It just went up. Here.
ADDED: "I'm appreciably cooler than I was 2 minutes ago." That's the only quote I wrote down. It's something Obama says after he's driven the 1963 Corvette Stingray for a couple minutes. Obama notably drives with one hand draped over the top of the wheel. He observes that you "can't do 10 and 2" with a car like that.
There's a nice beginning where Obama is at his desk in the Oval Office and Jerry comes up and just taps on the window. Obama claims to have some work to do — like he's always at the desk working — and Jerry flops down on the sofa to wait. Jerry takes an apple from the big bowl of apples on the coffee table and — after taking a bite — asks the President: "Are these washed?" I liked that, because that's how I feel about bowls of apples too.
They end up having coffee in what looks like the White House staff break room. Obama tells Seinfeld to make the coffee, which he does. It's a Mr. Coffee machine. Is that always there? I bet not. I bet they have one of those push-button, single-cup machines. The tables in the place all have those red-and-white checked table clothes that used to be the mark of a neighborhood Italian restaurant. I'm skeptical about those too. I bet that was staged, like the 2 women at the table sitting behind Jerry — although maybe not, because I got tired of that one woman who was positioned to seem like a head growing out of Jerry's neck.
Jerry tried to get the President to be funny by asking him about his underwear (which, I learned, is all the same color) and whether he's somehow haunted by all that's gone on in the White House over the years (Jerry pushed the notion that it's like "Night at the Museum"). There was some talk about whether it's bad to be famous. The President claimed to miss anonymity, but Jerry said he remembered not being famous and it's not that good. And Jerry worked on the idea that those who hold power for too long become crazy, but certainly didn't get the President to concede that he's losing his mind at all, though the President did say that quite a few world leaders are mentally disordered. That's just paraphrase. I'd have to watch again to get the precise quote. Should have written that one down, but writing while watching would have ruined the pacing and I like Jerry too much to do that to him.
६३ टिप्पण्या:
In Nov. 2013, as we were marking the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, one of the cable channels showed a documentary about that fateful day in Dallas which contained an impressive amount of footage, much of which I had never seen before.
There were extensive clips of the breakfast that JFK attended the morning of Nov. 22. He was very warmly received by the audience. And at the end of the event, he was presented with a bonafide Stetson hat. Kennedy stood there, holding the hat in his hand, and people in the audience were good-naturedly calling out, "Put it on! Put it on!" And Kennedy smiled and gamely said something along the lines of, Tell you what - come visit me in the Oval Office next spring, and I'll put it on then.
I couldn't shake the feeling that JFK felt that putting on that hat in front of everyone would have been beneath his dignity - and that of his office.
The times, they are a-changin', aren't they?
What is it with Liberal Presidents who can't respect the office? Hamming it up with celebrities does not budge your polling and legacy numbers.
I didn't need to know what kind of underwear Bill Clinton wore. And If I had needed to, People Mag could just have asked Monica. As for how long Obama's tool is? Just ask Valerie.
Saw it early today and enjoyed it. I'm not a fan of BO's presidency, but he has a good sense of humor and came across quite well. I liked the give and take between them and that Seinfeld wasn't deferential, especially when challenging BO on how hard it is to be famous.
Well, his presidency presidency is a joke.
I'm disgusted by this. Americans are dying in Afghanistan and at home. Millions of innocent human beings have been displaced in the middle east. Iraq is a horrible mess. Terrorism is on the rise and people are nervous. The healthcare system/OCare are in shambles and this guy just goes on vacation and clowns around on TV.
Where's the outrage?
He is a Joke that is for sure. But I am not laughing, not one bit. Just crying. One more long long year for him to stick it to me.
Sorry. Zero interest in watching.
"...hands at 12 and 2".
A 53 state moment?
There's a nice beginning where Obama is at his desk in the Oval Office and Jerry comes up and just taps on the window.
That's a good opening, but if they were really clever, it would have been Michelle's office window and Jerry would have asked if Barack could come out and play.
Speaking of JFK, why did Jerry have a 1963 car? Bad association. I can only assume it was inadvertent.
The car was chosen because supposedly a friend of O's grandfather's had one like that and it symbolized arrival to young Obama.
The episode should be subtitled "Bubble Boy 2"
I'm so proud of The President of the United States of America. Take that Putin!
(Yes this is sarcasm, of which Barack Hussein has total control of when it comes to the executive branch of government. Michelle will probably top this on Ellen within a week Oh, and what Purvi Rajani said also.)
He observes that you "can't do 10 and 2" with a car like that.
Isn't an old Corvette exactly the kind of car you must do 10 and 2 in? Overpowered, not great handling, someone who never drove much before and has probably not driven at all for 7-8 years?
