The feminists and masculinists should restrict their theater of operations to themselves. Most women and men are conscientious objectors and have grown disenchanted with their ongoing gender wars that have caused widespread collateral damage including loss of human lives, destroyed human dignity, sabotaged relationships, and generally spread dysfunction throughout our society.
Trump must have been watching "Morning Joe" during the 7am segment. Joe gave the Hillary! campaign a Christmas warning that they should be very careful wading in to the war on women meme. Trump isn't going to play by the "rules", and he will use Bill's sexual philandering, and Hillary's attacks on those women to counter punch...hard. Her hypocrisy is glaring.
As well he should. Hillary does not represent, nor is she concerned with, the interests of all women as claimed.
At this point I don't care who wins or loses. I've become so cynical I just want to see Trump do as much damage as he can to Hillary! and the MSM and see what's left after he is finished. We brought all of this on ourselves. At least enjoy it for its entertainment value.
A lesser man would complain about the misogyny card. Trump neither complains about the card being used against him nor complains about other uses of the card. Clever.
The plain meaning of his warning doesn't fit for me. He's just forming an association between Hillary and some stuff you may or may not find negative, without being on the hook for making the case that it's negative.
Obviously he's not just threatening counterattacks; every attack will be played at some point anyway. Obviously he's not actually trying to help her.
Everything about Hillary is staged. Even her tardy return from the toilet was staged. I am sure it caused our friends on the Left to "have a conversation" about restroom equity or some such. More important, it was a way for her to reinforce her womanhood. Kind of like when Obama would play basketball on the campaign trail.
Trump may be more skilled at manipulating the media, but Hillary has the advantage of getting her way with them no matter what because they are in the tank for her. Unfortunately, Trump's adept manipulation not only helps him but often redounds to Hillary's benefit as well.
I despise both Hillary and Trump. I really, really, really hope he doesn't win the nomination. The sooner he leaves, the better. A bad showing in Iowa and dipping numbers in South Carolina would be just what the doctor ordered. If he stays around after March 1, the only candidate who benefits is Hillary.
More of his gamesmanship. He's already taking on Hillary as the presumptive front-runner. Not giving voters the chance to consider that someone else might be the nominee. He knows how to sell. Read Scott Adams ( on how he's doing this. He is very good at what he does (and I don't mean policy).
Trump is the inevitable reckoning from decades of media elitists and party elders thinking that the truth doesn't matter, just parrot whatever propaganda serves your purposes.
The Hilldog doesn't stand a prayer against him. After she gets 7 months of the Yeb! treatment, she'll be begging for mercy.
This guy plays for keeps. And as for the people whining about him, destroying the Establishment Lie Machine is the best outcome we could have politically, except for building the wall and preventing the permanent demographic destruction of our country.
And if you think that's racist, well, let's just have the same immigration law as Mexico and most every other country in the world. Or is that racist too? Because if THAT'S racist...then that basically just means you think only white people are racist.
And that's the most racist stance of all. The dirty little secret is that whites are the only race in the world that even thinks 'colorblindness' and 'anti-racism' is a thing. Other races openly run their racial-based nation-states. When you put an idealist, postmodern, self-hating culture up against a racially-bound culture that makes no bones about using you for their ends, the latter will win every time.
That's why the Big Lie is collapsing so fast. People can see the truth. They know, deep down, that continuing their kumbaya we-are-the-world views in the face of most every other race on the planet wanting to either use or kill us, is absolutely moronic.
The Donald just made it clear that he is going to whack the living shit out of her about her husband's indelicacies and her averting her gaze. The Donald will do this harshly and there will be gasping but it will have to be reported. The Donald is not going to be slut shamed and he is not going to be pushed around on phony women's "issues" by the wife of a philanderer or worse. Stand by.
Maybe the whole 'schlong' debacle was a set up to get Hillary! to punch the war on women tar baby. That is not a safe space for her, unless she can portray herself as a victim of Bill like the other women. Wouldn't put that past her; but even Cosby's wife has been blindly loyal.
