Cologne probably has a committee of vigilance in its future.
This incident brings to my mind the scene in Gone With The Wind when Scarlett's husband goes off to avenge her honor after she was attacked in Shantytown.
I think the mayor and the women on the council and wives of SJW's in Sweden should be absolutely required to frequently walk through their train station and and to work at refugee camps and other hot spots under the same conditions as other women. Unarmed, alone, no guards. And should be asked how often they do it.
I think too that this problem really shows the limitations of feminism. Why can't these women defend themselves? Are they fish that do need a bicycle? I'm not saying that women should form Amazon packs that send a woman out walking and trail along behind and when she is surrounded and assaulted, close in on the gang, beat them up, take away their pants, spray them with indelible purple dye and send them on their way. No, that is wrong, even though this would mean only guilty guys got hit, rather than people who look a certain way. But I think women should pass out many more leaflets explaining that assaulting women who are alone is wrong or some other effective technique. Otherwise it looks as though women cannot protect themselves.
This is just the beginning of Europe fighting back. It will be a lot uglier before it is over. And they'll be attacking their feckless leadership as well as the immigrants before it is over.
Candidate Bernie Sanders Asks: ‘What’s Wrong With’ America Becoming More Like Scandinavia?
Ok, here's a pet peeve of mine. Candidate Bernie Sanders does not speak a Scandinavian language. That means that every time he goes to a Scandinavian country, he can only speak to bright young things who have put a lot of effort into learning the international language, English, and sought out jobs that put them in contact with international travelers. So what he thinks of as Scandinavia is really a tiny ambitious fraction that lives in the capital city and seeks out foreigners.
It's impossible to romanticise England in the same way, because when you go to London you see the whole city, including the ugly and boring parts.
Drill SGT, I was thinking the same thing, but I'd back up "police" to "rule of law". I think I first saw this expressed by Instapundit.
rcocean said... [hush][hide comment]
Street violence accomplishes nothing. All real power comes through the Ballot Box.
Violence solves immediate local problems. Beat the refugees every day and they will find another place to hang out.
Ballot box power is evident in race relations since Obama was elected.
It can't happen, here!
(Let YOUTUBE keep playing- two brilliant Zappa tunes in a row.)
I think too that this problem really shows the limitations of feminism. Why can't these women defend themselves? Are they fish that do need a bicycle? I'm not saying that women should form Amazon packs that send a woman out walking and trail along behind and when she is surrounded and assaulted, close in on the gang, beat them up, take away their pants, spray them with indelible purple dye and send them on their way.
@wildswan, are you not aware of what happened to the Danish girl who resorted to pepper spray to drive off an attacker who had knocked her down and pulled down her pants? She faces a fine of 500 kroner ($72.58). You ask why can't these women defend themselves? Because in Sweden and Denmark and England it's illegal for women to defend themselves.
The same thing happened in Serbia. The solution was to bomb the native population into submission.
Real men don't like attacks on their women: wives, daughters, and mothers. Real men fight back. There are plenty of real men left. Plenty of them are gay, unmarried, young, and even physically disabled. They fight with whatever they've got. Some of them don't have enough life left to give a crap about what some young thug might do in response.
This is what happens when the govt sweeps a problem under the rug and pretends like being compassionate is the only consideration that is worthy of contemplation. WE can't look at the social ramifications of a policy that allows thousands to come into a country and disrupt it fundamentally. We can't look at the crime rate that increases due to such changes because that would be RACISM. In other words, they are playing the racism/sexism/homophobia card to ignore holding them accountable for policy choices and their effects.
When that happens, you get mob violence. If the govt isn't going to do anything about it. the people will take matters into their own hands.
The govt will hten turn around and blame the mob, but really, the mob wouldn't have acted if the govt wasn't so derelict.
Swedes don't like having their country become the rape capital of the world simply because they are told they need to be compassionate.