Seems like typical President Obama arrogance. "I'm a better speechwriter than my
speechwriters. I'm a better driver than Sterling Moss."
I generally like Comedians in Cars but find I have to pick the episodes to watch. Some are great, others dreadful.
No interest in watching Jerry and President Obama.
John Henry
The art of celebrity, the glamour of cool, the rhetoric of speeches; all places to return
if your political power and influence need recharging...
I don't expect much from politics, I don't think, but this makes me quite sad.
Barack is a sit down comedian.
Unfortunately the joke is on us.
Obama is charming and personable. He can deliver a comic line with poise and timing and hold his own with Seinfeld. These are attractive qualities, but I'm not sure those are the absolutely supreme best qualities for a President to have.......In the fullness of time, I think you can say that Esenhower was a better President than JFK, but JFK was certainly Ike's superior in terms of wit and stage presence.......You know what would have been funny in a post modern, ironic way: Seinfeld drugs Obama's coffee and pretends to rape him. That would be really edgy. It would poke fun at homophobia, the incompetence of the Secret Service, and at how far from the truth the image of a beloved comedian can be from his actual true self. Sort of like Bill Cosby or, for that matter, JFK.. Image isn't always the truth. It would have been really thought provoking like a skit from Amy Schumer. But this was pretty good and will enhance both Seinfeld's and the President's image.
That's how he won. Barack is cool, hip and funny.
Now we know his second career: comedy show.
Keep him in that car..round and round and round...
O likely wanted to beat Hillary to the show, or Jerry wanted nothing to do with her.
Anyways, I've enjoyed several of the episodes where I didn't care for the guest. This one was hard to watch.
O qualifies a comedian in Jerry's book.
Was that an Apple Watch on Barack's wrist?
How much did Apple PAY for that product placement?
I really like that series. It seems like it's all spontaneous and very funny, and the cars are to die for. (In a good way). And I like coffee. Wins all the way across the board.
I'm not sure I want to watch Obama in it though.
"Is that always there? I bet not. I bet they have one of those push-button, single-cup machines."
If you have several people drinking the coffee, so that new pots are made regularly, the multi-cup machine is better. Single-cup machines are annoying with multiple people because they have to be awkwardly refilled so often. Plus, you have to wait on every individual cup to brew instead of being able to quickly pour a cup and go. If you do several cups in a row, you have to wait for the water to heat up. Annoying.
Funny. Some very funny lines from both. All the more interesting to view a POTUS in this particular formula. I’d say one of the best in the series. Reality shows can be fun. This is the only one I can think of that is funny on purpose.
Probably even Hillary would come off well under Seinfeld’s comedic expertise. Here we lucky Americans have a look at our “coolest” Prez, or so Jerry announced near the beginning. I’m wondering how Trump would do, if of course he received the same deferential treatment. Nah. Me neither. Never happen.
William said...
It would have been really thought provoking like a skit from Amy Schumer.
I am assuming this is meant ironically.
"The two taped the segment at the White House on Dec. 7 — the day after Obama delivered a televised prime-time address on terrorism."
Not to mention it was also Pearl Harbor Day.
The Starbucks Clover makes terrible coffee. At least, that's my opinion after twice having coffee made in that machine at two different Starbucks locations.
As I noted above, Obama said 12 and 2, instead of 10 and 2.
There has to be a precise way to say, about Democrats promises, that they are full of it.
When Obama says he will have the most transparent administration evah.
When Hillary says she will avoid even the appearance of impropriety.
Gotta be a way to say, when they say this to you, know they mean the exact opposite.
"As I noted above, Obama said 12 and 2, instead of 10 and 2."
Are you sure? He had his hand at 12, so maybe at some point he mentioned 12, but I remember hearing 10 and 2. Don't want to watch it again... not just yet.
The episode with Colin Quinn and Mario Joyner is the best one. "I hear Downton Abbey's pretty good" still cracks me up.
"It's a Mr. Coffee machine. Is that always there? I bet not."
I noticed the Mr. Coffee machine as well and wondered why they didn't have a better quality machine. Perhaps they use American companies when possible at the White House?
"That's how I do it. I don't really need a reason." (rimshot)
Wow..Pearl Harbor day and he didn't mention that when discussing crazy history at WH or "stuff to do". his Obamacare ad in..
Now that's funny..
Ah..I suppose a WWII reference might have led to discussion of Churchill's bust being returned.
Obama is a comedian, if we allow that most of the time it is unintentional. It is also dark comedy since, unlike with Jacques Clouseau, the bumbling leads to real-world suffering and not just laughs.
Even coffee seems a bit off: Obama has been described as "very thirsty" but coffee is not usually thought of as a thirst quencher. Except for iced. Maybe he got that, I haven't seen the show.