I can't tell if Trump just does this stuff and then he and his staff come up with a reaction, or it is all pre-planned.
If it is pre-planned, he and his team have to be laughing.
Trump, the 140 character candidate. It will be interesting to see how he does in the next debate if the analysis is correct that only Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Christie and Bush will qualify to share the platform with him.
I think Trump has a touch of OCD - I remember on one of his "Apprentice" shows he went ballistic because an outdoor bleacher reserved for him had dirt on it. I think I saw him on Larry King and was put off by Larry's bad breath.
Donald Trump sent Barbara Walters a framed girdle-like outfit Rosie O’Donnell wore in “Exit to Eden” to hang in the offices of “The View.”
The girdle-like outfit - variously described as “a bustier” and “a giant pair of panties” - was bought at a charity auction by a fan, who then had the relic framed under glass and delivered to Trump.
“I sent it to Barbara to hang in her office because I didn’t want it in mine. It was funny, except that it was really gross. It’s disgusting,” Trump told Page Six. “I feel sorry for [Rosie’s] wife. It can’t be pleasant.”
He may destroy her even before the election if she keeps on trying to push the various Lefty hot buttons. Damn it's fun to watch him prick and prod her! Trump is going to have a wonderful time putting her out to pasture.
Hillary looked the country right in the face on live TV and told us to believe her, instead of our own lying eyes. She has no shame, no ethics, no morals, no empathy, nothing but a desire to have power over others.
All it takes to destroy the public image of someone like that is to point out that every time they open their mouths, they are being shameless, unethical, immoral, and unfeeling. And when they complain, laugh and say, "There she goes again!"
Still, she's going to win because she has control of those few Ohio counties necessary to win the election. So get your smacks in on her while you can, after she is in office we will see the power of a fully operational, weaponized federal government getting revenge on her enemies, the citizens of the US.
"Sure, you might not like a Trump win, but let's not pretend that Trump won't beat Hillary."
Some people truly live in an alternate reality. The latest Quinnipiac poll says that Clinton would win over Trump by 7 points. The longer Trump trumpets the more he shows his 'stuff'. It's all good for Democrats.
“The Hillary Clinton staged event yesterday was pathetic,” Trump said in a tweet, referring to a Clinton rally Tuesday in Keota, Iowa, where a young girl who said she had asthma asked how to deal with bullies. Clinton told the girl she'd had a lot of “terrible things” said about her and later added that the country “shouldn't let anybody bully his way into the presidency," apparently referring to Trump.
Trump has punked two-bit politicians such as Hillary! for decades. He's already inches deep under her skin and it's only a matter of time before her legendary temper surfaces. She's accustomed to acquiescence from her minions and doesn't have the requisite skills to endure the uncomfortable truths she'll have to confront in the coming months.
I hope that people understand that Trump hasn't even begun to punch at Hillary!! Trump will ask her flat out if she plans on giving blow jobs in the Oval Office if she wins. And why shouldn't he? There will be lots of young men and women in subordinate positions that should be available.
The war on women might be joined in a way that woymn are not expecting.
Sympathy wears thin pretty quickly in presidential candidates, Amanda. And Hillary!'s already had 22 years of the public's sympathy.
But I think it's healthy that she's crying over this. Probably the first honest emotion she's shown in 70-odd years.
While she could have just handled it successfully by calling Trump's comment immature and unprofessional - properly implying that she's above it, she went the whole "degraded and humiliated, etc." route. This does not help her. Women already get the sympathy card in every other venue. It won't work in the presidency.
The other thing it does is prove her misandrist credentials. What objection does she have against a word that describes an organ possessed by a gender that makes up almost half the voting public? The context was unprofessional, but is it wrong to talk about, say for instance - breast health? Or bathroom lines? Does she have a problem with gender-specific language? That would be odd, given the obsession she has with her own gender. Indeed it usually seems like her own gender is the only aspect of her own identity of which she's sure and has any consistent interest in.