Swedes have been complaining that there is no housing for swedes! And yet, they think they can somehow accomodate thousands of new refugees. The govt has suggested they can use the forest to house the refugees. you are going to throw refugees into a forest? Are they wolf people? or, the swedish govt is now telling people they can rent out their garages to house immigrants. That is disruptive. Sweden was supposedly the envy of the world for their social programs and now all those social programs are being overloaded. And swedes are being told they are racist if they poitn out that their country is turning into a cess pool
Politicains can call the mob racist all it wants. But at the end of hte day it will have to address that it is the reason the mob is getting so antsy.
"Groups of refugees molested concertgoers at We Are Stockholm, Europe’s largest youth festival,"
That's quite the symbolic event to target.
Can Emily Sulkowicz get over there for some performance art?
Active link from Virgil's post:
station overrun
@jr565:When that happens, you get mob violence.
Or you get fake reports of mob violence, discrediting those who are trying to speak publicly about the issue.
Which is happening here. Like the "shoot-out" in Oregon, where the only shooting was done by the FBI.
If there is going to be vigilantism the best way to curb the problem is to lynch officials who are creating or aiding the problem. When they fear the native masses more than the imported Muslim masses the situation will be substantially tamped down.
Good. About fucking time. When they come with axes to split skulls and it throats we will know they are serious
Fallacy of equivocation. Violent criminals become "children" when the goal is to eradicate guns--the number of "children" killed by guns is always mostly gang members.
And when the police complain that Stockholm station is too dangerous for them to patrol, they refugees are "migrant teen gangs". They become "children" to the police as soon as they get attacked by citizens, as though they were beating up five-year-olds.
Reminiscent of the Wisconsin wildings. It seems the European natives are a bit less tolerant of behavioral diversity promoted and defended under established PC mandates.
A pro-active "shoot-out" that seems to have been justified by a suspicion. The federal government was either incompetent or possessed ulterior motives. Perhaps another Cartel-Leftist Affair that sought to arm Mexican drug lords and disenfranchise Americans.
Does anyone here think this isn't coming soon to the United States?
People keep talking about the rise of Donald Trump without thinking through our own immigration problem. Do you think the victims of illegal immigrants aren't mad as hell?
Maybe you think they aren't plentiful enough to cause such a stir that the society is mad as hell?
I don't know if Trump will win, but this is exactly why he has gained traction in the primary and has held onto it. Because he voices our anger.
Also, does anyone trust the media reports? I know that often times Ann likes to link to a media account and leave a quote as though it's the truth. But does anyone actually trust the spin the media puts on these stories? If you do, I think you're allowing yourself to be fooled.
No mass rape in Israel.
An example of SJW reporting of this incident appears on "The Daily Beast" website today:
"A gang of up to 100 masked men on Friday distributed leaflets threatening to punish "north African street children who are roaming around" Stockholm. Four men have been charged in connection with the incident, which is yet another example of escalating tension between asylum seekers and Europeans. More than one million migrants fled to Europe last year.
Read it at The Guardian"
Since I am not a working reporter, I did not read the article in "The Guardian", but from reading stuff there in the past I can assume that it is just more SJW disregarding of the facts of this story in favor of SJW crusading. Yes, what they say above is true; the leaflets were threatening, but framing the story as "Asylum seekers" versus "Europeans" misses the real story. The reporters, no doubt, wanted to say ..."helpless, heartbreaking victims versus xenophobic bastards"..., but the editor's caution apparently prevailed.
Not a good precedent, but the source article, at lease the headline, appears overstated. Seems to me given the facts below and the paucity of actual injuries, a favorable press might call it a "Swedish Live Matter" protest, like the "disruptive" BLM protests we've seen in restaurants and the like. And there was a reason for the protest location in the train station location.
First, it made the attacks sound indiscriminate, random attacks against innocent "children" of all things. Yet...
Last week, Swedish police warned that Stockholm's main train station has become unsafe after being ‘taken over’ by dozens of Moroccan street children. The all-male migrant teen gangs are spreading terror in the centre of the Swedish capital, stealing, groping girls and assaulting security guards, according to Stockholm police. Members of the gangs, some as young as nine, roam central Stockholm day and night, refusing help provided by the Swedish authorities.
Sweden has seen a dramatic increase in the number of Moroccan under-18s who apply for asylum without a parent or guardian in the past four years, with many later running away from the housing provided to live on the streets in the capital.