Mr. Coffee paid for the product placement.
Liked Obama's comparison of politics to the struggle of football: "you have to punt a lot, but every once in a while there's a hole and you see open field"
How many world leaders do you think are just completely out of their mind? "a pretty sizable percentage.... and part of what happens is these guys... I think the longer they stay in office the more likely that is to happen.... at a certain point your feet hurt and you're having trouble peeing you have absolute power... "
I wonder if other countries will have interest in replicating this kind of thing.
Of course, it would require a government that gets the same level of enthusiastic support from the culture that this administration receives.
I bet "Kims in Cars Getting Kimchee" would do well.
Several thoughts -- but, on the whole, I do think it works. It's light-hearted and funny.
1. The 63' Corvette is beautiful. The Left would rather him driving a Prius, but that's a different story.
2. Seinfeld has aged! All those damn re-runs made me forget he's getting up there now. Almost bald.
3. The Prez has style, no doubt.
4. The only thing of substance Obama tried to interject was "Obamacare" -- which, of course, sucks on the merits and is deeply unpopular.
It would be easy to dismiss this video or complain, that in a world where ISIS is beheading people and its deranged Radical Muslim followers are shooting people in San Bernadino, that the President should exhibit more dignity. But I'm not going to go there. That's how Reagan's opponents sounded throughout his Presidency and it didn't work then, and it probably won't work now.
On substance, I think Obama is a lightweight. I disagree with almost everything he's done. I think his time spent as a community organizer taught him almost nothing about how the real America works.
But, with Seinfeld, I will give the video a thumbs up and wish him a Happy New Year.
I remember a time, not too long ago, when the occupant of the Oval Office maintained a level of decorum above that of being a TV comedian. This was done out of respect for the office, and the citizenry who authorized that office.
Sure, a president, or ex-pres, might have multiple mistresses service him in the White House. Or wiretap every phone call and office meeting. Or break into the opposition's HQ. Or jokingly call the Soviets an "Evil Empire." Or skydive on his birthdays. Or paint portraits at an amateur level. But such self-denigrating actions weren't performed in public on purpose in the role of Oval Office Occupant, they were done privately, or after leaving office. Respect for the office is gone.
Will President Comacho be attending Rehabilitation next week?
"Was that an Apple Watch on Barack's wrist? How much did Apple PAY for that product placement?"
It's not an Apple Watch. It's a Fitbit Surge. And he's been seen wearing it before so I don't think it's a placement.
"Ann Althouse said...
Speaking of JFK, why did Jerry have a 1963 car? Bad association. I can only assume it was inadvertent.
The car was chosen because supposedly a friend of O's grandfather's had one like that and it symbolized arrival to young Obama."
It's a 63 because it's a split window. Very cool, and very rare. Most definitely not inadvertent. And the second part, Obama mentions the story, and tells Jerry if he didn't know. So your assumption that the story made the car choice is just that. I doubt that Obama knows about the split window...I assume it's just a sting ray and most likely never happened anyway.
A "Surge":..heh
"Ann Althouse said...
"As I noted above, Obama said 12 and 2, instead of 10 and 2."
Are you sure? He had his hand at 12, so maybe at some point he mentioned 12, but I remember hearing 10 and 2. Don't want to watch it again... not just yet."
He said 12 and 2. Moron.
I wonder if other countries will have interest in replicating this kind of thing.
Check out Putin's 2016 calendar:
Jewish comedian yuks it up with a President who hates Israel. Oh, and Larry David is Obama's golf buddy, too. Further proof that US Jews don't give a shit about Israel, especially when it's led by a conservative.
From Drudge:
Obama Tells Seinfeld Many World Leaders 'Insane'...
Followed immediately by
How to spot a psychopath...
Haha, pretty funny "coincidence"
10:10 is when legend has it that Lincoln died.
"Should I have not undone the foundations of a limited-government, constitutional republic and paved an express route down the Road to Serfdom? Was that wrong? I gotta pleas ignorance on that. I come from a family where we do stuff like that all the time. If someone had just told me it was wrong, I wouldn't have done it."
If this video featured Hillary, we would be CERTAIN Fibit was paying her.
New area for bribes: Presidential product placements. Speech from the Oval with an iMac on her desk.
bgates said...I bet "Kims in Cars Getting Kimchee" would do well.
There's a film about Rodman's diplomacy efforts in North Korea that's supposedly "coming soon".
I'm afraid to say more since I tried to post a link to the trailer and the censorship board here apparently disapproved.
Famous, not so funny Obama quips:
"The police acted stupidly."
"If you like your doctor, ..."
"I was right about Syria."
"... they get bitter, they cling to their guns or religion..."
"Not a smidgen of scandal..."