Here's what it comes down to: Hillary got upset because the remark reminded her of her own, passive-aggressive relationship to the penis. She hates it, it's gross... Here, YOU can have it... And I'll grant you that a lot of American women identify with that out of their own prudishness, self-loathing, jealousy, distractibility, etc.
But these are precisely the traits that we look to avoid in a leader.
Trump has crossed a line, but it wasn't the one you thought he did. He's the first politician to call out how cowardly and weak she is in her own self-image.
And I'll level with you. He's a blowhard, too. He puts all his ego into his hairpiece, just as she puts all hers into a pantsuit.
But right now he just proved that he can get over people bashing his hair, etc. As for Hillary, she just proved that she can't overcome her own issue.
.Blogger Amanda said... "Sure, you might not like a Trump win, but let's not pretend that Trump won't beat Hillary."
Some people truly live in an alternate reality. The latest Quinnipiac poll says that Clinton would win over Trump by 7 points. The longer Trump trumpets the more he shows his 'stuff'. It's all good for Democrats.
Keep holding on to those polls, Amanda. They'll make you feel better after the election. You can say the polling showed a Democrat win and the Republicans cheated. That'll make you feel better.
I have seen her four times in person this year. Everything is staged. She never took questions at the events I saw. When she does take questions, they are screened.
Ah, some dirt on The Donald? And you are the first to bring it to the attention of the public? Our own Garage Mahal? My dear boy, you can bet that the MSM has thought to dig into the D's past. You can also wager that had they found something really steamy, or even a little spicy, we would know it by now.
No, I think there is a difference between a man who has had three marriages and one who gets blow jobs from young interns who work for them. But maybe not, maybe you are right that the public won't care if they are reminded that Hillary's husband was a philanderer and used the Oval office as his bedroom for the purpose of getting blow jobs from a young woman who worked for him. And Hillary's standing by her husband. Old old old news to the old. New new new news to the young Democrat voter woman. She will be all huh? when they hear this story and wonder why the great defender of women, the warrior at the head of the spear in defending legions in the war on women gives not one royal shit about women.
Ivana Trump rushed to the defense of The Donald on Tuesday, recanting a harsh report about their divorce and saying her ex-husband would make an “incredible” president.
“I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension,” the 66-year-old Czech-American told CNN in response to an article that said Ivana once accused Donald of raping her.
“The story is totally without merit,” she said in a statement Tuesday.
“Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.”
let's just have the same immigration law as Mexico and most every other country in the world. Or is that racist too? Because if THAT'S racist...then that basically just means you think only white people are racist.
I don't think you want the United States to shoot people trying to cross the border, like Turkey just started to do to Syrian refugees, under EU pressure to control the border.
Accused by Western leaders of turning a blind eye to these critical borders, Turkey at last seems to be getting serious about shoring them up. Under growing pressure from Europe and the United States, Turkey has in recent weeks taken steps to cut off the flows of refugees and of foreign fighters who have helped destabilize a vast portion of the globe, from the Middle East to Europe.
Smugglers who used to make a living helping the Islamic State bring foreign fighters into Syria say that it is increasingly difficult — though still not impossible — to do so now. Border guards who once fired warning shots, they say, now shoot to kill.
On second thought, on closer reading, maybe they're only shooting to kill people trying to get INTO Syria. They are more likely to be trying to join ISIS. And maybe it's only known smuggling routes for foreign fighters.
. You can also wager that had they found something really steamy, or even a little spicy, we would know it by now. .
Yea you'd think the liberal media would be all over a story about a Republican accused of rape running for president. Of course this doesn't concern Republicans who have sobbed like babies for the past 20 years over a consensual blowjob in the least. I'm not a huge fan of Hillary's but I will enjoy watching her troll Trump, who happens to be the thinnest skinned person to ever run for president. Trump is such a predictable bore though, not funny or intelligent. I wish he were at least funny or intelligent.
Ritmo, I hate to say that I am agreeing with you but you are correct about Hillary, 12/23/15, 8:15 PM :
Agreed. Rather insightful observation by R & B.