Stockholm police estimate that at least 200 Moroccan street children move in the area around the main train station in the centre of the capital, sleeping rough, and living off criminal activity.
Second, does anybody believe the ages given by these street "children"? Many dispute the claimed age of many of them, including Youssaf Khalif Nuur, accused of killing 22-year-old aid worker Alexandra Mezher. Take a look at him "flanked by his is lawyer and translator".
The leaflet handed out before the attack refers to the alleged murder of Alexandra Mehzer, a 22-year-old aid worker knifed to death at the child centre where she worked in Molndal, Sweden. A Somali-born 15-year-old migrant has been accused of killing her during a fight between two asylum-seekers.
Third, how many people were hurt in the activity? I read elsewhere, "Four suspects were arrested in conjunction with the incident, but have since been released. No serious injuries have been reported."
In America, we still have vigilantes. It does not take much. And those in power believe gun control is the issue. When government and justice fails, common folk will fill the vacuum.
The govt won't / can't even tell us what % of murders in America are perpetrated by illegal immigrants yet the Obama admin now wants to track the salary data [of private businesses] by gender and ethnicity.
There has to be more to the depiction of parentless Moroccoan children leaving provided "housing". Aren't there case managers, sponsors or foster families assigned to provide some kind of guardianship? I mean..do they really accept teens and expect them to just behave and assimilate?
Something's missing.
“Where do I come into all of this? Am I just some animal or dog?' And that started them off govoreeting real loud and throwing slovos at me. So I creeched louder still, creeching: 'Am I just to be like a clockwork orange?”
I am Laslo.
Gabriel wrote:
Or you get fake reports of mob violence, discrediting those who are trying to speak publicly about the issue.
Which is happening here. Like the "shoot-out" in Oregon, where the only shooting was done by the FBI.
that's true. Its not a given that there was mob violence. But assuming everything being said in the paper is true (and again, that is not a given) its peoples anger at the govt not addressing the issues that is driving the anger.
They are the ones deliberately ignoring LEGITIMATE criticisms and fears that are occuring because they are so disrupting society with their do goodism.
The refugees resemble the mosquitoes in the previous post. Vectors. Cultural vectors, in this case. But, unlike mosquitoes, impossible to contemplate erradicating. Who's responsible? Who is waging war on Europe's native cultures? Well, who benefits? There's no doubt that cultural elites in Europe and everywhere are straining against the few limits that remain on their power. Are they the hapless dumbasses they appear to be or is the vigilante reaction being provoked deliberately as an excuse to unleash the full power of the state, dissolve the existing culture, and reset the liquefied mess with full and unassailable control as it's primary feature? This interesting question may well be moot. The power play in progress might go the same either way. It's just about to get interesting, in the proverbial sense.
Good! More, please! Faster, please! Instapundit likes to say that the law protects criminals from the people, not the other way around. Well this is what happens when the state fails to provide for the protection of the populace- they provide it for themselves. In Germany the papers are printing open letters to German men from German women asking the men to be men and protect the women from the marauding muslims. Kind of terribly anti-feminist, isn't it?
I'm pretty sure this is Trump's fault.
Geeze, sounds like Oliver Swift.
I think we need to understand the attackers' rage.
There is legitimacy to both the native response and the immigrants' predicament. Whether it is the "refugee crisis" or native acts of self-defense, the solution will not be realized in treating symptoms. The anti-native policies needed to be confronted directly in order to reduce their comprehensive and progressive consequences.
" 'We took care of one kid, and we found out he was about 28 years old.'"
Then they found out he was an American whose parents had taken him to Stockholm and left him. The 28 year old kid had no clue about how to get back home.
Yes, voices from my youth:
"Right On!!! Power to the People"!!!!! Take back the streets!!!!!
People lash out when the government completely ignores their concerns (
"The strength of the west as always been centered in voluntary adherence to the law,"
We are about to become a "low trust society" with all the costs, monetary and physical, that involves.