"Obamacare is working better than expected..."
"Mitt, the 80's called, and ..."
and my favorite,
"The future must not belong to the those who slander the prophet of Islam."
This petty little man does not amuse me. His style and cool seem so very impressive to the cool kids who voted for him.
And nobody makes the connection to Bill Clinton's 2008 crack about Obama?
“A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee,” reported John Heilemann.
Now, Clinton in the passenger seat and Obama at the Starbucks drive-thru window? THAT would have been comedy gold.
This is the only part of the job that Obama seems to enjoy, and it's certainly the only part he is good at. He's quite charming and engaging in this set-piece with Seinfeld, and for his part Seinfeld makes his worshipfulness of the One seem almost natural. Part of the reason it works is that it's all about Obama's favorite topic, to wit, himself, and Seinfeld makes sure to keep it that way.
It's funny. You conservatives think the President is a failure when he won every battle with republicans, even after they fired the speaker for caving in to Obama. He has made the repugs his bitch and they have relegated themselves to bow and scrape to the Alpha Dog.
Also, having Jewish Americans more loyal to the US than Israel is a feature, not a bug. I'm glad we were spying on NutandYahoo during his recent attempt to lobby our congress against US national interest.
'63 Vette? Very cool car. Contributes more CO2 to the atmosphere than 15 modern vehicles but that matters not.... right?
"If this video featured Hillary, we would be CERTAIN Fibit was paying her."
It's funny because it's true.
Blogger JAORE said...
'63 Vette? Very cool car. Contributes more CO2 to the atmosphere than 15 modern vehicles
Yep. Somehow made it through the cash for clunkers purge.
Blogger Howard said...
It's funny. You conservatives think the President is a failure when he won every battle with republicans
If only he was such a winner against external enemies. But your statement is a bit muddled to say the least.
I watched this well before Althouse posted it.
And, I did note that he said 12 and 2.
But, it is funny that EDH noted this as something like his 53 (sic) state comment.
EDH is quick to note Althouse and BHO errors, but while doing so he/she made his/her own.
Where to begin with Howard?
Alpha Dog has indeed beaten the GOPussies. The "I don't look like the others, I've got a different name" brand of divide and conquer has been quite successful for Barry. Not sure how well it will work for the rest of us. Many full time jobs have become part-time jobs. Millions more with health insurance means millions more on Medicaid. Emergency room primary care is up! Yikes! Premiums and deductibles, have gone up for millions. Black America is worse off! Young America is worse off! Police relations are much worse. Race relations are worse. Record numbers on public assistance. Record numbers not working. The borders are porous. DOJ, IRS, DHS, HHA and State have all been politicized. The deficit has only been cut in half if one lives in fantasy land. One thing up in America is gun sales. Alpha Dog sneers are anyone who opposes him with his silly straw man arguments. Maybe Alpha Dog could spend some time fixing Chiraq, now that he has whipped the bitches in the GOP.
Tell me Howard, when the Republicans cave they become bitches, right? I agree. Or maybe they are working with the President in a bipartisan fashion. If they oppose Alpha Dog, they are obviously partisan racists. Heads I win, tails ...!
But, the most obvious "win" for Alpha is foreign policy. Assad, Vlad the Putin, Supreme Leader, and who ever the Chinese guy is have all become Obama's bitches. How did Badass Alpha respond to all that Chinese hacking? Nada! Vlad is saving Assad after Alpha said he had to go. Obama said "I was right about Syria." The way the Iranians have fallen into line after the big "agreement" is very convincing. I believe it was just today that they declared that the missile program is full steam ahead. Do you include Chuck Shumer in your assessment of Jewish Americans more loyal to the US?
Howard makes an interesting point. For too many people winning means that your guy came out ahead. This is the case when everything is political and the focus is on winning and losing political battles instead of focusing on the good of the country. From that perspective Stalin and Mao were winners; Kim Jong-un is a winner. To quote Howard, they made their countrymen their bitches and relegated them to bow and scrape to the Alpha Dog. If that is the measure of a leader’s success, I’ll leave that to Howard, Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and other iterations of Communist winners.
Jacksonjay itemizes some of the results of Alpha Dog’s rule. I won’t bother expanding that list. However, as time goes on my first impression of Obama is becoming ever more compelling. He’s a good looking guy with an engaging grin and can read a script very well. I had him pegged as a GQ model. Anyone else for President.
I couldn't shake the feeling that JFK felt that putting on that hat in front of everyone would have been beneath his dignity - and that of his office.
JFK didn't wear hats because they messed up his hair and he was very vain about his hair. Hat industry representatives asked if he would at least hold a hat in his hand which he did on occasion, but his presidency pretty much spelled the end of men wearing hats.
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