I doubt that Trump would be anything remotely close to a hardcore conservative small-government type were he actually elected but I do believe he is serious about illegal immigration and American Nationalism. Trump just might be the Moderate Republican the base would vote for (in large part due to his in-your-face demeanor)and Moderate Democrats vote for as well.
Everyone rejoice. Trump may not be a good president. But he is going to expose and tear down the aristocracy. The plutarchs have chosen Hillary as their champion. I didn't think they would be that stupid. She is the epitome of the corrupt grifter crony insider politician.
I believe the GOPe "caved" on the omnibus because they see the real poll numbers and know the piggy feeding trough is going down and they are getting the last meal so to speak.
Well, you are a bit behind on the rape story but I suppose you will catch up in your own good time. The world is grateful for your observation on the intelligence of a billionaire. LOL.
I loved Schlichter annoying CNN by his constant comparison of what Trump SAID with what Hillary's husband, that she chose to stand behind, DID.
World of difference. The press doesn't like the discussion.
The latest Quinnipiac poll says that Clinton would win over Trump by 7 points.
She has a 7 point lead.
Over a guy attacked by most of the Republicans, all of the Democrats, and the media.
She's only up by SEVEN.
And people have been ignoring her skeletons in her closet for weeks now. To only be up by SEVEN POINTS when you have that much of an advantage should be exceptionally disconcerting. If roles were reversed, Trump would have a solid double digit lead.
Clinton will quietly undermine Trump by being rational.
She never has been.
She becomes popular when people don't see her much. And people aren't seeing her much now. When they see her more, her numbers drop.
Yea you'd think the liberal media would be all over a story about a Republican accused of rape running for president.
His "accuser" has already said it didn't happen.
However, we had a President who was accused of rape and that accuser never recanted. Say, wasn't that President married to a candidate now?
This isn't a fight you can hope to win.
Of course this doesn't concern Republicans who have sobbed like babies for the past 20 years over a consensual blowjob in the least.
Packwood was driven out of office by the Left for less.
And Packwood was a leftie Republican douche.
I'm not a huge fan of Hillary's but I will enjoy watching her troll Trump, who happens to be the thinnest skinned person to ever run for president.
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५६ टिप्पण्या:
Trump 1, Hillary 0
Trump is just agitating her.
Finally it seems like someone is going to call Hillary out for being married to a rapist and then bashing his victims.
A warning shot across the bow of the 'bimbo eruption squad' leader.
The feminists and masculinists should restrict their theater of operations to themselves. Most women and men are conscientious objectors and have grown disenchanted with their ongoing gender wars that have caused widespread collateral damage including loss of human lives, destroyed human dignity, sabotaged relationships, and generally spread dysfunction throughout our society.
Trump must have been watching "Morning Joe" during the 7am segment. Joe gave the Hillary! campaign a Christmas warning that they should be very careful wading in to the war on women meme. Trump isn't going to play by the "rules", and he will use Bill's sexual philandering, and Hillary's attacks on those women to counter punch...hard. Her hypocrisy is glaring.
As well he should. Hillary does not represent, nor is she concerned with, the interests of all women as claimed.
At this point I don't care who wins or loses. I've become so cynical I just want to see Trump do as much damage as he can to Hillary! and the MSM and see what's left after he is finished. We brought all of this on ourselves. At least enjoy it for its entertainment value.
Why won't Donald attack Hillary? He must be a plant!
A lesser man would complain about the misogyny card. Trump neither complains about the card being used against him nor complains about other uses of the card. Clever.
The plain meaning of his warning doesn't fit for me. He's just forming an association between Hillary and some stuff you may or may not find negative, without being on the hook for making the case that it's negative.
Obviously he's not just threatening counterattacks; every attack will be played at some point anyway. Obviously he's not actually trying to help her.
Everything about Hillary is staged. Even her tardy return from the toilet was staged. I am sure it caused our friends on the Left to "have a conversation" about restroom equity or some such. More important, it was a way for her to reinforce her womanhood. Kind of like when Obama would play basketball on the campaign trail.