High levels of social capital and social trust have been linked to any number of positive social outcomes, including low crime rates. Looking at research on crime in U.S. states and neighborhoods, Putnam finds that places with low social capital tend to be more dangerous. More recently, sociologists Steven Messner, Eric Baumer, and Richard Rosenfeld have found a link between a community’s level of social trust and its homicide rate.4 And, as data from the 2007 Pew survey demonstrates, there is evidence that the relationship between social trust and crime exists outside the U.S. as well.
However, when that trust is lost, things can get ugly.
...roughly one in four in the United States economy is now engaged in guard labor—providing security for people and property and imposing work discipline. Since 1890 the guard labor fraction of the United States labor force has increased four-fold. And in Sweden today the guard labor fraction is less than half that of the United States.
...In many countries, the job of getting people to abide by the rules is not left up to the specialists that we have included in guard labor. Anyone who has tried jaywalking in Germany will know what we mean: it’s not the police who you have to worry about, but your (equally formidable) fellow pedestrians
That post is from 2007; before Obama, in other words.
I always bring this up becuase this seems to be the modus operandi for liberals, but it seems like the left pushes proposals deliberately designed to overload the system so that it fails.
I'm referring to the Cloward Pivens strategy from the 60's. But if you think about it, that really seems to be what the left pushes for with all of their 'solutions" they are not designed to solve the problem. THey are instead designed to overload the system.
"First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the Cloward-Piven Strategy seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.
Inspired by the August 1965 riots in the black district of Watts in Los Angeles (which erupted after police had used batons to subdue an African American man suspected of drunk driving), Cloward and Piven published an article titled "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty" in the May 2, 1966 issue of The Nation. Following its publication, The Nation sold an unprecedented 30,000 reprints. Activists were abuzz over the so-called "crisis strategy" or "Cloward-Piven Strategy," as it came to be called. Many were eager to put it into effect.
In their 1966 article, Cloward and Piven charged that the ruling classes used welfare to weaken the poor; that by providing a social safety net, the rich doused the fires of rebellion. Poor people can advance only when "the rest of society is afraid of them," Cloward told The New York Times on September 27, 1970. Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs, wrote Cloward and Piven, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system; the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would "the rest of society" accept their demands."
Pretty sneaky sis. But were they not right in one regard? if you overload the system it can cause its collapse. Including the idea of a welfare state. Pivens wanted our existing welfare state to collapse so we could change the capitalist system to a socialist one. But Sweden already has a socialist one. If it collapses, what do you replace it with?
You may deliberately try to destroy the system because you don't like how we function economically, or you may inadvertantly destroy the sytem simply beacuse you want to be NICE. But unless your system is capable of withstanding the overload you can destroy the functioning sytem. WE could withstand Pivens Cloward, Can Sweden withstand an assault on its welfare state? The jury is actually out on that one.
But Sweden already has a socialist one. If it collapses, what do you replace it with?
Well, nearly everyplace where they've replaced a communist or socialist state, they've replaced it with a capitalist state.
"Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs, wrote Cloward and Piven, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system; the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis "
Sounds like Berno's "political revolution"...
(cont) "the Cloward-Piven Strategy seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse."
that CLEARLY seems to be the goal of those pushing open borders. They can't possibly think that their beloved safety net wont be impacted by the IMPOSSIBLE demands placed on it. So are they THAT naive? Or is it calculated to produce a result?
Every time people bring up limiitations on immigration they cite things like "waht would Jesus do" or read off the statue of libertys slogan "give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses' That was never meant to include EVERYONE, was it? They can't be that stupid. So then its not stupidity. Its SABOTAGE.
Big Mike wrote:
Well, nearly everyplace where they've replaced a communist or socialist state, they've replaced it with a capitalist state.
Or they could be like Greece and just languish.
Something's missing.
Common sense.
roughly one in four in the United States economy is now engaged in guard labor
For any normal definition of "guard", that's obviously not true.
"Their definition of "guard labor" includes the unemployed (over and above some frictional level), under the theory that the unemployed population acts as a discipline on those who are employed. That might explain why they used Sweden as a favorable example, rather than, say, France.