Trump may be more skilled at manipulating the media, but Hillary has the advantage of getting her way with them no matter what because they are in the tank for her. Unfortunately, Trump's adept manipulation not only helps him but often redounds to Hillary's benefit as well.
I despise both Hillary and Trump. I really, really, really hope he doesn't win the nomination. The sooner he leaves, the better. A bad showing in Iowa and dipping numbers in South Carolina would be just what the doctor ordered. If he stays around after March 1, the only candidate who benefits is Hillary.
More of his gamesmanship. He's already taking on Hillary as the presumptive front-runner. Not giving voters the chance to consider that someone else might be the nominee. He knows how to sell. Read Scott Adams ( on how he's doing this. He is very good at what he does (and I don't mean policy).
Jeb + how many others ... would have apologized.
See Jeb, this is how you do it.
In 2012, the Republicans ran Mitt Romney, the one Republican in the country who couldn't criticize ObamaCare.
In 2016, the Democrats are running probably the only female Democrat who can't use the #WarOnWomen hashtag.
Trump is the inevitable reckoning from decades of media elitists and party elders thinking that the truth doesn't matter, just parrot whatever propaganda serves your purposes.
The Hilldog doesn't stand a prayer against him. After she gets 7 months of the Yeb! treatment, she'll be begging for mercy.
This guy plays for keeps. And as for the people whining about him, destroying the Establishment Lie Machine is the best outcome we could have politically, except for building the wall and preventing the permanent demographic destruction of our country.
And if you think that's racist, well, let's just have the same immigration law as Mexico and most every other country in the world. Or is that racist too? Because if THAT'S racist...then that basically just means you think only white people are racist.
And that's the most racist stance of all. The dirty little secret is that whites are the only race in the world that even thinks 'colorblindness' and 'anti-racism' is a thing. Other races openly run their racial-based nation-states. When you put an idealist, postmodern, self-hating culture up against a racially-bound culture that makes no bones about using you for their ends, the latter will win every time.
That's why the Big Lie is collapsing so fast. People can see the truth. They know, deep down, that continuing their kumbaya we-are-the-world views in the face of most every other race on the planet wanting to either use or kill us, is absolutely moronic.
Hillary deserves every bit of this for encouraging Trump to run. She wants this so she can play victim.
My ideal scenario is Trump continues with this, she overplays it, then someone who can beat her gets nominated and her victim card is all played out.
The Donald just made it clear that he is going to whack the living shit out of her about her husband's indelicacies and her averting her gaze. The Donald will do this harshly and there will be gasping but it will have to be reported. The Donald is not going to be slut shamed and he is not going to be pushed around on phony women's "issues" by the wife of a philanderer or worse. Stand by.
She is reacting to being shafted . . . er, schlonged.
Maybe the whole 'schlong' debacle was a set up to get Hillary! to punch the war on women tar baby. That is not a safe space for her, unless she can portray herself as a victim of Bill like the other women. Wouldn't put that past her; but even Cosby's wife has been blindly loyal.
I can't tell if Trump just does this stuff and then he and his staff come up with a reaction, or it is all pre-planned.
If it is pre-planned, he and his team have to be laughing.
Trump, the 140 character candidate. It will be interesting to see how he does in the next debate if the analysis is correct that only Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Christie and Bush will qualify to share the platform with him.
I think Trump has a touch of OCD - I remember on one of his "Apprentice" shows he went ballistic because an outdoor bleacher reserved for him had dirt on it. I think I saw him on Larry King and was put off by Larry's bad breath.
Also, the Rosie O'Donnell panty incident"
Comedy gold: Donald Trump Sends Barbara Rosie's Panties
Donald Trump sent Barbara Walters a framed girdle-like outfit Rosie O’Donnell wore in “Exit to Eden” to hang in the offices of “The View.”
The girdle-like outfit - variously described as “a bustier” and “a giant pair of panties” - was bought at a charity auction by a fan, who then had the relic framed under glass and delivered to Trump.
“I sent it to Barbara to hang in her office because I didn’t want it in mine. It was funny, except that it was really gross. It’s disgusting,” Trump told Page Six. “I feel sorry for [Rosie’s] wife. It can’t be pleasant.”
He may destroy her even before the election if she keeps on trying to push the various Lefty hot buttons. Damn it's fun to watch him prick and prod her! Trump is going to have a wonderful time putting her out to pasture.
The Donald should show everyone who is the boss! Hillary wont get any sympathy votes, don't worry....
Hillary looked the country right in the face on live TV and told us to believe her, instead of our own lying eyes. She has no shame, no ethics, no morals, no empathy, nothing but a desire to have power over others.
All it takes to destroy the public image of someone like that is to point out that every time they open their mouths, they are being shameless, unethical, immoral, and unfeeling. And when they complain, laugh and say, "There she goes again!"
Still, she's going to win because she has control of those few Ohio counties necessary to win the election. So get your smacks in on her while you can, after she is in office we will see the power of a fully operational, weaponized federal government getting revenge on her enemies, the citizens of the US.
Mark Steyn hosting Rush today explained Trump and schlong very well.
I judge a man by the quality of the people he pisses off. Well played, Mr. Trump ... well played.
Hillary is the one person in the US people don't feel bad about Trump picking on.
EqualWomen are now in the worst combat units. So hearing aggressive male boasts had better not be all it takes to disable them.
I expect to see Hillary just get meaner and meaner to show her toughness. And that will lose her the election.
Blogger Brando said...
Hillary deserves every bit of this for encouraging Trump to run. She wants this so she can play victim.
My ideal scenario is Trump continues with this, she overplays it, then someone who can beat her gets nominated and her victim card is all played out
I find Scott Adams analysis to be better than yours.
Sure, you might not like a Trump win, but let's not pretend that Trump won't beat Hillary.
He won't just beat her, he'll schlong her.
Rule #13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
Darn comment moderation - my 1:24 comment was supposed to be in the other Trump post.
"Sure, you might not like a Trump win, but let's not pretend that Trump won't beat Hillary."
Some people truly live in an alternate reality. The latest Quinnipiac poll says that Clinton would win over Trump by 7 points. The longer Trump trumpets the more he shows his 'stuff'. It's all good for Democrats.
Traditional Guy,
Hillary won't get meaner and meaner, that is wishful thinking. Clinton will quietly undermine Trump by being rational.
I believe this is the event in question.
“The Hillary Clinton staged event yesterday was pathetic,” Trump said in a tweet, referring to a Clinton rally Tuesday in Keota, Iowa, where a young girl who said she had asthma asked how to deal with bullies. Clinton told the girl she'd had a lot of “terrible things” said about her and later added that the country “shouldn't let anybody bully his way into the presidency," apparently referring to Trump.
Amanda: "The Donald should show everyone who is the boss!"
Hillary has already shown all those women that Bill abused that she was the boss.
And Amanda has absolutely no problem with any of that.
Drago can't let go of Bill's schlong.
"The Donald just made it clear that he is going to whack the living shit out of her about her husband's indelicacies"
I don't know about that. Didn't Ivana Trump claim Donald Trump raped her? Thrice traditionally married rapist in the White House? Oh my.
Schlong the Abuela!
Trump has punked two-bit politicians such as Hillary! for decades. He's already inches deep under her skin and it's only a matter of time before her legendary temper surfaces. She's accustomed to acquiescence from her minions and doesn't have the requisite skills to endure the uncomfortable truths she'll have to confront in the coming months.
I hope that people understand that Trump hasn't even begun to punch at Hillary!! Trump will ask her flat out if she plans on giving blow jobs in the Oval Office if she wins. And why shouldn't he? There will be lots of young men and women in subordinate positions that should be available.
The war on women might be joined in a way that woymn are not expecting.
"Mitt Romney, the one Republican in the country who couldn't criticize ObamaCare."
You know, he could have because the Democrats were lying about that. He just wouldn't and I could never understand why.
Sympathy wears thin pretty quickly in presidential candidates, Amanda. And Hillary!'s already had 22 years of the public's sympathy.
But I think it's healthy that she's crying over this. Probably the first honest emotion she's shown in 70-odd years.