They also include supervisory workers in their definition of "guard labor. In fact, numerically, this is the largest group, which makes their description of guard labor as "police, private security guards, military personnel and others" seem a bit misleading."
Yeah, "a bit". A supervisor on an assembly line is a "guard"; if he were an unemployed supervisor, would he count as two guards?
But as Obama said "diversity is our strength" so we don't need no stinkin' badges.
Treating Muslims the same as they treat other humans is the root problem. They are alien invaders bred to be a Christian despising Army of conquest and murder.
The solution is first to weaken them by outlawing Korans, Arabic speech and Mosques; and then to convert them to Christianity.
It's a shame that no one did that to Hussain Obama when he returned from indoctrination in Indonesia.
Or they could be like Greece and just languish.
Greece has decided to ride the wave of other people's money for as long as it lasts. Eventually Germany will get fed up, the Greek government and economy will collapse, the European refugee crisis will get worse, and tourist travel to Greece will get incredibly cheap.
Insty has a link to an article quoting a German feminist, "better a rapist than a racist?" Revoke the 19th Amendment. Too damn stupid to vote if she ever comes here. Emma Watson is spouting crap, too. There's a petition for her to go to the French migrant camp alone and doo good works for them.
No worries, Obama is the healer:
The possibility of a mosque visit came up again a month ago, when several prominent Muslim Americans met with senior White House officials to discuss concerns about rising hostility toward people of their faith. During that session _ which was attended by White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, Domestic Policy Council director Cecilia Muñoz and deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes — the Islamic leaders asked for Obama to visit a mosque, ideally with former president George W. Bush.
We were thinking of going to Greece this year. I'm not subjecting my female child to that abuse. I wonder if Americans will travel to Europe in numbers even tho It's so cheap, I want to go, but....
Only if they visit a mosque in Iraq or Afghanistan.
So, what are Moroccans seeking asylum from, again?
"The influential and politically-connected National Council of La Raza (NCLR) has long benefitted from Uncle Sam’s largess but the group has made a killing since Obama hired its senior vice president (Cecilia Muñoz) in 2009 to be his director of intergovernmental affairs.
Ignored by the mainstream media, Judicial Watch covered the appointment because the president issued a special “ethics waiver” to bring Muñoz aboard since it violated his own lobbyist ban. At the pro illegal immigration NCLR, Muñoz supervised all legislative and advocacy activities on the state and local levels and she was heavily involved in the congressional immigration battles that took place in the George W. Bush Administration.
She also brought in a steady flow of government cash that’s allowed the Washington D.C.-based group to expand nationwide and promote its leftist, open-borders agenda via a network of community organizations dedicated to serving Latinos. Among them are a variety of local groups that provide social services, housing counseling and farm worker assistance as well as publicly-funded charter schools that promote radical Chicano curriculums. Judicial Watch published a special report on this a few years ago.
This week a JW probe has uncovered details of the alarming increase in federal funding that these NCLR groups have received since Muñoz joined the Obama Administration. In fact, the government cash more than doubled the year Muñoz joined the White House, from $4.1 million to $11 million.
Not surprisingly, a big chunk of the money (60%) came from the Department of Labor, which is headed by a former California congresswoman (Hilda Solis) with close ties to the La Raza movement.
- See more at: http://www.libertynewsonline.com/article_301_31425.php#sthash.LU2CBhOA.dpuf
Till today, I thought Morocco was in the best shape of the NA arc. With a King intent on modernization and democratization on steady rate...
Blogger Paco Wové said...
So, what are Moroccans seeking asylum from, again?
And now these "yuths" are showing what is to come - riots over candy and not getting their way
Just wait until Sweden tries to deport the 80,000 it said had to go - you will see riots and protests that make what has happened earlier look like cake walks.
So, what are Moroccans seeking asylum from, again?
They want access to the welfare system.
Moroccans are a dangerous bunch. They make tremendous, ferocious warriors. They have fought against and served as mercenaries in the Spanish and French armies throughout the 20th century.
After the Americans, British, French, New Zealanders, Indians, Gurkhas, Algerians and Poles failed to crack the German lines around Monte Cassino, it was the Morroccans that finally broke through.