While she could have just handled it successfully by calling Trump's comment immature and unprofessional - properly implying that she's above it, she went the whole "degraded and humiliated, etc." route. This does not help her. Women already get the sympathy card in every other venue. It won't work in the presidency.
The other thing it does is prove her misandrist credentials. What objection does she have against a word that describes an organ possessed by a gender that makes up almost half the voting public? The context was unprofessional, but is it wrong to talk about, say for instance - breast health? Or bathroom lines? Does she have a problem with gender-specific language? That would be odd, given the obsession she has with her own gender. Indeed it usually seems like her own gender is the only aspect of her own identity of which she's sure and has any consistent interest in.
Here's what it comes down to: Hillary got upset because the remark reminded her of her own, passive-aggressive relationship to the penis. She hates it, it's gross... Here, YOU can have it... And I'll grant you that a lot of American women identify with that out of their own prudishness, self-loathing, jealousy, distractibility, etc.
But these are precisely the traits that we look to avoid in a leader.
Trump has crossed a line, but it wasn't the one you thought he did. He's the first politician to call out how cowardly and weak she is in her own self-image.
And I'll level with you. He's a blowhard, too. He puts all his ego into his hairpiece, just as she puts all hers into a pantsuit.
But right now he just proved that he can get over people bashing his hair, etc. As for Hillary, she just proved that she can't overcome her own issue.
Vladimir Trump.
Howard: "Drago can't let go of Bill's schlong"
Hmmm, who mentioned "Bill's schlong" again?
Thanks for playing.
garage: "I don't know about that. Didn't Ivana Trump claim Donald Trump raped her?"
Do you have any other very, very basic questions you'd like answered?
We'll try our best to keep our answers at a level you can comprehend.
.Blogger Amanda said...
"Sure, you might not like a Trump win, but let's not pretend that Trump won't beat Hillary."
Some people truly live in an alternate reality. The latest Quinnipiac poll says that Clinton would win over Trump by 7 points. The longer Trump trumpets the more he shows his 'stuff'. It's all good for Democrats.
Keep holding on to those polls, Amanda. They'll make you feel better after the election. You can say the polling showed a Democrat win and the Republicans cheated. That'll make you feel better.
I have seen her four times in person this year. Everything is staged. She never took questions at the events I saw. When she does take questions, they are screened.
Garage Mahal
Ah, some dirt on The Donald? And you are the first to bring it to the attention of the public? Our own Garage Mahal? My dear boy, you can bet that the MSM has thought to dig into the D's past. You can also wager that had they found something really steamy, or even a little spicy, we would know it by now.
No, I think there is a difference between a man who has had three marriages and one who gets blow jobs from young interns who work for them. But maybe not, maybe you are right that the public won't care if they are reminded that Hillary's husband was a philanderer and used the Oval office as his bedroom for the purpose of getting blow jobs from a young woman who worked for him. And Hillary's standing by her husband. Old old old news to the old. New new new news to the young Democrat voter woman. She will be all huh? when they hear this story and wonder why the great defender of women, the warrior at the head of the spear in defending legions in the war on women gives not one royal shit about women.
Garage Mahall humbly acknowleges....
Ivana Trump rushed to the defense of The Donald on Tuesday, recanting a harsh report about their divorce and saying her ex-husband would make an “incredible” president.
“I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension,” the 66-year-old Czech-American told CNN in response to an article that said Ivana once accused Donald of raping her.
“The story is totally without merit,” she said in a statement Tuesday.
“Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.”
Ritmo, I hate to say that I am agreeing with you but you are correct about Hillary,
let's just have the same immigration law as Mexico and most every other country in the world. Or is that racist too? Because if THAT'S racist...then that basically just means you think only white people are racist.
I don't think you want the United States to shoot people trying to cross the border, like Turkey just started to do to Syrian refugees, under EU pressure to control the border.
Accused by Western leaders of turning a blind eye to these critical borders, Turkey at last seems to be getting serious about shoring them up. Under growing pressure from Europe and the United States, Turkey has in recent weeks taken steps to cut off the flows of refugees and of foreign fighters who have helped destabilize a vast portion of the globe, from the Middle East to Europe.
Smugglers who used to make a living helping the Islamic State bring foreign fighters into Syria say that it is increasingly difficult — though still not impossible — to do so now. Border guards who once fired warning shots, they say, now shoot to kill.
On second thought, on closer reading, maybe they're only shooting to kill people trying to get INTO Syria. They are more likely to be trying to join ISIS. And maybe it's only known smuggling routes for foreign fighters.
. You can also wager that had they found something really steamy, or even a little spicy, we would know it by now. .
Yea you'd think the liberal media would be all over a story about a Republican accused of rape running for president. Of course this doesn't concern Republicans who have sobbed like babies for the past 20 years over a consensual blowjob in the least. I'm not a huge fan of Hillary's but I will enjoy watching her troll Trump, who happens to be the thinnest skinned person to ever run for president. Trump is such a predictable bore though, not funny or intelligent. I wish he were at least funny or intelligent.
I used to care.
Well... on second thought... no, I didn't. I'm a child of the 60's. Hmmm... maybe that's why we're here.
...but still, Hillary's awesome! It's gonna be absolutely fuckin' awesome when she's prez!
Wait... does that mean every chick will be wearin' pant suits? Shit! Worse than men in shorts!
Hey! Does anybody else remember that time Dylan showed up at Newport Jazz Fest in cargo shorts?!? Wasn't that cool?!? ...yeah! Real cool!
And by that, I mean, who gives a fuck?
Michael K said...
Ritmo, I hate to say that I am agreeing with you but you are correct about Hillary,
12/23/15, 8:15 PM :
Agreed. Rather insightful observation by R & B.
I doubt that Trump would be anything remotely close to a hardcore conservative small-government type were he actually elected but I do believe he is serious about illegal immigration and American Nationalism. Trump just might be the Moderate Republican the base would vote for (in large part due to his in-your-face demeanor)and Moderate Democrats vote for as well.
Everyone rejoice. Trump may not be a good president. But he is going to expose and tear down the aristocracy. The plutarchs have chosen Hillary as their champion. I didn't think they would be that stupid. She is the epitome of the corrupt grifter crony insider politician.
I believe the GOPe "caved" on the omnibus because they see the real poll numbers and know the piggy feeding trough is going down and they are getting the last meal so to speak.
Well, you are a bit behind on the rape story but I suppose you will catch up in your own good time.
The world is grateful for your observation on the intelligence of a billionaire. LOL.
I loved Schlichter annoying CNN by his constant comparison of what Trump SAID with what Hillary's husband, that she chose to stand behind, DID.
World of difference. The press doesn't like the discussion.
The latest Quinnipiac poll says that Clinton would win over Trump by 7 points.
She has a 7 point lead.
Over a guy attacked by most of the Republicans, all of the Democrats, and the media.
She's only up by SEVEN.
And people have been ignoring her skeletons in her closet for weeks now. To only be up by SEVEN POINTS when you have that much of an advantage should be exceptionally disconcerting. If roles were reversed, Trump would have a solid double digit lead.
Clinton will quietly undermine Trump by being rational.
She never has been.
She becomes popular when people don't see her much. And people aren't seeing her much now. When they see her more, her numbers drop.
Yea you'd think the liberal media would be all over a story about a Republican accused of rape running for president.
His "accuser" has already said it didn't happen.
However, we had a President who was accused of rape and that accuser never recanted. Say, wasn't that President married to a candidate now?
This isn't a fight you can hope to win.
Of course this doesn't concern Republicans who have sobbed like babies for the past 20 years over a consensual blowjob in the least.
Packwood was driven out of office by the Left for less.
And Packwood was a leftie Republican douche.
I'm not a huge fan of Hillary's but I will enjoy watching her troll Trump, who happens to be the thinnest skinned person to ever run for president.
You just made Obama cry. Way to go.
I wish he were at least funny or intelligent.
We've wished that of you for years now.
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