They have also always had a nasty reputation for rape, in France and Spain and Italy, and wherever they served.
See Vittorio de Sicas "Two Women" - based on a widespread reality.
Sounds like concealed carry is a good idea for Sweden
The first crack in the dam.
Crack or empty promise dependent on absurd level of stupidity?
" Merkel said it was important to stress that most refugees had only been allowed to stay for a limited period.
"We need ... to say to people that this is a temporary residential status and we expect that, once there is peace in Syria again, once IS has been defeated in Iraq, that you go back to your home country with the knowledge that you have gained,"
Startling as it may seem, I also read Swedish. Sorta. It's slow and painful sometimes.
More detailed reporting in Swedish:
There was one group of people clad in black who patrolled the train station (where violence and robbery is takin place daily) and dropped the leaflets. I saw no reports of violence there.
Then there were some other groups the Swedish police believe to be based around soccer hooligans who headed out further into center Stockholm. There may have been some beatings, but since the youth gangs have kind of taken over at night, they may not have been offensive beatings. The paper said it had a witness to people being attacked. The Swedish police don't report that. They said there was one assault on an officer. A guy got arrested for having brass knuckles.
Angry mob is probably not accurate, and I've been reading about the Moroccan lost boys problem for a while, combined with statements saying the police are helpless, so....
I think this was a citizen patrol, but you know the rowdies who really want to brawl are going to go overboard. Women are getting robbed, groped and beaten at the station if they resist the groping/robbing. I predict the police are suddenly going to find a way to deal with it because it will be politically feasible now. If not, it is going to be dealt with anyway. Then these people will move somewhere else.
I cannot really blame the "mob". If one has to fight on the streets, making the resolution to win the battle is neither evil nor racist. It is the job of the government to ensure that the people don't have to fight on the street! When that fails, what should anyone expect?
"Moroccan lost boys problem"
Is that how the Swedes refer to it?
PS: This report from Dagens Nyheter (Daily News) says that the action in the train station was separate from any violence; that the people on the streets were there in demonstrations (anti-immigrant and anti-anti-immigrant), and that the police were there to stop the two groups from fighting:
Östermalmstorg is the area where the main train station in Stockholm is.
This is the original:
The unaccompanied minors are a Muslim cuckoo's egg. You know what the cuckoo does, right? It lays its eggs in another bird's nest. When the cuckoo chicks hatch, they are much bigger than the other bird's hatchlings, and the cuckoo chick pushes them out of the nest. Then the mother bird is stuck feeding and caring for someone else's chicks. It's called "brood parasitism."
MaxedOutMama said...
PS: This report from Dagens Nyheter (Daily News) says that the action in the train station was separate from any violence; that the people on the streets were there in demonstrations (anti-immigrant and anti-anti-immigrant), and that the police were there to stop the two groups from fighting:
Knowing the Euro-media, which is even worse then the US media, it should have been obvious that the OP article was fake.
Well done men. The next target should be the Kings castle.
Intended or unintended consequences is the question. It'll be worse here, we are more heavily armed and a little less patient. At least I am.
No skulls on pikes? Weaksause, Sweden. Like everything else you've done since the reign of Gustavus Adolphus. You can't even riot correctly. Do it again, and properly this time!
Today's "Daily Mail" (UK):
EU leaders insist there is 'NO LINK' between the migrant crisis and New Year sex attacks in Cologne - and vow to bring about an end to 'false accusations'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3423959/No-link-migrant-crisis-wave-New-Year-sex-attacks-Arab-North-African-men-women-Cologne-say-EU-leaders.html#ixzz3yn0kfCzC
Muslims are invading the West, using the Wests own idiotic immigration laws regarding children as the weak spot and they rely on pussified Multiculturalists to excuse rape and other violent crimes. Governments are failing, so it's time for citizens to step up and step in.
Perhaps young Swedish men could find a nice, North African country that will accept them as refugees? What are native people supposed to do when their elders have given their country away, just peacefully and quietly die off?
It's against the law for Scandinavians to defend themselves. There's a seventeen-year-old Danish 'child" who is being prosecuted for using pepper spray to fend off a rapist.
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